PU8U8HED EVERY THURSDAY . CONCORD. N. C. TjofirT O. SHERRU-U EDITOR' AND PROPRTCR' ne5 Jerscv conrt has rcadej Angu lar dccW B holds, iu. effect, that of thafBtate a mn has I! Unm his own hbuse and I " that h tents this right to hi fenant in 5 S Va: hnnsft. : 1 1 I I I L. LUV - 'w-- - rentins It strikes us that si lav it not common fense but frtrtlUh'npss. and it much Itere is of that kind. ; The North Carols inference, ME Church, South, sill -meet at kmstou next year. -. The state at larg.i will regret to hear tb.it L. Banks Holt ill at an early date sell iiia thorougbred horses. At Morganton kst.week two women, who had been seen drunk night before nd who had a fire built on the side of the road, were found burned to a. crisp. The marble courthouse at Murphy was burned Fridjr afternoon Nat 5 AVlnrt It cost 540,C0O; no insurance. aii imp. ir Aiiu Tt,a firA causrht from CiiVCVl. ...."V -- .J . up stairs. The buiLcung four years ago. , . - . T itnrh Carolina- - Conference, in : . i iL vlast. nrMlr. . rfi . . i it iTflnpi i it it - j admitted Kev. J. T. Aberuethy, ho iioWi" thrf veara auu iui u- YYU3 jwnivu. t ? . th one of bis - iemaie UrUI-KSl- tUUUUV " . -rm 1,1a vasrfmiKKlOIl members, xuo lv . was close and caused a warm debate. mv TinhfirtL: Steele, one of the most GENERAL SEWS. "-TVeViircrtn. Declb,: l&yo.- -Presi- It-. a liue was erected r .11 :?j v, TVinPA TTenrv of irus it t pain Luat i; ..-ILKUSnna (6 'establish a throne m Brazil Before going very farpe would -aj. S w, , to read the h$tory . of another Earopean prince who masque- ihfluential and prominent atrzens of radeSfor a time as Empexar.pl Mexico, Rockinghamf died ! -4,w i,rr,Pntpd and tmfortunate home last Sunday night at 9:30 ox:lock. the justly lamented anu u nomnlaioine lor several Pnator Chandler, in : his- paper, the jgnt Cleveland returned to v aeniogton Concord (N. II.) Monitor, predic ts tnat to Cod that, notwittistanaing an ine the Eepublican national convention will Republican ' talk about his neglecting declare asainst a single - gold sttindard public business by absenting himself u ,41 . . mi ?vi ii T?wi ;m in 1L. iva.KinTf nn. -the llenublican Con-. anil nominate auuuiu - Y'V ' uiuuj,ii""""-' , u iti.l - - ' ' ' - Wsaiiin no condition . to aci upon . Knnnn d victims ,rT; Tfcirkiah cruelty are officially acknowledged, -anti vet the ruling powers delay action' and permit me musiu.ieo v" been a quesUoQ fit'sisty thousand acres of land war would have been - declared long ago. Verily, mere is cheap" as human life. Philadelphia Ledger. ' . . Last Friday night at 10:13 Volock, a fatal collision occurred on th Air Line. The freight train running as .third 41. ran into another freight second 42, at Thicketv, killing Engineer D;,M. nnrlpp of Charlotte, anu ueaiijr v. lAin tKo pnerinft and 12 - cajs I crew of eccona 42 claim that prrtperei Bals were out for - protecuou train. mm 'S n l i bUlUM. special message and the correspondence offer our trajleaay better line rThe ...in, nmuf Hritnin concerning iuu maintenance of the Monroe Doctrine,- of owing to Speaker Keed's inexcusable-; delay'in- naming the House Commit- . ; tees. It - would serve- uie iwwiwiua if the President called the attea- . , . ;...t :i: tiori. of tlie country to una .xuauiuijr l the House to do business, by sending tho'comwpondencfi and bis special mes sage in this week, instead of waiting until after tho Christmas recess, aim nv may no so, but that isn't certain, may wish Congress to take immediate action after the correspondence is made public, and for that reason .may nui or nis onixu luuity Pants Ciotli ! than we can do now, and the Maxamillian. American iff"" -r . g fc t ttere wa3 n0 alarm felt about dea'i traps to those who occupy them. de&th was a shock to bis n. notable improve- ;' nrrainst' Judge. Eobinson Tllore has been about mado out. . It is t nf the enlisted nowi sixty rir Jlhf .bfi navv are American ciiueus, whiU eighty one percent, jpf the naval Bppftntice3 are jxuku , house was burned and. he sued t)io range-folks fcf damages, claming that the fire was caused by tne range wiug imwonerlv nut up. The - pat was tried in the Federal Court in CharlcU.te last week and the major was awarded $3,000. The company appealed. Mpn firm was made four days ago that L. Banks Holt would sell at auction all ln- tntp advantaeo ' - . . . -.r. 11 th country how ridiculous ttie iepuDu- of their cans' have made themselves pYcrmcia- insc his tardiness.