0 B .-STANDARD JftHN D.BAKrvIElTD SON, Bftitors!litdPro)rietdl-sf - T ?ITC STANDARD is uublished everv ay (buuda.v excepted) and delivered by ries. Hates ol ouuscripti n : Oi' year $4.00 Sianntft...... 2.60 "Three montb. .. 1-00 unn monu, . . . . '-"J Bid gift copy. 05 TpE WEEKLY STANDARD ia rttTrQ era liln rt- v iq nor Tfc V)A.H a larger circulation, in Cabarrus than any other paper. Trice $1.00 per annum in ' advance. Advertising Rates : Terms for regular advertisements made knows on application. m Address all communications V -THE STANDARD, . . Concord, N. C. TELEPHONE NO. 71 v. NATIONAL TICKET. For President William Jennings Bryan. For Vice-President, Adlai E. Stevenson. For Electors-at-Large, t Lee S. Overman, of Rowan; -D. H. McLean, of Harnett. For Congress from 7th District, ' Hon. Tiieo. F. Kluttz, of Rowan. For Elector, J. R. Blair, of Montgomery. Concord, N. C, Sept. 10 1900. MORE ABOUT WIRELESS GKAFHY. TELE- We think we have before ex plained to our readers in a com prehensive way the nature of the Marconi system of wireless tele graphy. It will be recalled that from some elevated point there is a stroke by electricity that pro duces a wave of ether which fills space in inverse proportion to the density of the air. There fore the higher the point from which the operation takes place, the purer the ether is, that is the freer from air, and the- fur ther the ether waves will vibrate, for it is like dropping a pebble into the lake, which produces waves that reach to the bank But the point which we started out to note is that Mar cpni has made another wonder ful stride in his invention. He .has learned how to make wire telegraphy keep its own secrets. Heretofore any one hav ing -an instrument could catch the message sent out. . This would be very undesirable in time of wr, when the .enemy might catch messages not intend ed for his ears Even if given in cipher it would be dangerous, for there are experts at unravel ing cipher telegrams. But Mar- ionl has invented a kincr of m- strument by which only certain receiver's can respond. The send ing p.nd receiving instruments are especially adapted so thafc nv one can get the message not ceiver f of which if is intended. Thais this great obstacle is over come, but the delfcate ronstrucf- lion oi ine insirumenwseems to one not understanding it a muclf greater myste thfa the' wire less telegraphy itself. With this grand scientific achiever nt it will be possible to communicate with vessels oh the sfd and keep in communica- nion wiirieds1a52omi unity too hostile f$r; wires una psts. . Marconi ras surmountt-iA a great tfifiiculty.ki his vmy. If he can continue to titerCome space till he practically annihilates i it would seen that it will trans plant the present system of:?ele graphy. . . Greensboro has really a water famine. M,ayor .Taylor has is- sued an official warning that the quantity in. 4he reservoir is so low as to be unfit for domestic purposes and warns Citizens against its use. 'The conditis are only temporary he 'says What would be the result if a fire wafted by brisk breezes should occur, in our poorly watered towns is a matter for seriobs consideration. Mr. Gallup has been nomina ted for treasurer of Connecticut. It would seem that he should be able to make a good race, but it might be a permanent loss to the State if he should keep going after he gets possession of the cash. Charlotte News. No one ever heard of a treas urer or cashier galloping away with the funds, brother. They sometimes fly. ' Awful Work of an Insane $an. Jackson, Miss., Sept. 10. A horrible quadruple tragedy oc curred at West Station, five miles north of here, this morning George W Moore, a prominent merchant of the place, who has been suffering with periods of insanity for some 'time, adminis tered strichnine to his wife and two children, telling them it was quinine to keep off chills. Within O A I 1 i 1 a iew minutes an inree were dead. Moore then took a pistol and fired two bullets through his own heart, falling to the floor across the dead body of one of his little children. Cured of Chronic Diarrhoea After Thlity Years of Suffering:. "I suffered for thirty years with diarrhoea and thought I was pat be ing cured," says John S. Halloway, of French' Camp, Mi6S. "I spent so much time and money and suffered so much that I had given up all hopes of reoovery. 