Fatal Mine Explosion. A fearful-mine explosion oc curred at Brazn ell Pa. Saturday morning.. It "is estimated that about fifty miners were entombed. Six.bodies had been recovered at latest news. , No Rlht to Ugliness; The woman bo is lovely in face, form aud temper will . always have friends, but one who would be attractive most keep her health. If she ia weak, sickly and all run down, she will be nervous and irritable. If she has consti pation or kidney trouble, her impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. jEHectrio Bitters is the best medicine in the world to regulate stomache, liver and kidneys and to purify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyesnnooth velvety skin, rich complexion. It will make a gncdrlooking, charming woman of a run-down ia valid. Only 50o per bottle at ffetzer's Drug Store. Even if you are disappointed, pretend not to be. Ex. TO CURE A COLlTlKONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund mony if it fails to .cure. 25o. The gennin has L. B. Q. & each tablet oathcrn allwtiy SCHEDULE. N EFFECT JULY THE 16TH.1899. fcvThis cqnderuea schedule iXfcub : Jlshcd ;as information; and is subject to change without notice to tne puDiic: Triains leave uoncoM IT. C. ! 5.52 A. M. No 8, J daily- for Rich. mond; connects at Greensboro for Raleigh and Goldsboro; at Goldsboro for Norfolk at Danville for Washington and points North, at . Salisbury for Ajsheviller Knox ville and-points West. . " 7. 19 A. M JSo'. 33 the New York and Florida Express, carries Pnllman Sleep ing Cars between New York and An- Kuout, xovr xuia auu,xauru. fill.. UllU Norfolk to Charlotte. .. ," :r 8;49 A. M - No. 37, daily. Waste ingion ana ooiun western limited for Atlanta, Birmingham. Memphis, Mont gomery, Mobile and New Orleans, and all points South and Southwest. Through Pnllman sleeper New York to New Orleans aud Naw Vm-lr tnMamnL',. Dining car, vestibnled coach, between y&s.hington and Atlanta. .. 10:06 A. M.- No. 36, daily, Tor Wash ington, Richmond, Raleigh and all points North. Carries Pnllman drawing room buffet sleeper, New Orleans to New Yoik; Jacksonville to New York: Pnllman tourist cars from San HVn.TioifinTrift. ovArl era Pacific Sundays and Wednesdays. 11:23 A. M.No. 11, daily for Atlanta "find-1: p.. t. South, Solid train, Rich- . -- -2? daily, for Rich- k ttanooga, Raleigh, i th North. . - , daily, from Rich mond, Washington, -Goldsboro, Selma, Raleigh, Greensboro KnoxTille - ana Asheville to Charlotte. N. O. 8: 51 P. M. No 88 dailr; Washington tmd Southwestern limited, for Wash ington and all points North. Through Pullman car. Memphis to New York: New Orleans to New York. Also carries vestibnled coach and dining oar. Close connection at Greensboro with sleeper for Norfolk. 9.20 P. M. No. 35. daily, fox Atlanta end New Orleans, carries Pullman deeper New York to New Orleans. New York to Jacksonville and Charlotte to Atlanta; dinning car. Also PnlLnan tourist car Washington to San Francis co, via New Orleans Tuesday and Fri days. 9.45 P. M. No.,84, daily, the New York and FloriiaEipress, carries Pull man .Sleeping Cars between Augusta tnd New York. Tampa, Fla, and New York and Charlotte to Richmond. Car ries sleepers.Oharlotte to Norfolk via reensboro. ; , , jjiist Bections ox regular , through or local freight trains carry passengers only to points where they stop according to schedule. - Franks.' Gannon, Third Vice-Pres. and Gen'l. Mr Washington, If. C. ; John M. Cnlp, Traffic Manager, H; : Washington I), O. W. A. Turk, Gfcn'l. Pass. Agent, 7 Washington, D. 0. Gowan Dnsenbery, Local Agent, - ' Concord. NO.. Notice to Tax-Payers. Tne tax dooks nave oeen open since ine-isi oi oepiemoer vour tax. I-have to, settle with the town by the 10t h of January, .1900, so l am ooiigea to nave VOUr LUiJk. W wnvu. j. viU-lA on you at once for the amount OI yOUi Lti-A.- clXi-vi. """" v-jvu JVJU to be rea'dy for me. t If not paid when I call, I will nrocced to collect same by law. nnu;0 ic rlnin talk, and it means jUilio L . business. . S. J. Ervin, City -Tax Collector. Practice Tor (Christmas Ends Awfully. A most singular accident occurred at Quincy, HI., Eriday afternoon. At St. Francis Porochial school the children were practicing for Christm? exercises and were fancily dressed in light cotton clothing One little girl brushed against the gas jot and her- . clothes caught. Almost -like the flash of powder , it was conveyed tq others and . before Jthe situation could be - gotten under control four were burned to death, some half dozen were" fatally injured and many others are ' suffering more or less from their injuries. - ' His Life Was Sayed. Mr, J Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful deliTerance from a irigntiui deatn. in telling of it he gays: "I was taken with typhoid feyer, that ran into pneumonia. My lungsjtacame hardened. I was so weak I conldu't even ait up in bed; Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of