3 TrSx IT. 3 '-'I II I .if- 0 Price: $4.00 per year. CONCORD N. C, THURSl&YY, JANUARY 18, 1000 S-SlNGLE COPY 5 CENTS. e. -V" 'J II A11 I lift! II - " FROM MT. TLEASAXT. Mr. Babnson There Tvitb tIiA. F. and A. Jl's lo lake tnargo er a seuooi p Personals. Written for The Standard. 4 Mt. Pleasant, January 17. Assistalit Grand Lecturer, G . x- UaiiupunMui-.ra.mSiu, is nero wiin,ine luasous. muxi , . , . , " , bank to be m good condition, will be here about two weeks, k. , T T .. , I Messrs. L J Foil and Martin i4' MissLollieGraober. of Rbwali, m . , . , v. A-sBoger were .the ones appointed and Miss Pearl Evans, of South I . , , . , .. . , T T to msix-ct the bank and make Carolina, arc visiting at Mr. L J . A - .,, 1 their report of its condition. Miss Jda Flow, of 3 Flowesf is visiting at Mr.'Do.xter Dorton's. Mrs. C H Fistier who has been quite sick, is improving "'Mi si - In Barringer has otie to Union county, where slio will take chai ge of a school. The Moon ai d Frmce, Mr. Sterling Brown, the bright hopeful of Mr. and Mrs. M L lirown, on returning from? .a drive Wednesday, in his bwri earnest way, told his father: The, moon has been racing with Prince all the way. It could not beat hinr so when Prnceirtopped it stopped rcing an(i Stood -still iust like Princo did." Mif. IJrov'u Fiirchases Proiwty. Mr. A M Browri lias purchase i ,j,rom iMr. r unapraan aract oi $ land on South Main street coii- twining three icres nioro on ldss. It is situated'on thf; w(jst side of the street and extends oackfto Spring streot. It lies just to tho left of thelare fill, whicliwas put in somi? time) ago. Tho con sideration was $1,505. ' ,T A: TJisE.fagrenient Cancelled 'L- .f u.s noted last s week thnt the Lad;es Aid Society . of Central Methodist church'had engaged Bertram &.Willard to play "Captin Dick'yiere soon. They have just received notice from the gentlemen that tho date , will have to-be cancelleil as they go to Ohio tp tram a club Marshall Mabery to AVecUa .Cards have been issued for the inarriagepf Mr:Marshall Mabery, ui rores'j ..iinij imu miss u;ia Caton, daughter offMr. W C J Caton, who lives on East Depot street. The ceremony 'will be performed nt the homo of the bride ou4the evening of fthe 24th at 8.30 o'cloc1'. ' e TTi . t T : i i ,i 1 1 ti t : . r Lexington to Ilavc a Cotton Mill. Some of fiei-ington's most enterp. ' " 'i men met a few nights ago and have made; cer tain the building of a cotton mill there. The mill will have a stock of $200,00& Cook-Bost R edding. On Wednesday afternoon Rev. 1 .1 rinillSOli MS t'nl O.lI UOOTi TO perform th." marriage ceremonyi for Mr. Baion Cook, a young man of our town and s0i of Mr. Tom Cook, and Miss Jennie Bost, daughter of -Mr.' Tinsley Bost, of our county. Mr. J A Odell, of Greens boro, arrived hero last night to attend the mooting of the stock holders of the Odell Manufactur ing Co. today. The Stockholders of the CabarrnS Sav ings Bank Meet.. The 18th day of January is the day set for the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Ca barrus savings bank. They have met and have re-elected the officers of the past year. All of ; of the reports made showed the ; 00 '' to ' A Cabarrus coucty man had on a good sixed jag attho (epot TVedneFday morning, lie was ho weHloaditd, in fact that a, dray was called into service an 1 tho man hauled tb thVj locjc-up. He wag too druak lo .give his namf -Salisbury Index. 