,1 ' A- y- dU'W " " ft w.;:. Pkice: 4.00 per year. THE NEWS OF WASHINGTON. SiiLjfcts That are Coining Before the j Eyes of Congress The Admiralship j m bur .Regular Correspondent. Washington, D. C There is scoping and wailing and gnash ing of molars in the little Cor- bi i-Sternberg coterie over the i appointment. of Gen. Wood as a major-general of volunteers. His nomination, already sent to the Senate, will be opposed vio lently by all the political influ- enco line officers can bring to! bear. Line officers see m it rot only; a too rapid rise for a staff officer of the despised medical depart ment, but an attempt on the part of the President to give Major General Wood the supreme mil itary command in Cuba. Sur-geon-General Sternberg remains a brigadier, while one of his junior assistants is passed over his devoted head. The design of the President, say line officers, j is evident, because General Brooke can now eome home if. ho wants to, and whether he wants to or not he will return and make way for Wood as the heac1 of affairs in Cuba. - The Sampson-Schley ash-barrel is cbout to be raked over again, too. Representative Ber ry, of Kentucky, has given notice that he will call up at the ear liest possible moment hs joint resolution to extend the thanks of Congress and the American people to Rear-Admiral Schley, and the men of his command for their heroic conduct, etc., etc. ' Secre-yiy Long in his annual report recommends that the -"thanks of Congress be given to the commander-in-chief of the Nortli Atlantic squadron" (Rear Admiral Sampson). The President recognizes the fact that the question, if not headed off in some way, is bound to result in bitter debate. One of his plans to escape from the dilemma is the revamp-' ing of the old scheme to create two vice-admiralships. This proposition, however, appears to be to make Sampson first vice admiral and Schley second. The whole- issue is to assign J the credit for the victory, , and the question 1 will be fought out on that line in Congress, no matter what rank may be given Sampson or SchJey, .. . L ' Meanwhile,-' Cousin - George Dewey is happy in being allowed to divide up theattention of -the public with a , number pf rpther attractions. Lieutenant Brumby, the admiral's iaithful kdp9rr.is lying dangerously iU, in(d;asu ington hospital, dmirleey and his wife ar untiring in mejr attentions tb'v6rutabv. andliavB cancelled nearly;all engagements Aur me present. WAntedrhlsBat. - Ui A young nafrom 17 to 40 for position of secretary ; and 5txeas urer. Must be respectablr clear reputation, ablo to keep books, 0 tye writing and furnish at : ; t; 2,000 bond. We will- pay "-iary yith prospect of in nev future. Cill on yf e. f rver Club and . Mfg. ( p's snop T 011 Main "y a. m. CONCORD, N. THE STATE PENSIONS. Those. Who Receive Tensions in onr Connty-Over Sixteen Hundred Dollars Received for the DesiHute From the State. Register of Deeds Johnson has received the State pensions for distribution to our old soldiers and the widow of spldiers. '., Mr. S W Tarlton is the only pensioner of the first , class. ' He receives $64 annually. There are four in the second class, who receive $48 apiece. Tbey are Matt Jones, MfLKiser, JjQO. H Moose, and Rev. J Simp son. There are ten in the third class who receive annually $32. They are Paul Earnhardt, Jas. M Heg lar, Jno. M Perkins, W A Hen- drick, J E -Bostian. Jos. W Blume, J L Cathey, W A Davs, C D Alexander andr Jno. Lowery. There are thirty-one of the third class who receive $16. They are Cyrus W Almond, DL Bradford, Jos. A Blackwelder, Jno. Cauble, Gibson Cline, A L DoMarcus, Jas: A Freeman, W H Honey cutt, E H Howell, David Hough, Asa Linker, Harrison Miller, Geo. A Misenheimer, D M Murph, W E Pinion, Sol Plummer, Adam M Tucker, Jas. W Whittington, W A Wilson, G R Swink, Simon Earnhardt, C A Day vault, Wm Starnes, J I Ba sin ger, O V Mauney, J A Lowder, Manly O Sp Bars, Snipson Mor ris, B S Gray, M O bexill and W C Morris. f ; There are also thirty-six widows of soldiery who receive $16 each. : ' The total amount of the pen sions is $1,648. The LVcacIieiJ rounded." On Tuesday last Rev., J J Hav ner moved into the Brown house on East Mill street. Wednesday morning a wagon load of pro visions, consisting of a variety of the necessities of life were left there, a gift : from the con- gregation of centenary churchy Rev. Havner and wne were m ecstacies over , the -affair, and came straightway to The Enter prise man with their joyful tid ings, and related the -particulars of the pounding. . ; , Qn Friday ighfc last, members of the congregation of the Meth odist phrch stprmedhe home of Rev.