CONCORNC. rr i . 1 - - a PUBLISHED; EVER? THURSDAY BY JOHN B.(5nbKKi-H I EDITOR: AND PROPRIETOR. f ! Populist ; I and Vice Presidents. :THEMOIfGtEI.! CONTENTION YESTER DAY Al IWW"' i I 1 ' 1 ' J Thft fiilvGrconventi !)n at Ealeigh yes- Herday was ajPopulistlpy, aa everybody. :1 . - J.wAa4 - tni1 misguided . . n v r r - jf Democrats, I things. -At y, Democrat p! . - t s convemiuu.i ana .tiepuuuuu - decided knew it fpouiu ue. A, caucus UaslhelcTfuesday night by the contention to hx up thus it f&a decided that a Should be chairman of the Ja thpre should be It was S. A. Ashe i oftpr ft tnrnt. in, wuitu a.? A Ixminst it. that a resolu - t EKRX1 UM n'V"" S ?1 finn should be! passed pledging all m fa . -KT, writ fnr no one who Tn (5UUVCUUUU ,vu .v ..r This, oi i r If il- HOW THE CIVIL SERVICE WORKS. . STATE NEWS. j X False Report A North Carolinian Pro moted D. B. HU1 Work Ins or tle Mom " nation Good Offices to be Given Out. A poll of the neit Congress a the question of the free coiqagft of silver, just taken by the sound money com mittor nf th sw York Chamber of . : . .... .... . v, Washtvgtov.ID." C SeDt. 21. 1895.- commerce, .iduum .very, t y that u-rl' U" t; ,;ti, V,B RnnthWn will nojilver bill of an inflationist character they canQt interfere with any vessel embark,into the' tobacco business; can be passea in me next iwu yww, wied w th arms at Wilmington, ss . u. i , t. f.fW XUC UUH11T JLJ-i.y tyj.w h - Friday was so hot at Durham that a 1 good many out-door - workers naa to knock off work. ; - Sapt. E. Berkley, who recently severed says the Baltimore Sun. According to or any other, port,' bound for a state or i! i... TiDn(oi;niM hA I conntrv not in ODen revolt, aiucn rennia iiiauc iy Areiucouww i , w w - - - thftrfi will be Mjri"iuj -""6"" committee's inquiries, 88 votes in the House for free coinage, 52 doubtful and- 216 against free coin age, making a clear majority of at least 76 for sound money.. At the present rate of conversion among Congressmen irv fnr nlnr.kv fhiha in her brave effort "J x. -, to be free. -'i Thfir ia not a word of truth in the rumor that Mr. Cleveland forbade Mr. Carlisle's going into the Maryland cam-1 paign. Mr. Carlisle has his hands full at the Trfiflsnrv denartment iusi now the strength of the silver craze next De- an(j never wanted to go into the Mary- ,i ' was not in favor of 16 to 1 course, was'gotten up by BuUer and ms whoWover the Democrats and !tiTiW. 5 Among those buuhcu r-- r in the caucus were : ! B. C. Beckwith, t. C.:L. Harris! W.lA, Guthrie, Chas. Ar Cooke J 31 F-! Keith, ex-Senator T.;a rirtrlcrrftssmen Shuford, : Stroud and Skinner, Jj M. Mewborne and W IT. K-itched. What a jumble ! The convention itself was a daisy. Loge Harris, Republican, introduced a resolution boldly declaring -for a new party. Mairioh Butler introduced reso lutions pledging all who favor silver to vote'only f6r silver rjaen, and , it passed with a whoop. Thii was the net. that caught and fastened the Democrats. Butler's' object was to induce the silver Democrats to so far jcommit tnemseive from their own them Populists, the resolutions as to cut them, adrift llthus make ! following ajre party, and adopted by the convention: "RpsnlvM. Thai this convention comoosed It members of all political TSTorth (itrolina, send greet ing and words of encouragement to the ohomnt Inf thef iffreat "cause ! of free minnow of teilver thcoughout the United States and) urges tjhem to renewed ef forts to secure thj full and perfect re mnnpii7Ation of silSrler. ' r TJpsolved. Thatlthe plain and only " wav to outran end:b the evils of. gold mono-metillism isj o Open the mints of ' this country to the jfree and unlimited coinage of silver, they are now open to gld, and we deriand that this shall be done aGthe longs; established ratio of 16 to . and that th js country shall act at once independenfily of all other coun- tries'. !' - " -'4 -i "Reohied, Thai ( we hail with satis faction the indispuMble evidence of re turning . rieason iSnong business men and applab'd the Remands which en lightened And patriotic men are mat ing that the selfish policy inaugurated bv cuoiditv and aVarice 20 years ago shall now be reversed in the interest of honestv and fair-dealine, and in order that commerce and agriculture may be restored td normal and prosperous con ditions. ' ' ' ' I" ' ' '" ' ' "Kesol-t-d,' That ardently attached to thft P-rpati -ause of free coinage, we TVrnnnpp. tntfldvance' it bv all means in our power and we call on all bi-metal lists to strenuously oppose gold mono mptallism knd exert all their influence to restore iilver tosts former uses as Tprfppt mrinev metal, as it was before 1873. Tothis end we earnestly recom mend to te voter of this State that thpv elect faereaf ter only such; Senators and Representatives in the United States Conjgress asfare sincerely in favor of the principles Hereinbefore expressed