Labttb, Bewtow Co. Aaa., Aug. 4. I am 49 years old and hare been suffering with Change of Life. I had flooding pellsso bad that none thought I could live. My husband got me Wine of Cardui and it eared my life. I am like Another person since taking it. MRS, E. B. TOWNSEND. m V ft 1 w Hi 4 8 It is the devour wish of nearly all people to live to a- ripe old age. None of us want to die young. This universal desire cart be realizea If care be taken of the health In early and middle life. A little precaution then will add many years to our existence. Death can, be kept away a long time. . Happy, healthy old age will be the lot of the woman who promptiy corrects the ailmente which afflict her sex. In youth, Wine of Carduiwill take the female child safely over the hiding line between girlhood aod womanhood. As a wife she needs it to .help her .through the trfcls bf a uui-u ,itv, at Hrt! discomfort as oossible. , At tn Ghantre of Life it will help her over tht dangerous place that appears In her pathway between ; 40 and 50, Then.wiU come many years of truly blissful existence. She will grow; old slowly and gracefully. To the last she will preserve, that charm and beauty which are always characteristic v nf nrfprtlv healthv grandmothers. .It lis for rwomen. alone to decide ' whether they, win be healthy, or sick. The- remedy for their sick ness is close at hand. LR!r ABVISMT DCfASTSEUT; "Vcvr aft rrf& in rflilPII rAfllririlUr KDSCl&l directions, address, giving BTOiytowB, un:m jinm j 1 . m BE1HU3EC0., Chattanooga, Teen. I LARG K;0 P WIN E 6 P. CARDUI SOLD FOR 91. CO BY DRUCQI3TS. GOAL! K. L. Craven Has Bonelit 800 TONS JELIGO GOAL. 200 TONS HARD 'COAL. Also Virgina Split and. Bird Eye Camel CoaL Best steal coal at line prices. Good Smith Coal. Call and get it tiM&&mn Nasal 0 ATA II In all its stages there should be cleanliness. Ely's Cream "Palm deans es, sootnes and heals the diseased membrane. It cores catarrh and drives way a cold in the head quickly. . Cream Balm is placed into the nostrils, spreads over the membrane and is absorbed. Belief la im mediate and a cure follows. It is not drying does Dot produce sneezing. Large Size, 50 eents et Drug- What VOU Want. "HONE 4. EiY BBOTHERS, 56 Warren Street, New York. THE BEST .PRESCRIPTION FOR CHILLS and fever is a bottled?- Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic;' Never fails to -Gare; Then1 why experiment with worthless imitations? Price 50 cents. Your monev back if it fails to cure. , WANTED Vt , buy 100,010 pounds of old cast-iron scjaiH de iiyered at the foundry at once, for which we will pay a fair price. No burnt iron wanted, aietf. Concord Foundry Co. Might Have Been Worse ' Well, - hat's- oncuf li to try .,TipnCG of Job," exclaimed I 'the village minister, as he threw ; aside the local paper. Why, what's the matter, dear, asKeu wife "Last Sunday I preached wn, frm text. 'Be ye. therefore steadfast,' " answered the good man, "but the printer makes it read, Be ye there for break fast.'" Clipped. aenrefor rbeumati- Chamber ? Pain Balm is -gaining a v,icle reputation. D B Johnston of Bicjimond Ind.f has been troubled with that ailment since 1862. In speaking of it Cb: -I never found anything that .'iJ :-i;,r Tn a . until I used Chamberlain's Pat Balm. It acts jjke yjunu ATtt frr,f. xvf Rv fill Gil 1 masrio wiiu uio. , . and paining me very .much, but one cood application of Pain Balm relieved ma lrorsale by M L Marsh & Co. Druggist. - i - It will not be a surprise to any who are at all familiar with good qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, to know that people everywhere take pleasure in fni;nr voir YrPTip.Tirfi in the use of I iciamu '-'-"r ' ' . i iU.i v.i3i-1 YtiarliniTjft" and in te'lincr of the benefit hey have received from v it, of biad co s it has cured of threatened attackfc f pheumonia it has averted and of the cnildren it has saved from attacks of croup and whooping cough. It is a grand, good medicine. For sale by M. L. Marsh & Co. A Boston Bank Closes. From the wires today we learn that the Broadway National Bank, of Boston, closed its doors this morning. There is also a report that there was another failure but we could not learn what it was. . i For Ovr ffitv Vear Mrs. Winslow's SoothiEg Syrnp hes been used for over fifty years by 'miJ liona of - mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. . It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immedi ately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bot tie. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wih bIows Soothing Syrup," and tako no other kind AN O N L jf583 LJJ.WJ It To MOTHER; WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD " C ASTORIA AID PITCHER'S CASTOBIA,". as our trade mark. J DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts was the originator of a PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the sa that has torne and does now 4ftfi-f-m m evenJ tear the facsimile signature of au wrapper. This is iKe original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been used in the: homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFU LLY at the wrapper and see that it is the hind you have always bought on th& and has the signature ofjf wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company of which Chas. H.Fletcher is President March 8, 1897. Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. " The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having-ThelBnd-'.-That Never Failed You. VTHI ETAI COMPANY. TT MURRAY THE IT, NEW YORK CITY. Have you counted the cost of Little Sister (angrily) Now your position in this matter? you do what I say ! J , , Little Brother I won't 1 "Havn't had time," , answered Litte SisterrYou won't, eh? the Kentucky statesman. "We Oh, don't I wish we was grown arn't through counting the yotes up and you was my husband! ' yet." Washington Star. Tit-Bits. i 9mmmm&Just One -More !WeekfMs(MeM" The all-absorbing topic is gifts,' gifts. If you are puzzled as to what would be suitable, just come5 to this store and we can prob ably help you out. More news thaii" we can profitably print. Store open evenings until 9:30. To3rs Dolls Handkerchiefs. Eiderdown Gloves ibr'uifts. Xieather Goods. ' -1 i.i i t V and Games, Sacques. We tell vou that w have the biggest -'.j ..:...v :; .. ... , , ToyStore; and goods suitable ; jr gifts '. . n f- - t - ; " V. iThere better than we eyex : vvv.Uv n.,v- '";rrr ' V-,?,- . . woiur iMyuw,A juaxtfo utmar eugea xnerr are au sizes ana colors at75o.and best idea of quantity tfnTi .OjJ" iaany. , handkerchiefs around holiday and silk; floH $1.00. ,?v 5o.,10o.and 15o. countois in the Toy fttJT A ' tJi ribbbUat neck, arfciholes bonnd saufSS : . Denartmentareery AttrciTe. iatUe .ttmes; we puzzling queswm as . w wui r-r trTift,iM ;am u - Joa fcuAW fln pair, otijladies Jfursesfor gif is! Our 2oo. purses are eloyes are something ia be appreciated, ohlof the ordin arv? t no and 75o. we ?-.!' c .fe .have just jeceiveda special slup- abbw" you brown or black seal, r1:-? had be- ment of gloires v toi the1 holiday' 'rush, black: morooo or .with sterling silff porners. Chatelain bags, all Kinds i clasps, $1.25, $1.75 and $2.25. . girls wan stoves juid" we'' haye them tgedye ia always answered by, handker-; priced at, 75c. :' , from thelOo. Tin Stoves to an Iron &JZlVm 2L ana $lZO Uiab Will AiU ULCUS KUU UUU- ovj ou-pmv-vm j J 7 a 5 dred other things. Then there axe plain white hem-stitched at 5o.t lOo. 'and IJol Irnnks, Aoil uarnages, ana au iilmi-wjl-4 ot?o.i 5 iL r urrs s. - 00llFiiiS j jWe-put on sale Monday iCf ft lot tnnn kinds 61 BabyDolls. OldBanto U here COO, uniean nouns, pair or pu. , counted for; Blehmnentndplenty- eitdslkCT Hshtitottens. ABe' maktashiB-coUection and-inpne week low or flneoflaoeourtalna W - o( tbem. 3w$ Twe, 6-fo&ex axrtSnXWprioe. t t. 1 .U )iAm in i)iA anri VMt M DlftKA ft Smtable gill. - . , - ' enma wrA.&- 4JxiI7I -.jSi-. - ! ttZ1";! J V oBij mvmv rT" ,i j T - T 7 ' T u . T a j bimih f fnvcs. - XiaSSC 3KS OniY otfC 1 - . ... We:have quite a.lot ofhis stuff now so much worn by everybody. Sterling silver novelties ktl5e. 25c. and 38c. ir iflHnU Weshow you gloyefcuners, paper cutters, nail files, rotary blotter, with sterling handles, cntKng ' tongs, letter :.lf!l 1 1" Hi seals,cshoe i horns, shoe hoots, darnmng eggs, and book marks. s Cut glass qologne,, bottles, rling silver tops, HJUUyiJLlI and 2- Sterling silver bracelets, curb chain or heart bangles at $1. 25 anT$f58. Beautiful little brooches l6c1l5c;25cjoSi. 1 V

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