1 was so feeble from the effects o f the diarrhoea that I could do no kind of labor, could not even travel, but by acoident I was permitted to find a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera an'd Diarrhoea Remedy, .and after taking several bottles 1 am en tirely cured ot thaf trouble. I am so pleased with the result that I am anxi ous that it be in reach of all who suiler as I have." For sale at Marsh's drug store. f The wise man has his follies no less than the fool ; but it has been said that herein lies the dif- ference the follies of tho, fool are.ljnovn to the world, but aro hidden from himself; the follies of the 'wise man are known to himself, but 'hidden, from the world. Selected. Editor's Awful Plight FM. Higgins, E,ditor Seneca (111.) Newi - was affli(ited for ears ith piles he tried Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world. He writes, two boxes wholy cured him. Infalible for piles, Cure guaranteed. Only 25c. Sold at Fetzer's drug store. 6 A3 woman whoprobably speaks from experience says a husband who can be led isn't worth lead- ing.- -Ex. HEART TO SOUL. Said a woman's Soul to "a wo- man's Heart : "I shall live forever, but dust thou art; And deSpite the fires to-day that burn, To morrow thou'lt die and to . dust return." But the Heart replied to'the Sou and said : "Though alive to-day and to 9 morrow dead, My day of life.is worth to me Thy endless years of eternity. 'For I live and love and suffer woe Thongh thpu liv'st forever thou canst not know. And my dayoElife be bitter or stveet, No final reckoning have I to meet "The flowers will bloom from my dust and sing, 'From a Heart that lived but a days wee spring.' And I laugh and love and sin and say : 'It does not matter, the Soul shal pay.' " . Matalie Brown in Smart Set Staunch Young Democrat. The following effort by a mountaineer boy of Hi years seems creditable as his first of i tort and has been ottered to us bv a friend from the "land of the sky:" I am a Democratic boy Whom Republicans try to annoy, And when they are beaten in the trial . . They force a word in swift do nial. Then they try to change me, by and by, But 'tis of no use for them to try; I'll live to be twenty-one, I hope, Then I'll put in a Democratic vote. i Now, Republicans, I'll make a request. And see whether you can stand the test: Can you tell what good you've ever doner None of you can tell us, ' no, not one. Alvin Horton. Ghamberlain's Cooffh Remedy a Great Favorite. The soothing and healing properties or this remedy, its pleasant taste and prompt and permanent cures have made it a greet favorite with people every. where It is especially prized bv mothers of small children for colds croup and whooping cough, as it always auords quick relief, and as it contains no opium or other harmful drug, it may be given as conhdently to a baby as to an adult. For sale at Marsh's drug store. A man's sins seldom find him out until after his neighbors ex- jose him: Selected. Wise is the man who pays for what he gets and gets what he pays for. If troubled with rheumatism, give Cl amberlain's Pain-Balm a trial. It will not cost you a cent if it does no good. One application will relieve the pain. Tt also cures sprains and bruises in one-third time required by any other rfiatment. (Juts, burns, frostbite. quinsey, pains in the side and chest, glandular and other swelling's are quicWy cured by applying;it. Every bot tle warranted. Price 25c, and 5flc. For sale at Marsh's drug etc-f. North Carolina College. Chartered fn 1859, Tlt, Pleasant, N. C. Collegiate and Academio Depart faents,Classics, Mathematics, Sciences, Philosophy, History, Economics, Eng lish, Mcfdern Language?, Chemicafl and Physical Laboratories. TThree large brick buildings; rooms