I ' , 1 - Is 1 - - .. '' ' " " . ' .- . ., '. - . "- t t . f - m 1 ; ; u : ;l if;4 STATE NEWS.' ? President Cleveland nI His Prty Safe at 1 Colored People Should Go. - I . ,i V ' j flSrOt'o The Cox;ord Times: r PiSLtSHEDpVERYT THURSDAY i" k J k j'" AT- i: ' COSICpRD. NC. fev JQHN . BHERRILl-, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. NEWS. fiOU"-WEET.llt rAFEK FOB SALE. ' tviVL'o n Vrrvl. live weekly news- faie, a j-.ai.tr (js-ooluran'lize) ia one of the best m a Edward S. A'Jell, of Johnan county, who was one of the six Democrats in the last State Senate.? has gone over to the Populisms. ; , .. When passing through Salisbury last week, President Cleveland said tobhenff Monroe.- "Sheriff, how are - the boys behaving V The hearing of the ease which the Fusioaist directors brng against Dem ocartic directors of tbepenienihry to ac quirt; control of that institution is now in progress, J he democrats give ciear evidence' that the act creatine the new sections in TsortB Carolina, mm good tfnvn of 2M0- inhabitants. Eeason directors Was not 'ratified until after' the for Belin-; ' Otfaer is going in anomer election. For further particulars write The fraudulent i insurance cases at lieaufcrt came up iqr mat .in arusrei i Snrtprinr. Court - last week. T Two "cases were tried, which resulted in acquittals, Tbel Mormon missionaries nave men ineremaiuuer vx wc -.r.. .1"..- Jd Sfot nf North Caro- PvMpnt. that the neonTe of Carteret were JMOniipiiisin in ijijio .. i i - j.. j.j 4 i: , .. J a.'i TaiA.ritf"n missionaries in nreiudiced ia favor of the defendants, llLia J ... . . I business, Tiie.tImes, at oice. ChLna .Presb; to kn.!. duct Vect.jrlar: bave to ipagate the religion of t,.r!jn m!fbere. wesnouiu w "the difference between thecon rrtlnnsft mandarins and is whcj drive 6ut the Christian The Presbyterian Svnod, in session at FafetteviHejlast.week, ajourned to meet in Is owi-Berne next jrear. lhe statistical 'rejxjrt to the Synod shows the fn nmn? facts: lour ministers uieu misiicfaaries andthat of the clergjmen ddrin ear whole number of of JN or ta varoiiq ii w uinc i-raissioni ten v: rics tl'Jeve to nity, have roy,.: Of an kind eo.'nu 's,:il i V::L'. .Ti: Chrl- than liip ut:c.' j fcxj,:;. ; pv:?i uiiut ' v' : You. i n ' : Presbvterian jninisters in the State, 144; number of churches, 339; candidates for the ministry, 77; communicants in the Suite, 30,212 ; contribution for all - . - . . . T li.J i the church during last year, UJOi; ,i nishrwent should be given by I gute l5 ? Iuissionaries in the foreign auy io w ixvs. "i.-r fipU.fi' mihiL-r of counties with no 111 d.dtUUUlli, VIAvm "retire from our comma n.l that ni -once." -ine ininese hnulftd tfifc anti-missionary Vice- (1 clior.DcU off the heads of a lot l 3 aT Vegeatarians. What je xiev pciiintv. C. ? siories trM in China against the niissiiharies are even worse titese toll in Xorth . Carolina t ' the Mormon missionaries.' cvr tork Sen. Ii . . Presbyterian elkirches in them,20. President Cleveland and His Party Safe at - Home Again. Wasuixgtox, j D. C., Ont 24 The special train over the Southern Railway which conveyed the President and ; a number of the members of bis Cabinet to and from the Atlanta Exposition reached the cityi-ten minutes after eight to night. , f ', ' ' The Presidents party on the return trip was unchanged except that Secre tary Hoke Smith remained in Atlanta to make arrangements to bring his fam ily to Jthis city fpr the winter. None of the returning travellers -appear to be worse for their trip but appear m excei ent health and spirits and are delighted with what they saw and heard and.ex; press their heariy appreciation of the excellent service! of the Southern Kail way, over wbichtthe trip was made. No untoward incidents or sickness marred the pleasures of j the visit. The Presi dent and those accompanying him were particular! pleased with the ova tions tendered by the people at the var ious points along the line of the road, the largest crowd of which, appeared at Charlotte, Salisbury, Greensboro, Dan ville and Lynchburg, Salisbury, N met, returning in Salisbury at C., Oct. 24. Thespe- C o - imserver conies wc u the Bun. and adds that it is ' tLar.s. Tliiy are rxlytheists, and .io- 'Joscpi Smith and Brigham ulcig' vJiith Christ. Their reli" Las nc-thitig ennobling and uplift- :-i it. It prbduces a moral blight iwhcSevcr embraced, and we. think mat .