consumption, when T heard of Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle gave great relief. ' 1 continued to use it and now am well; and strong, I can't eay too) much in its - praise." This marrelloui medicine is the surest and quickest cure in the world for all Throat and - lung trouble.; Regular free at Ietzer's Drug-Store. :Eyer Dottieguaranteed. - . t.lU 'That man seems 4o( ba above nghting. ' ; Jill--:,Yes; he is most at the time M& belongs! to the - war balloon corps; Yoiikors States:'" 4 7 NO CUBE. NO PAY . , That . is the way .all ' druggists sell Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonio for chills and Malaria. It is simply Iron and Qninine in a tasteless form. Children ove it. Adults refer it to hi4 riau eatr a Tonics Price. 50o. Approved; Mammr -"Well.' how do you like your new doll?" Ethel 'Oh, mamma! Santa Claiis . has such good taste. Puck. TEE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOR CHILLS and fever is a bottle cf Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic, ctci fails to euro; Then why experiment with worthless imitations? Price 50- cents. Your money. back if it fails to cure. Just now it may be said there is a smile on Europe's face over Britain's reverses, but Britain has changed the face of feurone beforethis. Philadelphia Times. 1 A SURKCURE FDR CROUP. Twenty-Five YearsVConstant Use With. ont a Failure. The first indication of oroup ia hoarse! ness, and in a child : subject, to that disease it maybe taken as a sure sign of the approach of an attack. Following this hoarseness ia a pecullai rough cough.. If- Chamberlain's . Cough Remedy is given as soon as the child be- comas hoarse, or even alter the croup appears, n win prevent the attack. Ia is used in many thousands of homes in tnis broad land and never disappoints the anxious mothers. "We haye ' yet to to learn of a single instance in which it has not proved -effectual. No other preparation can show such a record ia twenty-flye years constant use without a failure. For Bale by M L Marsh & Co, . ' y '. . 1 1 ' !! . - V . '- ' An old saying is to this effect: Never cross a stream till you come to; it "Buller'scase on the Tu- gela showed there may bei diffi- (Dtilties even then. Philadelphia Times. As a cure for rheumatism Chamber Iain's Pain Balm is gaining a -wide reputation. D B Johnston of Richmond, Ind., has been troubled with that ailment since 1862. . In speaking of .it he says: 'T never found anything that would relieve me until I used Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It acts like magic with me. My foot was swollen and paining me very much, but' one good application of Pain Balm relieved mo.-rjjor. sale by M L Marsh & Co. Druggist. ; , No one ever realizes a good thing until it is lost.Ex. A Powder Mill Explosion Removes everything in sisrht: so do uruMio mineral pins, out hwui mc misrbty dangerous. Don't dynvit. ti t delicate machinery of your l- with" cAlomel, crotonoilor aloes pi:. vl , Dr. lvmers New Life Pills, wh en vrv ntle as summer breeze, do r l perfectly. Cures headac ho and cmt' ration. Only 25c. at Fetzcr'a Diu S ore. J "THE NIGHT AFTER CHRISTMAS Twas night after Christmas, and all through the town The nurses were running, some up and some down The doctor was wanted, for plague on Old Nick, His visit had made all the little ones sick; His cakes were too nice and his pies were too sweet, That from morning till night they could do nothing but eat. Their hearts were all light, and peeped out of their eyes; Their stomachs all tight, and chock full of mince pies! They were merry as larks and no care for tomorrow, Unmindful that joy is soon fol lowed by sorrow; The lights were all out and the blinds were all closed; Papa and mamma in deep slum ber reposed; The cat on the hearth-rug was licking her paws, And seemed to be thinking of old Santa Claus; The fire in the chimney burned cheerful and bright, And the frost on the panes shone like crystals of light; jThe tea-kettle bubbling before the warm blaze Was singing . the dirge of once happier days! :The clock on the, jnantle had jus.t sounded Qne And announced that another new ,1 day "had begun When, hark ! ' from the nursery, a solo of moans, -' :' Then a duet of sobs, . with a .chorus of groans, Broke in on the stillness and silence of night, And threw the whole house in commotion and fright. The mother's quick ear first en countered the sound; She sprang up in bed, and sprang out with a bound; But papa had oft witnessed such tumults before And the louder, the groans, why the louder he'd snore. And, oh ! such a, sight was ne'er w witnessed before, The children were , rolling about on the floor; The bed clothes were mined, the carpet was spoiled, And their pretty , night dresses were rumpled and soiled; The nurse, all bewildered, was fretting and grieving, The children in concert were retching and heaving; They kicked and they twisted, and they squirmed all about She was sure that. their bowels were turned inside out. . 