! V ' ' " ' ' p--p;'p '-: : ; : P 'PppT P- .P P . i - i - n t 'x- k i c.i - i i . l . i i.i i " - i ....- f ( K ''I ?rro-tH fmit re? wHj VOL. IV. i mm A m W " 1 v , i j 11 i ). i -, ,n : ; n ' i , . , t to a a. m m . j t : hnfll n i ----3. - - aad KMIICHE3 TBS BJLOOD. 0kk. tluTrtlM of tke Lim ai SUdncyi., Clean tk j tipatlaa ILL &THC3 liC3 LLiClXI3 fcO. . .nwiil3r4l Iron B-rttoiwn nlntUi I. P" j 1 o prcciilMd Erjvu' livn hJtttnt in ceaes of . . .1 1 J f M. . . r-;;! ' Brown' Ircn EiUtrnt rciied m in a. rjitt cf t.ootl piiBuninir. ri J hcrxtii comuoxl it t j t i 'pn'wiiKr blooJ fJriStT, ? ;.J;t, W. "V. Mona:-ja'. TnntotrO-.jn. Alu.r -pwrr: I ?-.r? J;n trovbleil Jri iujiii.fcl witii Impor Kiuxl ad enn.a m r tico two Uiti:i of ).niwa'! Iron liittcr rficfed i jHwfoct ot.a ; I J t nuot apeak toe L!i;h)y o( tijTvlauLio nlicuto.n rnaino bu lorf!Trr.rlt ilrk aurl rosd Ttd lines rn'. tJilk Malte lowest jf"' AW E?itib'lertHii r h 1 1 1 ,H II J l UpetwuUntf . taVuse Parker VTonic. IT rTTT HT T HI TT ' r' A V-'Uds.-avd t'i.e very vaiuubia.;. j LH l H I'l i N r ' i 'lVrmsof Hivle: Ton per cent cash: ios tlJ j Jur i v llOl '1 v M ' l i;i two eual jiutiual inailuiwas ; ; fl)XbiiCt) 3' ? v j j ib i)tiet iroai dale. ,1 iile.wili b3 ?2 rart. Place atl,t M6 M;arir.y fctreot, j . , ,- .;.ijouaB E.- nVILSOX ;l- ' in 1W7. . : vij tfihv 'ii 'tT" . $ ml for-cataloiv. r.irtios cpntein platuig a line ot ad'ytiiiiig. larye'oj 3iitiil; iife rtiiifstd tir .tend for esti ii6 of oow. S " ;.' k- PARKER'S i HAIR BALSAM t: popnlor favorite for dresing the lnur, Keotorinj color rbm gray, and prcTcHtin imndruS. It ;vnes tha sc&lp, 6tov tho toair faiUng1, and tnrc to plsaee. 60o. and & J.PO at DTOrista. . Tticffrrrt, nwf fttt n4 V" "V" ' . toirv ' ii ecr.Ci at li-ifTia"ot.i .iiiscox & Co., N. T. :r.--r ?The ?l"t 8o.-rfmof' this reH knorcn stid vroio:'ous iititutiou wil) begin ui IUh 2Sth of" A'ugusfc'! 886,.14vittt 'vnt H.H.;d a ivauUiges.., Thqrougb utstrjuo li ni iti all Live lepartmenti of learning n'gh -raie'' combined; vukthdj;oiufoi'ts ; ?0 ird (9xclnsive,of washinjar, lights. and fuI). and tuitiou'in'KnjrHsU course; ier ersipn.of 5flLreelfs, .ST.),00.; . . -r Cfrfr-js-fo-vtra st'edit njode't.--For particulars applv foi.caiait'giie to. :T4 'next sessMu .orJens Ausust, 20th. Fifloyn PrttfesOfSt otTer a wide range of iuatruction it Literature. Seien ' ami. 'IiiloS(iihy. The Law School r.nd 5 1 tic Dejwu tmrnt of Normal Instruction aie .fully e-iuibpedr. SiH.u;il hKter traip jo in all (he dopiriiheutH provided Inr gradiutosiof tTliiveriiUy -.d ' of other Co" leges fr.e -of.! Charge." Select. Library f ,20l000 v lumes; Reading Koom of 114" Perio tieals. Total collegia ate expenses 88.00 a ye.ir.- Board 00 to .ii:j."0 per' mouth. Sessions begin 1 ist Thursday in August. For full .in formation, address. : ... . .' " . r i : PiiK:iiDENi Kemp P. Battle. LL. P.. ' - I . " a . r r 'Chanel Hill. NT. C. , Barcc-r and Hair Presssr, ,,,, 7 .Concord. N. Moe3 no other "but-.,-"firetclass '. work. have. i0 ceiits h.aircut. 13 cents. Sjiiop TJext door atT6'e court bouee. Guaran - ; t-.-es to please. i w;j r " '- ! USB is a, CHARLOTTE, JK . Dr. H O Herring -a. a a - A'ttraUikffS of Aaitirfrffrffii.1 .Dental fllege has peruianthily lachted in Con cord. Hooms in rear of Dr. Archey's offloe, jcyeth extracted without pain; M: II: lie HA inprictics4nall parti of tha Stated OolTeoCAfia i rtade hi all parts of the coun ' y$0'9Ceeojpoaitti the courthouse ,.,. r : S. f I IS. rlortn barolma, iiiuiuaiitiiii Cop-es of 0d picinre-a of any kind nialc in Cray oh Intba Ink,' Vter f' i l Oil Colors i ir I he bet ui a u i IC, r Mm. am bi never in- 4 Wiw- , ; - .1-.