-th wnc-E in i !. .VJ Ft. It.-.!.: f I.i'ii E in;:., ArL and bu-: ir.v cprr. wisa ; Wf; elet r: "of s ; We ..SUfil v i ; tun .! ail i .1 fac f;: ' Cfis ) t;s I vol :: t':- An ritrhti'- We believe in the .agious and political freedom nnot ifgree with the sentiments 8 E . 1 ss t u- above?.! The JMormens do. not claim to iM a Christian sect, as we stand it. ifrhey are no more Chris- t, rohammedans are Other 'WasfalnKton Jiotes. Washixgtox, October 28, The rattier sillv rewrt that . Harrison and Quay had made friends and that : the latter is going to take charge of the former's boom found no be lievers in Washington but it 6erved to bring out the past. Lots of people re memberer that during the latter part of the campaign in 1S92, at' about the time the Harrison ticket struck the toboggan, slide, Boss Quay went to Jew York, and the papers were full of stories about his having become reconciled with Harrison and going, to succeed Carter, who had as chairman of the Ke- publie-an National Committee made a mes3 of the campaign, so far as his own party was concerned Col. McCluret editor of the Philadelphia limes, met Quay in New York, and being an old personal friend asked him in confidence whether there was any truth in the t;s of dliy community are right I story. 'Quay replied: "Not a word. if , , I T'll l.w VAnr ' Vn.V T M.,- -r.VAtiA trt I'a hoinorintrorlnCMl 1 i " 3VU nu x in iu ncn ivi.. x t -1 VLjuvt. iy ivw "0 I , , - . , . . , of Harrison's election, and ! merely ran up here to test the truth of the story from the appearance of things I find that Harrison stands no more show of election than a snow-bird. That relieves me. I'll now return to Penn svlvania and attend to reelecting Matt Quay Sena tor' : Secretaries Carlisle and Lamont have been to their respective homes and registered and they will both vete the straight Democratic, ticket on election day. President Cleveland did not reg ister, consequently he wrll have no vote Secretary Carlisle says Kentucky will go Democratic, although the maiontv may le smaller than usual. Senator. German alter having carefully gone over returns made by trusty Democrats iu every election precinct in Maryland says there isn't the slightest doubt of the state remaining in the Democratic trick of trying to persuade Democrats to vote for the Republican candidate for Governor anel the rest of the Democratic state ticket is tQO trans parent to catch many votes. ia! train bearing the President and cab- from Atlanta, arrived 11:17 a.m. Notwith standing the fact that his .coming was not generally known up to an hour be fore his arrival, a crowd of a thousand people were at tjbe station to meet him. .Mr. Cleveland and cabinet appeared on the rear platform of the private car "Wildwood,'' where they shook hands with, those whocrowded forward. jMr. Cleveland seemejd to be in extremely good spirits, laughing and joking with almost everyonB he shook hands with. After seven minutes' stay and amid loud cheers the train left for Washington. Gkeexsboko, N. C, Oct. 24. Tne presidential party passed through Greensboro shortly after noon to-day on their way to Atlanta. The train stopped here fifteen minutes. The public school children were present in a body and cheered the President lustily. Js early two thousond people turned out to greet the party. Secretary Carlisle was