trrtrnl off TTsiw, fy following change of schedule took Dec. 11. 181)9. NORTHBOUND. rvo. 8 arrives at 5 o? a m, lft 26. a m, 718 p mt u t 8. M p m, (flap) 9. ' 4 i) m, 2 00 a n (iieuti t) (i SOUTH EJO UN D." arrives at 8 49 a c (fla) 11 li H 2$ & m, I n " 0.10 p'ni, (flat;) " 7 .'33 a m, " 8.40 a m, (frofs?M) r.4 fi tt ITv .. 3o. fwhen rnijuiiig ahead of o. 7. iff! J.:i?ed if necodsary for through travel south of c harlotte, and is stopped for pascjors arriving- from Lynchburg or ly .ul. . jo. 8G stops regularly - for pi t;;rs lor fcahsbvnyf High Point, Gri-t:!bb'ro, RidpvilJe, '-panyille and I ;iew. rjerfon .uanyine and i , i. - - - T i . - - -a - W --j i.itoii. JNo. 37 stops for paa .: ers coming from J.ynchbnre: or , c; ,ts beyond, and to take -on pas f,,r regular stopping places ktJ! Newells. No. 38 stops to lvt ot: .,:v.;iirs, from regular stopping i;!.i: n;uth of New oils i;d to take on l -.-ers xor regular stooping liJaces, ::';;:rg or bevond. Nre. And 34 stop at Concord for , vm-rs to or from the 0. O. & A. jjiriom-OhrirJottc to Augusta aud C'Let points in South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, reached through Columbia or Ar.-Tiista. 7. 8, 11 and IS are the local trains .. t (" iiiie t at Jialitbary with trains of . 5. k Division. r:PHONE NO. 71 P0asDED .. .. ..1842: s-xg Theiij Own Praise." Has your wife, daughter or ilei- been .longing for a Piano ? Whv not' give her one for Christ ie :,? -one of those celebrated, reliable, sweet-toned STIEFF PIANOS, v . ' We'll not burden your purse vr-h a big price, and we'll give b. 7i convenient terms in which the paying. Jiitaloue and book of sugges tions cheerfully given. Phoc $ "HDnf Piano IHannfaotnycr, UiiUiJi -i.ii kJliuUl, Saltintoro aclnr7 Bran i ; :rc7innui Tlo. 213 N 1 i.tUUlUUUl. Try on St. h'ttrlotte, N. C Co H. WOmoth, Mgr Fine tuning and repairing. PALACE ORGANS. Parks & Co. are selling the toys. Mr. Richard Eames and family spent Friday at Mr. Morrison OaMwell's. . Everybody invited to Gospel meetings in opera house Sunday 4 p. m. Ir. P B Fetzer has returned iioui; from New York where he vent to purchase goods. Old Santa Claus is at Parks & Co,'s. Misses Corrie Boyd and Lida White have been added to the corps of clerks at H L Parks & (Vs. ; Attorney General Griggs and two Pennsylyanians left Friday aight after spending several days here hunting. Mr. C F Jackson, who was a ffienibef of Company L, arrived here Friday night and will take a position running the engine at U - THfTn1o mill - ' A half page advertisement of the Cannon & Fetzer Co. greets your eye on the second page. Take time to read every word of it. - ' ; .. - . RING No. 38 or 6 and order pure aerated milk and cream. Now is the time to order creanl for Sunday. Prompt delivery, tf. Riviera Dairy" Co. Be sure to read the Half -page ad. of H L Parks' & Co. today, I: 1 in't have the goods he 1 advertise them; as he ''l ; ;-lay. '. . . . . f; ' , - rof. H L Gray; principal of the Bingham School, has "gone after spending several days here. Several vounsr men will mter school from here after Christmas 7Paro 0- R tOOl Cbn 75c and 38c. ' sts at i dS Mary ha been! Police foice until! vmibimas.., r. There will be a mnofino- u ! session in the First Presbyterian I cnurch tomorrow mm -frv.ork i -i -, "Aiiiii-' til . -LU:00,0'CiOCK. , Mls Mattie Lindsay who I nas uwu iur some, time visit! Mr ."Inn f!n 1.1,11 v Cti,:-T? fn ;rV VU1UW" nas returned to Matthews Don't miss the musical recital noxt Tuesday nie-ht tn u vxo in me ,,pera Mouse. Ad mission 25 and 35 cents. Mr. and' Mrs: B E Harris brated their third year of 'inar ried life Friday night by enter taining a few invited ladies and gentlemen. For a nice Xmas present call and see the new style card photo at Scott's gallery. Special for the holiday $1.00 for one-half dozen. " Misses Catherine White and Mary McGill and Mr. Jno. Mc Gill, of 'Philadelphia, arrived here Friday night to visit at J -W Gannon's. Row the Mouresvillc Enterprise. Mr: H P Deaton, editor of the Mooresville Record-Times, has seen fit to change the name of his paper to the Mooresville En terprise. In his editorial col umns he states his reason for a change in these words: 'The main reason for this de parture is that we are an enter prising community and wev do not wish to be anything .but en terprising. Therefore, we adopt the name of The Enterprise." Christmas Holiday Excursion Rates. Account of i the above the Southern Railway will sell tickets to all points at rate of one and one third first-class standard one-way fares for round-trip. Tickets on sale Dec. 22 to 25th and Dec. 30th to Jan. 1st inch sive. Tickets will be sold to students and leaders upon pre sentation 1 of. certificates signed by the Supt., Principal or Presi dent of schools and colleges on Dec. 15th to 21st. All tickets limited returning Jan. 4th 1900. Now is the time to order your Gh r is tin as Oysters, and we Will be pleasato have your order. Concord Bakery, JoeFisher, Proprietor. PHONE 1223 I Concord National Bank Offers the business public a reliable, per manent, conservative, and accommodat ing banking instution. tiWe solicit your patronage with the assurance of honorable treatment and due appreciation of your patronage. If we can serve; you any time we will be glad to have you come and see us. LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS 'PA finRTHMEIlH. . 