O STANDAR JOHN J) BARRIER and SON, Editoiff ana Proprietors. tfjflHE STANDARD isublished every ,ay Sunday excepted) and delivery! by ties. K&ies oi ouDScnpii n : On year . ....... f .00 Bix cir-r.tiSf. ...!......., 2.00 '!?L.'ti ruucthl. . ... 4 ... ( 1QP Our month ......... ". . . 35i Sirifle copy 06 THE WEEKLY STANDARD is iar-pagft, eiarht-column paper. It has '. larger eircalaticn in Oabarrusthaivan oSher paper. "Price $ 1.00 per annum id dvtttioi). Advertisine Bates : Terms for regular adyertisements ojcde known on application. Address all communications to , . , THE STANDARD, . - Concordr.N. O. TELEPHONE NO. 71. NATIONAL TICKET. ForJ?resldent . William Jennings Bryan. For Vice-President, Adlai E. Stevenson. For Electors-at-Large, Li be S. Overman, of Rowan; D. H. 'McLean, of Harnett. For Congress from 7th District, , Hon.'Theo. F. Kluttz, of Rowan. For Elector, J. R. Blair,- ' of Montgomery. Concoud, N. C, Sept. 4 1900. UNFAVORABLE VIEW. Thinking minds have doubtless all eslertained at times for the last few years some strious ap preheusions at the tendency to ward some serious, events in i i hat.m i ght engulf, wh ether they will to or not, the principal powers of the world in a bloody V?. rf 2 re. The conciliatory di plomatic spirit manifested' re- eeuuy seeired to lend- hope that lno'-;f troublous times would be tided over and peace would yet reign. Gen. Nelson A Miles, whose position warrants probably the .credit at least of studious scan ning of the situation is quoted by the Philadelphia Record as say- "1 1 slievo it possible that the conflicting interests of the pow ers will bring on a general war involving aU the civilized powers in thp' greatest war. of modern times. . The greatest danger arises from the chance that some of the pojvers will attempt the u-iomtjuiuernioul oi! the Chinese empire." . "Would this country fight?" he was asked. "I believe it would have suf ticient cause o fight, "said Gen oral Miles. "So far as I can see the most hopeful indication is the chance that Russia and the United States wilP agree to act together. There is to my, njjnd every reason " to believe that Russia is acting in good faitht Russia has more to gainfrom the preserving of, the integrity cf the Chinese empire than she Las from the policy of disrup tion. She has spent vast'sums iu constructing the trans-Siberian Railway, the greatest enter prise cf modern times." It is not to be expected that a.rjy individual has a monopoly of uisdomand that Gen. Miles may be greatly in error but we recal that before most other" people could seriously cpntfltnplate clafb between SjSnin and the tt ' o . '- "-- i n" : O u. of over vuuau aiiu4 ocua tor Morgan in a speech In the Senate hall said that itwould l$ad inevitably to a wrwij,h Spain I tt. . i ji. i .v.-;n Lie JspUKe H,S uy yrupnuiio ao- surance. There's no tellin what- mav frrow . out of this affair with all the diplomacy. SMOKELESS POWDBtt. It is probably the popular ina- pression that the only specially meritorious feature of smokeless powder is in its being smokeless to a high degree. In battle much confusion occurs through the quickly beclouded atmos phere, as in the case of one of the heroes in the battle of San tiago who swore at a gunner near him about the smoko wafted into his face. The black powder, too, reveals the presence of one who might remain undiscovered but for the cloud rising from his gun. Jjut these are not ail the advantages of the smokeless kind of powder, It' is immensely safer than the black powder. The latter burns with an explo sive nasn always while the smokeless kind only explodes when confined. One may hold a stick of it in the hand while it burns at the other. A splendid demonstration of this virtue occurred on the Hud son river s6metime ago when lightening struck a powder boat and set it on fire. The flames were communicated to several cases of smokeless powder which were entirely consumed before the fire was