Of! mm Prjce: 3.00 jer year. ... CONCORD, N. C. SATURDAY, MARCB 24, 1900. -Single copy 5'cents. 9 g(0)E(S(0)M m 2s S . A M cmii . Ml f .7 t I 1 V REMEMBEi?ED IS THE WILL.' JPenick. Query, of -This Tlace, Is an Hefr tyTvo Thousand and 1'ivejCin dred Do"llas By the Will" of the Late jSamuel T- Alexander. . 8 By the wiW)f fhe lafe Salnuel P Alexander, who died in Char lotte recently, Mr. Penfck Query, oftnis pfaT:e, falls heir to'$2,5p0 SkS the part t6 a great ne'phew. His -special bequests were to : Mrs. Amanjda Pritchard $2,000, Miss Mane 'Alexander $2,000, Miss Mary Lafferty, ot David son, $2,000,' Tbos. McLelland and J P Query,, his gre'at neph ews, S250D each; to the trustees of the General 'Assembly, of tb.Q Presbyterian church fo'r foreign missions, "$5,000; to the Commit tee 'of Education of the Southern Presbyterian church, to educate candidates for the ministry, ' $5,000; to Barium Springs Or-, phanage, $5,000; 'to home mis sions in Nof th Carolina, $5,000. Henry Alexander, of Mecklen-. burg county, also receives $2,500.. '. The special legacies amount to about $30,000. This will leave about $130,000 to. be divided among the principal heirs, who are Mr. Alexander's nieces or nephews, or the'ir heirs. Miss Lafferty, of Davidson, who was willed $2,000, is a sisler of Mrs. McConnell, who Jives here. We extend our corigratulations toMr.Queryin his financial gain. With the Churches Tomorrow. The pastor, Rev. C. B. Miller, will hold regular services tomor row, morning and tomorrow jaight at St. James 'JLijtheran church. Rev. W. B. Oney will - hold services at St. Andrews Luth eran church tomorrow night at 7 o'clock. ' . ' Rev. J C Davis will hold services at the Episcopal church tomor row " at 11 o'clock and 4 o'clock. Sunday school at 3 p. m. Daily prayers at 5 o'clock through the week. , There will be regular services at Trinity 'Reformed church to- morrow morning and iommor row night by the pastor; Rev, W H McNairy. . Regular .services tomorrow mprning and tomorrow night at Forest Hill 'Met Jiodist church by the pastor,. Rev. RM Hqyle. Regular services at the Efaptist cliurcli both morning and night bx't'he.pastor Rev. BLacyHoge. Subject for 11 arm., "The Latter . Day Saints. H Subject; .for 7:30 ' p. m., "TJie Elder Brother." , Rev. Cochran - Preston will preach at Forest Hill Presby terian church at 11 o'clock, after which there will be a congrega- tional meeting to make fin alar '. rangemerts f or'Rev. Mr. Difnc&n who will arrive next week. aRev. Mr. Preston will pVeach at Can- ; nonyille Presbyterian church at 1 7:30 p. m. bunchy scnooi at 8:30 a. m. .Rev. J Rumple will fill the piflpit of the First Presbyterian church tomorrow mflrning and tomorrow nighj. After the norning service a meeting of the congregation iir Toe" held to select a pastor. This is a ques m tion that has beeuin the rginds f the Presbyterians for s6me time and the Jime tor the solec , Aion has begn look'ed forward to for some weeks. Mr. A M Rice, of Woodleaf inRowan county, and Mrs. W B Smo'ot, of Salisbury, arrived hero this morning to spend sev eral days at Dr. J E Smoot's. YIItGfLfi MOB HANGS TITO White Man and Negro Murder two ' . White ;Men andPay the Rope and LimJ TenaltyToday at Emperia. . " A Richmond dispatch of the "53rd says: . k "Thenegr6 who, with a white man, -was engaged irp the lrillig of Justice of the.Peace Saunders and Mf . Welton, .at 'Skippers, in Greenville county, Thursday, was, after an all-night chase, captured at Stony Creek, Sussex county. He confessed to the shooting of Saunders and Wel ton, and to several robberies, among' them that of the Giz zards, at, Emporia, jbut denied the killing of George W Black, who ivas murdered in Jiis store some weeks ago', and of which I ho was also suspected. He is the negro Cott6n, who