- - " , Thp. kpvstone of Secretary Carlisle's TKQ'TrPitir1ftnt and his party left Hat-1 annn&l reiwrt is the same as that of the' teras early Saturday morning cn the fiminciai jrtion of tbe Presidents ved at Elizabeth . vdyi Lnmiil messnsre-the retirement of the xt n f rt''Wlr in the evening. 1 a And; Treasury notes. In t'C;. nntA was selected owing to the fact j nt h p r wor ds. the withdrawal qf the gov xmo v -r . ,,1. ' - . i . - .. !...: that the Violent could not come iuruuSu.eJ.nmcnt from toe Daniiins uuameqa tliacarialrthe water,having gone down eediesa to say the idea ia not pop-i Tnpntin the enusieu.uicu r - .. iKat of th .J' ... fiffppnears.Icharsed, uwiii ue rcoaucvx, -n- dimbs ine pa&t ; Vi . r - p-u.,. conntv upenor . ?r.. ., i .hint were I rewsu- .x, - Formerly tne crews v. be gtuffen CQtton in iu , wo coroiibsed mainly ot lorewriw whiie Kope, Elias, q.,. waa . . r, f iKp. pnlisted I iv,w Tr in aTrmrdfir case, and waited t tvm rti-irf nrnisfi &.UU liiimcu .i- UUl Ui t" t,Vl V T M ThP allpations of the Kuthex- fordton Democrat to this effect .are con firmed from different quarters rm, TV-n.iYVif Tron RanffO folks, who din. Alger denies that he? purchased took in thia country about a year ago, eir . . i t . . iV,Q TJt- 1 ii nT;ni. V A . Graham. theotes ox c-uii v.v&:T- -- rn sskw .fter the pubWn convention and negro pT uri Maior Graham's thetnselves are moignam x Wp aeainst them. : Thfey Bay it is K.,fipr,Arh to have to Deax..m.?'u' forWcken stealing". a -i-- ? . . . .. - .t -t i ttis believed that Boutnern ;aeiegaw jto the' Eepublican conveiUon can te talked over if the right kind of talk is nf The Southern aarsey uot uuu h; horses on the Alamance x arm obieit to the kind that pays, and there eluding John B. UenfTjr ana .uaronei. . V. . - -. s t Tnlinn R. Carr now decides to cU $i) his horses at Oconeechee lann. xuey wi!l be on "private "sale, for the next ten fiaV-e ciil lios then unsaid will be ppnt to New York and be sold at auc tion. There are 60 .of:Carr's norses He and Holt will dispose of their hos iointlv. - Some Northern buyers are at both farms.: Mr, wait gives up racing because of gambling and the unfair practices of dm era of horses. The correspondent of the News and Observer who reported the conference .,r TT-tlAKofK f!ifw haa this to sav of All liilbUUVUi j i Eev, J. H. Page: When Rev. J.1L Pae made the report of Aberdeen cir cuit, he stated thai it - Was a unique r.hartre. unlike an vr. other that he had pvpr heard of in Southern Methodism, in that it was forty-four miles long and one hundred yards wide. At fhe close of Mr.' Page's report, which was a very pm Eev. J. IS. Cole srope and mat Mr. Page, by saying gentleman of liaieign said he rarely left his. own church to go elsewhere to service unless it was an nounced that John C. Kilgo or Jesse H. Pago wa3, to preach n some other pul pit i At-u nfnnk five feet. At thza t-iuT'iT a ntw.iai train wi'5-M4Ai over the Norfolk and Southern railroad nnA ivso WrtT lrft there at o ciock, ir.;,-,. ;n lrklev. a suburb of Nor fnlt. at eiactlv 9:3G -o'clock. At tne :v-ori r..KaTf this cteamer Maple .was 0;t;n; imd it took iust twelve mm ntps to transfer the ducks and luggage of the paryto the lighthouse tender, .k;k Mof-hff hr.Uns and tsUrted for nstlonal capital at 94S : o'clock, lhe president has had fair: hns experienced come ir oQ;.t hp. had heard of death with deep reSret, buf declined to -u-:t affira-,of etate. ' He reached Washington Sunday night. j nlarin Conoress. and that - no step to .r!i that, end will be taken at tnisi seefion. " Secretary Carlisle . estimates that the present tariff if let alone wifl Rnnn nroduce all the revenue needed by .i i;, rKaT?on;-ihiffi.na are very likely to do some tariff tinkgr" in all the same, aunougn opeaser ivwu would be very willing to gee this VQn 1p : thp.. : mibiect severely alone Tint the McKinlevites , are determined HS v o'clock, ; fhe tllriff legislation shall be forced, to Lrly good luck, but! fiXntj ana it ia very doubtful wheth- roush " weather. 