- " ; - " " . - ' -'V' ' ' J" I 1 "1 V '""'y'"'" ''";:'a " Price: $4,00 per year STILL MORE BUSINESS. x jffht Work to Commence Soon in the 5o. i Mill at Qdell's More .Houses to Be Built ror uie uperauve On account of the vast amount 0f business before them in fitting orders, Superintend the Odell mills, informs us that work "will soon commence at night in the, No. 4 mill. This vork will only be carding and spinning. . . 1 By running this department at night, it necessitates about 235 more hands. As there are now no vacant houses in, town: for these incoming people, the Udell company will soon begin the erection of twenty -four new houses. Most of- them will ba situated over toward the Buffalo mill. ' Two More Being Added to His List. Our townsman, Mr, II M Bar row, is getting to be somewhat of a property owner these days. In addition to his beautiful new residence on North Mam street and the other two on the Burrage property, he is now having two residences built on St. -Charles, street at Forest Hill. He pur- cliased the. Wilkinson. lot from Mr. W A Court Opens the 22nd. On Monday, the 22nd of Jan u?ry, Superior court will open with Judge Timberlake on the bench. There is a goodly num ber of cases on the criminal docket. One of the principal cases to be tried will be that of the negro, Duan, for shooting Mr. Dolph Mauney 3 near Gold Hill. 2Ioring4o King's Mountain. S M Gaskel, who for some time has been merchandising in the store-room next-door ttxSL X Ervin's grocery store, has moved his stock of- goods to . King's Mountain. The vacant room has been rented by Mr. V DSikes, who recently opened a nice gro cery business in one of the Li taker rooms. . The Bank Flooded. The National Bank floor has been undergoing a good, sqqux ing since some on lef t. the .water spigot open one nigHt, ' flooding "the entire floor with mora than an inch of water. It was de tected that night by the night watchman. " ' T 11 es rirp a Large Slice of Florida A Leesburg dispatch of - the 27th says: ' Ninety-four thousand acres land have been recently pur chased in Lake county, this ktatc, by the Dukes, of North Carolina. rrhr oman. n-n ' 1 rd UtmZe the timb6r' Plant lne land in tobacco and eventual- -j tun a railroad across the country to connect- with the .Florida East Coast Railroad. For fwr Fiitv Tears m nr. , . , . W P ?fV 8 bootninjr. ayrup has ; absorbed by the membrane and 'H-cn used for over fifty years by .mil- . uav j fncs 'hjns of mothers for their children does not dry up the secretions, ile teething, with perfect success.- It but changes them to a . natural !hW8iithe-childr B0fes lhe ::&n' ' and ; healthy . character.' Ely. ail pain, cures wind colic, -and is -do kck Watwii "Rt," N Y best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will. Brothers, 56 Warren bt., iN. x. ; - r ve the poor little sufferer immedi- i " . : ' . , 7. Sold by druggists in every part f . -Mr. and Mrs. Will Riden tle Z ?d' Twentv-five cents aot- hour returned to Kings Mountain T- sure and ask for "Mrs. Win- 77. .,,-o-pfT. tHciHtip riear ys Soothing Svruo." andltake no this. morning. after;, visiting near I . - . - - - " - ' " m " )i i i i . - ' - . . MAINE'S VICTIMS Laid to Rest at Arlington 'cemetery ne remains of the one hurx dred and fifty-one victims of the great Maine disaster were laid to their final-rest in Kl&gton cem etery on the 2&tfi wit fuil mili. tary honors. aPfe Sjgsbee, who command- e&i the :Maine;iwas "in mmSd iQIrthe military arrangements. i.- JLne Mainfi's rhQTlQ?n pated in the ceremonies, which were simple though devout. -Three voUeys bycan infantry .ouauiwu woro- nrea ancutaps were blown, when all withdrew President McKinley and cabi net officers, were present.