m escaped fr.om the Portsmouth, Va., jail some months ago, while under sentence 6f death." An indignant moU gathered and tho sheriff at one time feared that to call for a military com pany would be fatal for him. However later he got a company but it was withdrawn and a local citizens' guard placed. With the promise of the sheriff that Cot ton should not be taken away it was hoped to quiet the mob and give him a trial. At 1:40 a. in., today (Saturday) the military again took charge - of the jail. Today, .however, the jail was entered and Cotton was taken out and hanged to a tree. The white man (whose name we did" not catch) was caught since Cotton was. The mob broke into his cell and threw the nooso over his head. At this period the mob was temporarily checked agreeing to defer tho summary punishment for three days to givohim a chance to exonerate himself. The nogroes, however, clamored vigorously for his blood and at 1:30 he was taken to the tree from which. Cotton had Just been cut down and hanged to death. There was no shooting or desecrations beyond the straight out hanging."' " The excitement is intense "but seems to be quieting down and it is'believed to be over.. The soat of the trouble . a.s we understand 'is . at , Emporia . yi Greenville comity, near the North Carolina. line? It will be remembered that this trouble 'grew out of thqse desperadoes killing the two officers that were serving a war rant on them for arobbory in a little town called Gnzzard, ' Rev! ten. G Bronhton Coming. It will be remembered . that Rev.Len. G Broughton had some time ago set a date ft) come here and deliver a sermon in the Baptist qhurch. The engage ment .was broken but Rev. B Hliacy Jloge hasreceived a letter from him stating that ne win oe here on Monday night, April 2nd. He is in Atlanta at present. If troubled with rheumatism, give Clamberlam's Pain-Balm a trial. It will not cofct you a cent if it does no gooc1. One application will relieve the pain. Tt also cures sprains and brnises in one-third time required by any other treatment. Cuts, burns, frostbites, quinsey 3 pains in the side and cheBt. glandular and other swellings are quickly cured by applying. Every bot tle warranted. Price 25c, and 50o. For sale at Mar&h'a drug fctcrs. PfeRSONAL POINTERS. . Mr. DB Parish', of Raleigh,, is herctpday on a business trip. Mf. J L Crowell returned home, this morning 'from a busi ness trip, to Charleston. . Mrs. Robt. E "Gibson went to Charlotte 'this morning to spend Sunday. , . Rev. J Rumple arrived this morning from Salisbury. He is the guest of Mr. Jno. P Allison. Miss Mamie Springs, of Charlotte, is expected - here to-i morrow. to spend Sunday, witn Miss Grace Fisher. . Will Johnson, who is clerk- ing at the Arlington hotel in Charlotte; is expected here to- kmorrow Mr. Jas: H Parvin and wife, of Philadelphia, spent a few hours 'here last .night. Mr. Ear vinis a friend of Mr. as. W Cannon. ; The M.t. Pleasant .and Concord High School '. baseball game which was to lave been played today has been called off. Mr. Jno. Hatchett went to Danville this morning to the bod side of Miss Helen Johnston, who is not expected to live but a short while. ' iFather 'Joseph arrived here this morning from Salisbury on his way out to his church near here where he holds 1 services to morrow. Wheeler to lie Brijfadicr. A Washington dispatch of tho 21st says: "There now appears to be no doubt that Gen. Joe Wheeler will be made a brigadier in the regular army and given command of the Department of the Lakes, with headquarters at Chicago. Gen. Wheeler, called on Secretary Root today, but, owing to the Secretary being very busy, he only had a brief conversation with him." The Best Prescription for Chills And fever ia a bottle' of Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic. It is simplv iron and quinine in a tasteless form. Ko curq no pay. Price 50o. Just Received A. freph line of Kemkejp-; Wool wine Co,s Celebrated Chocolates, . Ko-Kreams, and the finest line of Penny Ucods ever brought to the city. !alifornia Oranges" Alakuma, and a nice assortment of Stick Caydy at 5. J. Ervin's. 