ArrlTA! of rmtvA, Tiie following change of schedule took- . TV firm i NORTHBOUND. To. 8 arrives at 5 52 a m. iS " "lOgfiam. " 12 S4 ' 02 4 t - v u .8.51 p ra,(flag) 44 0.4 p m,, f SOUTHBOUND t Ul 11IHU I) 37 arrives at 8 4S a m, rQAS) 7 " u S.M p m. ar, . ;94,0pm, (flasr) 3o, whfin running ahead ot JNrcV " r t i z ujiuujju travel south of, Charlotte, and is etopped for -passengers arriyjng.frQm J,ynchburff or i swfre ior jajtiiSOUry, High Point' Gresboro,v3ei(il)e-panTin principal stations between, Danville and een-ers coming from Lynchburg or ?b?'d onpas- jjeuera iur regular Stopping rilPa fi, f xt iylll Places sou ofi passengers from regular ''stopping places south of Nwa11g i ? passengers from regular stopping L-es south of Nhwa aor.j 6 passeiipja for regular stopping J places, Lyuchburg or bevond. - ; . ' Xos. 83 . End : 34 stop at CoJcord for .p wnffem; to -,or from - - the 60. & A. Invision-Charlotto to Augustar-and other Points m fcoutli Carolina, Georgia anil r loridii :z r, r.v" uroug uoiumia k or Augnstii f l:J, Nos. 7. 8; 11 and 12 are(theiocal trains connect at Salisbury with - traias of vv. rs. c. . Division. FOCI N DED..V. ; i&42 Ell 4Sixg Their Own Praise." Under rfo Circumstances Can a Reality Be Disputed; Ar ir 1, ;i reality that we niaVo strictly one trrauo. A jar oe: or small size, as desired, but only on grnde. Why buv an instrument because, it is advertised as cheap? .. Purc'iaso a.i iutrWment that ftands Li-Uin: the estimation of your fnend and the Greatest Mnsicians all oyer tL- world. A Piauo with, a .pure tono. uelioatn , touch; etc In fact a i iu.o with ever v improvement that is '-irjcial to the wear; and at one Tpxice Ju the reach of all, because iwe ve-you the Middleman's Profit, and it is worth saving, too. Old instruments taken in . exchange. 1 erf a s accommodating. Catalogue for the asking. Some bargains in square pianos. . - 1 i , Cte M Stl'fiPf ' Viau 'Manufacturer- . 1U. UQ0D1, t;. , Baltimore Ml. Factory Brai!li;Varm C H'Wf1'1:'; WI WUmotlh, Mgr. ; I tiarlolte, BT. C' Major Means is again able to Uij uul arar a few days' sickness.: . The Concord 'Bakery changed Rev. and Mrs. Chas. B Miller iecurnea home this morning. . - Several new buildings n,ro K jng erected' for Mr. Jno. B onemu near the Liippardmill. , Mr- Wiley Troutman Has Ve Jurned home after visiting in Uiarlotte. 1 ' - nflm nlroTv Vine : ta. turned here from Mt. Pleasant ier visiting Mrs. W S Harts'ell. Mr. and: Mrs. Claude Mlitehie, New London spent Thiirsdav niglit here. , V . :.. f. .Mr, and Mrss Jill arrive'next Mondpjy f rm on l?eir bridal tour to -Northerri cities. . : : . ' .y- ' ' .' - ; i -t 5 , -. woe, au toaay. r - ( . Mr. GeoCFqwler, ' pged in VraUrbaU vorklat bemarle, spent Thursday; i Miss Margaret Cannon,- .who' beennilhgfeg 'rs. gone to MOranton to"rviflit Qav Q- j j .1 iCa xviurpjuy. Joe, Reed, who" is taking rse in pharmacy at?thellni v usity, has , returned home until aer the holidays. , ; : i Af Safrit has returned to " rter a ten days' furlough mo iiome of his parents in iN(. b township. rio'm111188 the 'musical fecital Kivn ,Tu'esday night . to be . V Miss VanWagner' and mo-thG pera Hose' Ad- mion 25 and 35 cents. - 1 1 - Mr&itf c T77rTT ... ' - - - ..innv. .,.:-m-- " .Aunt" BeW.T . .JfeBfS xuau ua lMortn-JVfain street. ; toawemJ-S, rilr-U4- rnil' , Veunesciay 5, 000 without " insurance It ? een Set' 011 fir- Mr. Dan Surlu. - UTTV. , -jvA vuaiiuite, WHO tor n, lrmV T 1 ' OT1 Andrews Music House, will Kon. tv, ii i ., J-VW w iD I begin the. first, of the year with- tw'johu ferBh & coy?S Atlanta.