a; 1 - : ' , ... , ...... t;'...i':v,:,V;.i. ;! . . I. STAiK filSWik ; I The Concord Times. PUBLISHED EVERY THUR8DAY i t AT CONCORD. N. C. i r1 cs"i Bv JOHN Bl 8HERRILL, ! Editor And Proprietor. l OCNDj-A MALE'S NEST. Senator Marion Butler's paper,; the . Haleigh Caucasian j iiffs up its hands in pious horror aid crieaj 'shame! " when it thinks df the arffcrl fact that there are some newspapers invdrth Carolina that are guilty of the heinous crime of pub lishing matter 'in their columns against its pet seheme'of the fjfee and unlimited coinage of silver at 1G to 1. The Cau " casian is the proper "paper to talk of honor and toj accuse! other pap era of being "smirched apd dishonored." This papr goes into a fit every time it sees a line of the souqd money matter prepared by the sound .money men of the Sound Money Ghfb of 52 William street of New York, $nd publishes the names of the papers n the State that have ''blackened theil names" "by pub- lisning matte not prepared- in their offices. . j . ; If the Caucasian jvej e the only paper in the State, that is endeaoring to choke off all sound money Utertuie.and prescribe ', to the sound money Aapers what they thall or j shall inot publish, the matter L. - would .- receive no affcenlion from us. But here comes the )harlotte News, a to make the public believe the contrary. ... . .. ' ' . GA Since the above was wnueu wo uuu v the following in yesterday's Charlotte , 'convention is taking Observer bearing ou this matter : ' jdajt. , SOUTHERN NEWS MOTES. STATE NEWS. V 'Thereis a good deal of reflection up on the newspapers which use these sound money broadsides. The case in a nut shell Is this: life Reform Club is com mitted to the doctrine of sound money; certain newspapers are fighting that bat tle and the Reform Club offers to neip them-by furnishing them, free, sound money supplements to be folded in and circulated j with their regular issues. The whole transaction is open, above board and perfectly ; ligitimate. These broadsides have never been offered the Observer, but we want to go on record as saying that if they were and if tne sentiments they enunciate were such as we approve, we would circulate them with the Observer without the slightest hesitation. During the last presidential campaign the national Democratic com mittee was good enough to send . the Observer, from time to time, cuts and reading matter " designed to advance the cause for which we were -doing our little i besfr--the success of tha Dem ocratic ticket and they were used with delight, as valuable auxiliaries to the paper's efforts. The sending - out of ihese sound money broadsides is on the same line and altogether as legitimate. We have never read one of them; but are prepared to say that they are being circulated in North Carolina by editors, some of whom in all qualities of dignit; and honor-and self-respect -can stand comparisonwith any of their -critics." PKESS EXCURSION. V GENERAL NEWS. services Sunday morning at """"'T PVt. . . i J " - u..:u u f!him. Kev. J. JU. 10WHfui c. recess ot ten i me goou wbusc uauisu u"s-" """ -' . , thc, irnrhins of JNeai South Carolina constitutional!. , Even little Lenoir has the nerve and Djmnj? the other day, leaving aneatato Talued at I loo.ooo. j The American Institute of Mining Engineers . are in session in Atlanta, Ga., this week, i The Central Railroad of Georgia has been Bold to Samuel Thomas and Thom as IL Ryan for $2, 000, 000. The international convention of fire chiefs met in Augusta, Cra., Monday for a session of three days. President Cleveland has appointed Albert II Mickler to ba collector of customs at St Augustine, Fla. The farmers of Wilkes county, Ga., took advantage of moonlight to pick out their cotton during the week. At Charlestown, W. Va., Andrew J.. Scott, a negro, was hanged Friday for the murder of his wife by poison. , Mrs. .William J. Bibb, a lady well known throughout Alabama,, died last week at her horns in ! Montgomery. . P Sim Collins, a negro, who harbored Singleton, the murderer' of Policeman McCormaok, at Tampa, Fla., has been arrested. -Emory Collese. at lust had the largest opening in its his tory. The enrollment for the year will be at least 825. I - The rumor is revived in Alabama that Congressman. Bankhead will run for governor at the next election on a free silver platform.' Oxford, Ga, has The editors belonging to the North Carolina Press Association will take an vnnpr fidJtPd bv a Democrat and ft Pen- excursion to tne Atlanta jxpoaiuuu r , t I r.,loTT TV, av, will he aivnmni) tieman wno recresentea juecKienDure i u""";1 r 1 i , . i . . . . county in the last Senate,' and says A St- Augustin. (Fla.) negro died 1 sioners hajre passed such an l'v. At this 7 entrmen of cloth areprots Unf to iu i hoawns ana inev are uun- " fciijjv.