and only such presidential electors as willpublidv declale on the stump . mat thev will vote for ho man for j President or Vice Piesidentwho is not in favor of such principles af4 whose record and platform are a guarantee that they will be faithfully execmed. j "Resolved, Thai we do earnestly re quest all the fnefps and advocates thp restoration of If the coinage laws thev existed prioOo 1873, to call non partisan cinvenfojis similar to this in V. 1 C ta frk tal'A similar action." I . ' . " ' ' ; There were only 27 Democrats and 8 Republicans present. Jarvis and Ashe flickered at the last moment, and re fused to ejiter the convention. There were not 300 people present in all. It was a complete fiasco. Butler was the undisputed boss.j ; He and his party alone are benefitted by the; miserable farce yesterday. land campaign. Arthur Gorman is taking care of Maryland and has an able corps of assistants who are chiefly Marvlanders, Col. A. B.: Andrews, of JNortn Caro lina, was yesterday elected -jjirst. V ice President of the Southern railroad com pany to go in effect October 1st. This is a deserved compliment to an able and faithful officer. Chief Justice Fuller and Secretary I-amont arrive today. President Cleve land will return in la few days. A prominent New York; politician Riiva ! J i ). a. - mu. is now ! m cuuaui u- tion with Richard; Jroker, logemer they are organizing the machine to mat p. Hill resident. If Hill is nomi nated, a western man will get it. A.bout Uctober ISt tne i-resiaeni win have several nice places to fill. One of them will be that of Major general to command the army of ; the united States when Gen. SchoBBeld is retired Sept. 29th. I : : ' Itis thought that icev. levviu mage will give up I his church in New York and take charge of Dr. Suther- "RutlPT is moving heaven and land's church of this city, .. . . - ;i iio i -i ne oram ior oeuiemuer uuuuuuo eartntoionn a new very rie article on "Thfe Civil Ser wants to do away with. the Populist Parppr." i It contains the fol party, and we don't blame him. it is j iow;ne: "Another! clerk who entered rotten. In his speech at Charlotte last the service at $ l,2p0 per annum during Friday, according to the Observer, he July, 1896, was promoted to $ i,4W m said : cember will be even less than is here in dicated. The Senate, too, according to i the committee's poll, is proof against the passage r of free coinage bill. Thirty-nine of its members favor such a bill and . forty-three oppose it After next July Utah will probably add two Senators to the sure silvente ranks, mak ing its strength forty-one. Six Senators are omitted from the calculation because their position is somewhat in doubt. Their names are Bacon, Baker, Caffery, McBride, Martin and Wilson.: V Their preference is believed to be, upon the nrhniA for Rnnnd monev. ; The recent rise of prices and restoration of pros perity without "the rehabilitation of silver" has knocked the bottom out of the free coinage argument." Prices may rise, it is seen, on the gold basis in the present and in the future, as they have done over and over again in the past ing at me xxouimau jiiiuc, iiu uwnnj county, Tuesday, of a nugget of gold weighing 6 dwt. 1 ' ' - The people of Winston raised a purse of $1,250, which was presented to Evan gelists Sam Jones and U. K. btuart, wno conducted the recent meeting there. " Stewart Bros. of Winston, the new State printers, -fcring suit against sever al State officials for giving wor,k to Ral eigh priijiters which Stewart Jiros. claim they must do. Senator" Prichard '. expressed himself to the Salisbury World, Friday, as quite confident that there will be jno break next year in the fusion betwssln the Re publicans and Populists. M One of the best known Baptist preach- ers in tnis State, ana one oi in biiarp est writers, will, in a most caustic style, reolv to I Dr. Cyrus Thompson's attack on the Church. The bulk of the mem bers of the Alliance are Baptists. A voune man in Montgomery coun ty reports being attacked on the public higbwa by a snake "more than twelve fftp.t Inn? and as big as a large stove pipe." How much he had "ton at the time is not stated. - -- ---. I The Herald says that On le3 than six acres of; land inside the corporate limits of Moreanton Mr. John W. Campbell last year raised 1,300 bushels of sweet potatoes which he sold at a ;net pront of a little over f uuo. i The Salisbury World said a few days . I . r - tt.1i ago mat ooucuor iioiton, ui; iuio uia- tnct, was to be married on me lam to Miss lizzie : Alspaugh of Virginia. We suppose the event came f off at the appointed time. I . of Gold mil.wno TliPr nrp not enough tree silver .1 T a ( 4- -v Intf men in me uemocrauu puilv lv-j. You can't whip the gold bugs in the Democratic partyi not enougn in tne RepubUcan party; not enough in the People's party, now nowr onanwe ue down like a coward and let it remain so? believe the only way is to get together iinw nnp. hanner. Then vou can elect a president, pay your debts, etc. Which is greater with you, party or country ? lama Populist I love toy nartv. I used to lov me uemocrauc party for the name, for that was all that wan in it. Now I would like to see all the free silver mon comeunder our flag. I think you ought to do it, and say you ought. But no, you stand and hate the name, and 1 stand ana nug it ior TVfr A . CI Mftnnpv.