DAILY STANDAR JOHlf D. JARRIER and SON, lienors ana .tropneiors. feI IJ E KT AN DAR1) is published every ay fbuiida'y excepted) and delivered by nes. itaies 01 ouubcnpu n : One year ....! f.O0 85, monttiB. p 2.00 CShree months 100 One month. . .. . Single cotfy .05 THE WEEKLY STANDAl D is oar-t)age, eight-column paper. It has a larger circulation jn Cabarrus than any other paper. Price $1.00 per annum in 6&vnce. . Advertising Rates : Terms for regular advertisement? made knowaon application. Address all communications to THE 8TA.NDARD, Concord, N. C. TELEPHONE NO. 71. NATIONAL TICKET. For President William Jennings Bryan. , For Vice-President, ADLAI E. S.TEVENSON. For Electors-at-Large,. Lee S. Overman, of Rowan; D. H. McLean, of Harnett. For Congress from 7th District, Hon. Theo. F. Kluttz, . of Rowan. For Elector, J. R. Blair, of Montgomery. Concord, N. C, Sept. 10 1900. C0TTOT INDUSTRY: PECULIAR. The tendency of cotton is up ward. . But recently it has raised 60 to 75 points in the face of a depressed condition of the spin ning factories. These two condi tions would seem to find a ready Tolief in the closing dow7n of mills, Behind it though is an evil that is desirable to overcome. The closing down of mills means'op-1 operatives out cf employment. To the frugal, who save up some thing for a worse day that comes in -every one's me, it means no special distress, but a melting away of the accumlations to which they had fondly hoped to add more. But to the unfrugal, who so unwisely live up to their income, it means keeping soul and body together at the expense of .some one- else, a condition that is distressing to the fair minded, the honest, the conscientous. It is to be hoped that wherever practicable the mills will keep running on short time, at least, and tide over the depression, thereby averting the vicisstudes of fluctuating markets that make fluctuating demands for labor. These spurting demands do no little to uns'ettle those who might do worse, and former, modes of life are broken up to accept stim- 7J " ENVY'S TARGETS. ' O We see yet in exchanges the announcement of the birth of a daughter fh tit eVanderl$lt hom It Is generally "noted with a con gratulatory tone. 'We note other styles of reference to.lSiis happy t Qyent, however. We are among those who rejoice with these parents. We have yet to hear of a mean, oppressive act by George Vanderbilt, and his in ffuences for the upbuilding o the State are felt. Amid his millions and the magnificen equipments that thoy bring (and they .are enjoyed by 'many around him) it is but natura that he should be glad at the presence of offspring, and " we can't see why any philanthropic heart can't rejoice with them as with other parents. Note those who are always manifesting envy of the rich and you will find dispositions mean enough to mount to wealth and promine'nce by stepping with iron heels upon the backs 'of their fellow men. Rockefeller and Mark Hanna we dare say come in for a good bit of denunciation by men that would be immensely meaner than they if they had equal op portunities. HICKS FOR SEPTEMBER. ulated demands that ere long must prove disappointing. O, for a smooth flowing indus trial condition vithoift its JieightS and its low valleyfi. lofty! The Truth-Index says that the IJevL E Busby is writing a Of children of school age in North Carolina there are 408,787 whites, a"nd of these thero aro en rolled 261,217, while the average attendance is 141,102. Of negro children there are 199,000, of whom 127,399 are enrolled, and the average attendance is 57,148. Enniss Weekly. The reader will please note that these figures show that many more than half the white children are enrolled while decidedly less than half the number of the col ored children are, and that the average attendance of the white children is more than 34 per cent, while the attendance of the col ored children is not quite 29 per cent. Notwithstanding the po litical cry to the contrary, we be lieve education is and will ever be more popular and advanced among the Caucasian than any other race. Hill and Croker aro said to have buried the hatchet and have fallen shoulder to -shoulder