i the Concord weekly; jimes Titfe jiiost widely circulated paper; , drer published in . qtuS, Richmond nlvan, Montgomery, fjavidson, Randolph, St- ily, Ansonjb.nd Union- Counties. IL M ) H j CONGO 2 . "STICK A I'INT. HERE. 1 . "If , ft ' : - f'tTT .0iW 5. SHERRILL, Editor. "IBIS JTJST. .AJTX - EVBI IjTOT-V rb till e& Volume, XIV. CONCORD, N. C; THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1896. a frar, i Advance. Number l: SAM JONES TALKS OK TRYIMO TIMES. ViajirQ nervous, -weak, woyn out f,,,i iJT iJLim. ca soul his liobia Sarsauarilla.- ' - i Atlanta Journal,, " y iv . "These are times to try men's souls." to test their grit and to determine the stuff they are made of. The man who own now is too reckless for a candidato-J-I mean a winning candidate." .many city dudes and too few field ; hands, but the laws of compensations, work and things will regulate them selves if we give them a chance. Maybe cyclones and earthquakes, po litical and social revolutions are God's ways of regulating things. The inno cents have always suffered with the guilty. Dog tray got into bad compa- denized and consume bo much; i- ' I f.kptiftipo. It lias been the exnovi- .. lue Prombition party has , split on-! ny and "caught it" with the balance of mcct manv, .very many women in ! . issues 91 the aud lhe different j the bad dogs. But .God has not utter .; . i ... . i . . .. 1 wt lira firft fn I L' r rw r o a t ha i it nknnAM.4 i. . 11. : 1 1 ttTni.i lliteiiseiv iryins nerioaa ir ouauuuucuwwuur ittie. jx buu jugo ruu mo uwivw Riiugo wiLigo. reigns ana is aomg about tne best an t AU tuuiweute nie luewio- mnnite wise uoa can do witn the gang uibi cpisuuiKu cuurcu is apiii up into lie is dealing with. two tactions on the woman question, j Even now many of us are happy 'ajid lneuemocra tic party is split up into prosperous; while many .are miserable a . j i ... i i.: i i i l it ... - . i;uiuuugs aim "tsuver-ioons., anu wiu 0S force M those special physical trials wc "Tlclk hic'v ijidicato by merely using- the "word Maid, Mother, Matroji. Liki; a voniidentlal frieiid we suggest the iUo of Hood's Savsaparilla, a reli able 'ijood purifior and Ionic; it has hvipcij, iii.-my bthers and will help you. "I ta'' in boor iealth five years, broken down in strftigth, and appetite all, gOBC. -i-ocfll-troublcs and other weaknesses in tensiied my misery. Kervous Bick iizzimia, heartburn and pains in my back ttade' iue think I should never be tfcil again. A friend prevailed upon mo to try Jlood'a Sarsaparilla. I soon began to impirrve and in six months' it restored me tb better health than for years. X have fSand Hood's Barsaparilla a grand medicine for .all troubles peculiar t ,1 .1- 1 I am now strong and healthy and c9 $ a gooj day's work. I stand by Hood's garsaparjik, for it cored me after other medicine's . failed," 21ns. Lub Dl2, CsrliavillP, Illinois. Tliid and many Similar cores prove that Sarsaparilla Is the One Jptie Blood Purifier. All druggists. $L Prepare J rfhly by C. I. Ilood & Co., Lowell,'Maaa. - j rJH are purely vesctble, car. nOOQ.(S h'lllS fully prepared. -84, cents. ... . -. ' .. j WPEHSjniTfl'S CHILL 'is V 35jTears 6Jsa Sales G'jafijjtees Its fi'lut. Ont Bttls 60 CrJts BreakiTln Chill.! Sold Bvergwbr. TONIC Arthur Per & Co., Loaltville, Ky., Genl Agents. NEVER FAILS.; the G0HlRD MARBLE WQBKS, ; FRIEZE & UTLHY, : r I'KOPKiETORS. olreius, Headstones. Tablets v- :i.vi i - f 1' Rradefpf DEALERS IX AND ALL KINDS OF TERY VOR no doubt do as the prohibition party has already done put two seta of. caiv didates in the field. ... v Tlio Republican party has, some big cracks in it; Luf the liepublicans- are like the Baptists, they ! are hard lo spin., i ney s are; counting more-on their candidates than n their platform. Thev unite on sentimer.t and ignore principles. Not only is the political world all out of whack, but nature seems to have joined in the ' general melee. There have been floods, cyclones, earthquakes, etc. I passed through St. Louis a few days ago. I hayo seen many sights, but I never eaw desolation like that. It would take experts many weeks to esti mate the loss on both sides of the river. The city, as I saw it, looks like one or two old roosters who have been fighting all day badly disGgured t- and ' muchly done up.-'. Pr. Tlmage says that the devil as the "Princo- of the river of the air" gets up these cyclones," but that God directs them. I don't know that the devil got them up; but I know if God directed them, : he would have blown down more breweries and less churches; would have directed th? wind so that the poor would have suffered' less" and taken in more of ' the nabobs. But I supine that Dr. Talmage was guessing or joking, for he knows but little more of thje gettor-up of cyclones than the balance of us. ' I ; care . not y;ho gets them up, they are awful things.' Fire, air and water, these three essential things to humgn life, are the' cause of many deaths and th destruction of millions of properly. Then, most of us poor mortals are in debt head over heels. " We will soon be where it; will be aain6t our interests to pay thq principal, and ' bgainst ciif principle to pay the interest. Many are there now. -But I suppose when we cet free silver we will pay our debts. J know we will if silver is free and the government turns it over to our credi tors before it fall3 into our hands. J had rather risk a working debtor than a talking debtor.