a I 'DAILY STANDARD VOHN D BARRIER and SON, Editors and Proprietors. trnoE iniE mukkim miiL,o. 1HE STANDARD is published every ay(Sunday excepted) and delivered by ries. Rates of Subscripti n : . Ui 'year ! . .:. . . ?. .f4.00 6ii HtfUltD;;. 2.00 , Tbre mouths . . 1-00 Ov mon th : . . . 35 Single C'idv ".05 THE EEKLY SANDAT) is our-page, eight-column paper. It ha- larger 'circulation in CabarruH than any ether paper. Price fl.00 per annum in advance. Advertising Kates : . Terms for regular advertisement? tuade known" on, application. ' Address all comtnumeations to THE STANDARD, Concord,,N. 0. llVELEPHONE NO. 71. . NATIONAL TICKET.. For President William Jennings BifYAN. Fon Vice-President, Adlai E. Stevenson. For ElectoBs-at-Large, . Lee S. Overman, of Rowan; D. . H. McLean, of Harnett. For Congress from 7th District, Hon. Theo. F. Kluttz, of Rowan. For Elector, J. R. Blair, of Montgomery. Concord, N. C, Sept! 20 1900. MR. SIMMONS' REPLY. Defends Himself Against Damaging Charges Spending and-Being Spent for Democratic Triumpn. J. D. Allen, Esq., Falls, N. C. Dear Sir : I am in receipt mi your recent favor, in "which you say that it is being charged against me, as an aspirant for the Senate, First, That Senator Vance op posed my confirmation of Col lector upon grounds derogatory to my personal character. Second, ' Thai r am charged with being a secret agent of the Southern Railway Company, and that it and other corporations have been, and are now, paymg me large sums of money to pro tect 'their interests as a lobbyist and otherwise, and you express the opinion, in which I concur, that as I am a candidate for their suffrage, the people are entitled to know the facts with reference to these charges. In reply I beg to say that Sen ator Vance's opposition to my confirmation was not based upon personal grounds amd no charge agaiust my personal character . was made in connection with that matter. At the time of my ap pointment as Collector, Senator Vance, together with the other Senator and all the Democratic congressmen from North Caro lina, favored me. ' The subse quent opposition of Senator Vance to my confirmation arose out of complications connected with the appointment of the Col lector for the Western District of North Carolina. The records of the Senate and the delegation in Congi ess from this State at that time will bear out these state ments. With reference to the second charge to which you refer, 1 beg to say that it is not true that I am attorney or agent, either secret or. otherwise, of the South ern railroad. I have never ap peared for that railroad in any capacity. It has never paid me a cent of money in my life, ex- a , in 1898. which wsfe arent-forth benefit of the paty. (Jnjthe conH trary, I Have appeared and anf appearing, against it n tnany suits. During the last -three years, since! commenced V prac tice law-fh Raleigh, ;I lfavo been of counsel in recoverftig a num ber of judgments against it, onel of .them for aV much as s!xty three hundred dollars, andj now appear of counsel in quite a num berpf cases against it, in which my clients claim damages for from thirty to forty thousand dollars. I am also of counsel against it in'the tax assessment cases. It is not true that I am, or have at any time been, a secret agent or attorney for any corporation or person, nor that I am a lob byist, nor that l have at any time been in receipt of any per sonai income irom any source whatever except such as comes legitimately to any North Caro Hna lawyer enjoying a moderate practice. I neither lobbied in the last Legislature, nor discuss ed with its members subjects connected with their duties not pertaining to general legislation, such as the Constitutional Amend ment, the Election Law, etc. I am sure .no member of the Leg islature of 1899 will dispute this statement. During the last three years, since I have been living in Ral eigh, my whole income from all sources has been barely sufficient to support my family, although we live economically. My entire estate, including property belonging to my wife, would not probably sell for more than seventeen or eighteen thou sand dollars, and is encumbered by unpaid mortgages of over three years standing for eleven thousand dollars. Even my home is mortgaged for about half its purchase money. I do my banking business with the Citizens National Bank of this city, andlts books will show I have not had to my personal credit at any one time during the last two years as much as one thousand dollars. When the campaign - of this year closed, the Committee was very much behind. There were a number of urgent bills to be met, fdr which I was responsi ble. I borrowed, upon the en dorsement of a friend, from the Commercial and Farmers Bank of this cityj one thousand dollars and gave it tp the committee as my contribution to the campaign. Painful as it is to do so, I deem it proper to make this statement about my private affairs that the people of the State may see how unjust and cruel are the charges with which it is being sought to injure and destroy my reputation. During the last three years I have given , to the Democratic party a year of my time without any compensation, having actu ally borrowed money to pay, in part, my expenses while engaged in thiswork, and I ave also given to it this year more than one-seventh of my net fortune. I have done this ungrudgingly i and if my State should ever again fall back into the horrible condi tions from which it has been rescued, and again wish my ser vices, I shall not answer not now, but at a moreCpropituous season. I have not made, and do not in tend to make any demands upon the party for these sacrifices. A cepc a contribution made to me as Chairman of the Committee party has a right to expect, yi ti$Tp and oney, sacrifices from its adherents, but up party exi gency i require thesacEificei 5f a, man's cttracter. Neithef can I believe that any man's can didacy for office will be p'romoted by the assassinatioja of an,oppo- nent,s