-; He Will -travel Georgia ana xne uarolinas. --MrG MA;Gbbleaid: firnily, who' have- been . living in Mrs Jno. Fink's tie-use near 1 the graded sdhooihave moved into the house neathe depot formerly occupied by, IVIr. .Turner. Mr Jas; Willeford las 'rented Mrs! Fink's residence: :Gxy?oh& order pure- a'erated-'inilk and cream. w is, the. time to order cream for Sunday .-Prompt delivery. tf . ; ' Riviera Dairy Go. A Preacher Caught in His Sin. A well-kuown travelling man who came up .from . Lincolntcn Wednesday0 tells ''us that' late Tuesday 1 afternoon " a farmer about two miles from Lincolnton killed a 20 pound hog. He left it hanging over -night, and Wednesday :morning f. in going out to take' it down;" 'found tne hog gone. . He saw some tracks leading out. into, ,the , woods and decided to look a little further to see if he could find the direction the thief had gone. He soon came to a rail fence, and there he found the hog' hanging on onsiad-'yo'eaciier on thc other. It seems that in nttnmTif in r tn nrnsa fho fonnoi; ) : x o iwuvv- lu iiuo jo wt3ii y iiuxs. ' , , r . with the hog on his shoulder he We now have a beautiful assort .iletit slip: Theambler stick m,f4nfc of ' s: caught him across the throat and the back t trm hpino- against the fence - rail; he was choked to death. NeWtbn Enter- "va"d prise. Key. Oglesby a Supernumerary . - w We note that Rev.' G,A Oglesby was placed on the list of super numeraries by . the North Caro lina Conference. His health is much below a normal and he will rest and try to recuperate; it 'is said. Joubert a Confederate Veteran. Capt. Laniar ; Contain, of Ly on; Miss.,' an r e'if-Cfenfederati says the Boer - General, Joubert, served as colonel' of . a Louisiana regiment in the Confederate war. X. j-- - - CI 'rGestir dear. "aiff-Mrs: dings, anxiously, to jier hus band, fI don't like that cough of yours." 5 - - "I'm soirv " replied Giddiners, but it is' the best I ,have.,, Col; Now is, tfa time tg order your Oysters, and we will be please to , i ' !have;rder. j' Concord Bakery. JbeFlsherTPrbprletor. PHONE 1223 V ';;, - - ,, i ,. , Low Closed 33 . 34;; 38 45 46 i Sugar 13 185 9 , 134 134i CHICAGO WTTTT AT1. ... 70 to. 70 : 704 CONCORD -MARKETS. CQTTON MARKET Corrected by Cannon & Fetzer Vpauy. . v SnSflio aaiing- 7 Low middling; . . 7 Stains. ....... .. . 'K- a company.. 40 o tains ;:vt . . 6 90 PRODUCE MARKET Corrected by S wink &f White. Bacon :i 1- Sugar-cured hams.! 7 -.. 12i-13i . . 7i .. 20 ..10 to 15 . . 10 to 25 .. 65 15 10 $2 00 65 Julkmeat sides.. Beeswax. .......... Butter.'. ...... Chickens Corn . . . Eggs.... Lard Flour (N. C.) ' . . Meal......; Oats....... ."" Tallow....... 