V.: W STANMRD JOHN p. ;B ABRIER AKla fepN.V .Editors and Propri etors. OFFICE IS T1IC JIOIUCI BUHiUa V " 1IIE STANDARD is published every day (Sunday excepted) and delivered by riee. Bates of Subscription : ; One year.... . .... .... .. WX3 ; Bix oonttia. . . . . wOO . Threw months ........ .1 ffi. - One crionth..-. . . , . . . . .. . 8ing!f copy, . .... . . . . .05 THE WEEKLY STANDARD is a 4ur-pae. eisrht-colnnin uaper. It has & larger circulation in Cabarrus than any cther.paper. Price $1,00 per annum in Burmce. Advertisinfir Hates : Terras for regular advertisements made known on application. A ddress all communications to THE STANDARD, Concord! N. C. Concord, N. C,, Dec. 14, 1899. . . . - HOW THiuY USED TO MAKE FIRE. An interesting relic was shown us recently by Mr. Jacob .'A Smith, of . Rowan. It is a piece of wrought steel brought from - Germany by his great grand father. It is heart-shaped, though rather slender and ac cuto, measuring 3 inches in length and one inch at the oval end. Its purpose and use was to strike fire from' a flint before the days of the Lucifer match. - As it is only the class approaching relics of former days that may understand the significance of this little instrument it may not "bo amiss to relate the process of obtaining lire in those days; : When fire was wanted a flint and steel (back of knife blade ! serves a good purpose) and piece ! of pank (spongy, decayed matter from, a hickory tree) were indis pensable. The punk was laid either above or below the flint and dex trous strokes of the steel on the flint produced sparks like those seen from an emery wheel. Good punk catches from every spark that lights upon it and burns like lint , cotton before blazing. This smouldering punk is placed iu straw or other com-! buslible matter and" swung vig or oprly with the hand and arm till it is fanned into flame. This is how they used to make fire Now that Senator Pritchard has introduced a resolution into he Sonate aimed at the "best in terests of the State, a resolution, too, which his Populist colleague, Senator Butler, will doubtless support, since he has come out against the constitutional amend ment, North Carolina is virtually without representation in the United States Senate. -The State is in much the condition that Virginia was when Mah one and Riddleberger misrepresented that State in the upper house of Congress at the time of the Dan ville riots. Virginia foundC friend then in North Carolina. Senator Vance conducting a"su- perb fight for th honor of the Old Dominion. No doubt Vir ginia will seize this opportunity of repaying that old deb$ though her brilliant son, John-Wi Paniel Senator Morgan, of Alabama, lit is said, will come to the defence of North Carolina and the State rill not lack aid and suppori from other of Her Southern) is ters. Chaflotte'bbserverr ' THE BfiST DESCRIPTION FOR -- CHILLS ,: 'y 8Ld lever is a bottle c Grove's Taste less CLill Tonic. Never fails to cure; !Then hy experiment wim wortaiess rmitatious? Prto'?P cents; Your rconey back if it fails to cure. THE TUG OF WAR. The British Can't MakeJIeadway-Dis ' aster9 the Rule. ! Tne war iiT Africa is being far from a walk-over by the British, while it marks no recent special no-orrpRsivpTipss on the Dart of the Boers. The Modder River battle some time since was exceedingly hard fought, and while a victory for the English it was ;hard!y fruit ful. :;:y T'yj .: ' At Stormberg last Sunday the English seemed misguided and quickly lost nearly 700 men cap tured. Another effort by Gen. Meth uen on the Modder River on the 11th proved disastrous and dem onstrated the fact that he cannot with his present force dislodge the enemy. It is uncertain what are "the relative losses in this battle. The British' had 320 wounded and some1 forty kiUed. At ' Lady smith the siege con tinues with an occasional sortie of some brilHance and calculated to cheer the English and hold the Boers at cautious distance. Re cently a dash was made and a heavy siege gun was captured and destroyed. The Boers closed in on the rear but the British cut their way through and back to their stronghold. This seems the only cheering incident re cently for the British. The war is yet on British soil and three cities are cut off, though messages sometimes pass the lines at each, Ladysmith, Kimberly and Mafekihg. Christinas Holiday Excursion Rates. Account of the above the Southern Railway will sell tickets to all points at rate of one and one third first-class standard one-way fares for round-trip. Tickets on sale Dec. 22 to 25th and Dec. 30th to Jan. 1st inclu sive. Tickets will bev sold to students and leaders upon pre sentation of certificates signed by the Supt., Principal or Presi dent of schools and colleges on Dec; -15th to 21st . All -tickets limited returning Jan.' 4th I900i i $Ir, FoTrlass Dead. v i ' Rev C B Miller 4 left Wednes day nght" for ' Rowan County where he was called by the death ui ui& uruiior-iu-iaw, lvir. J no. Powlass, who died from pneu monia. Mr. Powlass had two daughters at school at the nary at. Mt. Pleasant this sion. . ' -' ;emi-ses- : Tojt Over Flitv Yars Mrs. Winelow'a Soothinff Syrup "has been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for tfceir children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes . the child0 sof tens th gums, allays: all pain, cures: wind colic, arid is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Tt will relieye the poor little sufferer