c Aw Price: $4.00 per year.- CONCORD, N. C; WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1900. -Single copy 5 cents. I i V 8 5- 1? 7 4 Suffocates HORRIBLE MINE DISASTER. Eploslonat Red Ashe" West Virginia, Entombs . Workmen and Those Not KiheVby It. A horrible myie disaster oc curred at .Red Ashe, West Vir ginia, about 8 o'clock Tuesday morning. It is a coal mine in the ide of the mountain a"hd is above writer,. It is believed to have been what is known as a flust explQsion. It carried death and destruction with it. The explosion caused the en trance to fall in and closed the ways to different compartments of the mine! Dispatches seem rather varied as to the number of victims. The . number within the mine at the time is reported frdm 50 to 125. There will hardly be' any sur vivors rescued. , . The number of dead already secured is reported as ten attd as many as 37 while fragments of bodies are ' to be found in un recognisable condition. ! It is the worst mine disaster that region has ever had and the mot horrible that has appeared in the news columns for a good long time. 9 .An Indiana Romance." If you want to see a clean neat, pretty, interesting play. don't fail to see the beautifu comedy drama, "An Indiana Ro mance," produced under the di rection of Mr. Robert Downing the well known actor and man aerer. The night set apart for this production is Saturday .night, March 10th. Mr. Down ing rehearsed this company ana feels confident that those who witness it will be fully repaid for the time consumed. Each and every member of the company have been engaged for their es pecial filness for the parts they are cast for. ; The prices are within the reach of all. and in the vernacular of the day, "You'll get y our jnoney's worth.' The Vaccinating Ordinance Rescinded. At a meeting of the graded school board Tues'day afternoon it was decided that the vaccina tion ordiance madt) by them dur ing the prevalence of smallpox here be rescinded.. It was also decided that the school be continued the full nine months as 'heretofore. . ; Rev. N. J. Bakke to Wed. Cards have been sent out announcing the engagement of Rev. N J Bakke, of Charlotte, formerly pastor of the colored Lutlferan church hfere tfb Miss Josephine E Bohnet, of New Osleans. He was in New Orleans only a few wfceks ago as., a delegate to a conference of the church.. . ' To Gire a Colonial Tea. Aunt Rachgl Pitzfgerald, an old - colored woman of our town, has issued a number of invitations to her white friends inviting them , to attend a supper which shewHl give ThursdJ-fternoon in Gib son's hall. Our peopjp know how Aunt cBachel ban make good things for the table and the for tunate ones will be there; ABuUf K. C. COLLEGE. 4 - Committee VlsitsHickory Favorably Infbrf sseP-No Hindrances j Discov f ered. ' . . At the late called -session . of theN. C. E. L. Synod held at Salisbury a committee from the Tennessee synod invited the tommitte from the itforth Caro-. lina synod to visit Lenoir Qoflege. and ascertain for themselves every matter of inquiry pertain ing tothe proposition to unite North Carolina Colfege and Lenoir college whiph proposition stands ready to be tendered when the North .Carolina synod has concluded to move its college;. s The committee consisting of Rev. WR C Holland, Rev. C B Miller,' Rev. V Y Boozer and Mr.' G E Ritcti, (Mr. T'M Ross could riot join them) went to Hickory on Tuesday. 1 We learn that they found the property -ery desirable and; while titles to property and the relations of fhe synods and those pertaining to the United synod's work etc. were looked into and considered with a view, to seeing that no stones" of stumbling should lie in the way, the pro position looks in every way fa vorable for acceptance. What seemed to be a chasm but a few years ago seems not even bridged but closed by the ripenings of time and fraternal sentiment. The visit will doubtless pre pare the committee to. answer al most any question mat may arise in the coming convention of synod in May which will again take up the college. question and consider it in its further develop Pments. Miss