-..- - - . y. the pities, : to take effect the 1st of next March Mr. J. 'A. TiIcAulev.. of rerort3 the findine of a pound of gold at the Sam Christian mine within the past two Weeks. The mine is owned by Mr. McAuley, Capt. II. A. Judd and Capt R. Eames, Jr. , , Last spring, R. G. Gates, jvho lives near "Ronfferaent. boueht some! garden seed Jxoui Heartt & Tarthingjand in tho lot was a bean." which he planted just; for curiosty. It grew high aud spread out into a peach tree. He har? vested tb poda and a day or two ago counted tle beans prtxluced from this single stalk. Thev numbered -l.ou This is a good yield. . The Salisbury World says the house of Beck Henrv. a disolute white' woman living twofand a.balf miles from Rowan I jty of something like 100 votes pdstoffice, Rowan county, was blown up The ieadingTopuiists df Kanbas have witjdynijniterTJey evengf tot - fln itation for an ea.ly nation week The neighbors had asked her entn and will .'urge, Atlanta, iu leave uiu uuuiiii uuil auu oucw u' WThile she was temporarily absjomt her children were coaxed out of the house and some1 dvnamite nut under it and set off . I '2 .. a;a nrhat 7 am - comg w.. py If tha lat is not to be auoweu w :l nmmin? our men involvea crime me untu mu .rr ,, j where the outrages uov;ui . nnl W. O. P. -Breckeuridge is al ready a full fledged candidate for Con gress from-- the Asmanu uisu u Kentucky in"189C. Already bis friends aro groomiug-him for me news is causing a Bensation m that part of tho State, as it will mean in all prob ability tbo stirring up ot tno , Diueirtoa engendered . last year during the cele- brated iirecKenriage-v w c. w the Democratic "nominatidn, in wmcn nens was winner by a narrow: majui- v ' w Ga., as the place, and February 21st as the time, so tbatme nominauuuu ue made February;; 22d, I Washington s eral "No Democratic paper that contin ually admits to its columns the gold bug plate matter sent out from Wall street can retain ,its influence and standing among the people of North Carolina. Such a course brings discredit upon the I press, by creating the impression that it nied by their wives, mothers, sisters and sweethearts. They will remain in Atlanta several days. The Secretary has also arranged for them an excur sion to Nashville, Tenn., via Chatta nooga. In Atlanta the party will be Quartered at the Alhambra on Peach- can be bought. It must be humiliating tree street. About 12a or 10U persons indeed to these editors, and we regret j wiu go on this excursion, and a great io say mere are a lew or tnem m una ti . expected. uorasmeni rope opinions oi me-iong f:mm weekly pafer for sale. and bitter South-hating Kepublicans. I . , . But among such is the strength of the vn. baIa a tmnd. live weekly .news- .u.l. .. . i ... i - e . TZrLI Hr . eairors must r (8olumn size) in one o the best endorse Republicans and Republican 1 T . , ' .. . , . 51 Actions in North Carolina, and in a mitumw ui tuiue uut iruui auiiHiK i them. ! We have great regard 'for and good tbwn of 2,500 inhabitants. Reason confidence in the honesty and integrity j for selling : Owner is going in another of the secular press, but it will be very buginea3. For lurthCT particulars write u2uu vj tuuviuctj our enemies, anu I - many ofonr fnnrla that nHr rnnnAe A Hi XlMtS, l wuctj is well founded in the face of this action on the part of certain papers. We ap-1 -Sow it'a so And Now it Ain't. peat to these papers in behalf Of the in- Gastonla Gazette. tegrityAnd influence Of the press and SAmphndy's tangled affain". See sub- . the party m North Carolina to discoa- h0;ned extracts from Senator Marion tuiue this questionable practice and Butler's Pineville speech of last Friday cup cuLnpruoMsiDg men nign canine reDorted bv the Charlotte Observer ..J t. t i J.. 1 L -L 1 . I -.