A 1 je;V D. BMlfilER Ilnd SON, Editors and Proprietor. t -f. i i j. - i . A rfTANDAElf is published every "0, . hoc . 2.00 ..100 .30 C :.,;3iiiti Ir r :?coty 05 2 WET2TTL7 SyAttDAt D is '-1;' , tr.,it-cokrJa paper. . It Lf.'' 6 r; :v c;tciiiutica ia Cabarrus than any Cfiijc paper. Price $1,00 per annum li tdtimet;. Advertising Hates : Ttrua for regular advertisement rrmde known on application. Address all communicationsto , the (Standard, Concord, N. O. TELEPHONE NO. 71. MAJIONAL TICKET. For President William Jennings Bryan. For Vice-President! Adlai E. Stevenson. For Congress from 7th District, Hon. Theo. F. Kluttz, . of Rpwan. Concord, N. C, Aug. 31 1900. South Carolina leans more and more against the drink evil.. It has cost a world of trouble to su stain the dispensary law, but in 1-bo late primary Col. Hoyt, the prohibitionist candidate, for governor, ran 10,000 ahead of Gov. McSweeny. He will most probably be chosen the Demo cratic nominee for Governor at the second primary. All must rejoice in the indications of pro gressive sobriety in the Palmet to lU,L). Governor Beckham, of Ken tucky, in culling the Legisla ture : -cthcr in extra session to amend the Goebel law, declares it good but attsn del with imag inary evils enough to warrant its' rev cu. Wnatever may be' said for or against it the history of tbe blade under it makes it wise tu seek a law better suited to the average Kentuckian's temper. Vu have o.ur periods of busi i) , i lofjpcrijy and depression. TliYy are natural sequences of iho iws cf trade' but may be . greatly intensified by national policies. The Republican pro tectivo tariff policy is essentially pt'ora.t"vc oi' tbc:;e oscillations of the pendulum of trade. The Republican party has 'had its own way for four years and the :2ct:onafy depression is upon us. It will be in order for Sena tor Pritchard to rise and tell us hat the business world is dis turbed at the pfospects of Dem ocratic government. & RBI I f Ml Carjt. Crenshajv, of the 29th, i who wis wounfledat Putol, Phil ippine Islands? died in Atlanta 9 Tue.?day He wde bitlej- com-1 t )jii,uus ii iacK or numane Treat lrnrliis wayhome or ship 4 m. au( at San Francisco hospitalj lie wasncrowded down in the $ hc5. of the ship because officers 0 i n ad joiningtate rooms didn't like to hear him groan with his .vnd, and he received little at tention. It seems Cease for investigation. Tte G. -&.R. in .session at Cfiicago Raises hoftl against the school Tiistories belag used in the South, 'saying they are rhtendc to perpetuate in the mind of Southern jhildr(i" tile sectional prejudices of the Hays of 1861. Thatcrywdof pension beneficiaries has hadaT' years iu which to protest against the hideous extremes en its own side. Charity sliould begin at, homo. It is painful to loLo that the crop reports over the State are generally very .unfavorable while the cotton mills that can run on full time are to be congratulated. The best of the situation is an unprecedentedly large wheat crop. We seem to be in the trough of prosperity's waves. The trouble in Durham over the organization of the union is bearing bitter fruits already and those .strikers who felt strong but recently are faced with want and are appealing for public charities. 'Frugality at home and faithfulness to employers beats the labor unions anyhow. Jim Corbett -knocked out "Kid" McCoy in the fifth round at Madison Square Garden, New York, Thursday night. Corbett got $18,000 for doing the whipping and McCoy got $0,000 on being whipped. It looks like right encouraging enterprise for both, having no higher ambi tion. Life's Scars. They say the world is round, and yet I often think it square, So many little hurts vva get From corners heie and there. But one great truth in life I've found, "While journeying to the West The only folks who really wound Are those we love the best. The man you throughly despise Can