CONCORD, N. 0., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1899. PRICE: I Single copy 5 cents. 4.00 per year. "jflTZ-flOXTGOMERY MAKKIAUE. 1 CHILD BADLY BURNED. GEN. LAWION ON THE WAK. 1 mw '"wraat l I ri ... . . ' - ' - .1- ' - ; ' ' -..ttr.iL - Quiet. Home ucuuing m a mau JNesrro ttirl Almnst ttiirnA. tnlWni if. aM.i.Au. ii.. llie Tarlor or toe urwc uumc-xuu i eaiu ue.uw xown ng uolhes Catch! (fraieV ' ambers of the Family and a Few In f Fire From the Fireplace. j , ' ...j. T V : Tited Friends Fresem- Shortly after. 8 o'clock this ' - " n.oA Wednesdav fWedhesdavV mornini? ttfion .a!"1"1 society nemnew iorK 1 recently Mr. Barrett: resnohdinsr . - r I -, 1 I . It ft I I I I K X I mm A A. WW L WW a w - w ' S w r - homy v ... Tinvo'c TAflf fMi woe nimjii.. , ' fflldSta giu.up , . IKnrnAil fiS r!bn.tW 'mnh co,4i L V ' ; Jr' J . cangni nre. ; .... - l AiW VA'and Colionel Bryan, it cannot b6 She quickly ran oat of itHfeui.iiii-T"i-- franlmess that - w s t: 1 1 1 1111 f 11 i. i La 1 1 1 1 1 ii ill .1. i.i i m-m mai . r- w - , 1 "Dz-wtt Tr. 1-1 l-l orHmor rvT (riven DV xvov. --t Vfc6 1 -1- - in w 1 w Lentz ana mis -marj Auyuiguui ery effort to reach the truth and do J WULOib 1 Xlgllt 111 UUi ItJSpUUSI' bilities. "The apparent bitterness" and intense prejudice that so often characterize the arguments of the 'anti-responsibility' party cannot help the cause. No mat ter how much we respect the personal character of Mr. Wins low Mr. Atkinson, former Sena- tor Edmunds, Senator 1 Mason PERSONALS. - - - ' I LUlUUirU L11H lMIiUIUIII IM III l lltJW i house towards her mother, Who England socioV that they may the American people will foUow was staying at Mr. Dove's. Hef gi ftli his mourning cdbnti-y-'tllA advice of these men who mother' met her and duicklv V:v'X f. :'6r' , - v Tiaxra a-a- bAAn In-th Philm- It was a beautiful home wed-J stripped her of her clothes butjj mdt ii the form of a'P8' or even crossed; the . At thaannnmrvi rriir in I A mnfir. rtn am M cn,-n nor ifo . :. Mr D K. Ceciirbf Lexington, - was here today. Miss Eleanore Watson re turned to Salisbury this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Gillon returned to China Grove last evening. Dr. JW Byers, of Charlotte, was here a short while this morning. Walter Cook, of Charlotte, and Joe Wager, of Matthews, arrived here this morning on their way to Mt. Pleasant. . . . sj - i - I yl t. ' ' ' -' i. . - Ar(T iVL IDtj dUUUUilUU UUUiTi 1U I tUUlUBb- bUU J.itilU AJ OUi V n. .-v am 4-V "Tift oViilil ic in d corinnc nartAr Came mO gllJVmi UU UXO XXU Vi. ---v vuuu w .tuiuvWHM-vvu Mr. Uiarence ivicieeiy,, auu fio f ww" . nuwc w rwjv-- iuuw. nn the arm OTner .sister. I uoue ui its reuuvwry. xuo uuu UiiVlV V- " ' J .- , . Miss Lucy JMontgomeiy. .i no i wuu jr : u w u w v w j o viu. attendants were Mr. KUlus:'Mc - 1' : . - ?T3flrifi in TvrATArAhfiA .tA tnat Of bter from tms iiero, whom .1 rn , 7" often een.on the nring line Schurman, Minister Denby, Pro fessor Worcester "and ; General Iiawton, who' have mastered the Mad helivedvhis blnciai Msition ttduld;Uiave: r teeveated Rivmg k,stoV,..n(1 conditions of '.the - - ..... -v-.. . -.. . -. '-v ,-- t --w Pherson ana miss janie;wcn- ; , :- . . 9 7A a to'awfln-oWRm mond, and Mr. Kicnmontt Montr - . - rwT.-.S-r iiui' ttOOVVW44t, r .TT J3 . I Will 1 MI II Will LC I 'Mi 1 iLLrLJJ-" - UFaillUl 1 " " : . . V 7 t gomery ana ms mayiciupuiiu. - . l.C'A hn Tifiraldfid -Vthrouehout the Little Misses :Aaelaidetf - ; : " - - 1 ; hn nf raaio ar n.nrl "turn IT TiraR a 1 : -i V and Amy Allen lyioniomery - "."p" "ijVTi v3-r-e.ii . . ..... - - .1 toa i' b-Aw hioAW'emith ha nfiRi Hn tnnn reaa inH luuuwmt: acted as the ribbon girls, " aiidl t : . - . ' ' I haan rl Qnrl a I OTI O" TTTno . nil Ti fill fri -T4-4-s. YIoti ' Master William Shernii tne ring i "r - , . . . " r iiuiu a puvw icnw uuiu, vu. . - i ji: ,i Mnnrinv hiis wifinw. Millie w air- bearer. Adding still more toi -y.r ' . ' . T" ... I rwiav frrmcrcta him mTnfl fTPave. the occasion was the coeautuui -"i - . .. ii . n r - -ttt t I She was nearly yu vears 01 ace music renaerea dv mrs. ivv . - " r . w - i o-nri Iittoh fit. h h Mitnors. near Harris and Messrs. M M narrow " r -1 . , ... . I Th-AiifmQn'c . l'hA TIAW.C! OT nfiT and Jordan Barrow, with piano, - , -77 . .. I rtoflth nansArt snnriAfiS to Mr. cornet and violm. ir . rr . l a 41,. . r. uA Lanier JtieatncocK, 01 tnis piaue .. - 1 Ttrrk Innlrod nnnn this man UoT. TvTrt VcK thonnrth """ " -Jt ' " LUUUiC WUCU J-V. VJLIV l-vx v. . , . - V. i. I " 1 a a m 1 fir no rl m I HT1TO M I1IK I1H.I HIII.M ill IllinU. . bound train for Richmond, V a. 1 57 " 77";, v . 