Arrival of Trains, The following change of schedule took eiiect vec. 8 ( 11 7 .- 61 11. 1899. NORTHBOUND. arrives at 5 52 a m, 7-18 pm, 8.51 p m, (flag) 9.M p m, 2.00 a m (ireiirj t) SOUTHBOUND. arrives at 8.49 a m, (flag) "1125 am, 8.51 p m, 9.10 p'm, (flag) " 7.33 a m, ,v 8 49 a m, (freight) With the Churehes Tomorrow. er, of Char- NEW YORK MARKETS. it it M ( C ( tZ1? prech -at St. James Su Z cnurch tomorrow morning and tomorrow nit will hold -services at fW. ivietnodist church -tomorrow mormpg at 11 a. m. and tomor row night at 7 p. m. - Rev. W.' B. Onev win ! i-m 128 129 128 1281 n No cotton quotations or bank statement today. . ' CONCORD MARKETS. ; COTTON MARKET. . . Corrected by Cannon & Fetzer Comrjan v. Siit ws Luth- Good middling T - 7 45 Middling.....0;;:;;:;;;; ? No, 35. when running ahead- of No. 7, at J?UUi services W middling : . , . . . , 6. 95 flawed if necessaryior tnrougn travel VA " i. jcj; cnurch to- otams ........ . a qk ;outhof Charlotte and is popped -for SrrO by the pastor, Rev. PRODTTPtt' UIw passengers arriving frorn Lynchburg or Hoyle. " " ' . PRODUCE MARKET.. , ueyoud. No. 30 stops" regularly ; for mKa o , Corrected by Swink & WhitP passengers for Salisbury, High Point, TTihe Pastor, Rev. B Lacy Tnn owiiik.a, .wmte. 'Greensboro, Reidsville, Danyille and -noge, WilFhold regular services fz ? 7i principal stations between uanyiue ana tomorrow morning and nieht at S" -cured, nams. .... . 12 -13 Washin tren-rors comin points beyond se kK tneaptist church. Night ser-' ' Vk l and to take on vices.f or men onlv. eeswax- 20 , . . I . " i l Knttox - seugers for- regular stopping places . 'There will be regular cPrvinOC o i . . 10 to 15 30:1th of Newells. No. 38 stops' to. let t All JrTo V ? , Ce?- Chickens 10 to 25 iu'iu icgmar4 BiruppiugJ jj . i vvXTXl ggs. i !..-., south of Newells and to. take on tomorrow mornmsr at 11 oV.lhp.V T? r-s Tigers for regular stopping places, and tomorrow evening at 4 oV;lock T arH " " LvLohbursr or beyond.' " ' bv tho rontM. t t n -r . I id. " j v iiii I . i r I . i if I I r-t 1 1 1 r ft n - . I . . . and 34 stop at Concord for a,.i:;::r!i .rr u. y . d,Vit5, -lour (IN. U.) m - . . . I k. J L J I I I I . 1. Y S.I linfl GT t n I 1 I - - - ' r from the U. U. &; A. . J :"wTw cu u iuuji. passengers to or liivision Charlotte to. Ansrnsta and other points in South Carolina. Georgia : Ripple in Insurance Current. An immense sensation has been Nos? 7,"8, 11 and 12 are the local trains created in tHe insurance circles in "d connect at Salisbury with trains of MiQciccirirKTr v, r, W. N. C. Division. Mississippi by the attorney gen eral's attack. He claims Meal, Oats. . . . Tallow.. 65 15 10 $2 00! 65 50 07 I ' M,; M .i-Pii M ripLU-' . 8 - Li jr "- l9 Stove -.j Will make the wholb family glad on Xuas day. THE DYING YEAR. 50 tl. ND ED. ..1842. that, Goodbv Old Ypn.v' Wo cooi'f ha by the combination of the South- parting guest. erneastern Tariff Association by Although your lile was short, which they bave fixed prices so you lived your span. that no agent shall write other You have your time to live and than rates fixed by the associa- And now lias come your, time to "Sing Their Own Praise." tion, tney.are in violation ot state go to rest. If you reckon -the endless joy and Uaw against trusts and asks that You rounded out the life you well Uouid be cleanliness. Masai HI In all its stages there the state cancel all franchises and charters. .i.jv iii,. began, You frolicked with the Spring when you were young, And to the lone radiant Summer Miss- Sallie White, of Char- cluno- lotte, who has been visiting her When o'er the hills the blushing l.i! "XT H - j -I'll ' relatives m no. 1 townsnip, nas Autumn ran returned home. Ynn followed har nnrV lino-pro at her side Until