DlM,Y-STANOMDv;Say 7 T-v T- A T T T I M ) itm C? f AT it . , . r , i ! il JOHN D. BARRIER and SON,' THE STANDARD is published every a3(Sunflftexcepted) and delivered by ries. Bates of Subscript Oif year....! ;'J!$ Bis montbu -JJ Thres months.. . .t ...... . One mop th Single tioDy 05 THE WEEKLY ST? AND A I -D is -our-page, eight-column paper. It lifts a larger circulation in.Cabarrustb.an any other paper. Price $1.00 per annum in Ikdvance. Advertising Bates : Terms for regular advertisements made known on application. Address all communications to THE STANDARD, ' Concord, N. 0. - ' TELEPHONE NO. 71. NATIONAL TICKET. it" For President William Jennings Bryan. For Vice-President, Adl-aiE. Stevenson. For Electors-at-Large, Lee S. Overman, of Rowan; D. H. McLean, of Harnett. For Congress from 7th District, Hon.' Tiieo. F. Kluttz, of Rowan. For Elector, J. R. Blair," of Montgomery. Concord, N. C, Sept. 19 1900. MATURE A TLAN. Quite a number of citizen seem moved with a desire to aid Prof. Ransom in his privations in Gal veston. It would seem eminont ly proper that he should receive some special aid from his native state. We would be glad to see those desiring to contribute fix , , , ITT Lilt: 1UU Ullieut luivc aijauc. no. " i are ready to do anything we can to promulgate plans adopted but can no tae upon ourself a can vass, and collection. Our own aairs are quite onorous enough. We note an Austin, Texas, dispatch of the 17th in which Gov. Sayers complains that the sum of the contributions to the Galveston ' sufferers is over stated by far. lie says nothing approaching eight or, nine hun dred thousand dollars has been r'eceived and that the exaggerated" reports are calculated to with hold from the sufferers that which would otherwise be be stowed on the needy. We are sorry that the governor does not s"eo it best to state as nearly as pessiWe the real amount. There's no danger that too much Kill ,i.Vll. A Washington dispatch of the 17th says Minister Wu has re ceived a dispatch from Prince Ching announcing" that he with T m T-TT 1 1 111 1 dJ ji nung unang nas oeen ciotnecr with authority to treat forpeace and h desires that Minster Con ner bo instructed to this end. Ifc begins o kx)k lik peace inthe 'f ptpst.ini" rp.alms. T?fe messages coming from foreign nations conneying condo- lence for the Galveston sufferers mclunes a patneuc expression from the Queei Regent of Spain. How calamity befalling even a bur better selves. It's like the true soldier jcvho tries to kill or wound his antagonist and when he has .suqtfeedec almost weeps in pity. v Sermon on Woman. 'Woman, " said the old Codger, during onfc of his medatajive spells', "is a perpetual .paradox, a chronic conundrum without an answer, an unknown quantity possessed of unexpected possi bilities, a parennial prize pack age of peculiar potentialities, a conventicle of characteristic con tradictions and an amaranthine aggregation of other attributes which are not alliterative. "She is man's greatest earth ly 'blessing, and the cause of most of his misery. She is his chief inspiration to the achieve ment of all that is good, grand and glorious in this world, and at the same time a labor-saving device to 'help him make a fool of himself. She soothes his tired nerves with the coo of her gentle voice, 'but she always has the last word in every controversy with him and, incidentally, about 97 per cent of the preced ing conversation. She brings him into the world, and a few years later talks him to death. "Most of man's." trouble is caused by' woman, but so deftly does she pile the load on him that whenever his burden of trouble is lifted he wanders un easily about hunting for more otherwise, there would be very few second wives. ' She will cheerfully go to the stake for the truth's, sake, and lie about her ai;tJ VViLiiuuu tsvuu uuiut: a.