--I" ' auu uHjgreaiiuany i wnicu mey -De- rp rat watt this- long by giving publicity and endorse- He tButlerl claimed that with the iM xwutau uuLirwes. Jefferson ereenbacks. silver ana goia The above Ss amnsin Wft Rhnuld dollars the people were fanly prosperous T 1 T-a. i5 t a. - 1 1- J U. i-i , L.v 2 L I X5UL u rat me EretiiuauK auu uuy iuc V. V J fUA has not as much right to publish litera ture on the line of its belief as a free silver" paper has ? Have the free silver- ites privileges that the "gold-bugs? do silver dollar has "been cut from the le gal tender," and gold is the only legal tender money, bilver is now only token money. And now this: vUJuj i uu m. a ciiuuiwug ivcuuu- i j Mr flWpland ia to-day rwVintr lican doctrines ia concerned, we would! all obligations in gold to save the gov- like to know jf Bro. Dowd is not endors- ferment from ruin. The contracts or I obligations do not call for eold. But .1 x. , I ,. ... . 1 , 1 he id doing it himself. ; , .1 ITT. unnmitea comage oi Grover dand tday could pay any . i .mis jis a uisunctive ropulist debt this country owes in silver. He doctrihe, and; the News knows that this! could pay it honestly, according to con- party is the only party that ever has de-1 tract. 'All bonds are contracted in gold dared for it. - Bro. Dowd C. A. Smith, who is wanted at Fort Valley. Ga. charged with .-swindling two banks Out of sums of money, has been arrested at Orlando, Fla. Mrs. Susie Dean, wife of a prosperous farmer near Murphy! N. C. has just. given birth to triplets,: all boys, weigh ing a little over eight pounds' oach. . The Central Railroad of Georgia wai sold at auction Monday. Henry Craw ford, of attorneys for the reorganiza tion committee, bid it in for $2, COO, 000. John Barnes, representative of Rich mond county in the Georgia leerisla- ture, has resigned to acoevt a position in the pension department at Washing- son. ' '1 . . I . . John and Proctor Shewmaker. cons- ins, fought a duel with pis tola at Macks -ville, Ky., over a girL Proctor receiT- ed a wound in the hip that will prove fatal. - Thomas E. Staggs'Tplanine mill and sasft blind and door factory . at Rich-, mond, Va., has been burned. The loss is,between $70,000 and $80,000. The insurance, was about 10,000. Alittle girl 2 1-2 years old. the daugh ter of a cabinet workman named Cour der, was run over and killed by an elec- . : . v. mi : , ... . uiu uu iu oaiuiuau, xiua is tne tnjrn fatality on the line in six months. A small lamp axploded at the hom of Mr. W. H Evattj at Woodlawn. a suburb of Birmingham, Ala,, resulting in the death of two! sisters. Dora md Adrtie Evatt, aged 13 and 19. re t n. tively. ' - Andrew Heakon, a newsbov rnn.Tjin!y' on the Seaboard Air jLine railroad, was instantly killed near Raleigh, N. C He was standmg n the track when he was struck by a train that avroroached from behind him. The special election in the Tenth con gressional district of Georgia for con gressman resulted in the election of J. O. G. Black, Democrat, over Thomas El Watson, Populist, by a majority of a little over 1,600 votes. - At Mount Wa8hineton. : Kv.. M Aggie Wigginton, 80 years old, com mitted suicide by hanging herself. The oia lauys mma nad been affected for some time, and she had been brooding While William Saunders and A. era nor of laborers were reoairinff tha bridn across Abbey creekj near Abbeyville, Ala,, the falsa work1 gave wav and th structure fell, killing John Alexander ana 'David VYilnanW, and Saunders. .' l- Birthday. Senatof Peffer; Hon.; Jerry Simpson, Chairman Briedenthal, and others will urge this date and place on th national committeemen in tne sev oi Sfotea This is done to torce me free silver-fight early, as they say ootn okl Darties are advocating a snort cam- - . 1 I .l.Al J AMnl paign in order to siae-tracK uie uuautm, esue. ' - ' - Doa 1 ues Cannot be Cnr,- by local applications as tney cannot reach the diseased portion ot tne ear, There is only oneway to cure deafness and that is bv constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining Of tne luis tarfuan Tube. When this tube is in flamed 'you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and . when it is' on tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammatiop can be; taken out and this tube restored to its normal coudition, hearing will be destroyed for-, ever : nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing out an in flamed condition of the mucou3 -iurfaces V will cive One Hundred Dol'ars the