y, a UJ WEEKLY BOOK AND JOB PRINTING; j j.Jolv circulated paper Xie-: "'rjbHsJicd in- , . I Vlichmond OP Ali KETDS Executed in the Best Stylo ' ' . ; AT LTTKO PB1CE3. Our Joli Printing Department with eyerj necessary equipment, is prepared to turn out every va riety of. Pointing in first-class style. No botch-work turned ; out from this office. Vedupli cate the prices of anv lee-itimatn. - . .-- . - .Montgomery, oil, Randolph, V 'ly, Anson and tjii ion Counties. JOHN S. SHERRILL, Editor, CONCORD, N. 0., THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1896. Volume XIV. Number 3. establishment., , , THE : :0UNfU WRD : i IJMESo- JOHN M. SIlERRlLL. Editor, . , BE TTTST AITD ' EEAB ,NOT." , f V M m ru. i JU' ' IMS K-EUE. I I 1. ; . ' - ': wa ?c rs csr r Nfc VSfSJ S' f - i blood purifier and build Kitsap : . .5 ipa ererrthinrr Wei np " - actd. it3ts positively the best. Othar? 7 il ume claim. But there's I-3- i :'JL: If, nrnra it. Not hv ftTli Ha iiisereiifav. -r ., - but -oy- ' but by Hood's parilla B It lias ord Vi In medical history, !Tt tiosiii$, perfectly and permanently tu U keen discrimination 91 it merit and the peoi.ia r -s"o""--- ... . A' 1,0 uooug LUI3 ap- Sdo'e s Cures xin!fia.nw cores That the ihowri lij that tuel-. Sarsapat , erence ami i -lasion oe buy Ilood't the ex all o'tbera. Hood's Saparllla hfis a larger sale than oJ Winnd ruriiiora. It wins con- LntaMnitW advertising and testimoniala .riftfld:fcT' all who. take it medicine in ver received such praise, 01 o many uj , . flcrfal cure No other medicine poaseseei t!P f,UliEC . POLtY'S MINUTES. PREAMBLE.; - t We, the .Democrab of the United States in nationftl convention asapniniea, do reaffirm out allegiance t4 those great esseutair priociples of jflsttce ta ItteHjr . I ciriKiriT nv nrn mtYT fiOVEBNOB. -fATioNAt oEMocRATic rATt-ORM. gysteni which depresses the prices ol- . , . . - their products below the cost of produc- . Winston genUnelt , The Child' Hour. tion and thus deprives them of tne; (Vras B. Watson; 'fOur Cy,' as he is Polly was sewing.' At least, Bhe. had means of purchasing the products of popuhuly known throughout "Western her thimble and scissors in her lap and our home manufactories 1 North Carolina, is a son of the late a partly hemmed napkin in her hand. The absorption of .wealth by the few, I Watson, Esq., and was born Jan- But the hapkm was being whisked about the consolidation 01 our leaning raiirunu 14 1 844. near Kernersvuie, in i on the rue for the- amusement of ol la ui b j . i uai - . i , . ..tvt, .i,;.u r ;Mt;tnfrrtiisrfifnrmddlsysiemslana me iwmawu ;UxuUpu, what was tnen a pan oi ow. """iiya jawen of this (Forsyth) county. I steadily, as it hackbeen doing for nearly own freedom of 'speech, freedom' of I)res8, freedom 01 conscience, iuts yixi and which the Democratic party has d-Ppols require a stricter control by tne; yocifed from Jeflerson's tima to our Jeral Government of thetenes of j commerce.- utiuamt mc i-uuuoc meat of the powers of the interstate commerce commission and such re strictions and guarantees in the control of railroads as will protect the people froni robbery and oppression. - . REPDDIJCAS COSGEES3. ,- r We denounce the prolific expenditure KPlfisb intrests to the centralisation of nf mnnpV wrum? from the people by op- overnment at power and steaaiasuy DressiYvtaxatioin jvn apprvinaT wt"""" maintaied the integrity or tne auai i tions of recent .Republican ixngresses, scheme of rovcrnment establisnea oy i wnile that the labor that pays tnem is the founders ol this republic of lepubr J unemployed and the products of the lies. .Under, its guidance and teachings j people's toil are depressed m pnee till the great principle of .local 6elt-govern- j they no longer pay the cost cf produc vatloa of personal "rights, the equality of all citizens before the law ana ine faithful observance of constitutional limitations. . Durine all these years the Democratic party' has resisted the tendencies of th3 From early childhood he was excep- j a hundred years. - Polly looked, up, at tionally bright and j gave promise 01 1 its old brass face great mental activity ana capacity, xus i --,now.