4 . '- v. ,- ' i i ii Arrival of Trains, The following change of schedule took tfectUec.ll.18U9 , NORTHBOUND, tf0 8 arrives at 5 52 am, ' ?C) " " 10 26 a m; ' 12 u " 7-"18p m,.. 3 " .' 8.51 p ra, (flag) " 34 " " 9.54 pm, 62 " " 2.60 a m (Ito; t) SOUTHBOUND V "No. 37 arrives at 8.49 a m, (flag) 11 "11 25 am, r T 41 8.51 p m. 35 u 9.10 p m, (flag) 33 " 7.33 a m, ri " " 89.Kin, "(freight) No. 35. when run riing ahead ot o. 7, is flagged if necessary for through travel gontb of harlotte, . and is stopped for passengers arriving, from, Lynchburg or berond. No. 30 stops regularly for passengers for. Salisbury, High Point, Greensboro, Eeidsvilie, Danyille "and principal stations between Danville and Washington. No. 37 stops for pas gengers coming, from Lynchburg or points beyond, and to take on pas sengers for regular stopping - places south of Newells. No. 38 stops to let -off passengers i from regular BtorniW places south of Newells and to take on I passeuex o iuc..ruuiar stopping . places, Lynchburg or beyond. , Nos. 33 and 34 stop at Concord for senders to or from the G. C. & A. livisiuaCharlotto to Augusta and other points in South Carolina, Georgia ami Florida,: reached through Columbia cr Augusta. .; . : . . ... Nos. 7, 8, 11 and 12 are the local trains and connect at Salisbury with trains of W. N. C. Division. The Beethoyen Club Meets. lu at there of . Miss Lucy Lore on J Wednesday afternbo? ' Bee vl3 18991-added Jan 'to.lWMst of delightful March 48 T "r V1UU -Map nad. since " J NEW YORK MARKETS. Sugar ,-lMTI.IilIMlHIJH f TELEPHONE Nu. 71. FOCIiNDED . . . . . .... ..1842 i aw 4 'Sing Their Own Praise." Under No Circumstances Can a Reality 'Be Disputed; i And ir is a, reality that we make strict ly one y'rHdd. A large or small size, as desired, but only. one grade. .Why buy an instrument because it is advertised us cheap? Purchase ai instrument that stands insdrin the estimation of your friends and the Greatest Musicians all oyer tin- world. A Piano with a pure tone, delicate touch, etc. .Ia-. fact a li -.o with every improvement, that is lu-ii;-.i;c:al to the wear; and at one price vHhm the reach of all, because we i - veyoa the Middleman's Prolit, and it is woith saying, too. , , Old instruments taken in exchange. Terms accommodating.-" Catalogue for the. asking. Some, bargains in square pianos. . . t . Company. Good middling. . . Middling. . . Low middling. ... Stains Bacon its orffahiza'tin:'.-" :.' rlii." ,t ...... mve a num ber of the members wero c. and ree. visitbrs-Miss .Mont lMay" 69 gomery, of Sunderland Hall uly-' 70 aiuvs uore and King added fei tvuiy.io tne enjoyment of te Mrs- M H Caldwell, our worthy president, presided over the meetmg After the transac tion of . the usual ; business, the following grogramme was most excellently rendered:' . . . Paper on. ".Montz Mosykowkv" by Mrs. R S Harris, gave us a yivjd picture of the composer in his home Jife, while the incidents 1 n: the : life ; of : Wieniawski, the vi()linist, as readby Mrs. Harris were J ainusin;' and -''interesting. Vocal solo "Little Boy Blue" and "The Rosary." were sweetly sung: by Miss;Rose .Harris. - f Piana sol.ignngale, " by Nevin, was' gracefully executed by Miss Lore. . ' Piano solo "Narcissus," by Nevin, was played in an easy manner by Miss Van Wagner. Paper,' "Music and Intellect," from the . pen ' of Robt. V Hill, was read by Mrs. W R Harris. After the club had' enjoyed the dainty and most delicious re freshments, so charmingly served by our popular hostess,' assisted by Mesdames- Lore and .King, we adjourned to meet with Miss Hervey, at - Sunderland Hall, Dec. 27,. 