!LY STANDARD i iM D. EEIRRIER and SOT, ijditxirs apd Proprietors. office run mokkis build 1HE STANDARD is published every ay (uauay excepted) and delivered by riea. Bates of Subscripti n : Oi year f4.00 Bfx ajootae : 2.00 'lra, mp tha. 1.00 .One month .;.......... .35 Single coDy 0 .THE WEEKLY STANDARD is our-page, eight-colunin paper. It has 6 .larger circulation in Cabarrus than any other paper. Price $1.00 per annum in advance. Advertising Rates : Terms for regular adyertisemente made known on application. Address all communications to THE STANDARD, Concord, N. 0. 'TELEPHONE NO. 71. NATIONAL TICKET. For President William Jennings Bryan. For Vice-President, Adlai E. Stevenson. For Electors-at-Large, Lee S. Overman, of Rowan; D. H.- McLean, of Harnett. For Congress' from 7th District, Hon. Tiieo. F. Kluttz, of Rowan. For Elector, J. R. Blair, of Montgomery. Concord, N. C, Sept. 18 1900. GAYEXPX'AXD JOHNSTOWN. The public is so used to exag gerations in the first accounts of great disasters that people are prepared to make great, allow ance, finding at the end that the evil was multiplied by two at least, but not so with the great Galveston disaster, as it was not with Johnstown. Few dispatches put the esti- mates so high .as now, and con servative estimates hoped for casualties not to exceed 3,000. They are placed now as high as 6,000, which puts it within 1,000 of the great Johnstown flood. The two rank as America's greatest calamities and they differ chiefly in that the Johnstown ti.roke was imrelyQa flood with out wind and more sweepingly destructive to life and property than that of Galveston, which was storm and flood and killed many and injured many but left more than half the population to bring order out of chaos, bury the dead and minister to the wounded. There is in the latter larger necessities for relief and the nation has the opportunity of bestowing availing pity, which it is doing right nobly. The for tunate part of the Galveston sit uation is that enough was left to set the machinery of relief and restoration in motion and to open the channels through which the currents of the world's clfarities may flow to the injured.and the suffering destitute. No pen can adequately picture the.borsars of either.' At first' the world , stood aghast, then rushed Jjphe rescue. JVhen suf fering relieved in a measure the late great catastrophe will- begin to dim as it recedes into he realms of. the pastand by the time another occuis this will ap pear diminutive in comparison as the Johnstown flood does not to the average person. STORM SUFFERERS. An $peal for Aid From Alvin and m Ylcinity. "The uSderagedciizensoiJ Atyin, Texas, comppsing the Re lfef Committee appointed, by a mass meeting of the storm 'suf ferers in conjunction with the. city council qf Alvin,' state for the information of the ptfbiicJ that Altfin is a city of 2,000 pop ulation 29 miles west of the city of Galvesten on the G., O. & S. F. Ry.; that thQ surrounding country tributary to Alvin, of which Alvin is the trade centre, has a population approximating 5,000 outside of the city limits; that during the . late storm of Sept. 8th, a storm unprecedented in the history of the coast coun try from its earliest settlement, the homes of thousands of our people with practically all of their personal effects, were, lit erally swept away by the rav ages of the storm, and they are now completely homeless and en tirely helpless, being unable to help themselves. About twenty persons were killed in the territory embracing the Alvin country and scores of others badly injured. These people, who embrace a very in telligent class of farmers, horti culturists and merchants, who by energy and perseverence had built up nice, comfortable homes, coming from every State and Territory in the Union to