Q ' . -- U 0o "o a . & i , ' . ; m , - '." . .. : " z . ' -. 'J PriOE : 4.00 per yjpar-C" CONCORD, N. CJ., MONDAY, JANUARY 29, 1900. Single copy 5 cents. JL 4 i V V. Is. f V W. 1 JL . OT, t vN c .v: 4 9 : i to LuK IlE-CXITES. Afar Suven Year Mr. and Mrs. II. M Wctr Again Meet, and Are Happily Married Their Faces Unseen by Each ' Other for Sevn Years A Story cf ThiHrLivt! Not often does lfa have, such ft story to portray s nw to be ,. seen by Mr. and Airs. 1 M Weir, Vhp are now' residents of Con - .c(5rd, having arrived herd last Saturday night. Here is an ac . count of theft lives during th'e last nine years: .. Nine years agQ our tQWrisman, Mr. II M Weir, attempted to wed .Miss -Ida NowU', beajitfful youn Jady''hpse" hp;pe was at . Thompson's Mill, .a .'small place in Georgia. Both, -were dtter: . 'mined, but -the. family of- the ' bride was opposed. Tneir first. " , attempt ; was, fruitless, but the . second one. was effectual when 'she': went' to ctmrch. tuid was at teiiwards marified to the one he loved, . .". For. a short while'all was quiet " -and. no trouble resulted,-. but ero . long it was found. lhat life .was t riot pleasant, All .was dove .and .' peace 'yitfi "the coupie, but:-the bride's family continually heaped coals of bitterness arid avenge oli the fire.. Not' for; seven years did he ' . eret . to . see ' his ' . w'ife'ahy more .until last Friday ,. night in the Arlington "hotel at ; Gainesville, Ga"', where-they met and vere again happily married .' This, marriage was a complete surprise to her, folks.; ' ' .The bride's relatives secured a divorce for the lady. . The' di . vo'r6o was granted according to the law. on account of their- sepa-' '", ration two years; J3y this divorce both' were,, divorced, ' and Mr. Weir receiyed. his notice tpat ;judgnlcnt' had been granted each. . Then. neither -was married, hence the. necessity ol again marry iig , 'last Friday; night. 'Not in 'seven ' years Had Mr. Weir seen his littlcf soa who" has all this timo been ; living with 'its mother and who, . " "cami' vi'thjits father and mother hpre last 3atm;day night'. -Thus ends the life' of ' separa1 . tion with" these two persons,, re- aultingm tbo second joining of loveia tie to now live, it is hpped, a-hsppy life fill 5d not. with strife akd'di&turbancesbu; with happi ness and blisfc;. 'Jhby are liv'ng af the St. Cloud hotej. ' " " T ynv. iu vanmus teacmng us 1 mWe hnm rfoon. Hc coa a very satisfactory school at Gil-, tomrlatci eCHnr into hi.new wood. Ilea's very much liked. j lomo fall. vcrr Jarft congregation at Shi- loti M. E. Church on last Sunday. We are all glad that he was re turned -to us a-aiif this year. Wo fcave no smallpox, and no- brocn fe bcfjin whom he borly is sced enough t be vac!Torr5ati ah0ut tWu vear5 aco. 0 tA c:nat(Sfl. l4is.IviTurbyville, of Clevft- laicr community, bringing life and good cheer to the homi of Mrs. Fields, Miss Ora Ervin, Gouger aO;l all the rest of us, Dr. ! M. S. J. z number of mOnbers to its roll ' rnv? inajTw- r-soum uiud is afidinf these days. ADAM MILLEil DEAD. Conspfenous Tj pe of the Good Old lfme fgro -Death Only Took Hiui From Hi Early IIinf. Adam Miller, a negro citizen o No. 6 tbwnship, died on -Tuesday night, the 23rd of January at the agQ.of about C5. lie was ft con spicuous character among his raco,'so diffef'oa.t from th gen eral rul6 as to merit this, sketch. He commanded the confidence of his owner, the .