-iun. VJVi r -rrr-i 1 1 ttt tTrnov.tr rr n n in. indulgent husband, will cleave unto death to the man who beats her regularly. She will break her heart because a man does what she don't want him to do, and love him all the better for so doing. "She scorns all advice in the selection of a husband, but takes two other women along to help her pick out a hat. The less ac tual comfort to be obtained from a thing, the more enjoyment a woman gets out of its possession. At 16. she is a young woman ; at 25, if still unmarried, she is a girl. She will face the grim spectre of death without a trem or, and swoon at the sight of a mouse. The only -time she-ever does what you expect her to do is when you expect her to do what you don't expect her'to do. The sole reason why she does aify thing is simply because she don't know why she does it. She jumps,at conclusions .and always lands on them squarely, for the simple reason that when the con clusion skips to one side, think ing to avoid'her, it gets xactlj in her way. She is the dearest thing in all the world and the most aotfrravatincr. She is as she is, and tfiai's, tll there is tjj do about it. The on)y man whoq ever fully under stanxts a woman is the man wlTo understands that je don't understand herandhas got sense elough to let it go at J1 M T- 1 tnai. ituck. The Best Prescription for Chills And fever iefti bottle ot drove's Taste. less Chill Tonic. It ieLgimply iron end quinine in a lasieitjaa iuim, vuit no pay. Price 50o C ' Announcement. To accommodate thosf who are par tial tr iIiaTisa of atomizers in applying lids into ttieAasal passages for Ba- -kio fVio nroifripjors prepare Cream Halm in liquid form, which will bnAn a a li Wr'a I .1(1111(1 LireUUl UOIUJ. Price including the spraying tube is 70 cts., Druggists or by man. xu uu" form embodies the medicinal properties Cream lialm is nnicklv absorbed by the membrane and does not.dry up. the secretions but "changes them to a nut nral ami healthy character. Ely Brothers, 5G "Warsen St., N. Y. Thefellow who has a boil on the back of his neck naturally feels spre about it. Ex. Ihrr CATARRH . for CATARRH El's Cream Balm Easy and Pleasant to 'jurious Drug. Is quick-1 -. ly absorbed. Gires re-f' na f nntains nn in lief at once. It opens I 1 tk. M...I Xrnr' COLD lN H EAD Heals and protects the membrane, restores the senses of taste and smell. Large size 50c at Drug- fist or by mail; Trial sire 10c by mail. t'LY BROTHERS. 6 Warren Street. New York Some people would rather lose their characters than their money. Ex. A Child's Merry Laugh Is always heard when he reads Mr. Bunny, His Book By Adah L Sutton, illustrated by W. H. Fry. The Favorite Juvenile of UJS00. Tt ia it V100V of brierht. i incline rhymes surpassing the Old Mother Goose melodies. Every story is fully illustrated by amusing pictures that are sure to bring hearty laugnter irom inei ViilrIrf ThA hook, with its merry melodies and quaint pictures appeals strongly to the imagination and humor of the children. Your BoY-anffl Will V intfiTflstfid in i-he comical citimfinnH nnain t characters, rediculous personages, catchy rhymes, and bright sayings round in Mr. Bunny. His Bool nmwn nn nhildrp.n eniov the humor. the laughable incidents, and queer episodes as well as the small ones. What tie Press Says: Mr. Bunnv. His Book is elegantly printed in colors. xne uoosseiier, TViio VinnV RtanHs alone as the finest new juyenile on the" marketa never falling source 01 enjoyment 10 me emi drfin.Younff reople's-Herald. It is tremendously clever and ought to be a good seller. u. r . uurcauiiv Substantially bound; over'lOO page's; 9x11$ inches; front cover snowing as sign stamped in thrae bright colors, nian VioMr AnTOr rlAsicMi ftliowinsr a com