(I Tlic folio flring cliftnge of schedule took .e?Tect Dec. 11. IStfs). , ; ' NORTHBOUND. No. 8 arrives at 5 f2 a nr, 6 " ul0 26 ri, ' P.51 pm,(flag) 84 " 0X4 p in, iYJ- " " 2.0:a m(iieiii) yOUTllBuUND. -,. Wi arrives at 8 41) a, ai,-(flag) 1 1 44 44 11 ?5am, ' 8.51 p m, r "uh; 733 a m. S49a m, (freight) 35. when rHnninf,' ahead ot No. ?. j,I.ired if necessary. for through tray el euiitU of Charlotte, and is stopped for riasseutrerH arriving from Lynchburg or beyond. Nd. 30 stops regularly for passengers for Stlisbury, High Point, Greensboro, Beid-ville, Oanyille and principal stations between Danville and vsshiiigton. No. 37 stops for pas coming from Lynchburg or point beyond, and to take on pas-, ecii.rs for regular stopping places So . ; ix e vV us. .mo.' stops to let i 14 it U Saner Uraut Barrier. LiDrard- & 3t Black Diagonal Mackintosh nag Register Johnson issued m.ir. J11 Tuesday to Mr Jf "UUU1C isennour nnri ivn ougrar NEW YORK MARKETS; - Cornelia, Mnmo t this place. 8 ; la llve at The Concord Institute is dohi-and-teachers. RING No. 38 or 6 and order pure, aerated milk and cream. Now is the time to order cream tor buiiday. Prompt delivery, ti:. Riviera Dairy Co. There was almost a month mssed at the Kimball house Tuesday night. Three gentle Open Jan... 16 March 27 May. 36 128 COTTON High 20 H 32 40 128i Low 08 '20 28 121 Closed 15 27 34 128. CHICAGO WHEAT. May.. 66f 66 65f 65f g0u u. os stops to let rripri Kit-fb vTov -m- , P off mongers from regular stopping :;.?y foe name of Weeks : spent f.Lu- sou tli of Keu ells and to take on tne night- there. . j,.- :iprs xor reguur stopping places, . -p T . Lvneaburg or beyond. rXev. J (J Davis return Pr! hnmo .o&. 46 and 34 'atop at Concord for Tuesday night from Lexino-tor. other points in South Carolina. OonTwn and Florida, reached through Columbia or Augusta 2u)s. 7. 8, 11 and 13 are the local trains . ..i c iiiuer t at Salisbury with trains of W.V i Division'. FOUNDED. . 9 .....1842. -"'k m .... If J . nis voice -while he was awav. hut it is hoped that it will be re gained ere long. Goods advertized by Cannon & Fetzer Co. have come in to day: 1,000 Boys' Suits. 2.000 Boys' Pants, 100 Boys' Over- coats, 100 Men's Overcoats, 200 dozen Caps. All ready for to morrow's sale. CONCORD MARKETS. COTTON MARKET. Corrected by Cannon & Fetzer Company. ; . Good middling. ....... . . 7 50 Middling. ...... . . 7 40 Low middling . . . . . . . . . . . 7 00 Stains .................. 6 90 PRODUCE MARKET. Corrected by Swinlr- & White. Bacon ................ . . 7 Sugar-cured hams. ..... 12'-13 13U1K meat sides. Beeswax. ....... Butter. . . ... . . . . Chickens. ....... Corn. .... Eggs.. .. .. .. .. . Lard. .......... Flour (N. C.).... Meal. Oats Tallow rsaiiM.. 'Sing Their Own Praise." u us your wife, daughter or sister been longing for a Piano ? uuu yiv nur iQjf unrisb- li J I V t one of thos9 celebrated, aiiss Cannon's Dining. One of the nicest occasions of this, season was the dining given by Miss Margaret Cannon Tues day evening. The fortunate ones present were her ' friends, Misses Hooper, Harris and Cald- 2 10 to 15 10 to 25 65 45 10 2 00 - 65 , 50 . 7 f' '." H,T"JJ- .U.K. ' ,t ' fl m. l. M ?fC Mf :9s Stove Will mah.e tho wao.e lttujiiy giad on Xuiaa diy. n Christmas KB! " I 11 3 TV T TT1 T - 1 iLu.ujie, sweet-toned STIEFF wen, ami- ivusses Jiimny ijrioson PIANOS. and Elizabeth Gibson. The gen- .We'll not burden your purse tlemen present were Messrs. with a- big price, and we'll give ts t000 Ttm w;i. j o-i convenient terms m which . json, vjsmona iarrmger ana ijreo. Goods our line is beautiful, large and well assorted. For Holiday and Bridal presents, we are the people. Please do us the favor to call and look them over; we are proud to show There them and you don't have to buy; lo v'O the 73villo,. Cutaioguerand book of sugges tions cheerfully given. te M. Stieef. factory Braiicl Warerooi. Co H. Wilriioth, Mgr. Fine tuning and repairing. PALACE ORGANS. Piano MHiinfactiiror. ISnltimwre M1. no. 213 K Tryon St.. tli'Hrlott K. C Wadsworth, of Charlotte, and Jones Yorke and Chal White, of this place. Miss Cannon's vis iting friends have returned to Charlotte. Charged With Retailing Whiskey. Never does a case of drunk and disorderly come before year. Note the change in Cannon & Mayor Means but that he makes i eizer o's. big ad today. a desperate effort to find out Somebody has already begun where the fellows purchased to celebrate for Christinas by their whiskey.. The two drunk scooting firecrackers. and disorderly cases of Sunday Brandon Means and Luther required such an: investigation Johnson have returned home and as a result a white man from the Bingham school to named "Ephraim Whitley was spend the holidays. arrested Tuesday and is no jv out Mr. W Wilkinson, who has on bond for his appearanjee at boon traveling in Mississippi, is tha next . term of court. 