rouse your warth, 'tis true; Annoyance in your heart will rise At things mere strangers do; But those aro only prising ills; .This rulo all lives will prove; The rankling wound v. duch aefces 'and thrills. Is dealt by fcands we love. The choicest garb 'the sweetest grace, . Aro oft to strangers shown; The careless mien, the frowning face Are given to our own. "W.0 flatter those we scarcely know, We please the fleeting guest; And deal full many a thoughtless blow , To those who love us best. Love does not grow on every tree, Ndrrue hearts yearly Jalftom, itlas, or those who only see This cut across a totnb! s 'iSut soon tr late the fact grows plain To allHhrough sorrow's test; The 6nly foy$s whb give us pafn Are those we lovo tho15est. From the Woman's Journal. 'That fnrobblnf Headache Would quickly leaveyoijif ouusod Dr. Kinefa New Life Pills. Thiacuds of sufferers haye proved Mfcr matohlo6s merit for Bick and nerves heodacbes. They makepure blood and build up your health Only 25c. Money back if not cured. Sold at Fetzer's drug store. The Best Remedy lor stomach tn Bit'etf Troufcle. "J Mve been in the dr? ffusiiessjor 'twenty years QticT have old most all of mc iopueiary rnuciiciiies oi uuy juoio. Among thr entire list I have never found anything to equnl Chamberlain's Colic, Chokj. and Diarrhoea Remedy for all ttomach find bowel roubl," says O, W. .Wakefield, of Colutnbus, 6ra. 'This remedy cured two severe casas of choleta morbs in my family and L'Saie recommended and sola hcivVcs of botttes of it to my eustOnr or i to ' thevr entire satisfaction. It otiords a quick and sure cure in lileasiuit form." For sae at MarsbB drs stre. Charlotte has had her water wo'rks pond swimming sensation, Salisbury her elope"ment of a married man witl a young mil liner, but "it has remained for SJtatesvillo to head the list of sensations by having a - man proscribed fflr stealing money .sent through the mails to an editor This is an innovation. We don't' question that the accused broke open letters ad dressed to the editor of The Landmark but we have our doubts as to any money being gotten. Perhaps the thief was after views expressed to the editor by his readers on the sen atorial primary question. Kin ston Free Press. (Questions Answered. Yes, August Flower still has the larg. est sale of any medicine ia the civilized world. Your mothers and graudmothers never thought of using anything else or indigestion or billiousness. Doctors were scarce, and they seldom heard of appendicitis, neryous prostration or heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undigested food, regulate the action of the liver, stimu late the nervous and organic action of the system, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with head aches and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green's August i lower, in liquid form to make you satined there is nothing serious the matter with you. For sale by all dealers in civilized countries. L QF T The following change of schedule took effect July; 22, 1900. i RAINS NORTHBOUND. No. 8 arrives at 5 37 a m, " 80 " "10.26 am, " 12 " " 718 pm, " 38 " " 8.51 p m, (flag) 34 " " 9.54 pm, 63 " " 2.00pm(freigtt) SOUTHBOUND. No. 3'7 arrives at 8.49 a m, (flag) M 11 "11.25 am, 7 M " 8.51 p m, 35 " 9.18 p'm, (flag) 33 " 7.29 a m, 61 v " 8 49 a m, (freight) ( cc Effective July 22nd, trains Nos. 11 and 12, heretofore operated between Norfolk, Va., and Greensboro, N C, via Selma, N0, will.be discontinued east of Kaleieh. N C. and operated between J.aleigh and Greensboro, "handling lo cal sleeping oar une ueiween tnese points. At the same time pullman sleeping car lipe No. 5G8, now operated between Norfolk, Va, and Charlotte, N C, in connection with trains No. 11 and 12 yia Selma and Greensboro, will be diverted and operated via Danville, Va, trains Nos. 3 and 4, 33 and 34, approximate schedule as follows: . Nos. 3 and 33 Nos. 34 and 4 Daily , ' Daily 7 40 'p'm Ly Norfolk, Va Ar 9 20am 4 33anr " Danville, Va " 12 51 " 8 05 a m Ar Charlotte.N 0 Lv 9 20 p m s flagged if necessary for through trayeV south of charlotte, -ana is stopped ipr ii i T -rr- v I engers ior oansuury, xjexingicu, xiigu Point, ureensborai Keidsvfjle, Danyille, Lypciburg? Charlottesville and- Wash ington No. 37 stops for pas sengers coming frdm Lynchburg or points beyotiA, and to take c$t pas sengers for regular stepping, places south of Newells. 