Antral of Trains, .Tn r Al t . ' - " " - . , i j.-i - i i xxiHxannor -ri v i Trim soul""leuuleTOOK sick for sevmS "as Peen NEW YORK MARKETS. No. (t so u It NORTHBOUND. 8 arrives at 5 52 a m " 10 26 a m, 12 u " 7-18 p m, 3 " 44 8.51pm, (flag) 84 " " 9.64 pm, ' 62 " " 2.00 a in (lreuu t) SOUTHBOUND. r 37 arrives at 8 49 a m, (flag) 11 " "1125 am, 7 " " 8.51 p m, 35 " 9.10 p'm, (flag) 33 7 33 a m, : - 61 " " 849 a m, (freight V i . - Mr, Chas. F, "R. t -.Tan M,te'few,rk teaching atarch 44 5avi vM -spending a few May.. May . July., COTTON High 40 ... 49 57 i31J. CHICAGO WHEAT. 69i 69 69f 69f. 69 69i 51 130J LOW 32 41 48 Closed 40 49' 57 1271 128 ;69f 69f Iso. 35. when running ahead 01 No. 7. 'u lue iuture make her home at is flagged if necessary for through travel Salisbury. -, where h fir h n cKo a south of-Charlotte,, and-is stopped for will K,lrtilz f ? e hlisband iriii ltu nr r -v 1 1 vx uixtj -Lousier passengers arriving from Lynchburg or nrUn ?ir "bevond. No. 30 stops regularly for con -mill: passengers for Salisbury, High Point, TJiqn W Greensboro. Keidsville. DanviM .rirl I - - IM O. 38 principal stations between Danville and pure 1 aerated milk nnrl pvqoty, VYashington. No. 37 stops for pas Now is the time to order orPi points oeyouu, auu 10 iase on pas sengers lor regular stopping , places south of Ne wells. , No. 38 stops to let " " uxjuxo 01 tier ere ! f?f Sunday. Prompt delivery. Dr. J p Gibson and daus-Htor Mrs. tfrank -Bobbins, returned r,eA Wede?clav W jrOlashnrn Myc tti . -. Avyuoms. will f!n-rnm?TV tvt a TDTmc. COTTON MARKET. Corrected by Cannon. & Fetzer Company. or 6 and order S???imi(1(llinSv- 7 45 juiutumg , 7 35 juo w miaaling . 6 95 Stains.......; - 6 85 PRODUCE MARKET." . Corrected by Swink & White. Bacon. 7 Sucrnr-p.m'Pirl Vmm'c 101 101 rv fnrrocnnnor,f " . ..... . -l2 "-'1 Nos. 33 and 34 Ston at fJonnnr fnr tn ,Va P.Viol u. : li; mcau aiuyt5 -w w w I -V VAAU 1 1(11 1 II lllliK I 1 W LI f A f LI Ww t.' TTH I j-t n . a assengers to or from theC.G.&A. . - . . ocj , xjwcia. 0 ivision Charlotte to Aususta and inaii practically the entire Butter r. 10 to 15 vaccinated, thickens.. i0 to 25 or Augusta. The county boards of health Nos. 7; 8, 11 and 12 are the lopal trains recentlv extended tho ordiniTipo " " ' ' and connect at Salisbury with trains of .t5ULi naeq. xne oramance Lard. W. Ni C. Division. of compulsory vaccination to Flour (N. C.) .1842 mclude Salisbury township. Meal. juu pawenis nave oeen added to li Riviera Dairy Co. places south of Newells and to take on We Situation at Salisbury. CoSfere or h3 DK p,aee8 - The Salisbu . a , r - .-II., Si-. '--1 ' 1 - I 9 TULCBJJa Stove FOUNDED. tne24 now at the pest house! during the past week. About! a third of this number, of whom five are white, will soon be dis missed. AU the cases have been ' of a mild nature. Oats, . ... Tallow.. 65 15 10 $2 00 65 50 07 Will makt the wholtj lauiily glad on Xuuas day. Savannah, Ga., scored four teen Christmas casualties, three of which are regarded as fatal. One of the number was a boy who loaded his gun too heavily and it burst with terrible force. Nasal GATAREIE3 In all its stages there enould be cleanliness. Ely's Cream Balm cleanses, sootnes and heals quickly. Cream Balm is placed Into the nostrils, spreads K Sing Their Own Praise. " Has your wife, daughter or sister been longing for a Piano ? A . of Q Wliv not, crWo r?Vir?e. I Collision at Salishury. mas?one of those celebrated, In some way No. 35, the south- We have not just kept tab, but "anda reliable, sweet-toned STIEFF bound fast mail, collided with an I we believe the Christmas casual- away a cold in the head PIANOS. - enerino