t:- i i I iti nrTl..M...'M.f in Not a Good Christmas. The Charlotte Observer says editorially: ' 'It is the universal comment that there was never witnessed in Charlotte such debauchery as characterized Christmas day, and it was a special grief to observe that this extended so far into the ranks of the young boys of the community. Numbers of them, not more than half way through their teens, exhibited themselves openly in various stages of in toxication, and for this cause, if no other, 5 Ch ristmas day, 1899, wiiriong remain a painful mem ory Fortunate Editors. The Durham Morning Herald is happy over "a very excellent The Week in Washington, From our Regular Oorrespandent. a 4 iqqq. One of is nappy over a very cax-, , - ' t . - office chair received" as a Christ- the wonders of the closing of the present. There's no more year is the weather experxm ;War Moyements Rather Quiet. There is more or less fighting on a small scale in the pinos but: little .: to indicate any special turn of affairs. :;li--:SouttixAi:wftCi Boers hofi tHe Engitshlatf l)ay :Gen T.-ll-'ll-. jAoliATTAi4'i. "fi.JY1c&Jt apf iirently" to 'avert-' ihe dnger .ot-tne rJoer affOTesiveness.'-w" mac fnroiinc. the luck of an editor kv the people of this region. XV VUVMii ' I A , fior, fV.of. f a lnusv calf. The mucrhnut theautumnand tnus far in the winter xne uiiui has been marked by mildness find n.n absence of snow or rain. No finer conditions could be n.W f Dr than those which have RhirK We lack words to express -lpd durinsr the entire our tnanKS dui; not wiw aow nannd of tins season to enjoy the treat. and in consequence the merchants ' of Washington have occasion to THE BEST PFORIPTION FOR . - P, ofi before in fAVArift bottle c! Grove's Taste- ttieir nisiory xur , a- Vqc Kodti -onHrier some Of the best country sausage for Christmas that he ever stucK a tooth into. It came from Mrs. TW A T.iTumrd of No. 6 town- leea Chill Tonic. Never fails to cure; surT3asses all hopes and oreaKS AUu w.i'-'-. I nil tftiArnc imitations? race w cenxs. iA taonoT back if it faila tocnre. Mr Roberts, of Utah, will get ... .; FatrioticResponse. the Christmas present that he The appeal for funds for the prbbably expected, if the report Lawton meets of the Taylor investigating' com- with already response, and the mittee is adopted . by the House. sum is now aoouD $i4,ouu. -, V The committee has determined Roberts', status as a pgst; ( ftnd-wiil applv the EdiinundsTaw and declare nim iegy iuwiiiwi.a. The Kind Tou Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over SO years, has borne the signature of ,and has Dcen maae unaer nis per sonal supervision since, its infancy. Allow no one to deceiTO you in this. ah rnntrfeits. Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trifle witn and endanger the health of Xofants and Children Experience against Experiment, j Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing SyropSi It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Horphine nor otlier Karcotie substance. Its ao is its iruarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It reheres Teethinff Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assmillates tho Fcd, igulates the Stomach and BowelTjivinff healthy and natural sleep. The Childrea Ptmaccaiho Hother'a Eriend. cenuinu: J&itid ;Ci(jiitur6 of c 3K . ofer aggiveness , I Batishi;- itvseems; vimust have l 'l ' ZX ZS J -- w tO-r xk ViC'A RtArf-M- - ' iTha first uilioaotww1 fa hoawe- House-6f Representatives. :, Gon- s TbT. V r : - jf J7?V?!J ' time tolake-anevv.star : : ttdin chUd subject .to that nAliliei:- the : & rA&. .mm " diSso it maybe ,takca as a sure sign of t?ary..tQ .the. generai-.-oeiiTPtt f , y -yj'x yfc - - - Vc-, .r, , sjsrai 8j Wt .. Foilo c6mmittee managed tp:it :; vi311. t ,.- y.- "- r!A-ff GhamralaiiD? 'Cough little stuhTi "withdutresprtingtq a . . .