V O O 0 charged one dollar per month ECCENTRIC OWNER MIKES QJRI- iiftiiv QTAMnnnn w am h in u ii ii i . ta w iiiiwiiiiv lor uoctor s iees. gj o JEffltorsa d FrtetaJf N' it5eSy se8 thafrhjving to DaviJsoncounty is saidt The .Racket .Store's JZr.r.-.' Burhase rd.e.r an,3-o.th.er g.oods hre a h.5rse tha! ha &een .op e c i& I . Of fe i ng of: at advanced prices is a flagrant out of his stable ?orl Si years. It 1 . ' is published everv -m-m-nr linfn o v,i ,'u :a f T. iv,a . J . fl fl i7 111 L. 1 Xw . 800 Boxes Par-and EnvelcpSi and-100 Men Tolief: Soaps'.: 1HE STANDARD is published everv n.rnn fKof .o ay (Sunday excepted) and delivered by "e l"""-- riea. ,xw(w ouuButiyuw : i uiy wouiu oe resruiatea dv. oiate reaaerxnat ineowner is a cranK laws. but iust.firo on and sav that 2he Ouw year......:.. $4.00 ,,Kii month.-. I 2.00 Thra filths 1.00 Otf month . ? .35 Bfntrlfl r'onv . . XFt THF, WV.T'T'T.V TAMTi.n ia oar-pajie, tyght-column paper. It has ft larger circulatKta in Cabarrus than anyl most llkely.be worsted. other paper. Btice $1.00 per aimum id dvance. .AdveTtisins? Hates : Terms for regular advertisement? made known on appjipatiou. .Address all communications to THE STANDARD. Concord, N. C TELEPHONE NO. 71 NATIONAL TICKET. For President William Jennings Bry.n. For Vice-President, Adlai E. Stevenson. Fpr Electors-at-Large, The kard itnes complained of horse's hoofs are very Elongated . . I . . . ... " . will be apt to,bp made infinitely and turned up like snow shoes nECrder, for all concerne(r .will The main and tall are very Ion . .. - .i. . . . 4the latter tQuchmg the ground He is wanted for the Greensboro THIS COTTON TRADE ANOMALY. ,n, w ayrnani. lie That is an fl,nrma,lnns situation owner to let him ero'or even to pver which the cotton business ell hin at a fair price after is, wrestling. There's an under keeping him in stable . for so demand for production along long. with a scarcity of cotton It would seem that if there were not an over production of goods along with the shortage of the cotton supply, prices would run to enormous heights. As it is Lee S. Overman, of Rowan; D. no one cares much to buy with- n. mcIjEAN. oi Harnett. . u i ' out a reasonable hope of hand- For Congress from 7th District. ling it with some profiti Wq ro. Uox. Tiieo. F. Kluttz, of Rowau. For Elector, J. R. Blair, of Montgomery. gret that Concord is not sustain ing her reputation this year for paying the very highest of prices, but when -she did excel in prices paid it was because her manu- It is said that many Chinese do not believe that the -allies have ever reached Pekin and that tbey have the better of it. But that isn't strange either. The best of efforts of proper and responsible authorities in seek ing the health and educational -J J A t . aa vantages or its citizens are discredited between the" center and the corporate limits of an ordinary town. There seems to be something Concord, N. C, Sept. 17 1900. facturers wanted the cotton and of a hollow mocl about the .i .1 i .n ?i ; , cuuiu nancue n 10 aa vantage HARD TIMES .MADE HARDER. full dinner pail, with so many The great miner's strike which his been announced for a week must bo conteai plated with no small degree of uneasiness. The strikes always begin-on the broad principle that the laboring man may refuse to work if he chooses so to do and if the infringements f his rights as a free man leads '. his refusal the public quickly nnd justly bestows it sympathy nd its aid. But thcso are un satisfying compensations for the loss of wages and the great suf fering that inevitably follows. . In this land of perfect free dom, too, there is no law that says he shall not go and secure employment wherever he choos es. But the history of these strikes shows that ho quickly forgets that capital has any rights, and soon we