character. ' During the lal three years tnc fusionists.tjaj'e heaped upon mS a degree ofslander and vitqpera tion which perhaps neer before fell to the lot of 'any man .in the State. I have borne these as saults with patience, counting myself fortunate that I was can sidered worth v to suffer in the . - name of the cause for which was struggling. This abuse has been directed against 'me, not only as an individual, but I have been denounced by the enmies of Democracy lor everything done by the Democratic party whjch has not pleased them. It now seems that these charges made by the fusionists have been revamped, and are being circu lated to my detriment by men in my own party, because, forsooth, I am in the way of the ambition of their favorite. So be it, I am not. the only victim. Others, yea thousands of others have felt the mailed hand of a power which brooks no opposition to the accomplishment of its par pose, and which, though it was not always so, has recently be- come in this, country a power mightier than "the man" himself. There is no skeleton in my closet. Forthree years the one-, mies of Democracy, with evil and vicious eyes, have turned the searchlight of inspection upon my life and character. In the midst of it all I have stood defiant, asking no quarters and giving none. 1 asK njne now, but there is a difference between injustice from foes and injustice from friends. The former may be -regarded with indifference ; the latter is sharper than a ser pent's tooth. My Democracy is without qual ifications. I stand straight, square and flat-footed for every principle and declaration in our platforms, State and National, and for Mr. Bryan, the great leader of our hosts. There is a well defined and largely successful movement in certain parts of the- State to or ganize, against me and in favor of one of my opponents, certain interests and influences which, though usually acting with the Democratic party, are out of sympathy with and actually hos tile to some of its principles and policies and more or less un friendly to our candidate for the Presidency. I have no apolo gies to make to anyone for my advocacy of the principles of the Democratic National platform, nor for my earnest admiration and support of Mr. Bryan. I stand for these principles sepa rately and collectively; not for a part of them, but for each and everyone of them. I am glad that my position in those regards is fully understood in North Carolina, because I do not want to secure any man's vote upon false pretences. Very truly yours, F. M. Simmons. A Powder Mill Explolons Removes everything in sight; so do drostio mineral pills. No need to dy namite your body when Dr. King's New Life Pills do the work so easily and perfectly. Cures headache, constipa tion. Only 35 oents at Fetzer's drug store. i 9 . : . EXTRA 1 bale of -large Bath Towels at less than. 50c. on, the. dollar. . About 300 pounds of them at 20 cents per pound. - o o This is undoubtedly the cheapest lot of Towels of fered on this market for years. Come and buy all you want the more the bet ter we--like it, for we are making our usual profit and you save 50 per cent on your Towels. Next week we will offer a lot of Fancy Drapery Sateen and Denim jllem nants. o o A large line of Stamped Linens from 5c. per piece up. 3 yard Late Curtains at 68 cents per pair. Irish Point Curtains at $2.50 per pair. D. J. BO The Bravery ofWoman Wa-i grandly shown by Mrs. John Cowling, of Butler, &.f in a three years' struggle with a maligant stomach trouble that caused distressing attacks of nansea and indigestion All remddies failed to relieve her. until she tried Electric Bitters. After taking it two months, she wrote: "I am now' wholly oured and can eat anything. It is truly a grand tonic for the whole system as I gained in weight an1 feel much stronger since using it." It aids digestion, cures dyspepsia, improves appetite, gives new life. Only 50c. Guarantted at Fetzer's drug store I Concord National Bank Offers the business public a reliable, per manent, conservative and accommodat ing banking instution. We solicit your patronage with the assuranoe cf honuble treatment and due appreciation of your patronage. If we can serve you any time we will be glad to have you come and See us. LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS TO CUSTOMERS. - Sapital and Snmlus - - $70,000 D. B CoLTRANECbashier J. M. Odb&i President. The fellow who has a boil on the back of his neck naturally feels sore about it. Ex. The Best Prescription lorcnuis And fever lsa Lottie ot Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no pay. nice. ouc. SPECIAL. . Prilled Net per pair. Curtains at $2.25 Chenille and Tapestry Portieres j at $3. ?0 per pair. 36 inch Curtain Scrim at 5 15c. per yard. and Shades from 10 cents up and Poles from 25 cents up. Homemade pieced Quilts, filled with 'good cotton, size 7x6 feet, weight 5 lbs, only $1.25 each. Counterpanes from 85 cents . to $2.68 each. up Feather Pillows at 60 cents each. Only a f ew left. Colored Machine Thread at 12 cents per box of 1 dozen spools. This is regular. 5c. Thread and will answer for basting as well as any. 6 assorted Steel Pens for 1 cent. ST I AN. S AND SUPPLIES AT Factory Prices J. I PURGELL. AT CONCORD STEAM LAUNDRY. Agents Wanted. JUST A REMINDER FOR THE AUTUMN AND WINTER' SUIT JACOB REED'S- SONS . OF PHILADELPHIA. INVITE YOU TO EXAMINE THEIR BEAUTIFUL. .NEW COLLEC- TION OF FABRICS NOW . . . SHOWN BY ' G. W. PATTERSON, CONCORD, N. C. o O Suits from $12'.50 upward?. Trousers from $4.00 upwards. Overcoats from $1(5.00 upwards. All carefully cut to measure, handsomely trimmed and tailored. w Sanitary Notice 1 . All persons are notified to clean up their premises at oncef those keeping hogs are espec ially warned. The commissioners have taken strong action in the matter and the mayor has given strict orders. A word to the wise is sufficient. Clean up and stay clean and save yourself . of fine and cost. Jas. F. Harris. Chief of Police. mm w-