the recipient of many cordial greetings ! luey e-Djei tir -midst, jj 'it ive rectjved the first issue of the raner started in the new weekly 1; by Cat). S. A." Ashe, the vet- tv,?rarirjman. It is an excecd- r r.eat and fvell-filled paper. Capt. gentkahan of wide information experlf nee in the newspaper and hi will make his naper a : . . . fcne. n e cordially wel . i rum backSto the profession, and his ventura well-deserved success, T . l'.:e Democrats could only get to- Seuilnarj Colored People Should Go. To the Public: ( . . -. AH -persons who" expect to visit the Atlanta exposition would do well to come at onc, if they can conviently do so The exposition in now in its glory and the weather is perfect. -The ad vantage in visiting the exposition now is that we may have the opportunity of witnessing the finest display of fire works and the most impressive out door exercises ever seen in :the Sonth. The beautiful weather which permits of this feature of the exposition may soon change, so that all outdoor programmes will have to be abandoned entirely, or found very unpleasant to, the visitors. The railroads are offering greatly re duced rates from all points in our State to those who desire to see the great ex position. Tickets are issuea lor a iong or short term, as suits the convenience of the purchaser. The best accomodation can be obtained in Atlanta upon reason able rates. Colored persons desiring any infor mation about the exposition may sim ply adress J. C Banks, Manager Isorth Carolina Department, at the exposition, of W. C. Coleman, Concord, N. C, and it will be gladly furnished. W. C UOLEMAK, ' Chief Com. N. C. ' " s'"' ' ' . . ; ' "-" :. - ' - germ-fife :... c The main building of the University of Virginia, at Charlottesville, was burned . . mi 1 ' rv AAA Sunday nignt. ine loss is zou,uuv, and strange to say, there is an ' insu rance on it all, of only $25,000. Two of the smaller buddings were blown up with dynamite to prevent: the spread of the fire. . '. Weak IrritableTired "I Was No Good on Earth." The Presbyterian Theological Goea to Richmond. News, and Observer, 27th. Hampden-Sjfdney Theological Sem inary will be moved to Richmond. " This was. decided yesterday by the ac tion of North j Carolina and lrginia The institution is now located at Hamp- den-Syduey, Prince Edward county, V lrginia. j " Following irj the line of other insti tutions, the seminary moves to the cap ital city of Virginia, where it will be at the centre of j the State's activity. A strong fight was made against the re moval, as has jr-een the case wherever such changes have been made, but after the fight was won- in Virginia, there was no trouble here. The Synod of North Carolina was practcailly unani mous for removal, there being only six votes against it. Lewis Ginter, Richmond's millionaire tobacconist, gives a $25,000 sice for the seminary, and the city of Richmond contributes $125,000. ni. lavcf be? almost of bimetallism sure to carry the thev next .oh. Chadotte News. bimetallism"- the News of course ns tae free land unlimited coinage vcr at the ratio of 1G to 1 of gold. would a 'platfor: e Populist i-a '.money t ion.- f! tO SOU ven eon sou frcq littlfe" force.' ramr I lose than to win on of Maryland adopted a atform at their last con A Sei sation ia liarhaia Durham has just come out of a big sensation. Oa last rhurscav mornin? Mrs. Beulah Moore succeeds her t; Mr. J. J. Stewart., as editor of t lsburv Truth. ainer. be Sal- Whch the Populists begin to I the prize factory of Mi. S. H, JIartin, theitf senses by advocating d motley, Jhere is" evidence that the silver crae has about spent 'its rL - ' i siiaking iaanuswitu tne rresiaent 1 tl-.i n ta , on ( farm er yelled out : 4 "Cot- the largest ia tho State, was burned a ndl the fire was believed to be of incendiary onin. iate bunday afternoon 'A. A. Latta, a white employeC)f