-WP Mctmee at tne par sonage, .and let , him, experience the delightfulness : of a good pounding. His countenance, bpre marks of the occurrence forsev eral 4fQf?4:. iYiooresvmeniHirpwso. , : , ... , 'I -" " , ' i?o,- acconimodate,, those wHolt n-oViHlftfi. the i)rQTjrietorjs T3reT3aTB Ely7s Liiquia uream i5aim. jtrrice Tie liquid emodierth absorbed by the membrane, and does not dry up the secretions, but changes them to a .natural nr,ri lnlthv character. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren o.t XI. 1 nisrhtv aiter pen are partial, xo ine siise oi awjuui- zers in aprplyiiig lwuids 'into the rotables If 1 A"U-w o-rA-r.oxr-rrT til W 1C 1 I At days here. - ."" , C., SATURDAY, DECEMBER CHARGED WITH THE SHOOTING. 1 Wash Duan, a Negro, Brought Here I -lday Night on the Charge of Shoot ing Mr. Dolph Mauney . On Friday night Officer Kluttz from near Gold Hill 'brought Wash Duan, a negro, here to jail to await trial at the coming term of court on the charge of ishopting Mr. Dolph Mauney with intent to kill. i It will be remembered that a negro, John Propst, was brought here and afterwards released. The evidence points very much to the guilt of this negro brought ! Rev. J A B Fry, the pastor, here lasc. jwill hold services at Central The preliminary trial of the !fft 1rch nmr. x, "ia , e i morning at 11 a., m. and tomor- negro was held Friday before row night at 7. p. m. Esq. Honeycutt. Several - at tor-1 Regular services at Forest Hill neys from Salisbury were pres- Methodist church tomorrow, both ent. The negro has nothing to morning and night, by the pas say more than that he did not do Rov- Hoyle. the shooting. j There will be regular services . at AH ; Saints Episcopal church Cigarettes. . ; tomorrow. o i i "fbo; uoy nasa ioxoxci- garettes and smokes a few of them everyday. Is there any injury in this? I can tell you, for I have had such boys for patients, Rmokinjr, even in socalled j j. 1 . . mvrumg service a meeting 01 tne modera. ion (as if there was any congregation will be held to con such thiog as moderation in sider calling a pastor. There stimulants for the young!) will will be no services at night, do three things for him: 1. It will Rev. T W Smith will preach at run his puse up to one hundred pannonville Presbyterian church or more-per m mute.. it will reducois weight below the healthy standard. 3. It . will will fill his pulpit tomorrow even-reducest: vicaiiuy,, win cippuujx ju xiio pale coinplexion 'and his dimin ished appetite. Cigarette smok- is one of the " worst habits TriTrcsipiJ v Vhat n hmr pan fnrm pnysicaijy tnat. a ooy can ,iorm. It injures the heart and digestion, and it tends to check the growth. It gives a .lad false and silly notions, and it does not bring him into good "company.- Har per's Young People. Fire Bug Abont. There is a good deal of uneasi ness in the Altan community paused bv barn burning:. Some tWQ weekg agQ the barn 0f Mrs. Sarah Yarbrough was burned , at about.two o'clock at night. This fire was thought to have been the workoi an incendiary, and that thfc same one burned a barn last Friday night on the place of Mr. mr. a 4i W Starnes. v,The.: second fire occurred f at' the same time of night a,s he first,, .and suspicion points to : certain parties as the authors of both. Fifty, bushels of Corn and one mule were lost in y the, last fire. Mr. - Murphy Gay . i . . i lived on the place,. but tne mure i .WrriaL , . -.j -.il 4 -:. .. .- AlyonWatsons,: dog took, a Vttlll Ulr LIAWJ fm rr ox. iu vxxv-," Friday; ; Alter some nme 'B - rescued it, andi it's ' no worse since, the, experience. : August Flowers. ia. fafeti!. Bays ;If ol. ten years,"! have met inore pepple s having usea. yreeu' AugHJjt FldWerhan- any other remedy,- :&KSSo Wfi3w toUrJ8ts and salesmen, orlor persons mm office sitiona, where headaches and general bad teeling from irngular rift r ra remedy,' It does not in- tm by frequent use and is gestionis drtixrBtOTe ised countries. 