A SUBE CUBE FOB OBOUP. ?ure For Hoarseness. Twenty-Five Years' Constant Use WifK A gooa ana pleasant cure ior f-totiO and S'&M Bmm Ithrouh; do not iiqUors is decreeing disease it maybe taken &b a 6nr signer jWO.it fo burst. .While; still hot, jn this country is Women and Wine. ? Tlinf, tho infemiierate use of intoxicating among men frequently as- end, . and fill gerted and is sustained by a very Bemttfvieiyena8 ' ' comas uoarge, or eyenvwter'iuMennpii'-: v- " v. ' , I .due now me aiarinuig mvvlj flppeanij it will prevent the ' taekXarw itl-rO0t.r rm Furnace and r - , . . , . ,. iSsedmanvthonsanda 7df hoinS t : V " - that the abuse of alcoholic liquors in this broadband and neTer flisappointR - ; vf -; FEW is increasing among women is I advanced by some medical j our- i has not proved efiFectnal. No other . Mr. J E Lilly a prominent citizen of nlc fic AnflnrffATnPTit from reaC-SimiteWnatorOT preparation can show such a record ihf ;UannibaVMo., lately had a wonderful nals an4 tods endorsement lpm -.ijL.. . -r-. twenty:flyejvears' constant -use without J deliverance-from a frightful death. In some students of economic ques- a failure Co. U ' L, - i, i JLiy june Decame naraenea x was so i i - .It Will not be a burpnse to any wlio weak I conldnt eiren sit nn in bed. Pur great Cities. niSti '"nr wlt4erooiq,,fhtie 8 oi NnfiT helped xne. Iexpected to soon It is said that th ere. werd .more that people verywhete toke pleasure in I Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle hvomen on the streets.of Atlanta relating .heir exterierie in ' the nseof 1 nnA A I 1 :': . ' . - . i that splent 1 medicine:, and inIlinjr and how am well and strong, of the benefii hey have receivefpm gayttoo mnch in its praise it, of bad ,co a it hasf :, cured of ihafvellous medicine is the stu tnreatenedi attacfet Pjenmonw itfiw qaickM.cnre in the world for all had tHmmriWMm EZs&So. tWafSSK: tftejr experience, and in our: FA:bVM;iTMTom &eaDr? Store- ETery changes from 6tHercitiVsw6e XAUUXIU., , rtUOUUlltS U1--WOIllt II To.; MOTHERS. WEL ARE ASSfeRTIKG IN TOE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO Tm "PITOHEiyS; .9 ApIA,'? AS QUfe TRAPE' . WP- lHWi Byannis,: Massachusetts was. th originator., of- " PITCHER'S CASTORIA the sm!' that has borm and does now jrf - . e mtMmMthQMthersofJmenea JbrMerthJ -I Volcano Ifuptlon Haston Bank; Breaks, have been arrested for Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felon, and brokers, of that City, and nfi-uu. ... Corns, Warts, Outs; Bruiser, JBnrns. v. - v . that the increase of intemperance ; Scalds; L Chapped, HandC i C3hilblains4 pueoj the; largest concerns m flloi nU . Best Pile cuien earth; diputi hkfai " among .women m that city-is? and Aches. Only SSete' a boj.tCnre 'v. fV"T- "r - verv nntirA?i,hlA nnrl nrlJc ? eaarante.eaSoia.tert.Drnsre.l BjsST pBoBjpnoj, Foa ) exnlanatio of tW phenomenon is not difficult. As ..I.M:'BeI)vfl;', Do. not en&nger tjw:.fe of our child by accepting a-dieap . hstaxtdxt may 6ff you Chicago Journal. Glares . JS.,. the The Kuid: f ou Have Always Bought" Notice. CHILLS :r and fever is a bottieirf " Grove's Tflfitfl- KI . , . Bring all . your I second hand less Chill Tonic. Never fails to cure; llla nas "ecome more tense, more bags to the Feiiix Flour" Mills totionf? ic"161 ithxJor4leS8 strenuous for women, the need, and get 3 cents in cash or trade money back if it Jfails tocre Teal V or fancied, for stimulants for each. This is $30.00 per has come nnhn har ns it Hi nnn thousand. Don't let them lie "NO CUBE. NO PAX ; ' ; Won her as iJ? around and go to waste. They That is the waV all druggists sell m?n exceptional wo must be in good condition.', Grove Tasteless Chill Tonio for chills ffan today who. is. not in some tf G T CrowelK Pron. ffS?1!!1 ;.5 " simply Wand sense a business wompn. fnrVor, r. iuiuuie in a lasxeiess iorm. unildren I ; . , r y." ieatin& Tonics Price. 50c. o Tk,, muu - .li - Insist on Having The" End " li:-N:KiIed You. V9 CE"T COMPANY. Tf MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. outhern : SCHEDULE. N EFFECT JULY THE 16TH, 1899. This condenbea schedule is pubj lished as information, and is subject to change without notici to the' public : ' : : Trains leave uoncord N. C 5.52 A, H.-No 8, daily, for Rich mondj connects at Greensboro ' for ?a?2jh.a,1?il GoIlsl)oro'; at Goldsboro for Norfolk, at Dan vi Hp fnrWoci,;, and points North, at Salisbury for Asheyille, Js noxville and points West.