o S 1 anOakD JOJiK S. BARRIER and SON, Editors anci proprietors. tf'IOE IS rK JIOKU.S BUI .! i 1HE STANDARD is published every ay (Sunday exceptedj fjpd deliverectfby , ries. Kates of bubscripti n : On a j?a. . $4.00 SiU a.! atiji!. . . . . . . 2.00 1kv: mttMB t 1-00 Qnt month ...... .35 Biglfs cSny.. . . t .05 TOE WEEKLT STAtfDAyD la jar-page, t co't'ua paper. It Jias . larger circuit . i on it Cabarrus than any ciLer paper, Puce 1,00 per annum in Ivance. Advertising Rates : Terms for regular adyertisements made kjiown on application. Address all communications to THE STANDARD, Concord, N. O. TELEPHONE NO. 71. NATIONAL TICKET. " For President . William Jennings Bryan. For Vico-President, Adlai E. Stevenson. For Electors-at-Large, Lbs S. Ovekman, of Rowan; D. H. McLean, of Harnett. For Congress from 7th District, Hon. Tiieo. F. Klutiz,. of Rowan. For Elector, J. R. Blaik, of Montgomery. Concord, N. C, Sept. 14 1900. DR. C. M. PAYNE. No words of ours can ade .;a.tcly eulogize the Rev. Dr. C M Payne. Though dead he lives in the hearts and minds of many of our citizens who knew inin and drank freely from the fountains cf wisdom and grace . as they flowed fiom his pure teaching and spotless example. in the hearts cf the First Pres byterian congregation he lives in the atmosphere of tender affec tion. The fruits of his life and ministry here will doubtless ap pear when all things are re. vealed as a living, growing and ever widening beneficence. The writer's acquaintance with him was limited, but sufficient to afford pleasant memories. Our most vivid impressious of him wore obtained from his great lecture entitled "Tne 'Ideal Man." It was fraught with in- pilous to that higher nigral and spiritual life to which his life labors were directed, and he was ui'.fortunate.who did not get the benefits of that lecture. Since the above is in type we find the following very interest ing biographical sketch in the Salisbury Truth-Index. Dr. Payne was a native of Lex ington, N. C, and was a brother of the late Dr. Robert Payne He was born in 1842, and from the Davidson College Senfl-Centennial Catalogue we get tlie following regarding his y story : He took the degree of A- B. at Davidson "College in 1873 atter serving through the war with conspicioue gallantry? TJie remainder of his Record is fa-ken verbatim from the Cata-, logue, as follows : M. D.1869, "Washington University, Mary land B. D. 1872, Union Theologi cal Seminary,' Virginia, Rep. 1861. Alumni Order Phi Socie ty, 1865. Lieutenant Company K. 56 North Carolina T,-'G2-C5. Physician, 66-G8, Lexing ton, N. C. Spent two terms at Medical College, Rome, Ga., 70 79. Students Union Theologica Seminary, ' Virginia, '70-72 Supply and pastor, Mt. Air, Madison and Lavillft, N. C. 72-74. Pastor econd Presbj terian Church "Wilmington, N. C. 7-'84. Pastor. Conoord 'hurch 'from '84-'94. Paster a . . . Wasnrhsrton from '94 to -he time of "death. THAT ECCENTRIC STOIta. The great storm whoso death -dealing fury has focussed.the world's cyrrents of sympathy to Galveston is peculiar and worthy m of note. From exchanges that havekept tab on its rise and progress we note that it took its start .in the Gulf of "Mexico about the island of Martinique on Au gust 31st. It proceoded slowly to the south of Jamaica and crossed Cuba in a northerly di rection on the 5th, threatening the Atlantic coast, but tucned directly for Galveston which it struck with its greatest fury on the 8th. Hero it seemod to di vide and a portion going to the north was lost -while the other went just south of Houston on the 9th. It was less furious as it passed Fort Worth and Okla homa on the 10th. It seemed to proceed with increased progress and swept across Lake Michigan on the 11th with a storm veloc ity of 72 miles per hour and af fected Lakes Huron and Erie Serious apprehensions are felt for Several vessels on Lake Michigan on which many lives were in jeopardy. There are many wrecks of ' smaller vessels on Lake Erie. About Buffalo the velocity was GO to 72. It swept on through Canada and at latest reports was doing great damago along the Grand Banks of New Found land. It now has an open sea, and if it does not veer to tho south and enter the path of ocean liners it will probably end its career of calamity. Archey Kinsauls wTho v.