us 'LEATHER. GOODS j i; . ' " - . A nice assortment o Christ-: mas presents in Leather , , . Goods Card Cases, Collar and Cuff Boxes. ' LADIES' LA.N'P ; gents' PURSES,'. maue or ainxor- BKin 1 5 and morocco, hoth in tan "and blacks :: - . Come and look at our line of presents-: ;,f : f : u. Mia u a w ELEtt. : : - M3fe!?:; Rosa V imi 8 "ave gone to Rock cS's! SPvDd Week at Mr- cafe '1? Troutn was w l 1 niGharlotte iday night y the illness of her daughter Mrs.-Will Maynard. : , '. Mrs. E G T?n,rn Ti n Trl f. rofn Tn rA nome this morning.. Miss NelliP. tasT, home "Friday night from Ilex! wnere she is teaching school. . Miss Emily' Gibson returned home. Friday jiurht from Rmds- viUe after attending a niarriage in? MM1 'Sing Their Own Ia5isSS-lJ Has yoiirir'iaa1igttptor sister been longing JorBaritf? Why not give herone for dhrist mas ? one of those v CQlebraii reliable, sweets toned STlEFF PIANOS, , , , WU not burden : y)ur piirse with a big pfic and' well give you convenient . terms . in, t which to do the paying,"' ' - Catalogue arid book df;g?gg tions cheerfully given. Hid? If tlPOf Mannfactarer, UilflO, .ill, 0UDDlrr Baltimore Md. Wory Brancfarerooi. V;y5i3s . ., ...CliWloUe, W. C Or H.Wilmoth', Mgn; Fine tuning -Sid . : repairing. PALAteECmGANS. 4 ? - y' TELEgHUNE NO. '?! . , Gaston Means' .returned home Friday .night ;f rom the.. Univer sity to spend the holidays) -J'.'.Vj-l Miss Patti Adams has returned to Monroe ito spend the' holidays with her parents. ' f. ? The Cannon and Odell mills closed Friday evening untiLTues day morning. j Sauer Kraut c at Lippard & Ba: No Sunday . afternoon service in opera House oh accouni of Christmas services. Mlss.PjaulinG'Means chasgone to Atla)ita;toJspendmca)tlian a week. . . "V ; .' i .- - Mrs. OJDf Cobb and j Miss Effie TVTi 1 ' "-r, i ' ' ill m lsennejnier, :v OX ,vioeansyuie, are visiting at Mt. Pleasant. Mrs JSmoo V wJio f has been visiting nej:3on,Ler. oo ,omou b, aas returned 10 oaiisDury. Miss Ab&tS of BliabetS col lege has arrived here fo "spend ine noiiuays wixn ner xrionu, - Mis&Matfde ' Brown has' i re turned home from , Salisbury fter spending several weeks there. - RING No.1 iQ Or 6 and order pure aerated -jnilk? and cxeami. JSTow is the1 tihWio order5 isream for Sunday. Prompt delivery. ) ti. ' Riviera Dairy Co. -i Remember on next Saturday and Monday, willbe' th4 ' tim'e(ifor graphs taken at my gallery, u have the prettiest new style carols ever shown in Concord. Don't fail to see me;u Money - saved is1 money made., J J Cook, ..... d23 Opposite Court House. Now is the time to order - your ' c hr t t m a Mr Henry. Probst- nf DnrhnTn The , central telephone office ?nd AIiss Nellie; Trice, ' of Lex-' will be closed at 10 o'clock Mon-i 'Sgl011' .arrived here this morn day morning and open ao-ain in i sit, their relatives " i xine aiternoon at 4 o'clock. " .'.-.. . ... .'. , Mrvaiid' Mrs. Wm. Jenkins,. Haile Gold ' Mine, S- Cs arrived v here Friday night to visit at Mrs; - Quantz's. : The, members of the Sunday school of St. 'Andrews Lutheran church .will receive their Christ mas treat at the' church Monday morning,v"but the exercises will pe held cSunday night, ' At Epworth : M E. church Christmas exercises will be held on Suildar eveninsr .and a Christmaisrtree will be displayed 'viiu.o..,vouiiif. xiours ior Doth wm bQ 6 o'clock. rrB01 out people were arousea from their slumbers. Ff idayjnight at a late hour when a large bomb was fired. Even U the law prohibits their firing peaone nertheless, it seems. .' The hour for the beginning of tue nristmas;. exercises at For est Hill Mejo,dist church Mon day night is 7:30 o'clock. .' ; On account of the busy day Miss Janie' Richmond was added to the postoffice clerk force to- BANK STATEMENT. Reserve IncWase" . , . . 