4.w-. k ft 1 1 1 rw rt rrvri nir and elsewhere. They will begone will resume his work as principal of the Concord High behool. Iawton. I would to: G6dthat tie whole truth of this whole Philip- - 4 -. -I'', ;-V -i" -!' .. pine situation couia pe Known oy "The Filipinos provoked; the outbreak, and h ence the Filipinos must suffer the inevitable conse quences. Theyjhad deliberately fired upon our flag, and there could be no .satisfaction except unconditional surrender." ,-jpr o-rr-iff irr Tears'. lfrutUlnlor,i 8ootbinr SvrtiD has been tsaed for over fifty year by mil iioniVof -mothers L for: their children , m 1 . T. .nr.r, T4 ' tne omid, eoixens me prams, allays all pain. cureeTtrind colic, and .is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It wf'l relieve the poor little sufferer immedi .- Sold bv drnsrsists in eTery part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bot tle. ' Be ?sure and ask for Airs, win- laKe no slowt Soothing; Syrnp," audi other kind Home- As a cnre for rhenmatism Chamber every one iii America IS it. If the tealistory, inspira- Ind., has been troubled with" that tion and condiHons of this insur- figg A i a ?nflnArifAS. local I wnnlfl relieTfl - me until I used xiwuu, Huu. wy,--- 1 v r-f. t;. -rjm n ... i;v UUiUU-OiiUUl H JTIUU "MUlt MUKiM UAB me. My foot was swouen; mtichl2aW4one &v Ckj. Line OF f: .: , made reared from childhood by ana external, now enco . ,:... ' - f . ' a.-.00 mU T.nH 2-Lf '.liliiliL I flrl fT T1H.I II I II E them and i5bfttttmeA;trf ;!7r:?r PmwrBs&r reliered tradot-ugM him hy Mr.' Wagoxe fe oner. Hide it a merry Christmas Miss Sallie Miller at Mr W R Odell's conceived 'and executed a peoples and their relations to rJJrnggjg-. : this great east, could be under stood at home, we would hear-no more talk of unjust 'shooting of I government into the Filipinos, . - - - . l or of hauling down our nag m ITf.tfh pinceMeats . nB -v . c ra C-.. . r rK- AT . '-1 J. I We Say r Do vou hear tho5e "Weddine: Bells. V They be ringing loud and clert ; Evidently calling' you to the Ftirrtitu re Store of Cuttng Affray in Long Creek. There was t a serio us cutting affrav in Lone Creek Monday. Udell's conceived vma execuxu a w , wu Wh!t WUi """" v.niUfiA nf en1ov4 Joe DeBerry, a half witted white phili jf the so-called ing an ideal Christmas. man, and a man by nai She made known her plangan 5 .JWflS W af Certain the truth' on the ground . . .r!- fir.nltv. DeBerrV. it IS SWtiO,, , ,w :cfcnt ; An.Arica.4heV. was generously aigea oy,iH"-1 "V . x 1 i Vxv i,;A.IttUU " i beroftheli&mde-ito . . . . ..1 i i Put draw his knife and cut f.'.,j;imnM'liiimrHa rrs.-rfii-.--w trw P"? "77 : "-'-7771. . . . m I V Tr W n UlVIIli 1 .MJLw3Ci . LTJkM. mmr theline of dry goods, notions ana .. - r J - I PaWc ciiIa. i While the wo WW w -"-- 1 . . . . .... ;.tr " wv"w a 1 so our customers say inav Keep wvrjr miiig u 77 homA RiVnday afternoon. - Inous. ; . : - 7 ' i ; : fcitions here. ? If I n,shot m 4 w i;ita vnn in fad: wlove vou: and the larger your Ml vthe- bet There-was joy in thatr each received some useful Borne pleasing article along wW thfiy maie oresent a sijecialty4 VnseM as well as ornamental ?ash "eight inches long in ie- f. 45- statements f r. tbjt snitS everybody: r Dome and see.' Xmas will soon Berry!s side. 1 WhUe e wpwd FBelier If you want a present for Father, Mother, Brother, or 1 ar . . . i j r w i r 1 . k k - rn-. r - - - . - r w -. 