extinguished without any explosion whatover. The peculiarity of tliecheinical combination is such that .its power increases with the pres sure upon it. For instance, you charge a cannon with the black powder and touch . the spark. The explosion pecurs and the climax of its force is reached in stantly, with a rapid diminution even before the projectile has passed the muazle of tlie gun. Not so with the sniokeless kind. Its force is less instantaneous butwilh its .slower burning the pressure upon it by the slower process is increasing and the ac celerated explosive force reaches its climax more nearly at the in stant at which it leaves the gun. This renders it more intensely eftectual. This together with its immunity from explosion under circumstances that make the black powder so extremely dangerous adds immensely to its alue. ... William RBrooksj of Smith - Observatory,"-New York, mado th$ discovery of a ne' comet in the heavens on te 23rd of July. In the astronomical world it is a thing of interest and real boauty. It is not coming our way, but is far to the North. It may take us in by way of a visit with a threat of destruction in some of the future centuries. TO TUE SUNBURNT MAX. Here's to ty roan who til1 s the land Th "oldhays$ed" with sunburnt nanu, Vho makes the bread for tfie humaii race By stroke xf arm and sweat of Dse of day; A rhym to him who wTav, From earlv morn to close A soldier braVe, his battles won Without a sword, without ft gun To the man who finds no rest, no shade, Save under the roof of the fod der blade! . He is no sculptor, yet his skijl Can carvp his bread from na ture's hill. In wise content his course is run, This tried old servant of the sun Re0aVplngmhTs oveT'the way Georga Thompson in Home and Farm. Cured of Cnronlc Diarrhoea After Thirty Years of Suffering "I suffered for thirty years with diarrhoea and thouerht I was past be iner cared," says Johti S. Halloway, of French (Janip, Mies. 1 spent so much time and money and suffered so much that I had given up all hopes of reooyery. 1 was bo feeble from the effects of the diarrhoea that I could do no kind of labor, could not even travel, but by accident I was permitted to find bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea ilemedy, and after takine: several bottles 1 am en tirely cured of that trouble. 1 am so Dleased with the result that I am anxi ous that it be in reach of all who suffer as I have." For sale at Marsh's , drug store Ghamberlaln's Cough Remedy a Great Favorite. The soothiner and healing properties or this remedy, its pleasant taste and prompt and permanent cures have made it a erreat favorite with people every where. It is especially prized by mothers of small children for colds, croup and whooping cough, as it always affords quick relief, and as .it contains no opium or. other harmful drug, it may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult. For sale at Marsh's drug store. I The following change of Bchedule took affect July 22. 1900. NORTHBOUND. No. 8 arrives at 5.37 a m, rt " 1ft OA a m ( u 12 " 7-18 pm, 38 " 8.51 p m, (flag) 34 " " 9.54 pm, 62 " " 2.00 p m (freight) SOUTHBOUND. No. 87 arrives at 8.49 a m, (flag) " 11 " " 11.25 a m, 14 7 " " 8.51 p m, -35 14 " 9.10 p'm, (flag) 33 " 7.29 a m, " fil " " 8-49 a m, (freight) 2lfective July 22nd. trains Nos. 11 and 12, heretofore operated between Norfolk, Va., and Greensboro, N C, via Selma, N C, will be discontinued east of ltaleigh, NO, and operated between ARRIVAL I ltaieign ana ureensDoro, nanaung 10- , " , T. .7 7 no t j cal sleeping car line between these 12; final limit Sept. 22. Round points. trip $8.00. At the same time pullman Bleeping . , c car line No. 5C8, now operated between Annual Session . Sovereign Norfolk, Va. and Charlotte, N C, in Granc? Lodge I. O. O. F., Rich connection with trains No. 11 and 12 via mond; Va., Sept; 17-22. Tickets Selrua and Greensboro, will be diverted cn1o ortY,f ik 1R -it. schedule as follows: Nob. 3 and 33 . Nos. 34 and 4 Daily Daily 740 pm Ly Norfolk, Va Ar 9 20 a m 4 33am Daaville.Va 12 51 8 05am Ar Charlotte.N C Ly 920pm No, 35, when running ahead ot No. 7, sflagged if necessary for throuch travel south of Charlotte, and is stopped , for t tT mu uii cm uu ay passengers arriving from Lynchburg or school convention, colored, Ral beyond. No. 30 stops regularly for pass- eigh, Sept. 18-23.. Sale tickets engers for Salisbury, Lexingtcn, High Boint, Greensboro, KeidsviUe, Danville, lngtpj, . No. 37 stops for pas- . ji , i i. .'