rs. DRY-STANDARD JOHN D. BARRIER and SON, Editors and Proprietors. tOFt'lt.'B IS lilt; MOKKI UILI.. 1HE STANDARD is published every aj (Sunday excepted; and delivered by ru. iiates of $ubscripti n : 0.Y6ar . -00 &r- cnoiy;.. v . . . ."2.00 . 100 Obo month 4 3q 8ingWcoDyt 05 TRE WBEXLI STA&DAtD is . ur-page, emht-colunin paper. It has a largar circulation in Cabarrus than any other paper. Price $1.00 ir annum in advance. Advertising Kates: ; Terms for .regular advertisements 8Qad known on application Address all communications to THE STANDARD, . . Concord, N. C. - ' TELEPHONE JiO. 71.. NATIONAL TICKET. For President William Jennings Bryan. For Vice-President, Adlai E. Stevenson. For Electors-at-Large, XiEE S. Overman, of Rowan; D. H. McLean, of Harnett. For Congress from 7th District, Hon. Theo. F. Kluttz, of Rowan. .. For Elector, J. R. Blair, of Montgomery. Concord, N. C, Sept. 12 1900. MURDEROUS FANATICISM. What is to be done . about it -when people become fanatical on the subject of Christian science and refuse to allow the adminis tration of remedies placed in the world as a means of relief of the suffering aiid helpless? Mur derous religious fanaticism would .?oem not an inappropriate name for it. A case in point is that of Hen ry Parsons, a boy of 11 years, vwb,o died in New Bern on the ;6th. Ho had malarial fever, -'which is quite curable, but he lay under the treatment of a Christian Scientist without med ical aid for two weeks and died. A jury df inquest was held over .him and its findings were that he suffered from improper treat ment and neglect and that he would most probably have re covered if he had had proper .treatment. The grand jury will be called upon to consider the case. Any punishment that the courts may inflict will raise a howl, of religious persecution .j,nd it is most probable that this fact will largely restrain to some extent the action of the courts. Life-saving crews, fire-fighters detectives and others go to wonderful extents to save human fife, and we prosecute andsu,e capftalists for great sums of money if any evil befalls an em jploye through a little neglect for tie safety of all about them,but in the name of religiqifall kinds of wrtmg against humanity, even to the loss orllfe. mav he uracil - " t l ' ed ancf we areloath to vindi cate human suffering an!death lest we be violating tje princi ples of religious freedom. There is a mystical line be tween religious freedom and . abuse that it were well enough to scrutinize that the former may be maintained and the latter -suppressed. Mr. Bryan's Defeiife of North Carolina. In the course of an a?sresi n Chicago Mr. BryaiT commented upon theadmiistration's co$re in the Philippines, vhich permits one class to juje another, where upon one of his auditors, inter rupting him, .asked : . "How aboufr. the. situation in North Carolina ?". Mr. Bryan instantly replied ; "Let the race question, which .has brought us so much trouble, be a warning to you not to bt ing another race question into thjs country; and we dp not have to go to North Carolina either, for we have had it right here in Illi nois and Ohio." Gbamberlain's Cough Remedy a Great Favorite. The soothing and bealmg properties or this remedy, its pleasant taste and prompt and permanent cures have made it a great favorite with people every. where It is especially prized by mothers of small children for Golds, croup and whooping cough as it always affords quick relief, and as it contains no opium or other harmful drug, it may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult. For sale at Marsh's drug store. Awful Massacre at Pao Ting Fn. A London dispatch of the 12th tells a tale of horror h China. It says "The censorship, which is un der Sir Alfred Gaselee's control, makes it difficult," says the cor respondent, "to convey a true picture of the present situation in Pekin. Today the foreign community was thrilled with hor ror at the news of the massacre of the missionaries at Pao Ting Fu; who were under the protec tion of tile imperial troops. Chil dren were butchered before the eyes of their parents. White women were ravished and carried into captivity. Parents were tortured and murdered. Massa cres by red Indians never caiLin vain for vengeance. ' Yet the troops remain here inactive. Their one thought and wish are. to be given work, or to be re called from Pekin. 'Surely the civilized world will not suffer this cruel massacre to remain unavenged and make no effort to ascertain .the fate of the poor martyred Christians and whit women. Minister Wu, however, stoutly denies the facts and calls Dr. Morrison's report 'unjustifiable libel." It seems certain that Mr. Co ler, who is Mr. Hill's candidate for the nomination for governor, will be beaten, and Stanchfield who is lr. Croker's choice will win. During last May an infant child of our neighbor was suflering from cholera infantum. The doctors had giyen up all hopes of recovery. I took a bottle of Chamberloin's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy to the house telling them E felt sure it would do good if used according to directions. In two days time the child had ftflly re covered. The child is now vigorous and healthy. I have recommended this remedy "frequently and have never known it to fail. Mrs. Curtis Baker, Bookwalter, Ohio. For sale at Marsh's Jrug store. 