- or aoxious cares do not - - r&aafe aLrdxTui.indjr "Liliaer worn ox4 witU overwork,' or a mother down iCBijycEi4Dunoip duties, try rar- Sold by3 all druggi3U in large ' bottle ' Be tirtue if aflectee dfxlie Superior coirrttf Cadirrut cduntK ftiad t ta" the hcwaOrT. flnfer slid otners, i ypm -l;otre? or sale at,public auction at,ie MONDAY. Oetoh-r 4th. 1886. tract of laiicl containing about thirty- live' aerns, adjoining the lanU f Jco. P. Allison' P, M. Morris "an J otiicrs. 4 ls hp other tract coutainiii? about one liun thetl iv.ul tweuty acre;", adjoining thc 'lanilsof .l-io. P. A!ison,TIojt C'aidxyell 'autt oexsi 'rihese lands liar in lNot 2 toWiislii.ifie-ir Poplaf Tent, aie a ; jkrt of t!u litnJs .foi-iijerly owntra L y r,s H, . V'.ii5r.'a:;;d it it' vorv v;iluaui9. - Ry virtue of a VportJrage', With jmver t KiTe therein, made to me on the 10th day ot t'cceinber, 1578, bv H. W. Mc- .-ieau and, wife, Margaret A. HcLean, and .registered in Book 'dO. pae 23.1 of the Itegisttr's bttlce of Cabarrus ccunty, I will sell at' the- courthouse'' door iii Concord, on Mo day, the 6th day of September. at 2o'tlock m, that tract pr parcel of land lyicg in Cabar rucouuty adjoining lairds of WillHous ton, MjAV. X'aldwell and'thersv kiz. tai'iihg S3 aeies. being t Rat part of the MeIvt:or land ai lotted tH5."l. Melchor in the di vision there. f.A ml for irhore particular itescriprion hi said laf.d erenee ih made .o the mortgage recited ;ilHe. ? Tr iiVciyh. ' . ' t VP U. M.1) XCNvMortgagee. "IllilOilAMM .MALE AND FUMAJuE- The Srd-sesbion will' b?giu ; itlils prepared fcr' College To hisi iflcsspurmiite.j J)jspipiij:c la in Lirt mid, and of subh a character ?.s io -gain jthe r espt -.ct' and i ted ie nee ol j u ) A" 11 S-g i i School reliable; and thorough as b ii "strdctii And nji)di:rate "us lu vpeiiiie. equ:U to.the best and having, the' : entire ' coniidene44'' it palror.s, is iheaiuhition of the te.u hers 'Tuition or mo.iih. i 'i'.i0 t i,b.- lVavL iududititfwatui.g. lighU and fuel! to 1 -;0.er inoi,t! Porfnit ev iiifi msfieii, aj p!v t Al- bcsnarle'. S-0. I " " '"-'" '- :-v'v Pl. AV. 8PINKS. Princ;!-:!. -tvn baby s nfsT yi:ar. by ia v lion Hai tiMt 'cso eonraiiiingi innch valuable iiiforinnton. yS p. lie hm.k. Sent on receipt -i 2 cenl ki; nip. by Heed Oarmck. Meea)iik- ixchnge build- ing Eew YiK. . i 'msi r Hn t t- teje in-x- t!ic in( st ' I xv eci Force 'cetls Feitihztr I)nll in exU teice. Send for talgue S A" V a n d gVit millt-,ST K A M T5M H I is ES, GIN POWE11S CIDER MILLS, thre.-li-ing machin s.;:corn shellers and stan dard agiiculusral implements general Iv. Pend foa Illustrated catalogue. A B. FAKQNrlAR. Pennsyl van a Agiicul- tund . vcrikrt, Aork, Pa. ( nstitute '' '-, EALEtGHi 'X C ': For Young. Ladies Small Girl. aint Fall session cositsences rlrr.t Wed nes dsy in September arid closes correspond tug time in JuceJ following. -.-An exper ienced arrd highly accomplished corps of -teachers' in ell bsaiiches usu4By taight la SrstiRSo Seminaries for yoting bidies and girls. Advantages fcr jin Rtruction in Music. , Art and Modern La- uage ursurpassed. Building Hea ted by steam and lighted by gis-8ud e'ectricity. Esperses less than " any Female Sieminary otfering sane ad vant ajre?. Special, arrargemeiits for 1 siall girls ; Deduction for two Or more from sarneiamily or neighborhood. C rres poiidencs solicited. Fot Catalogue ad- ' E2V. R. BUR WELL & SON, - ! . Raleigh. N. C. -"' Julvl5-2m:i - .'