'.. . . u . . - . . . ; ... . i . I---. ... I cvr-.flf' SmiTsy . - V - A Price: $1.00 per year.. THE REFORMED CLASSIS. CONCORD, N. C. SATURDAY, APRIL 21. 1900. Single copy 5 cur A LARGE DEAL. TIib Amuial Moelg Opened Wednesday . WG ewuian Selis (beConlrolliInter. at ' Benlah Church In DaTiason; est cfthe Union Copper Mintothe County-Ofliecrs for the Ensuing Year : Standard Ot Company. ' - ; wElffCtet Qt ; V " The recent rumor that ' the Wntten for The Standard. Standard QyfCompany was trV- Arnold, April 19.The annual ing to secxi controlling inter meeting of the North Carolina est in thEJnion Copper Mine Ciassis of the Reformed church was not altogether an idle one v tutru au juuiau unuiuu u&Mie i uuw uieypwn an tne snares services of Jive nig-hts. dn.v a,ftorrnrr Thft hnnr nf ibv W-fi- Nftwmnn T'Viio -,-r. ! . THE "FIVE XIGflT SYSTEM. meetinjir was delayed on account I that the- Standard Oil ComDan . of the inclemency of the weathei. i will have the controlling interest The opening services were ; n the mine in the future. Your conducted by Rev. Paul Bar- correspondent hasn't been able rinerr and the writer, after i to learn the amount 'Mr. New- which the sermon was preached : "in received lor his stock, butj very pleasing' to the eye and by the retiring president, Rev. ! those who know most about the ' touch. W A Lon, Ph. D. The Odell Mills to Adopt That Plan A New Class of Goodg-5Ir. Robbins to Fill M, L, Sloore'g Place. The Odell Manufacturing Co! will begin next week with what is known as the 5-night system, that is night operators will re ceive full six days-wages for the Tiiey Will Orgair'ze Soon. A meeting will be held in a . week or two by the stockhold- ers-inthe new cotton mill to be built a few miles on this side of China Grove. The amount of stock, $50,000, has been sub scribed but the company is not yet organized company has just rotten in two car leads of Dobby looms for making fancy nap goods. With several of these looms previously placed, the company is making goods very similar to , - f eider down. These goods are interesting sermon the election of officers for the ensuing year was" taken .up, which resulted as follows: A Shulenberger, Presi dent; T C Hesson, Vice-President; G Weber, Corresponding Secretary. During a; short inter mission the president appointed the necessary committees. Thursday morning's session was given to the reading of the Parochial reports until 11 o'clock when we listened to a sermon by the Rev. G Weber, of-Salisbury, on the subject "Despise -Not the Day bf Small Things." After an intermission, of more than an hout the reingof tHoarpchial reportpiitinu ed . J ReY Kerchner asKea iur After this J transaction state that the consid eration was enormous. Mr. Newman still owns the Gold Hill Mine and will continue in the county looking after the working of the Union Mine Salisbury correspondent to Charlotte Ob server. ' What Kind of Scales Have You ? We note from the Greensboro Telegram that the. agent of the Computing Scales Company, of Dayton, Ohio, has brought suit against a merchant . of that city ; -Mr. Will Bobbins has ; been promoted to the position resigned by Mr. M L Moore who leaves for his new field the first of the week. Arrangements for filling Mr. Robbin's place at Buffalo are not- complete yet. . . THE CONCORD PRESBYTERY. Bus?vos; if Importance Transacted ; Thus Far During the Session, The Concord Presbytery began its" session Thursday evening. The tirinsr moderator. "Roir-X Ta t , Throbbing Hcadacnc Would