-as to have been hanged last Friday for murdering a Sampson citi zan was a follower of Crump ler and professed, salification, whatever that is. Being very ignorant of what is claimed by the adherents to that doctrine we are led to presume that sanctification is a thing to bo gained and lost as spiritual condition. saving MR. KLUTTZ'g ENVIABLE REPUT 4 TIO. "The republicans are making a determined effort to carry this congressional district. In the strength ofKluttz and ho weak ness of their manaid the natunod Democratic majority in the dis trict lies the dangoY. We are afraid our people are too san guine andwill not iest'iriieui selves as they should. This is the banner Democratic dt:-lct of the Suite and very Democrat in the district should work to keep it so. We have a representative in Congress whom the district 53tnd tho State should be. proud of, for no man has made a more nviafcle Reputation in sg shota tirne.'V-Mocksvilk Tlmes . It wotfld be narA to say anvthin good of Mr. Kluttz that could not be readily endorsed by the west of men. 'jsssdSSa fctest of men. Imarte any. fight in tbe 7th con gressional district. If the two men were equals in every other respects the contrast in ability, to fairlv represent our district should leave no'hesitency with every voter to casthis ballot for Mr. Kluttz. HOW SHALL A YOUNG MAN CLEANSE HIS WAY I "Wine and women have ruined me." oo said a tailen young man in a neighboring town to the officer as he was being takon to jail. He said he hjad purposed to make -a man of himself at tho outset, but he became infatuated and soon Iiq was found guilty of embezzlement. "With her much fair speech she caused him to yield, with the flattery of her lips she forced him. He goeth after her straightway as an ox goeth to the slaughter or as a fool to the correction of the stocks; till a dart . strike through his, liver." How the heart of a father arid mother may well tremble as their son passes out from the rural home to tread the dangerous path in urban life, beset by all that charms the natural senses. Let one rose of sensual gratifica tion be pluckod, one step from that path be .taken, and alas, that picture of a man made of himself is usually spoiled. uui J iJ-l V CHILI LUC LlKj U iO spread in the sight of any bird," out not so witn weaic reasoning: man. Judge Purnell has pronounced the Uraig lawT unconstitutional, null and void. Should the iudere be sustained by the highest court which seems most probable it will again throw open the gates by which all courts mav be made the instruments of justice. To say the least it would seem strange that justice should be promoted by limiting the right of appeal to the highest courts of logical juristiCtiQri. Our 'sympathies are tendered Lditor Thompson, of the Chapel Hill News in his losses bv fire on 'i nuroday. rm - v I If troubled with tftniberlain's Pan Crftniberlain's Pain-Balm a trial. It 1 1 1 II I I I )H Mill JIVM I will not cost you a cent if it does no good. One application will relieve th . pain, t also cures sprains and bruises m co-tlnrd time required by any other irflatment. cuts, bums, frostbites,- quinsey, pains m tUe sTde and chest. 