1 !. - - . Hanital aM MM - -i $70000. D. B Coltbanb, Chashier, ; J."M. ODEtii.-President, T V; '1 (1 On a Kii ri flred" loads ? : ; of : cinders. B. McNish. For Sale .410. , CONCORD MARKETS. COTTON MARKET. Corrected by Cannon & Fetzer Good miHHlin Middling . . . ' " " Low midVliiTifr 7 50 7 40 7 00 Stainj . 6 90! PRODUCE MARKET. Corrected by Swink & White. 71 bugar - cured hams . . . i9xiI -bulk meat sides 7I -oeeswax . 20 . . .. 10 to 15 .... 10 to 25 .... 65 . . . . 15 .... 10 -cutter . Corn , CCT13 Lard Flour (N. C.) 00 65 50 7 Oats . . . Tallow, 2 i nnsirnas J Goods our line is beautiful, large and well assorted. Vor Holiday and Bridal presents, we are the people. Please do us the favor to call and look them over; we are proud to show them and you don't have to buy; but we find that folks generally do buy after seeing our goods and knowing the prices. Beauty in style, Goodness in quality and Lowest in price these are the strong points in our stock. i-etzers Druo- Store. S BEING IS BELIEVING. If you don't believe it come aud iot) that it is not necessary to : :!):'! to other towns for ucy goods m the jewelrv line. We now have a beautiful assort ment of MM 18 goods. Just come and look, vv'nrtner or not you ony, at our Diau'rjdii, Latber goods, Gold and Siivfr. -Bracelets, Rings, all kinds of Silver goods, and the finest fipsortraent of Gold and Silver Friendship Hearts that eyer greeted your eyes. If you can't dr?l a what you want to give as a Christmas present just drop in and look around. Don t hesitate to look and ask us questions, for we are in the business to please you if we can. Corre THE JEWELER. IAS II1IFS rom 5c. to 75c. Gloves, Kids, $1.00, $1.25, and $1.50. Silk Mittens 50c. and 75c. Wool Mittens 10c, 15c. and 25c. Wool Mittens for children 10c. and 15c. M A S Silk Hose 15c, 25c. and 50c. Shoes for' M Ladies and Children. y A S Hosiery for all, both erreat and small. Back - Combs, Pom padour and Side Combs. XMAS Umbrellas fron 50c' to $2.59. Gibson & Morrison; Arrcst ' disease by the timely use ol Tutt's Liver Tills, - an old aivi favorite remedy 6t intreasm popularity. Always cures , ; ' SICK HEADACHE,, iour stomach, malaria, indiges don, torpid liver, constipaticti and all bilious diseases, TUTT'S Uver PILLS c . : ... -',- ?:yv :-. A "It- i;-- 1 2r t . i.SH 4 I- W ill niatiw the whole Tomorrow ornin We will throw on our Bargain Counter Mr. G. W. Ould's complete line cf Stnrplas of Ladies' and Misses' Hose, IJn dervests, Umbrella?, Belts,.. L p robes, Purses, Comb;-, Corsets, Scarfs, Brown Overehirts, Men's Work Shirts, Duck Coats, Sus penders, Overalls, and every thing which comprises a line of samples. These goods are all maxkeld at exactly the wholesale price and if you can find the number you wish in any ol the above goods you can buy them at exactly wholesale price. We would call the ladies special attention to the line of hose as it comprises a line from 3a. per pair to 50c. The 50c. ones are out of our line and we will sell them at 36t5.; 35c. ones at 17c, and so on all through the line. We sold a lino like the above last summer in two days, so don't come a week from now and ask to see these -am pies for they will be sold. Swink&White. We are prepared to give the people this winter better bargains than usual in aU kinds of Heavy aed Faocy Qrocerles At wholesale and retail. It will pay you to S6e our Large Stock of Tinware, Woodware, "Qlas;ware, Crockeiry, Hats, Etc; before buying. For Clover Seed Seed Kye and Kpckoalt goto G W. Pattersori'sr Winter is Go ming v I K ALREADY HAVE ON flAlSfD 'THREE' CARS 6P ( Jellico Gal And have ten morecar loads on the way; It Is time for youjto layin afsuppljfor the winter, isn'tit? I " also haye'on hand the best of antracite coil. J. A. C. Blackwelder, West Depot St. at Store. D"'Phone rr. . . . " ft M ' v k LM M ri M m XX tarn SJEliIi M - - f 9 iaoiily glad on Xjad d ODELL mm '15 ? so 1 8. mi i 4 FINE Ginghams,' Plaids, Sheeting, Salt Bass -AND- Outing Cloths. DEALER IN General Merchandise BUYERS OP COUNTRY PRODUCE 9 of all kind. o. .... Four-foot Wood always Wanted. Beat - Price for same. ...o. ....... We invite anin&pection of all the'gooda . weSmanxifacture . . ;,r, - ; 3oncord"N. C. M, h.: Brown: & Bro. LIVERY, PEED AND SALE ' STABLES, i Just i r-.j ar of St. Cloud Hotel. Omnibuses meet .all passenger trains. Outfits of all kinds fur nished promp tly-and at reason able prices. Horses and mules,, always on hand for sale. Breed ers of . thoroughbred Poland China Hogs. ' 1 - 11 u t if i ie 1 -j 1 1 . -1'. ':. 'i I f Is .A EV5' ' .i IS" ' i M I! t I. . i t ' i i at Mebane. QJ. !IPHONE:...r .V

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