Pkice: $4.00 per year. 1 BcetlioTen Club Meets at Sunder- A The land Hall- ffe skies were cloudy and there was a suspicion of snow in j the air, vui a guuuiy uumuor, u the Beethoven Club braved the weather and rode but to Sunder unA. The cordial welcome of giss Montgomery, me nearly meetings of her. corps of t teach ers; the cozy parlors and the presence of thirteen invited quests, assured at once a sue- pnccful m eeting . -The absence of the president, Mrs. M; H H Cald well, and of the secretary, Mrs. W R Harris, was the only dis- murajrinsr circumstance. But the first vice-president, Miss Lucy Lore, was equal to the emergency, and, : with Jthe as sistance of Miss Van Wagner quickly arranged a program of seven numbers, each an excel lent selection. She then becu pied the president's chair and conducted 4 the business - -of the club with grace and efficiency. The opening number, Edward Hoist's brilliant duet, "Sleigh K'.see' played in ; allegro ; by Ivlissos Lore and Van Wagner was an inspiring-beginning. The $';cc.' - number was filled by Mis. J P xVllison with a xaper c:: ; 'Beethoven in music and lit erature, with the pathetic inci v iiits of his closing days." The amount of information which Mrs. Allison condensed in this paper was well worth the inter est, with which it was heard. Beethoven's "Moonlight ' Son ata," a difficult composition, ren dered with the perfection of deli cate touch by Miss Lucy Lore, tts the third number. Miss Rose Harris, by request, filled the fourth number with Ethelbert Nevin's popular song, "The Rosary." I 1 rectidea of the science of music by reading., .the UCriticismof Henry T Fihck on John Bur roughs'. Writings on Music." John Burroughs himself would bo doubt have been edified, as was the club, by hearing this criticism. The sixth number was the lovely waltz , sbng P.f Eren H Bailey, "Fleeting Days," sung in faultless timeafldtpne, by Miss Ada Craven. Miss Van Wagner' crowned :'the enjoymeht of the program with , a double selection from Beethoven,- "So nata Quasi; ijna ; Fantasier and Opus, Number 3." i "; r ' ' As 1 lie " program was finished; the welcome which the club had received was doubled by the en trance of snowy trays heaped t1 onel food, fruit cake and Cx earn, followed by luscious fruits and nuts, "and to add ex hilaration to these dainties, cups of delicious hot coffee, irresisti bly tempting in pretty china. All ivas cyninvineTit and nnnrp - v - irsr nation of the generous hospi tality of the hostesses when the plock on the mantel gave warn ir? of the lateness of the hour. Ops were donned and the grateful -party faced the lowering -:ies again. How lovely Con cord looks from Sunderland out i!r'l with electricity, every fac 1'y and street located -with A1o nt. It appears a thriving: city Miss.Hervy r stood fifth on the bere business lags not, either I 1 " - vii- .-i?:.? y'- ',0:'-.-'! --..t-- v??ty r;"."'"'-: rvrV': CONCORD, Kegro Has An Accident at: Ilarrlst bnrff. One of the negroes employed on the work, tram.met- with atJ accident- at tfarrisburg todajj (Thursday). A rail, used at aJ switch, called a switch noint.4 accidentaUy f ell on his great toe, J vv.u& xi0 ciiuk -uu. OJL-,J.6. - i n' negro was brought here and the wound dressed temporarily until 3??Jd Shariottre iiwlll oe tafen off : - h Ha?e Commenced to Build the Bridge, Workmen are now at work down on Rocky River near the BlackvmUl-:preparing- to place. Ill . 'v til-. lAw ,---"fcr ' -'. tuo new iron Driage across. Tnis is the place where the large iron bridge was washed away by the, heavy .rains. The old bridge has been taken outr-bf the "river and placed on the banks j The new bridge will be considerably higher than was the other, and it is 4not probable that the county will ever have to meet an ex pense account for a bridge at that place sobn. Tall !ng of the Aberdeen Koad. r ; On Wednesday and Wednesday night Messrs. II A Brown, Mor rison Caldwell, Jno. C Wads- worth, of this place, and Mr. A C Wilcox, of Philadelphia, were holding a caucus in regard to the Moore county and Western rai road which these persons claim