-. Men talk' too' much aud work too little. 'Talk" i3 cheap, kfc Lk. t n WXI I. nnnfa t.itl. hill.. i The we have) troublp in the social world. So many men are not-pleased with their wives, and too many wives are not pleased with their husbands. Divorce suits have multiplied until I think it would save time and lawsuits if all marriage HcenBcs had divorce coupons attached, so that when trouble set in a home - the coupon ' could be clipped off and the "one" made "two" again' I say these are times that try men's souls, and not . only their souls but their patience and their pocket and their character. 'Xhe feilow who stands erect in his manhood amid the customs hd temptations of the present times is made of the stuff that" stay and in gredients that abide, ' i ' Take the industrial world r Farm ing, they say, don't pay. Manufac tures say they are running 8j a loss. Merchant guy thev and poor. It s man s inhumanity to man that makes countlaaa. thousands mourn .-"Greed and gall on one hand and poverty and humility on the other have gotten things? out of whack. If humanity will come closer together and man will bo more helpful to man, then we will'drive out1 of the woods into the road to hapiness and prosperity. Wo have our spasmodic kindly spells. We will contribute to the sufferers by storm or fire or earthquake, but we seen for get that there are always sufferers and go on blinded by our greed and deafened by our gall. ' :-. Philanthropic patriotism lives only in the hearts of the few while the greater number are strangers to kindly deeds aud senljment. - Sak Jones. - Curiosities of the Bible, The following- Bible curiosities :are said to have been gained by a study of the good book ky the Prince of Grana da, heir apparent to the Spanish throne, during hjB thirty years-' imprisonment a$ the palace of jjculls Prison, Sladridi In, the Bible the word Lord is found 3..S53 times; the word Jehovah, 6,855 times; and the word - reverence x but once and that in the ninth verse "of the One ; Hundred and Eleventh Psalm. The eighth yene:o the Cne Huprjred and Eighteenth P,aalm is the' middle of the Bible. " Tha ninth verso of the eigth chapter of Esther is the longest verse. The thirty-fifth verse, eleventh pbpter of St. John, is the shortest. .. In the One Hundea and 'evouth E;a!m four' verses are alike the eigth, 'fif teenth, , twenty-first and thirty-first. Vfirh vrfii nf trio Hno - -Tiin?i.wl &nA Thirty-sixUi fsajm erds alike. No names or words with' more than six syllables are found in the Bible. Th6 thirty-seventh chapter of Isaiah, and the nineteenth cb&pier of Sod Jingj ar alike; The word girl occurs "but once in the Bible, and tha in the third verse and third chapter of "Joel. There are found in both books of the Bible 3,580, 483 letters, 773,093 words, 1,373 verses, 1,1 Ss9 chapters and C6 book3. The twenty-sixth 'chanter of 'the ' 'Acta of the. Apostles is the finest chapter' Jo readbAjrpretJrH.u f j f-uL rh-r the " liibie w the twenty-third 'Psalm. The four, most inspiring . promises are John iv. 2; John vi. 37; Matthew xi. 28; and Psalms xxxvii. 4- The irst verse of the sixtieth chapter of lsiah 13 the one for the new converts. All who flatter themselves with vain boastings of their perfection should learn the sixth chapter of Matthew. All humanity should learn the sixth chapter of St. Luke from the twentieth verse to its ending. Jtiniiidied in I ho best i:tfi;i'-s work anrl lowest i rmrruiteod.. Sao 'us before i,ii,)m0 Trices I and i:i"-M'tj tu: i irjlipj on flpplicatjon. I- Wincii's Old Stand. 1; -. I ; VvVat IVpot Street... ' RltfEfHE'BEST -Tr-., V- --r ----- - - i :' Mi Diamond. Cycles. Style Popular .iQ-vTrico. Ttted the World for Speed y? aikruansliiD" and Prjce. - ,'Li ...Ed. F.WHITE,. rtnd bicycles on side a all tim ! Virginia college, m hm HD1ES, Ecaaoiff, 1J,' l.'f.-'.',,M''lt':'-.!0. On of 11 ; 1 m'.'oI"1 Youna: Iodlea in tUki ! tlouth. ..i..,.?:.5! " v"i U!lriK8. all modern iimwwe- ! !"iusteu acre: Oranl mountatn i-.,:. s? 1,1 iie of va.. fam(i fortrueaitn fvnjf r"'. fi'"l American teacbei. Full HuHiT'i.r',M rior advantasea In Art and Ac-u.I--J- "- -from twenty States For -' ai m'-r? li,resi the President, ..' . it I. HAituis, Uoanoxo, Virginia.. - 1- .iW.HtKE ALL tLSE rAlLS. ,? oogliByrup. TateGool. Pe 1 iuc maJiii'K uu ..ey; lawyers starving, doctors grumb ling and preachers feasting and the devil giggling. What's " the matter, and what's the remedy, are the ques tions we must answer tjoon or we ' will "hit the grit. ' - While I write I am tourine Illinois, and I find that "Free Silver and Alt geld or Bust" is the popular cry of (h3 people. And so it goes, v&rjQpbell of Ohio, out for free silver, and General Grosvenor advising the G. O. P. - that they must not declare for the Bingle gold standard-; llill, of New York, us ing moral suasion. McKmley mum as dead oyeter, and so it -goes. The whole thing seems to in the fix Pat, the :! 