postal inspectors of that J for any case of Deafness (caused by ca- tarrn) tnat cannot oe vureu iy uau Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free ; F. J. CHENEY & Co. ..Toledo, Q. ESold by Druggists, 75c : ' Kts From WililDj;ton. General William Mahone, the- fa died in his rooms at Chamberlin s ho teL Vuesdlav at 1 p. m., from the effeit of -paralysis. , SfThe treasury department has receive i iriformation that the sold production o. f jiberia for the year will largely exceed , that of lait year, and that the gold pro duction of South Africa during August was the largest for any single month in . its history. ; The Newport News Shipbuilding company has notified the navy depart ment thai it will launch the Nashville and the Wilmineton. two of the three- gnnboats being constructed there for th trnrenmeat. on Oct. 19. This double launch will be an exceptional incident in American navai nistory. j The postoffioe . department nas been advised -of wholesale systematic tod beries of mail matter .at Nashville, Tenn, by two drivers of mail iwagoni. But meseer narticularS nave been re ceived here by; the postoffice departJ ment. an city are making further investigations. General Nelson A. Milei has been officially traasf erred from New York, w'aere he was iu command on Gov ernnrs island, to headquarters in Wash' ing ton, and installed as commander in chief of the United States army, gen eral Ruger takes 1 command jin New York. These changes were j brought about by the - retirement of General SchofielcL . r' - 1 YEARS OF INTENSE PAIN. wr nv. : Amureist and Uhysl- cilTHu dr Neb: who suffered with Scart dSease for four years, trying ; every remedy and all treatments kown: self and fellow-practitioners; believes that heart disease Is curable. He writes: - "I wish to tell what your valuable meal cine has done for me.' For four years I had heart disease of the very worst kind., Sev- ri physicians I consuisetr, bmu Rheumatism of the Heart. xi, was uiuMjov un endurable; with shortness of breath, palpita tions severe pains, unable to sleep, especially on the left side. No pen can de scribe my suffer ings, particularly during the . last morons ui iuu four weary years. DR. J. H. WATTS, 1 nnauy iriou Dr. Miles1 New Heart wire, V."anmrisftdM the result.! It put new uv ntw t.w- v life into and made a new man oi -mo. haveno had a symptom of trouble since and I am satisfied your medicine has enred me for I have now enjoyed, smce waning i Three Years of Spleridid Health t nil add that I am a druggist and have sold and recommended your Heart Cure, for I know what It has done for ma and only wish I could State more clearly my suffer r. then and the eood health I now enjoy. v nnhiA and other remedies also give excellent satisfaction." J. H. watts. Hnmboldt, NebMay 9, 94. Dr. Miles Heart Cure is sold on a positive guarantee that the first bottle wm neflfc Smj" .o it-, at. si R hnttles for C5. or itwrn tenTrepaidron receipt of price bVthe Dr. Miles Medical CCv, iuicnarw xnu. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure I Restores Health fiiiillElffllntl ;;.y s?gsa!.Virv; r jus 1 Some Prominent Doctrines OF BY REV. C. F SHERRILL of the Western North Caro ; lina Conference. , c -AT- Quid's -Bargain StoS- We have placed in stock one of th linoc r-P fllrvT-Vi in rr array cV rT-rm i, v a grana assortment oi all and to- y j' uiJ 111 assort. U-LCXi.U7 aUU JUOb WXXCbU JUU WdJ.lt, HULL 111 HOClli THE VERY BEST GOODS injuring knows also that the sound money doctrine is just as much a Dem ouraucr measure as it is liepuoucan. -i Nay, it: ia more,because the Democratic I parly was in favor of it before the Ee- : publican party was born. But i supposing it s a distinctive Republican , i tenet, we.want to put ourselves on re cord right now as saying that if the or silver, at first in greenbacks but now in com." The public will pay its money and select its preference. Trontman Gold Mine. ATbemarle Enterprise. Uold nuegets have been found in even other sections of this county recently. The Enterprise man m conversat'on with Esq. John A. Troutman, Saturday caught on to a bit of good news. When asked about the recent discover- "Work has been commenced on th tabernacle in which Dr. Jloody the fa mous evangelist, will hold a series of meetings in Atlanta. The architect promises to have the structure readv by the last