-T ..i" rr-i- SHpSp mmsSZ TheMYouHaYeilMysBouglit teStates, . ; . . , , g-iyM "sdWf - thousand:. Don't.letjtlManrfM '535S8icr WAayo yet to , Stich forbearanceon;:.th,e.part. : . . . in aUOO. Jr.Oi;. , VVer arbunand;gQ-tO gte. They g lcaniofjiHnglainsfin Trhichit 0f a Concessional committee is H wmw.hw wsiprtw must i-be inioC&iditn r? ' lias not igrorl .ffeeWaL-o other ,a nbwqiwi..yyiu4iH. ; 1 S-S preparation caii show sncli record in almost without precedent. . ,, L ? ff : ..,s r v3 11 -T..r -'?!' twenty-fire years' constant nse withont -- -m , ; ' I f,- .. . - - V " " "vg' feiinrey Tor sale by M L Marsh & f . ,f-M s, ' ' " ; ... . , - Lfn Jatftlv had ft wondfcrltUl l '.v. T7 ; ?w outhcrn at Ml fftmfiiAT with f?obd attalitica ol deliverance irom a ineuuiu uwuu xu . ChambWs Oongh Emedy, to know telling oi it he says: , VI wastakenwiUi ru you 111 rnere take pleasure in tvpnoia ieyer. iuh ra mw yMouiuuiiia. rpi Cx j a -.j .'lj I; wui no oe a in UvnKnlii fAVAr. that ran into tmeumonia reianne toir experience in the use of My lun es became hardened. I -was so a thatrsplehMi medicineland in telling weak I couldn't eyeir sit up m oea. lished as Information, and IS uweajenea awacjtt i pneumonia u na jjr. Jung s r1 f t KUrt t n rhanff wit nout nollci aTerted and of the cnildren it has saved gave great relief. 1 continued to subject to i cnange wiinoui noilCf fg.-i croup and whooping and now am well and strong, I to the nUDUC: - - ..TUmi irmn. tHStsA tnfidifime. rav tnn mnoh in its praise." I .il. ODELL SCHEDULE. TC1 T? TrKKflT .IIJTjY TliJU 16111. loaa. I umi.EUlCU.H I, uicmuiur nuu xaa roiuuft wean. j. . 1 -7- . JUiiX ixxj 10iawBQ thitWieai ibey hAYjreceiyedi from Nothing helped me. I expected to-soon TK1 nnAtni.&n rhniTlr is ftftM I ,."Vi rt.1a" it Vioa tit nTliArkf AntinTimntion. 'whflri I. heard Of ' a a a . . - B . . r -a. a -a- a r -u Bk I Aak a mm aj..a. .i aw. ri11 I u use it can't! This est and iniVVfifit fliirft in the world for all Throat and . lung trouble. Regular rfr ah rOa Afints and ftl. 00. Trial bottles free at Fetzer's Drug Store. : Every j bottle guaranteed. Arizona and New Mexico have j bobbed up again with petitions j for statehood. Of course neither of them is fit for it, but either has .'better qualifications. Jfchai some of 6i OVLT present . states, Nevada, for instance. Atlanta Journal. A Fowdcr IX1I1 Explbsiea BMnorea evarvlhmir in eierht: so .do I dr Mtio mineral pills, but both are mighty danceroua. uon i aynamiie me delicate machinery of your body with caiomei, crovon ou or aioev piiw. wucu Dr. Kings New Life Pills, which are ; gentle as summer breeze, do tne wore perfectly. Cures ntadacne ana contu Eiuon. uniy 250. a n txzers vmg tore. : ,: ' v- .. . Express; orries PnlhnanSleep- - Wfrr. ri Xe .Yorli: r and ,An : " - : i, Jvt Ivrfc 'nd Tampa, Fla.,:and . 5.52 A. M. No 8, daily, for Rich. r-ir.ru. satt Antfl &t Greensboro for Raleigh and Goldsboro; at - Goldflbczo nr Norfolk, at Danville for Washington -mid points -North, aV" Sidisbury for jtoiUerKnowUlejknd ..-poi-WcBt.1'' 7. 19 A: Mo. 83, tlie Kew Xoric and Florui ' :4ng Oarp r"nta- Y liorfolk to ewiotte. 8i4S ATli. MMbJ diWas irton and 86uthweiterift;liiDaitedfor ' Aflanfm RirmiYifrh&m. MkinrthiiL-MbnU iComery, Mobile and New Orleans, and il - points South and 8outhwest. Throacrh Fnllmah aleeoer New York: tol " lew Orleans and New York to Hemphis Dining car, vestibnled coach, between X7aahington and Atlanta. . . : ' 10.00 A. If.