1 cr la Twin In on 11." I H.Uv.uiui auu uiuci Bwriiiiiu are Quickly cured by applyinit. Every bot tle warranted. Price 25c, and 50c. For sale at Marsh's drug: stcs. ji Offers the business nnMi luanent, conservative amaccumodtit- tuf; uaaiH istutlon. We solicit your patronage with the apSurance cf honorable treatment and de appr io,tiC8 of you 2 patronage. Tf c Zr , , .,, yJIua i JOa arx5te we wjI'. be glad to hay e you come and ec pa. JjIUEUAIi ACCOMMODATIONS to ctJ3to:jers. - - Capital ai piss - - $70, 000 D. B CoLrBANE,lChftihier J M. OnKhLi, President. I foicoijalia The Racket Store's Special Qffsingpi IMM fjf f yv ar 1 T1 1 800 Boxes .Paper ana Envelops, and ICO Dozea IOg Boxes of Paper and 15c " " 20 and 25c " 4 35and50c " " 5o Ink Tablets for 3c each 10c " " for 5c tk 15 to 25c " " for 10c SOAPS: FELS & Co's. Small Hotel at lc, Sweet Flowers, Vanity Fair, Alconica "Glycerine and Water Crest, put up 3 cakes in a box, our price 15c per box. ' Clover Pink, Honey, Castile and Glycerine, Luray, Laural, Blossom and Halifax brands at 35c per box of 1 dozen or 3 cake's for 10c. Also Almond Cream and Mt. Olive Castile at same pride. FRENCH SOAPS. . Dulaurier's Violet do Mentone 3 cakes in box at 15c per box. Runeau Ex cie Violet Blanche 3 cakes in box at 15c per box. Henri Rocheau Iris Blanche 3 cakes in box at 15c per box.' "Well-known American Soaps put David S. Brown & Co's. Daffodil at 15cc per. box: Applo Blossom 15c p?r box. Andrews Soap Co's. "No. G30 Transparent Glycerine 15 box. AcmaSoap Co's. E illn- Milk and Anisa and Milk- Weed Soap 10c per box of 3 cakes. Cocoa Castele at lc per cake worth 2c. J.0 kinds of Highly Perfumed Soaps at 8c. Very respectfully, i' I" f lfySriSr ,1" W-f't- "j Reduced Railroad Rates. Annual convention of National Baptist Association (colored), Richmond, Va., Sept. 12-00. Tickets on sale Sept. 10, 11 and 12; final limit Sept. 22.. Round trip i?8.00. . Nortli Carojiua Baptist Sunday c,Wwiv.rmvr.ti w,i T?ni. cpr)t, iftoa c,nip tif.kets Sept. 17 and 18, final limit Sept. 25th. Round trip 0.70. Annual "Session Sovereign Grand Lodge I. O. O. F.,- Rich mond, Va., Sept. 17-22. ' Tjckets on sale bept. lo, lb and l; final limit. Sept. 25. Round . . y-.. tnP ,8-uu . Sixth Annual Holiness con- vantmn RnlfMVh RAnt. Q.lfi Z a ' .7" r A m1 I "J ltouna iriP vO. U Tickets on sale oept. -1U; final limit Sent. 18th. I A Minister's Good Work. "I had sdvere attack of bilious onlin sot a bottleof ChamberlBiu's. Coho Oolera and Diarrhoea Remedy," took two boses and was entirely cured", says Rey.A.A.Powtr, of Emporia, Kan. "My neisbbor across the street was siok for oyer aweek, had tw or three bottles Of medicines from the doctor. He iDsod em for three or four duvs without relief, then called in another doctor wou ireaieu mm iorisume uuys ana gave him no relief, so discharge! hirn. I went ov.e,r, ? B,eo hl,m tiiJ mcnmg. Ife h,ls b0vWe1lo1 wcr 3 la a terr?lb , Sx' that they hud been i uciTiug off so long t - ai ii was aim t ILly flav. I oled Lr. if Lc haJ tluc rjZJw -s cTl:c, i.emeiy ai m him my bottlo c ulm one dose; told him totfke r-iiOwij or du.'ie in fifteen or twenty minutes it Lj did not iiad relief, but ho tooL. i,o moro vvA was entirely cured", i'or eule f.(Marfih'f drug store. hi;; HjntoJ'a-.ux,j',J... - X Ms,-.' ' Tolret Boaps. Envelops for 5c per box. 41 .for 10c " " for 15c " for 25c ' worth 2c. up 3 cakes to the box: warm & -Sk AND SUPPLIES AT Farstory Prices J; l AT -CONCORD STEAM LAUNDRY. Agents Wanted. . CO S2 ZB urn OF IC1A LLY CHOSEN STYLES AT n, ?or sack 'suits tailored to your rde'r and. measure Serges for jmmer at $15.00. . ' Elegantly Tailored These are hints of the many good values in newest suitings and trouserings offered by Jacob Reed's Sons, ov Philadelphia, for spring and summer of 1900. Fit and satisfaction guaranteed. Samples shown by G W. Patterson, .Agents Concord, N. C ' net Sanitary Notice I j All persons are notified to cTean uj5 .their premises jit 5nco, those keeping hogs ae?spec ially'wrnedj The commissjnerhave takefi strong action in the matter and the mayor has given strict orders. 4A word fb tho wise ;s sufficient. Cln up jpfid stay afiuan and save yourself of fine and cost. Jas. F. Harris. 'Chief of Police. (