- 1887 to $1,800 in 1889, and made went ti popyan, United States of Col Chief of the Consular Bureau on March umhia, some time since to superintend 28. 1895. Perhaps no better example m:nJ has returned and US now visit- of the. opportunities afforded young men ie friends in Connecticutt. Mr. Mauney in-me ajivu ervice euuiu ub iuuuu uiu i 8 i,a na3 enough of Soutn America that of an employee of the .Civil Service Commission, who in!8S9 was employed in a railroad office at Wilmington, N. C. at a salary of $35 per month. In! common with most of his neighbors, he believed the Civil Service Law to be a humbug, and. as he was a Democrat, thought he had no chance of appoint ment under the then existing iiepubn- can . administration. However, he finally determined to take the copyist examination at Goldsboro, N. C, as an ! experiment. . He passed, and two months later received an appointment as messenger in the office in the office rt rifil Rprvio rnm m I sssi nr at SS4-0 love. We stand like 'j,i per annum. Heihas been successively i ooys; twoneignoura s 7J" , I promoted through the $1,000, $1,200 and $1,600 grades to $1,800, which is his inresent compensation." The first It is sii months rain and six months dry. puring the day the heat brings but proifuse perspiration and at night it is so cold that fares have to . be buut ana clothing dried to keep off sickness. Mr. Mauney . did not think the country fit for a white man to live in and he left it as soon as possible, says the Salisbury Herald. Ths New Vork Central Holds the Kecord. The Wew York Central and Hudson River Jlailroad Company has issued in circular form the summary of its re cent fast run to Buffalo, and therewith reminds the world that it !now holds It is thought probable that Congress man Black, of the Augrfsta, Ga., district, may lose his seat through having con sented to run the race over with Tom Watson. The A. P. A.'s are said to be after him. ' - , Arrangements are perfected for mov ing to Atlanta the Bennett house, near Durhamin which General Jos. E. John ston surrendered to General Sherman. A number of ex-confedcrates will ac company it- - . . " A constitutional amendment adopted by the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Odd TVllnw nrnvides that no saloon keepers, bar tenders or professional gamblers shall be eligible , to membership in that order." " ThA mvacrps nf rholp,ra"in Japan.and China have reached fearful proportions Over 17,000 have died in Japan since the disease appeared. Russia is also m 4ctoA 0! 134. nprsnna having died - ot cholera in the. province of Valbenia in a .week s time. . .; . It is now almost settled that the Rev Dr. T. De Witt Talmage is to become the associate of Dr. Sunderland in the nastorate of ; the First ' Presbyterian church, of Washington.! The scheme is Dr. Sunderland's. Dr. Talmage leaves it to the church to 'fix his salary ' At the end of the first year of tariff's operations, the exports of goods manufactured in America amount $183, 595,743, which is fifteen million dollars more than were ever before exported from American markets. It shows that American manufacturers are beginning to enter the markets of the world which the Chinese wall of McKinleyism closed to them. ' ' r':v- 4 The young Duke of Marlborough was asked if it was true that he had been fortunate enough to become engaged to marry Cohsuelo Vanderbilt, the daugh 'ter of William K. Vanderbilt. He re plied that it was true,; making the official statement that ' the - marriage would occur towards the end of the year. i Nobody seems to know just what is going to be done about the sugar bounty. . Secretary Carlise notified Ex- Senator Mannerson, the Counsel for the beet sugar men, that he would hear his arguments against certifying the case to the Court of Claims, any time after the twentieth of thi3 month. Since that tirne nothing has been heard from Mr. Manderson. Regardless of any argu ment that may be presented it is not thoujrht likely that Secretary Carlisle will send the case to the Court of Claims against the wishes of the claimant. It has been Btated that he might overrule or reverse the decision or uomptrouer Bowler, but that is something that Sec retary. Carlisle -himself' has positively stated that he had no authority to do. a th Durham Sun says, : the Popu- lisfs are now the greatest free coinage of silver shouters luMhe State, iney are making