1 Concord National Bail rce ,.1.1.-1 i ii? , , . vjueru me uumxieao ljuoho wjenaDie. rer. anent, conservative and accOmmodatf in or banfln? inHtntirm. We solicit your patronage with the assurance cf honorable treatment and due appieciation of your patjfpage. If we can serve you any time we will be glad to haye you come and see us. LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS TO CUSTOMERS Capital MSumlns - - $10,000 D. B CoiiTEANE,;Chashier J. ML Obeli President. ' Merry -Laugfi Is always heard when he reads MV; Bu'fi'qy, His.Book By Adah L Button, illustrate by W. H.tfry. The. Favorite Juvenile of It is a book of bright, jingling rhymes surpassing the Old Mother Goose melodies. Every stoTT is fully illustrated by amusing pictures that are sure to bring hearty laughter from the children, lhe book, with its merr melodies and quaint pictures appeals strongly to the imagination and humor of the children. Tour Boy-anKGirl . Will be interested in the comica situations, quaint characters, redicnlous personages, catchy rhymes, and bright sayings found m Mr, Bunny, His Boot. Grown up children enjoy the humor. the laughable incident?, and queer episodes as well as the small ones. What tie Press Says: Mr. Bunny, His Book is elegantly printed in colors. The bookseller, This book stands alone as the finest new juyenile on the market a never failing source of enjoyment to the chil dren. Young People s Herald. It -is tremendously clever and ought to be a good seller. li. Jb . Ourcault. Substantially bound: over 100 pages: 9xllJ inches; front cover showing de sign stamped in tnrae bright colors, also back cover design showing a com ical Bunny Baseball Team; printed on good, strong paper, in large face tyre, easily read. Each page printed in three gorgeous colors. Sent Postpaid 1.25. Our illustrated for book catalogue is FREE AKRON, OHIO. The Standard (daily) PUBLISHED EVERY. DAY (SUNDAY EXCEPTED.) SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: Oneweek 10c One month .,' 35c, One year . . $4.00. Delivered to any part of the city by carriers. . The Standard (WEEKLY) IS PUBLISHED .EVERY THURSDAY, SUBSCRIPTION PlOE: Three months" 2c. Six months 50c One year .' $1.00. The Weekly is always full of local and other good news. C Give us a trial order on I your next Job Work. ! i i am i t-The Racket Store's Special 'Dffeingof. . . 607- Tablets. I) S00 Boies Paper and Envelops, arid 100 Dozen -Toilet Soaps. 10c Boxes of Paper and Envelops for 5c per box. 15c " f9r 10c " 20and25c . '. ' " for,15c " 35 and 50c 5c Ink Tablets for 3c each. 10c " " for 5c " 15 to 25c- " " for 10c " SOAPS: FELS & Co's. Small Hotel at lc, Sweet Flowers, Vanity Bair, Alconica Glycerine and Water Crest, put up 3 cakes in a box, our price 15c per box. Clover Pink, Honey, Castile and Glycerine, Luray, Laural, Blossom and Halifax brands at 35c per box of 1 dozen or 3 cakes for 10c. Also Almond Cream and Mt. Olive Castile at same price. FRENCH SOAPS. Dulaurier's Violet de" Mentbne 3 cakes in box at 15c per box. Runean Ex cie Violet Blanche 3 cakes in box at 15c per box. Henri Rocheau Iris Blanche 3 cakes in box at 15c per box. Well-known American" Soaps put David S. Brown & Co's. Daffodil at 15cc per box; Apple Blossom 15c per box. Andrews Soap Co's. No. G30 Transparent Glycerine 15 box. Acma Soap Go's. Butter Milk and Anise and Milk Weed Soap 10c per box of 3 cakes. Cocoa Castele at lc per cake worth 2c. 10 kinds of Highly Perfumed Soaps at 8c. ttt ir -w r - V CI V X COJJCVy 4jLU.Ly , '1 . ; . , ... . - AVe have just re ceived a fresh lot of Grits, Hominy ana ce. We oall special at- tention to a line of Ground Cloves, Cinnamon, . 'Allspice, etc. Something very'fkie for flavoring jel. lies, etc. V. D. SIKES, PNE -zzX&p&zzzzz - A Good oagh PIcaicine. Many thousands have been restored to health and happiness by the use of f!hamhrlftin'a Couffh liemedv. If afflicted with any throat or lung trouble giye it a trial for it is certain to prove beneficial. Couehs that have resisted all treatment for many years have yield ed to this remedy and perfect health has been restored. Cases that seemed hopeless, that the climate of famous health resorts failed to benefit, have sale a Marsh's drug store. O It is the ill wind which blows he physician the most good. Orange, Va., Observer, o for 25c worth 2hc. up 3 cakes to the box: aim. 33 Mi SUPPLIES AT Factory Prices J. AT CONCORD STEAM LAUNDRY. Agents Wanted. t: J JUST AW EVFJ OF ESPECIALLY CHOSEN STYLES T "or saok suits tailored to yoUr );der and measure Serges for ammer at $15.00. Elegantly Tailored .These are hints of the many good values in newest suitings and trouserings offered by Jacob Reed's Sons. of Philadelphia, for spring and summer of 1900. Fif and satisfaction guaranteed. Samples shown by G W.Patterson, Merits (Joncord, JNI. Sanitary Notice J All persons are notified to clean up thelrpremises at once, those keeping hogs are espec ially warned. The commissioners have taken strong action in the matter and T T , . . BPH0P1 Liits xiitijui- lias given sincb orders. A word to the wise is sufficient. Clean up and stay clean and save yourself of fine, and cost. Jas. F. HaiCkis. Chief of Police. .