on th vn.rrt n,t Raliahnrvlties of Texas foot up 37 so far as we il not burden your purse "Wednesdav night It came near heard from, mostly from rowdy- over the membrane and is absorbed. Belief is im- Wltn a big price, and We'll give , . . - , ,1, 4-"u t-j ' mediate and a cure follows. It Is not drying-floes you convenient terms in which bein a serious Jaccident, result- ism which the world calls a nec- not produce sneezing. Large size, so eents at Drag- l 41 rx in r nnt. on W in n 6SSarV incident to ChristmPS tfstsor byrnaU; Trud Size, 10 cents by mall. yoiiig. o j . lY BEOTSERS, 66 Warren Street New York. catalogue ana dook oi sugges- company, but to lives. The ten- timea iu wuuw uiwiebib, may nons cheertully given. Clias. M. Sneer. factory Branch f arerooi Cli'arlotte, Jf. C C. H. Wilmoth, Mgr. Fine tuning and repairing PALACE ORGANS: Piano Ulan nfactnrer. Baltimore lid. Mo. 213 N der of the standing engine was be asKea, are all tnese sacrilicesi' knocked down an embankment, But .when, in the manifest un the engine of 35 torn up, the foldings of progressive , civiliza- j j i j tion and nltimntA R-nrpnrl of XIX OU CvlXU Dt5CUUU. UJUibS UuiiO JJtJUltJU, I w "JL I the boards being thrown j some Christianity, some sacrifices in- VI I rvtripn t, to war pvati in thA moRt I uibittuce. - . i v' - I righteous cause r occurs, we-hearj.VA i IIDHii TELEPHONE NO. 71; Stole Away While Guard Slept. the discordant tones of outcry. Walter Cotten is the name of Civil and religious retrograde is a negro who killed a merchant, in the former, the oppositemay Mr. BF Withers and family UflriflS Wvatt,. in ' thp Ruhnrhs of bo reasonablv hoped for in-the have returned to Charlotte after xr wJiow ; f i i TT TP l . JTUl bOLUUUVU J-LO WaO IU UVUHKTOi. visiung mr. i u craven s. , , Ai hanged on Jan. 12th. At 5 miss penning, wno nas peen aclock on the 26th he broke jaU from 5c. to 75c. Gloves, Kids, Gen. Leonard Wood has earned 'Z,,l1fci.MatheS, haS while the death watch was with Ms-promotion to the rank of y him but asleep in a chair. He maJr-Se 01 Black Diagonal Mackintosh took the latter's overcoat and most meritorious character, and. Capo Coats for $1.00 at Cannon Cotton is said to'be a des- despite the kickers, he will Fetzer Co. "s. . , ..! i-n doubtless stay promoted ana peyew negro auu uiu. w .ui continue to be the right place. quiCKer xne Deitr. Matthew Skeen, who is em ployed in Charlotte, is visiting his parents at Mt. Pleasant. FOUND Four bladed knife in front of the Cannon & Fetzer Co. store. Call at this office. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kimball! Pinnacle Bock Falls. Cumberland Gap, Tenn., Dec. 26. The celebrated Pinnacle Rock which overhung Cum- was. a Cuba happens to be in the place. Los Angeles Times. . . : a 1 , A M A S We are prepared to give the people this winter, better bargains than usual in all kinds of Heavy and - Fancy '.Groceries At wholesale and retail.' It will pay you to see our Large Stock. ot .00, $1.25, and $1.50. Tinware, Wood ware, Silk Mittens Glassware, Crockery; 50c. and 75c. ' . . nats, etc. wx vvaiw . I , - , - -N-i ci j 10c 15c. and25c. petore ouying. 1? or plover oeea vv uui miiteiio iw cnuoren iuc. ana 10c. r kt nxx vji vy. traLiefbuii b. i5c, 25c. and 50c. Winter is C omuls:. Hoes tor i - ... .-.. Ladies and Children. Hosiery for all, both erreat and; small. Back ' Combs, Pom padour and Bide COM August Flowers "It is a BurDridnff fact." says Prof. I Houston, 'that my travels in all parts of the world, for the last ten years, I have mpt more DeoDle having used Green's! noted Angnst Flower than any otheiL remedy. HAND THREE CAES OB Jellico Coal And haye ten more car loads on the way It is time for yon to lay in a supply lor the winter, isn't it? I also haye on hand the best of antracite coal. XMAS Umbrellas fron r Kfln ! 