1 t : - t t 1 1 1 isciiarged irom senuce on tne snm pvna found employment on 5 farm and was put to plcwmg fith a shike - team, two oxen and a filly in the lead; and bedrove up on a yellow jackets' nest, and in less than no time the oxen had - turned the yoke and the filly had become entan- glcd-fn tho harness and fallen to the eround still kicking. And Pat ran to the house and told tne boss mat tne ox en had turned the yoke, the filly had kicked herself to deth, and the whole thing waa drifting to destruction as fast as it could sro. , All that comes from looking at one side of the thing. There is another and better eide. This is a great gpy ernmcnt and a great people. ye ?n stand jnuch and enaue much and still keep iiUwvl of any other nation on the earth. The sun moon and stars keep on in their regular courses; , seed time and harvest still come and go; babies are born and funeral processions move nlnnsr as of vore. We can survive and do well if things were a hundred fold worse than they are. One or the other of the great parties will save the country asrain this fall. Wa have survived tne American revolution, the Mexican war nrt tW. eivil war. The men of tne Democratic. Whig and Republican par ties a hundred years, and the fact ti-at we still live as proof that as a nation wo are immortal. We shall, live on in some shape. At the heart the tree is sound. Only the branches are diseased and as they drop off other limbs will shoot out from the grand old trunk, and this Rhnll ha trftfl of liberty forever Though unon somo of the limbs buzzards and owls light for a time, still, the great masses will sit(under its shades and en inv its fruits forever. Though upon some of the limbs buzzards and owls light for a lime, still the great madses will sit under its shades and enjoy its fruits forever.r We shall never come to want as long as seed time and har vest conies ton these fertile fields of ours and men can be found to work them; We may occasionally have too Uowni of the Season. White duck, white mohair, white can vas are thegdwns of the season for gen eral outirig use, especially if one is. within a mile of he water. The coarse, crash gowns are of in 'made up with white lapels, faced with white, and w whie stock collars. Whlti i&gfcai he mare un Witil VM , -j bell ' - g new sleeves, .u.iBuat the wrists, and with overhanging capes, draped as to epau lets ana bodice, with black applique lace. There is a fichu gown that is odd a black of dark cloth, made plain, with a wide spref ding cravat bow of white chif fon at the throat, fastened with a jewel ed buckle and streaming in long ends away below the belt. There are other costumes employing the same quaint white bow, but stopping it short at the waiet. - - "A million dollars for my sightl" 1 Such is the offer made by Charles Broadway Rouss, The eccentric New York millionaire, to any one Who will restore his eyesight, recently kfet. He has issued a statement which is genuinely pathetic in its simplicity. It reads as follows:! $1,000,000 REWARD.- .To physicians, surgeons, scientists, wise men and all others whom it may concern; Be it known that I; Charjes Broadway Rousa, who possess consid erable wealth, hereby agree to pay the sum cf cna million dollars to any hu man being who restores to ma my sight. Pa.tbotia3-J4etlit ia.- Here is a mn possessed of millions, with the' power to enjoy life to lhe full and the promiso of ft goodly number of years before him, cut oif fsom hp jght of day, the world's brightness and beauty a sealed book to him, and he stretching out his helpless hands with the almost despairing pryt' ! ' - - f,A million dollars tor my sight.'' ' - Mr. Rouss is ! peculiar. Ilig eccea1 tricities have made him a reputation, and his queer ways have often turned the public eye uponhim. But he- had these same queer ways before he was a millionaire, and ; his' oddities were not born of the possession of wealth, but have always characterised the man. Naturally hig offgr has attracted re plies from huDdreda an(i thousands of cranks, who think that all they have to do is to walk up, exploit their little theories, and carry off the million dol lars. Mr. Rouss' office force has been overburdened with the work of attend ing to the correspondeqee rgUtffce q the .matter. '' &eve4 'seoretifries T had spent days In selecting irom the vast pues 01 letion those containing the smallest glimpse of sense or intelligence, and these in themselves form a curious collection, ' ; 4 young man -named Martin, who was formerly employed by Mr. Rouss. it alio blind, his trouble being; the same as thatof his employers-paralysis of the optic nerve. Since Martin's affliction, Mr. Rouss has taken great iqterest in his case and has done everything power to