Mr. Marliri, was arrested upon the charge of Retting lire to the building. The arrest was made- upon 'testimony fur nished by .Mr. M. H. Irvine, another eiht centra jjound and Cleveland's employe pi Mr. Martin who had a Bleep- ! h' serond Bdti e to the Union .lark- any otners ensign tnat lioats over 'it Latest Washiugton News, Wasiiisgtox, DC, Oct. 26. The President and Cabinet have .ned 'and Ixpress themselves as de- !'m with.wjiat they say at Atlanta along tueiroat. eretury, 0iey has .announced the tuvet the aiture policy of this gov ?nt will bto inforce the Monroe ae. Tfcfc new and stalwart atti: j-of the L fcited States towards the te monarchies of Europe who - wish nake vassals of the rich -and ur.de iped counties of the western hem lere is vey gratifying to patriotic .ericans wrao do not wish to see- the stat-sand strips dishonored or made to or 1 i'.l ' j 1 hear,IIoniThos. Settle will have one ! of tlse best Chairmanship .within the J gift of the cefning speaker, ' Thos. B llepd. Mr. Yoodard ought to have j on too, '-not! only on account of his lcr-,'lh of servce but because Of his con- - serf, atism, faithfulness, and ability j The 'Senate; will be' thoroughly reor- I gaiized if fhe jepublieans win in tne j coining cleetidn.; Secretary W. R. Cox I anfl Mr. Peter Wilson will lose their TiLiees in and? event, hut if the nmnK. I licjins are suiof victory, there will . be I a general oylrhauling of all the places i owamanie lis botn Mouses and Senate. J Senator Hl of New York says he is 5 in favor of if single, term of six years j- foij a president, and of the election of "j U-lS. Senator 'by popular vote. Hill is , J ". riit; jj -. . . - . .: . J 'fcomptrollej Eckles who has just re j tufned from .Europe tells me that if the j linjmeial agitation in this country could 1 bejiiii.'VH1 M if foreign capital could I bejassured ttiit there would be no free 4 Eilp r law enacted .by the incoming con "'. j grs there wuld be an immediate rush i'' fo Americarf securities, j : ' ' ' ;-. I father the Southern railroad or the v j B.jti; O. willsoon buy the Cape Fear ahjl, YadkinlVjilley. railroad so I hear frqm 'a well Informed railroad man in .;.: ' thseity. .; I ":;. ;;:'-.' '.:.-V;i. ..- !' ;.'- j y Mivlloovcfr of Randolph who was in ; j; jucd;by "colliding with a .'street; car I while riding Ms bicycle, is better. , Mr. W. G Randall has made a copy of ithe late Secretary Dobbin's portrait at Chapel ISii! for the ; Navy Depart ; j mqnt. ' f ; Frank J." iCueJ hoefer, Cheif of tha Btsreau of Accounts, State Department, and Edwin Haywood book-keeper, have J ben asked to resign. Money shortage .- of fhousandsas the reason. " " ; . . ; i -. i . ' ' . . - I i 1 ! ' 5 : Walter R. Henry, one of the latest ing room in the factory. He said that Latta went to him on Monday "of last week and told, him that Martin had offered him 250 to burn the place and that he was going to do it that night. Irvine persuaded Latta to abandon the idea and on "Wednesday went to the Raleigh Fair. It was while he was ia Raleigh that the building was burned. The trial of Latta was held before the Mayor of Durham Monday afternoon and he was requirec1 to give bond, in the sum ot fcl.uou for ins appearance at court, 'lhe bond was given and Latta was released. As Irvine slept in tin- factory the crime is arson, a capital offence, being punishable by death if convicted. NOT A SICK DMY for Over Thirty Years! HEST7LT OF USING AVER'S PILLS i - "Ayer's Cathartic Pills for over thirty years have kept mo in good health, never haying had a sick day in all that time. Before I was twenty J suffered almost continually as a result of con stipationfrom dyspepsia, headaches, neuralgia, or boils and other eruptive diseases. "When I became convinced Populist crajic spea jaticii ate ' t ' i - recruits, formerly a Demo- ' -t Una frrA tr yAnd.jil.n A iji the Poxulist