Arrival of: Trains t 3 following chancre of schedule took , Mr Peyton Guffev Im I ct Dec. 11.1890, turned to his work n.t. nZ",,L NORTHBOUND. fto. 8 arrives at 5 52 a m, vq u i 10 26 am, " 12 44 7-1 8 p m, (- " 38 " " 8.51 d m.-'fflftff. . . .-"- . 6a " " 2.00 a m (lieitu t) SOUTHBOUND.; - .'No. 37 arrives at 8.49 a mlfflag) ' 11 44 44 11 25 a m, r ' " 7 14 "8.51pm,; - CHRISTMAS TIMES. after being sick for a Recepilons During the Holidays- -BlNG Ko. . 38 or fi av. t and; cream. Mt. Pleasant,' Dec. 20.-M1w 4U in iiiiu i . i -nrv t. i - lor Sunda)tSam Pea Evans, of jSouth Carolina, Christmas Visitors, Written for The Standard; Riviera Dairy Co.. Messrs. C i D Cobb - aid Joe I Phipps," -of; MeLeansvill i spending a few A isflaggedif.nsatyfOT'tlutillaaV' 3 nituro factory. and south of c harktts, f and is stopped-f or Aumber Jbusifiess K of " Green' & nftflsfiTifmrs arriving frnm T.irnKK. 1Tl5., 1 jK-mn? . viVr passen-ers for Salisbury.. ffiffh Pnint da?. ni?hV The loss is estimated Greensboro, ABedsrville, Da'n?illand atJ 9 UYH WithlOQ insurance principal stations lteea Danvillaaidhi , J h:. t $ . Washington.,. No. 37 stops for naa-l VrOOdS 'advertized bv4? Gannnn sengersc6faihf6m - Lyfichbiif gb KStzeriGoiu' have .nTn, irti '2; 000 tOjver- off passeneers frOmresrtiMr1 slTnlCOatsHlQO sMeni3 Ovftmnn,t-5nn places suta of Nbwells aiiattaorl j dozext:apsi r.AlL radvf 6rasale passenrs-io yWbiS tB Vi?retyery DivisionOharlotttbxlAiista Sfea Jflp3 . Witik .ihexrnew other points in South Carolina; Georgia pastor, lljev R M'Hoyle. Ife is and connect at BaUsburTariUt-irelaiolPDften. On&Of the finest -ever TTT T rt . -" " I. n.ii r preacnea i W. N. Ccmtsioxu.. ' '"f i' ' it." r iff at pulmt. He preached with fiW&ttand effect. FOUNDED. . gS JTdWSSi Mr. Will. Johnston', of Burdette, Mr. and Mrs. WiU Foil and little son are the guests of Mr. IS J Foil. ' Mrs. : Jerome, of Gebrgeville, and Miss , Grace Barringerr of piey eland,, arei visiting' at Dr. P A Barrier's. , ; , . : .. T . . ..- " Messrs. "jack ' Moose ' and larry Foil are visiting' in Albe marle. .,; ' , .s , Miss Grace Heiligy of!" Albe marle, is visiting Misses Blanche and- Emma McAllister . , ; "K 7 r L.A good number, of our young peppile . attended the Xmas exer- -.atj her .iormer home in .QrQye. Mfeac6,:ll ission Has your - "Ar M Intoxicated Man Has His Hay at r sister been longmgFSaix mas? one of those celebrated, I Broughi Against Him. a-- sweet-toned- SSTiBFJi - teraoonawwhite We'll' nbt burabn - y6ur ;t)urself au vy-r. Wm rifVi n. Kio- tm-i'a o-i r-rvn -wj-rr I intoxicated, raised nuitA a dis place1 Catalogue an4 boo&,of sugges- wav- . u -u lions ch'eerfully-iven. IT afda fhn tut Offopf Plan Manufacturer, J snoj';gun and nred it, some of tne u.u. uuuh.. Wisw.imore aa. feh(ffc strikin:ilife:deHirBirlWaQTt IdOTJ JjrdllUll. WiUWOailll-:oiwJ b&Uie Gannou & .Fetzer Ob. Be- AJ .ft 1 ?".' A 1 C. H. WilmblM Mffri iJ S? Deln jproxujareQ ana TELEPHONE w a r ' This conduct' came" to -the ears ' ' T" of .the ofticers: andiChiefv Harris Dr. EM Gfrinin, pf