help him." In return for this, Martin has volunteered to take the va rious kinds of treatment proposed for Xiouss, in prder to. test their efficiency And. at the 'same time save' the'million; aire much time, anxiety arid pain. " ' ' One 'of 'the flrst answer Sent Mr Rouwaofcoma Chicago, doctor I He said: ' , "Unfortunately I am unable at pres ent to go to New York, but if you will come to Chicago and remain under my treatment for two weeks,' T feel confi dent that Twill get the million dollars.1 Mr- Rou8$' answer was as follows: million dollars, much less to spend it. A female physician called on the blind man. witfc a theory which he con aiders idiotic, but which Martin U hav ing tried on himself 'scientists have discovered, '-.ex plained this person, "that paralysis of the optic nerve is explained by the pres ence of a yellow fluid, which saturates the nerve tissues. Now I have devise alense which is p,OTygriuI enough' to draw out this fluid; if held before the eyes in b, strong" glare of sunlight.' Mr. RbU8s.8aiq be would . try it. consisted of an amber cc.lo.rfcq whiaky ask filled, th waiter. It irritated, hg ll ...j has given up Youth's Companion, ' "; What has caused the "hard times" turougn which we are passing ? Al most every one has his theory about it. One man says it is the gold standard. another that it is the danger of free coinage; one that it is because tariff duties are too high, another that it is because the duties are so low as to flood me country with foreign goods, and thos3are only examples of the wide diversity of opinion that exists. . Perhaps the strangest theory of all. which nevertheless seems to have many adherents, ia. that the bicycle has caused it. ! It-is reasoned out thus r Hundreds of thousands have been , saving every spare penny to buy n wheel, and have thUS. killed - other inr-mi II mm women and young people of both sexes wear their old clothing economize in fooxj ap4 resort, tp other means of sav ing, and thus the business of the butch er, the baker and the candlestick maker is geriously diminished, Watches, pianos, iewelrv. hont ni other "articles' not necessary in the strictest sense of the word used to be the 'favorite luxuries; now all these mings are neglected for the bicycle The market for horses waa greatly ?n jurea py the substitution ;cJ electricity for animal pqwer, in moving street cars, tiade per airily had another serious ojqw wnen the bicycle became thfc pop lar ruide of locombtion, ' In ail thii there is an element of exi sggeration, but it cannot be denied that there is a measure of truth in the theory. That is, the demand for bicy cles has probably intensified tyer bad i!m' , W Wfou btd' time nor godd times are a result of one carise. It id a mistake to fix upon one peculiar ity of the situation and say, remove that and all will be well. So far as -the bicycle is held responsible for the husi ratersMM. Ulu$c&riVta point to the &ct that the wheel erase is quite as prevalent in Europe as it is in this n . i 1 . . . uuuutry, anu yei Dusiness aoroaa is an excellent condition. v BOOK". AND JOB PANTING r 1 ALL XIXD3 Executed irtho pest Style it a irrr tfT y a'db cad mj a-rtn-w I t ... I A. lUtLOi&Vll WMUAJLtH? M- VF XV UJL M. 01UU I ' H 4 H II ITjr KJC? I R T " , ! V " HUMOROUS PARAUKAPHS. L I ' T .... 1 . vi . -f 1 Our Job Pfintinrr TV Trtl. to VkUCUUilOli; - yiia every necessarv pnni style - No botch-wrk tS3 ovt from this offirP 5h cate the prices Ji i1: He:--So thfs is the end of our engi ment, is it ? " She: Oh. nn r, J1 I shau be here again next summer, f 1 Her Father: So you wish to marry my daughter. What are your prbs pectsr , j nr. . The Suitor r-'ibat rests with joii,Sir. - Bingo :-Do you do much talking' at the woman's gqiJd yQu baVA joined, j Mrs. Bingo: sadly) No: all 'the women m the neighborhood belong td it: Perdita If you continue mrirh W er to play. ppker with my fatherrI won't marry you. Jack Dashing If your father continues to play poker m&oh longer with dip T won't nr to. t The jAdy low, X hope you woa't TV opcu4 W9qpy rac mat vtie liquor, The Tramn Wdl.. nmm j r4' wv, uui 1 m not 4'i .It is not always easy to draw the line between luxury and necessity. Few in the present day would feel' inclined to ii, jusi wnere it was drawn by a writer of 1664, who speaks of "a luxury of cleanliness which is beginning to spread And which consists in washing one s hands every day. onfftoA oi Ji Otten, Iruly. our . anMnn mr. as have been dirty when a daily hnnnrBK. ing was a luxury, and tho a little less attention than, the hands' : Another writer of thn mA ,r,f'.. inculcating this principle of cleanlinew! BAvft? ''Thol0 ma . a . 