, - t :ori-y .y vr -hi 1 V,- . - . . - ; ' . . ..... - -,. - . , t . ' . .. .. i - ' price : 8.00 per yea. A CASE OF SMALLPOX. jr Henry Ft ong Iheallpoi 'J. , Visits the family of WD Mor ris at Forest Hill No Cause for Alarm -steps Taken atOnce r . - Written at 3 o'clock this afternoon. B To the Public: Dr. H:F Long, smallpox expert, who came hero at the request of Dr. R S Young, superintendent of .public h6altr to consult with him, is now in Concord and has visited the family of W D Morris of-Forest HiU. Dr. Long reports one case UUNCORD. IC., SATURDAY RETROSPECT OF 1899. r i i '$30 TlhA If .: Tleir lVhat ft Is ana at It Cost ' " Wit1 this issue of the Stan ?..TfeIoK tr's worl r. oughis TconlciOT&lig in & the mind, filling it too full f 6? utterance in words, and. they arfe altogether ; too - varied for ItM scope of a single newsanftr nk w -j ., 'J GE'COPY 5 CENTS. ucope ticle. . w '4A wlm uni' w T .J thftrA -Tim.fi a. lull IoKa. S4. fASaUiafittrA rifiv :anrt sfJhra r!Vidc iness aoove every consideratiofci:?"vrc Te.w. T T. I ' v five children caze r . . . . . . J a ur irom wantnf mafaai xrrUiAu Isenhour of her uimAdiatA famifcv rrr?? yoc n,JS tho. handmaid of vrl" . : "" i Sho wfla1afw nf cmptr stock mgs ; r that of Manly Morris.! I think it proper to let the people know the situation. At the same time I caution you not to be unnecessarily alarmed. We are able, to manage this case, and 1 have now the house quarantined and sruarded. All inmates are renuired to remain in the house and no one will be allowed to go in. Guards -will be constantly on duty, and no one allowed to pass in or out the guard line. I caution every one to be very careful with whom they come in contact. I request that anylbne v'siting the house of W D Mor ris, or any infested house, shjall be at once reported to Dr. Rj S Young, -Superintendent Board of Health. ; Be vaccinated at once, and we can promptly stamp out the disease. We would not magnify bui- , v r . ana.. MDrpin fii W. JLKIUKD hlTAYR t T?o c un.:. ir.OT ttUS w white man from tne laundry to -the vAnt juccs t "EVirtMiiia n r"oc ..,.T ."aS""." .Mrs. Alfred Lifitcr of No. I' :uoooo mate it rank well with 'fofc wiViwi l I IK thaiescgfi frist VJk )Tfeaneaaynignt ne was sent received :.1&om'Tttie""lady? 'She ;pur?tidy;vtown to. whh7i rqq i, brought sormuch, i-v.uy,. ' suffered but four dkys ' V"f if- Progss nasneant- Mrs. Jbitaker was 62 years teDrbvement t oPaii arm iS rf' 4 ana on .bnaay a letter was ha&YUv? ifn fVik tp Aahdone -snn? iMj7tdftAi&k:ri indunnlv iAV w :iliitaker:na twh itfhfM .it;; was;; 3 on . - . . 1 9 "?V . : -r-., . . . .1 I 1 TrlTl fiTTTl JVC TUftminff ir OA V upon their and to be dc- gressiveness in bU that engages J n :rrw. - . , lUjfiafctT Pnved of theChristmas merri uuw .ucbi ui niauKina. i We hope no item of material impor.tancetQ.thQ towlhas ben not-rainedlthQutJ cWaVstWt11 and two sisters," :Mfs; uvwiuuiiwu uy me jsranaarat wo can jecau; nu. ani during the year. A summarj? however, of them just now, Wu think, will give much pleasure ft Mayor. 