the weeds rattle with the sound of free coinage, .and are stepping over each other to see which can get to me front and yell the loudest. Some demo crats are running i wun mem 7eu"1S' too; afraid they wijl be left behind. Wppks aeo the Washington Post stated that Mr. Clevelane did not desire fourth nomination, . and would not permit his name, to be proposed - tp the convention of 1896. The Washington Post is: not in the habit of speaking at random in suoh inatters. Its utter ances are authoritative. What more do our esteemed contemporaries ask Washington Post, j; Rpnator Butler ia his speech at. Salis bury Thursday admonished the people that there is on foot a conspiracy to strmthem of their liberties, and that if it is carried out they will have to fight nr become slaves, h When, it comes to the fighting it is safe to say that Butler won't be there. Uny fifteen-year-old bo could have run him out of Rowan county Thursday with a brass key. Charlotte Observer, and the common enemy feeding on us all. It is enough to make , the angels in heaven come down. ' I stand ready to go under -any banner to make the fight, but you should cqme with us be cause we have a good organization. :uut I will not stand back. The great -pa triots have got to get together and whip the gold bugs. Let us get together. Let us work. The gold-bugs ing day and night. Hold a big meet ing in Mecklenburg and get all the pa-! tnots together and I will follow you. three fastest! train, gentleman referred to is Mr. Walter E. Faison, of Sampspn county, N C. The second is Mr. Paul V. Bunn, of Wilson county, N. C. . .. H. The Raleigh and News and Observer announces that it will equip its office with type-setting machines. We note with pleasure this progressive movement and evidence of prosperity of the News and Observer.; It is really a first-class paper, although it is badly off on the silver question, and a credit to Raleigh and the whole State. Josephus Daniels, its able and wise editor, is a newspaper man born and bred, and no man in the State can make himself felt more at the head of a daily newspaper. Brd. Dan iels and his paper have our sincere con gratulations and iieartiest wish for their continued success. " ' The WaldensUns AU Right. Charlotte Newts. I A News reporter had an interview yesterday with a philanthropic lady from Asheville wlho hss interested her self in the Waldensian colony of Burke county and whoj by the way, has been doing something! practical in the way of theu- relief. First of all, she. has suc ceeded in enlisting the interest of John Wanamaker in the colony, and through him they are to . have the services of a farmer who is to teach them the best agricultural methods of this country. That has been one of tbeir needs, for the system here and at their old home is an entirely different one world's records for speed: The mile ever made by a regular 32 seconds, Hay j 10, 1893; the fastest long distance passenger train the Empire State. Express, which makes Si miles an hour including stops, and the "fastest long distance time ever made by a passenger train,! September 11, 1S65, when a train weighing 565, 000 bounds ran 436J miles in 40 J minutes, or 64 26-100 miles an hour including slow-downs, but not includ ing tijro stops of two minutes each to change engines. The train f was 40,000 pounds heavier than the Empire State Express and about twice ak heavy and long as the English racing trains that established a record, now; broken, last month between London and Aberdeen Hon. W. E. Gladstone, the great Commoner of England, has been asked to express his views on bimetallism, and he has done so. Mr. Gladstone writes that he has not altered the, opinions which he expressed in Parliament two and a half years agot He adds that he has also watched the passing humors, doomed to nullity and disappointment. He is convinbed, he says, that if ton don stands firm for, the gold standard no power that bi-metallism commands Or is likely to enlist will be able to over come it. The silver papers are saying, "And thou too, Gladstone!" - to be given a practical start in this di rection and are jalso to be given a start in the growing of apples peaches, small fruits and bernCs- The lady of whom the News speaks, has been with the Waldensians for! some month's past and says that in all respects they are a model people. She nob only wants this colony to thrive; but wants to bring others here. They are! moral, honest, upright and industrious, and all they have needed is for Borne hand to give them the right start. . ' . North Carolina Crop .Report. Raleigh. September 23.4 The State weather bureau today issued an unfav orable crop report The past seven days have been the most abnormal on record They are j m North Carolina during beptember. Ex-Governor Buckner, of Kentucky, published ja card! recently stating that he will support, jtbe Democratic, State