25 cents to snend as each- oneiewsrJ chose: It was not only wislilng j jL jioe Bites Two ot His Hogi but making " a merry . Chrtmas for donees and donors. ivliW XGray,- ho. s lives- a few miles west of here, , had . the idisfdrturie to' have two of his bn?R bitten one day laslwek ty adog hich is thought to nave W". Eddleman.To Make a Change. : Mr. and Mrs. Jno. L Eddie- man, of Enoree. S; C, are visit- had, hydrophobia. One of : his ing at Mr. T C Strieker's. Mr. h - -agv exceptionally fine Eddleman has given up his posi- He did not kill them, ti as suoerintendent of the A is waitinsr to see cotton mill at Enoree to accept a wlia1 wiii' be the result.; similar position at JJamourg, o. . C He will take charge of his a Dinner to the Brown amines. -: now position at once. On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. BA : Brown served a most sumptuous "-hired to Kershaw. . . - ' " e?ant dinner to the Brown . 1 " o ..... Mr Avery Hartseil, who for others and their families several months has been here" at his mother, and who has been Viiry sick for a. long while," has returned to Kershaw where he hopes to resume his work soon. His brother. Earl Hartseil, ac companied him and will have a position1 there. . ' The saloon men closed their pi-ces of business yesterday and iis helped materially to the Proper observance of the day,. 1 c ."' r Salisbury Sun of 26th. 1 also to Misses Mamie Ury and SadieBencini and Mr. JK bmith. At the table thirty Browns were seated. ':- ' His Father Dead. RpcristPir of Deeds Johnston returned home Tuesday night . "Roarintr River in Wilkes nmtv where he was called a week ago by. the illness of his father. His latner uieix : v Sunday-night. He was nearly 81 years old. " tions- ' confirmed- ?5by captured prisoners, thOtt ttHe continuance ol ngnwng is "uu-oiij w -. ports that are sent, out from America." v : ' --ix The speaker continuing . saicP: Who can question the honestyj K of opinion voiceu uu-v nnblA soldier whom all the na tion mourns? Without political ambition, and with no; object or purpose beyond that of faithfully serving his couni .?t out the blunt, sincere ieenng Ibat welled up from his Dig heart and are confirmed by inti mate acquaintence with the iacxs he unselfishly discusses. . ,,TTTfiL -MmnflTiHinP' consia.- V YY ULi iuc -x-x" o - . . ka ntimi bv Congress of the Phil- K VJJ.---- - ,1;,, I ippine question it is well maij i- .... 1 l . Vi r there should be a ciearmg ui atmosphere and unprejudicea .AI B.. Lovw, Mo., Ag. 12. Though only l W I ffrrcd fTrS' nalns and female troublea twa years. Last spring I got o bad I had to quit wort:. - I bd to auppor. m - elf, and could not af-Crd a fcfgc priced'doctor. I got one bottle ouie o Cardul and that made me feel better. Knje now need eeveral bottlea and am Mv mother nsed the Wine for Change ol xiie and a-fcs greatly relieved. MI8S MARGARET WLSE. Volcano Eruptions Are rrand bnt Skin Eruptions rob lifAof ioy Bncklen's Arnica Slave, K tiem also Old, Banning and S So?es, Ulcers Boils, Felons Warts Cuts, Bruises, Burns, ffl- O&ed Hds.. ChilUain. Best IMle curX on earth; driyes out Pains Brxzl : rkw oftota. a box. Cure SSSS3L SoldVFetzeVs Drug store. J Marry etrb and women find it necessary to earn their.own Hyins fa variouSo Employment. Their work is often so hard and confin mg that tS lth bfeais down. Tbc?rpcat2 llT1 fnr tiresome tasks. Weakness nearly alwavs rr.a.S its ace-jrance in tne vSw womanly organs, dbnstant standing on the teet, Sngd going at the beckof a .upenntenden t or foreman, vn ' dceffallml of the womb, leuc rhcea, headache and backacne. The pay oomSrkers is often - notoi--usly sn;all that when sickness m?h7y have no money t ig skul rhysic ans. JomSVme ? m-s tm of their ills at a smaU UDIIS' ABYl08T BlPARTMtST. 1 ; 4 th;vm act as their own nhvsicians. No doctor can do as much for " female troubles" as Wine of Cardui. dlrectiona. address, gpton. Druggists sail Large Bottle for 31.00. l i r r ca ej r . .

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