Sunday in I for dedication this mouth. Daring a street flint in Selma. Ala.. Sunday, Peter Davis shot, and perhaps, fatally wounded Jerry White. A nat. ent medicine man i was drugged and robbed of over tlOOi by touirhs in & u. loon, and a residence on a public street uuw ever comes ana we earnesuy nope ie8 of goia on hia piace - Mr Troutman i it may not) when we are called on to I took from his pocket and placed in ; decide between the doctrines of the Ee-1 our hand one nugget weighing 12 dwt. ' tiM; n mrtr A t.na r v,- t.,i: which was found on Wednesday before I asMW LH41lil UUU U1UDC Ul LUC 1IIIH1IIDLI - ! ; vJii u. i !:J. . one o f Fa,y, muu "ot u mow in ueciuing which waa found the week befo Mr. j against me latter. " . f ' Troutman stated that quite a quantity i Of course the Caucasian and theNews I had been found recently m small pieces. :. will do all they can to suppress the cir- We have-told of so many nuggets found culatibnof all literature opposed to their thjs county rur thatwe some , . , rt , , . I times fear outsiders will think we exag- . pei cneme oi iree suver, ana tnat is erate but we wiU lay our hand on the wny they berate and try to bring dis-1 bible and say this is so. was burglarized. The Age Herald of Birmingham, creait ; upon tne papers that do sq. Freedom of the press is not yet a thing of the past, gentlemen. . ... i Now, a word about this terrible ; litera- That Joyful Feeling, With the exhilarating sense of renew ed health and strength and internal cleanliness, which follows the use of t? . t.'T : - a a. i ture these papers are.pubUshingandthe l u UI xxg8, uau,uwu u iue iew fain a 4nA nnmiAno rt ie& lAainrr manJ lifnn o. n ttA A oi tne day, sucn as uarusie, ratterson, l ceptea py me wen miormea. Mills and ojthers.; An editor who is ' f supplied with iff can ; use his discretion I . nw From th North. about what part of it he publishes. He Ex-Secretary of War Endicott, under ron m,l,0 K;i 0if;. mM f , us leveiano. aammisirauon, nas r . T- resigned from the Harvard corporation. careiuuy a can irom anyining eise. Ala., has been bought by the stock.; noiaers oi x ne iiauy state and the two papers consolidated tinder the name of fine taie-iieraicL The new naner will iadvocate the free coinage of silvbr and gold at 16 to 1. j . Governor Oates insists that haa incorrectly quoted in - a recant inter view, and says that! he did not call the commissioner oi agriculture of Ala bama an "autocrat" because of the lower given him while the "hayseeds wen) ui cuuiiroi m juaoama. ui. vxee JLiOv and : Tom Tn (n I ininamen convicted of ; running an opium den in Atlahta, Ga. were ar raigned in the recorder's court and ItLr. vaw vaca "J ' Jnage Ualhoun. neir attorney gave notice that their ,case would I )e appealed to a higher ine ssontn . Carolina constitnttAttfti convention has adonted . .hibiting divorces from any; cause and u touogmsion oi divorces srranted in other states; also a clause prohibiting '-'"ao oi wmses with per- I X i any trao ' negro blood The idea that the "Keform club writes their opinions" for these editors is as false as it i3 silly, as is also the intima tion that these : papers are subsidized. The Eeform pluh has not insulted the Sbuth by trying to subsidize its papers. it has sought to give information to the people, and to have wide and effective distribution of sound currency literature. exactly the truth about the 1 favorite That is matter. . We noticed in a State paper sometime Fire at Warren, R L, destroyed the Warren Manufacturing company's sheeting and shirting mills, entailing a was oi oyer $ i, uuo, UUU. At Cambridge, Mass., Dr. Elliott P. Kogers, t)r Chicago, formerly of Wor cester, instructor in chemistry at the Harvard college, was found dead in the laooraeory Wednesday evening. A gang of female thieves have been rounded up in Boston who have caused terror zor.soms time by . their depreda tions. "Knockout drops" were their Walter Hansard, aged 83, waar shot ! means of getting at victims. At Canandasrna. N. Y. Henrr- Shill. er of Indiana was sent to prison for two ago a great bugaboo about an immense Red"Men u wnupuuu iuuu ueiug raiseu. oy tne lie-1 wuvi iuivus waui bus ior nice onenses. form Club to buy up the newspapers. Harry Wright, chief of the umpires This is simpfr a great big lie. The He- Lrt.faH10a ?ne Amecim , . t , , . . .... I association