- IfML H.-McNA AA, Proprietor, CONCORD, N C. - Centrally located; first class fare: P0a lite attention: special arrangements for commercial travelers. Large and com modious sample rooms on ground floor; No pains will be spared to make all those iitopptogat -the ". Central comf ox-table. Omnibus meets all trains, p, p P-A .IT T WANT salesmyn everywhere j jlo All ftal Atid tfavellingfto sell our 'goods; ll "Will pay-good salaryand all ecpeni ess. Write for terms'at once; and State fialarv wanted. AddreES. Stannard il verware Cc, Washington St, BoBton. Peace! I GE 0 Ii j 1 We should fill the hourjwith eeetJT S1DS lL to ih nd inth J P f est things. ; ' f iocce and pathos. ? Thep the exhort- J-' -, Ifiiad but ft dayr Nr -fCODtinuddf Tight the battle, should drink alone at the purest Itf bof-nptRird war."' ' . V lelKJuIdiitCTriUi ft lifetime's lore' ox lue-ii , Line- Bapersiuious . ana emotional colored fit ethe'rot''yadded . greatly to. hed earth quake scenes; : and fro-' nenilyfii&htened the calm whites vith (Iheir-iidprayers, - lAuienta tions,' shrieks and groans. " It fs past th prmor of the, pen to convey any; ul ' of tha colored people when the ground rolled beneath5 their feet and the tremendous roar of the earth quake smota their ears. ' Squares: aw-iy could hear their ; yells'and . CiUea:n As soon as tho' author ities' could collect thair f scattered ssnyos thy rnade strong efforts" to qtiell the excitement among the Lig-?-noraat blacks, for it :vas contagious" anji help 1 to disraay and clorrioralize the whit e people. The negroes sang, shouted and prayed incessantly." and every shock was followed by a howl of terror and groveling on the ground in' convulsion of fright. There was a" dozen or more of these nioetinsrs in progress all ' tlia, tini3 In Citadel square : the firt object i;hat arrestel ev2rybody.s::ahtention was an assemblage of colored- boys, about half a tlozen in,' number,; who hai fallen t6 t'ao ground in a pirox-y.-iin of religious frenzy. : Thsy were grqvcling with their ;fve?:-i down in thd crras's and were singing a hymn in. a loud toibc. 5 The hymn was, 'The Angsl's a-rappirf at t!i3 pjor," and tbo "!refrai n, -.sung, rapiil ly , , ; was, ."Oh, tell bid Noe to bll on the -uric, i t bil on de ark, to bil on do ark." ;This 's6ngwa3Sr'rep'3ated . over and 'over regain unttthfjeisd singers c ea eti; jrom, pt teyr exnaust i on.t in a w ntiniitj9a!they,werre fast aslesp. ? THE W03K OF '.30NVlioION. , r r Near the Sboys w.13 ix large tent w:hich had been d jjoratod 'as for o-qo f -rjtivo ccvmian. - In the door stood a ' v ory old ; colored - woman, sw4.vi;ig backwards ; and forwards, ner ips moving . out uttering no soun 1. -: .The crowd in front of her wrt cued her with intense anxiety. I t -11 :y Hiie burst out with rthe by: AlA'l Jh Jiiislio Ja .obj lot me go"? and hrcr6v-d j jied in th'ei inightyj i efr v". The wameu swn,yed their bodi -s to tlie riglit and to the left aV t uMately just like a holy dance, and clijiiig-their handsjin the ecstacy of thiioci n. Finally one man drop ped to the ground "converted." rThe lamp was hastily brought' ' "from the tent and he was surrounded by , a crowd of women who held his hands. He cried aloud, and eventually swboned away and was . almost as rigid as a coi pse. The .work of con version then w ent on, and in . less' than half , an hour ten men and "wo