Winston, ;is had' an. experience; strange to a i . tr t" .. I t visiting. at Mr., m jl, Moore's. number, .of . .officers.. The man Miss Ola Hamilton,;, who' has attempted to hide' from the officer is at home. H I - f H l iouse, lyhigllatly down jbetween Penick Query,v whq - has beett Uhejmsts.r, v t". sick for about. a week, is gradu- : : Chief Harris endangered him ally improving. , vv self bv foliowink the fellow . into Black': Diagonal ?Mackintoti .thed nevertheless purypent a few dayshere last V ' " - . J.-i- - UHi . Msseune: Has been auite sick" for the" -riast i ' ... ,a few days tor the S1 nVi&tibhs5 aic 6uV;f6r Jw6 ireceUoT iMm young ladies ;of j the t seminary- 9 wmi d,pne, Friday, tto 29tlwv.. Tapioka ' is i th t pass Messrs.i Tom j ChrowellJ and to this t section. They- report good luck Btasonie Notice! f i u- i i j . "lnere - wm oe . , a , regular - communication, St. John's y x Day; of Stokes Lodge No 2 Ar F and A : M;tqnight ;atf:8 o'clock., R H Griffin, 7Sec?0 fill August Flowers i: i in AAt "i .rii-.4 3r hi . --iA"4 r-A . x.i' j i Jess e. Hamiltonr arrived here nothing but careiUlly -leit: aoput Tuesday night to spend a day him. . - He laid his hands on .the with his relatives. :L.. i V .klinw -anfi li rW- to some Mr andnMrs Roy Thayer," of Questions asked-'quicklyhrew a McCall,S. 0., are visiting At. Mr pistol'ihtxjr therf ellow's face. This J H Thayer's in Mt. Pleasant. ' Txrft&':iWrtiiVh-aV!aA.fftlldw came - ...... ( t FOUND Fouribladed4mife iii 1 dowThUika a man. : , front of the Cannon & Fetzef Co. He . was arraigned-; before jxe. uau o.u waio vixic. vT jviayor Means ana ineunor tue Rev, W J Boger and. wife, of three .offences.; A; fine of five Mt. Holly; arrived here Tuesday dollars for each offence was lm night on their, way to , Mt.Pleas- TiOSAa; unoir him. He failed to ant to visit their relatives t ralVfe . i cW. MissvMaofei Tomlinsoii: and to 1 ail: ' - MissMorehead-.of Durhamj: will X-l ; ' " x arrive Thursday night tovvisit 1 ere;veethearts for 33 Years. ivjkissiiannie uannon.v ... v;: Miss Agnes Howie Has- re-1 rh tinUai rihur of rain, about turned V-Mrs. N. JSlYorke's r&5vtt!Ls Jil rz rafter v spending r Christmas in i ociock m s- J ' harlole. - - Blackwelder andwife, of Rowan county, arrived here to spend BUYT YOUR - Mis:c6upleuwas: recently mar-: nIt is a surprising - fact," says Prbf. Houston, fthat my travels, in all parts of the world, for the last ten years, I' have mpt more" people .haying; used r.Greena August J?lower than any other remedy. for dyspepsia, deranged liver ana Btom- ache. and for constipation. : I find .for . . - . .... tourists .and salesmen, or, ior . -persons filling bm6e" positions; where headaches and eeneral bad leelings from lrrigular habits exist," that Green's August Flow- ens'-a grand remedy, ? it does noi in jure the system by frequent! use and is. excellent for 'sour stomachs.! and jindi-. gestion Sample bottles free at Fetzer's drug store. -oid Dy aeaiers in an ciyu- Will make tho whole family giad oa'.Xuaas day. 1 ' 'J!J jiuUujl1. 