ticket wiw the exception of Hardin and advising Den locrats not to vote for him. General Buckner denounces Hardin in the strongest terms for his action in jnakingjjwar On the tate plat form and jalso denounces Congressman McCrearyl He ideclares that he will not re-enter the senatorial race, but will make as many sund money speeches in that Stite as hfe can. Senator Lind say; however, says : "My observation is that sound mfeney exceptions, willyote ticket straight through. . This is true of all the counties it which I have spoken thus far,' and I aln 'convinced it is gen erally tru4. ; I c4nnot speak so fully for the free sflver mn, as they do not take me into their confidence.1 but I take it men, with rare the Democratic that they will dofthe same thing We received abetter from a i minister this morning, frfm which we make the following. extract : ''During my five years in the West Tile Trails was of inestimable; value to me. Jt may be f some interest to you to .know that I ajin" still, and always have been, a Democrat, and more, a "Cleve land Democrat,'! : But since my return I have found many, of my old friends turned Pbpulistfj They are a much de- ceived lot! and chists lot! and remind me of the anar of the Wegterp cities. " The marriage of Mr. Lawrence Dodsworthr to Miss Mary Moore Young, in Charlotte last night, was one of the affairs of ithe season.there. The cere mony was perforpaed in the First Pre- !. I - i t Tfc . T X 1 bytenan cnurcnDy xwev. ui. jrreowa. Those present f rdm Concord were : Mrs. 31. E. Gibson, Mr. and Mri. James C. JGibson, 4nd Mr J. M. OdelL ; The Greatest Zoological Exhibition Travel- ins with Bells Brothers' Big Show. . While abroad Sells Brothers added notably to their- Bpecial , attractions by purchasing iny Australia, East India and elsewhere, many exceedingly rare and royal wild beasts, birds and reptiles; among them five tremendous .Tigers, any one of which is big enough to swallow any other one .heretofore ex hibited; a whole drove of giant Kan garoos of varied) hue; a flock of splendid fulL-grown and jbaby Emus; pfodigious constricting serpents, singular apes, and superbly : plumaged . laWuage-gif tea" birds. In truthgreapia proportion ately successful epomcave. been made to gather fronijexery'-clime the; most valuable and unique promoters of in struction and entertainment in living1 form, and the grand result cannot fail to universally profit and please. We the temperature averaging 15 degrees daily! above normal. Th. maximum temperatures ranged fromi 90 in the mountain region to 100 in the east The percentage of moisture is the lowest over recorded here in the summer. The drought is serious, and' is injuriug all growing crops. The farmers say great numbers of upper bolls of : cotton have fallen off; that the lower bolls are nearly all opening at once aind that the entire crop will be open ia three weeks, It is estimated that the damage to the crop in the past ten days is 10 per cent The rice crop is being harvested with i fine yield. Late corn is cut short The Charlotte Observer truthfully says that had a .Democratic speaker made the remark that Dr. Cyrus Thompson' j made that the church is on the side of human slavery, "the State would have been too hot for him.'' Nobody -ex- suggest to the rural people to be in town - . i i ik m 4 9 1.1- l -1 x: j pects any better oi an AUiance or rop- ulist speaker. The men who are raising the biggest howl about the scarcity of money are the very: ones who, spent hfteen or twenty dollars apiece to attend the; free early on the day 'of the exhibition and witness the biggest street parade ever seen at 10 a. m. in Charlotte, Friday October 4th, rain or shine. " Free to Onr Readers. A first class high grade monthly home journal, has come to be - a neces- silver convention at Raleigh yesterday, Isity in every household..-Such a jour- whiph wasn't wnrth appnt tn Vhm nr Ni weU Oondtjcted, occupies a special . I 1 . i L 1 . Jl - reunion 10 evey wejuuer of me lamny circle. One of the best lournajs of this the country. The world is full of strange inconsis tencies. There was never so much talk of hard times in North Carolina and there were never so many visitors in the mountains of the State as there were aunng the - past summer: mere were j never so many excursions nor excur sions "so largely patronized. The, col leges and high schools have : opened this fair with a larger attendance than ever before and school attendance is character that we : have seen, is The Woman's Health Journal, published at Chattanooga, Tenn. The choice sto ries, charming verses and interesting miscellany, appeals alike to young and old. Its special departments of Fash ion, Among Our Girls, A Page For Mothers, The Home-keeperV With The Children, and jthe Health and Hygiene Department, edited by a competent and experienced physician, make it invaluable to