m 3i had succumbed to the emotion al sensations of the 'occasion. Simi- laSfifvnes wrfthfiinp' eri.ictnrl all over j -thej bquai'e. The people appeared to have selected their hyms with a view to the appropriateness of the octtisicn. Ore crowd would sing at ih top of their voices such a hymn as tnis: ; J "Sometimes Pm up, sometimes I'm -down; -; -' No man like Jesus. ' Sometimes I'm almost on de groun,' No man like Jesus." : - ,j ' """ -- "" i- S --. jt ' --" - -" -'':' " ''- -P : , I " - ; Again, such hyms as , these were chanted in refrain: "I once was lost but now I'm found," etc: "The Son of Man is bound to die;" 'I want to go'down under de groun'," and "Ob, could we touch the hem of his gar ment!" P P-i A P- The praveis offered up were sim .ple in every 'sense of "the word, but the? evidently came from beairts that were palsied by fear.. One' of these prayers was as follows : ; - . - , "Oh, my brothers andsisters,what is the matter now; oh Lord, look on last Tuesday night. Some vis alive, and somelsdead and gonel..OiiiTnjr ;hTan6om(fedrear Sir, look down oni us- 'We know what the little fic ger of the Lord can do. Sometimes the woridVap "kick " up . vol thunder but do take care of our .. brothers. Ain't the black Iamb i and de white lion done lie down in peace together? Move along brothers; move along! iGod gimme grace, to move - along, aiii'fc I dun promise to be baptised?'' ) 1 ' LTust here the crowd took ut the 1 We-.ehohM rpot rofeamsVi'ui' wotds, Promise'.-1 to be bftntizetL! &sd sins it to the end irith i peculiar firfxt the battle. Frhl it out. cirh fight It out, boy. ; Oh, yes, mam, the; time has come. Wake up, wake up!; The last chance is come to save eld C2arleston! Oh, ray God, don't touch xny city any more. Talk for; country, people: fight for it, people; f Ob, Lord, take me in ? your charge tcvmght. Night before last I didn't expect to see Jesus. : Oh, God, look! at these v dry Loaea in the valleyJ Didn't you heari Gabriel blow ? " phj Gabriel, urn that horn to the Undj oti Egypt on the miserable sinners and not on we. O. Lord, we are here tonight. The bu ds have neati, Jut we are here to-night for mercy. Oh, Lord, have mercy." JL Lunatic Bride. -4 . Kansas Citt, Mo., : August 31. "Take him away! Take him away! .This heart rending outcry, repeated several times, rang out through the open window of a .Pullman palace car which had pulled in from south western Kansas at 10 o'clock this morn ing. A Globe corresponden t rushed, with others to the point jfitom where the cry apparently came. Nothing; unusual was to ' be 7 seen; The conductor had jumped from liis train," and the reporter questioned him as to the cause of the outcry. 1 i 'I)ont ;ask me to tell you Gb into that car and look fori yourself, but don't blame me 'if you feel sad for a week to come. n ' 5 :j i No sooner had tlie door' closed beliind the writer when a wealth jof f dark tresses - were Shipped against his "face - and' -blinded hioi for a mo Y4ent- lie jumped to one side to ; witness alone the-struggle of the 'maniac givl with .youn man ap- parently the father. Weak from tlie struggle, she fell back on the settee' in the "car, closed ' her - eyes and there she lay," her hairdishelj-ed and her features relaxed. ' She- wis aiovely type of ' brunette benUty. l?th husband 'land father knelttby ! IieV fide, -the. 