1899. H. COTTON Open High 34 37 48 47 . 52 128 131f 126f 130 CHICAGO WHEAT. 69 69 69f 70J- 69f 70 Low 31''. 42 46 Closed 35 45 50 CONCORD MARKETS. COTTON MARKET. Corrected by Cannon & Petzer 7 50 ..... 7 40 ..... 7 00 . . : . . 6 90 PRODUCE MARKET. Corrected by Swink & -White. 7 dii. id, IJllQUii Baltimore 31 d. Factory Branch Wareroom, v,Voi3" Co fi. Wi!motfo,' Mgr. ; J W Toney is sick today. - See change in Correll's ad. v Cannon & Petzer have a change in their ad. today. . : Mr. J D Marsh, of Marshville, spent Wednesday night with his brother, .Dr. M L Marsh. . Z Wrs. G W .Sherrili and chil dren left Wednesday night for Chattanooga to spend a while. Mrs. Surratt has returned to Salisbury after spending a few days here with her brother, Mr. M L Buchanan. : Mr, Lindley White and Miss bailie White, of Charlotte, - at tended the funeral of Mr. Benton White. : - ' '--.: tiss Emily Gibson is mourning the loss of her much-loved horse, 'Kipling," :Hedied;iWfeinesday morning. " - . :.:'r: Mrs. .ME Cartland; arrived this morning, from Charlotte andl lectures at - the graded scht)6i Sugar-cured hams. : . . . Balk meat sides. 74. Beeswax . ........ . " 20 Butter..... 10 to 15 Chickens .10 to 25 Corn. .. .. ............ 65 Eggs... .....I;!" 15 Lard. ...... 10 i-iour (JN. U.). .......... $200 ivieai. Oats Tallow . . . 1 ii f GIFTS I QN&Lot of fine dress pattrens that are worth $1.35 to ' y 1.75 per yd. We are going to sell them at 1.00 yd. ANOTHER Lot of fine wool plaids worth $1.00 and n. 1.25 to go tor 75c. Don't miss seeing thein. Beautiful French Silk twilled . . . 4 iim Ti2 l l si 9 fine pearl and gold plated handles worth $3.00, $3.50 and $5.00. THE Finest all linen Handkerchiefs, beautiful borders from 50 to 75 cents. . J . ...... n Ch ristmas 65 MEW Lot of Down Quilts, Satin and silkoline from 7 All our fine Capes snd Jackets at a great Reduction. Goods our line is beautiful, large and well assorted. For Holidav and Bridal -nresents. wr x , I . i , :r!':" ..p.!e0, d" us All of the above are desirable gifts for BIG Line of ' Towels and Table Napkins. Marriage license-1 was issued Wednesday, tofMr. L.A WJneP. uu.iYj.issf3ina . jrrouiimaniJ aoux From No. 3 Township. Saunders, Dec. 13.- Wednes day at 2 p. m., Mr. Jno. Brad ford and. Miss Annie Johnston, oth of No. , 3 , township, . were Knon uea- oy Kev. Fharr. Also Mr. Sam Archer and Miss Ma mie Johnston -were, married at 3 o'clock on the same evening, at the home of the bride. , x" : Mr. Orim Utly and. 8ister,"Mtes Bes, of Newells, spent the past week, and Mrs. J W Walter is spiending the, present week at Esq. Goodman's, of Saunders. Miss Silliman is prog;ressing nicely. with her school at Beth page. J- ... .-. -:. Mr. Will Goodnight, of Talin, will soon be ready to move in his new home near Gill wood. : Mr. Caleb Fish'er, of ' No. - 8, is very ill. Miss Geneva Fisher, of Doolyr is spending some time at the home of Mr. Jno. Morrison. Miss . lemie Seford,; sof Mill Hill, is spending4 some time with relatives at Harts. - : Miss Bess Abernethy, who had taken charge :.A:6f ) the V-Smith School, ,haa gone , hpme on, aq-J countof iU heafth. - Her5 brother fiks taken her place. J ii v tVe learn that at last - the Sun day school otBetgej Eresby- over; we are proud to show them and you don't have to buy; but we find that j folks generally do buy after seeing our goods and knowing the prices. Beauty in style, Goodness in quality and Lowest in price these are the strong points in our, stock. 