" 12 " 38 " 84 62 (4 C It Arrlral of Tratn. -iSf loTlne nSe of schedule took NORTHBOUND. No. 8 arrives at 5.52 a m " sir mfti. v-l8pm, 8.51 p m, (flag) 9.54 p m, 2.00 p m(lreiatV SOUTHBOUND. 87 arrives at 8.49 a m, (fla-) " ol " 8.51pm . T " 9-10p'm, (floe) 33 7.29 am, M " " 849 a m, (freight) . T' 35; running: ahead ot No 7 tfrtfP f 1 nef ef ary fo,r .throuh travel soiitb of Charlotte, and is topped for passengers arriving from Lynchburg or beyond. No. 36 stops regularly for oasa engers for Salisbu No suoro, Lieidsville, Danyilie Lyrchburg Charlottesville, and Washl lllgton. No. 37 atn Diuua Tor -nno. uuinmg irom J.ynchburg or points beyond, and to take on pas sengera for regular stopping places south of Newells. No. 38 stop to let oil passengers from regular stopping Places south of Newells and to take on passengers for regular stopping rJaces, Lynchburg orbeyond. Nos. 33 and 34 stop at Concord for passengersto or from the C. C. &' A. UiviHion Charlotte to Augusta and other points in South Carolina, Georgia and I ionda, reached through Columbia .ugusia. aiso tor through Kers to or from Richmond Va. WANTED-A medium size, second-hand safe. Cannon & Fetzer Co. Millions Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to the public Did von n 01 one lecnceChich iHi.ot n i V .7, c .u F1 ws so , afraid to be generous The well pleased with a situation proprietors iho .wViJ. oioj uj. xr. jxiugs ew xiscoverj f.tr con uie Southern and PrsiHor ! -. . v i MMMJKvAuui v,uu xa auii t ,i in a naT7 giyen away over ten million trial bottles and have the satisfaction, ot bowin it passen- or Norfolk, Nos. 7, 8, 11 and 12 are the local trains and connect at Salisbury with trains of X .. . k' ft HARRIS 5- LIT til A 25 cents Per Gallon At MARSH'S Pr$o Stoke. Powell during this strike of the operators? It is a mutual affair. LOST. Gold spectacles in case with name "Dr. Burbanks" printed on case. Leave at this office for reward. Mrs. Thos. M Alexander, who has been spending some time here with her brother, Mr. Ed. White, has returned to Mecklen burg county. " Mr. Hiram Williams met with an accident! at the Cannon mill 1 hursday night resulting in his lingers nemg- torn considerable. In some way he got his fingers into some of the machinery. Cannon's No. 3 here is now about completed and is without doubt one of the finest mills in the State. It is almost a palace of glass, and is a model of mod ern mill construction. Mill News. Miss Annie Bost and Miss Lena Stevens arrived here Fri day night from Winston-Salem. Miss Stevens has returned home from school on account of her health. Miss Bost has been visit ing her sister there. Mr. Joe Lilly, of Norwood, who is travelling, spent Friday night here. Mr. Lilly was re cently married to Miss Maude Morris, who once lived here, but whose home has recently been at Norwood. She has been visit ing here for more than a week. Sign painters have been the at traction for a number of people. It is worth the time to glance at them as they work on the Mor ris hardware wall but their proof -reader-failed to do his duty when his eye came to the word plements" in the sign.. ess cases. has cured thousands of hopd a. - .- . Astnnia, bronchitis, la grippe and all throat, chest and lung diseases are surelv cured by it. Call at Fetzer's drug store and get a free trial bottle. Regular size 50c. bottle guaranteed. and 3. Every Off LIT OR E OF CHOICE "Weather Forecast: liain tonight, and Sunday. ' Strawberries have already been on the market for this year. See H L Parks & Co's. double column ad on first page Morrison Fetzer has returned to school at Davidson college. Mr. Jno. K Patterson has a position how with the Aetna Life Insurance Co. ! The Cabarrus Black Boys will meet in their armory Tuesday night. Mr. J C Bailey, of Marsh ville, arrived here Friday night to visit his daughter, Mrs. J W Toney. . nnnrnrd's iuiiior team of ball players didn't go to Charlotte this morning on account of the bad weather. on, mitft meetiner was held at Mr D B Morrison's Friday night despite the bad weather. About 1.60 was realized. Mr. D J Bostian returned horn T7ij a n'-rr of w snandine several days at Albemarle. He returned bv private conveyance and naa quite a time crossing the swollen streams. Mrs. R M Turner, of Juno, ar rived here Friday night to viait her relatives. Mr. Turner was formerly the section master at this place. JUST RECEIVE! A car load nn ti 1 1 vour Tith the Chuicli8 Tomorrtir. j Rev. W.B Oney will preach his last sermon to his congrega tion at St. Andrews Lutheran church tomorrow night at 7:15. There will be regular services at -St: James Lutneran cnurcn, tomorrow