'Oiosrniwthing' her haivp arVd 'i tlole'-'pWl: his Jcheerrto her dimpled hand. Then they tied a strap. aboutj ber hands and to her si de?,l fearing the result of another parosysm, ot madness. r ; The father t$ok the wj iter aside for a moment, and the .following, is' the story hurriedly, told! PTbat is my daughter,1 this gentleman's wife. They haye been mariied two' . weeks. We are. taking; my daughter to Ian insane asylumvA, "My . name well never mind the name. I came' from Florence, Kansas. It was there Mr. McKenzie courted my child. I lik-. ed him, and she .married himrbe cause r liked him." The " old nfan co did not say another word. The o-.-kir lr1 1aort 4-11 . !.- D i Ui J iiUU UVU WftVC . ' . . Yellow Fever has broken out at Biloxie, Mississippi, not far from New Orleansi Several places in that ssctionhave established quarantines., A telegraphic dispatch, " speaking Of the excitement, says: p "New Orleans quarantined that p ace. , JNeaiJy u not an tne summer giests have left New, Orleans. T-he iiifectd houses are . isolated and closely guarded. The impression ia that the disease will be stamped o it where it began. J -' A KTrKvn.i.nN. C. S.: Spot. 4P-The earthquake ' phenomenon was very 'Btartlin- in the mountains of Mitcn- startling ell county, in! the ' vicinity of j the pinnacle of Black Mountain. The subterranean rumblings were tre mendous and lasted fifteen minutes. Immense rocks were moved from their beds and hurled dowd the mountain sides into i the - valleyn. People fled from their houses to the woods. How do you. know. that the. bache lors could r marry the ol.d maids if if they wanted to? , If you think the old maids are all on the anxious seat to marry; and .that 1 the - bid bachelor can get them for the asking, yon are mistaken. " Most maiden ladies over tiiirty are . single from choice, and not from compulsion,' as you seem to imagined One of them. ,.. . J ' VM The editor of the neer Igle. of Excelsior, Ga.,'has been offered a windmill in payment Qf advertising, but be nas declined to tare n nmess it can be used to pump money "from delinquent subscribers, f v If the night air is so unhealthy, why do girls lived so long? We sup pose its "embracing to them, i I B ndsville has passed a deg tax lavr. t - - - - - pontirncr iucaciaq UlipXrA, i ti is now Uid that the GoTernbrs mansion cnanot be put in eorapldto readiness for occupancy Defers next tpnng. Governor Scales, "whose style of living is jvery cruiet and modest, does not seem to be .specially esgtr ; to inhabit that big and stately build ing. It is not known what trpj the Legislature will take at its session next winter in making an appropria tion for rurnUhing thJe mansion; The appropriation for the bunding is taid to be practically exhausted. So much of the labol is done by penitentiary authorities? that the al cost Ss diffi cult to discover. ' ' " ' f . i A pai?cr InUhis Stat wiiicb 'is.rei markably antagonistic to the civil service idea makes the plain Htatc-nient that McOlamray and "Rowland, tho Democratic con grrf ftirmal candidate for the Third and Sixth districts, will give civil service a black eye in their campaigns. Thrre'i?, no doubt, more antagonism to that idea than was generally known three months ago. Politicians who got no; places are leaders in ''this species of agita tion. The mass of the people,! as was stated weeks ago, do no care about that matter. . ' -U- t:r -' Your cbrrespondlent h is fancied several time in the past few days, or rather nights; that ho could feel a slight but remarfcnbly coubtant tre mor of the dearth, i lasting perhaps hours. It was at first attributed to fancy, but