immedi ately. Sold by druggists in very part of the world. TwBntv-flve cents & hot itldi; Be sure andsk for "Mrs. Win- slows iSoothingSyrup," and take no other kind A Place Not Found Yetr The committee T appointed - to ir . ..... get a place lor the pest house iygtlcprn; to(B decision. ;4fipossible:4he!jr wi secure Mr. I)anrMore, house dH the other side of .the Three Mile branch - r 1 i near where the f lynching oc curred. - TO CUBE A OOliU.lN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25o. iTaegenuin-has L B. Q n each tablet SAC ICffiffffiSBiV A Supper Awaited iWm. : Rev, R M Hoyle and family arrived Wednesday night from onei uy .iu-uve ucj. c,j , Methodist cbnferee having as signed him to the ForestBill church. The good ladies of the ehurch were there that night and had a nice supper waiting for the minister and his family.: v ' -' To accommodate those who are partial to the use- of; atomi zers in .applying liquids dnto.the nasal passages , for catarrhal troubles, the proprietors prepare Elv's Liauid Cream Balm; Price including the spraying tube is 75 cents. Druggists or yy mail. The lia uid embodies the medici nal properties of the solid prep aration . Cream Balm is- quickly absorbed by the membrane , and does not dry up the secretions, but chancres them ' to a ' natural and healthy character. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St., N. :y. i . A Night or Terror "Awful anxiety, was felt for the widow of the brave General Burnham of Machias. Me., when the doctor said she could not live till morning" writes Mrs. S. H. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night.' All thought she : must eoon die from Pneumonia, , but she begged for Dr. King's Netf ' Discovery saying it had moie thanyonce saved her life, and had cured her of Consumption. After three small doses she slept easily allaight, and its further use completely cored her." This" marvelous k medicine is guaranteed to cure all Throat, Chest and Lung Disease. Only 50c and $1,001 Trial bottles free at r jfotzer'a.' drotig store. ... . , . . . ' i ,,. August Flowers. "It is a surprising fact. says Prof.J Houston, 'that my travels in all parts of tne world, for the last ten years, I have, met more petfple Haying used GreenVr August Flower than any other ' remedy, for dyspepsia, deranged liver and stoin ache, and for constipation.' I find for tourists and salesmen; or for persons filling office positions, where headaches and general bad feelings from lrrigular habits exist, that Green's A ugust Mow er is a grand remedy, It does not in jure the system by frequent use and is excellent for sour stomachs and indi gestion." Sample bottles free at Fetzer's drug store. 1 bold by dealers ill all cml ed countries. ? Morning We will throw on our Bargain Counter Mr. G. W. Ould'a complete line of. ; Sun plea of tadies arid' Misses Hose, UnV dervests, Umbrellas, Belts; ' lapl robes, Jfurhes; : Uomb, Corsets, Scarfs, Brown OVershitts; n Mens Work Shirts, . Duck Coats, : Sus penders, Oyer alls, and ; .every thing which conaprises .a. Une of samples. These goods are all marked at exactly the wholesale price and if you can - find the number yon wish in ; any ' of i tW above goods you can buy themfftt exactly wholesale price. , We would call the ladies special attention to the line 6t hose as it comprises a line from 361 per pair to 50c; The 50c. ones are out of our - line and we. will sell them at; 36c; 35c. ones a,t XTc- and so on all thr ouch tho;line. WV sold a linelike the above Jast summer in two, days, so don't; come a wesV from now and ask to see tlara -aniples for they vyiil besdld' n ite Jtt EXPERIENCE. - Designs el! irrntioa is probably ptobla ComnT . Ahand8omely Ulastrated weekly.- Largest mum 3 & Co.362 Broa Hew Ynrk o Tomorrow Swi tpCUll notice. Withmit oia In Preparing for- .Cosif ererice Yom May ;i ' Need Some of these Articles : Bleached Table Damask 52 Cotton 25c.; .Linen, do., 60 inches wide 47ic. ; do. 72 inches wide 85c. Cotton, unbloacbed,-5c; Bleached up to 12i'c; Liiion V2,c. t0 3, Blankets 50c. per pair up to $1.25. CoMlIllteripainieS, Assorted, 'sit $hi to $H.ib ' 'vv , . Home-Made Comforts- $1.25. to, $1.80. 10-4 Bleached Sheeting a i-ac. per yard. Lace Curtains 68c. to 2.50 per pair. See our Irish point curtains at 2.50. Curtain materials: Scrim 5c ; Muslins and Swisses at 10 to 16c. Printed Nice AssortmeDt Fancy Table Covers, Scarfs, - Tidies, Cushions, Cushion Covers, etc., v in stamped, printed and: worked patterns. Embroidery Silks JUi " " at 1 to 3a. per skein. Zephyr 5c. per skein. Special in. . yndecor.aied Decorated cate plates, "salad bowls, berry sets, cups and saucers 1 1 -OoMisSc. up, Hair Brushes 8c. up. $e iSiiSk Dress Skirts , " 98c; up.; ; Ladies vests 15c. up! caps for children. See our 10 About 500 Novels at 10 cents each. You will make a mistake to buy a Cape be- Very " l;Ji i ... L I 1 . T - . - - ..... v li yon are not a Bubsoriber to T llie Standard I; nov Is the time to robseribe. 2 . w?tt i : X ? czpteai arid d ?QK only ?10o . r - t tb&mti abetter wc -S; tril vbtay? :1I youan!2to Jbuy s any thins you can dall ; for it tthronS uerman Ohma --, WV V.UV. VUVUI(71 uuco Drapers to match 18c. up. Men's cent line of hosiery. respectfully, . 4. Bostian. T If you have anything to sell .? 2TPT1 make it known through The Standard. AS your door er u?eefe or $5o - per t 7fuiM & pair cAk - AdvertisingSratesr Jin Theltandard , me2ownnon application. D 11 f t .! r . -ft- J-