in the Bryan ranks. There is a powerful flocking to Bryali anc1 it would seem wonderful if he is not elected. Cured of Chronic Diarrhoea After Thjity Years of Suffering:. "I suffered for thirty years with .diarrhoea and thought I was pat be ins: cured," eayB John S. Halloway.of Jbrencn uanip, Mies. . "I spent sot much time and mqney and suffered so much that I had given up all hopes of recovery. I was so f eebfe f rorfl the effects of the diarrhoea that I could do no kind of labor could not even travel, but by accident I was permitted to find a tottle u of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrlfbea lTenedy, and aiter taxing Bevcrai cotties 1 am en Wrtnr p iof i n a i4!" ?ur.ed ?f that trouble.. I am so tt'liilosophy, History, EcAomicfi, En u.oirev. --T pleased with the result that 1 dm anxi- sh Modern Languages, Chemical and Physical Laboratories. Three largo brick buildinss: rooms with Hm'tabla f urliture1. Free access to 4.000 vnl nmne - - i W campus of eiaijt acres nicely shad- f- cmty 01 Uve Professors with uesr credentials. Smokin Rfjse. The book will contain 125 onB tnat Jt be in reachjbf all who sufler -u-n v-.,- mi u i 1 (as I have." For sale at Marsh's drug to 30 pages and will be limited in 8tore. ' to H0 pages and will be limited in number. A good subject and :J flllpnt, Writft fnsnron. rorvr vool-l iblebook. Gastonla's Oil Mill, he Gastonia News says ike walls of the oil mill are about up and that cotton seeds will be cracked as the season opens. i yuu a uem u n uvra no lntfKlcnntji an tromW nwr.. I y""'"-" r .r . . good. One application will relieve the Bpa7ffn h Ti rfi5 i1 cures sprains and bruisestll-behaved studTnts t iZJZmeiei?- "1,wou.uo If troubled with rheumnftm, give Chamberlain's Pain-Balin a trial. It fwill not cost you a cent if it (Jpes no pain. 1 1 also in one-third time required by any other treatment. Cuts, burns, frostbites, quinsey, pains J n the sitU jind chest. glandular andother swelling Are quiokly cured by applyingit. Every bol&. tie warranted. Tice Jsoc, and oUc. a or sale at Marsh's drug etcre. Fearfully Accurate Forecast of Great Gulf Disaster. The storm diagwam shows that Mars, Venus and Eajtlt combine their perturbing powejrs through nearly the whole of September. The.fi rst threodays of the month scattering storms will bjealup suddenly with .cool, northerlyl winds and probable frosts in the fa'r North about the 8rd to 5th. We predict that a very marked disturbance on land and sea will develop frotn the 0th to 11th. Menacing barometric conditions wilj precede violent and danger ous gales in all the gulf regions, while rain, hail, thunder and wind will follow a season of great warmth over interior parts of the country, the storms pro gressing from west to east and from south to southeast from the 8th to 11th. Earthquakes in va rious parts of the globe need not surprise us; high northwesterly gales and very much cooler weather will follow about the 10th to 13th. An early dash of snow is quite possible in the ex treme West and North. About tho 13th to 15th look out for re actionary storm period, culmi nating in gales and general at mospheric perturbation, followed by severe days of rough, bad weather. We shall not be sur prised if the last of September brings really stormier and cooler weather than much of October and November. We think great and dangerous electrical equinoctial storms will sweep south seas and coasts bo- tween the 19th and 2Gth, and many violent inland storms will visit interior and lake regions at the same time. From Wednes day the 19th to Sunday the 23rd is one of the periods in which probable violence and dang may arise. A Yulcan storm pe riod is brewing as September 's out, but the moon is at greatest declination south on the 29th, hence the atmospheric tide will lean southward, keeping the air crisp and cool during the last days of the month. Time's-Vis itor. . The Racket Store's Special Offejng of 800 -Boxes Paper ' and Envelops, and 100 Dozen Toliet Soaps " 10c Boxes of Paper and Envelops for 5c rjer box. wets 15c 20 and'25c 35 and 50c t for 10c for 15c for 25c 5c Ink Tablets fou 3c each. 10c " " for 5c lo to 25c " " for 10c " Chamberlain's Coug;h Remedy a Great Favorite. The soothing and healing properties or, this remedy, Its pleasant taste and prompt and permanent cures have made it a great favorite with people every where . It is especially prized by mothers of small children for colds, croup and whooping cough, as it always affords quick relief, and as it contains no opium or other harmful drug, it may be giveri as confidently to a baby as to au adult. For sale at Marsh's drug store. The preferred creditor is the one who. waits longest for his pay. Orange, Va., Observer. SOAPS: ' . FELS & Co's. Small Hotel at lc, worth 2c. " Sweet' Flowers, Vanity .Fair, Alconica Glycerine and Water Crest, put up 3 cakes in a box, our price 15c per box. " Clover Pink, Honey,. Castile and Glycerine, Luray, Laural, Blossom and Halifax brands at 35c per box of 1 dozen or 3 cakes for 10c. Also Almond Cream and Mt. Olive Castile at same price. FRENCH SOAPS. ' Dulaurier's Violet de Mentoue 3 cakes in box at 15c per box. Runean Ex cie Violet Blanche 3 cakes in box at 15c per box. Henri Rocheau. Iris Blanche 3 cakos in box at' 15c per box. Well-known American Soaps put up 3 cakes to the box: David S. Brown & Co's. Daffodil at 15cc per box; Apple Blossom 15c per box. Andrews Soap Go's. No. 630 Transparent Glycerine 15 box. AcmaSoap Co's. Butter Milk aud Anise and Milk Weed Soap 10c per box of 3 cakes. Cocoa Castele at lc per cake' worth 2c. 10 kinds of Highly Perfumed Soaps at 8c. Very respectfully, !: 1 ' f 4 B11B e AND SUPPLIES AT Fantory Prices HK L AT CONCOIiD STEAM LAUNDRY. Agents Wanted. North Carolina College. Chartered In I859, lit. Pleasant,. N. C. Collegiate and Academio Depart ments, Classics, Mathematics, Sciences, redentialn. Smnkitio- rinVinr inujicfinta ana gamblingTuot tolerated. Reduced I'ailroa'l Rates. Annual convention of National Baptist Association (colored), Richmond, Va., Sept. 12-00. Tickets on sale Sept. 10, 11 and 12; final limit Sept. 22. Remind trip $8.00. North Carolina Baptist Sunday school convention, colored, Ral eigh', Sept. 18-23. Sale tickets Sept. 17 and 18, final limit Sept. 25th.- Round trip $0.70. Annual Convention and Tour nament of the N. C. State (col.) Fireman's Association, Salis bury, Sept. 11-13. Thirst-class fare 70 cents for lound trip. Tickots on sale Sapt. 10 aud 11; final limit Sept. 15. Firemen in uniform, ten or more on one ticket, 65 cents for round trip. Annual Session Sovereign Grand Lodge I. O. O. F., Rich mond, Va., Sept. 17-22. Tickets tn sale Sept. 15, 16 and 17: final limir, Sept. 25. Round trip $8.00. . - Sixth Annual Holiness con vention, RaleigM, Sept. 9-16 Rount Wip $6.70. Tickets on sale Sept. 7-10; final limit Sept. 18th. JM EVEN OF ESPECIALLY STYLES AT CHOSEN During last May an infait, child of our neighbor was suflerine from cholera Urn . niV .A. 1 v infantum, xne aomors naa giyen upj an nopes 01 recovery, x iook a Dottle of Chamberloin's Colic, Cholera andy mail; ooanected by caanottiT Salisbury. Duilv telephone with n . 1 A 1. . . Lifiiinim 1 v. .iiiiii'iin. uinu gc . 1 J I -wvvv. A-V rmrle. i all term begins Hept 4th, 12fl0. Xot catalogue or further inloamatSi. address Rev. WM. A. LUTZ.a. m., Pres., V1nst0n, N. 0. or Mt. Pleasant N, 0. used according to directions. In two days time the child had fully re covered. The child is now vigorous and healthy. I have recommended this remedy frequently and have never known it to fail. Mrs. Curtis Baker, Bookwalter, Ohio. For sale at Marsh's drug store.. O "or sack suits tailored to your Kder and measure Serges for simmer at $15.00. Elegantly Tailored m These are hints of the many good values in newest suitings and trouserings offered by Jacob Reed's Sons. of Philadelphia, for spring and summer of 1900. Fit and satisfaction guaranteed. Samples sliown by 4 Gr W.Patterson, Concord, N. Sanitary Sotice! All persons are notified to clan up their premise at once those keeping hogs are espec ially warned. Th commissioners have taken strong action in the matter and the mayor has given strict oiTTers. A word to the wise is sufficient. Clean up and sfay clean and save yourself of fine and cost. Jas. F. Harris Chief of Police.