mi J(JUN IX BARKER and SN ' Pklitorand Proprietors. is run ta.onu.is ituriu HIE STANDARD is published evexy ay (Suudav excepted) and delivered by nos. .liates 01 oubscripw n : Ono year $4.00 Si mont:ia 2.00 TW monU-... LOO On , urwnth . ? 35 Slfjifle Cnry 05 XklJ-J 7E1:KLY STANDAt JJ U J our-PitL'c. fiylit-rV lnmn Tmnen It has i. larger rcalation ia Cabarrus than any otuer p pcr. .Frice fl.UU per annum id tedvance. Advertising Kates : Xerus for regular adyertisementp made Known on application. Address all communications to THE, STANDARD, Concord, N. 0. TELEPHONE NO. 71 NATIONAL TICKET. 'For President William Jennjngs Bryan. For Vice-President', Adlai E. Stevenson. . For Congress from 7th District, Hon. Theo. F. Kluttz, of Rowan. Cccord, N: C., Aug. 27 1900. 1 i ROD'S HAND W IT. Dr. Kilgo in his address to the township Sunday school conven tion Sunday night prefaced his remarks on the Sunday school as an important factor in dissem inating Bible truths and thereby in the -civilizing and Christian izing of the world, with a brief rehearsal of our late fast history-making period. Tie said President Cleveland did not want to get into war with Spain over Cuban affairs; that President McKinley was equally anxious to avert the war, but an evil, a calamity, a great crime was perpetrated. It led to the conflict and to a complete change in Spanish power and to methods and chances for developments in Cuba. Dewey sailed into Manila 5ay to conquer an enemy of his country. Responsibility came with his victory. The late trou bles in China brought the ban ners of civilization to the heart of that old nation shut up for thousands of years against the Bible and its influence. It has been a time for making history and opening the way for the work for which thip " Sunday school stands. You may call these transpirings by whatever name you please, but he sees in it the hand that made and rules Jhe world and. that hand is opening the door1 to a more rapid introduction of the Bible with its enlightening and Chris tianizing tower. It is needless to say that these are not the doctor's words but his , ideas clothed in our own, language. J.t seems to the write so mani festly correct and, i the light of Bible hUory and teaching, so incontrovertible tliat the manger in which these filings are Seated, by writers and speakers seems an actual repudiation of all idea of an overruling Providence in the affairs of men. The Christian is often dazed at the slow processes of Christian- -V" iginghe $)rld Hud $ when the meiiiare broklfc so as to make way fof greater pnograefc, wfc are ready to crv out tsrainst a A fine Faculty. There0are seven college and diversity graduates in the fac- Uty4 the BTngham School, near Mebane, N. C. few atycaut evils morel than: Ileduccd llaihoad IJptcs. .those a hundred 'fold greater, .Woman's Home and Foreign hundred fold gr and that,,without the instrument of Var used from the earliest ages of the wotld to effect revo lutions for the better, would probably have continued with but meagre mitigation for cen turieS yet in the future. THAT WASTOX WICKED FOLLY. It is not absolutely unaccount able for a jnan to commit murder, personal injury or even rape He may plead the temporary power of passi6ns given to hu manity for wise purposes. The thief and the robber may plead inadequate talents for securing a competience in this close com petative world. The profaner of the Sacred name and day may plead habit which is not ex pected to injure self or any one else. The firebug, ' that burns the property of the. victim of his hate, finds something to "plead in justification of his terrible deed. But we have a class (we hope it is small) for whose wanton deeds the writer can find nd excuse or palliation. It is the class that stands at some advantagious point and hurls missiles at a pass ing train. The perpetrator forgets, or does not care to know, that his