'iTiurmau p is n6 law agm it -"I - - a Senator Sherman's booW of recollec- . tiohs is said to recojiect too much for whnRP - rpcollections do not agree with it. v Presi- he reform of football is said to be nd reformj after alL It is still ahnost asl much of a slugging game as prize- fijiting. - - ' ' 1 A Special Messas. sWasiiixgto, Dec. 174 -The dent this afternoon sent a messf ge to ConoTess relating to the Venezuelan nrtpstinn.5 and appending the answer of Great Britain, which saysthe Monroe doctrine is inapplicable toj the state of tnhrs in which we live: at the; present dk and especiaUy inapplicable to the ,ne. J- J- ctroversity involved in the boundary pleasant mentionof linl between Great Britian and Venez- that a very cultured gj uelK- - Cleveland continues without at; . rtintin - an extended 'argument in vrfirily to i these positions that the doc- tnne upon wTmcn ne -sianus is Birong and sound. Its enforcement is impor tant to the peace and safety of the na tiop and is essential to he integrity of obi free institution and the tranquil raiintenance of our distinctive form of 'gMernment. The Mphroe doctrine cjifinot become obsolete j while our L.e rSiblic endures: therefore we may prop erly insist upon this doctrine without regard to the State of things in which wd live, or any shangel of condition here or elsewhere. I ft the Europeon power takes posses- . sjon of the tentory oi one pi tne , neign lK)r republics against iti Will," in dero- satwn to its nght. it is wimcult to see rhy the European powe doesn't there by attempt to extend it4 ystemof gov ernment to that portion of this conti nent, f Thus taken, it ii also suggested the British reply that I we should not Seek to apply the Monroe doctrine pending the dispute, because it does Bt embody any of the principles of in ternational law which was founded by the eeneral consent, of nations, that no steps,! however eminent, no nation, however powerful or competent, inser- luto the code of international law, , ic;noveI principle never; recognized be fore and not since been acceptedJby this Government, or any other country I , Mr. Cleveland says that nothing re mains but to accept the" situation and 'deal with it accordingly. The "United States should carefully j investigate and ' dispute the prosecute i a:. thorough kmination. He suggests that Congress jmake an adequate appropriation for ithe expenses of a xiomftijission to be ap; ' pointed by hirruj ' f 3 i ! The mefsage was refeired to the com jmittee on foreign relations. Both sides -of the'Hduse warmly, applauded the President. A llorrible Affair at Statesviile. Cliarlotte News, 12th. The rerxjrt of a horrible affair combi ning robberv and attempt ; to murder comes from Statesyille this" morning. Lasf night while the night watchman at the Southern' depot in . that town was quietly sitting by the fire ia the cTSee a-stranger came in and atked permis sion to ' warm. Mr. Neighbors, the watchman,, consented and the two weie talking friendly .together when the stranger without the slightest warning drew from his pocket a pistol, and lev elled it at Mr. Neighbors. .Before Mr Neighbors could plead "lor mercy the intrude had fired, the bullet . entering the left breast below the -feeart. After shooting the watchman, the . robber ran to the money drawer and robbed it of it contents and fled into the ' darkness. The report of the pistol arroused-. some citizens near the 'depot, and they ran over to find what ' caused the alarm, and, on reaching the depot office they fqund Mr. Neighbors lying in a pool of blood. Search was at one-instituted for the guilty ' person but upto this afternoon no arrest has been made. This is thejsecond occurrence of this kind at . the Statesville office. About one year ago the night watchman's life was saved by the would-be murderers bullet striking a button on the watch man's coat. er Mr. Reed will dare to openiy oppose 4 V. r ill an V .1 Congress will adjourn'for the holiday rpppss the latter part of this week, and wili probabl V not meet again before the 6tl or 7th Of January, . IJve WashinStOtt . The Bepubjican National Committee selected gt. Iouig a puce ot holding their Presidential ConventJ0., ' Thi? is, understood to mean a bid for Southern and Western favor. ' Hon. Eichmond Pearsoivwill be there to see that Isorth Cai-olina- does her duty. He will open headquarters m St Loui3 and entertain . i . .. . ,l..:nT li aliauirtn fit thp uauUtfOmtiy uwilus i"t-; v convention"- " - . Hie Democratic- Nationat will meet in this city January loiu, 1S9S to- decide on , the place of holding