quickly leave you. if you used Dr King's New Life. Pills. .Thousands i of sufferers haye proved their matchless merit for eick2 and ntsryoua headaches. They make pure blood and build up VnnT VlPnlfh O-nW .Kn af nncir Vanlr it notcur. Sold at Fetzer's drug store, xllOlie 37. New" DRINK- We are always lookmn jl v something new, and a mos i eiegant ana reiresnmi: annx : of the season is , now on draught onr soda fountain. It is riKt a-id we treat it right. " v Conqord Druo Co . for u sing an infringement on their scale. It is called the'Na-iMI ser tionalH--i-CQr3put;iag"''ale. The mon. - At the conclusion of the purchasers are being prosecuted sermon the, transaction of busi Wftnea rmrn.Tiv p.an't find ness was entered into and Rev. the rAanufactnrers of the in Geo. ti CookVf this county, was Do not wait till the seaspn is hal gqand vtKe stock JSiS---' w T 4 me. mamuiwiuietai-. ux , v-,r --wu-vj, Our parasol sales aye increasing daily because we nave- dismissal to the Presbyterian frmment. Should there be elected moderator, Rev. A L Mc- values: ; Hpfe Parasol church.! He was thus dismissed. a tie National Computing Laurin recording clerk, . and vl11Ao in the town. We ludcre from our sales and the 1 T J- - 1 f? 1 I 'I W . - - . .I pmoe while you ma ll s is no Duririsr Friday morning's ses- Rr,niAR sn our town the owner Rev. Cochi an Preston, of this! Vnnwlprlo-A.wA have of narasol eroodness. -rhi sion the reports of the commit- would do wen to Iook into the place, reading clerk. job lot of old junk, but clean, fresh new parasols direct tees were reaa ana u.u. matter rather tnan d naoie w ? raaay muimug :swaiuu i trom maKer wnovisneu to :.turu .iiibiu .mtu quiuts. uttoii. .c Via oTnmittee onl, lvfv t,ha disi hpanti- report ui ujo 7- line penalty. R!rlftation was recommitted. The Ladies Classical Mission u - i.lV7AXl XllCfciVVyJ. I? 1A v ' M au y w - 1 w -j. ' . devoted to the disposition of re give you the gatst variety to select Jrora, beauti nreliminarv routine business. r hanMah nnd 'if" riot sunerior values, we do not ask Mr. Mebane Satufled. t.-lu,v ' M7uit nnnuk meet- The Newton Enterprise in re- FOR OVER-FIFTY YEAKS J . society held fbeewto L" 8yr?p ,LCA At thi8 price we give you a steel rod parasol of ing w .''T-r,; taken " Ttion of " a'sdper- been used lor oyer fifty by mi- ijg ood English twill, real value Beventy-Uve cents, edifying A collection was taKen over the nomination 01 a oupei u0sof ! mothers- for; their, ohildren B"uiJU5"1"' 1, which amounted tonearlyS12.00. intelldent of Public Instruction, TISJL ttX Here W.g6od .serVicab parasols, gloria silk. the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It , Yn 1 1 . -r , tZAJ TrXnA q1hpc wPrP tliPV mnrVr-d . , , - i.rwTlMip I , Irelioyetbe troormtle unerer lmmeui- 1 migiit uo wupauoaou Bvy; -ww r Valuable ReTolutionary Keiic. Uic with the result, will sup- ISSVT SniAvdrmsta in everr part & -. ' ' ' ' J , 7 , ... 1 Mr M M Gillon has left With K . , , Democratic ticket, of tne world.. Twenty-five cents a tot- - - -n, 1,. ipuiu txxVJ.w Itlo Be sure and asfc lor '-airs, win x .u-otnW a rare itevoiu-i . iwrorl tnan ever T a4.v;c amn ma uVa no US W31UpVA t ' janCL'lS UlUJ.O vva.xxw- - I Blown uuiimuj, wjft -"w ' " US MSIUUIOAWJ -.- V'- ' r. and' IS lilUIt UUUYi"uu 810WB DUUWiiAK tionary relic. It is - the (cavalry as right incoming out other kind, ; s&Dre win wjj.iv" - .--- for the anienumeiiu u.v.