7 A LITTLE , ' DOES MUCH. Bootte, Iowa, Dec. 14. "No tongue can tell what I have endured -in the pa3t ten years with my monthly sick" Bess. While suffering untold agony, a friend called and recommended Wine or Cardui. I sent for a bottle, and Oh! what relief. After the first dose I began to feel better and Le.vc had no pain since. MiiS. GRACE LAMPHESB. Wine of Cardui not only cures but it acts AT ONCE. Here fc a case of ten years' standing, and yet one single dose, made the sufferer feel better, and stopped the pain. The Wine goes straight to the seat of tne trouble. It acts directly upon the menstrual and genital organs. Its .action is not violent, and it does not force a result. It. simply gives Nature that little assistance that the sufferer's svstem lacks. A single disorder in the feminine organs spreads many disorders all over the body, and when the Wine cures the source, all the other ills vanish as a matter of course. A woman can be her own physician and cure herself at home. Local ex aminations are largely things of the past the oonoxious custom is no longer necessary. Wine of Cardui is the only perfectly safe and sure vegetable Wine made to-day for the cure of " female troubles ". For adv;o-e in caoca requiring sp ?ial curection, ar-;tr?ss, gmn? yirptoina, Ladies' AdvUor li-r-'t, The (,'Ha'ITaSCOGA MEDICINE CO., Cliattaiiooga, Tenn. 1 , m Pa Mi Druggists sell Large Bottles for $1.00. JtUL.--Zi .NT 2 .r ' z ti r WJj In all its stages thers chuld be cleanliness. Ely's Oemi Balm cleanses, eifouies andhcals the diseased membrane. Itcuree catarrh and drives away a cola in the had quickly. Cream Balm la placed Into the nostrila, spreads over the memtrane and ia absorbed. Relief is im mediate and a cure follows. It ia not drying does not produce eneezing. Large Size, 50 cents at Drug gists or by Ei!!,' Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. Ei-Y BROTHERS, f6 Warren Street, New York. A SURE CURE FOR CBOUP. i0 COAL ! K. L. Craveh'nai rtnnirhi 800 TONS JEMCO COAL TONS HARD COAL. Also Virgina Split and BM Eye Cancel . CoaL Best steam coalat mite prices. Good Smith Coal. Call and get what vou want. 'Phone 74. Twenty-Five Years' Constant Use With out a Failure. The first indication of croup is hoarse ness, and in a child subject to that disease it maybe taken as a sure sin of the approach of an attack. FollQwins this hoarseness is a peculiar rough cough. If Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy is given as soon as the child be comes hoarse or even alter the croup appears, it will prevent the attack. I is used in many thousands of hornet in this broad land and never disappoint the anxious mothers. "We haye yet t to learn of a single instance in -which has not proved effectual. No oths preparation can show such a recordi twenty-five years' constant use withoe a failure. For sale by M L Marsh t Co. 200 ifMCEH. I will be glad to have the pat ronage of Concord's people when in need of any kind of cement work, placing of grates and brick work in general. bdtisf action guaranteed. Wm . C DE JOURNETTE. ' VWl v be found at C B Wag oner's c West Depot street. '''''' If , common-sense was selling at nothing a pound some people wouldn't get an ounce. It will not be a surprise to any "who are at all familiar with good qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, to know that people everywhere take pleasure in relating uir experience in the use of that splen.i medicine and in telling of the benefit hey have received from it, of bad co -3 it haV cured of threatened attack, f pheumonia it has averted and of the children it has saved from attacks of croup and whooping cough. It is a grand, good medicine. For sale by M. L. Marsh & Co. No trouble about a yacht race now wind factories are running in Washington and Richmond. Eoone, the Hypnotist. The town is ' agog this after noon with the exciting test given Boone, the hypnotist, who will give a performance at the Acad emy of Mn sic tonight. . . At 12:20 a ; committed ' of 4 . citizens, se lected by Mr. McAdoo " and who woro strangers to Mr. Boone, were placed in a carriage, I with request to test, his mind-reading powers. They drove away, - ad dressed an envelope to Mr. J W Scott, placea it in be 133 at the postofijice, then drove out North Elm and hid the key in the resi dence of Mr. Wells, under the carpet ih the-back.hall. Driving back to O M Vanstory & Co.'s, where Mr. Boone was waiting, he was securely blindfolded, mounted the box and drove rap idly to where .the, key was hid, found it, drove back to the post office, found the, box, unlocked it, took the letter therefrom, got in the carriage again and driving down street halted promptly in front of J W.Scott & Co.'s, made his way through the crowded store and delivered the letter to Mr. Scott, having first written the address on a slip of paper himself. The committee, of course, were in the carriage. The only com munication was7 by means of a smallcopper wire passed through the hands of the committee and around the head of Mr. Boone. Messrs. John G Bynum, T B Waddell, E L Ragan, S P Web ster, W D McAdoo and the ed itor of the Telegram were the committee, and we state pos itively that the test was abso lutely fair. Not an error was made, but the work was done promptly. A very large crowd was at tracted by the test, and the acad emy wiU be crowded tonight to see more wonderful things. Greensboro Telegram. . . My son has been troubled for year with chronic diarrhoea. Sometime ago I persuaded him' to take some of Chamber erlaia's Coiic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. After using two bottles of the 25-cent size he was cured. I give this testimonial, hoping some one similarly afflicted may read it and be benefited. -Thomas C Bower,! ! Glencoe, O. For saie by M L Marsh & Co. Druggist. "There is but one small chance to save your life and - that is through an operation, wa3 the awful prospect set before Mrs I. B. Hunt, of Lime Ridge, Wis., by her doctor after vainly trying to cure her of a frightful case of stom ach trouble and yellow jaundice. He didn't count on the marvellous power of Electric Bitters to cure Stomach and Liver troubles, but she heard of it, took seven bottles, was wholly cured, avoided surgeon's knife, now weighs more and feels better than ever. It's positively guaranteed to cure Stomache, Liver and Kidney, troubles and never disap points. Price 50c at Fetzer's drug store, C A man of integrity will never listen to any reason against con science. Hume. Offero the business public a reliable, per- manent, conservative and accommodat ing banking instution. 2JWe solicit your patronage with the assurance of honorable treatment and due appreciation of your patronage. If we can serve you any time we . will be glad to haye you come and see us. LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS TO CUSTOMERS. - - - - - . Capital ani Snrulns - V $70 000. D. B Coltbane, Chashier, J. M. Odkmj. President. For Sale. One hundred loads Country editors will regret ' to learn that diamonds are advanc ing rapidly in price, on account of the war in South Africa. A Frightful Blunder Will often cause a horrible Burn, Scald, Cut or bruise, Bucklens Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly Jieal it, ; Cures Old Sores, Fever Sores, Ulcers Boils Felons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth. Only 25o a box. Cure guaranteed, . Sold by P B Fetzer; Druggist, Notice to Tax Payers. A Monster, Devil Fish. Destroying ,its victim, is a type of Constipation. The power of this mur derous malady is felt cn organs and nerves and brain. There's no health till it's overcomel But Dr Kings New Life Pills are a safe and certain cure. Best in the world for Stomach, Liyer, Kidnevs and Bowels. Only 25 cents at Fetzer's Drug Store. B. McNish. PHONE. .... . . . . ...... 410. WANTED Tc V buy . I00,0u0 poiindB of old cast-iron scrap, de livered at the foundry at once, for -ivhich we will pay a fair price. No "burn iron wanted. . ; " Alttf UONCobd rouDRTv;o. The tax books have been open sinceVthe 1st' of September and you have not been in to pay your tax. I. have to settle with nf pinrlpra I the town by : the 10th of January, 01 cmaers- 1900, so I am obliged to have your tax at once. I will call on you at once for the amount of your tax and shall expect you to be ready for me. s If not paid when I call, I will proceed to collect same by law. This is plain talk, and it means business., ' v S. J. Ervin, - - City Tax Collector. Dec. 9 99. , : She -Do you believe' that man sprang from the ape? He No; but I. believe all wo men spring from the mouse. Chicago News. THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOR CHILLS and fever ia a bottle cf Grove's . Taste- jess umn xonic. jwever tails to cure; inen wny experiment witn worthless imitationb? Price 50 cents. Tour money back if it fails to cure. 1 ijobofi'' m euralrfa. Get Dr. Miles .iyglstg. Ono oeni a dose August Flowers. "It is a surDrisinsr fact' ratb "Prnf Houston, 'that