- No. 85. daily, for Wfih fcgton, Bichniond, Baleh and all - "points North. Carries Pullman drawing - Toosi buffet sleeper, New Orleans to "-I7cw York; Jacksonnlle to New ' Tori: Pullman tounst cars from Ban XTrenciseo via New Orleans and South ern Pacific Sundays and Wednesdays A. M. No. llf-dafly for Atlanta end all points South. Solid train, Rich mond to Atlanta. mw P. If. No 12. daily, for Bich- ; - nond. Asherille, Ohatanooga, Raleigh, jrotfolkand all points North. I 8C1 P. M. No. 7, daily, from -Bich- v raond, Washington, Goldsboro. ehajk Baleigh, Greensboro Knoxrille - and AsheTille to Charlotte- 0, 8: 51 P. M.No 88 daily, Washington Vend Southwestern limited, for Wash ington and all points Zforth. Throtigh K GO t 4 X4. ; h'V JUL .. .. t If you have anything t sell you can make it known throng The Standard. n&nm Acroncra off 131 J3JKE . ' ' , ; gkams, ?laids now is th6 time to suhscrie. T63 is published every day Sunday, ex Gepted) arid de (xi your door for only 10c perweefc or 85c- per month.'- prints honte aitd other hews thirf is inUrctoourrcars andtorTMhi ii gow better ice must have th$ pti& rename of the people. '- . . Til iteeting Qye ca trial when yea cake yotcr nes4 order f BUYEB8 OP I "a- -V . . -.-r -r Pullman car. MempnrK ew iorx; i - . New Orleans to New' York. Also carries I G8Ii6F3l MerCbdlSe connection at Greensboro with sleeper TJorf oik. t tt .. j-jo. 3. -ily, foi Atlanta 3S3S COUNTRY-PRODUCE WaRhintonto an Jj'rancis- co, via New Orleans Tuesday and Fn- o3p M.-N0. 34. daily, the New r, pinrida Express, carries Pull SSlm- STcfNew Four-lool Wood always Wanted. Best ?t --i- .1 rrhftvlnttfi to Richmond.. .Gar- xies sleepers Charlotte to Norfolk yia ' GsSftc?ions of regular through or .AMil trnl?!' ijxc1" - onhr to points where they stop according We inyite an inspection of all the goods 'to scneauie. 'TVio fVirAA iiTinAr r.laSRP ttf the 3 jftl"t SEISES United States Military Academy & have voted unanimously- to abolish hazing. If the cadets are sincere in this action it will have more effect for the surroression of hazing than could any number of -rrr 777 - orders from the faculty or acts of congress? Atlanta Journal. Job Work Outing . . ..- Cloths. 'Z. -' 5 " , Xfaxk ready when promised Q . DEALER IN If you want to buy any thing j you can call for it through - ...... . The Standard. m4m5.444' izT Notice to Tax-Payers. of all kind. . o . Price for same. .0. KVaTik S. Gannon. -Jr-ni j tt:o Proa nnd Genl. JM& B liiuru . ! washiniston. 0. m Trflffio Manfltrei. Jofln,u,v Winston, Do. . w a fiv v rt.Til. rPass. Acent. w AUV Washington D. O. Concord, NO. we 'manufacture . ill Ct van Daspnbery, Soncord N. c. NO CUKE. NO PA1 That is the way all dfusreista sell Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic for chills and Malaria. It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. Children ove it. Adults refer it to bitter, nan eatin& Topics Price. 50q. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. cure. 25c. Thecenuin has L. B. o. The tax books have been n each tablet ODen since the 1st of Sentember an1 ' xrnn nam nnf. nolan r r rso tt There is hone that some dav ti v T nW n cnH.ia -nnf the cigarette may be universally the - town by thelOth of January, condemned. Salisbury bun. .aw, u i am uungea .ro nay uuiv tux ui; once, i .vyui call on you at once JfoV the Vampunt of your tax and shall expect Vou to be ready, for! me. " P II not paid when I call, I will proceed to - collect same by law. This is plain talk, and it means basiness. " S; J. Ervin, City Tax Collector. Dec. 9, 99. o 40.4 ' Advertising, rates in The Standard J made i known on application. . COAL! My son has been troubled for years with chronic diarrhoea. Sometime ago I persuaded him to take" some of Chambererlain's Ooiio, Cholera and uiarrnoea iemeay. Alter usms two bottles of the 25-cent size he was cured. I giye this testimonial, hoDini? - somA one eimilarly afflicted may read it be benefited. Thomas 0 m "V at. some and T?r.na- Glencoe, O. For Jsaie by M L Mash & Co. Druggist. K. L. Craven Has 8Q0 tons jelico coe 200 TONS. H4ED COAL. ftlsoyirdna Split M-M Eye wel CoaL Best steal Mat hub pees. - Good Smith Coal. Call and get what vou want. - 'Phone i. - . . ryONDERFUI- are ffis res us WwHoocTs Sarsaparillaj and yet ue; re simple jinsL natural. Hood'? S ijarilla makes PURE BLOO-

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