may expect that employers will be interfered with in their legitimate rights to employ those who are willing to accept employment on their terms. Organized labor will at tempt to stand between and say that their fellowmen shall not bo free to accept employment, and .persistence on the part of others to work will, or always does, re sult in violence and suffering. The strike, which is lawful in the . beginning, quickly drifts into lawlessness, and the destructidn of life Tmd property usually fol low., In the particular instance now before us 1J7e miners claim that wages are too low, averaging less than $20 per year, tha more than 2,400 pounds of coal are reS quired far ato3,that they are Iocke heavily for imputes found in coal sent out, that the compaie charge them $2.75 per iceg for powder while other deal erf woidf furnish it at $1.50, that Aw . OuFpnc0i. uuu Pu&- motionless spindles, miners' sibilities of handling it at a pro- L;i, a a . " strikes and threats of reduction fit are such that they .do not caro t . , jr wwuvaio of wages among iron workers to toouyneavuy it is uniortunate brinff cost of Droduction below for the cotton raisers and may be tho markot pricG of tho product. ine mm operatives witnout any- ooaysiauit. ut one tiling all Champ Clark savs the situa- mayjest assured, that is that tion so favorable to Mr. Bryan there -is no concert of acti6n to depress prices. It is a condition over which probably no one has control. We feel sure that were it not from dislike to closo down, throwing hands out of employ ment, and disorganizing business, there would be little cotton buy ing till the demand for croods shall rise to warrant it. has made Mark Hanna begin to "cuss" a little. We've no doubt that the ' drift is a little provok ing to him, and -whatever his hand finds to do he should do with all his might. 10g Boxes of Parser, and. Envelops for 5c per box. ioc . ior iuc 20and25c " for 15c ' 35 and 50c " " for 25c ' 5c Ink Tablets for 3c each. 10c " " for 5c . ' 15 to25c " . " for 10c " SOAPS: " . FELS & Co's. Small Hotel at lc worth 2c. Sweet Flowers, Vanity Fair, Alconica Glycerine and Water Crest, put up 3 cakes in a box, our price 15c per box. Clover Pink, Honey, Castile 'and Glycerine, Luray, ljaurai, uiossom ana iiaiiiax brands at ooc per box of 1 dozen or 3 cakes for 10c. Also Almond' Cretim and Mt. Olive Castile at same price. . FRENCH SOAPS. Dulaurier's Violet de Mentone 3'cakos in box at 15c per box. Runea'n Ex cie Violet Blanche 3 cakes in box at 15c per box. Henri Rocheau Iris Blanche 3 cakes in box at 15c per box. Well-known American Soaps put up 3 cakes to the box: ' David S.' Brown & Co's'. Daffodil at 15cc per 'box; Apple Blossom 15c per box. Andrews Soap Co's. No. 630 Transparent Glycerine 15 box. Acma Soap Co's. Butter Milk and Anise and Milk Weed Soap 10c per box of 3 cakes. Cocoa Castele at lc per cake wTorth 2c. 10 kinds of Highly Perfumed Soaps at 8c. ,' V Very respectfully, zz -mom o ,wkf. !-'' i s..- -A - . - HE WON'T DO IT. A Chicago dispatch of last Thursday to the New York Her aid says that on tho advice of Chairman J K Jones, ex-Gov-ernor Stone and others, Mr. Bryan is expected to 'come out soon in lette'r or speoch in 'de nunciation of negro disfran chisement in the .South and lynchings everywhere, and this too with the hope of catching the negro ( vote thereby. We shall have to see from reliable sources that he has. done so before we will believe the absurd thing. The denunciation of lynching is in OFder from before breakfast till bed time, but Mr. Bryan is toosensible a man to )ef ound debouncing what is so essentia to peace aid progiess in the South. 