Weeing in '.'An Indiana Romance.' I ' Among the many -fair daugh-1 ters of the South' there is ndfrone fairer or more talented .than Harrietlte Weems. ! Miss "Weoms, although 'jroung "in years, has already held the highest po sitions. She has been leading lady with Mr. Ikmis James, Mr. Thomas W Keene, "Mr. Creston . - Clarke and others essaying all the leading Shakespearian roles. She is one of the very few ac tresses" now before' the pubjic who can play a leading Shakes pearian role one night and essay a part like Mary Ramsey in "An Indiana Romance," or "Cricket on the Hearth" the next. Miss Weems is now under tb.e manage ment of that popular actor and manager, Mr. Robert Downing, and will shortly make a tour of the South. PERSONAL POINTERS. Mr. J) K Cecil, of Lexington, spent tfiis morning Here. V ftfiss'Sallie Young returned to Charlotte, this mo isaing. . Mr. W A Foil, of Flowes. went to Salisbury last night on Dusiness. . . . , , Mr. Davif Ramseur arrive in the city tonight visit to his mother. will ona Mr. and Mrs. Cha. Harris went up to Salisbury this morn ing to spend the , day. They will return tonight. Miss . Laura Wadsworth re turned to Charlotte this morning after .spending several ' days at Mr. D F Cannon's. . Miss Myrtle Rowe, of Cannon ville, Dead. The home of Mr. Henderson Rowe at Cannpnville was made sad Tuesday night about 1 o'clock when the last breath was taken by his loved daughter, Miss Myrtie Rowe, who was just en tering into womanhood. ; She was about 17 years of age. , For some time she has been in lm- gering health, sunenng - witn consumption. The remains will be interred Thursday morning after the funeral is preached by Rev. W B Oney, who" was b.er pastof. ; " The Sapper a Success. The supper given in the Li taker reom Tuesday evening by the Ladies Aid society of the Baptist church was in every way a success. From the supper they realized $2,471 for the treasury besides $6.00 donated in dash; ' . i - .. Black Sam Jones Here. Rev As McLees, colored commonly known as Black Sam Jones will hold services tonigh and tomorrow night at Price me morial temple. He will ' no hold aseries of meetings here. F A Fiendish Attack. An attack was lately made on C Collier pf Cherokee, Iowa, that nearly proved fatal. It came through his kid neys. Ills back got eo lame he could not stoop without great pain, nor sit in a chair except propped by cushions. No remedy helped him until he tried Electric Bitters which effected suoh wonderful change that he writes he feels like a new man. This marvelous medicine cures backache and kidney trouble, and purifies the blood and builds up your health. Only 0O0. per bottle at Fetzer's drug store. To Publish a Concord Edition. V. Messrs. G S Escott and B W Ball, of the Mill News, a news- damaging. paper published, in uharlotje . Ilelnons Crime: TJfuaJ Tenaltj. George Ratcliffe, a" villainous negro man, committed the foul est of all deeds on a little 8-year old white girl near Clyde, N. C, last Saturday. "He was caught and jailed at' Waynes ville, but a mob gathered ant forced their way into jail when they riddled -him with bullets instead . of breaking open the cell, which would have been difficult and most especially for mill people, Sre here getting up data for. an edition which they hope. to issue in two weeks in the interest of Conconf and the mUlsr oi .this place. The edition will coniain about twelve pages.' ; '7 ' A Thread of Lov In It. t .Mr. Henry M Wilson of the Textile Excelsior, has a "very ininortant engagement at Balti- -rfir -iOi.il tt: more, mq., iviarcn mu. m xno REMARKABLE CURES OF RHEUMATISM From the Vindicator. Eutherfordton N.C. ' , The editor of the Vindicator has had occasion to test the efficacy of Chamber Iain's Pain Balm twioe "With the most remarkable results in each case. ' First, witht rheumatism in the shoulder from wnich he suffered excruciating pain for ten days, which was relieved with two applications of Pain Balm, rubbing the parts afflicted and realizing ,, instant benefit and entire relief in a very short t:me Second, in rheumatism in thigh joint, almost prostrating him