she fled when Winter came in sight, Armed, with his weapons for a sturdy fight. Mr. Jordan Barrow left Friday With him so grim you could not Kine tuning, and repamng. smniin a short whig You being old and weak, he in V T A n IP rT "I A "TLi i ti t i permanent value vou x?ill cret one of ; Lose celelTrated STIEFF PIANOS rI hoy aro made with all that skill which only years of constant and careful at tention to every detail of their construe, tion cau command. - MIDDLEMAN'S PROFIT SAVED. Therefore, we won't burden you with an unnecessarily BIG PKICE. Con venient terms. t IMnno !Tufnctnrer, Jlrtltimore 31l. li'Mii Branca f arerooi cli'ar lotte, C XV o..-213 N m . j. a Misses Eula Parks and Addie Lore returned home Friday after spending about a week in Chai4 lotte. Ely's Cream Balm cleans e3, sootnes and heals the diseased membrane. It cures catarrh and drives away a cold .in the head quickly. Cream Balm is placed into the nostrils, spreads over the membrane and is absorbed. Belief is im mediate and a cure follows. It is not drying does not produce sneezing. Large Size, 50 eents at Drug gists or by mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. Ej-Y BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street, STew York. Co H. WHmotlh, Mgr. vuiw unynvcDPUiccQ Al PALACE ORGANS. 'OCT V O LJ XTT7 tVf The bill collectors will be on their rounds Monday with 1900 Miss Genie ve Cox, of Eastfield, has crone to Belmont. here with his -brother, Mr. H M Barrow. RING No. 38 or 6 and order pure - aerated milk and cream . Now is the time to order cream for Sunday. Prompt delivery. tf. KivieraDairy (Jo. his prime. Death comes to you just in the nick of time. Boston Transcript. K no imiiuiuri from 5c. to 75c. Gloves, Kids, $1.00, $1.25, and $1.50. Silk Mittens : We are prepared to give the people this winter , better bargains than usual in all kinds of " ' Heavy aed Faocy. es 50c. and 75c. At wholesale and retail. It will pay you to see our Laro Stock of " .. Tinware, Woodware," Qlasswaire, Crbckery9 Etc The Knights of Pythias en- The-Concord Institute opens Moved themselves at an oyster next Tuesday morning. supper Friday night after taking - . , , - Mr. Paul Parks through the u There are no appointments for third rank; Both were enjoyable IU Xll&U JTltJIsUV LUliclJ-L UllUiUIl :row. occasions, they say. The Woman's . Foreign Mis sionary Society of the First Pres: byterian dhurch will meet on next Monday at the home of Mrs. Black Diagonal Mackintosh Sam Pharr. A full attendance is requested as theolhcers are to be elected for. the ensuing year. 'Jae'kson Shoemaker, of ttson, spent Friday night m ouiicord. Cape Coats for $1.00 at Cannon Sz Fetzer Co,'s. . On account of New Years Day the freight department at the de pot will be closed Monday. Miss Sue Nicholson has re turned to Charlotte after spend ing the holidays here. Bell, Harris & Co. have some thing for you to read about in their ad. on the first page. Mrs. Chas. Stone returned to Charlotte Friday night after vis iting at Mr. J M Alexander's. Will Johnson has gone to Char lotte where he has secured a position as clerk at the Arlington hotel. Miss Hattie Cochrane, of Har risbursr, arrived here Friday nisrht to visit her sister. Mrs. Ed Cor r ell. Mr. Jos. F Goodman returned to Augusta Friday night after spending a week here with his parents. ' . Mrs. G W Sheirill returned home Friday night from Chatta nooga after spending several weeks. . G6ods advertized by Cannon & Fetzer Co. have come in 1,000 Boys', Suits, 2,000 Boys' Pants,, 100 Boys Over coats, 100 Men's, Overcoats, 200 dozen CapsDAll ready for sale. was given ' Ouite a nice aifair Friday night by Miss Nannie Cannon to a considerable number of her friends, complimentary to her visiting friends and Mr. and