willl be here of thee ys; This was not a regular meeting day but avtinia tO; J:alk over, the matter. Everything is in good snape ana tney nopeto commence worlc some, of these; "Jays soon; OldMrtntz bead. :3r If Mrs. Frearick lJntz, one of the oldest women of our county, is dead. She was a German by birth and has .bjeifi this gpugty about 45 years.T She Uved Ik'No.' Untz, Mrs. Chas. Allison, and Oeid: Uttta; v ' ! Thfi Little Child-Dead. On Wednesday 'nfgtft thedittla ue .fi-ft died: rvTh7e little filfil SUfi o.tirfllir fi-om its hnmsand death roo o tias Paiail)l Per CenU t The Concord.'" National . Batik T&1 arod a toiiir"' "heH ctentf Mini- w v :,rl rs rnac!ci4r-1xT-A. 2fitli. This -was Uividend" JN o. 23, and aggregates .100 per cjpnt: to its sharo-holdors' since its or- ganization. . ; : Mr. Norman Conrad, of Lex ington, an ived here . this mornf ing. day or mgnt. a dtl -iiu T ' r. . a .!'! i A X i through the wintry twilighu brought every member to .he 4 tqwnship . and r leayes. ,elund ! own nresiae, inuuniui muocu.,, vu, , ---- have enjoyed the hospitality Sunderland and another profit - able and pleasant meeting c Beethoven Club. - A. Chambererl uing tv, bbtt1csof thaJ T cive th!: hoping some one f "n :"' - RnvAr. Glencoe. O. XlAvnn ia rt? l II I". ? Ou , , -f r . . .- . a daittai Mill PYT1ninn FiherBua0aed hm to. take jorre. of ! drj.stio mineral ?1Ils, j Co. Prnggist. " " 4 1, i v. . -" i mmmmmm C.- TnijESDAY, DECiIBEr'28, 1899." Albright- Widenhouse fiarriag. father iMrin-w: Widenhouse; ?a beautiful TOirriacerenV was ; ,,Mr. W T. Albright, principal Pithebeorgeviilo High School and .Miss . .Lfeib ' Widenhooso, manager .of 4he music denart- ' y ..a-....v . -'ttr".. "cwi ment,pf the same,, wof o tho con- MUg pariies. ::i ,t. . : r . . the rooms of a woman who at freemony, which wasat; that time :ieu giyeIet nqonx.they with t attendants Hauie. ' Th soniiie vs in; retired to thedining-room , nd sured -for i&in ihet e partook of the nice things set be- York Liomna'idGn 4pre them whpreraU seemed joy- M and;happy;.. . t. Prof. , and ;Mrs. , Albright ex-" pect totjnakeGeorgeville their future home. ; - r : She Entertains TomorroTr Sight. ?;Tomorrow'night' Mist Nannie Cannon ill ontertairt'n, niimr of-invited friends at her.home i - n i: . , i . . , , nor. visiting iaaiesv Misses?- 'romiinsonu ana Moreheadr and Mr. and Mrs:- sia.u-p t Tn "r A w ents were notified and on August! XErvin and Mr.;and .Mrs. Ghas. ;-Vt'---iii-----'"'. & h ..i g, 1 To A-lcnd School iat Meharie; ; Four more youngr men from this place will J attend school' at the Bingham School this ; year unless" their plans are hot carried pui;; Thos'e. who intend to go are Joe - Hill, Karl johhson, Rich- mond Reed and Jno. Alexander. Goes Back to GeorgeYille, Mr. , Will Widenhouse, who qnly a short while ago moved to, this place, from Georgeville, has , tf 1 V till -T1TJ HIS UOS1L1U11 WiUlX J-L jj Parks Go. to.return to George ville where he is interested in the store of Widenhouse & Barrier. Six Per CentDiyidend, Starrus Saving Bankdfe clared a semi-annual dividend of sixper-cent on Wednesday the 7thiiiaffi: ; A Judge of the Old School. A3udge omhdrdchbol 1s nay- believe what the counsel for the I 11 1.1 J iUnn -rT-y-- counsel -nas Wiu vyu, , tneu:. jmu defendant. . Butf; you: are like hief afad:i don't believe what either of thenr has said, then I dtfn't know;what you will do." Household Words. - - ' You would scarce believe it, ' ' ! said :the coquette of uncertain j ibt wheh I was a giddy i Q girl i was positively Ugiy: " ! ; S , 'how somfe women ...mao to. preserve their "outhful attractions so well." ! delicate machinery of.yonr : body with vroel, t Dr. Kings New Life Pills, which ere - - . Cnres headache and contti IML Dili Vlil 1 (WW. - 3 saidto aye once : summed upx a uhe cpuntry. defeated h vfertf comDUcatea icase1tinw .iAiiT.AStvV isj jElwms!teijnS :S;v .wrii -..;r-, '-7- e5tl.tir ."