'He'll o nothing ofjthekitfd. There are just two commercial assets which . North Carolina yet lacks to set her richt am one the leaders of the states of the Union. Those two assets are good roads and good schools. Greensboro Evening Telegram. Will not the Telegram please to add the other great commer cial essential of.' compulsary debt-paying? ' i " ' l' ' 'tt ; V.v'-J.'-iii'-ii-vS.f?. , - ' l&L&jr.-aK::..-'' ' ;-:-.Vw'.i...V CMM unni iiui MM S AHD SUPPLIES AT Factory Prices J. I PUIU. AT CONCORD STEAM LAUNDRY. Agents Wanted. To our. friend and contempor ary, the Concord Standard: Let's shake and take it all back. Greensboro Evening Tele: erram. Here's our hand, Brother, with the lip and finger tip salutation. . they hve tp tratle at the com pany's 'store and that they are That Ijhe seaside resorts hpnefit uJt.ii i. j 4 uy muse oi wetner rusnes to the shore .recalls that a profit wasrawn out of the water in connection with rushes as early as Moses. Philadelphia Times. If therain.of the past twodavs naa Deen intoxicating, this thirsty old earth would have been reel- ins: home at 4 o'clock in tho morninsr without collar, cuffs or cravat and wearing a telescoped me. Asneviue Uitizen. Does Brother Carr know what he is talking about ? Offers the business puf)lio a reliableper. manent, conseryative and "accommodat ing banking instution. We solicit your patronage with the assurance cf honorable treatment and due appreciation Of yourpatronage. If Ve can serve vou any time we will bg glad to haye you come and see us. LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS TO CUSTOMERS Cajital anfliSnnffns - - - $70,000 D. B CoLTBANE,;Chaahier J. M. Odkil President, - ' Reduced Railroad Rates. Annual convention of National Baptist Association (colored), Richmond, Va., Sept. 12-00. Tickets on sale Sept. 10,- 11 and 12; final limit Sept. 22.- Round trip $8.00. North Ctwolina Baptist Sunday school convention, colored, Ral eigh, Sept.. 18-23. Sale tickets Sept. 17 and 18, final limit Sept. 25J,h. Round trip $0.70. Annual Session Sovereign Grand Lodge I. O. O. P., Rich mond, Va., Sept. 17-22. Tickets on sale Sept. 15, 16" and 17; final limit Sept. 25. Round trip 8.00. Sixth Annual Holiness con vention, Raleigh, Sept. 9-16. Round trip 6.70. Tickets on sale Sept. 7-10: final limit Kept. 18th. A Minister's Good Work. 'I had severe attack of bilious colic got a bottle of Cbamberluin's Coho Col era and Diarrhoea Remedy, took two boses and was entirely cured'', says Rey. A.A.Power, of Emporia, Kan. "My neighbor aoross the street was swk for oyr aveek, had two or three bottles of medicines from the doctor. He used them forthree or four days without relief, then called in another doctor who treated him for some days an 3 gave him no relief, so discharged him. I went over tosee him the next morning. He said his bowels were in a terrible fix, that they had been running off so long that it was almost bloodflux. I asked him i'he had tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and he said, 'No.' I went home and brought him my bottle and gave him ?ne dose; told him to take another dose in fifteen or twenty minutes if he did not find relief, but he took no more and was entirely cured", For sale at Marsh' drug store. JUST 1 EI OF ESPECIALLY CHOSEN STYLES AT or sack suits tailored to your Kder.and measure Serges for ammer at 15.00. Elegantly Tailored These are hints of the manv good values in newest suitings and trouserings offered by Jacob Re'ed's Sons of Philadelphia, for spring and summer of 1900 Fit and satisfaction guaranteed. Samples shown by G W.'Patterson, . Goncord, N. C Sanitary Notice J All persons are notified to clean up theirptemises at. once, those keeping hogs are espec ially warned. ' The commissioners have taken strong action in the matfer and the mayor has given strict orders.' A word to the wise is sufficient. Clean up and stay clean and save yourself of fine and cost. Jas. F. Harris. Chief of Police. r