their convention. .Chairman Harritv has"' received letters from comercial bodies in fifty cities, urging the Ration al Committe to select a late date' for the convention. JUusmess people couwuu that a long campaign unsettles trade, and they therefore . want' the political battle made r as short as posaj we. . xi is beleived that a date not later thau the middle of July will be selected. - The committee' is to meet at the Arlington Hotel, at Washington at 11. a. m. ' Mr. Chai. N. Vance was appointed clerk of "the appropriation committee by the former chairman, 'senator jar vis .Will he remain here iii that ca pacity for Senator Pritchard's own party? ' The House .ConimittefeS were io have been announced Thursday but E'eed has bad a great deal of trouble suiting everybody" and is not yet: ready to nam the Chairmanships. - Minister Eansom is expected back hy the Christmas holidaysf ' ' Mr. W. E. Christain has come here to write Washington letters for his pa per, the News anil Observer... -There is a mighty good place to bo filled in the State Department by January 1st made vacant by the promotion of Walter, E. Faisou Esq., who is now Solicitor of the State Department. : The-vacant place is cheif of Jhe Consular Bureau. It pays $2100.00. Theduties, are comparatively light. I think if my friend 'Josephus Daniels, one of the 6hrewdest and most energetic men I know, S would let Mr. Cleveland know through Hon. Hoke Smith that Mr. Christian was the son-in-law of Stonewall Jackson besides be ing a Democrat and thorough Virginia gentleman, he could get this place. ,:.y It pays about five times as mnch as any daily, paper in Baleigb' is able to pay. A young State Department clerks Ee publican mug wump J i beleive is hur rving home 'from an extended .trip abroad to take it. 11 13 father is a con sul and has been a clerk in the State Department a number of; years. ' A Democrat who has done party service. ou2ht to have the place, l - lite the young clerk and don't j blame him for wanting it. uut justice is justice, v Hon. Isham G. Hams is about to establish headquarters for a silver com mittee near his house on Capitol Hub He has raised the morfey to conduct an acres3ive campaign against the Gold-Bucjs. - . . Prices are Lower than you can find the same " line of godcls -. In Any House in Town Sontij Carolina' Ifew contltnt!on. The new -constitution in South Car- J olina goes .into . force without ratihca- tion by a popular vote. Among the i important clauses which have attracted - ; ' j wide attention are: the electoral quali-v - - .. :fication,' which is expected;! to disfran- We have nrvcn been in position cMge most o the negroes; the ! prohibition of the passages f divorce laws or the recognition of the divorce Jiwsof other States;- the anjti-lynching law: the liquor- dispensary law, -etc. f-The failure to submit the new constitu tion to .the people has provoked consid erable criticism in the Northi Thus the N"ew York Evening Post says: "There is not a State in the North whore such a thifig would ' be nhougbt pf , - becdusi the people .' would . cot end ure . - what would now be called usurpation of pow er by : their servants. 'J,he reeling would undoubtedly be the same among the whites of the South if new constitu tions were summarily ; declaredin op-: peration which took the sulfraige from a large portion of the white invoters. As the new qualifications, however, are notJdesigned or expected to-disfranchise whites, but only blacks, this method of accomplishing the . desired result pro vokes but little protest from among those who have the meana j of effecting public opinion, Apparently ..most of the whites are satisfied to ilive under a constitution which they have never in dorsed, but which acconiplisrfes the main - purposes for which, a new con stitution . was desired." The -Philadelphia' -..Telegraph aays it would be gratilying to have an opinion trom tne Federal Supreme Court on this question, And the Ledger, of the same city re-r marks: : "If this action lis to stand, South Carolina will be, indeed a'sover- eign State' bevondthe usual acceptance oi the woraa.'' . oxygen starvation you can give it iood and not feed it ItnP n ne The oxygen you get. from the air is carried U e -rea cFPscIes of the huS1 :. ui up ox uioou contains millions of thesp Atrivu 0n( , are deficient m blood, we call it poor blood1 vYCduess, lack of anl-;uu Itl loss oi weignt. wnat you want is snmtr.