any home. 1 he Times, always on the lookout for universally accounted one of the best barometers pf the prosperity of the peo- what will profit its readers, has secured pie. ' Some people have money there! fifty -yearly subscriptions to The Wo- 13 no mistaice aaout mat; ana when a street fakir comes along with a patent medicine for sale, or a peddler with a pack On his hack, or a range man, or a fellow selling a two-dollar clock for fif teen, there are those who cough up cash who would never be suspected' of having a dollar in the world. -Charlotte Observer.' ; The Modern Beauty ' ' : ' Thrives, on good food and sunshine, with plenty of exercise in' the open air. Her form glows with health and her face' bloom's with its. beauty. If her system needs the cleansing action of a laxative remedy, she uses the gentle and 'jJeasant liquid laxative Syrup, of Figs. man s Health: Journal, which it pro poses to give away, .,- V - A years subscription to this Journal will be given to (1), Every new subscriber to Ths Times.' (2), Every old subscriber who renews, ' (3), Every delinquent "subscriber who pays up arrearages. . These subscriptions -won't last long. First corns, first served.- Call at this office and pee sample copy " ; Rev. W. jEL L. McLaurin will be gin a meeting at Centre next Sunday, and will be .assisted py Rev. W. L. Dawson. - ! How's This ! Ave offer One Hundred Dollars re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hairs Catarrh Cure. . j F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O. We, the undersigned have known F J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in al. business transactions and, financially able :to cary out any obligations made by their firm. " I West & Truax, AVholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kmnan to Mai yin, ! Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken r inter nafly. acting directly upon the blood andj mucous surfaces of : the system Testimonials sent free, rnce ioc. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. j . Ransom Oets His Salary. Washington Sept - 21. Secretary Carlisle has reversed the ruling of the auditor of the treasury for the state de partment and decided that Matt W. Ransom, United States minister to Mex ico, imay draw his salary as such under his present , appointment. ! A draft of $525 on his salary aceountdrawn by the state department on the J treasury has been honored by order of Secretary Car lislel -- i ' 1 G1GARETTE& n DukeWrhmI fl ' '' : ;" - 1 T by t-. 'y ltl!'te tTW.DukeSons Mo.TKSrfey . a.-: THEANERtCHH TOBUCCfl taS(fX-Ei' ' ) Jfiz DURHAM. W.C. U.S.A. v tf.AOE FROM . 4 liigli Orsdeif sbaogo ) AJn - - L ABSOLUTELY PURE : Small Butler and Henry Speak to a 5 " ence. Charlotte Observer, 2-iil. Yesterc'iy did not seem to be Pine ville's gahi day. Only 102 Democrats, Republicans, Populists and children at tended the speaking there. . It did not at all seem like the night several A'ears ago when Sol Weill and others spoke there, when the ground for an acre around was covered and when at least GOO people were there. But it was claimed that this was Pineville's largest political, gathering yesterday. It was for the Pops., for about; 30 were there The day was hot and oppressive. The audience had gathered in a grove near town and it took some minutes to cal them. The erowd came frbm far and hear, mostly far. A good many of the crowd were strangers to - each otter, as 6eme came from Matthews, some from Derita and others from. the far extremi- tives of the county. The most of the Pops, came from Charlotte. . Mr. Ransom's Request. City of Mexico, Sept 23. Ths American minister, Mr: Ransom, and Consul-General Crittenden request the Protestant missionaries to riot issue daily paper attacking the adoration o; the Virgin of, Guadaloupe, it having been the intention of the missionaries to circulate -a paper broadcast during the coming coronation . of the v irgin festivities. 1 he United States authori ties here fear the popular 'outbreak against missionaries and say that in such event the United States govern ment would be placed' in an awkward position, as missionaries would be guilty oi having aroused the popular passions against them. The missionaries have been receiving anonymous letters threatening them with death. -. ' - V Let Mr. JarvU be More EipUclt. Salisbury World. ' . : Lx-Gov. Jarvis has written a letter td the News Zand Observer in. which he takes exception to the various criticisms which have been madei of his . recent ut- leranceaon me silver question. - -it is all very well so far as Gov; Jarvis goes but he does not go far enough. We are sorry that he did not see fit to make an explanation of the undemocratic advice which he gave his free Bilver auditors at Morganton. We have always been an ardent admirer of Jarvis snd it would have relieved our apprehensions concerning his present political temper- auienp consiaeraDiy, naa ne Shown us some different construction that might pe piaceu on that Morganton speech In this day of Judases it is necessary for every man to aehne his position un equivocally. - forms of Sti&itner Complaint, I aiups, oiic, Ajnoiera Mor ons, etc. , which are at tended by so much Pain are ouicklv telie-ff nti? fectually cured bv Paht-Kjt.