50 7 In Christmas Goods our line is beautiful, large and well' assorted. For Holiday, and; Bridal presents, we are the people. Please do us the favor to call and look them over; wo are proud to show them and you don't have to buy; but we find that folks generally do buy after seeing our goods and knowing the prices. Beauty in' style, Goodness in quality and Lowest in price these are the strong points in our stock. Fetzer's Drug: Store. 'EEINQ- X . ... IS BELIEVING. Tf VAll flriTk'h bfillPXTft if rrmn nviA aoe; that if -is DOt necessary 'to ZiiX 'ti'd&t- ; 1 1: vuiniiii iiiiw xiiiiiv -goods. :'rust-cohieand -':16bk, whether or not you buy, at our Diamonds! DfAther' aoorls. 'Ghlrl : and Silver Bracelets, Rings, all kinds of bilver goods, and the Silver Friendship Hearts that ..... eyer greetea your eyes. " i If 7011 :r can't " decide what you want , to, give as a Christmas present J jnst 'dropriin ahd ldok around. Don't; hesitate ' to1 look and ask ns qriestionsf, : for 'We .are in the business to' please you5 if we can.;, , .Cor rally " s THE 'JEWELER. - - from 5c. to 75c. Grloves,' Kids, .: ' i , M :Silk R0r' ana 'Tfin;- -iiO ft. A .. , , ; ioc;;.i5ersnd5c. -W'OoliMittensi or; aiQ children lOc.nsJnd 15c. Si Ik. Hose IDC, 25c. and pOc. Shoes-for,.- i:r Xadies- and Children "Hosiery'forr all, both : . . r- , .i- -n iS M 5 SSck V;G6nibs Eom- padour and bide UOfflDS. u - "-'J ' XMAS' TJmlirellas fron . " 50c.;to S2.59. X A- Gibson 8c Morrison QNRLot of fine dress, pattrais that are worth $1.35 to -J, : 6 per yd. We are' going to sell them at 1.00 yd. n NOTHEE Lot of fine wool , plaids worth $1.00 and ' " 1.5 to go for 75c. Don't miss seeing them. -' Beautiful French Silk twilled TLX iTim Id 'h S H si S9 fine pearl and gold plated .handles, worth $3.00, $3.50 and $5.00. ' TiHEn finest all linen 'Handkerchiefs, beautiful borders, from 50 to -75 cents. . . W WnP0 of Down Quilts, ' Satin and silkoline from $1. J5 up. ...... ; ......... . j V All our fine Capes snd BIG Line' of Towels of the above ? are Cannon WjkeHh ; i t. 3 '-..nfclrf i ti frivA" tnA 'nAO-nlA this 'winter better bargains than usual instill m"H61esallb SMitail. 5i It wflt paj you" tb seVburarge Stock of Tinware1, :; Woodvark. ssware, Hats, Etc. before buying.' For Clover Seed t t t -r- i0-li a' oeea xtye, ana xocKoan go to , G Wr Patterson's. ; . " r&f: n1!!3 Map-: 1 tog j Jackets at a great r - - uction. arid Table Napkins. esi rabl e gifts for Fetzer Stove glad on Xmas day. ",;-,i is .i.-.i-J-U r j& AIEAD Yi, ; HAVE ON handthreeIcars :6t AJid have ten morecar loads on the way. It is time for youjto layjin afsupplylfor ihe 'winter, ian'tit? II also hayelon hand the best of antracite coaL : J. A. CBiaclcefier, VV'est Depot St', at Store. JDThone 68. M, L. JBrown & Bro. LIVEfeY,' FEED AND SALE STABLES. . Just inrc:trof St. Gloud Hotel. Omnibuses meet all passenger trains. Outfits of all kinds fur- -nished promptly and at reason able prices. Horses and mules always oh hand for sale. Breed ers of thoroughbred Poland China Hogs, Winter eorning jenico C)al r Ii ti' f V- a. H - i : . I I : 1! i : -;( t i' : ' i ... v ... , " ';" S 1 : v t - f i, I: 5 'V - -tV A, vi.-

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