&lUjwi-t;':ti: inasiai-bassaeei, 1 nmiTl UIll - n'AUM 3A. II 1. -II V I J Li 1 7 . ' I UW w 1 " Tt!r 1 pfiffiluTnaS" told- ypu,' 1 Jur vmia vnll be f dir- the-plstlntiit; butif f onthe other .hand, you The liodiesmecUci 1 Store. A Case of the Bead Alire. an insurance policy on the life ol man supposed ,to be deaii,' but ra"al"u r.vPm !w )f "v- i t,.. 'i -u 1 that his son wn.s dpnrl fmm 5W. haling gas ith Suicdai" infeSt, nyas procured purporting ' to rprbye lihat tha :dead man'wak none otHerlhaD Aaron Wolohni he'lnsura innhiin mirit f s fiwTl 5 Angeles, " Cal., " but the money could belnbr tothe young .Joa?J1Si latner,.,. Aaron .w;as re. ve. J Chicasro. Th e discovery was . n - , n A t. - , 7, .m.,.., . of St. Xiouis, wired to the head- quarters of the New York " Xii:re Insurance CpmpanyV""' once made a demand on the pubr lie administrator for $10,600, ihe amount of the insurance on Wolf f sohn's life, which:is still held by him. - ; : y r vr - "NO CUBE, NO PAT , That ia the' way all druggists sell Grove'fl Tasteless Chill Tonio for chills and Malaria. II is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless forin. ChHdren 0yo it. - AdiHs refer it tp biVr, nr.u- couiAVi. Pricer. 50a. .. Still Driving the Filipinos. A Manila dispatch of Wednes artillery, attacked - a force of 9 - - about 1,000 Filipinos well in trenched among the mountains. He routed them without any fatal casualties, but the ruggedness of is,purpose .To ; accommodate those who aB ptidripSfie ;SsS atomi- o tne rrhal troubles, the proprietors prepare Ely's Liquid Cream Balm. Price including the sprayinglubeis75, ceiitsl A3)ruggist jor ibynail: aration. Cream Balm is quickly absorbed:hy the - memBraner and does not dry up tne secretions. .but changes. them to a. natural Brothers, 56 arrenJ,St.;-.N; Y. day evening says Col. Lockett thlafor 6f,Wintoif say Do vou hear those "Wedding Bells. M They bfe ringing loud and clear, . Evidently calling you to the Furniture;Store; of Bel, Harris & Co. where they make present a specialty"-usef ui as yrell as ornamcjn tal at prices that suits everybody. Come and-see. Xmas will scon be here. If you want a present for Father, Mother, Brother, or Sister, or some other body's brother or sister, yre are the people, so our customers say that keep everything at prices' way dom. like you in fad; we love you; and the larger your bill ;the bet ter we love you. Increase our love won'tjyou, Residence lphbne;r.90; J Store 'Phone..- Single copy 5 cents. PERSONALS. D J Bbstian went to Al bemarle this morning. . v ,. r-Mrs. R S Youhfir; went over to Oharlottie. ts morning. r:Cpp spending waay as ins iatner;s at Mt. Fleas- --Misses; Irma Kimmons and Bpse Willef 6rd Went to Moors vUle yesterday. ' Miss Ella Barnhardt, of Pioneer Mills, is' visiting at ,Mr. ECBarnhardt's. pTl -MfMii'tbnB of Salis bury, arrived here this morning to visit at Mr.- D F Cannon's. r. J. R Smith left, t . this morning after spending several days 'here with his sister. Mrs.. IM'.Li Brown. ; r v. ,?Archey Brown, George Montgom ery,-. and Xewis Brown went; r over to Charlotte this morning. N- v--" - - - " '. B Parish arrived here from Raleigh yesterday morn- ms- ..Mrs, Parish has boon here about a week. .-Mrs. Jno.. M Craven will re turn home Saturday night from Alabam a after spending .several months. - -Mr, .W B Eckert, of Aberdeen, arrived here this morning,- Mr. Eckert is one of the interested parties in the Moore County and Western railroad.. " - For?vJr Filtv Tears Mrs. i Winslow's Soothic byrup has been need for. over nliy jeai-s by "mil lions of mothers f- their children while teething, with perfect success It soothes thoj child, softens tLe ums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea; It will relieve the poor little sufferer immeJi atelv. Sold by druggists ia every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bot tle. Be ure and ask for ''Mrs. "WH slows Soothing Syrup," and take 1 o other kind CHILLS and fever is a bottle cf Grove's Taste less Oliill Tonio.' JS ever fails to enre; Then why experiment with worthless imitationh? Price 50 cents. Ycur money back if it fails to enre. A le line OF Home- '0 4 fl i J. Iii's, maae Bell, Harris & C i -It . .r

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