- X,Ebu The standard remedy for tnese troubles for more than without saying, that everv kind , pauv mternal of external takes its leave www When ux iusca, tuis, ijums, mtea m4 . otings are au cured by Pain Killer . AooeptoomlwUtutMorlmtt. tioai. Th fCBiiiB bean tb ' MBH 'Terr. Ti i. ann- SBd i MM trerjwlxn .1 m bottlt, - (double Um termer aruntitn. fcaeulm tliat mU pain hi wha rtio-KiUtt . For This Week ' . All Wool bergciyb mcnes wide, 25c. the I m rrrrpn Ail ivnn i-rpnrri .-st-nro Act . at 45c. the yard. f " All Wool Henrietta, 36, inches wide, 25e. t;:. Ladies' Broadcloth, 54 inches wide, worth $1, at 68c. the yard. Hie. Ladies' Fine Handsome -Tree JSilTer Means That Creditor Are tc i - Lose 50 Per Cent.. j3 the proposition for "free silver at Jfetol" expedient and honest? . r Stripped of verWaee, the proposition is for this govermiient to embark in the immediate and unlimited coinage of sii ver dollars, each dollar to contain ap proximately 50 cents worth of silver bullion : to discard all provisions for guaranteeing the concurrent circulation and parity of cola and silver, ana to nnfnnfil bv law the acceptance of the nev "dollars in payment of all debts. The obiect is to reduce the value or the dollar about one-half, and by fore ing creditors to take this dollar for debts to scale all existing obligations. The only exception Will be where the shrewd ... 1 L1-J.-J - i. creaitor nas supQiawu iur yajmouu m gold. Such creaiter win ne pain in tuu, but the nnsnspeonng man or woman who has merely trusted to the honor of the nation is to be Vdone.up," 3ust in proportion as the Idollar is scaled. . The Populists! are, solid lor mis scheme. It's in then? line of business. They are opposed to a dollar having any intrinsic value, but if they must have a dollar worth anything at all the less it is. worth the better it suits them. Very few Republicans flake any stock in the scheme", and the more ic is stuaiea me sooner it will be dropped by all think ing men. " J The agitators assume,, pecause Kansas people are in debt, that every Kansas man ought to jo3n in the clamor for such dollars. I deny that it is the duty of any man, becabse he lives in Kansas and is in debt, ta favor a scheme which his conscience tells him is wrong. I am as much n debt as the average Kansan, but I cannot see why this fact should blind thelconscience or destroy the ability of ajpian to reason on such questions. I belieye in bimetallism and in the use of theV largest volume of sil ver as standard f money which can be maintained" at parity with our gold and paper money so that all of our dol lars will be equai tor an purposes, uut the Harvey programme is merely a scheme to scale dur standard dollar in which all contracts have been made for the purpose df robbing creditors. If. these agitators .simply wanted to cheapen the dollars for use in future business transactions, they would advo cate a law making the new dollars legal tender for futur debts only. But that s not what they want. They insist that these new cheap!? dollars must be made a legal tender for all debts. I am opposed to that because it is dis honest.. If anybody can prove that it is honest, I will bd glad to be for it. But ie must prove it by some better argu ment than the tiireadbare assertion that John Sherman;! conspired with the Rothschilds, to tob innocent people 20 years ago, for eyen if that idiotic state ment were true It would, bo no reason vhy you and I should conspire to rob a much larger number of equally ipnecent people today. JGJecrge L. Douglas in Opera, Needle and Common Sens Sizes, L at 25 per cent, less than regular price. 'few Arrivals Dailv OUL.D1MEROANTILE CO oruow Prices, Kansas City Star. r pi o JEART DISEASE, uk I many pther ailments when they . have akea hold of the system, jiever gets better of its own accord, but Constantly urrwtro worse. There are thousands who iow they have a defective ; heart, but will ot admit the tact. They j don't want thegr friends to worry, and JPony 1cmob xehat to tatces for it, as thejThave been 'told time and again that Tjeart disease was incurable, Sachwas the lease of Mr. Silas' Farley of Dye sville, Ohio who writes Jane X9, 1894, as follows: j I had heart disease for 23 yearn, my heart hurting me almost continually. rThe first 15 years I doctored all the time. trying several jphysiciansv and remedies. until my last doctor told xne it was only a question of time as I could not be cored. I i gradually grew worse, veryv weak, and completely dis