1 U I 11 I ( -II 1 I'll IJT - WJ II It 1 W1 vyUU JUSl: t way a. cold la Uibuli over the membrane and la aba&tfU fitenaf ialxtP n6t 0(100 sneexlst.?je-Sis6 eentt'&t bri.:; tr rr S Silk:Mittens-T I H 1 50c.fand 75c. v ' 10c, 15c. and 25c. Wool Mittens for ..children 10c. and 15c. 1 at 4" We- are - prepared to give ;thet people this winter better bargains "than usual in all Heavy aftdrFaecy -. 1 Orocerne JV -- - At wholesale and retail. It. will pay you to see our Large Stock m l ml Silk,Hosei!! ? 15tcl25Q:iand 50c. A Shoes $fQTt Ladies Vand Children. Hosiery for all; both r;great and-smalu BkbCcMbs;1 P6m padour and Side COltS. zed countries.- - ' XM A-HmBMlas fron 50c. to 12.59. ''4 . Si' Gib'sont&iMolrrison. - . :7V' T ror oaie A nicetissortment of Christ-J JL CXJLA Vy UiJ. Boxes. 4 E. McNish. PHTO KB'.'. .'. . . . ...... 104 -',sQlasswaret" Crockeiry9 -: L before buying.5-For Clover Seed- ' Seed. Rye, and RbckSalt go to G Wi Patterson's. ; Winter is Coming:. I; JJALKEjYj HAVE ; OU: ; HTHREE GARS . 05 1' -1 Afl have tenmdre .car loads bn the way. .. jLi.itj iime.iur.yQu ip lay xu a puppi.ior tlie4,wmr,:wn,t on hand the best lof antracito coal.i West Depot St. at 'Store.-fcPhone 08. Mi': L'rBROWN-'&vBiioi- IVERY;: EBtf ATO SXLEt ? STAPLES.-: V . if . - -... " . Christmas promthb;; Concord Bakery. Joe FIsIer,y Proprietor. Blackwelder in-Rqwa-caun.j ThBibriaeisxadiiiecerr of a Mrs,J Iia Wallace- hda' cousixno M1 Jas.1' K Brownr 4 Tey ; re- turned to.owan Tuesday. tADIES ; AND GENTS. PURSES, . s . --! .'i ' ' a - --'11 - " i ' 1 " - maae ot I alligator, iSKinv . and morocco, both m 1 . tan and black. ; , . Come and look at, our line of 5 w w w I - -..i. t -.Li.e--i TWpt" SM uooosour ime is oeaumui,; TTj-vlilo tt- on1 T-TrJal TrocoTifc -Ctro' JT B--..-.-. .4-.rv -k. iri tis - I . " - ie Hie .p6:'-Plg-8e do .iu( ; i Tn ra rairnr i r a - z-t. . nil iimik ijiki i s Cl& HparfflHhf -' but wedjthafetfas generally, ana Knowing liio prup jtr-aui irff slCQiJNBSgin quali ltkiddej; WhQ stj.0ng point! in our stock.-; o-l-ivci ,t.!.w', r-. ;0. ABSOLUTELY CURE. reizer & i-iug vjiu.c, r Just hiTear of fit. Cloud'Hbtelx . Omnibuses- 'meet aU Jpassehger . trains, jyutntsroi all kinds, fur able prices. -1: Horses ; and ? mules : always oil hand- for sale. Breed- fsQf .thoroughbred Poland XlOgS. K . :, .; .."i ., .M.-.'.' La TuTT fill -i- 7 ..!t 1' lllll.lll II ' Offertf the biiiiness T)nbli6 a reliable, per- m4nejitc?n3emtiYe.anci accommoaat- ing banian lnstauon. y e'solicit Var tonaga with tho kgsuriwice of i'onbfable' jtreatment "and to0 $Rprjxt0a6f ynVpMronaf?i tiilf wd ean'serye yort any. time we will ' be glidto'haye ydrat6me and $ed xuv( " LIBEKAIi AQC0WIODATIONS3 TO OUSTOMBES. - : - - - tJPB, VojjTrazCS. Ohashier, J. IX: draw fpresidentr"1' v ; . f WANTEDrt-To ' buy!i 100,000 pounds 6f,; old cast-iron scrap, de tivered at ihe;;foandry at once, for which wa ..Tiill pay a fair price. No BumUrbn panted. 16t. Concord Fodmdbt Co. PHONE 122S

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