'Phone do. Questions Answered. Tai, Auguit Flower still has the larg est sale of any medicine ia the civilized world. Tour mothers and grandmothers never thought of using anythinsr else Jor indigestion or billioasness. Xoptors were scarce, and they seldom heard of appendicitis, nerTou prostration or heart fa;lnre, etc. , They used August FJowr id clean ou the system and sup fermentation of undigested food, regulate the action rf the liver, stimu late the ervous and organic action of the y stem, and that is all thev took wnen reeling unii anu ubu wilu laeitu aches and other aches. You only need a few dopes of Green's August Flower, in liquid formjto make you satined there ia nothing serioub-the matter with you. For sale by all dealers in civilized ouncries Trinity college's baseball team was defeated Friday by " the Horner team in a score of 8 to 0. The Mite Meeting. . . . i The Presbyterian ladies had j fljSir mite meeting Friday njghti with Mrg. Zeb Morris. An even- a . tl iqg's pregram, consisting oi games, etc., had been arranged for the attendants. They real ized $2.85. . . A GOOD COUGH MEDICINE FOR.CHH,DRET( L "I have no hesitancy in recqmmSnd-1 me unanberiain'a uoucn iiemeay," says P P Moran, a well-knoTm and ponulai Daker, oi retersDHrar, va. "Wei iiave given it to oar children when .troubled j?ith bad oou.rhfl, also whoop ing cough, and it has always given perfect satisfaction. It was recom mended to me by a drfageist ab the best cougb' medicine for children, as it con tained no .opium or other harmful, drugs. Sold .at Marsh's drug store. h: I. PARKS Is on display at this store', and. such a lot of handsome,, tasty Neckwear you have never set your eyes on. Drop in and see' what we are showing. :No use waiting till the season is half gone before you get into the style be in the fashion while the fashion-is fresh. New colors' anil, new silks in Bows and Club Ties at 25c and 50c Buffs and Imperial are of the new shape, all colors for evening, wear and appeal - to those who are fastidious about their Neckwear. j III 1- ',1 ' ill H iii - q The proper thing in Shirts, Collars and Guffs, for day or evening wear, you will find in the latt-St styles in Madrass, Percal and Silk of the preftiest patterns. Our . . goods-are of tliQ newest materials Und the make aud'h'C is equal to 'custom made.. . . - H; . L. PARKS Sc. COMPANY. " That lost lfer Sheep, says let then! alone, they will come home, while ' she is selecting her. Furjiltare and Housefuiinishing at. . ' . . .BELL, HARRIS-& Id ' Where she has" a choice in . . Room SetTs from 10.00 to SI 50. 00. Hat Yonrchoice . . 0 most Celebrated Cdok Stoves oi U mane tnrlnv - . . St$iLeadefis,tronKlngs,Gateityt m . GeoXgia oheand soffle other pocket additions. Pictures and Picture Frames. Come and see, we will do the rest. : Bell, Harris & Co. Residence Phone. . . .1)0. Store 'Phone IL'j Eemembep' SJ "Ou Hot Drinks are still in S fall blast, and they are purely Rant. We are also i roparecE to serye L Cold Drinks lces Ett. Special entertainment for the? ladies their popular resort. a. 0 'Phone 37". Concord Drug Co. ' & COMPANY. TUB PIR-SX Showing.' oi SPRING-Neckwear Dining Room Sets, Tables, Chairs, Sideboards' from 0 &10.00 to 873.00. at Racks from 10 cents to 00- Parlor Purniture-from $15.00 to bU.00. War(fR6bt, Roll Top, Flat ad ladies De.sl from $4.50. to $30.00. romttie followiufr list ot the . . v

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