Mrs f!hn.s. J Harris and Mr. and Mrs. S J Ervin. The Plague at Honolulu. The much dreaded bubonic j)lague has appeared nxHonolulu. It makes it necessary for our vessels to and from .the . Philip pines to execies' ;.th(3 utmost caution and there is some un easiness at San Francisco lest it find its way to our shores. A s A August Flowers. Wool Mittens 10c, 15c. and 25c, Wool Mittens for children 10c. and 15c. Silk Hose 15c, 25c. and 50c. Shoes for Ladies and Children. Hosiery for all, botH rekt and small. ; Back Combs, Pom padour and Side XMAS Umbrellas fron : 50c: to 2. 59. Gibsorr & Morrison. ago A small boy some days said to his father who is good advertiser and who changes his ad. regularly : 'Papa why don't you change your ad. It makes me tired." The ad was changed the next morning. Jl.ven tne small boys read them. BUY YOUR Bread, Cakes, Pies, Rolls, Etc, FROM THE . Concord Bakery. Joe Fisher, Proprietor. PHONE 122 "It is a surprisinf? fact,1' says 'Prof. Houston, 'that my travels in all parts of the world, for the last ten years, I have mft more people having used Green's August Flower than any other remedy, for dyspepsia,, deranged liver and stom ache, and for constipation. I find for tourists and salesmen, or for persons fillincr office positions, vrhere headaches and general bad leelings from irrigular habits exist, that Green's August Flow er is a grand remedy. It does not in iure the svstem by frequent, use and is excellent' for sour stomachs and indi gestion." Sample bottles free at Fetzer's drugstore. Sold by dealers in all civil- Qne hundred loads zeu cuuuixitja. For Sale? of cinders.' RATHER GOOD ?i S3 EST is what the People G buy tbz most of. f hat' S Why Hood's-a.-saparilli has the largesr rale OF ALL MEDICINES. A nice assortment of Christ mas presents in Leather Goods Card Cases, Collar and Cuff Boxes, i LADIES AND GENTS PURSES, made of alligator skin and morocco, both in tan and black. : Come and look at our line of : presents. W. 0. OORRELL The Jeweler. E. McNish. PHONE : ... before buying. For Clover Seed Seed Rye, and RockSalt go to G W. Pattersons. Winter is Coming'e 'I- ALREADY HAVE ON HAND. THREE CARS 0 jeHico Goal And liaveten more car loads on the way; It is time for,youto lay in jl ?upply f or Ihe w inter, isn' t it ? I also haye on . hand the best of antracite coal. ; J. A. C. Blackweider West Depot St. at, Store. 3'Phone C8. 104 In Christina: Goods our line is beautiful, large and well assorted. For Holiday and Bridal presents, we are the people. Please do us the favor to call and look them over; we are proud to show them and you don't have to buy; but we find that folks generaUy do buy after seeing our goods and knowing the prices. Beauty in style, Goodness in -quality and Lowest in price these are the strong points in our stock. M. L. Brown & Br'o. LIVERY, FEED AND SALE ; STABLES. - Just in rear of St. Cloud Hotel.7: Omnibuses meet all passenger trains. Outfits of all kinds fur nished prombtly and at reason able prices. ' Horses and mules always on hand for sale. ' Breed ers of thoroughbred Roland China Hogs. I Concord National IM Offera the business public a reliable, per manent, conservative and accommodat ing banking instutlon. We solicit your patronage with tho assurance of honorable treatment and due appreciation of your patronage. If we can serve you any time we will be glad to haye you come and see lis. LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS TO CUSTOMERS. - - - - - - Capital an! Wns - - $1000(1 s D. B Coltrane, Chashier, J. M-ODEii. President. ! WANTED Tt bay l6o,000 pounds of old cist-iron scrap, dc liveredattbe foundry at once, for which we will nay a fair price No r- 1 i-N . 01... i.onrni uuu uim. Fetzer s Drug btpre. laietteaconcoiu) fodhduy j