it must be real,' as it is confirmed "by observations of others. It aopearsjthat this constant tremor is felt nightly at Wilmington as well as here, and that all the builclings' have a faint motion: This is a new feature, add i-i haps one of the, most curious of all connected with . the earthquake.1' Since Professor' Pow eirs report, or rather statement, that the earthquake originated here, some I people appear to believe this to bo a fact. He had .very little upon' which to base his conclusions. I -Political matters,; after haViig for somelclays been in the' background,; tWHgain 4omiiig t theftTe earthqualJ vcojnpletel.v !J displaced the'mp The Itepuhlicans are j in ' the centre of the disturbance. The tfoU bio which wt;s caused by' the! action of the Executive Committee;; Of. that party in refusing to colt a State Con. vention grows greater" day .by day. First MessiB. , Keogh, Harris, and others denounced the committee; then Chairman Met t, of the commit tee, issued p ' : p "' : 'A '"'- " A; rEIVATE CIECUHR ! ' ' !, which provoked another hot reply. Next Mott issued an address as chair man, in which he: attached ! Judge Settle; Eebgh, id ' othei's."Kext Judge Settle issued a verj- pointed card, aimed at Mott and hia gang, and tc-day fnotaer cara from ur Mott was received here. It is main ly devoted to abuse of Judge Settle and Kecgh. It chaiges the! latter with being first Settle's pliant tool and later bis boss. It takes up the bolt in the party, as it terms the ac tion of Keogh and others in calling the Convention over thd heads of tue committee, and says: "It may turn out, as Judge Settle says, most , for tunate that this bolt from the party has taken place, aEH that th bolters will set up shop; Jor themselves on the 22d of September- Parties "are the for mation of principles and poli cy among men. As time advances the old plinciple or policy to soae minds may become unnecessary or hurtful, jor a bew one presented which might to some appear for the general good. It is honorable to bolt a principle for the ' welfare of the country, as a patriot sees it If these bolters have acted froa any motive of this sort they hare not shown it. The great mass ) of the Bepablicaxt party of J orth Carolina will spurn the mojrement, and under its present lawful organization, calmly await the developments of 1888. . P wjni rATHZOTXC COSTTDXJCCZ that the time js approachingwhich.it can protect itself and exercise a re spected tjower in the nation J 'How ridiculous Judge Settle's talk sounds about restoring the party in the State thtough these bolters; to its pnsuae puwer auu pwung pure sua pable men to lead: We all know it pristine power and placing pure 'and is tne merest twaodieK since the 6traightout policy, holds the rank and file to stand helpless where ibey have stood since change of the coun ty government, and it only serves to help the pure and capable men who lead andieave8 the? clevei; Bourbon to count! the votes." The card far ther say$:"Tbe movement is inspir ed by the' same traitors around Greensbbro and Winston who beat f DotloyinlC2.ttJif Ja3s StU irv i?cvc izrj f7f tH ra fCff P"jy thty Lt iht stuthrs to tbttk for it"-. ; Many ttriu iris Uea trtrccit gaintt the Coutty Omtdniesns toisfus L'qaor-bcf ar in a nu! KalMb To-day iheytssstd two jcrV at th tniW.Umit Xbrr ww four barroojas, each on nile frt4a the city. They are well patrtftixed. i Some nights (mart paHIcnhjrly Sat urdsTs) there appears to ! ee&tlder able drinking. j - - It