1 -x -mmt m To Re Here the Preparatory ' for 3 the State Sunday School convention to bo held in Charlotte March 18-15 a meptingvill be hld b'prof.!! M HamUl, field secretary, of the International, Association J as sisted by Mr. J W'Bfyan, of (Joldsboro in, this place Monday, . " ,t Feb. 6th. The Tr&ia Kills a Horse. On Wediaesday fiightr; Mr. David Hanna, who lives hear th depot, was tlie 16scr of a horso by tho tram. Some time in the night'a train struck tho horse on tho railroad bridge below tho station. The body of tho,.horse was bacjkymutilated. Rutherford's Ctiurt Called Off. -'-Wo notice that Rutherford, county was to have a special tojrm of court but 4 1' has since been decided that they will not Jp.avo.it. Judge W -8 .0 Rooin-, son was to'liavebeeri" the judge to hold the court. fe Tobacco tlf&fers Meet. The1 tobaccq growers moet-ing in Raleigh Wednosday night was attended by overdone hun- dred growers of the weed and 1 substantial step's were taken to combat tho American Tobacco Trust, i Soyeral plans AYei-e presented bub that of Mr. Jordon of Greens boro was adoiited. . The plan if we conceivo .it rightly is to lix prices for the grades ami if not nccoplrd the association will proceed to manu facture the tobacco as a joint stock company sharing tho profits. A Mother's Awfn Shock. Mrs. Mario Patterson, of Cleve land Ohio, became a deserted young wife scarcely more than 15 years old from .Bme family j disablement, the husbnnd 1 ' ; 1 o ft boy whom she regained after six years only to have him gotton away again by his father 'J years ago. Her first news of him came on the ITifh inst. summoning her ; to Pittsburg penitentiary to meet her son whoso execution was to be the following day. Gt'eat as wlis tho shock she said she al ways expected her boy to come to some bad end. . XOT AN IDLE DKEII. fit ' How a Young Wwinan Sjjved Her Mother Frow Reiug lluriot 4 life. ; An Indianapolis, Ind., dispatch of tho ltitix tells tho following wonderful story: t,1Irs. Bllen Crosby had a nar row escape Jrom being buried alive in Crawford county. Sho - , , r Ifc w.as athard fall he had on prearat fm-thebnnalwerolg 8treet flQ T bS mideWldlo this wasinbaaly hurt terimiiy. On progress her daughter, 19 yours Wcdu1iy m$bt 1 died. old, Tore out by exhaustion,' lay 4 Aleck is a negro -ycU-known down to rest, but lier oyc kid' by tha .vhite, poplo hore and scfurcely closed before she sprang Va not a,troublesQme:neg,vo? , . , . , j . . up and poiemplonly insisted1 ; ' i , it. v 1 Wiimton-Salem Takes Steps, tuat her mother's,', body bo re- j , t 1 tui-n(T faiobod. fiheremarkod Winstojn-SalQm'.'hald a InRssi that her moth 144' tothei- had iValWto sop saving, IaV, hftir-in nor k! V , i, rJ' n ' smallpox Th Winston alder dorr t. let theire tftirv mrt alivn.1 1 ...' . tdr stoutly claimed tho contrary and would not j?o denied. Nearly ciglvt'hour.-t pfis-se'l' when Mrs Crosby slowly 'opencU her eyes and looked at her daughter, who httd remained by hei bedside, constantly watching for aVeturn to life. " .lrsCrosby is.now considered . in a fair way of recovery. Little Qirl Burned To plh. ? A very sad accident occurred near Pahnorvillo on .Tuesday of last week that caused the death of the sweety little 3-year-bhl daughter of Mr. and MrsV Amos A wagouer had cainpod in Mr. Biles' yard on Monday njghtjaml left a burning tiro behind. Tho little children were playing arouhd the fii-e on the following uiorniag. when Letha's clothes caught, seriously (burning, her boi ;ore her motber could reach her. 'phediod early Monday morning from the effects of the .burns. Stanly RnWrpriso. ; (' . m 1 11 W From Editor Bivins' Pen. i V P Campbell, of Colombia, S.: . C, succeeds E 'Ferroll'-as superintendent of tho Efird Mfg. Co.'s mill. He took charge Mon- '"J II Ragan,iwho was employed on the Stanly Observer years ago, has been iven a position on the Troy Exalniner. Ho has r been recently engaged on tho uoncora btanaara. otaniy rm-. terprise. -. - '- v The War Dog 'A re Biting. Dispatches indicate that therei is iust now much activity in the 1 South Africa war melons. The British are tfti the aggressive Gen. Buller's progress announced as satisfactory. - Dispatches even say that the j urange r roe otares are geiung enough of the war Nothing decesive on a large crnlo ic i'ot raTuricnl hnt inf UTl. tlQns p0mt 1o sharp contests soon. ' i For Ovr riifr VeArit Mrs. Winslow's Soothirf Syrup has been used for over fifty J ears by mil lions of motheis for their