3, 358, 50 Species Increase . . ; ; . 2; 732,500 Lesiricreaser-v. . ; - 83;6G0 Loans Decrease. ... . . . ..3,09.4,QQ0 Deposits Increase r. v. , 855,400 Circulation Decrease. ;-- 68,400 Sugar 123 . 123 : 120 l20 , i y. f f.- ..jy. - . .c-i ' ... -1 i . .... ..... - . - . ':.'.JUll 'IL '. ' ' ' ' 1 ..IH&iJL.iil r U : r kJJ KJ "A U ' . i' U till i mm r H eadquarters for Santa I r . t , tr I .V When a boy goes a-fishin' he puts a worm on his hook and -drops it the innojcent fish, hoping tbrdeceive them with a morsel of food. The flshlgfets; the g.ets vthe fish. .Just so, seme merchants have a few leaders at cost to catch human sucked everythiug at rock bottom. Should you wank 100 articles you , would find perdne hundredth one ,as cheap as tne nrst one. .' ) 'J l 5 4. C )' t --.- a,.f Uv ; 0 8 70 0 0 j-0. 0 ,0 0 :0 - :.K-t:uitj in i -!nrjioV" -.list .01 ... ;.,v.'--..:.. , . :(..,;. ...... ... ilt, .:;y.?-A .,..: U STATIONERY. 4 TOYS FROM lc.;UP, pij-Jt is -inissibleit to ngye;, ? you, ' Bd'6ks?-lc-tol8.00 .per,-s9 Fiiung like eoiiipleteClisof ' an4teor;green. . VTCUMQD yy W:VU'V h'!"T .f . Fancy, boxes,'; well r , assorted, 25C.' $2.25. .' -;!V - Fancy inKlitaiftsi)q' to8 Lap writing desks', S8c. Christmas cards . a,n,drybpQklets, .,;15c. - r . v &it ti-c Doll beds. ahJHammbckSif , , ir'notofirrapn iuoums, -too to t "'.. -irt. (J&1 AQ BaJIs, andilOc; - - alers, tojc, LlHall lamW1.48 and $1.68. $2.50. , Scrap albums, lQc.fp '4Sc A:uograph albums, 5Q.'to,15c.j , ' Photo frames, oc to , Tiindjcasi irdiLstpyeis, 10 to r:,'-1BSWl-painted; Austrain no. Ehxkitchen sets. 5c to 48c. Framd;pictures,40t0'$3. '-; GENTS. & J'-ittfm fan&75cto S1.98. 'Clocks 95c to $5.25. oj(ofe5oto$1.25 'Silkliandkerchiefs ih&nderjski . iGotJon handkerchiefs 1 to;15cv :fstctiif triplj icpafj , '25c, fpoSt& ilycjl Hand 15T up and o 0 N EGK WIlArer !TBk-rortecL 5c vm) and ishelf 55c to 68 cents. y': VJ 5;skJi '"&j inanyotherlineswe iJa8 Scarf si 'Imperial. Ties, u nf :vm;,-v . sormJO-nt," dur-in-Hand'Ties, and Teck ;r..: g?odsi 85cfi6 $1 0 0 0 0 0 .0 IT) '.lit hi' scarfSf BoFsandstring Ties, i5c Qhina Debartrttenl. "iPWFI-RV- Table plates10qitoJ8c.: s JtVVIlLn t cjnldA.O plates 5 and 10c Solid sUven handle novelties;; , Salaa.owls 25c & 98c.;-, : -knives,' pa.'knives- nafl files, Four piece table sets L6S. iinatch ' Uboxejk shoe iiorns, Epiece, ;bodkirisy:buttQh hooks, -mamCure ;ea pots,ip xo you. sets, shaving brushes, assortea hat marks and coat marjfs, at .: silver bracefets, v'7.'WhS!S4 Plated braceleteS.gSff -'f?BW?55c TS' 'Stick pins, beauty pins,.; and Cracker 3aoAojtp0. breastpins,. 5c tofX.75, . ; , S Fountain pmS,'7&c,':oi;i53r.; .yuu:iVv'. mittahs98c. - Cashmere elove 55cl .1 Ladies' dress skirts-93c to bor caded sUk03'l25. - - - - $2:S0$er paiiv--i - - 'Infants silk cas - and cloaks, Ladies' ;: zephyr fascinators 25c elf yoiiu don't see what you want come and-ask for itw- We are eSolid eroict rings,, witn uu - xuvnv wuai-yis sx .4-oi: A4i-21 WSI "Tri SR.y.l-fiann ''fK5TjIl UlUJtKlAU.O r-MW aw : .- f , ' v .- y aTlfl A RUCKS l'a iu 7 - . , ... . . if i Oysters and ,yfe willBe please! to havyourorder. . Concord Bakery. ; Joe Fisher, Proprietor.- tPHONE 1223 m - - JNSTRUMEiSim? cffeiajfei "r" . Saitfi W Xhb c to $1.48 Very Respept Si L ' .3" i't- v.' 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0, 0 . 0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 .. . H 0 0 0 0. o: WW 3 V 0 .0 -0 O o 10 '0 0 t0 0 'O P p .0 p p 0 -p ... i5 7-1