-Kelt knowri JJaniol Miller, deceased; in ante freedom. ,dayfe to such', degree "that ho was placed on planta tion not 'convenient to be culti vated by he-home f prce and con; d jctod th'e affairs., satisfactorily. After the war was over and ha was free he kept right on as if .no' change, had o'ccurr.ed ava that he acquired ,'his own stock and' rented-the farm. .". , 'JJe . never .changed homes; though his 'old master died - and the 'farm' fell to. an heir, .Mrs. P N Heilig, of -Salisbury. He lived : at peace with, .his neighbors" of both races, in thtt practice of all the neighborly in ter.change of helpfulness and good will without obtruding on racial distinctions: .. . ' . He was content to live within; his means, and never .knew the sufferings -of want for himself and' family. He was peacable, industrious' and frugal. ' . i . He left same personal prop-; ertyabout him, but what, is much more a ! name - that will ' attach pleasantly .to., hie memory "as 1 a representative pf the good ojd-. tim'Q, negro.- - , ; . Mr. Streit Visits Us. " ' ! : . " . . '.Numbers . probably rom ember soeyag "mention, of a tall yoiing traveling man who comes, here. every "six'mon this. His name is Mr'.,. Streit and he" measures'" glx eet and five inches; , Ho'h'as.fin'e shourders; carries . himself erpct and is of fine 1 physique. -It "is generally, the case that 'such men wtfd small ladies, -"but1 strange to say ho is engaged to a, lady; of "Georgia wTho is fivefcet'and nine inches.high. . ' Mr. Bingham ellti His TfopcrtV, ' ; Mr. tV S, Bingham , has 'sold his nice i-)roperty" on .West Dpbt fjU-eet to Mr. BakterPrks. 'Mr.. AT Tk 171 ,. ..Jr. ImmA n,l A Utath at the "ala ?Iili. . V . ,Mr.CsKa5sell, a man of 22 years, ciii out ar trie iaui mui Sunday m,orning. lie nati con- sum utioii. He leaves" a heart T - iTho remains will be,iatei-red at R&ky Ridge tom5rrow. rteports are easily btai'teil these daTs as to a case of smallpox. to hisroom and the. report was started that he hacUi case. Pliy- sicians have examined lhim,,,andt there ar$? n0 symptoms of h idisease. fcsS -ZZZli o o I5mghani. ii?s purchase" n iot on h a jitcHio Uqv.; Fetzer avenue 'juat in rear of Dr. L t'in corfimand of "the camp. T FT 1 "P y r VYI S i-wu- r . BAD FOITHE URITISH. Gen. rThite Must CiitIis Vay Out or Surrender. $ A Lond(jn telegram to the New York Sunof today says: "It is learned . f rom "reliable source that . Lord Roberts, su preme commander at Natal, fras advised tJiatLady smith bo aban doned.". ... ' 'A later, dispatch from New York announced that run: or had if. that Ladysmith, had already rurrendord. .This h . doubtloss premature, for a" dispatch froixi' L6ndon- received 'here .'at 12:S0 says .the British cabinet, directed" tliat Gen. 'W hite bo instructed to' cut his .way out.if practical, pth-1 efw Tion r wMinT-nl rrnri Tiie? T V (10(1 th" -v- rrrea will fall into the hands of t the Boers. ' A still later London" dispatch say's tho poiiular:denTn,nd is that trie .attack for 'the relief of Lady- smith bo, abanddued and that Uio -attack be by way of Orange .Frco State instead of by Natal; TtM) Lost Causey . . . : .....- ,.'').. . . The 'January number of '"'The iosi Cartiso" for Ats fontig- ' piece a; fine half , tone qt Gen. , R ..Lee , and. a short eaitonal tribute; an . interesting .' account of t the, service the. V. ; M. I. Corps of Cadets during ,'the'60s; a continuation of! tho Constitut jon pi. tho' Confederate StatesK"pro: usely illustrated; interesting talk's with the' U. D'. C. 's ; a mirth 1 provoking colloction.of camp-fire yarns; notes -of .the' coming Na tional' Confetforate 'reunion; And nnmorous short articles' on vari ous-subjects", makfng a most at tractive number of this journal, , ', A special reunion, number will be issued in February or March. A year's "subscription will , be sent free to all ria'rriesak'es pf GenR F.Lee sending ih their names. '. ....;. - Edited 'by .Mrs. t (Gen.),' Basil Duke anti-Miss Florence- Barlo w. Louisville,. Ky'.- Price',, 75 cents por year. V . t f Capt. D.: A. Caldtvell Ucsffrns. Oapt.