ical Bunny Baseball Team; printed on crnnA otrnnor nanr. in lftrce fn.C,e tVCe. easily read. Each page printed in three gorgeous colors. Sent Postpaid fljfc Our illustrated book catalogue is FREE. AKR.ON,. OHIO. - ' k ' Offers tho business public a Reliable, per manent, conservative and accommodat ing banking instution. - ITT 1" "i . i- il VTTltl-l 4Vl assurance of honvaDlireatmem ana due appreciation of your patronage. If we can serva you any time we will be glad to have you cogie and seeis LIBERAL ACCOMMODATION TO CUSTOMERS Caiital ani SMns - - $10,000 D. B CoLTBA5TE,;Cbaehier J. M,ODEtu President. mm m ....6 ! THE f 11 "extra, 1 bale of rarge Bdth Towels at less than 50c. on the dollar. About 300 pounds of them at 20 cents per pound. 00 This is undoubtedly the cheapest lot of Towels of fered on this market for years'. -Come' and buy all you want the more the bet ter we like it, for we are making our usual profit and you save 50 per cent on your Towels. Next week we will offer a lot of Fancy Drapery Sateen and Denim .Rem nants. 00 ' A large line of Stamped Linens from 5c. per piece up. 3 yard Lace Curtains at 68 cents per pair. Irish Point Curtains at " $2.50 per pair. D. J. BOSTIAN. Every investment is a paying one for somebody. Ex. The Bravery ot Woman Wai grandly shown by Mrs. John Dowling, Of Butler, Pa., in a three years' struggle with a maligant stomach trouble that caused distressing attacks of nausea and indigestion All remddies failed to relieve her. until she tried Electric Bitters. After taking it two months, she wrote: "I am now wholly cured and can eat anything. It is truly a grand tonio for the whole system as I gained, in weight and feel much stronger since using it." It aids digestion, cures dyspepsia, improyes appetite, gjves new life. Only 50c. Guarantted at Fetzer's drug store. The publisher ot a comic papef lives by his wits. Ex Endftred Death's .jjonfes. Only a roaring fire etkbl! J M Garrettspn, of an Antonio, Tex., to he down when attached with a9tnma,irom which he suffered.'f ov, yars. He writes hi3 misery vas often so great that it seemed he eudured the agonies of death; . . .- but JJr. King's ewJiscovery ior sumIon wholly cured him. Thi3 mar velous medicine is the only knownjeure for asthma as well as consumption, coughs and colds, and all throat, chest and lung troubles. Price 50o and 81.00. Guaranteed. Jrial botfles free at Corn on the cob is, worth two on the toe. Ex. II special. .. Frilled Jfefc Curtains at $2.25 " per pair. Chenille and Tapestry Portiere's at $3.50 per pair. 36 inch Curtain crim 'at 5 and lie. per yard. Shades from 10 cents up and Poles from 25 cents ud. Homemade pieced Quilts, filled with good cotton, size 7x6 feet, weight 5 lbs, only $1.25 each. Counterpanes from 85 cents up to $2.68 each. ' Feather Pillows at 60 cents each. Only a few left. Colored Machine Thread at 12 cents per box of. 1 dozen spools. This is regular 5c. Thread and will answer for basting as well as any. 6 assorted Steel Pens for 1 cent. S AND SUPPLIES AT Factory Prices III. AT CONCORD STEAM LAUNDRY. Agents Wanted. JUST A REMINDER FOR THE AUTUMN AND WINTER SUIT JACOB HEED'S SONS OF PHILADELPHIA INVITE YOU TO EXAMINE THEIR. BEAUTIFUL NEW COLLEC TION OF FABRICS NOW .... SHOWN BY G. W. PATTERSON, 'doNCORU, n.'c. o o Suits from $12.o0 upward?. Trousers from $4.00 upwards. Overcoats from$16.00upward. o All carefully cut to measure Handsomely f Jtrimmeu and tailpred. Sanitary SoticeW AlT rersons are notified to cleanip tr'premises at onc, tnose liepmg nogs re espec ially warned. The commissioners have taken string action in the matter and the mayor haf given strict orders. A word to the wise is sufficient. Clean up and staj) clean and save yourself of fine and cost. Jas. F. Harris. .Chief of Police. 11PI1ES w- mi