16, 1899- With the Chnrches Tomorrow. The pastor, Rev. C. B. Miller, will hold regular services tomor row morning and tomorrow night at St. . James Lutheran church. The evening service will commence at 7 o'clock. The pastor, Rev. B Lacy Hoge, will hold regular services tomorrow morning and night at the Baptist church: Subject for 11 K m., "Dead Yet Living." Subject for 7 p. m., "Thou Shalt Not Kill." Rev. W. B. Oney will hold services at St. Andrews Luth eran church tomorrow afternoon ! at 3 o'clock. Resrulaf services at Euworth' M E.' church tomorrow at 11 a.1 m and 7 p. m. Sunday school : at 9:30 a.m. Rev. C Preston. will preach at the First Presbyterian church tomorrow morning. Alter tne Sundav school at 9:80 a. m. Thftao. McDoweU retuiei home pastor, Rev., Cochran Preston" A Night ot Terror "Awful anxiaty was felt for the widow of the brave J. general Bnrnham of ' Machias, Me., when the doctor said the could not hve;tfll rhormng" wnxos Mrs. , Q R Lincoln who Jflttended her that ; fearful night. All thought she must soon die from Pneumonia, but she begged for Dr. . King's New Discovery, saying it had moze than once saved her life, and had cured her of Consumption. After three small doses she slept easily all night, and its further use completely cured her." This marvelous medicine is guaranteed to cure all 'Throat, Chest and Lung Disease. Only 50o and $1.00. I Trial bottles free at Fetzer's droue store. Notice to Tax-Payers. - The tax books have , been open since trie 1st of 1 September and ypii have not been in to pay vour tax: s -I have to settle with the town by the 10th of January, 1900, sp I am obliged to have J your tax at once. I will call on you at once tfor the amount of your tax and shall expect you , to be ready for me. K not paid when I call, I will uroceed to collect same b v. law. Thisls plain talk,' and it means business. City Tax Collector. Dec. 9, 99. r v - x r - f r f TO i)o you hear, 'those Wedding Belk. ' ' ; Tfj Be Tihgingloud and ' clear, Furpiture Store of, , -; T ? " ' Bl, Harris & Co. wheretney make present a 1 'specialty'-useful as well as ornamen f " af JpHoeJWt suits'evefybody; 1 Come and see. Xmas will soon be here. If you want a present for Father, Mother, Brother, or Sister, or some other body's brother or sister, we arc the xopfe, so our customers say tnat Keep everytning at prices wr; We like yon in fad; we love you; and the larger you. bill ter we love you. Increase our love wen'tfyou, ..... - Residence phone. , . .90. Single copy 5 cents. Bold Yonn Rascal. A young man by the name of Ed Roycroft, who "i'es near Timberlake in Person county, it seems has , doing up Raleigh and Durham, and we don't know how many other -places, at beg ging. He claims to be gathering contributions" for ancliier who has been burned out We hardly think he will strike Concord, as there are a number of his victims who are in a humor to attend to him. We'd a little rr her he would come if he can shovel dirt right well on the chain frang. Red Hot From tne Gun Was the ball that hit G. St. !l of Newark, Mich., in the :;iyii War It caused horrible UIots ruid n treat ment helped for 20 yean. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him. Cures Cuts, Bruises, J-ie, Boils; Felons, Corns, ' Skin Ernptum. Best Pile cure on, eanh. 25 ct. abcx. Cure guaranteed. Sold ui etzer's Drug store . PEESONAL? 13. s Hartsell returned last night to spend Sunday here. . -. -Mr. J M Purcell Chartottethis morniner. went to Misses Mary and Lucy Mont gomery are spending this after noon in Charlotte. Chief of Police Hurris went to Charl c' o this morning to at2 tend. Federal court. -Mes B F Rogers and i last night from on the road. Mrs. JR'Page, who has been visiting at Mr.- Jno. Hatchett's returned to Biscoe this ixv-rnin. Miss Laura Wadsworth, of Charlotte, came over this morn ing to visit at Mr. J W Cannon's. Mr. WilLPeden returned Fr day night from Baltimore, where he went to purchase a stock of goods for the Parks & Peden Co. NO CURE. NO PAI T . That is the way all drugits sell Grove'fl Tasteless Chill Tonic for chilla and Malaria. It its simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. Children eoveit. Adults refer t ro Litter, nau leatina Todics. Price. 5lto, r va- vac Home-made AT i J. I S, 4 own. bet- Store 'Phone 12. A ffics w vac vac n- ac iMinceMeatsI I ill! t . i :

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