1 iT KEW 1)BTO STORE. i Gentleman from Norfolk to Locate Here In the Corner Room of the Litaker Building An Entirely New Business. Mr. S W Williams, of Norfolk, has been here several d6ysh$b; a view to locating here in the - drug business JByhis visit he was favorably, impressed and has decided id locate here, put- ting his stock :bf- drugs -Hn the vui uer juiraKer ouiiamg. Mr. Williams is a North Garo iinian but for some time has been in Norfolk. He ;is- a licensed pharmacist, liaving s'uo l before the State Board of Pharmacy of which Dr. N D Fetzer, of this place, is a mem her.' - .,v:- Mr. Williams left. Friday and; stopped, at High Point to purchase ' his v store furniture. " Every thing ; in the store will be new -his ' furniture as well as his stock of drugs. G hopes to be able to begin business by the first of Pebru ary, but will return here; him-, Glf ir a week or ten days.1 ; Ho ha a wife and one child. -J- Williams, before coming .re was very 4 favorably pressed by an article he saw ufcone of the papers wherein Ur rapid prosrress was marked. also by a traveling man Jk) our readers. V.f ( v The growth of the town for 1 1 the year: 1899 has been truly phe nomenal, i . Jno. Mlsonhoimor: C and.: Mis.' ?' u" ! "S , .Qur;toWn is making commend- Jacob Dove, f-,: :r,, . , "i? auu. l " able progress ittbe line oW tetion,; and the. . unifoni ,goad .womanhodda faithful and:.- pe tributed:noJitUe.to the orShe- complishedi 41 n . aroua nenwho willfeerthe great T?!, " " - vi?iT w , . . ' ; 1 (tw, . ' , , ; - f .. them by those who bad-to.: carry... .Moralitv r attends closfilv , on loss: - ia-.tjvr- ' w : , ' - ::J...i,,v Vi7- ; . t " -,f.:.rThe,.mmaio&wiirhA hnriftd af; u u vxnougn. our luausLriHi (ihvp nnmftTiT, nnri nnr" v . . Mill No. 5 at Forest Hill hjsts f'ic'- Wkvr xvk MW Hermon after . ..ftmerai,-ti$er been built and its 520 looms are1 no -n KidmArd i,or, k -vices Qn. Sunday morning at 11 year has brought us.v ' mux, Wvf u rEducatlonisfacilifcated, but 'too We P: ofterslMowed, b success Our schcwDls have not m the sorrow,, . , i t suffered we think from business, running with might. The cotton seed oil mill is com plete and will begin operations in January. The gin went into operation early in the season and did well. At Cannon ville the new three story factory is enclosed and will soon be ready lor its 1 equipment which together with tenement houses necessary -for it - (and il ready, -built) will epresnt ;a plant bf:$15&,000. & ' Eighty new houses were enu-5 merated to us Friday evening as built during the year by two of our contractors jbwing; that there were from twenty to thirty . 1 buUt.bv other .parties Jtwjould officers enforce rthe law they have hearts that . can bo touched by such cases as these. but have felt its throbbing pulse. To Pay Them Weekly. f v A goodly number of bur young Bfereaiterallbf thenight opera men tod women are reaping; the tiyes ,;ofithe odeU mUl and the As,we biw a , departure tathe-Buffal null will be paideekly, ,j Co. Drnggist; midyear all covered with? glory :Ai.....:. 'ixz'zty- x4m.a,. and taking a lofty position in the annals .of pnr town, we can ljut implor that its mantle fall upon the yriDOQ: v : My son has been trpubled. for jeii? with chronic diarrhoea " Sometime 'ago I rpersnaded .him. to . take some of .. Chambererlain's Coiio. Cholera nnrl 3 Diarrhoea Kemedy. After utririgtwo bottles 01 the So-cent. size he rea. Igive this testimonial, hoping some one similarly p.fflicted may reod it ad be benefited. Thomas C "Goweil Glencoe,.0. For saie bv M L Mr?h t tyjJ? PERSONALS. Mr. T B Brown returned to Charlotte, .this morning. Mr. " Harold " onem well 1 is spending today here. 1900 Good xuuu upwu, ux xw to Charlotte this morning. nouses duriDg ine year. Among tnesio ai-o sumo ux uui uiuou-1 44:-rn., jAiw.miw gant homes ornaments 10 qo credit ipa- eled. repaired- or renovated at VhiSSS:- ing in enhancement of value and Messrs. RoU) J Walker and attractiveness. , , ,. , . , ,,;, .1 T,om-H.Doziep.