enjoy the benefits of our most excellent and mild climate, are today homeless and without the neces- 'sary sustenan.ee of life; besides this, many of them have lost all their clothing, household ef fects, etc. Not able to help themselves or each other, and seeing the dark clouds of despair hovering over them, they make this ear nest appeal to a most generous public, who have never yet been found backward in responding to the call for help from their fellow countrymen, and we most respectfully and earnestly re quest that every person into whose hands this appeal may fall take the matter in hand in person to the end that relief may come. Besides the loss of homes, per sonal effects, fruits and flowers, the growing crops are entirely destroyed, and hence we would ask for contributions of garden seeds ior fall planting, such as cabbage, lettuce, Irish potatoes, beets, turnips, etc., these being profitable fall crops for this country, . . "We, ask for contributions of provisions, clothing, farm tools and money, as may be most con-" venient for donors. Send all contributions to the Chairman of the Alvin Relief Committee Alvin Texas, who willreceipt for same and conduct a fair distribution among the needy, Speedy action is urgently re quested as the only means of preventing great suffering. relief committee. . R H Kino, Mayor of Alvin, Chairman. O S Cummings, Cashier Alvin Exchange Bank, Treaser. L F FishA?jk, Secretary , if lf. H HTolar, Editor Com moner. P M Hartly, County Commis sioner. , J R KimminV Alderman. . J W Reese, Aldertnan. ' A C. Abraham, Alderman R H Griffin, Alderman. . M R CuttTis, Santa Fa Sttioh . Agent. WRStockwell. A J Birchtield, Editor Alvin Sun,". . . The above has .all the essen tials of a meritorious call. The names of nearly all the signers, including the mayor, aldermen, bank cashier and the editors of the Commoner and the Sun are found to be genuine in business and newspaper directories.- Galveston has thus far been regarded the sole sufferer worthy of aid, but -there are others and Alvin's appeal has such genuine ness in its tone -that it should re ceive a reasonable share of the nation's charity. We publish, this notice by re quest and will announce later the plan of collection when matured. Announcement. To accommodate those who are par tial to the use of atomizers in applying liquids into the nasal passages for - ca tarrhal troubles, the proprietors prepare Cream 15 aim in liquid form, 'which will be known as Ely's Liquid Cream Balm. Price including the spraying tube is T5 cts. Druggists or by mail. ' The liquid form embodies the medicinal properties of the solid preparation. Cream isalm is quickly absorbed by the membrane and does not dry up the secretions but changes them to a natural and healthy character. Ely Brothers, 50 Warren St.,N.Y. From now on the news centre will be found in the coal regions of Pennsylvania unless some thing very stricking springs up anew in the distant East' or else where. Southern's Excursion to. Norfolk. The Southern will run an ex cursion from Charlotte to Nor folk, Va., on Sept. 25th.' The train will leave Concord at 7:18 p. m., arriving at jNonoiK at :ju next morning, giving two days and one night in the city.. The round trip fare from Concord will be $3.75. The Cleansing and ATA DDU Healinff tJnre Un I r 111111 for CATARRH IS EM Cream Bali Easy and Pleasant to use. Contains no in- unous urug. is quick- y y absorbed, owes re lief at once. It opens and cleanses the Nasal ""fcjsr '""COLD'nhead Heals and protects the membrane, restores the senses of taste and smell. Large size 50c at Drug gist or by mail; Trial size 10c by mail. fek.Y BROTHERS. 