-ay .will make'more red corpuscles. for 'Ati 0 Tho North Carolina Way. . Atlanta Constitution. . . .., Jn our recoct article concerning th cotton mill industry "in. &Tortb Carouna the types made it say that 3d per Cent of North Carolina capital is invested in the mills. ' . , .These figures should be reversed. North CaroiiTia furnishes 93 per cent r.f lhe capital invested in her great manufacturing industry, only 7 j ier cent coming from i? fjiitsid. -J , The NorthCarolinians do riot wait ior big capitalists. They believe iu , cd-op-eration, and in this way many of their mills have been started; . The result is so satisfactory that qlds milJ? are; eji- larsring and new ones conPiantiy .Wing erected. . .y So well pleased are our neighbors with the outlook that they ; dp not feel dis posed tu invito either capital or irmni grahts. ; They have come 'to the .con clusion that they are doing well enough and neeinbhelp from the outside.. The 1st of January we have to move out of our present quarters into another, and we would much prefer to move the'eash tban to be moving our r im mense stock, and we will continue to sell everything WQ hay at , . Have you seen, the -Baltimore of cod-liver oil: with hvnrtnl.Txi, r. .. . A A W IIVJ t II II II II I 1 ,i- :f. fy, IS Rnm-xi i ii luauiu uii.. its peculiar action cWnZ Uln3 uumuer oi suDstances-ractive princSple5--VT,' i 11 increase the red corpuscles of the Hloorl 1 , 50c and $i.oa SCOTT & BOWNE cHt York. ,olkb (But$f ginning anb.Briti IB, Heinze's Mixed Pickles and Qneen Ota, - AND A FULL LINE OF " me ; but if you have not purchased your froti; HI s rnnrrv r Cindiii, ; Ms,; RiisisB,' ; Tigs, -litn, and want Buckwheat Calces and Cheese Christina 1. . -'11 t i r ' . mg, uu bauum can upun your oiu inena, . JNO. It. PATTEliSON Leaainsr fancy Groeoryman of Conoord, All goods fresh and not old or h ' PIBEWOBKS of every kind in abundance at . tariff prices, which means ut cost less than..one half what they did last vear. ' the. Whre Clevelaod Han Kua Well. ; The New York Sfurcury Bavs: . ''Mr. Cleveland has always run "well in En gland, and the more he is known there the better he runs." Albany State, re publican. . .- I : v And" he always ran fairly weliim this coun'rrv: for instance: " - ' ! In iaS2 he beat Judge Folger for Gov ernor of New York- by more than 192; 000. Jn 1884 he beat James.G. Blais Mr President by 62,083 votes. ! In 18S1 he beat Benjamin Harrison for president by 98,017 votes, but failed to get a plurality of the electoral", votes. In 1892 he beat Benjamin Harrison for president by 3S0.810 votes. " Our esteemed Albany contemporary need not go as far as England to find a country in which "the more Sir. Cleve1 land is known the better he runs."' ).j " -The KepobUca Policy. ! The Bepublican leaders are anxious mat their partv in Congress should do nothing that would lessen Republican Uhances for victory in jthe presidential lenmnaiam next year'i! Great ; wisdom land moderation will have to be Vexer cised by this corigress if it would gain S the approval of the! country, it is ! ImTdlv to be believed that the Keoubli- i can party could deril any advantage ( from a policy by Congress which should I should t e -sharply an - purposely hos-i- tile to the existing Democratic Admin ? istration. It must bj faken for granted Hthat the Administration, is doing; the best it can for the welfare of the.coun try, and whether the Kepubucan ma jjonty in congress should 1 agree : or disagree with the policies, puisued by. (Mr. Cleveland and his Cabinet, there I bought to be the least ppssible display- of mere partizan fault-finding. Alleu G. Tbarwan Dead. i t..::; - t ( . . ! t j i Columbus, O.j Dec 13. Ex-Senator i Allen G. Thurman di4d at his home in ? : this city on yesterdays at 1 :30 o'clock. Ti He was sitting on" hja couch reading ! 1 when he suddenly bqcame ill, and his "! --physician was called.! He was soon in fan' unconscious statef from which he j ij 'never rallied." His death was from the ij gradual wearing away jof the body after j ?' such an active life, f ? r i; - . 