1 The ill home until . iho first, of the , .. -. -i : - : v a a. - w AAA w w a -t y-v I I rTtT TTT tl llf J W I I I I I . Ill- I I I Sunday paid his fines and was Don't miss the extremely low Uaioa.Boi fTnodav. prices at Cook's gallerv opposite Court House for the next two Attention, Pythians! utok's. Every member of Concord Marriage licenses were issued Lodge, No. 51, Knights of Py- Monday to Mr. CP Holdbrooks, thias is expected at Castle Hall of No. 3 township, and Miss tonight at 8:30 o'clock to receive Martha Hampton, of No. 2 town- Bra Jordan, . our Grand Lec- slllP . tnrer. There will also be work. The carpenters are making a All visiting Knights cordially change at Mrs. Winecoff's on . , South Main street. The front welcome. is nothing but we find that folks generally mnro flnnrnnri a tft for do buy after seeing our goods and knowing the prices. Beauty q pUrjc4.mQC nroconf in style, Goodness in quality a OnriSimaS present and Lowest in price these are . the strong points in our stock. than a DeaUtlTUI DOOK. Fetzer's Drug Store. yye have them in all styles. We aremak- QPELL IslUflCl mi 11 11 dS EEINQ IS BELIEVING. ing a special drive in If vou dou't believe it come and' books this season v ! soo ttkat it is not necessarv to J send to other towns for any goods and Sti 1 1 V n i i in ttiejewoiry line. i We now have a beautiful assort- i -tUm 1 1 1 LI I v7I l ie receiv- ment of II1Y 1 CHRISTMAS Not many drummers are on the road this week. They are working themselves homeward for the nolidays. . ' Big Timber Sale. The splendid timber crop about Troy which must be reaped or tvh t largely, lost is finding , market. Cleveland, in Rowan countv. ar- Mr. Sam Smitherman, we note, rived" Tuesday night to visit at has sold the timber of 1,800 acres Mr. ROS Miller's. For a nice Xmas present call and see the new style card photo at Scott's gallery. Special for the holiday S1.00 for one-half dozen. Register Johnson has been called to Roaring River, near! Wilkesboro, to the bedside of his latner, who is very sick. Messrs. Hamilton Wilson Jas. Van Ness, Osmond Barringer and Geo. Wadsworth, of - Char lotte, spent Tuesday night here. They attended the dining given Miss Margaret Cannon. for $36,000. Come and them. see goods. Just come and look, whether or not you buy, at our Diamonds, ljeatner gooas, uoia q i a i and Silver Bracelets, Rings, all SAI W kvWll Itfii a i i.t. ' w - - - kinds ot -Duver gooas, anu me finest assortment of Gold and Riivpr Frinrlshin Hearts that UJVJJaJk TJ M A v - eyer greeted your eyes. If you can t decide wnat you want to give as a Chiistmas present just drop in and look around. Don't hesitate to look and ask us questions, for we are We are prepared in the business to please you n to give ine people tnis winter we can. ! better bargains than usual in all kinds ot Heavy aedl Faecy 'Qrdceri.es : FINE Gingliams, Plaids, heeting, Salt Bags AND Outing Cloths. DEALER IN General Merchandise BUYERS OF- COUNTRY PRODUCE Correll, THE JEWELER. m IIEIIFS Now is the time to order your C h r istm a s Oysters and we will be please to have your order, Concord Bakery. -. JoePisfier,-'. Proprietor. PHONE 122 A S M A S from 5c. to 75c. Gloves, Kids, At wholesale and retail. It will pay you to see our La,rge Stock Of : : - . v $1.00, $1.25, and $1.50. Tinware, Woodware, Silk Mittens Glassware, Crockery, 50c. and 75c. .. Hats, Etc. Wnnl MlttfiTlS 10c, 15c. and 25c. before buying. For Clover Seed Wool Mittens for children 10c. and 150. Silk Hose 15c , 25c. and 50c. Shoes4 for Ladies and Children. Hosiery for all, both great and small. Back Combs, Pom- Seed Rye, andRockSalt go to G W. Patterson's. of all kind. o . Four-foot Wood 'always Wanted. 03est Price for same, v ..O. ....... We invite anjinspection of all theggoods . ' ... wejj manufacture ell foncord N. C- ? Go. t ) Winter is Coming', I ALREADY HAVE ON HAND TgREE CARS OF Jellico Caal padour and Side COlllS. have ten more car loads on the way. It is time for you to lay in a supply for XMAS iUmbrellas f ron m to $2.59. L o. J. A. CBlackwelder, VIDSOl OL VUII.I5UJI. west Depot St. at Store. B-'Phone 68. ihe winter, isn't it? I also haye on hand the best of antracite coal. M. L. Brown & Bro. LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLES. . Just in rear of St. Cloud Hotel. Omnibuses meet all passenger; trains. Outfits of all kinds fur nished promptly and at reason able prices. Horses and mules always on hand for sale. Breed ers of thoroughbred Poland China Hogs., I " 1 I 5 - - - f ; 'i M II 'A i ? ' r : it i J n A i i