'las a .f Tl.'i r7?. -V : 9, Gannon fc Fetzer Fetzer?s Drug Store. i . .. EEI N:Q is believing!'- Mrs.' Dblrjh Thies arrived here Wednesdav m&ti from: aile Gold Mirie;;SnG;j tovisit he"r relvj ompaMed'7hbr'''feiate,iMfe ...I .... i..T 1' ' . . . ... Tomorrow morning Swink & w nitu ;v hi have something to saot; iyou. Read their advertise ment and find out what -they have in store for you. RING No. 38 or 6 and order pure aerated milk and. cream. Now is the time to order cream Sunday. Prompt delivery..:' . tf Riviera Dairy Co. an cflurau jiw uwiutanb ta XMsjBiitertainnint. k ')i3fci35li'2i,?jrjL T5. ' fc?il .UiiCi55 Smn3i t Freeze, of MiU ; ii i o;:y ;BiU, is visiti is visiting iriends and rela- '$ybs in Mooresviffe. r 1 1 ... - Bake Cakes to order and would be glad to have a trial order if romiyou.i iCememv ber we have fresh oysters, bread, rolls, etetetery day; Concord;Bakery. PHONE 122 inu If you don't teliere it come an toe that it is .not neeessary to send to other towns for any goods in tie jewelry Jine. , jW now haye abeautiful assort ment of .- - ;:l v . .; Bin id si goods, r Just come, and look, whether or not yon by,r at, pnr; Diamonds, Leather gpodfl, Gold and 'Bilrer Bracelets, Bingfl, vall kinds of Silver goods, and the finest assortment of Gold and Bilter Friendship Hearts that ever greeted your yes. v If you can't decide what yon want to cire as- a: Christmas present j ast drop in and jlo6k 1 around. Don't Hesitate- to look I andask us dtiestibns, f or we are1 in tke business to please you if ''."."ii mi i i ii j in mi,., ' iiiiwni ,'. p, Will makelkhehole (amily glad on Xmas day. j ' -,! ' '' ! - - ., , "' ' ' . weon. ! ... .U Gorrell !'tTHE JEWELER. -,-- .'."!. .... f-- ;..;-' m LOOK HERE! ft ! ' T7b w rrerjared jceivea Plaids in Som;ersQt clothfi. 'Vjc Blue Venitian -cloth, Just xecei nnsx f . ! !W it I n. ,r lot : PJ ibeitterrbargags ,5JiMJ atid Venitian s.?vyr &nV' SPSS- 'VS Heavy, and Fancy Plak wool goods in.dress' pat- 35eg, , t&iisP two alike. 1-; --ri' ot 67r?i I . iCkftpc f hoftq H 1 At .wnolesale and retail. ' - It will 99 y- payQuVeee ourobarge IStock in Etj'and laoe.-Ei ai. :4 tinware wooaware, f -Pompadour4 ' Combs; Empire : ;VQlasswa'r& CUlXiWO, Ajjqiu.cwt wuuw ww. rintTifl .ifff'ift'AfliiR: 1 e will do our test to aeyott-.in prices before buying. For Clover Seed aLos.;'-.;; ; ' V ,'. SeedRye, andRockSalt goto ' Gibson & Morrison. G W. Patterson's. rliats, btc. M ALREADY HAVE- CN 4 Al5 iTHREE CARS bi And have ten more.'cairlpads on the waj It ft time foriuitynsupWe Ike fawinterr ;1i5riittH- U also haye'o band the best of antracite coal. J. A. C. Blackwelder, West Depot St. at Store, J?honea8. M, L. BROWN & BR0. LIVERY, FEED AND SALE . . , i . t TT TT'O Just in rear of St. Cloud Hotel. Omnibuses meet all passenger trains. Outfits of all kinds fur nisned promptly and at reason able prices. Horses and mules always on hand for sale. Breed ers of thoroughbred Poland China Hogs mi

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