of Baseball cluba, and ex-, form Club, instead of havme millions! man hbtbp nt tvo Phii.i. -m- i-' . . r u.. wuu.u.a xi abiuuiu . of dollars, which it is spending for cor-1 lea?ne club, died last week at Atlantic rupt purposes, really has a small fund City, aged 50 years. The court of which it isjspending: for educational J 0? corruptipn fund is It does not exist. purposes, ltis J mere nightmare I ' .The Kefonn Club has bought or hired I no Southern! paper; much less has it lought or hired any Southern politician. The Southern papers that are printing I the literature issued by the -Beform I Club are 'doing it because they believe f or their readers believe in sound money. 5 The matter jis' supplied to them, and I they print it if they wish it, and it does 4 not cost them anything. But they are ft not paid toj print it. ; These are the I facts iu the matter, and no one knows I it better than the papers that are trying tencing mrtnoiomew Shea to be elec trocuted for the murder of Robert Ross in Troy, N. Y., during an election fight " two years ago this fall. The executive committee of the so ciety; for liberal Sunday laws at a meeting held in the Astor House ia New York city, endorsed the Tammany political . nominations. This society represents the united saloon interests of the city," and its action is regarded aa very important 1 The derrickmen went on strike some time, ago in Nevst York. They referred the mattarto Bishop Potter for a decis ion. He advised the strikers to accept a settlement? n a basis of $2.90 per day. A meeting of the derrickmen's associa tion was held and BishoD Potters renort was accepted? Wi thanks. f , , . and killed near Church Orn pM U TF rr :u T. . i ""ron, j rout yeara: his in. uior. xuey nao onarrellnrf t.ha nL.ut before at church about which should escort, a young iaay home. Meeting in wi xuau, iaa quarrel was renewed. . THE BIG CIRCUS IS COMINfc'i ells Brothers' Oi eat Three Rlog; Clrcas and Doable Menagerie. On Friday, October 25, Salisbury wili be invaded by sells Brothers big cir cus with its attendant sideshows, pea nuts and lemonade,! and the Email boy will be in his glory. ; This is the first Visit to this city of bells .Brothers gigantic shows when ev erybody can attendi -and this is what' you will see: - Three big . circuses in three, separate rings, nity-cage. menagene, huge eleva ted stages, - gladitorial combats, " roya Koman hypodrome, gala ' day sports, Australian aviary. I African aauarium. Arabian caravan, spectacular pageants, and trans-Pacific wild beast exhibit, matchless in the mighty, majesty of its magnificence. AIL other Bhows posi tively outclassed. The great show of the world. After witnessing the sub lime and overwhelming deluge of de lights the public will be satisfied because there is absolutely nothing else left in the realm of amusements that possesses any merit whatever. Remember day and date. The largest tent in the world, seating capacity 12,000. Magnificent and bewildering street parade . at 10 a. m. on the day of tne exhibition. Spe cial excursion rates on all lines of travel. Vaseline makes the best dressing for' russet shoes. I Exposition New. j The Alabama Press association take in the exposition this week. . Alarze delegation of Tennessee edi tors were, guests of the exposition board Saturaay. . . . Old Liberty bell arrived at the expo sition Tuesday evening and ; a grand ovation was given it. Wednesday, a large delegation of the "Virginia press association arrived at the exposition and will spend several days. The railroads at interest have agreed to give a rate of $20 for the round trip for the benefit of those who may wish to come to the exposition on New York Wednesday, ' the . Minnesota editors visited the exposition in force and spent two days, and Friday, the .Ten nesseoans were the guests of the. big The "Piebald" Gathering.. :; 1 Under the ahove caption the Wil mington Messenger, a free-silver-coinage paper, has the following in regard to the recent "hon-parlisau" free-silver convention held at Raleigh: . 