-. D A. Caldwell lias resigned the office "of commandor of Camp-212 -U...C. V." to .accept the place of "Division Quarter master on -the staff of, Gen. J, G JtJaJl, 'of the first division, witH ine ritilK. ui niujux. .x.j jacuo To Meet jitMorfelicad June 1 2tli. Tbo oxecutivfe. committee of the North Carol in Teacher s A ssmblj-'jnotTn "Raleigh on the 20th aud fixed upon tho "next meeting at Morehead onthe 12t.h of June. Prdf..WfjHsett resigned as secretary and treasurer and Superintendent C H Mebane was uiadoJiis successor. . An oer oi -this kind is the jaeftnest o'f deceptior. rst the curitive powers Ely's'' Cream Blm for the cttiw oi Catarrh, Hay fever and cold? in tho head and yofc are sure to. continue the treatment. Relief is immediate and a are follows. . It is not drvinari does not .-produce sneez ing."' .Ifc' soothes and .heals the memoribne. , jrrice 50 ' cents at druggists or by mail.--Ely.BrcB, warren., totiNew iorK. His Ltttlfl Child Dear!. It will b remembered that some timeago death' robbed, Mr. - t Geo. Hornbuckle, of Cannoriville, or his wife, leaving him with one Child. On Sunday rAoming tRee child also was taken by the same hand after suffering with pneu monia. Tile funeral rvas pioa"ched by .Rev. B Lacy Hoe. Tft child whe pnly a few months old, personaLs.". . Harold Shemwoll spent -this morning hero. ' . J . 1 . Jur). Rutlodg 'spent'.yestor day in Charlotte. . . , . Wifl Barrier left, last nisrht bound for Coiumbifs, Ga. . : n pi o tit n -r Wnlip . .'. . bury gyant yesterday, hero. . , " Giis llartsell .qame in -last Saturday night to spend Sunday. . -Mr. . Frank -Kldfidge, . of Greensboro, is" hero -this after' poon. . Mr;- Barney. Douglass. spent yesterday -heue.witli hisfamily ut Mr. Jas. W Cannon's. . " -Mr, B;.'B Varner,' . editor of the Lexington; "Dispatch, is spending-this aftornoon here.-. Mr. T-C Wilson" arrived hre this morning - from -Gstonia ,to attend . tiie iuneral of Mr. Geo. Hornbuckle's child. Sit. Mrs. J .C' Gihson and Mrs. Robt. Gibsori. went over, to Char--lotto this m'orning'wherothey go to hear Bishop Coleman.- J - Rev; Walter. Smith returned to Charlotte this momiug aftjr' tilling the pulpit '.so ably at the Episooinl church yesterday. ,' Grayges, .. . . .";.' - .Baiiaiias,', . . ' and all, kinds of ' .' 1 , .. Canxi'id'Ffujt.s and ? Vegetables. California , Evaporated Reaches, . . LousiaifaPlantatibn , ''Molasses :'. irr caiis at : S. J . Ervin's. 'Phone ..Yi 6$ .,t diiralgla.' Got T)r. Mllr cists. "Onectm arlotti "A Leader'thal: Lead's' All Others'.' C -VJ 4' Y::m "T5?-7' T fr. w . . .- .. 1- W . (8...,, i. .--" .,- Do you nead one in jour bufcicees? We Laf about fJ''KH) -wort!! t Furniture tihat we boupln to tell. Give us a chance at you and if vo do i'1. -you we will most;" Call and see na. You are always welcome. Money b&zk if gods are not as repref euted. j That's. our way. ; Bell, Hamse& Co. T"73 Residence Phone .... 90. Store 'Phone . . 12 Tor Ur Fiv Trim Mrs. iulow'tt fcouthirdj, (vrnp?'ba3 ben used fo ove'r littv jtarB bv rm liors of iaotJuers for their oliIJrca Vit:.e teMfiin? with perfect pnecess. It soothes tlio elnl.l, 8often the gums, all-s all phfn, eura wiud colio, iin.l 14 tUe best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immedi ately. Sold by dr nprgists in evt-ry parj; ithe worlj, Tirenty-Sve ceats a bot tle.. Be etire a!.ask for "1VIrs TvTia- " fiio8 fcoithing Syinp," am take to' otlfrr kin . . THE .MOD.- s ii -: :: AND QTTT Uij '! 1 here;ancl wc prepared t6 fiil'your wants.'. .Childrens, . .... 7 . ' Misses .arid Worn ns". Leggings.'"; in .black and fancy '..colors .at 59c and 75c. . .Boys and- girls best quality Corduroy Leggings ; cpme above ' the.. knees arid, buckles'.' ! only 98c. '. Al sizes . in vWbmains ..Over-- gaiters... at 25c and 39c- Rubbers for.', everybody. Are your . shoes getting thin? We ;have " just ;;.the right kind-heavy.bot- toms that are flexible ard easy wearing. ' Drop in and ree what.' ' vye,have, t t a u , .