ArrlTal of Trains. Mi ta wing change of schedule took 0tT cti onald' of Ohax- AUO WHO Sifpen? ehristmas- Day here NEW YORK MARKETS. Tect Dec. 11, 1899V' NORTHBOUND. wyi 8 arrives at 5 52 a m ?I:' .Jvirs- -K K. Black. - COTTON Open High Jan;;. 10 18 March 24 34 May.. 34- 43' A smnll " 10 26 a m, . v . Low Closed 7-18 pm, 8.51 p in, (flag) Monday, but it amounted to noth- inc. nil, o -Pol ;' 12 " 34 . . t 62 10 17 24 33 34 4! it --if- y -U anMrsW A Ridenhour, Mountain, are visiting SOUTHBOUND. Sugar 121r 124 120; 124i 2 37 arrives at 8.49 a m, (flag) - u ir 44 " 1125 a mv u 7 " " 8.51 p m, t. 'ok 41 9.16 rem. rflnV xi Kidenhour's near Mt. j CHICAGO. WHEAT. . May . 69f 69f- 69 69 0)ily.., v70 '70i - 69f . 69f ?;.vtVrW Card:H -roW ih.u-mAt m. y v x 33 " a m, " 61... V : a m,: (freight),. nfc;.T WJF' WAJCS apoub No. 35. when mnning ahead of o-; 7. aS e?e With Lewis A Family Reunion, isiirfsedi ? "Vk- -. vV-:v- r On Christmas eouth of ( BarrQtte. andis etopdedf for 'tvt - v. v .. oT.M;WrS rm TiJj.t.uK-L At ' lYLrs. iDllRfinnnrv . Moo- Taqt fVX Vvii-r, rs lbS?6 Mawreturhed ij MAlexandereate-d themselves passengers, fo. SaUsbniyicb. j?9nfe:. home, af tqr, spending a week in V uf fiV', iU , , Oroensboro. lieidsville. DanVille and -dU:. ' '.fh r-Vrr : P. - r Vi at the table to p,mov a, Pnnd ro, union dinner with their parents . senders coming irom j-yncnDnrg or . j t. 77 ' zr r " 1 xne nve nvmff cniiaren points beyond,, and to, take. on pas- arrived, here last Saturday to pnt PvorTranf ori tensers! for;-rlar stoppings plfees spend Christinas with her rela- Pesent every one of the grand south of Ne wells No. R8-ftotsi4 wlel HvArf npnr t.Hic 1 ni ' children were there too. adding: . . . .. 0 more to the-list. . W C CorreU and family and principal stationsierween Danville and A c vv singxon. Washington-- T atopsj ff pAf 1 MrsD B ParisK ? nf placeseouth; vof eweU24ahd,takedn ;,, Mr' andJMrs, Baxter Gillon, of Pe?r te China : Orovo 2 Mr. ''Nos. 33 aiidstop aOoneoVifor Krettlie 6m Monroe O Ed: Kestler and "4amily passengera ,tarom4to'.)&4; . O'lbnf, on ' liM Street. :" ' , "c were also present to enjoy the 4 DivisipBTOhaTlQlt, to? Angnta-and . '. 5 ' - - 7 other points in Sonth Carolui aay- andFlorMa,.readne4thiorjfeh1ltMb : , . . ; , . . N6s? 7,l'and-12ar6th0locltriinll ment aUnayyault's, has returned Jailed for Contempt of Court ; Sdet?biWtef MSSS11?!116 Organ Church. On Sunday i night a negro, s W. N. 0. Division. fcs , ; ' ; ir i t. . , , ' f : r vjrrriuj,:: Messrs -Jo. and Tom Smith, HatamcmdMontgom , while i FOUND E Di .ek.. jekjjj'. .i of ,: lECnomeenn'., ' and Will under"' the -influenced f rrrl Smith, spent Christmas -here' at 4unCc.wi,toV'r- I : tBfatoer's, Mr: Jas. B Smith's. Q hristmas whiskey, sashay- iiLLc: - A" , X.l .feg generalv.golme.' i : . 1 irestGid for beinflr -drunk andbdis- . MS I VTMvf iHrl i StemRlOwkBiOjSE'V -worship. 94 iSwtiwU Has wVour wife daughter or -M-. t ,;4e ttoW aw f I Durinsr the trial Jie made himself . vuuw , ...v . wvv" vivuiauu i t.wieraxeignuscjericsr i at tue aepot, icon tempuDie ana , was very.Mi Whv not ?ive for Christ-Uron. s Viic'imwc, f "PiVirnrmu , . v T,4kcaw suiung. :Wtore ine trial enoea roliaWo cTrflflf .t QaiTT?.T?i? i j-l- J " & fcU - ' ' Mavor Means-, sentenced him to ay a cold la w nw4, i tittti n 51.TTC m i M. 1 1 l ( ir ivmmm 1 11. r ' ttootti Ka m in n ncea m r r . 