'The meet ing at Raleigh was a magnificent fiasco. It was a Top crowd, with a very small sprinkling of Radicals 9) and enough Democrats' (27) to guarantee the piebald character of the unfortunate gathering. It was to. le a: tremendous' affair, the gathering of the clans, -an .outpouring bv the thousands of Democrats and a mid rush of Populists. It was another instance of the deeds ; of the war not coming up to the fierce pronunciamento. It was. the deadest of all dead failures after much blowing of trumpets, beat ing of tom-toms and endless rumors. This book is designed for., young Methodists and all who wish to know thA doctrines; of our Church. The following are some of the subjects lucidly and comprehensively discussed : esna-rs fa Tina Tnsardo find. ! Justification by Faith; Regeneration by the Holy Spirit ; The Witness of the Spirit; Santinoation of Believers. &c. Send 25 cents (not stamps) to RLV. G. F. SHERRILL, Madison, N. C.-and get this book, i I x Oct. 3. ' show. Ferris, V of Ferris wheel fame, has pre pared an exhibit of the World's Fair in miniature which he, will soon nave in position at the expo sition. : It is an ex act reproduction of v the Chicago show cn a small scale, and. is a most, wonder ful production. ; 1 ':- ; " jj A sensation has u on created by a re port to Secretary C a rlisle by Chinese Inspector Scharf in which be claims the 133 men in the Chinese village are not doing anythin? in connection with the show, and evidently bought their way in, expecting to evade !ws and remain in this country. . x, Stanly Couuty News. '"; Albemarle Enterprise. , Mr. Tillman Garter of Palestine- has a gourd hjs mother raised in 1835 that holds 4 gajlons. ; ; - School) opened at Hillside !Vcademy Tuesday morning with 18 pupils. , KisS Ufford has secured the services Of Miss' Nina CuhningEam of MaryvilK Tend., as principal and Miss Marion D. Marx, of Eastern Penn., as assistanti We arc glad to w elcome them in our midst. ; . We an 5 glad to. learn that Mr. Caivia Bassinger, of lower Ilowan, whose leg was amputated some time . back is im proving, ly p P:. : ;; rPc - h I - Dr. Vj. I. Hill of Leo passed through Albermjttle Friday for Baltimore whe -e he goes ito complete his course at the Medical College. i .J a We are glad to note that the son f of Mr. inos. iaton, who was Kicked bv mule several weeks ago, is improving. iMr. Newbaum,1 the German, hv.s bought Dr. Littleton's place one. mile north : of -Albemarle. We are fjlad to note that he is well pleased j with .the country.! ; ..' : ; 11 m h m m -w . yT forms of Summer Complaint, .Cramps, Colic, Cholera Mor bus, etc. , which, are at- ; tended by so much Pain -- are ouickly relieved and ef fectually cured by IPAiN-Kn LER. The standard remedy for these troubles for more than U without saying, that every kind pain internal or external takes Its leave v When Pain-Kjixer is applied. Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Bites and fi tings are 'all cured by 1 V 1 w Pain- Aseept rabiUtiimar Imits tions. Tb genuine bears ilia name "Perry Jne Son ; ad i eolil eeerTwbere a 26c a bottla, ; doable the former quantity). KatJMesbtr that all paia foes when falB-Xlller. Comes, No bivorce iu Sonth Carolina. Columbia, S. C, Oct. 1. South Caro lina occupies the unique position at aong the States of the iJnion of being the only one whicjh has no divorce laws and has never had. The constitutional co;aven tion thi morning, after a bard.: fight, by a vote 'of 86 to 49, adopted a s jctiou of the constitution forbiddingthe rgrant- .mg of divorces for any cause whatever and not allowing recognition of dr drees granted n other States, 100 OF LAY 1-1 I I LHUI WILL BE ka k SVr e" 1 aT aTl r-VT-V 4 - rm. 1 1 UJLL tilt? lllttlh.CU All tvllC CAULJUlUg 11116, We continue to make war on high, prices j Clothing. We kndw that nothine builds Dusniess iiKe low prices, ana, We are the Price-Makers Our goods are.bought under their mark value, and you only want to take a look into our Clothing .Department to-be .convinced o! the fact that you can buy a Suit of Cloths from us- - 25 Per Cent. Cheaper Thau Elsewhere.1 Give'us a look is all we ask the prices m goods will do the rest. OUJjD MERCANTILE CO.