'Oh, I'm so sick ! I shall die of this pain." -' I shall never : touch Santa Claus' candy again!" ' Poor mat in a flutter, threw her sad eyes. Little Bob,' with a splutter, threw up his mince-pies, AndLSt. Nick, who was peeping, , cried out with a titter: "In every sweet there is a drop 1 that is bitter: But cheer up, my children, you'lL soon be all right," And cracking his-whip be was soon out of sight. The cries were all oyer, and all went to bed; . Sweet slumber soon fell upon each dizzy head; The life-blood; again freely coursed through their . veins, And dreams', of ; St. Nicholas danced through r their brains; . . .. With a smile tKey awoke frojn their visions of bliss As mamma on each, rosy lip planted a kiss; And they vowed-that in spite ; of all sicknessand pain They'd hang up tjieir stockings " next Christmas- again. - t Selected. Tt will not be a surprise io Any rho n.r' ui n familiar quViii s f 0nmlcrIaiii,.srongb"Komcdy. to kiiovr ilut j v jvio evcryLbix? l -q j luie in of tl.e l'w.tru. Uy Lave leceivta fVonl U, f bnd c.s it Las' cured of tbretf.urd r.ttncki: f pTicnrmwa it"KiH fivciU d hi a Uiecr-iMieij it hatirM from atlr.cfca f croj aLd TvlioopiiV Fur ehIg I y Ut L. Marsh & Co ?" The Kind Yon Have Always .in use for oirer 30 years, and 2- eonal Allow All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that triflo ttith and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment, What iis Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil Paregoric, Drops' and Soothing- Syrups It is Harmless and IMeasant It contains neither Oplum9 Morphino nor other Narcotic substance Its no is its Gruarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic It relieves Teething? Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency It assimilates tho Food regulates the Stomach and IWn-els, fjrrinrj healthy and natural sleep, - The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend OENUiME GMSTPQB v9 Bdoxa the The Kind Yoa Haye Always Bought ' I n Use For Over 30 Years. VKC eCNTMIN OMMRT, TT MURHAr STRCCT. INCW VOR ITT. ; Banr Blind-Bat Kow Sees. A marked copy of the IiUm berton Robesonian reaches us in which there is an article telling of a child that was born blind. Dr. Wakefield discovered that it was a covering of the eye by a little film. He removed that and the child sees as other children. It is an instance of one made to see who was born blind. Does Insurance Pay 1 Read the following; Mr. Jno. A Sims, Agent, Concord, N. C. Dear Sir: This is to acknow ledge receipts of $32.86, in full payment oi weekly indemnity due me for accident under policy No. 55135. This makes a total of $42.86 that I have received ; from your company, the "Aetna." for a . i - a A. accidents during the last four months, while the total cost to me has been but $10.00. ' The above amounts paying mel in full lor time lost during my injury, while at the same time. my life . has been insured for $3,000 under the same policy. .; Thanking you, and through vou. vour comuanv for nromTit payment of both myf clatos, I remain, . . Yours truly, M D S CHU3BERT r : , Machinist and Engineer, ; ' ' ' - at r - " ' . ' Bleachery. -Dec. 18th, 1899. . . : ' If you are : woiffigwitK aiy kind of machinery . you should loose ho time in Securing acci dent insurance. Liook 'around you and see how many .accidents are happening to-your - fellpw workingmen. Delay not, delay not, for 'delay is" dangerous. Call on, - - v John A Sims, Agents ' Qfiice in Post Office Building. P. S; , Remember that :I sell Life, Pir6 and Accident Insur ance, and also insure against Sictoess, including ; SMALU V J. A. S? Agent; Notice. - . : -.jci : Jlrlng all i y oxxrr second-hand I cags to lm -Feiiix FlourXMiils and get 3 cents in casli or trade for each.. ' This is-30.00 per thousand. Don't - let" them lin around and go to vvrasto. They must be in good condition. : ;tf U 1 UROWELL, Prop. : Bought, and which has been nas borne the signature of has been made tinder his per- snnervision since its infant tLo one to deceive you in this.. ALWAYS Signaforp of 1 v t : t i -? i ? : : : For Over Fllt-r Tears Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing Syrup Las been used for over fifty years by 'Ml liona of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gur. allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. II will relieve the poor little sufferer immedi ately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 1 .7enty-five cents a b tie. Be sure and ask for ''Mrs. Win- slows Soothing Syrup," and talio ec nATJCiAcvrjnEca ow 444 FINE inghams, Salt Bags AND. Cloths. DEALER IN Merchandise d ' r BUYERS OF CjaUNTRt ; piiopucE ; of all kinder . y O Four-foot-Wood lalways-Wanted-Best ' Priceffbr 'same. O . Wc invite anlinspection of ali;the;gotKU X manufacture . a CASTORIA IA ODELL MIUFflCTU JPlaids SHeetiiig, Outing General ill Illii(ltlil?39. Concord N. C-