1 -"wv. 10 uuc parucmar most T7.to e Pvfttion oj health, and that is to ken Kn. .1 m this reaion this chief thing- must trL T' . ' 9 rrriinn ahnnld in Oift for Biideamaids. . The fashionable wedding gift for the bridegroom to make to the bridesmaids is a pendant watch in enamel, of a hue to correspond with the tone of tho toilet. Bouquets are replaced with baskets of spring blossoms: or unconventional Vposies" hanging loose, composed of the oldestof "oldworld" flowers which happen to be in season. Posies of wall sufferef s eyes very WVv Siii Then a man came along who wanted to puncture the skin and inject Croton oil. Martin tried him until his face was like a sieve; then he stopped. Another could not consent to operate without a deposit on account $1,000. He was persistent and Mr. Rouss or dered an attendant to remove him. , 'I don't want to bother with quacks," said Rouse, "but if there is anybody in or out of the medical pro fession who can cure me I want to find him. I have a million dollars to hand him the minute tha work is done." , Can anybody do it ? ' eFP't.?.? ft &outea Men. Atlanta Journal. No section of the country has received higher consideration from President Cleveland than the sptrtb,.' Tb,e. Iaah- rille Ranner calls' attention to the fact that two southern men nOw represent Qurigovcr-smeni in the most important posiGons in our foreign service. Han nis Taylor is at Madrid and Fitzhugh Lee at Havana and everybody feels that the honor and djnity ci th.e VnUetl Ctate$ av safa in their hands. Mr, yard, oqr' ambassador 'fc, Enfllaad, comes fro a sfote that is classed as ESUtLoin and has always haa strona gouChern-sympathies., Mr., Ijsuf wuiuu 1. xirecinrage 01 Afansa8 s at S.t. Petersburg; Matthew W, Ranaom of North Caroling ja m Mexico; Pierce Vouns of Ueorgta la In Guatemala; James E. McKenzie of Kentucky irxPeru; lames D. Tillman of Tennessee in Ecuador. Ex-Governor Porter of Tennessee wa$ sent to Chili and Hon. J. H, kunt of Georgia was chorea 19 discharge the important and dficate duties of special em issaryo' Hawaii. Albert S. YiMis of Kentucky is, now. ninitr to. that governmenf, Th tomb la addition to thee urnvroua aiplomatiodcpar;nenta hs sitiors of cousulahi Not onl tne gtate department, but ui every other branch of the government, the south is very largely . represented. Of the eight members of President Cleve land's cabinet, four are southern men. It is only blind malice or absolute stu pidity that can charge Preident Cleve- and with anything but the Kindest con sideration for the south. me WihTivanni- -oi' T eaUy has to drink it afore I can tell wuctucr 11 is-gooa or bad. I'How did you get the reputation! of uciuS oucu a great connoisseur of artf 'Whenever I saw a pioture that seemed to me particularly ridiculous, I declared that it was sublime." . m f T am.!..' - ! II -juary," sam the , sick man to rjus wife when the doctor pronounced if a case 01 small pox, "if any of my credi tors call, tell them that I am in a con dition to give them something." & "But why did you not point a crd and deny the accusation?" inquired the politician's, wo. Deny it?" howfed the politician, "and then have thm prove it? No, I will treat it with con tempt." . Willie Pa, did Caesar practice polyg amy? Father Ifa, my boy. What made ym think bo? Willie Because to-day my teacher said that CalDhurriia was Ctesar's wife,' and also that tf&en he got to the Rhmehe proposed to Bridget. He: I have figured out thla Droblem of girls and, ice cream on a strictly mathematical basis. i She: How did you get at the facta ! He: WhyUhe Arithmetic savs that one gal is equal to four quarts. "So you are engaged to Mr, Atkin son, are you not? Now tell .me, hon estly, what can you see in him that distinguishes him from all the othfer men in the world whom you have evr met?" I .- ' ' i- "He asked me to be hU wife." f Youna Tutter fdrawins closerV-ll hope, Mi8aClara,.'that your father, in th.9 next room, can't hear what lam saying. Miss Pinkerly (with dignity)4- i hope, Mr. Tutter, that you will siiy nothing to me that, yon would not wijline. if nerasaarf .Jo say to papa, t "What's the matter now ?" asked his father. ' ; "Teacher said I didn't pass my ex amination," wailed Charlie; "and I'd just like to know, how she could tell-? she only -asked me the things I dian 't i i ? ; I Butler (toy Silver I Bat a Trifle. Jobsob says Boston girl are too subtle Charlotte Observer. ior mm. ; I We have-a copy of the Western am wuai wyr . i ' . Watchmari, of Eureka, Cal., containing Well, he wrote Ohe a letter asking for what purports to b? an interview with her phftpraph in such a way as to senator Butler, of North Carolina, in break the ice for a proposal v w hich he is quoted as saying : 'Our party Well, did she send her photograph?; I ia not here for this campaign alone or Yes the negative. .. I this one issue. Silver is but a trifle and T nrmilH QrlviaAvnn Hflof n nwc icowucu iuc Ricai cuo nuuiu iace. The condstion of the remainder of thn person after the hands had been attend ed to and the face had received an oc casional bath, is left to the imagination of the reader. But old-time ideas have not quite van ished from the face of the earth, and there yet remains at least one man who might compete with the good olddaya in the matter of uncleanliness. He lives in Holland, if accounts are to be credited, and is a councillor in a small town. it was recently