1 - ; ! it Mr. Theo. -F. Khittz -denies that -'j nam, of Georgia, is the author "of lhe elegant word 4,snollyostor," aricf ' says I it formed a part of lhe unique vocabu- '' lary of the late ' Gen. James Madison i 'Leach: He was wonj to- speak of cer- ! ;t tain classes of the populatiou, as di- j ' vided into Snollysters",. Swashbucklers. J -fJoBuaker3 and HorsoEaters, " - The Faper Qnestlon'in the K. C. Conference. Correspondent Cliarlotte Otoserver. Then came the- contest over the paper, -Conference decided on change of relationship with the - Advocate, de manding the right to control the edi torial . management. The owners re fused and claimed a perpetual obligation of unconditional support. The commit tee presented a icompromise paper. The friends of - the owners were in a minority. Eloquent speeches were made by Eev. B. John, against the owners' proposition, and "Dr. Swindell for it. The Conference separated from the paper and appointed a committee to act with a Western North Carolina. Confer ence committee if they , will appoint one, to buy or establish a paper or, if necessary, to establish a paper separate ly. : The Conference;: acted reluctantly but by 37 majority. , Catarrh Cannot be Cared J with locol applications as they cannot reach the seat of the disease catarrh is a blood" or constitutional dis ease, and in order to cure it youi must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts di rectly on the blood and mucous sur faces: Hall's Catarrh Cure is not : a quack medicine. , It was prescribed by one-of the best physicians In this coun try for years, and is a regular prescrip tion. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonde;ful results in curing Ca tarrh. Send for testimonials free. ; , F. J. CIIENY& CO., Props., Toledo, O.." Sold hy Druggists, price 75c. TUlmanand Iyana in Atlanta..' . South Carolina Day at the Atlanta Fair was signalized by some striking utterances by Governor; Evans and Sen ator Tillman, who are being severely critized for turning the,; celebration into a secjioual demonstration and makiug an "attack upon the union "principle. Senator Tillman spoke of the" enor mous drain" upon the -resources of the South involved ; in the payment of pensions to the XJnionjveterans. - Since 1861, he aid, ' four . hundred -millions have thus been taken from the Soulh, and the wonder s that she-was able to hold 6uch a remarkable' fair under Con ditions so unfavorable. " "I . don't know,' he is . further i reported as. say ing," "how much money the North has invested in the South,! but it ia a tithe compared with the tribute we have been compelled tdpay the united estates Gov- ernmeut.7' It thebouth, he continued, had been givfen an equal chance,' if the tariff had not fobbed the farmers, and the finances of the country Lad not been allowed to c6noentrate in the hands of feiv, there is no conjecturing that" the Exposition - would have been Gov. Evans expressed the hope that 'bv the help of God, the South would yet" rifle this country1 again," and - de clafed that the only genuine democracy remaining in America is in the heart, of the agricultural region of the South.' Some of the Southern ; papers that are not specially friendly to Governor Evans or Senator : Tillman applauded their utterances as timely and approp riate, . but most of the papers, North and South, condemn them as sectional and demagogic. . 1 - , To all who subscribe and pay in ad Vance for The Times for 1896 we will send the paper the remainder of this year free. That is, we will send it from now until January 1, 1897, for only one dollar in advance. Thus you get the paper 13 months for only one dollar. Subscribe at once, as you lose by wait ing. . , - Pies m Ham to Bargain .-.;:H . - 'jr alalia IASECET Santa Glaus' 1&UU.UU L4 IX 1 I 17. fliNHssn We nvite i to call and get our see the Pnces aci Largest Stock' oooooooooooooooooooooooooo , W6 have had - Phenomenal Suqcess vttli our A Double 51araer. :. Bluefields,'W. Va., Dec. 10. Near Bear Wallow, twenty-five miles from here, in Giles county, . an atrocious crime wa3 committed last night- John and Mary Feagan husband and wife, aged sixty-one and fifty-four .'ytiars, resptcti vely, lived alone on their , farm . Feagan had sold his hogs- and it was known he had-in hia house some $200 or $300. Tnis morning early one of his neighbors went to the house and ;a terrible sight presented itself- On the bed lay Mrs. Feagan with her head eplii open. On the floor lay Mr. Feagan with hisskull crushed and . a deep gash in his breast, which- had