campaign : : - - "'SiMl that nine-tenths ; of my troubles were caused by constipation, I began the use of Ayer's Pills, with the most satisfac tory results, never having a single 'attack that did not readily yield to this remedy, ily wife, who had" been an invalid for years, also began to use Ayer's Pills, and her health was quickly restored. "VTith my children I had no ticed that nearly all their ailments were preceded tjy constipation, and I soon had the pleasure of knowing that with children as with parents, Ayer's Pills, if taken in season, avert all danger of ' sickness."!. Wkttstkin, Byron, UL YEH'S PILLS Highest Honors at World's Fair. Ajer'a SanapariUa Strengthens the System. I1 There is no better cure inexiste ceforCramps; Cholera Morbus and all Summer Complaints. A than rain-KUler. Good for all jpains, aches and soreness, -internal or ex ternal. One good trial will convince you that JMIN-iLLER. Kills kin You can get it anywhere at 25c a bottle (aouble the former quantity). See that the bottle bears the name Perry Davis & Son. No other is genuine. THE FALL CAMPAIGN Has Begun, - . r Now for those new fine Dress Goods, Everybody wul be on the look ont for tne best and most stvlish line. We wish to call your attention to our stock of We wish to announce to the public of COMORO x , The doctors tell us, now-a-d-av-s, t -1 v ftr& everywhere : in thp nil- -i,-, . Ztei clothes, miney ; that r they i Fl . , ' J there, thrive and grow, if thevti r-r :r Wie'! consumption is tne aestrue io- , .germs where the lung is too: v. The remedy is strength vital ' -.. Scots Emulsipn, with hypo,.::.' .., adjustment of Tung strength to' It is fighting theerm with t'... These tiny little drops of 'fat-i'... into the system and rc'n. .-a : . 'Whether you succeed with-it or :: good a start the germs had, a a1, 1 live.' .The shortest way to aaK, The gain is often slow. SCOTt &. bcv:,t .;l!eir SO cents and $1.0p uiHaiiiaiiisssaaniiaagciK .-'. THAT ; ; ' .I ' ' Bargain douse Dr. Miles' Nervine strengthens the weak, builds up the broken down constitution, and permanently cures every kind of nervous disease. "About one year ago I tea afflicted tcith nervousness, sleeplessness, Creeping sensation in my legs, , Slight palpitation of my Heart, Distracting confusion of the mind, Serious loss or lapse of memory. Weighted aoum uHth eare and worry. I completely lost appetite And felt my vitality utearing out, I teas weak, irritable and tired, My weight was reduced to 160 lbs., In fact I was no good, on earth. A friend brought me Dr. Miles' book. "New and Start ling Facts," and finally decided to try a bottle of Dr. Milts' Ro- orative Nervine. Before I had taken one bottle I could Bleep as well as a lO-yr.-old boy. My appetite returned greatly Increased. When I had taken the sixth bottle My weightincreased to 170 bs., The sensation tnmy legs was gone My nerves steadied completely; My memory was fully restored. Mybrainseemedclearerthanever. J felt as good as any man on earth. y jr. Miles Uestorative Xervine is ' A. great medicine, T assure you." Augusta. Me. walteb K. bcbbahk. Dr. Miles Nervine Is sold on a positive guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. All druggists sell It at H, A bottles for $5, or it will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lad. Dr. Miles5 Nervine Restores Health TLe Baltimore O'MEi 8TARTUHS Mm IS C02sITi3-! ill -I'.; We haye taken up quarters hi the vacant store room, opposite the Concord National Bank, in Concord, known as the i Lltaker Baling, Cornet lain ind Depot Sis., We Invite You to call and get our see the prices and Largest Stock -OF- Dress Goods, Henrietta Surah 4G inches Wide at 50 eents, real value 75e. .Oar 50 inch goods, same style, at 75c,' reai vaine $i.uu per yard, in .Black and Navy Bine, j Our Crepons in Black are the hand somest goods on the market. Oar ST Flannels 50 inches wide for Dress and Wraps at 45 cents. Cheapest goods yet. .Our Guinea Flannel af 8e, Our St Nicholas Daskin Pant Goods, our all wool Blankets, our white Marsaleis counterpanes. 