proposed to establish! puouc Dams in mat place, but the soul of the worthy official waa stirred by the thought of this terrible waste of public money. He strenuously opposed the innovation, on the ground that it was an indulgency purely luxurious, quite use less from a sanitary point of view, and therefore utterly unworthy of a town council desirous of making an econo mical use of the taxpayers' money. To give force to his views lie had recourse to personal experience, and declared that in the course of a long life he had never indulged in the luxury of bathing. Of the result of the words of th pond dirty man, whose person could be so effectively used to point his moral, we are not tola. . Nugget of Uold Worth Million. On 'April 27 as Martin Neilly was re turning from an unsuccessful prospect ing tour in the balmon river district of British Columbia he discovered on the bank of the Columbia river a gold nug get. He took specimens of the ore from a dozen placea-on the bowlder. Btaked out his - claim, hurried - into Rossland, British Columbia, and re corded the claim. The next day he had his specimens assayed by different experts, who found that the ore ran in value all the way from $43 to $53 to the ion. W hen he told of his great fortune, there was a. wild rush ia th nTa& ..A u x3ompamecr-rreiiiy-tO" nisTSK nanza, and, making measurements. declared that the bowlder weighed ap proximately 20,000 tons, and that, in round numbers, it will prove to be worth i,uuu,uou. xsmwm 1 , Xbe Good Old Times. Youth1 Companion. It is quite natural for elderly people to think that the! times which are gone by. and which they alone remember, were more interesting and notable than the times which are passing now. The passage of years tends to efface from th mind the merely commonplace oc- flowers with old lace fichus over gowns currences of every day, and leave only of white cambric, frilled at the edge of the salient ones: so that past years are tne BKirt, gave some recent nupuais an really the more remarkable in our mem air of distinction, . The hats were of the orie8 This 4a bne reason why people wide leghorn, poke shaped, and the nnwilr sav weather as "old-fash bridesmaids wore their waved hair parted ioned. " On the - whole, the weather to either side, in 1830 style. Old lace does not vary so much from one decade mittens were chosen to supersede gloves, I o " another: but "people remember the but the tair wearers "struct at the in-1 severe weather and forget the ordinary, novation. . I so that to the mind weather of the paat is extreme weather.- BuT the valuation The Merchant' ruroa rax. placed on bid things may beexcessive State Auditor Furman is . sending as. for instance, in the case of a remark out a ciicular in reeard to the mer- mad hv an old eentleman to hia chants' purchase tax. In it be writes: nephew. "Twenty degrees below zero!" These taxes are collectable on the 13th he said. "W hat does that amount to of March of each year, or at the time of Why. I can t emember a day when the beginning of the business, by the was twenty years thatf the mercury waa sheriff, a full report thereof to be made 40 degrees below zero; and you muBt Te as above atated, said taxes to be ac- member that one degree then was as counted for bv said sheiiff as other un- wood as two now-a-davs!" lhis re- liBtfid taxes. 1 Thfire has heena constant I mi ndn nnp. nf t,h -nhilosonhv of the fallin? off of 1 taxes in Schedule B for TriRhman refrardinsr the difference be Doctor: ' A New Departure in Prodigality. The Globe (Dem.) St. PauL "What he Tthe President! calls 'a more startling feature' is the authoriza tion, of contracts for future work, amounting to more than $62,000,000. This is a new departure in prodigality which must be negatived unless th3 nation is prepared for bankruptcy. The argument that these appropriations cover works of national magnitude, and are to be distributed over a period of vears. is absolutely worthless. . . . . 1 "This Congress has not been gutea with that singular perspicacity which fit it alone to map out the work for all its successors. The next Congress will find iust as many things to be done, iust as great a demand from greedy in ., -1 - 1 . . 1 terests m tne several uisiricis, just a many big jobs to be covered - by . con tracts. These $62,000,000 do not rep resent a completed work of internal improvement. They are the grab which .this aoet,jreekloea - at . all Cm gres8es makes at the public Treasury for ita own proht. xet thai preceuent stand and other Congresses will uo tne '- m . 