at 11 o'clock and to morrow night at 8 o'clock, by the pastor, -Rev. Chas. B Mil ler. There will be regular services at Forest Hill Methodist church tomorrow morning and tonior row night. The baptismal ser vices will be held at the morning service. There will be regular services at the Baptist church both morn- mg ana nignt-, uy tue pafui, Rev B Lacy Hoge. Subject lor - . t-H i it 11-a. m. "A JName." ttuojeci ior 7:30 "p. m. V'What think ye of Christ.": -: : : ,. There will be regular services held at the First Presbyterian church tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. Services also tomorrow night by Rev. J R Bridges. There will be ; regular ser vices at Central Methodist church tomorrow morning ana tomorrow night, by the pastor, Rev. J A B Fry." Regular services will be held at the Episcopal church tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 4 o'clock. Choral services will be held at 5 o'clock. Th Best Prescription for Chills And fever is ft bottle of Grove's Taste Chill Tonic, It if simply iron and quinTin a tasteltss f ori. No cure no pay Pnoe 60o. a lot of Kingan's Breakfast Bacon AND SOME EXTRA GOOD Baltimore Hams. We keep Coffee, Sugar, Rice, Syrup, Molasses, Grits, Canned and Bottled goods of every description, and a him d red other things too tedious to mention, but such things as to be found in a modern grocery store. Nothing kept but First Class Goods. D. SlKSS. Phone. . . . . . ..... .110. The Striking Points of our Flavoring Extracts are their FftESHNESS, PURITY and STRENGTH. This assures pleasure, safety and economy in use. We ask a trial. This will prove our claim that they are the best and cheapest. Vanilla Iemon, Orange, Fmearole, Bitter Almond, Bed Rose, Nectarine, Celery, We don't mean two or three pieces. Four or live tuousand yards that we are going to sell at 5 cents that is worth 8ic. anywhere else. Always ready for you to compare with- goods elsewere. Can't be matched. FetZer'S Drugstore. promptly. Give me you. Sat?" 7o s-aSjs?; 'Phone 92, . w- ' We are now baking in our new oven and will hava . Fresh Baked . Bread, RotlSt Buns, Pics, Cakes, Etc., 1 Spring Cleaning i Time will soon be at hand and you want to clean and polish up your silver ware. It is difficult to find a per fect polish that contains no grit or acid likely to scratch or in jure the articles. This fear is done away with when you use Imperial Silver Polish which we sell under or own name and guarantee to be the best and most economical cleanser of silverware on the market. Try one for convince ment. A bottle cost 25c. and will last a long, long time. W. C. CORHELL The Jeweler. Pearl Polish Every Day. 1 ill BUY. Pfione 122. J. C. Correll, Manager. The ideal Metal Polish for cleaning and p olis h i n g silver, brass, copper, nickle, etc. I id arid THE BEST OE Sun Umbrellas and Parasols Ever brought to Concord from 15c to $8.00. Any style and color. Don't miss seeing them. Lawns, Dimities, Marlboro, Mercerized Satines, Tissue on due A. F. C, and French Ginghams. All included in the excelsior list. This is a good show and then it's money saving. ti Cannon & Fetzer Co. S If you dont know what to give for a wedding or birthday present come in and look around. We have 1,000 things in Chairs, Bedroom Suits and Pictures, all yours for the softest touch on the contents of your purse. Pictures framed to order while you wait. Furniture and Undertaking. Phone- No. 9. Jk. A l I mr For Business flen. You cm now prehase frtm tis a duplioatof which from ope copy; either from your typewriter or your pen, will pro'duce Sifty copies. If then yoti wish to duplicate another kncl of letter a few minutes only is lost in , . making a change. Itwill produce twbktt oopibs from am ordinary copyine: pencn. m inere is no Ijoakine of your paper to be dome, neither will your copies be sticky or curl. TwoBweepiof a damp epons will clean the surface of the duplicator and ib ready tot use again. Tt's useful to aU kinds of business men. who wish to take sev eral copies for dis tribution or preserva tion. It's a new inven tion and promises to be the busines man's friend. You can see one of them at the office of th Postal Telegraph Company. Call on us for prices. Gibson's p'rug Store. incorporated 3 I . WTViwriter.no matter what name or crade When you want any kind of typewnwr, w " am t T 1 wi ufmr V nil oome ana eeo ub bb wo Tu fr it off for iron ana place a H you have an old machine we wiUtoade w on iorijuu bronze finished BEU-SHO on your desk. BARRIER & flcCONNELL, nice AGENTS,, (WUithooioe.ofttWlOooora Stena.r8tel Telegraph OoW look at the machine, ; .G- .uv.-.'; aad look