children wh:e teething with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens frums, allays all pain, cures wind oolic,and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sunerer inimedi-1 ately. Sold by druggists iu every part, of the world. Twenty-five cents u hot-1 tie. Be sure and ask for ''Airs. Will- j slows Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. . ! We undortkeT' confpliod wh ,v5cciiiation-. The .Sajem alder the daughter' request, saying itlricn ccidedk) offer free; vac- . uuBn. ciuaiion ior -.iu cavs. ir aFanv AIECITSI'BXCER UEAD w 41 r, xtviim imvnu iiuiu me iJUifS vriien Mr. lVadswortlA ilrse Rau, A'f ay. 4 It will bo trembttib6red ihafc on vTuoiiday Mr. Jno. C "VVjjc1s worth's horse ran away, throw ing Aleck iSpfencer, tho negro dtitor, violently to the '"ground neir the Odelf store. . l411 Tueatoy ight- toicon, .time however tho mayor I deems .it accessary whe is autjKiixjod to 'fiUivi couzpnlsory vaccination I PERSONALS. jMr. and Mrs.W C Corre-H spent ycterday IrTCharlotto. -Dr. Thos. WIIogg,ot Ral 1 W eigh,'" s visitig at Mr. J (M Udell s. . Mr. J NBolmnan, of Hickory wno iraveis ior .iuo uaen ivi anu - facturirig Co; is her6 today. (JVIr. p Francip Cannon,, Jr!y returiied - home, this r morning - '5 " irom iaii809ury. ' a - '. 4,' Miss NanDowd, of Char lotte, is expected over tomorrow evening to attend the,tca, given oy Mrs.v u Houston. Mrs. W S GIentf returned to opariauourgxnis morning alter spondirig yesterday 'iit Mr D B Coltrane's. f ... w - .1 3 .a j -anall kincUj of f Z Canned "Fruits and 2 Vegetables. California Evaporated Peaelies, f . Lousiana Plantation Alolassos 'in cans at pfj0n ood -evening. 1900 Good-roorfiing. We are at the Old Stand selling Furniture just a cl i u i a:. : ,..- . i. J for you." Improvement all along 1 . , 1 inl yen. ijuv. We are not doing business for fun. We aio r.of Mmi.' goods below cost. We guarank-.o our prXccs anl money r.'-.:.v,c ;i if gocls ".re not satisfactory. -TEiaf sthe way we do BmsfloeB Bell, Harris ik Co. Residence Phone 00. Store 'Phone -2: "7- i Karfng a Grat Ru Cn chacbt .r'i 1L Mtr Mfrtin vf the ritrsondru Miorc;, iiuurmt-us runt ne n U:: i prtnl, itn ;ia C; amber Iain's Ooncrn. Remedy,, He fU live hctiln of that medicine to one bi .ptoy otl.- kiiul, rud it tfivesgreiilHatislaotion, In these diy or la ernppe tir itr naihitar like Chamberlain's (Jcnffli Remedy to sfap the eoiiftfj, iit tl up tUe R-r ;lif'.;.t Mad luawaLd fiWh relief wiihui ji vrt snort time. She sales aritr.'WiJi4;. and all ho try it Are plou 1 with i't prompt 'uoion. Mouth Cll-iic!f) iulv Caluinet. Fot eal iy M. L. .Ur?Li vV. iWHf ., - bottle Of tjlutrnf;- fluin's Ooi. !i Pa. J and vyjJl refund tly nrojuey uiiy oii who is nut aatisu.'U niter n si t-,; rr, o-tirwi of tbe.cputeut.e.Tl)i?i la th l-treneily in the VorKiioi! riipV its ana wnoopiDg "eona anu " - w O ' " ' .-.. ana safa to take. It prc-v?its t.'iy tendency of a cdto renii 'j,.-.fa. n.i. lUBOllilL'hljhlBlillJiM... .. DfeSs'GooUsl There 9ai lnaiiy filial 1 oiids? and remnants5. ;is 'a rptilt frpm the paStfevv nontlj : business., Th?secire yours for assjnal) sum. ",Vo din a not a1T()futoiut tj-;;i on the .inventory Ao. k .ai.-.t1. will part ,xvitli in ii af will surprise, old ' ,:.J:ii:: , beekevii. Offr Dress .Goods ?..-. n 9prieo fiont"5'l,5(i 'aTd , down. T Dairy cloths," Fur ' ' vv:, etc; A tew short ; 'of cordedvliite P, K". ,tu t)U .outat almoi, luilj. . jSlany little tliiii'pro in-iiu ii i lit Pilous a.ntu nosier, rro pa b ly .just whet' ycu ...waij't has"5; bpen jQ.diiced! By the vJay VoJiu' niu, ".out nhM 5(1) ya;':. of rure jiinon iit, jror- eht widths at5;1 Sdme Remnrnts 4burff Irv J'v ;,.j; loc Will oe a .soH ;.rj-!i' , lovers of fine K:!iH;;.'f!'jv. s mi f 1 1 h f " ' w l ii e,i ii u p ace's u-rui: 7lcito! vfird.' F'i I Tin - i , i .i ,i line with trie shyppnv- crowd or 1 arks. in the lmevai U- O 1 0

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