is mainly in fsrLaJmntt retire lyrronfind to rBg' wfcito crn. Thtm U a rt tnarkltl diminution cf lUtmii, 2. C, Srptemlwr H To-day Chic f 4ut W. X. II. Smith . aud Aka h tit c-Ji' Mice Thomas S. Ashe and A. S. Merrimon wrote lt ters in tepoae to : ihosn notifying them of their rt nomination by, thi State Con yen tiott. The letters art vigorously writffn, ar.d indicU that these digticguinhed gtnUcmen will continue to do thfir full duly Aa uill be remrmWctl, st the late Jjtate Conveii a p!alfoui was iVad. but was not adoptinL In fact," no miction whatever tias taken in rrganl ' to it, as it whs thought best to have no platform adopted by thi Judicial Convention! One luetic n of ib plat, form which Iwas read brtngn out. ;..'" , A "SfEW ro;xr. ; It wa-4 a followt; , . . Keaolved That the' present fttti-; Jude of apparent' iuactiTtty on the r part of the Tlr publican paity to ti regarded by i our people n n incid-' ious and tragic movement rnthepait of our enemies to engender discord smocg oifr Intelligent flttd frt r-thint plug artisans anl encourage 1ndcicn- dent cand'dit?, and our pecple are enjoined to pnstain with renewed de votion the brganixKlionertLcpniy as iiromulgated by the rtIar norn-" inations.' ' :'"" " ' ' '' ' "nesiTjtinfALS cr i.TtMro 1 ' a' ft . .a' are in progress in all the ojnmi churchea-ti At Wilminirtoii the . churches aro to crowdf( that , many v persons cannot gala) a imisaionv At t SjnithylckireeviT ftp plPi in progress. t ri be, news oi be clc-i ar ture of the negroes who work in the , turpentine foreBtsisrotfirtiicd. TIe.v j are.- ! u ' ' - ;i: It i rumored that ths - ItailrCftd from Chcraw to Wadesboro trill taken up and moved away nKnrd somewhere that it ,wilf ; pay .letter. Not wishing anybody nr.y bad b- . we think we can scf how such a iisi- pemfig would Jiave Vn lerieficial :ffect. It would provide fcr tHh a good dirt toad to CLetaw, tnd give. us a good road to walk on when t. go out for ivsi roll, and a igocl toad to drive on when we go for . a , buggy ride. WadeJoro Inlelligrncer. They have a man in Hortford corn ty who is the eigldh wonder of J the world.1 Some one writing to he Murfresboro-Indf x propcing his name for the Legislature, aj: "H has the V eloquence of t'jC cc: o fie logic of ft ! Webster, tho' wirdoa of a 73ollingbrook I and the polish Vf a Chesterfield. jrominate him for the LgiiUtre and the iree, the gras sj !xd ertry tUr.g vf l Ciw eloquent in prcUe r f yrxr rrmfoa- ticn." v P V T. :U ;fPu -SnTn fr.rvi!K Sr C whicli ccw f p parcd to V the cejitxo of ?Le alleg ed vclcaiiic tlisixrbsie, is about twenty-three ces frcza Ch&rlettcn ca the South Carolira -raiiway. ' It is cn ihe frain lire frcn Ctarksieu to AxbcviHc, ; crer whici thoutacds f excuTsiccietskave rxsed this aea son. ; ;; - i ' - -'- - Salutjury has iriade a ccnUnct for water-wcrks, parir.g2i0 a year by drant rextalJlrclt, Hcdgkina L Clarke cf jWatettctrn, K. Y., are tie contractors. Water will be taken from an ixnsess well. . ' ' The Ttcpubjicans ' of Wilkes 1 are xominated Dr. York to represent that county ia th House of the text Legislature. Of oerrce he will 1 elected, a the Pr, a!cay carried Wilkes.. li : -;.. . .".Some knotririg rre las tid i!s I September wiUbe tlte XiAiWA iuor th in the yetfyr ris- f,W,imicgtn '.Star- fiy, that5 tber are by actual count cevrt papers pub!ilied in North C&rolise. : Th t laying oL track . on tl Cr Fear &Todkia Valley R is now in process sventen miles west of Greensboro. " ? , - 6 r J I.H 1