- V .19Av-ir- 33. the New York aid i l.na hxpref; carries Pullman Sleeo-ln- OaTf -iv. . u New York and An. Norfolk to Oh;, I Jolt ti.1- Vl r - .JjT -8;4J A. Ai. No. B7 oi'Itt Ttr- faton: andb SouthweBternr limited:! AtlantarBtrimngTiamrMemphis;-Moiit.7 f n u:- T" -TT 55? e?, weans, and Sr5?&iiS?mi Southwest, rough PuUman fleeper New York to New Orleans an1 Nmr icrf ilT Dinm car, vestibnled coach, between Washington and Atlanta, t -f independence, heavier cares, and -I...... J... , . . " ' , j livelier intellectual life than ttS 0DELL now, Is the time to subscribe. 5 i M' K M4"H$t- iy:w A. iu.-jMo. daily, for "Wksh- MFG. GO. Gingams THE York- Mfeir,-' jo. iTillman tourist cars from Han rni T,? ?OUfch- ain, Sc mond-to Atlanta. V U 7 f . i 7-09 P. M.No. 12. dailv for -r; Norfolk, and all points-NoxUi. ff 4 851 P. M. No '7 ""tfaitv -o- 1. wwciu, ureeneDcro. Knoxville ft. AshevilIeto.Ohatlbtte: 0;fi:: ' atS-wV?11:?? dailv, Washington and Southwestern limited - fori Wash" ggton and all points North. -Through Pullman car, Memphis to . Newark Orleans to New York. ls?carries vestibnled coach ad dmihgbar CIosa fTNo5oTkat IS'&iffte? and .Charlotte to 7 r.7 car. Also PnlluaTi days. ! v - - "wy and Fn- man S? i 5 ExPf ess, carries Pull man Sleeping , Cars between Augusta Th vFnkS Gannon, Third Vjce-Pres, and Gen'l. JMi . ' -T . Washington, j. O. John;M. Colp, ttaffio Manager, " TP a rr Washington, D. O W, A. 4:urk, Gen'l. rPasAent, : ' ' Washington, D Vj Cciran Dasenbery, Concord, 0,. TO CURE A COIiB IN OKK T)AV aiiwav Take Laxativfl Brriimn OniTlnn ' I ....... . . . "ML .ckrj.C(C( I i . . T ' w w w.,. VUUIU I. T.?e er - grandmother enjoyed-or If yon are not a subscriber to n each tablet ' suffered the twentieth conturv . . . iri rrn,r iJ ne standard much the same method of secur ing relief or stimulus as her brother does." I Douttless this will be bad for the race. The alcoholic taint inherited from one parent has , jrecked enough liyes. If the danger be doubled the gravity of the results will be enhanced. But it.. is an irrefutable proposition t if -women are compelled to do an ever-increasiug , share of Epan's work, they will ultimatelv f contract a share of "man's vice fltoo.,) j The-.rther.free indnlgence of women in wine and even stronger drinks at entertainments is ' one: i qi xne aepjorable events of odernsoGja Mfeandwe fear f -The proprietor ot a fashionable 1 Afpi'i4;wiv .ois,quQta as sav thirt y omen, gne$ts " ki ve his bta? a;. v?1! 4 ?ar ' Patronage by ' irom .tneir. rooms, and ' tiat the drink . habit among, wo- ! men of .the higher as weil as the lower classes is growing. ' " . ; It would be pleasant to-believe WHmh General WevPhMJ;m" .H - '-vujxo diiuw tjutir'eiv un- o true grossly exaggerated, but yon -n the frpnnp.TipD-and r-i,i . -ii Tne Standard- nrtTn. , v I rzi. wmuiiasih wirn vviiicn ttiey are made will not If you have anything to sell you can make it known through J$ The Standard. S7 is published every ; Sunday ex ceptedl and delivered at. your door fr only 10 e per week or 35c per month...! Salt Bags THE STANDARD Pfyfe ty news that is of interest toqurT&i tygrow better we must have the pat- - AND Outing Cloths. - -J rl , Give us a trial when you "make your next order for o-PEALBR IN Work Work read y when promised. COUNTRY PRODUCE Permit'them to be brushed aside merely- because it is painful, to 1 give tfiem credence. ' Lqa ar? going to doabout riiiw journal. -f No. Right to Ugliness, . The wornari. who is lovely in face form anrl townai. ,:n , ;.vJ u iUCGi T . of all kind. O.. "Four-foot Wood always Wanted. Best Notice to Tax-Payers, Advertisinsr rates in II The Standard made known on application, $8 A A Price for same. U The tax books have been open since the 1st of September and you have not been in to pav must keen her health. Tf f AricifT. 1900 so I am oblicred tn Tin., eruptions and a wrotohod S2SSi,iito to.bo ready f or mo. Electric Bitters i7Z bS med oinoTn If nt Whon I call l"wm ffives stronr? no iH is nam tallf. nnH H Tclvotr skiS. riVh ;V'7"'."'C8'8??ooti business. . " "uaus COAL f we manufacture . . , i """"''" vYTm ; bottle at FtKm. t, co POr oc. 0, 09. 8. J. Eitvm City Tax Colloctor. K. L. Craven m mm ; oUQ TONS JELICO COM, 200' TONS HARD COAL. Also Virgina Split and 'BM Eye Casnel Coal" Best steal coal at mine prices. " (Good Smith rioal '-ria.il nnrl set .what vou warjt, J . . 'Phone 74. i . nyONDERF-ttti ; arw uuref 05 w wllood-s Sai-saparilla, and yet the; are simple and natural. Hood's S&r& toilla makes PURE BUOO-

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