my travels in all parts of xne woria, ior tne last ten years, 1 have met more people having used Green's August Jb lower than any other remedy, for dyspepsia, deranged liver and stom- ache, and for constipation. I find fnr tourists and salesmen, or for persona filling office positions, where headaches and general bad feelings from lrngrilar habits exist, that Green's August Flow er is a grand remedy. It does not in jure the system by frequent use and is excellent for sour, stomachs and indi gestion." Sample bottles free at Fetzer's drug store. ; Sold by dealers in all civil zed countries. OPEN To'MOTHE r i WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS 'OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTORIA," AND ; PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADE MARK. J, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, qf ;ffy minis, -Massachusetts, was the originator of C A STO R I A the same ih0l has borne and does now bear the fae -simile signature of on everij wrampr This is the original, "CASTORI A; which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty yem Q 13 on the wrav LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it the hind you have gXways bought and has the signature of per. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company,' of which Chas. 3. Fletcher is President, Do Not Be Deceived Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The 1M Bought" BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF The Kind That Never Failed Toil TMC CCHTAUM OOaMHV, TT MUflRAr STHC5T. Nt.WYORK CIT ODELL IIOFRBIilG EO. UAacracTtncns or 44 FINE Ginghams, Plaids, Sheeting, alt Bags outhern s AND Outing Cloths. v DEALER m General Merchandise BUYERS OP COUNTRY PRODUCE of all kmd. Or. Four-foot Wood always Wanted, Best Price for same. .0. We inyite aninspection of all the'oods . we j manufacture . ell SCHEDULE. N EFFECT JULY THE 16TH. 189a This condensed schedule is pub lished as information, and; is subject to change without notice to the public: Trains leave uonoord N. C 5.52 A.M. No 8, aily, for Rich, mond; connects at Greensboro for Raleigh and Goldsboro; at Goldsboro for Norfolk, at Danville for Wasbiaglon arid points North, at Salisbury for Asheville, KnoxvUle and points West. 7. 19 A. M No. 33, the New York and Florida Express, carries Pullman Sleep ing Cars between New York ard Au gusta, New York and Tampa, Fla., and Norfolk to Charlotte. 8;49 A. M. No. 37, daily, Wash ington and Southwestern limited for Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Mont- gomery. Mobile ana JNew urieans, anu all points South and Southwesi. Through Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis, Dining car, vestibuled coach, between Washington arid Atlanta. 10:00 A. M, No. 36, daily, for Wash ington, Richmond, Baleigh and all points North. Carries Pullman drawing room buffet sleeper, New Orleans to New York; Jacksonville to New. York: Pullman tourist cars from San Francisco via New Orleans and South ern Pacific Sundays and Wednesdays. 11 :23 A. M.No. 11, daily for Atlanta and all points Souti;. Solid train, Rich mond to Atlanta. x7:09 P. M.No. 12, daily, for Rich mond, Asheville, Chattanooga, Raleigh, Norfolk, and all points North. 8;51 P. M. -No 7, daily, from Rich mond, Washington, Goldsboro, Selm. Raleigh, Greensboro Knoxvilie ana Asheville to Charlotte. N. C. 8: 51 P. M.-No 38, dailv, Washington and Southwestern limited, for Wash ington and all points Noxth. Throng Pullman car, Memphis to. New York; New Orleans to New York. Also carries vestibuled coach and dining car. Closa connection at Greensboro with sleeper for Norfolk. 9.S0 P. M.No. 35, daily, for Atlanta and New . Orleans, earnes Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans, York to Jacksonville and Charlotte to Atlanta; dinning car. Also Pnllnan tourist car Washington to San Francis co, yia New Orleans Tuesday and days. 1 9.45 P. M.-No. 34, daily, the New York and Florida Express, carries rnu man Sleeping Cars between Augnsta and New York. Tampa, Fla, and ew York and Charlotte to Richmond, tar ries sleepers Oharlotte to Norfolk Greensboro. , First sections of regular through or local freight trains cany pasrl only to points where they stop according to schedule. FrankS. Gannon, Third Vice-Pres. and Gen'l. AU ' Washington, u- John M. Cnlp Traffic' Manager, Washington, V, t W. A. Turk, Gen'l. Pass. Agent, Washington, V. u. Gowan Dasenbery, PjO woncord N. o.

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