been- done with an axe. . The house had been ran sacked. Two tramps : thought to be Hungarians, were- Seen late, Sunday evening traveling the- road near tne Feagau' home. . It is supposed they are the perpetrators of the crime. Parties are now in pursuit of them, and if they capture- them it will fid hard with them. Get a moveon you if vou want a free trip tothe-Atlanta Jiposition All yon have to do is. to get us 2 o cash sub scribers. " ' " ; ' Tho Modern Mother v v Has found that her little ones are im proved more by the pleasant laxative, pyrup of Figs, when in need of thb'lax ative effects of a gentle remedy than by any other, arid that it is mrex accept able to them. Children enjoy it and it benefits them. Tbe - true remedy, Syrup of Figs ia manufactured by th California Fig Syrup Co. only. MEART DISEASE, u. many other aflmenta when they , hare taken hold of the system, never gets better of its otto accord, bat Congtttwttl-g srrtcm rese. ": There are thousands -who know they hTQ. a defect! re heart, but will not admit the fact. (They don't "want their friends to worry, and Doi't Icthwis tehat t (ae for it, as they have been told time and agaiir- that heart disease was Incurable. "Such was the case of Mr. Silas Farley of J5yesvflie, Ohio who writes June 19, 1394. as follows: V t ; T, u IKasl Heart disease for 3 rccr. my heart hurting me almosa continually. The first 15 years I doctored all the time, trying several physicians and remedies, until my last doctor told ins It was only a question 'of :time as I could not be cured. I - graduaiiy 5 grow worse, rvery1 "we&i. and completely' dls-' couraged, usitii I lived, propped ; half up in bed, because I rvuldnH lie Ooun nor sit up. ; Thlak Ing , my time - had come I told my fam ily what I wanted , - acne when I - was gone. But on the first day of March on the recommendation of Mrs. iTannie Jones, or Anderson, IncL, I commenced taking Hr. noes'. Sew Cure for tlie Heart and wonderful to tell. In ten' days I waa woriung atUght work and on March 13 com' menced framing a tiarn, which Is heavy work, and I hav'nt lost a day 6ince; t am 66 years old, 6 ft. i V inches and weigh 2501bs. X oeueve X tun l ftUly ' cured, and i am now only anxious that everyone shall anow ox your wonderful remedies." Dyesrttle, Ohio. : .; , Snuts Faklkt. - Dr. Miles Heart Cure is ssld cn a poeltive guarantee that the firs bottle will benefit. All am irzisra 6ell it at 1. f. hnttim fnrii It will be8ent,preoaid. on receipt of erica oy tha Dr. iiUea laedical Oo Eikhart, lad. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure 'Restores. Health Ladies' Capes, - - and our sales have been , immetise, only becavise our prices are from 1 to ' $2 less than other, people, . 'You want to save this when jou go to buy. We have got : j 5.45 Outfit ? . . '- . - . .. i ' .. ... It consists of one Buh worth $6, one pair-of Shoes $1.50, one Hat $1, one Shirt-75 cents, one collar 15 cents, and; one tie 25 cents, all for,j$5.45TJhjnkpf ifc It certainly will ? surprise you when, ypu see such! a complete outfit lor the small sum of V- ..- ...... , k .. . far eirls'4 to .12 ears old that are vorth $2.00 and $2.50, that must go at $1.25 and $1.50. It. enables everv coor man to wear 'cood .clothing.r a'fid', hk won't have to pay a month's wages for it, Dur stock is ' ,: mun LEB EOT because people appreciate agood thing. , - - ,J ' Jast think of it, a ' $16 Suit for S10.50.' ' Stick Candy 'Best Pure Flint at 7Vic a oound. French.Mixed Candy at c.a pound." ' ' " ' . ' Nev Crop Raisins, stcmless or seedless" at IY2C a pound. Mixed Nuts a t I218c a pound. A large assortment of German, China; arid Porcelain Plates, Cups .and SjincjePisheSjTea.. Pots, Pitchers, for - cream or syrup, etc. : -OF- QROCERIES in Concord. We offer the folio ing at Wholesale and retail: h100-barrels of 'Susrar, 25 tases Abuckkeiet .14 12 io " 8 " O.GO. 8.00s, 7.50, 6.00. Our $20 overcoat for $12.50 10 8 6 7.50.' 6.00. 