o . , . ... T l 41 1 V-.-fi3.vA -US m . . A m . .. 1 g r . . S i J:- 1 i V i, f ft - V v;- - , I, ,1 . t ; Y. i i V It 1 0 Price: $VQhper ynyir , , . Status as Seen and immerize4 the Associated lress, 4 Conrt-WLo May Sej the Execution. ThediplomaticsituationinChina TG gun gays wu Edwarda is about the same 'as for several ' wag brought to Salisbury Friday days and seeps best expressed 'morVing.nd is in a-cell in the m the following dispatch dated jaU tQ be hanged on iouday. August 31: .m j The hanging will be a private -The Associated Pijess has affair to which there Vin be no ofiicial authority for annoilncing invitations save' one to a repre that the Ameriean-Russianpro- !sentatlveof theSunone to the posal in favor of. the withdrawal Trutl5.Index and one to tne Con. of the allied forces from Pekin, I Standard together with withtheviewoffacilitatingnesro-' frQm Statosville Gon tiations for the conclusion of !cordj cha-rlotte1 and Rowan. peace, has not only met wunj cpnsiderable favor at European chancellaries, but it is almost ( certain , to be adopted. In the ! meanwhile, the question . of em ploying Li Hung Chang as an intermediary is meeting with more and more favor, and, as "the Associated Press has inti mated in recent dispatches, will in all probability be settled affirmatively as soon as Li Hung Chansr is able to obtain the necessary authority. "There is a growing convic tion in official circles here that the withdrawal of the allies from Pekin is the only practical pro cedure under the existing cir cumstances. Tliere is, however, no doubt in official circles that it will be necessary for the powers to maintain their hold of the Ta ku forts and certain strategical points until satisfactory terms are arranged and. ample guaran tees given .by China for her fu ture good behavior. Fourth Anniversory. Tho Rev: Chas. B Miller will celebrate the fourth anniversory of his pastoral connection with St. James church tomorrow (Sunday). Tho discourse will have a bearing on this line. It will be especially' gratifying, to him to have the fullest participa tion by the congregation. Qooii Shooting. Mr. Pink Misenhoimer tells us of a feat hard to beat and he dares you to repeat in which he got the meat if he didn't chqpse to eat.. On Friday he fired both barrels of his gun at a pstifer-1 ous group of English sparrows. He gathered up results to the number of 1041ei birds. Cuttipg Affair at Forest 41111. t We learn that Mr. Lochman, night boss of No. 4 mill at For- est Hilt, was severelyr,ut Friday night yy P.ondjjgo Pool, a second t f . -t ii baud uflder htm. Pool has es-!. 0 caueu. Lat.gr wejenrnhat hewas arrested in Salisbury today. .rift Tdie ip-t rr cr.ir-.cn for Chills d fever 13 a bottle ol Grove's Taste- .less Chill?onic. It U simply iron end i qninine in a tasteless form, no pay. Price COc No care- ' Jg ,n Rcwan Jali Rcady justllles'tLe Tho doomed man talks little professes fco be prepared, and justifies the law His only ex. cuge fQr the crime ig bei ng under the influence of liquor .wid not knowing whom he was killing. youxg'elo pe r c a ug jit. Deserted at Cox's Mill and Taken Back Hon e Tho Charlotte News says the li-vear-old daughter of Mr. W H Johnson, of Davidson county, who had eloped with Tilden Har rington, a workman on Mr. -Johnson's farm, was found at Cox's mill in Cabarrus Thursday night where Harrington had de serted her, probably through alarm at the father's pursuit. Her father took her back home. Harrington's whereabouts is not known. Marriage License Issued. Register of Deeds Johnson has issued marriage license to Mr. Geo. L Brown and Miss Lot tie' L Ridenhour and also to Mr. Zeb Fink and Miss Phronie Furr. Teachers' Institute Closes. The teachers' Institute, which has been in session this week closed its work this evening. This has been one of the most