'ii vie. w .a T i . PIANOS. . . . . . - Ififtepnidavsln iaiLtf -' Wa'IV "Tint. h"iir.ftn' -'Vmir-T.nrQAr--'' MISS -Uertrutte: Uaiaweiir-ire-1 ,v A . , ' '1 A over thft metobtano aad'is tlrld? ?BfeUegt.; wifh a onr turnedhomaMondavrnight after ? our xne ; iriai. wdb uo-ueaiateimdaniref6uow8.itia nbtrTinoe. you convenient terms in' which bPUA"s "v? rv, avr3 i'i j : -.-.'- - ..' . : I T.Trhn.ViTvnTcr" Vfl xcrit.n nor I luuone paying. , , ; 7 . i:j."r,r.. pi n Some Cases at tbe Mayor's Office; CJatalncrnA nrifl ,honlr nf fincorp.o. j brother. lions cheerfully .given.. ... .A,boywho lived near -the Ca- h Christmas has passed and Con -nw- irj dA;r pinnn wnnnfactnrpr: vin n,nA-o I cord was :not . troubled -.very much iaOTy.ranCfl. WarerOT;y.its5 ing firecrackers.- It cost .him comes with the - holidays. A " ' : I TIVA flnl mTS. -i l,V-v. -.-P o co -rrr - . Tnrl . -r T" I iu ii kiit inn ci mm ftil c .' .' - ' .. . ' ."-... I - - 'I H. Korhnnv awn .1. I .uivrt iiiii iliB uuu acixuuo Fine tuning and repairing. f t - : :-- - , , . r.. (Triy(r. of Pattfirfion. N. J..: are rnos pama ,nn small aftravs AA PALACJBi ORGANS. ViPm Aninvi thftmselves hunt- L'.v j,iiri Aaca - I XU ing. The latter is a son of At- i n torney:General Gnggs, who was , ; '- cot produce fineeztag. Large Size,' 60 eents at Drug-' iats or by raailV Trial Sizei io 'centeTEy maU. ; ItY BROTHERS, 66 Warren Street, New York." : v - We are prepared 1 W! "givethe people this winter - - H i 1 1 if .... .--T 5- -.11 " Defter Dargams luau usuai in- ax kinds of v T f v TELEPHONE NO, 71. from 5c.tto 75c. ; Gloves, Kids; ' r, $1.00, .$1.25, and $1.50. Silk Mittens ; : ' vV.; --r . 50c. and 75c. f Wool Mittens ? - r-;ii fXr.VlOcU 15.C aod25c. 'Wool'Mittens fOt - r OJLk XW. J.V- wvi . . . -u o.r. - i r rhA Krumbv monument Tunai." Mr. C L Smith, of Chatta- .v-r.. '. .ann r... .o--::- ha trrnwmi? and, will reach-,a 1 nooga, spent Sunday here. .Mrs. mma us knmlsnmRfl!mre. Contributions ;r J -,.T7", -. . iUizziei winecoir, ana iYir. iJ.rai ; . . .- -rr " Joe Jacksonfent--Dw Geor- 1 v y Silk Hpse v: n ; :o undav to snend' several davs. ; ,Ii;.c'..l;-lrr;oU- of. Mr Tuo fVi, : TTritiorl Rtatps. nnd. tv- I ;v . r7T-rtI5. ' 25c. and-50 r r 1 , : r . - W- I IIKI n AiUilliilV -IAJ. .V 1C31U uu . vwu I ini. OIAXVA wlw " J I WTi ' Press Freeze, of Newton, ar- otb. u& ; xtux , . . ... i At .wholesale nd retail. ' It will pay you to. seeour Xiarge Stock pf y .-' .v'rf-"" '--r ' ; :'J. Tinware, Wood ware, : . V: Qlasswafs Crockery, - Wats, Jbtci before buying. For Clover' Seed Seed Rye, and RockSalt go to . G W., Patterson's. . rive&here fiunday-niglifetp spend "ym a few days. - ; I rm;,and Chalmers Sims came home from- flaltughf tQi- spendj Ctirist mas with home ; folks'; "ewtoji.4 arrived' here ; Saturday mgM to . witTt; Dr. D 4yJ6hn son's anl DayvaU's. : Mrs. h nvifl is ajsisLer ui x. uuuupwu Black Diagonal Mackintosh aTi(.MrsL Davvault. ! , i . J Cape Ooatprfpr-SliOO at Cannon a a Fpt7Cn t ? : BING No. 38 or 6 and order o. j? etzer o. s. ; Mc.:w Clarence. ConneUv ..went to Nnar' i r; the time to - order cream Charlotte Sunday: toH pend sev- fdSunday. Prompt delivery. ; . ;eral days. ' s. if 'li? " l Riviera Dairy Co; MicaTlnra TTiv 'loft .Srindav .crt" W T MrtTiHii frhliif. . who ni?htrfor her home at Turners- iixrAc nut at the Bala miU, ' mar- burg, to spend several weeks. ! ried .two. couples Christmas eve. MissesrH JanioBlair, of Yorkvil. U., ses some days ago. ; are visitinr Miss Ruth. Caldwell. rid)o , , "V. -aL Goods advertized by Gannon Mr. Jos. .Juooaman, ox & ;Fetzer Ck;.have- come - in gusta, spent Christmas here with p t0-, t Suits J r 2,000 his parent. ' ' T ' -l -rlii H mo Bovs' Over- iir -.,4-.