5p. i stops to" Kbt off paasengew frors regular topping places Bouth of NeweUs and to take on Eispngers for regular stopping jlaceB, ynchbur or beyond. g Noa. "83 and 84 stoD at Concord fof tftssengcrs to or r5ta the C. C.x, A. ivision Charlotte to Agyta and otner poinw in douwi T3rgia and Florida, reached through Columbia orAugnsta. Also for through passe o-' gers to or from Eichmoud or Norfolk. Nos. T, 8, 11 and 12 are the local trmiyi and connect at SalLBbunzy with Jtaiiis Of Spci-af Ofrelngpf s Mm m in 10c? Boxes of Paper ai d i n van s y 15c " " ' " for. 10c 20 and 25c " ' " " foi15c 35 and 50c " " " for 25c . 5c Ink Tablets for Sc each. ' 10c " ' for 5c " . 1-5 to 25c " " for 10c " SOAPS: FELS & Co's. Small Hotel at lc, worth 2c. " Sweet Flowers, Vanity Fair, Alconica Glycerine and Water Crest, put up 3 cakes in a box, our price 15c perbox! b Clover -Pink, Honey, Castile and Glycerine, Luray, Laural, Blossom and Halifax brands at 35c per box of 1 dozen or 3 cakes for 10c. Also Almond Cream and Mt. Olive Castile at same price. FRENCH SOAPS. . Dulaurier's Violet de Mentone 3 flakes in box at- 15c per box. Runean Ex cie Violet Blanche 3 cakes In box at 15c per box. He"nri Rocheau Iris Blanche 3 cakes in box at 15c per box. Well-known American Soaps put up 3 cakes to the box: David S. Brown & Co's. Daffodil at 15cc per box; Apple Blossom 15c per byx. Andrews Soap Co's.' No. 030 Transparent Glycerine 15 box. AcmaSoap Co's. Butter Milk and Anise and Milk Weed Soap 10c per box of 3 cakes. Cocoa Castele at lc per cake worth 2c. ' 10 kinds of Highly Perfumed Soaps at 8c. Very, respectfully, JEM s2T JESS co tbL liul " "l ' ' VL. t'ot.Z... ; .v2"-'-'-- Reduced Railroad Hates. Sixth Annual Holiness con- vention, Raleigh, Sept. 9-16. Round trip $6.70. Tickets on sale .'Sept. 7-10; final limit Sept. 18th. Annual convention of National Baptist Association (colored), Richmond, Va., Sept. 12-CO. Tfckets on sale Sept. 10f 11 and 12; final limit Sept. 22. Hound trip $8.00. Annual Session Sovereign Grand Lodge I. 0. O. F., Rich mond, Va., Sept. 17-22. Tickets on sale Sept. 15, 16 and 17; final limit Sept. 25, Round trip 18.00. Meeting Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows of N. C., High Eoint, Sept. 4. Round trip $3. Tickets on sale Sept. 14; final limit Sept. 12. . . Nortti.,Carolina Baptist Sjinday school covention, colored, Ual- Ho-nt 1 7 ?inH 1ft finfl.1 limit, NOTlt,. Sept. 17 and 18, final limit Sgpt. 25th. Round trip $6.70. . ? For Sale-.:.'; ' Property n F.astJ Dettot street. Good five-room house and ggod barn, well of water, garden, etc. g For terms apply W mo at galipbury,'N. C-, F. Y. Barrier. S " Toilet Scans. . Envelops for 5c per box. S AND SUPPLIES ? a From $3 up. J. I PKEIL A6ENT AT CONCORD STEAM LAUNDRY. JUST 1 EVEN 0 !ZZl O HH OF1 ESPECIALLY CHOSEN STYLES AT $12.5(0). Vor sak suits tailored to your rder and measure Serges for ammer at $15.00. Elegantly Tailored These are hints of the many good values in newest suitings and trouserings offered by Jacob Reed's Sons, of Philadelphia, for spring and summer of 1900.' Fit and satisfaction guaranteed. Samples shownby GL'W. Rattersbn, . .Cuneord, N. G Sossaman . Cri.;Vito uWigOr To those daairing the benefit Lpf Mineral Water during this hot weather, I will say that I have- three houses, near the above springs which can be rented at very reasonable rates. John C. Sossaman.