.gtjrB cuiaiui; num. i.yucuuarg or I points vuyona, ana w tatte on pas-fit sengers for regulam stopping places south of Ull we lis. No. 88 -ops to let off passengers from regular stopping places south of NewoUs and to take on KgS" JNos. 33 and 34 stop at Concord for passengers to or iroin tne j. c. x A. 1 .Division Charlotte to Augusta nnqfl otaer points in ooutu uarolina, Ueorgia and Florida, reached through Columbia or Augusta. Also for through passen gers to or from Richmond or Norfoik, Va. Noa. T, 8, 11 and 12 are the local trains end connect at Salisborr withEtraiue lSf W; M. C Division. O . . . The Racket Store's Special-;Offeing-bf :i;6on 800 Boxes. Japer" and Envelops, " K A. and 100. Dozen 10g Boxes of Paper and 19c " 20 and 25c " " 35 and 50c " 5c Ink Tablets for 3c each. 10c . " for 5c " . ' ' 15 to 25c " " for 10c " S-U Hotel at 1c, Clover Pink, Honey, Castile and Glycerine, Luray, Laural, Blossom and Halifax brands at 35c per box of 1 dozen or 3 cakes for 10c. Also Almond Cream and Mt. FRENCH SOAPS. Dulaurier's Violet do Mentone Runean Ex cie Violet' Blanche Henri Rocheau Iris Blanche Wfill-knnwn Amprirnn Ranns rmf. i i David S. Brown & Co's. Daffodil at 15cc per box; Apple Blossom 15c per box. Andrews Soap Co's. No. G30 Transparent Glycerine 15 box. Acma Soap Co's. Batter Milk and Anise and Milk Weed Soap 10c per box of 3 cakes. Cocoa Castele at lc per cake worth 2c. 10 kinds of Highly Perfumed Soaps at 8c. Very respectfully, Reduced Railroad Kates. Sixth Annual Holiness con vention, Raleigh, Sept. 9-16. Round trip $6.70. Tickets on saje .Sept. 7-10; final limit Sept. 18th. Annual convention of National Baptist Association (colored"). Richmond, Va, Sept. 12-00. Tin ws nn salfi SflTlti a 11 anr1 limit. Sept. 25. Round trip $8.00. , T , meunuy urana Liouge 01 Udd 77 "A"'-. T'lV i V Sept. 4. Round trip fc3. Tickets on sale pept. 1-4; fifial limit dcpi. M.f r.4: , o i Sept.-17 and 18, final limit Sept. oku Pni,nii cp, 70 m1 Sanitary Notice ! All persons .are notified to ciean u their premises at once, keeping" hogs are espec- any waraea. The commissioners have taken -rong action in the matter and the mayor has given strict orders. A word to the wiso is sufficient.. Clean up and stay clean and save yourself of fine and cost. Jas. F. Harris. . q Chief of Police'. ablets Toliet Soaps. Envelops for 5c pe box. . " for 10c ' . " for 15o . " ' " for 25c ' worth S1c. . and Water Crest, put up 3 cakes in a box, our price 15c per box. Olive Castile at same price. 3 cakes in box'at1 15c per box. 3 cakes in box at 15c per box. 3 cakes in box at 15c per box. a n.nlrcxs. fr fVio V.rY. f S AND SUPPLIES From $3 up. J l PIKll; .AGENT AT CONCORD STEAM LAUNDRY. jusTira OF ESPECIALLY CHOSEN STYLES AT iTttt O or sack suits tailored to your irder and measure Serges for ammer at $15.00. Elegantly Tailored These are hints of the many good values in newest suitings and trouserings offered by - Jacob Reed's Sons, t ' op Philadelphia," V for spring and summer of ; 1900: Fit and satisfaction guaranteed. Samples shown by G W. Patterson, Concord, N. Ik Reduced Railroad Rates. Annual Convention and Tour nament of the. N. C. State (col.) Fireman's Association, Salis bury, Sept. 11-13. ' .irst'class fare 70 cents for lound trip. Tickets on sale Sv3pt. 10 and 11; final limit Sept. 15. Firemen in uniform, ten or more on one ticket, 65 cents for round trip. mam