beneficial and- profitable Insti tutes ever held in. tho county. The work has been practical all the way through. Outlines were usoa iroquenuy ana 1 t i1 1 - 11 4 1 i ji J teachers and at times open dis- cussions for all. Messrs. M B Stickley and L T Hartsell gave interesting talks on civil govern ment. Dr. J E Smoot gave a lecture bn physiology. Profs. Coler and Morris have from day to day given practical worfi; on the differentstudies in school. Tfye attendance has bctenood. Prevented a Tragredy. Timely Tfcformaiiou givtu Mrs. Geo. Loiij?, of New Straitsville, Oliio, saved jtwo lifos. A frilitftil courh hud 1 l kept A er awaV eypry rJixht, She ' t1 ,,JL.a tried ij,y remedies and doctors had but titeadily ijrew worse until ured to try Dr. Kind's New Discovery. Ole bot tle wholly cured Ler; and nhe writes, this mavi4ouh rmdicene also cured Mr ... po tr store, JiOnsr oi p. severe aiiacK oi imoumouiu, migf .No j went home nyl Utoni ! tZISSZZi'iZSTSSfSZSiZSSZJt KS&iZfttr;?. . nch cures are t-itive proof of its 2 him my botto Ind gtve him' one dob yl '-f "Z " wer to cure all throt-t, heht and lunfJ Coumm totKe antawaow in een lme ana see us, Wtire vexcx loo ouv, io. v imc-o ytai. able Only 50c and!. Guaranted. K ?o mo?e ?J 1 R.l f-fW?c f"V, Trial bctlles free at Fetzer's drnjf entirely cureiW. For sale at M.irh , fl-wii, B i V. , ,7, CONCORD. N. (J. SATURDAY, SEPTEMKKft .1 - . . 1 Name. Extol Him Tbaf KUetli l i ou the Iluivonsl))- his 'am3 Ja!:. at dHc joice Before Hini."r. $:!. St. James E. L. church. Sun day School ai 4 p. m. Services at 11 a. ra., and ft p. m., by the pastor, Rev, CB Miller. Trinity Reformed church. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Ser vices at 11 a. m., and 8r. m., by the pastor, Rev. WH McNairy. St.. Andrews E. L. church. Sunday School at 9.30 a. m Services at 11 o'clock by the pastor, Rev. O A Brown. First Presbyterian church. Sunday School. at 4 p. m. Gentral M. E. church. Sun day School at 4 p. m. No ser vices. Forest Hill M. E. church. bunciav bcnool at y a. m Services at 11 a. in., and 8 p. m. by the pastor, Rev. R M Hoyle McRinnon Presbyterian church. Sunday School at 9.00 a. m. Prayer meeting at 1 a. m. Cannon v ille Presbyter ian church. Sunday School at a. m. Services at 11 a. m., by Rev. A Shorter Caldwell Prayer meeting at' 8 p. m. Baptist church. S u n d a y School at 9 a. m. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. rn. by the pastor, Rev. B Lacy Hoge. Sub jects: 11 a. m., "Boaz and his Wife,." 8 p. m., (The Queen of the Home." Episcopal church. Sunday school at 10. a. m. Services at 11 a. m. by tho pastor, Dr J C Davis. Concord vs. Spencer. Concord and Spencer baseball teams will play ball on our dia mond Monday evening. Wed- dington and Reid will be the bat tery for Concord. Game will bo called at 3 o clock. Masonic .Notice. Regular communication of Stokes Lodgo No. 32 A & A M on Monday even ingat 8 o'clock, Sept. 3, 1900. Visiting craftsmen are cor dially invited. Brethern be prompt. R H Griffin,. Sec. Sept. 1, 1900. The Best Remedy lor Stomach 'and Bowel . Trouble. "I have been in the drug business for twenty years end have sold most all of the proprietary medicines of any note. Anioner the. entire list I have never fouDd anything to equal Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for all etoraach and bowel troubles,' bhjb O. W. Wakefield, of Columbus, lia. "inia remeuy cureu iwo severe cases of cholera morbus in my family and, I have recommended and 'sola hundreds of -bottles of it to my custom ers to their entire satisfa,ction; It affords a quiek and su.ro cure in a pleasant form." For sale -at Marsh's .drue store. A Minister's Good Work.. . "I had severe attack of bilious colio ot a bottle of Chamberlain s Coho olera and Diarrhoea Remedy, look two boses and was entirely cured"? says J Rev.A.A.row$r, of Lmpona, Kan. My neKshbor across tne street was sick lor over & week, tiad "two or thr'if bottles of medicinefrom Vie doctor. IIe,jised them for ttiree or fouj duf s witLout relief, then called in another doctor who treated him for some dajs ml ave him Tin rnliff. so iliecharired I went overJto ifce him the next morning lie said nis bowels we ere in lrrible that thov htti been runninc cd" holontr 'X. him if he harried Chamberliin's Colic. that it vain almost blOoay V9. x a-kju 1rmr store. Cholera ami Diarrhea Rendy and Le !f U V5 ! I 1900. TROUBLESOME.