16 Warren Street. New Yonc ft Offertfhe business publio a reliable, per manent, conservative andccommodat mg banking instution. Ve solicit your patronage with the assuranco'cf honable treatment and due appreciation. Of your patronage. If wejean serve you any time we will be glaa to haye yog come and see us. LIBERAL: ACCOMMODATIONS TO CUSTOMEBS Capital ani'Snrpliis - - $10,000 D. B CoLTBANE,Chaahier J. M,OdeHj, President. 11 mi 11 Hji' 1 11 rr 1 The Racket Store's Sp.ediaJ-Offeihgof.:.: . t mm m 800 Boxes. Pap and: EuvelQps; and 1Q0. Dozen Met Soaps; 10c Boxes of Paper and 15c " " 20 and 25c " ' 35 and 50c 14 5c Ink Tablets 10c ' " 15 to 25c " ' SOAPS: FELS & Co's. Small Hotel at lc, Sweet Flowers, Vanity Fair, Alconica Glycerine and Water Crest, put up 3 . cakes in a box, our price 15c per box. Clover'Pink. Honev. Castile and Glycerine, Luray, it Laural, Blossom box of 1 dozen or Also- Almond Cream and Mt. FRENCH SOAPS. . Dulaurier's Violet de Mentone Runean Ex cie Violet Blanche Henri Rocheau Iris Blanche Well-known American Soaps put David S. Brown & Co's. Daffodil at 15cc per box; Apple Blossom 15c per box. Andrews Soap Co's.' No. 630 Transparent Glycerine 15 box. Acma Soap Co's. Butter' Milk and Anise and Milk Weed Soap 10c per box of 3 cakes. Cocoa Castele at lc per cake worth 2c. 10 kinds of Highly Perfumed goaps at 8c. Very respectfully, . .i V '. i '4 . -.--""-iA Reduced Railroad Rates. Annual convention of National Baptist Association (colored), Richmond, Va., Sept. iz-uu. Tickefe on sale Septt 10, 11 and 12; final limit Sept. 22. Round trip $8.00. North Carolina Baptist Sunday school convention, colored, lial eigh, Sept. 18-23. Sale tickets Sept. 17 and 18, final limit Sept. 25th. Round trip $6.70. Annual Session Sovereign Grand Lodge I. O. O. F., Rich mond, Va., Sept. 17-22. Tickefs . r-i i H(r 10 J 1 7 . on sale oepi. id, io ami final limit Sept. 25. Round trip $8.00. Sixth Annual Holiness con vention, Raleigh, bept. y-lb. Round trip $6.70. Tickete on sale Sept. 7-10; final limit. Sept. 18kh. Nbrlfh Carofaima College. Chartered in io59f nt. Pleasamit, N. C. a ftr Academic Depart ments, Classics, Mathematics Sciencos, Philosophy, tliiatory, economics, j,n HoVi TVsr?Arn TjATiirnacreF.. ClKEmical and' Physical Laborn.t.iries. Three large brick buildings; rooms with suitable furniture. Free access to 4,000 volnnii Fine campus of eight acres nicely shad- J4 miv.. x . . K-cf nroonfinl Smokinjr. drinkinc li'onn tv nf tivfi tiroiessors W1IU intoxicants and gambling not tolerated. JJoard in president's amnin uiiii iui u,n TOeH.Vtp.h&ved students at cost. Daily mail; connected by telephone with Charlotte, Salisbury, Concord, Albe mnrlo Fnll tprm bpcins Spt)t 4th. 1900. For catalogue or further intoamation, ftQ.Qr(JS8 Eev. WM. A. LUTZ.a. m., Pres., Winston, N. 0. or Mt. Pleasant N. C, mm Envelops for 5c per box. " for 10c " " for 15c? " " for 25c for 8c Qach. for. 6c " for 10c " worth 2Jc. and Halifax brands at 35c per 3 cakes for 10c. Olive Castile at same price. 3 cakes in box at 15c per .box. 3 .cakes in box at 15c per box. 3 cakes in box at 15g per box. up 3 cakes to the box: E AND SUPPLIES at Factory Prices J. II. PHIL AT CONCOUD STEAM LAUNDRY. Agents Wanted. ,1 JUST AN EVEN OF ESPECIALLY STYLES AT CHOSEN or sack suits tailored to your Kder and measure Serges for ammer at $15.00. Elegantly Tailored These are hints of the many srood values in newest suitings and trouserings offered by Jacob Reed's Sons, of Philadelphia, for spring and summer of 1900. Fit and satisfaction guaranteed. Samples sliown by G W. Patterson, Con'cord,N.-C Sanitary Notice 1 All persons are fJotified to clfcan up their promises at once, thoso nreepin hogs are espec ially warned. The commissioners have faken nlfl'nnrr n.rf irm iff tbn mn,t,tfr nnrl the mayor has givef? strict orders. A word to the wise is suilicient. Clean up and stay clean and savo yourself of fine and cost. Jas. F. Harris. Chief of Police.