- ' Several survivors : of severe injuries from that terrible trag edy were present. North Carolina Leads. ' Boston, Dec.: 27. The number of textile mills constructed or contemplated "in the United States for the last half of 1899, reviewed by the American Wool and C otton Reporter, is 183 against 116 for the first half,, of the year. This makes a total of 299 mills for the year, against 262 for 1899, and 155 for 1897. The south still leads in the new cotton mill construction, with a gain of 14 mills over the number for the first of the year. The create having aTvpi?!inTifc-fflir 1 'J - ;53 over the 25 reported the first six months in the year. North Carolina, as usual, leads ;the list, with- a total of 41. Georgia comes second, with a total of 21. Pennsylvania shows 19; South Carolina, 16; Alal?anav 16; Massachusetts, -13; -Sfew York, 9; Rhode Island, 9; Maine, Virginia, 6 each; Texas, 5; Con- Jersey, 3 each; Ohio, 3; Illinois, Maryland, Michjgan, NewHanip shire, New Mexico, North Dako ta and yrjpqonjacjiv Oil l, Fatal Wall0nr Trtl ' - fc. 1. earfulf Vjccurrejce - is note from Anderson, S. on tne 27th. A Mr. James J Jones and wifp and two children, to gether with a " brother-in-law of Mfl Jpiies were alt caught op railroad trestle. Mr. Jones with . - .... .. - v onexhiidr jumped m to tne swamp below as did the other man, and. ;the. other -child, fell through the. track, but Mrs. Jones was caught and killed, her body ' being awfully mangled. All the others were seriously hurt by the fall. To accommodate those . whp are rjartial to the use of atomi- zers in abplyinsr liquids into'the ! SePW'gOi Pksh' to Prevent ;E1ys Liquid Cream Balm. Price that fro solid. Next including the spraying tube is 75 ' week I suppose she'll make a cents. -Drnggists or by mail. ! mi 1 z J 1 4 4-t-- rvrl i I The liauid embodies the medici. nal properties of the solid prep- araxion. wtsam ajaaxix lo uivj l CON?ORDffl. C.r-FmDAYr DECEMBER :; tharacter in ihe Hat Show me how a man wears fiia d;X U you what man- uy OI man ne is.' Notice vour-r now he wears his headgearfall into the .hands- of- the and. ypu can mafceaf air estimate Boers and! thoti rTint. ft. Pfim. it-K cfPjoa for l -r I.- ? Q.a AU1 an aiter- T " j.u axxiun ut nuis or a ana waiKea Doiaiy and unchal JS .on the beacli,w lenged- through tHe stretsl es tanian wfiose hat seems to capink thel fe mtfti lH?? for; him, "and ww uuuuiuii uuuu 5 eads itwas designed to do, and never a tilt to 7the rit or left nor PxaftJ7 c ' i: ' ' r t. a methodical man and a P.?FAabi ?IHtltb axare en- WVtW1?? is.npt given. to- fligHts , of fancy: ffepys- t&einjunctionZ of -We, vVitrv pmiopn. aavisea' ajlmaiikind tokeep his feet upon , the groiand. : ' v His enemies never dreamedojL falling him, visionary, although tey. might be heard whispering Denmd their hands, "prosaic." The, man. whose, hat , habitually !- fits him is a, man of; accuracy and logic. i Men whose;hats are always too large' for them are of reflective, habits. They are careless of exr temple a,Tfl ' ivon tr . intmcnor.. tion. .They. are. philosophical and likely to fall into fits of pre- occupation. They. : are men of large ideas and broad views.: The are apt to ignore mere de- stone, whose hat brims always snowed a disposition to reach his 1 'r o in ... " Men whose hats are always too small for them are vain and finical. Of this type are the Broadway and admire them- selves, Narcissus-like, in shop windows. , - u-- -, The man whose hat is perfectly straight and nicely adjusted is a - ,. - - XT v PBff Wdrld A Pwdcr IIIJxplpsJon ; 6 if rBeinlctTes e.yeryilime;iii; sight; 40 d lira mineral puis, imi uuiu arts htt dSiff erofia.v - Don't! dynamite the d&ffiUf&sschimf of yotfr body 4 with calomel, croton oil or aloes pills, when Dr. Kings New Life Pills, which 2 1 e ioit; Only Ptore. 1 AO- The (Jenius of Woman. 'Speaking of women with say ing dispositions," said Smith, h'my wif s Sm a class all by her- Self.': MOW SOT" quienea niSj Woe "Tn.sfc wo.nk I bought an upright piano," re plied. Smith, 'and my wife made a beautiful green plush cover for it, so; the. polish wouldn't get scratched. Yesterday; she" made another cover of linen, to calico cover to protect the linen. Oh, I tell you, women have' great big fertile minds." My son has been troubled for years iwith chronic diarrhoea. ! Sometime; ago X persuaded him to take some, of Ohambererlaia's Coiicr Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. After using two bottles of the 25-cent size he was cured. I give this testimonial, hoping some one pimilarly afflicted may read it and Via hOTI flfifprl. Thomas 0,- Bower. (HencdeYO Forlsaie byM. D Mash & I fi"wo1?' DUUimLl "'"! , -r ":r 1 ind.. has been -trouniea witn mat JftJy, Cres headache and; ofiit m!WfflWffiVWffliji',t.hK"ttftVt' 1 V : . . T T7. 