3i pounds, are all of the very best grade of goods, and cheaper than ever offered. Goods i jg but we are selling at the old prices uuugui, tMiy. uan save you monev. COJtlE !V SJEE US. Our stock fci Ladies' and Men's Shoes are comphte. Bought before the rise is second is Second to none, and can sell at old prices. - Best Line We Have Ever Shown. To be convinced is to see, so come and see us before you purchase. iSSOWilHE&EMSmT! The best Men's White Shirt in Amer ica for 50c, full length sleeves and regu lar length. Made -of standard cotton, full linen bosom, with shrunk duck back, full length and full size, re-enforced back! and front with continued sleeve and back facings. Don't fail to see our GEM SHIRT. ... i ......... , i il & si, GROCERIES in Concord. We offer the follow ing at Wholesale and retail : 100 barrels of Sugar. 25 cases Arbuckles coflee. 25 bags green coffee. 75 barrels of Kerosene Oil. 1 car Salt. 1 car of Lime and Cement. 25 cases of Star Potash. 50 cases Mendlesons Potash. 100 cases of Matches. 50 boxes of Soap. 50 boxes of Soda. 25 kegs of Soda. 1 car of flour. 25 cases "Rex" BakingPowder. 25 cases of "(food Luck" Bak ing Powders. . 100 boxes Tobacco. 75 boxes of Snuff, Gail & Ax and Ladiesl Choice. 50,000 Cigarettes! 10,000 Cheroots.! 100,000 Paper Bags. 2 tons1-of Wrapping Paper. We have a large stock of Vhere we will open on or about -with an extensive line of- VERY FINE AND MEDIUM GRADE feiCLO Hi NG The Clothing we will have in stock is liianutactured by i . i Hamburger, Strap,-'-SchJos8 Bros., W A FOR THlE S?K CA will bu van all woo! XpO.OJ worth $3.00. rf buvs an all wool : : huys a pure wool cliil 1' VV out a .doubt the sold a great many il.i -. all gone, rf buAs a pood snit fur 1;., Cpi.'JU forT?1.75. 50 Cents fc"S; Od-ra-f buys a Ir.-avy o O O tIl the money. Everything in, our stock cut OULD MERCANTILE CO iSee biirllii DON'T Si -THAT- i ii i! m 1 Ci - The M'orri have Mower Knives for ail How. are uo L ft cr rs cs .4 and other such fine Clothing makers, jrhis Clothing we will offer to the publie of Concord and surrounding community at kily-Fira Per U, kuMk l&fiste' Km ! Empire an;! ! '.icivcr Machine Spik- -KVLL Ll: Buggies, jChampion People who value their money will certainly Kv ait for cr.r We will sell you an opening. All- Woo SuHffonrlSfi to -$15. That would cost yon elsewliere Trod MM lo S25. - T T Amongst our other lines we will handle lhe choicest line of Bagging and Ties, v-.. . G eht5' Sbl3.0. - ! All Gcoclst Lowest Fr , ..'jf..'.V 'J ' :l ill v0 TQ r f. 3 x ? that was ever seen on the counters in Concord Both New and Second . Hand, - and will make close prices. you some very COME TO SEE US. PATTERSON'S Wi:lss2l9 ind Rstail stort -We will also handle a line of all kinds and makes of- g3 ,V. 5 -"2 If -,: Repeating and Single. Walt for Ppenjng, 1 : id?,! , Respectfully Yours,,. 1895i T-9t r"P r-m. - E.I, I,T3 .. m vJ m Tie Mui Low x i i'jiJ J 7 -i ! N The Factory's have all agn-c but before they put i'p ' r . i into the market -a "''' i ver before seen iu ti: Ey erv one who ss;-esf;,l: &) Stock ' ' I : Wtii k el It?! m m m I-P-8AY v - : JH i-f Uiui Leading Dealer in Furr.iti;?'--, - - ii i ; 1G and 18 W. T: NOTICE. All persons lioidint: crLiims nsr ln-t .T W. Burkhead;- Awn ati wHU (.'....- r-. sent them to me, or to ii. X. Woouhibe promptly. All pers.:na inclebtea to s-'.r.if win pieaae call and settle at -e. i ; ! . lAIADAIi. BUilKHllAD. Exent,1T nf iha rfill nn.l n t, of J . W. Burkhead. . Oct. 10 it. ! FIRE INSURAH When 'in;-.nepd a v;.-. Ti.s .,,.. Cftll fn,1 tea na . sent only first-class Hose tul Foicizu iJ companies. : li Respectfully, ! WO JlHOUSli a HARIU3. fAu. - r concord; n. a