-Jp of . Ghar lotto, -morning. Weare at ; the Old Stand selling Furniture just as cheap ever; If you need anything ih our line come ill "we are "looking . looking , , for you." Improvement all along the line, will be our mottb for ' the year 1900. . t " : ' MissTanie Eryin went- -over f wa.iara juttamg.. , business . tor iun. - we are not selling ard went over to antdtmM JtSS have been JEortv nouses rem CffcMts BF Rogers, wenti to goods below cost. We guarantee our prices and money refunded iigddds axe nofisSlisiactory. - - - Tliat's the way .we do Business. Bell. Harris & Go. Eesidence Phone. . . .90. - Store 'Phone. ...12. . . Among our building , improver j. mehts are a maybrs court room andprlvatoi'Onicb;' aiid-j Anilce for the chief of police (and;-by the- way, j3ve: havey a uniformed police force). Thoro has Won' nearly, ImL sPeak growth. . so well of its steady square yard s of new macadam put on North Main street and about 2,000 square yards ,0. old torn up and relaid. East Corbin from Main to Church street, has been made almost equal tb : ma cadam, i while from - the" r H3h School property to beyond fthe Three-mile branch the road ' has been graded and graveled. The beauty of. Main street has been immensely enhanced the buildings 01 Messrs. H M Barrow and Zeb A Morris, so that barr ing a space at the old Coleman property and the old court house site, Main street ranges from the pretty to the exquisitely beauti ful from Forest Hill to the fair ground. y, dr Wt :v Depot street, with a number of elegant new dwellings, is a credit J Archey Cannon, George' l- bnbiiery, and, Archey ,Brov returned; home . this morning j from Ur ariotte. f r Mr. and.Mrs. C D Cobb and morning after visiting at Mt Pleasant.r v ? :r'-' ' 5 Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cook, of Forest Hill, willleave for Spray tomorrow morninsr. Mr; Cook has .'.accepted a position in the cqjtjgn mill at that place. I i. i OF -maae B iMome Minee Meaas m AT ' Ui ui Linn btii VAn A LITTLE Booira, Iowa, .Dec. 14. ' Ko toDgtiito teU 'what I ha endured ' fn the past tepyeara with my monthly sick- y ' "ne88. WHile suffering tintold" agony, a -friend called and recommended Wine of Cardni. I sent for a bottle," and OhI what . elief . After th first dose I began to reel etter and Have had no pain, since . MUS. GRACE LAMPHEEE. nir 1 1 m im m . 1 fye&ftiliaP. r ri n ' Wine of Cardui not only cures tnit It acts AT ONCE. Here Is a cass j&l of ten years' standing, and yet one single dose made the sufferer feel better, ; . jf and stopped the pain. The Wine goes straight to the seat of the trouble. . Itacts directly upon the menstrual and genital organs. Its action is not violent, and it does not force a result, it simply gives Iture tai Un e oisfjinctf tnat tne sunerer 5 iviicai it-. . . otc uouiuw feminine organs spreads many "disord ts ?.U over the body, and when t'". " Wine cures the source, all the other ills vanish as a matter of course. A i be her own physician ana cure nerseir at nome. louu ex- x ,, i v- - i. amiift-tbos are JirtV things of th woman, can -LADIES' A&YISCRY DEPASTBCHT. For advice In cases requiring 6peci'l directions, address, giving symptoira. Ladled Adrtsorr Drp't, The CHAT TASCOUA HXSIC1SX CO, Chattanooga, Term. ;t-rthe obnoxious custom is no n?er necessary. Wine of Cardui is the only perfectly safe .and 'sure A ) vegetable .Wine maae to-clay tor j the cure of " female troubles.". re 1 JA 1 T.. X9 i - PwgflistsQelLLarge Bottles foi: Sl.OO. . ;K

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