-. voo i'-:: v - : grandfather, John Gillon.did sor- his lot with the Democratic PERSONAL POINTERS. vice in that great struss. party,". t ... :ri,.m!ilo. vorv much Ci : J we show a beautiful as- Mr. Mebane has found; it neo- k& , OMVwj DCCArT lO CULUU . uuw -w I . . . . ftflw. flat on the sines, xxu , convention, renerawng 1 x.mi v-juD, : v. .1 I 01"V" - V - . , . j ' 4. A?f u.is one ana tne Wiueat vaw - to like the modern sabre, . thoug . ,.. in w TTnllT. arrived here this morning JUO that in no case Wiu no "rT'A rl,-Hi Pearl' half inoli strong and the blade is . . to be wsed by any party inUro she vm wobably spend! U thirty-ono inches long,, . opposition to Gen. oon nv Sunday heire. ' . ! 1 The instrument is aouo, promises him nis mas.y tui .I-Miss 'aryArchey and little th host of steel,-: xnoug" 71-. rfittTibrt and co-opera. Miis Helen returned home tnis - . At -F 1 x j. . - . i . . . : .ZZi.Tth. morning -from baiisonry aiter , , ,;, x . spending al week. . R Tortner, a girl of sixteen, I ? , & - .., . a. tt l- i-s : was burned to ' deatn w Mills.. early Sunday says the 8yev- , ms ah ta n nn n rn tn 07 rn H ,W n 7 . H J . iftilO sortment of the fancy changaoie coiorsv as wen as m uiauis. . mvo, un, cnuw dreshdenv fine cougo or princess handles. ,;. Those who think of good goods at a conservative jprice miglit glance through this store. parwis'fojrto 18c to $1.25. Parasols for sunshine or 'stbrm. ' Prices ttiat tell and goods that sell L; PiRKS &: COMPANY. bloHf tending rather than of breaking. It has .ten distinct cuts across the edge as if done m fierce combat; dugh" if o done tradition has iosi yuo m-". Connected with the traditions of this telic uis a fearful expen ence ofJhim who bore it. on one occasion Mr. Gillon was in a scouting party that fell m witlra British force and he was pierced through the body twice So scalp wounds. The enemy eft him.for dead but he revived aid survived his injuries, j doing service yet in the great conflict iVat a kood ripe age .and I 1,1. J v- - w t . these scars wore buried m honoii'';ia grave. dust Received Vnu ! an never g GiUsays this sabre crnttn out ol tne j niuj . , ed k6r." . "r,1" California T-. i l"V- canned Apricots, :.nd Peaches. r She was kindling the fire in tha - ; A fte8UJiBe of ; kitchen when her clothing bo- ; ; came ignited She was fatally '".Boiling's, best canned Toma burned before assistance could toes. ' ; be given. her.. Like mos, ; instances she was pamvr-. .imlesslv aooui. ! re names instead of rcing self in bedding m nei room where she ran at first. - A Horrible Outbreak "Of Urge sores on my little daughter a . V . ir,fo ft case of scald r . .. .. WE? NEEiQi IT IN OUR BUSINESS! ANUIF you will, give us but half a CHANCE WE WILL GET IT; ""is the burden of our son-. . ;We have laboi ed by dy and urw ,a urearas bv night how to give tne people oi uom umiujuBuiiuuviu . .. -urniture store second to noie in the Carolina Whether .vc have r ceeded or or not. yon win nave lo como u - Birds iSe, Mahogany and Golden Oak mates beanhfnl fnr e. ' and see our New patterns, they are as lovely a8 the Easter n.u. ? Campbell's celebrated con densed Soups; something very fine. ' Canned Beef and Potted. Ham and Tongue. ' A fresh arrival, -tf elegant cream cnese tobitund at eczema, . tetter, . home from Charlotte this morn . P8t Fetz.r'B dros store. in' to spend Sunday. . .. V . ,: - -- Residence Phone. . . 90. i 'Phones . ; .r ; . 60. I '"Now yon are ehoutia-. otar J.eiuer, i.-ju City lead the procesion. Our way-goods ao .eesi - Did y oil say! Bell, Harri 5 Store'Por h j ' : : - (. i I - ' - s ' i" - t , -i'.: i