own ' friend, if he has any, may be the victim of his wantonness. The infant in its mother's bosom may' be hit. The aged and feeble are equally exposed. Somebody suffers pain and lov ing ones ' are . outraged while bending over the unfortunate victim of the cruel and the ob jectless crime. The perpetrator-of "such deed has less claim for protection against a mob than probably all others. No punishment in the catalogue of penalties can be too severa Indeed, if the per petrator should be declared an outlaw and beyond the hands of the law's protection it would be not, more than the me'rifs of justice. It is a terrible evil and a most heinous piece of folly. We appeal to parents to be interested that their boys are not guilty and we implore ail lovers of humanity to exercise their influences against this foolish crime that is so hard to grapple with excepff bv a pop ular verdict that -it shall not ie committed in ouj midst. A Good ough Medicine. Many thousands have been restored to health and happiness by the use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. If amictea witn any throat or lung trouble Carolina Sviiod of the Evan gelieaP Lutheran cjiurch and aji- na Grove Aug. 29 to 31. Sal tioketStAug. 29 and 30, final limit Sept. 1st. Round trip Go cents. Biennial Conclave Knights of Pythias, Detroit, Mich., Aug 27.toSeiit.il. Sale tickets 24, 25 and 26, final limit Sept. 5 Round trip $20.15. . Siimmpr Snhnnl fnr Ton.f.hnrs. Washington NC.Aus 24 to 28. Sale tickets -24 to 28 inciusive. Final limit Sept. 9, round trip Annual Convention and Tour nament of the N. C. State (col.) Fireman's Association, Salis bury, Sept. 11-13. Virstnclass fare 70 cents for 2 ound trip. Tickets on sale S3nt. 10 and 11: final limit Sept. 15. Firemen in uniiorm, ten or more on one ticket, 65 cents for round trip. North Carolina Bantist Sundav school convention, colored. Ral eigh, Sept. 18-23. Sale tickets Sent. 17 and 18. final limit Sent. 25th. Round trip $6.70. Sixth Annual Holiness con vention. Raleich. Sert. 9-16. Round trip $6.70.' Tickets on sale Sept. 7-10: final limit Sept. 18th. Annual convention of National Baptist Association (colored), Richmond, Va.. Sent. 12-00. Tickets on sale Sept. 10, 11 and 12;. hnal limit Sept. 22. Round trip $8.00. Annual Session Sovereign CJ Grand Lodge I. O. O. F., Rich- mond, Va., Sept. 17-22. Tickets on sale Sept. 15. 16, and 17: final limit. Sept. 25. Round trip $8.00. i The Racket Store's -Special Offeingof 00 Boxes. Paper, and Envelops: 9 and 100- Dozen Toliet Sop. . Tablets. 10c Boxes of Paper and 'Envelops for 5c per box. 15c " li for 10c 20 aid 25c " 'li " for 15c 35 and 50c ' " " for 25c 5c Ink Tablets for oc each. . 10c " for 5c " 15 to 25c " -for 10c Hi I TRAINS all treatment for many years have yield ed this remedy and perfect health has been restored. Cases that seemed hopeless, that the climate of famous health resorts failed to benefit, have been permanently cured by its use, For sale a Marsh's drug store. There is no killing the sus picion that deceit has once be gotten. George Eliot. The following change o schedule took effect July 22. 1900. NORTHBOUND. No. 8 arrives at 5 37 a m, M S6 " ,e 10.26 am, " 12 " " 718 pm, " 38 " " 8.51 pm, (flag) " 34 " 9.54 pm, 62 " " 2.00pm(tren?it) 80UTHBOUND. No. 87 arrives at 8.49 a m, (flag) ' 11 " " 11.25 a m, ' 7 - 8.51pm, ' 86 " 9.10 p'm, (flag) '33 M 7.29 a m, ' 61 " 8-49 a m, (freight) inn ' Mz-io 1 1 and 12, heretofore operated between Norfolk. Va.. and OrfiAnshnrn. V n via Selma, N O, will be discontinued eaBt of JKaleign, JN U, and operated between Kaleich and Greensboro, handlino' cal sleeping car line between these points. At tha Ram ft ti'rrm nnllmn.r elooriinf car linelio. 