with, suitable furniture. Free access to 4)00 voluntas. Fine campus of eight acres nicely shad ed. Faculty of live professors with best credentials. Smoking, drinking intoxicants and gambling not tolerated. Board in president's dinning hall for all well-behaved students at cost. Daily mail; connected by telephone with CharlottQ Salisbury, Concord, Albe marle. Pall term begins Sept 4th, 1900. For catalogue or further intoamation, address Rev. WM. A. LUTZ. a. m., Pres., Winston, N. 0. or Mt. Pleasant N. C, the Racket Store's V Special Offeingof "1,607 .Tablets, 800 iWil1J JL Ulvl UilU'.WUlUiUMWi 1 and 100- -Dozen. Met. Soaps. 1 . 10c Boxes of Paper and Envelops foj 5c per box. 15c 20 and 25c 35 and 50c 5c. Ink Tablets for Sc each. 10c" " " for 5c y 15 to 25c " " for 10c'" SOAPSr ' FELS & Cq's. Stttall Hotel at lc, worth 2c. . " Sweet Flowers, Vanity Fair, Alconica Glycerine and Water Crest, put up '3 cakes in a box, 'our. price 15c per box. Clover Pink, Honey, Castile' and Glycerine, Luray, Laural; Blossom and Halifax brands at 35c "per box of 1 dozen or 3 cakes for l6c. Also Almond Cream, and Mt. Olive Castile at same price. FRENCH SOAPS. Dalaurier's Violet de Mentone 3 cakes in box at 15c per box. Runean Ex cie Violet Blanche 3 cakes in box at 15c per box. Henri Rocheau Iris Blanche 3 cakes in box at 15c per box. Well-known American Soaps put David S. Brown & Co's. Daffodil at 15qc per box; Apple Blossom 15c per box. Andrews Soap Co's. No. 630 Transparent Glycerine 15 box. Acma Soap Co's. Butter Milk and Anise and Milk Weed So.ap 10c per box of 3 cakes. Cocoa Castele at lc per cake worth 21 c. 10 kinds of Highly Perfumed Soaps at 8c. Very respectfully, ft " Reduced Railroad Rates. Annual convention of National Baptist Association (colored), Richmond, Va., Sept. 12-00. Tickets on sale Sept. 1,0, 11 and 12; final, limit Sept. 22. Round trip $8.00, North Carolina Baptist Sunday school conveution, colored, Ral eigh, Sept. 18-23. Sale, tickets Sept. 17 and 18, fiixi limit Sept. 25th. R6und trip S6.70. Annual Convention and Tour nament of the N. O. State .(col.) Fireman's Association, Salis bury, fcept. ll-lc, .irst-class are 0 cents, for iund trip. Tickets on sale S3pt. 10 and 11; nnal limit Sept. 15. Firemen in unuorm, ten or more on one ticket, 65 cents for round trip. , Annual Session Sovereign Grand Lodge I. O. O. F., Rich mond, Va., Sept. 17-22. Ticket's on sale bept. 15, lb and 1; final limir. Sept. 25. Round rip 88.00.. Sixth Annual Holiness con vention, Raleigh, Sept. 9-16 RoiJnd trip $6.70. Tickets on sale Sept. 7-10; m final limit Sept. 18th. rjKiriug lastMay an infant child of oiy: neiahuor was 8uiierin) irom cnoiera infantum. The doctors had giyen up all hopes of reoovery. I took a bottle ; of Chaifiberloin's Coiic, Cholera and , 1 i . 1 1 1.11- 1iarrnoea lvemeay 10 ine noutse tewing them I felt sure it would do good if used according to directions. In two days time tho child had fulj re covered The child is now vigorous and healthy. I have recommended this remedy frequently and have never known it to fan. Mrs. Curtis naker, Bookwalter, Ohio. For sale at Marsh's drug store. 1 for 10c for lsc for 25c up 3 cakes to the box: :-r S AND SnFFLIES AT. Factory Prices AT CONCORD STEAM LAUNDRY. Agents Wanted. JUST 1 EVE D !ZT O ILU pP ESPECIALLY CHOSEN STYLES AT or sack uits tailored to your Kder and measure . Serges for ammer at $15.00. . Elegantly . Tailored These .are hints of the many good values in newest suitings and trouserings offered by Jacob Reed's Sons, of Philadelphia, for spring and summer of 1900. Fit and satisfaction guaranteed. Samples shown ty G W. Patterson,. Concorcl, .N. Sanitary Notice! All persons are notified" fb clean uptheir premises at once, those keefring hogs are espec ially wajgned. The commissioners have taken strong actionin the matter and the mayo bus iven strict orprs. A wortf to the wise is sufficient. ClSan up , and stay clean aiit save yourself of fine and cost. Jas. F. Harris. Chief of Police. B1P1E8 e- PURGELL

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