with seyere pain, which was relieved by two application, rubbing with the liniment Dr. Chauncey Rakestraw re turned to Cfcarjotte thi$ morn ing, While here he was the guest of Pr. R S Young. . Messrs. J A Means, S P Holloway, L Loomis, and JW Tucker, who pay our town a visit occasionally, are registered here today. If troubled with rheumatism, give Cbamberlam's Pain-Balm a trial. It will not 'cost you a cent if it does no good. One application will relieve the pain. Tt also cures sprains and bruises in one-third time required by any other iraimeni. guta, burns, frostbites, quinney, pains id the side and chest, glandular and ether swellings are quickly cured by applying it. Every bot- ue warranted, rrioe VMS. ana WO. HOW ABOUT IT? . . Those hot drinks at the Concordi Drug Co.'s Hot Soda9 Fountain will drive away that chilly shiyering feeling : that this cold weatner throws upon you. '- The liberal. pa tronage we have received proves jihe real merit of our drinks. M Concord Drug Co. Phone H. L Parks & Co, xeaay-io-wear ouk waists in the new colors , and hand somely made only ,$5.00. sale at Marsh's drug stct. 1'or Perc.ajl wrappers, with tight fitting waist linings, at prices that , save the sew-ing-75c, 98c and $148. ror Ottr Ftitr Tears Mrs. Winslow'g" Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil lions of ' mothers for their children whue teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It wH relieve the poor little sufferer immedi ately. Sold by druggists in every, part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bot tle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wir slows Soothing Syrup," audtake no other kind .... . Just Received A fresh line of ffCeraiker - VooIwine Co.'s Celebrated Chocolates, Ko-Kreams, and the finest line of Penny Goods ever Drought to the city. California Oranges, Alakuma, of Stick Candy,' You want to soa our soft texture Taffetta Silks, the kind that does not split easily and only one pattern of a color at 75c per yard. 36 inch Percals, spring colors' and big values at 7jc. Sea Island Percals, goods made only 10c. bast and a nice assortment at Large .selection of French Ginghams only 10c.' Good yard wide bleaching, free from starch in 1 to 5 yard pieces only 5c yard. I New goods are arriving daily and we.are glad to show you the novelties. . S. J. Ervin's. 'Phone . . 6o, HLParhs&G . iv 'U ; onrretiring at nint, ana geuing up iree many friends in pbarlotte , are from Sold at Marsh's drug store. very 'mucn mtereswju uu wo wondering, how important (?) the engagement may prove to' be. vlore anon. Charlotte News? : rnr w,ieniVaeft niimVAr nf Dooulai baker, of fetersburg. Va. "We nends here who wit! aisowonaer troubled with bad coughs, also whoop- as to his important mission. He formerhf made Concord A GOOD Q0UGH MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN "I have no hesitancy in recommend ing Chanbei'lain's Oouh , Kemedy,' savs F P Moran, a well-known and jDulai baker, 01 retersourg given nt.forf ootiafonfirin Ik war rnm. nis mended to me by a druggist as the best t : i n icrHn in oouerb medicine for children as it .con- nuui, utvmguaua , tained no opium or other harmful the Odell mills. ' drugs. Sold at Marsh's drug store, Best oh Earth! r- ' ' Bbyal Felt Mattresses. Tiy one aid b'e'convfbced.1 BelJnerris & Co., sole aent for Concord. Vi also carrv in st ck the Lelebrated Curled fl$ir, Acme Coibb nation. Perfect -i liolled H-dge. Cotton in two parts, Pine Fiber, Sea Mow. Cotton and Hn"k. Straw and Cotton t o fit all sizes of bes, with S irings to ma ch. Ones-d 01 your me is spent in bed. Help us in our efforts njake vou o- mfortabla. Don't iorgei u ir 01 unairs jatt in, and oar "J-ieader ' Ktoves not on'y take but bake it to perfection. Furniture! k 5 3 k &ZT5i te a f gooc") re nut as represented. the Did vou say ? Stand fromnder! Cer I, 't. spot' cash, is our WHy to bay. . EveryLody kaows our way to sell Small profits end u.oney hn Cnand6eeui. Bell, Harris & Co. Residence iPhon6..... 90. ' : Stoie 'Pp one.... 13 I I T I I 41',

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