-.-v,.Tr' vp t " 1 00 Men's Overcoats; ' 20p Charlotte,' is" visiting at Judge aozen Capsf, All ready for sale. TV Tfl '..-e-wj... ' .. . i of course, Atlanta : will, do her dutv. It will not be long before Vft abeautifulmonument totheheroL who was laid to rest ? yesterday I ;n 1 -..4--. It in fVk?CS r?f.TT' - I Will we -:-wrouwu iu. .xj.i.o jAltanta .Journal, Mr nrd .Mrft. R TT Griffin spent The Social Side of tlie Tillage. : Christmas with their relatiyes at Harrisbursr, . Dec. 26. Misses ; -i Barnette f ahd. Martin, vqf Char- - - ii':irv l'o?'ri Mias.Marfiraret Marshville. A i r 7ir5c-f 25c. and 50c. Shoes -for t. t a i a - ur - J fft( our and Sides UOlDi . .... . .. i . . GiBsofi;&!V1jxisom O Olf aie A nice assortment o Christ- Goods-Card Oases, One. hundred loads . ,g niior. QTfi HnfF oi cmaers.. .Boxes! If LADIES'; AND r GENTS ! PURSES, made of- alligator skin . and morocco, jboth in tan and black. - E, cNish PTTcy NB is V! ..104 Winter, is Comings V i. XLV ' h4vb". on HAND' THEEE ' OARS, Ob ' Jellico Coaln I And have ten more car loads Oil the way.- Ifcifl timaJ br-ybu to h& intripply;f or th6s winter ' isn't it? t V1- aiao naT oa hand the bestof antracitecoi-U K i . st.Deio)i'sf. atSt6re.T,Plfon 68. BUY YOUR Bread; One of -the 'nicest.. gatherings rtv .last Friday night given at a...hoii(i -Misses v.LUaana t.. fi,,., c - Mary Stafford by the yqung.jnen PieS, - ROUS, btC, of -.neighborhood,,; c About - . L m twenlyYaere.presenipu- ASObemmgc oi : tn holiday iil6rrinient. t. - - - I iM Concord Bakery. Come and looE at our line of i ,y presents. - W v u. -.2 ? : j JUiXXV-CJJUJJ I e Jeweler. FROM THE Joe Fisher f' 'Propyl - The Goods bnr line ; is beautiful, large and well assort tor are theXpeopte a as WS the favor- tocaU and--look tein ov W'are roud to show rwTan; TPTTnn'nnur " vitl wo fmd that folks generally 1U1ND Jxjiiiuu uunu nZITHsnhido X.SJ' ly p: .WV ' . k LIVERY, FEED AND SALE -1 i STABIJES ; 5 'I i Justin rear of St.: Cloud Hotel, bmnibuses meet aU' passenger. i 1. 'V.-X-Si..t -.11 "li-- -P,,,. hished promptly . and,at!feason able prices, i Horses and i mules alwaysiDn nana ior saie1 v x3reea ers of - thoroughbred Poland Gla:flbgsylf;.T7- ; L'-. -.i... mimfentcchiserTatiye and accommodat- yiS,b.aoMTift--Pstatloii., t,: " Bolicit" your itroiiag -with' tna assurance of honorable treatment and due appreciation of y otxr patronage. " 31 0 can serye yon any tune -we mil be glvclJtcf BiVe1 yoii jcoiietid eeus. OTSTOMERSi7- r; - - J. M. ODiiLii. President, r - r- . -w .a n AAA mAito ni.n : nnVT " n nil kn owiner the pnoes.' ojeauty ATM mpniM Sfllit una Tlirrt ftlli taridLQwxiiaHcfet , G6bd.smith QoaLrfaget jretzer's..DrugStore. WANTED To buy 100,000 pounds of old caat-iron! scrap, do tiveredjat the Vfoandry"at .once, for which we will pay a price. No hnmt-lrnn wanted. ' . - UietfT V SnoNcoRD Foundry Q u-e feitcpKra-itt na.urui. Urillaake5 FURB. BLOQgJ what vou want. - 'Phone. PHONE 122 r -