- Two Thousand of Them Treacherously Slain at a Feast by Imperial Troops. News of an apparently credi ble source says the Boxers were devastating the country" during the taking of'Tien Tsin and fight ing the imperial troops and practically besieging Poo Ting Fu'and that at Tsang Chow two thousand Boxers were treacher ously sot upon at a feast to which they had been invited and slain. A Giod ough Medicine. Many thousands have been restored to health and happiness by the use of Chamberlain's Couch Remedy. If alihcj.ed with any throat or lung trouble give it a trial for it is certain to prove beneficial. Coughs that have resifted all treatment for many years have yield ed to this remody and perfect health has been restored. Cases that seemed hopeless, that the climate of famous health resorts failed to benefit, have boen permanently cured by its use, For sale a fllaren s urujr store. AFRESH LINE OF Nice Candies, ALSO NICE FRESH Summer Cheese AT S. J. ERVIN'S DAIRY Buseiness Combined. I have bought the Dairy equip ment of Russell & Louain, tl Q Oak Dairy, which succeeded tho Riviera Dary and will combine the same with Buffalo Dairy on September 3rd. Haying run tho Dairy business hero for eight years and having the combined Dairy business of the town it will be my earnest endeavor to merit ho liberal and united patronago of tho town and I promiso my most faithful efforts to please. Very respectfully, . J. M. COLEY J You All Know About - . The Man Behind We are also ready ft action , with all kinds of Furniture and House Furnishings to the muzzle. We ko forth conquering and to conquer. Oar lots ftnd saving all discounts. We are in a position to do you ruod. ur line of Mahogony, -Birds Eye Maple and Golden Oak Uuiis are beauties. Jtoju and Brass Seda are the taIk d the town Yon can't call for Hm'thing made out of VTod usod iu the house for Furniture that we lyiyen't in the stcr?, oPou the way. 1ML,LUI IsS i i V) I! UQ i Uu QVUT I ft r: j . . CT . J? I nms j.,...-. r. , i. Residence Phon . , , copy 5 ct::tr. iiSI kV Villi J ,. ,. GHILLS 19 KM A anre cur fever is for cUills-und x ' Haiice's Tsdeless Tccic CHfLL CURE. Children like it. None bet ter. It is positively gunran teed. Give it a trial and bo fl cured. Price 00c. per bottl ?, i iS )fy bottles $1 2.1. fa Concord Drug Co,, ra The .school . Supply Department Of this store is how fully prepared" to furnish any and every need in this line. Next week, Sept. 3rd, the small boys and girls will be .want ing their Slates, Pencils, Tablets', Crayon, etc., and we hope you will roroembr I'qrks & Co. are selling these articles at a very low price. Here are some , of these extreme values briefly Indexed : Pencil Tablets, small size, lc. Ink Tablets Hiat will surpiisv you at J, J and oc. Extra large Tablets 5c. Composition Books with backs only uc. Pen Points 3 for lc. Pen hold- ers from 1 to 5c. Large assortment of Lead Pen cils from 1 to 5c. Crayon, 14 different colors for 5 Rulers, which are quito necessary in all schools, lc. Ink that will not spill out of bee tle 5c. There are many other things in this line not hicl tioned that will pay- you to call and sqc. II. L. Parks & COi the Gun ! in oorrect form with steady aim, Jt:u: id I 'V . Third shinmcnt ixi t'jt.'j(. "I -Sixer