59 RQ GibSOII & -MorriSOn. West Deoot St. k Store. rPhoneB8. vi . - I Virvt 1 on H I -j-n.T n.n n are moving irom unina urove , T VM 7.1 for dyspepsia, deranged Uver and stom- into the Leslie house on West natural spectaice, ieii irom il ache and for constipation: I find for Depot street.. lofty hkghttoday. The town was tonrists and. salesmen, or for persons r - - . ; 3.-1. 4.1, i fillinsr office positions, where headaches Jesse Hamilton returned to awakened as if by an earthquake, and general bad leelings from irrignlar Asheville Wednesday , .nteht as the immense mass, weighing 1'! after spending a day with his hundreds of tons came tumbling jure the system by frequent use and is parents. - down. The course of the rock excellent for sour stomachs anddi- L uuwu. v.wwxow 0ARHn', SamDle bottles free at Fetzer's Rev and Mrs. V R Sticklev, was from the town and no lives druff st0re. Sold by dealers in all civil- f. O.h vi ofm ncli,nTrrt "un -m-nrwnrl 1 oct, n.l f h on Ph 1 zed countries. at Elizabeth college with considerable property was de- tcev. ana Mrs. u 13 mng. stroyed. Goods advertized by Cannon Boys' Pants, 100 Boys' Over- endeared herself to the civilized coats, 100 Men's Overcoats, 200 world by her noble conduct in dozen Caps. All ready for sale, heaving a home of luxury and the charms of the elevated so- For Sale- M, L. Brown & Bro. LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLES. Just in rear of St. Cloud Hotel. fYmniTvneckO mciQ'f. oil rjeeonn,'ot One hundred loads trains. Outfits of all kinds fur- of cinders, nished promptly and at reason aoie prices, jtiorses ana muxes always on hand for sale. Breed ers of thoroughbred Poland China Hogs. . BA I H HK E. McNish. GOODS BUY YOUR Bread, Cakes, Pies, Rolls, Etc, FROM THE Concord Bakery. Joe Fisher, Proprietor. . PHONE 122 1 ciety which she adorns by going to the Transvaal in charge, of a hospital ship. Such women are a blessing to mankind Atlanta -r i . , ! journal. A nice assortment of Christ mas presents m Leather Goods Card Cases, Collar and Cuff Boxes. , In Christmas The southern negro is begin ning to learn that the milk of the Republican party's kindness to him has been badly watered. Atlanta Journal. Grin males one sic wearv and restless r . . Goods our line is beautiful, large and well assorted. For Holiday-andJBridal presents, we are the people. Please do us the favor to call and loo"k them over; we are proud to show them and you don't have to buy; but we find that folks generally do buy after seeing our goods Come and look at our line of jf gSSSlHiSS - .presents. and Lowest in price these are ttt Q OORRELIl the strong points in our stock. - the Jeweler. Fetzer's Drug Store. LADIES AND GENTS UKHiiia, made of alligator skm and morocco, both in " tan and black. I Concofd National M Offers the business public a reliable, per manent, conseryatiye and accommodat ing banking instution. -SWe solicit your patrcnaga with tho assurance of honorable treatment and due appreciation of your patronage. If we can serve you any time we will be glad to haye yon come and see us. LIBERAL ACOOMMODATIONS3 -m em n AITA flfifk Pnmtoi QTin TiTTmc - - - vj I D. B Uoltbane, Unasnier, J. M-Odell. President. WANTED To buy 100,000 pounds of old cast-iron scrap, de livered at the foundry at once, for which we will pay a fair price. No burnt iron wanted. al6tf" CONCORD Foundry Co. 1 Dr. Miles' Restorative rvine Dnngs iu

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