4.50. On PANTS we can gfve you special inducements, such as you have never had before. Come early so that you can size. Respectfully Yours, pick your oooooooooooooooooooooooooo I j. SHAPPIR30, Baltimore Bargain Honss, . J Concord, N. C. D o n't F o rge 1 1 h e P I a c e, . Con Main&;Depot Sts. Girdren's Wool Sad for little fel!rws 1 to 2 years' old that were sold at 50 cents, . we will close them out now for 25c; with 24 sheets of. paper and 24 envelopes for 5 CEBITS. Don't buy your goods - until you -come to . ' see us.. We will -"'sell you cheap. - v Nsrtr Model. Byi Cor rect next&ats cm authorized Refusd Mill -xlV vf-VA 1 1 ay irxr 4 4 4.I. V1 'i : J , Lor.W-'i is the only one to be found in tlie town. Every article was im ported from Japan, Japanese babies 4c "to5Qc. Small ones with a silk dress for 5c1: - .Bon Bon Boxes, 2c. " Baskets from 2c to 55o .We have some beautiful Hand kerchief, Glove and Scarf Bns at 18 and 24 cents. Vases for less .than the. whole sale prices. Ihese are the nrst of their make to be shown on this market. They are made verv thick without losing any of their artistic beauty. Prices range from 17c to 1 25 each. Bronze Trays lor i!.50. Japanese Cups and Saucers at 5 cents. 25c . Cups- and Saucers for 15 cents.; ' Tea Sets, of 5 complete pieces, at 60c and 1.68. Sugar Bowls and Cracker Jars 25c to43c. ... m Tardiniere 25c. Cotton Birds 5c'." ' , '. - Flower Covered Parasols 18c. Balls 5 and 10 cents. .Fire screens 25c, LaquerCrumb Trays and Brush 23 cents. - " Laquear Handkerchief Boxes 25 cent. .Lamp, department. Fancv Colored Niffht Lamns 48 cents. - , " - ' Parlor Lamps with "shades at 98c; 1,18 and 1.28. Banquet Lamps 2.25 to 4.50, and Hundreds oi Novelties and Toys from' lc up that we havn't room to mention., - ' You may dependon finding a, well selected stock cf Holiday Goods. ... B. J. BOSTIAR. 3 Feel a e 4 25 bags ereen co 75 bavreis of Kerosene Oil t ear Salt. l'car of Lime and Cement 25 cases of Star Potash. ' 50 cases Mendleson's PqtasW 100 case of Aiatc'he 5t, boxes oi-' Spap.V ' ' 50 boxes of Sod ! 25 kegs of Soda- '" 1 car of flour. t cas5 x " Bakins Powd cases of "Good Luck" Bd ing Powders. 100 boxes Tobacco. 75 boxes of Snuff, Gail & J and Ladies Choice. 50,000 Cigarettes. 10,000 Cheroots. 100,000 Paper Bags. 2 tons of Wrapping Paper. . We have a lara:e stock of ing and Both New and Seed Hand, and will make close prices. you some COM E TO SEE III SON'S- Badly T6-dav? 3lH a El ..We ask this repeatedly, because serions sk uia,-ajc3 mien loiiow irinin'Kiiments. four Short Lengths. Best Ma- f?& torl3. week' trial If not Sxtlstso ti nil- Concord," N. C. 1 tory. peatherbone Corset Co.. , Bole Zfaauiacturars, . . ' '. KALAMAZOO.lICHrGAN. . FOB EALt BY ' I MORRl Call on Gibson & Morrison for everything in v '.. trjjas. m asl Ecfa, December 12, 1895. 1 Their prices' are right IBrovn's ilron: I Bitters 2 IT g Dyspepsia. . W Neuralgia, - Constipation. ma It you are weak and ? generally exhausted, Z nervous, have no 5 appetite - and can't S work, begin at once S taking tbe most re- S liable strengthening; 2J , medicine, which is S Brown's Iron Bitters. S Bene6t comes from S the very first dose. . S CURES U Kidney and Uvcr O Impure Blood;- - O Ncrvous Ailments. B Women's Complaints. g Get only the genuine it has crossed red a ' alines on the wrapper. O g BROWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE, Ma 5 P1NE0LA CCUGH BALSMf Is excellent for all ' throat, and lnnir in- lj flamroatlons aii& r-".'eLL forathma. Con sumptives will in variably d e r 1 ye benefit from - Its use as it quickly abates the coufih, rendora expecto ration easy, assist In g nature In re storing wasted tissues. - There is a larite percent age ot those who suppose their eases to be consumption who are otly saffer it!ir U om a chronic cold or deep seated couh often aggravated by catarrh. Both remedies are pleasant to use- Price of Cream Ealm, oOc. per bottle? l'lneola Balsam, 25c. In quantities of 3a we will deliver ffee of ex lre or postnsre, on receipt ot amount -ELY BKOIUEKS,6o Warren St. Aew York 'i! TAX NOTICE- . I have visited cverj fa nn-n-niv fl.ftPl- (lilC notice "01 v l.laoo for the purpose of co" t,a la vinnires. 1 .. 11.1 VlllW UC1VB4.IV.) . ..FQ iXPi the tax payers to come for" B, collect earlipr than La jew reqmrl of shtnfls J- ttlt.l Will (pOKlUoi., - . p,o 15th be gin to levy and adTtf"" " ty for sale for taxes. V Nov. 47w. or vbicd. , JOIIN A. bl23i0 . Will nr riiehoBt COfih PnCe - tJAi'--1 rw. io tf. wa want the Pablic to Ibfl Mill,.lailty.0Jn,ifh;iTe Waofthec,uutry ml a. Urist-CliiSK mi Hfe-lon2 exi erieme. of your. linage- t , Oct. 10 0 lot- its Ail Dcrsons aiv h re without my con.e"t1(13l)5. Concord, r.

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