couraged, until I lived, propped half np in bed, because I couldn't lie Ootcn nor sit up. Think ing my time had come I told my tam- n l v - . . f j "jr win x waniea aone wnen i was gone. But on the first day of March on the recommendation of Mrs. Fannie Jones, of Anderson, IbL, I; commenced taking 2r Miles JFew Cure for the. Heart and wonderful pa tell, in ten days I was working at light ju prk and on March 19 com menced framiB, a barn, -Brhich is heavy work, and I ha, v' tit lose a day since. I am 66 years old, 6 ft. ; Inches and weigh 2501bs. I; believe I ant fully cured, and lam now only auxious that everyone' shall know of your woaderful remedies." Ttl V I ' I '-r .rr Dyesville, Ohio Silas FarLkt. Dr. Miles HearH Cure is sold on a positive guarantee that flhe first bottle will benefit. &H?,T?.gSlstS8e,i1iatI bottles for $5. or It will be sent, piepaidv on receipt of nrice by tne Dr. Miles iiiedical OoElknart,1 Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Restores Health Fire Insurance. Having transported my Fire Insurance business to Messrp. H. L Woodhouse and B. E. Harris, I commend them to any who may in need of fire msur ance, and biSneak for them a liberal patronage. i Ee?pcctfuHv. J. W. BUKKUEAD. Comes We have assumed the Fire Insurance business nt Mri J. W. Uuxkhead, com prisma th agencies for several first IcIOfS mirl TCplt Pfctftl-ilifclioil ifnmnnix'iJ . , 7 . ' - . -v.-. anu reppeciiuiiy solicit a UDeral'Suar oi pusiness in mat line. , WOODHOUSE & HARRIS. usr. 29tf. 1 . takers 100 J .- I : ! i ' ' ' ' !'' ' ' - 1 '- ' I -- -: ' j lekletti HGllantl mounted on IS cents. Window rot OF " - ' ! CLAY j Sp', 1 cent per :ilie. 85 Importers Curtains at 2Qc sample. 9 slate pencils i oOc and I ! WILL BE Sold - Glieap -J;0B v Pattersons Wholesale and Rstzi! Store 500 pounds Lalico at 30c or 1 cent Percale a 25 good sewing needles fcr HomcHi 40c up. ride 1 crc: 'e shins j I take tc- 1 V I measure anu maKcuiemanvr '(IC up.F: you want tntni Irom, guaranteed. Shoe Blackir.i; 1 cent. o quires olc:ood writinsmv tor 10c. . 2 rubber-tipped Lead Pe ior 1 cent. J 10 quart open Tin Buckets'; ly 13 cents. 6 Salety Pins for 1 cent. . 12 boxes of the o called 2 matches for 10c. These matu- will count out 170 ninickes the box. air up. Side Combs 5c per ; Felt Pins 2c each. Alluminum Thimbles L'c, Solid Gold Rings stones at ,75 cents. Dagsrer Hnir Pins .;C to eoeb Turkev Red Embroidery, s ton, 5e per dozen skeni? Gc per dozen. . Black Waste Sewing per vz. 3 tin cups for f c. Silt -M .1, l inen w I REE MKOICl. rif-rpiiEstK BUK. (64 pages.) lor men and women Tvho aie afflicted with any form of private disease peculiaf to their sex, errors of yontb,, contagrius diseases, female trou bles, etc., etc. I -.;;--;. . ; Bend 2 two c&nt stamp?, to pay pos.t as. to the leading specialists and phv siciins in this country. Dr. HATH AWAY & CcJ22$ So. Broad Street. AtUata, Oa, ' w - - . . THE FALL ICAMPAIGN -Has Begun, Now for those new fine Dress Goods. Everybody 'will be on the look out for the beet and most stylish lioe. We wish to call your attention o our stock of Dress Goods, Henrietta Surah 46 inches Wide at 50 cents, real value 73c. : - I " ' Onr 50 inch goods; same style, at 75c. real value $1.00 per 'yard, in Black .and Navy Flue. . - ! Our Crepons in Black are the hand somest ewods on the! markf t. Our S T Flannels B0 inches wide for Dress and Wraps at j45 cents. Cheapest goods yrt. j Our Guinea Flannel at 8c, Our St Nicholas ' Daskin Pant Goods, cur all wool Blankets, our white Marsaleis counterpanes, 3i pounds, are all of tho yery best grade of goods,! and, chpaper than ever offered.: i Goods are advanc ing but we are eellidg at the old prices bought early. Cp,n save you money. COJtlE SEE us. I Our stock of Ladies' atd Men's Shoes are compbte. Bought before the rise is second is second to none; and we can bell at old prices. I , r Bsst Line We Have Ever Shown. To be convinced is to 8e, so come and see ns before you purchase. , The best Men's White Shirt in Amer ica fox 5Qo, fall length sleeves and j;egn. lar length. ; Made of. standard cotton, full linen bosom, j with shrunk dack back, full length, and fulr size, re-enforced back and front with continued sleeve and back facings. Don't fail to see our GEM SHIRT. - - 57 ;ineh Bkueliec Cloth at 40c. Best Oil Table-Cloth. 13c j: Scrim for Curtains 5c ari yard. -m T-.M.. ri.vt-rs at''' and 9Se yard. . Chenille Ci;: tains r $3.25 per iiair. Mosquito Net 5c per vard - Percale P.onneis ;'.)' White Shirts 25c ui. - D. J. BCSII rlcets.. Concord CO-I-TOS MAl Correctcel wetl;iy l y ( ll- u''"h: Stained " Low Middling...;. Middling. ; Good MkWliu:: -" ! rKOir n .4,wl V..-!Jv 1' Bulk moat, Htk-s Beeswax Butter ;- Chickens., Corn Eggs.; Lvd.: Flour, North Ouvb a- Meal... : Peas Oats - Tallow Salt. Irish Potatoes 30 Families. MARK"?- To ' i If .L-v t i l;v ceivect uu' 15th. 12 Sin