29; 1899. Chnrcill'i lisperience; c The escape of Winston Church ill ,frpmrtoria reads more like: romance - than raaiifxr . tt whflCtrei y iguan t ne crawiea, oyer a wall take detours' around tte guaitfs uu ui lut: r .Tiiiiii.. in uuriu j no boarded a train atfult sped in the nierht and hid undw? Vnai sacks, jumpfrgo running iust be&e 'oayl sr.edm pg Jpeeorts wire being "made '.tol recaptoe ' him" Till'lie got out 6t danger hewaS lean ana waK. ;f . .v , ; r ? It:ajpea the autfioritieshad about concluded to release him when he, escaped, He lias some costly glory from it.. it' tv- '' - British Soldiers Confident. The British soldiers under Gen. Buller are said to be chaf ing under their defeat. They have the utmost confidence in in their leader and will display a reckless determination to cross the Tegula river whenforwarded aain promises to.be a fear: fully dear victory itwon though, for. the Boer position is of-great natural strength fortified with - a R -. . ; modern, guns. The world will literally stand on tip toe to see the coming battle if Ladysmith is to be saved from capitulation. . Congressman Boutelle Insane. Congressman Bou telle., is in the McLean hospital at Waverly near Boston, being treated for I insanity. His condition is said to be very precarious, li' , " -17 ' All. members otCpncordge : N ightdSas ale reguetedL to meet in CastJe; ; Hall tonight-a1f 8 orclock: promptly. Work a tirdrraTafe r feivhite; U; G. As a cure for rheumatism Chamber Iain's Pain Balm is gaining a wide he says: neyer found anything that would relieVeV me until 864 3hamberlainrtf PaihBahn. -It'aots -like' magic with me. My foot was swollen ana paining -me-.Y,eryv- much, :DUt - one good apphcatidnof Pain-Balm? relieved ma. For sale by M It Marsh & Co. druggist. :-- :i::K: :vK7V.-r Grip msCke8 one sick, weary and restless. s eslRestotatiTre Nrviiic brags wsU, 5.1 We Say ! ; Do you hear those u Wedding Bells." They be ringing loud and clear, Evidently calling you to the 7J iJ Ui7i ; .:!. -";". , ' miture Store of Bell, Harris 8t Co. Fu whprp. t.hev make nresent a ST3ecialtv"-usef nl as well as orn&rr.cnt at prices that suits everybody, Come and see. Xmas : will soon be here.- If. you want a present for Father, Mother, Brother, or Sister, or some othet. body's brother or sister, we are the people, so our customers say that keep everything at prices way down. We like you in fad; we love you; and the larger your bill tho oetr ter we love you. Increase our love won'tfyou, ' Belt, Harris & Co. Single copy 5 cents. CAPTlIO HAIXIS. Burled With Military Honors at 'ew K.: -i : ,-, :i'V rr . -.... ebody oJ ,pt. Mausr Q Haliis who, died at Manila some &aS9:.wAs Piied at Kewnan, Ga., on the;28th with full - mili- taiihpp.prs which, were in ac -cofSance with the expressed de sire ; of Mrs.- Haliis. The body come bv way of San Francisco Ti -TI -,'!.. v. and the military squadron was brought from Fort Leavenworth! Hiss Mamie Goodman Ketnrns Home. : Miss Mamie Goodman, the young lady who was so unf or tun aje as .hayea. Jcpckle burr : lodge in her throat "has returned ; from Salisbury: to heir home in Nof p:lm is; thought to'Bave gbntr infp:Jth& , stomach as the physicians' were not1 aible to locate "it. -c She yet talks in a whisper Jaut has hopes of regaining her. voice. . - ? PERSONALS. G W Ould, of Lynchburg, arrived here last night. Bev. W W Bays, of Char lotte ij arrived here' this morning J Mrs.. Chas. Kimball arrived here from China Grove this morning. Rev. N I Bakke, of Char lotte, has been visiting at Mr. Rolfe's. ... Mr. 1 . Jt 5rown, oi.-oaiis bury, arrived here this morning to visit his sister, Mrs. D F Can non. Mr. McCree Anderson, who has charge of the ticket depart ment at the depot, has returned after spending several days . at Statesville. ..- r Mr and " Mrs. Brown Simp son passed through here today on their way to Mt. Pleasant to spend several days, after which they will return to New Orleans. A Nice Lii OF IHome-made "1 iiinceMeliisI - AT "' I Ei'i'inV Store 'Phone .. .. 12. .ill uerkind. Mt. Pleasant. Residence Phone. . . .90.

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