1 "11 1 same. Woric alter worK win ueguu under the contract system, each cover- ing an expenditure .of -millions an nua v to prosecute it. until me river and harbor expenditure of every year rises to from $50,000,000 to $100,000,- 000. Tha wav to prevent this is to Btop at the outset." madam, to take frequent baths, plenty of fresh air, and dress in cool gowns' Husband (an hour later): "What did the doctor say?" Wife: "He said) I ousht to eo to a-watering place, and afterward to the Wfdntains, and to get some new light gowns at once.. Mrs. Newrich: Were any of yotor nnrefttors men of note. Mr. Cynic ? Mr, Cynic: Yes, madam, I should sav so. One . of them was the moat famoua admiral of his day, and com manded the allied forces of the worid Mrs. N: (with altered tone of deep resnecM Is it possible. Mr. C! and what was his name ? Mr. C: Noah, madam. A country boy who was brought, up in a remote region, of Scotland had oc ration to accompany his father tOi a village near which a branch line of rail way passea. The morning after hia ar rival, when sauntering in the garden behind the house in which' they were remain the same." If Senator Butler did not say this he might have said it Col. Pelk said it at one time when he thought he was about to get what he had been claiming for. lhe Progress ive Farmer and Our Home and other papers of the grand circuit have said it substantially very recently. "If Senator Butler didn't say it he will say it when the trail gets a little hotter. Absolutely py re. .- . . . . ttw 11 taVar Dakl,te powder. -: f Hghest of all in leayening strength.- 1 ! Latest. United States Government Food Report. - , Rotal Baking Powdeb Co.l New York, W. .SatlV. M.S. S. Ita MONTOOMEB t . It: " M. LILLY 8 onesr ineir professional services 'tt the oltijiens of Concord and vicinity. AH eaiui promptly attended day: or night. Office and residence on TCns nni fitref t, opposite Presbyterian church. D'r. W. C. Houston. Dentist,. - ) C6sCOBD, N. C 4- Is prepared to do all kinds At 1 lntal work in the most approved manner. ; umee oyer Johnsen'B Drue Store. W. JT, KOinOOMBBTt t. lbsobowell Attorneys and Counselors-fit-Law. OONCOBD. N. O. I As' partners, will practifco law in Cabar rus, Stanly and adjoining counties, the Superior and Supreme Courts of tha State and in the Federal Courts. Office on vepot Street. Parties desiring to lend money can leave it with ns or place it in Concord . National Bank for ns.. and we will lend it on good real estate- security free of charge to the depositor. we man thorough examination of title) to lands offered as 'security for loarfs. c t -Mortgages foreclosed without expense to owners of same. r Attorney-at-Lawj ' CONCOBD.N.C. Office in Morris bnildinff. onnnsitn cgurthonse. July 4 t D.G.CALDWELL, M.D.. Offers his professional services' to the people of Concord and vicinity. Office inSrear of bank, Nijht calls should be left at mv residence on Main street. OfBce Honrs, 7:30 to 8:30 a. m., 150 to 2:30;"p. m. Telophene call, No, G7. Sept. 20.'94. lv. C,.;TB. BARHHARDT, H. D., ; Pbyslclan and Sirgsoi, i 1 ? . MT. PLEASANT, N. O. ' Calls received and promptly attended at all hours. Office at my home, late residence of Dr. J. W. Moose. Dee, 26 6ni. Senator Irby, Of South Carolina, announces that he will not be a can didate for re-election. Keason: He knows Tillman will beat him. -In Cincinnati and Milwaukee about 69 per cent of all the foreign population are of German birth. "That man has killed more thajx fifty neoole." a a 1 1 . 1 A "Goodness! why ia he allowed at liberty ? Vxa Iz-UImI them sort . . . . I II Cli. T UU UVV w MKaMvw - - staying he beheld with wondering eyes 1 accidentaly. He's been learning to I rM.lLl I'll UV. A'UI B1UUU1CUV iM? owv. "J, I.! iTtnl .1 ' ' then, running into the house, he saja vbayther, fayther, come ootl " mere, a 8middy ran off wi' a row o housee.d and ita awa' doon by the back 0' me town." ; I- Did You Kver Try Electric Bitters as a remedy' for vonr tronbles? If not. get a bottle now and set relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarty adapted to aeveral yeara. 1 It is the special duty of tween the days in Ireland and America, j the relief and cure of all Female Com Bhenffs and tax collectors to look after Ah, he said, "the days is twice a and collect these taxes, and I ask their long in the ould counthry aa here and careful attention to this schedule: This there's twice as many of them!" - department is ready at all times to as- 1 sist the officers in the execution of the revenue laws." Satisfactory Results. Murfreesboro,; N. C. June 11, 1896. We have used Hood's Sarsaparilla; in Condensed Testimony. thin TrisHtntion in eases of eruptions of Chfts R. Hood, Broker and Manufac- various kinds,! and alwayB obtained turer's Agent, Columbus, Ohio, certifies J satisfactory results. Several of the that Dr. King's New Discovery haa no teachers use it as a blood purifier and nai a a (knffh remeey. J. D. Brown. trmir and I. have taken it myself for Tr, Rt. James Hotel, Ft. Wayne. Ind.; r-fttrrh with eood effects." Missa S. C. testifies that he was cured of a cough of J White, Matron, Chowan Baptist Female two year's standing, cansea vy iu in8utute. I nriime. bv Dr. King's New Discovery. -r p. Merrill, Baldwinsyille, -Mass., say 8 that he haa used and recommended it and never knew it to fail, and and wrmld rather have it .than any. doctor, 1 beoause it always cures. Mrs. Hem ming, 212, E. 25th St., Chicago, always keeps it at hand and has no fear of croup. KoAonRn it instantly relieves, js ree inai bottles at P. B. Feizer's Drug Store. Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. said on a . - v A. Legal Ugbt. "I guess I better plead guilty,'1 the gentleman, who was in jail charge of stealing a bicycle. . "Not much you won't," said the law yer. "I vegot two nvery eiame kwh010 and a nervouis, near-sighted man on the jury. plaints, exerting, a wonderful direct in fluence in giving strength and tone to the organs, Hf you Iioas . of Appetite, ConatiD&tion. Headache, among Spells, r are Nervous, Sleepless, JiiX ftitahl. Melancholy or troubled with Dizzv BDtlls. Electric Bitters is the med lcme you need. - Health and strengu: are euaranteed by its use. ' Large bot tles only fifty cents at P. B. Fetzet'B Drug Store. Mr. W. C. Whitney,-aa he left. New York for Albany last week to confer with Hill and other Democratic lead. firs, dftniftd that the Democrats are dis couraged over the prospective silver ma jority at Chicago and says the gold sen. timent ia getting stronger and mat bu ver men must recognize the importance of adopting a gold plank, Only the sufferer knows the misery of dyspepsia, but Hood's Sarsaparilla cures the most stubborn cases or this disease. Housekeeping Uinta. If a bath tub is zinc lined, it can be made to look like a silver tub, if rubbed 1 vigorously with a cloth moistened by kerosene. In fact, a housekeeper wouw 1 Aa well to sea that such a tub gets a weekly rub of t&ia kind all through the year. The distressing water maricwmcn occurs often in the tuba of the best reg ulated families needs to be watched, and it can surely be avoided by the weekly 1 kerosene rub. If the tub is marble, and has hfiftn discolored by drippings fronv the faucet, scour .it ; with pulverized 1 chalk, moistened with ammonia. An other good way to clean marble is to useJ a strong solution 01 wanning oua, mm whirh a little whitine has been dissolved. Cover the marble with the mixture, and et it remain on for-abont an hour. Then rub it off, and polish the marble 1 with alcohol. Republicans Have Lost the Senate. New Yorx Journal. ' - .j. , When . Congress reconvenes, next December, the , Senate will contain thirty-nine Dimocrats, thirty-nine Ee- The dream of Ponce de Leon waa thai he might 6i cover the fountain of oerpetnal youth. . He died searching t foantaia looking for Imooa&imu anor The nearest thinr C fontain oi.pcrpct youth Sa a Wvay ia of perpetual. rfcet healta. talth keepa ptopfe younf. Sickness make them old. Health means fantt of all, strength and regularity in the K ar est ive functions. Pht indigestible mat ter into the stomach, and it is likely to find lodgment In tne bowels. . It will stop their action. Poi sonous, refuse mat ter, which should hava been ' thrown off. is retained in the body, and as it cannot go any place eise, more or less ot gew inu i That's constipation, it i sucn a wonuei- fttlly simple thing that people do not regara tt seriously. - iney ici 11 iun w, . b.ww worse, become chronic, ana enow iiec wi over tne Doay in ntty ways oeimjc u; aider it important, eonsupauon cauc nine-tenths of all human ailments. Its first -1 f L Jill for it. Thi Ik . was' an riVs7Atn'iTrfc flff ft ual vm.ii. DR. M. C. HERRING, DENTIST, la again at his old place over Yorke's Jewelry store, ; ooncobs, nr. o FIRE INSURANCE, i When in need of Fire Insurance, call and see us, or write. " Wo repre sent only nrst-class Home and a oreign Companies. j life8pectnilly. WOODHOUSE & HARRIS. i.i nil! Jewelers and SiiversmitBs. DIAJVIQNDS, WATCHB6& .CLOCKS, JBWBLBY, v SILVERWARE. Eye - Glasses - or - Spectacles : . ' fitted to the eye accurately and! scientifically. Pubifcans" adeven . Populists and gffiK unattached silyer men. Any change from these figures will be in the direc tion Of a reduction ot . the uepublican rk o. headaches, general i.;n mrl dehilit-r. When any of these them are sour stomach, flatulence, heart- vn H diMi ftw eatln?. IOU1 Jflmu, coated tongue, dizriness, palpitation of the anH an inr.rAase in the silver strength. 1 1 -a AMutv when anv it ig.nmhahla . that thnM Rpnnlnrs I .mtnnti aVinw themselves, you snonld iul lk 10 . . - . t. imo.'. Plrnaant Pel. trom the sUver mining states wno a re- ncu 7 ' . fu.Z. tW-. fused to bolt yesterday, such as Brown1, of Utah: and Carter and i Mantle. Of Montana, will be forced by their coa- stituenta to follow the lead of Teller. lets, according to directions. -They are tiny, suear-coated granules, made on purpose to cure constipation. They do this perfectly and quickly, and they are the onlyprepsra tion In the world that will do it There axe i r ..sMnoa that will arlve relief as Republican control ; of the " Senate, fong. yoa j.eep on taking them, but 70a therefore, is already a thing 01 tneican't stop. They aon t ".y past. That i. the first work of the ESVS Louis convention. crodnca a remanent cure. Gall and got a Siip Jptij hU Sdmee This is bat a scent. If yon want Dollars, save them by buying from the I HI I! MR m IS CONCORD. J.P.YORKE, Optician, I.