5G8, now operated between Norfolk. Va. and Charlottfi. N f! in connection with trains No. 11 and 12 via foelma and ureensboro, will be diverted and operated via. Danville, Va, trains Nos. 3 and 4, 33 and 34, approximate schedule as follows: Nos. 3 and 33 Nos. 34 and 4 Daily Daily 7 40 p m Ly Norfolk, Va Ar 9 20 a m 483am ,4 Danville, Va " 1251 8 05 a m Ar Charlotte,N O Lv 9 20 p m No. 85t when running ahead of No. 7, s flagged if neoessary for through trayel south of Charlotte, and is etonped for Eassengers arriving from Lynchburg or eyond. No. 86 stops regularly for pass engers for Salisbury,' Lexington, High Point, Greensboro, Keidsville, Danyilla, Lyvchburg, Charlottesville and Wash ington. No. 37 stops for pas sengers coming from Lynchburg or points beyond, and to take on pas sengers for regular stopping places soutnoi ne we us. iho. .is stops to let .-i . i ? -. . . . r aouin oi iiewcu benencfal Cnh th?n p-rovf i off Passengers from regular stopping oilfiLtVl11! htt.verew.eied Places south of Newellslnd to tae on passengers for regular stopping i lace?, ivnohbnrff or bevond. iNos. Bo and , 34 stop at Concord for passengers to or from the C. C. & A. Division Charlotte to Augusta and other points in South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, reaohed through Columbia or Augusta. Also for through passen gers to or from Richmond or Norfolk. Aft- - Nos. 7, 8, 11 and 12 are the local troi&s and connect at Salisbury with train trf W. H. 0. Division. SOAPS: FELS & Co's. Small-Hotel at lc, worth 2c. . " Sweet Flowers, Vanity Fair, Alconica Glycejine and Water Crest, put up 3 cakes in a box, our price 15c per box. " Clover Pink, Honey, Castile and Glycerin'e, Luray, Laural, Blossom and Halifax brands at 35c per box of 1 dozen or 3 cakes for 10c. Also Almond Cream and Mt. Olive Castile at same pried. FRENCH SOAPS. Dulaurier's Violet de Mentone 3 cakes in box at 15c per box. .Runean Ex cie Violet Blanche 3 cakes in box at 15c per box-. Henri Rocheau Iris Blanche 3 cakes in box at 15c per box. Well-known American 3aps put up 3 cakes to the box: David S.. B.rown $ Co's. Daffodil at 15cc per box; Apple Blossom 15c per box. Andrews Soap Co's. No. 630 Transparent.Glycerine 15 box. Acma Soap Co's. Butter Milk and Anise and Milk Weed Soap 10c per box of 3 cakes. Cocoa Castele at lc per cake worth 2c. 10 kinds of Highly Perfumed Soaps at 8c. Very respectfully, Jrf--;-.-V' V.v- j ;.''-"-r,-'.;'; V :'- r".v' 1 B AND SUPPLIES From $3 up. J. I BHIL AT CONCORD STEAM LAUNDRY. Much the Same. Jf he grasps you by the hand Ana you lau to understand Why he should be so cordial, when you can't recall his name; If his smile is most benign And he erives vou everv slsn Of delight at having found you, vnn tnnv tvm A nr -wrVrnf' c ThJc game. Lest suspicion make him worso Than he is, I write" this verso To -explain his cordial manner ana nis conauct so elate; He is hot a bunco-steerer, Though perhaps he's rather nearer . Than he'd like to 1be confessing, for he is a candidate. State Affairs. It Helped Win Battles. lwenty-nine officers and men wrote fmm thA f rrm t f n aar fViof. tnr unrot nhoo bruises, cuts, twoundS, sore feetand stiff joints Bucklen's Arnica Salve is the best in the world. Same for burns, slrin eruptions and piles. 25c, a box. Cure guaranteed. . Sold at Fetzer's drug stpre. m JUST my EVEN OF ESPECIALLY STYLES AT CHOSEN For Sale V . My property on East Depot street. Good five-room house and good barn, well of water, garden, etc. For terms apply to me at Salisbury, N. C. F. ?. Barrier. or sack suits tailored to your itder and measure Serges for nmmer at $15.00. Elegantly Tailored These are hints of the manv good values in newest suitings and trouserings offered by Jacfob Reed's Sons, of Philadelphia, for spring and summer of 1900. int and satisfaction guaranteed. samples Snown by G W. Patterson, Concord, N Sossatrian JSprings. To those desiring the benefit of Mineral Water during this hot weather, I will say that I have three houses, near the above springs which can be rented at very reasonable fates. John C. Sossaman.