- IW ARRIVALS :IN OUR M M lilll Also in Shoes and Hats. Grandest display oi fine Dress Stuffs we have ever hown and si prices that will move them. Sold - Cheap-! t'OR f.:.i, " A 9 tVi-ilHEAMEraCAN TOBACCOS!' SUCL-W OwftHAM. W.C. U.S. A Wi tf HADE FROM Higii Grade Tfesss Am ABSOLUTELY; PURE THE FALL CAMPAIGN Has Begun, No for those new fine Dress Goods. Eei jbody will be on the laok out for the bst aud most (stylish lioe. We -wish to call your attention to onr stock of Dres:; Goods,; Henrietta Surah 46 inches Wide l at CO cents, real value 75c. u, - Oar HO inch goods, same etylft, at 75c, real vaJne l.uu per yard, in Black and Navy .Blue. I l : Our Crepons in Black aro the hand Bomst eoods 6a the market. Oar S T Flsnuels 50 inchps wide for Press and Wrara at 45 cents. Cheapest goods yet. . ' - Our Guinea Flannel at SJo. Oar St Nicholas Daskin Pant Goods, our all wool Blanketa, oir white MarsaVis counterpanes, Z pounds, are all of the very lC6t grade of goods, and cheaper than ever offered. Goods are advanc ing but we are Belling at the old prices bought early. Can save you money. CG&RE .10 SEE US. . Our stock of Ladies' atd Men's Shoes are complete. Bought before the rise is swond ia second to none, and we can tell at old prices. tzi Lias W3:llav3 Ever Slicwn. To be convinced is to see, so come and see ua before you purchase. - r . ' - AB riff! .m &BI SHUT!-r- The best Men's White-Shirt in Amer ica ior 50c, full length gieevs and regu lar 3jDgth. ' Made- of standard cotton, full Jinen bosom, with shrunk dack back, fnll length and fall size, re-en. forced fcack and front with continaed eleev tid hack facings. Don't fail to see our OEM SHIl.T, - V mm, mil AT Wtialesals gnd Retail Store Con co res iviarkets. COTTON KASKStJ Corrected weekly by C. GMontgomery. f6 Stained , c to 8 Low JMiddling..!.,.'......,.... r 7J Middling .-. ' ; 8 Good Middling "8 83 PBODtJCB MABRET. Corrected Weekly by Dove Si fiQi$ isalk meat, tides Beeswax ......... Butter ............ Chickens -f Corn A .. Eggs Lard 9 18 10 id '15 15 to 20 131 10 to 12 Flour. North, Carolina ' 1.75 to 2 00 Peas .... ota Tallow.-.... Salt: Irish Potato3 ,. . CO CO 10 4 to 5 -65 At 25 cents. All shades 36 inch silk finish Cashmeres,ycrth37y6 cents. , , Our price on the line will be' 85 cetrtst pr yard. -' At 25 cents. . ' All Wool Henrietta 36 inches wide, worth ,40 cents, all the latest ' shades. All wool Rose Sacking, 36 inch, at 25c. See it. This is not .the thin spongy seen else , where at this price. At30 cents. J .T'38 inch Novelty Dress tlannels; plaids and Serges. rJust ; think Qt it I Qnly 30 : - cents;per yard. At 35 cents. One of the prettiest lines of all wool rlannel Dress (joons, Plaids and Solids, positively worth 50 cents any where v ; At40eentg. - All wool 46 inch Imported Serge in blue and blacks, such as -others sen at 65 cents, . only' 40 cents per yard.' At 50 Cents. All-wool finish Imported V the best quality on the marker., ai 90 cents peryard. You only Wfint tq see, that is all. - . At 60 cents.) 3 .-- - . - , ' Correct suitings, 52 inches, in Grays, worth anywhere ' 5 cents," only - 60 cents per yard, SPECIAL -IX- DrevvSclby & Co'spiaud-te soles. Tbe ladies r.re htk them. Positivclv iV.c finest fc of Ladies' fine iooUvcar shor.; Alhwe ask is for you to comF them with other shots and jk will "be convinced tli.it them just what von voaiit. Xot&! is more attractive than a t shoe. Be sure you see thists of Shoes lefore makmg P purchases For Qentlemsn.' t PWIS A. CR SETT'S best Shoe, The naff too well known to addanyttn? to it for fit and durability. .V equal. OhiMron we did not lo -ir a vou. Anv kind ot m - ou want, cialty. -t M.1''.t I LI11IU5- School Shoes a spei FARMERS, - A W( . Best line of Hroffans to you. Prices t he lowest. An 1 in ni t n : e s t OC K of Mjft " ,' ' ti..i, inst t A" the late shapes.- Oar prices. -y, makejthem hot s'Vio;,;lien f buy a cheap .-nueie w ' ean same money: u n precede n let facturers' ceived n(M 1(1 C V iiri;e ,-, for. 11 niveTl 111 .- Our store WhU ' Genuime W0 ;C ' such ns can 1 . We 'want v if vou are . ' i j-ml.ue von v. " of DON'T rade f,rt of - At 75 ancL85 cents, Silk and Wool mixed Cre pons, 44 inches, the most stylish of all Dress Fabrics, worth $1 to $1.25 per yard, our price 75 and.85 cents per yaror At 10 cents Cotton Dress Fabrics, solid , Blue Duck; Striped Blue And Black Duck, only 10 cents. . bros de Lon dress only 10 i . cents peryard. A i. OC J9a-r UtSULS. our cash prices Silk Velvet, the $1 -and credit houses' C1 OK IrlnA ti- C'-w. - oc1i rn.nLf1?; low end but space forbids. Wp are' prepared to dress everyone from the cook to the bride. 1)11 V 'away You can only u& Calling a tour :i the late-t pro M''1'-' belof f TOO!. OUHD MERGANTIL! Th? Dargaln Merchants for Cotiv cord-

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