- Blow you THE PENALTY OF HUMOR. OXI.Y FOR A DAY. Crown, and that all political connection between them aid great Britain was to tally dissolved, a committee of the Con tinental Congress was appointed to draw ud a declaration of independence. Th are!" she sighed. I members of this; committee were Ben- educational advantages were only those "Mother said I must sew for an, hour, jamin TrankUn of Pennsylvania, John afforded by the commop schjola of that and your hands "have , only, gone half Adams of Massachusetts, Koger Sherman day. ! , - way aroundflince I began. . Can't you of Ctonnecticutt Eobert-Iti Livingston; i When the dark clouds of the late tick anyiasterf" J ' of New York, And Thomas Jefferson of civil war arose and hovered threaten- Tick-toctt Tick-lock! Really it was a Virginia. Why was it that their col- ingly over this SouthUud, although only j m0gt aggiyatihg old clock. ' Presently leagiea committed the writing of the Ha3r'8 M.ag&i.Zlne- ! Vejy people know that a nian When the time came for the people named Atchinson was once President of of the thirteen United colonies to pro- j tese United States, but such is the case, claim to the world that they were free, ; lays the Philadelphia Press. While the and that they, held themselves absolute-! path of office was never administered iy absolved from: allegiance to the British and he was not officially y recognized rBn.n J .1 Ml .11 l!i?l ' ... IT. TT iY- . " Aicninson was lor twenty-four hours virtuall the chief executive of this nation. .' . . ; ; Marck 4,-1849, arae on Sunday, a daythat the constitution does not rec pgnize as legal in the transaction of such 3 "facial:: business as administering the ath of office. On that dav at noon h,w-o-olthafirst Combination, proportion and rroccssusl in preparing Hood's Sarsapa it merit oeculiar to itself. ' To: is the secret of its wonderful power, of hi wonderful sales, of its won derful boll upon the confidence of the people. Tils: is why it -cures : Scrofula, It BheiiCatarrh, Eheumatism, all T.lirer frnnhlfiS. DvR- gamors, ii,cjr - t r v wifl. Thai fired FeeUng, buds np the nerves, created an appetite and strengthens -,nifi system. Its merit j itsvpalea its lit II 7 . " , . . ; , aent has found its best expression1 m the maintenance of the rights pi tne states and its. assertion the necessity of the eeneral - erovernment to :. . " ... the exercise of tbe powers granieq vy the constitution of the'Uni ted .States. the mosey question. ; Recosmzins: tnat.tne money question is paramount. to all others a$ this time we invite attention to the fact that the federal constitution names 1 Bilver and gold togather as the money; metals of the United, States.f tfR thM3thj ffirstj , coinage awf" passed'b cons3cesvJQnder the constitution; maae?i Uieuver xionar the monetary unit of Value and admit ted gold to free coinage at a ratio based upon silver unit. ' - . ; We are opposed to tbe policy 'and practice of surrendering to the holders of theobligations of the United States the option reserved ; by law,, to the gov- tion. : We demand a return to that simplcity and economy which befit a Democratic government and a reduction in the number of useless offices, the salaries of which drain the substance of the people. ? " FEDERAL ISTEKFEHENCJE. it v We"denounce thearbitiry interference by federal authorities in local affairs'as a violation of the constitution of the nited States and as a crime against fre institutions, and we especially object to the government by injunction, as a n,ew and highly dangerous form' of oppress ion by which federal judges in contempt of the laws of the states and rights of the citizens become at once legislators, Declaration of Independence to Thomas Jefferson and not to Franklin? The rytrgtulan was ubtttrc-"meafc-c man even 6f his!: own section, and al though his reputation could na fairly be terrned locaj, i was but little more, while the name of the Pennsylvaniah kothafirst Polly beffah to vawn. - . to shoulder arms and! go out from then j.j ij a didn't take sixty minutes home of his boyhood to ngnt, suner toanhour ."-she thought.-The clock and, if needs be, die jfor tbe Confede- ticking made her sleepy. rate cause. He served most valiantly "I wish there - wern't any min- aa sergeant of Company K, Forty-fifth utes." , - ' Reeiment N. G. troops. : He was seri 'Youdo. do vou! said a round-ta-ed. ously wounded at both Wilhamsport, thin-legged "Brownie," such as Polly had was well known I thro jghout the whole Md., and Spottaylvania Court House. read about in Mr; Palmer Cox's stories, civilized world. I Franklin wa riot only When the war fijospd Mr. Watson Dfa y, ever see a minute ?' ' asked the foremost $Uien of Philadelphia; laid down his arms and came back, to the Utt'man- bfifqse'BpUjr'.. hflU gotten wher the Cong was sitting, he was his KernersvUle home. : He served both over her surprise at seemg him. 1 " " 1 the mos,t experienced pviblicist and the there and at High Point ifor a year or . No,"- said Polly, "I never did." most accomplished rtin of letters in;aQ two as a clerk in general merchandise Ancl he led her toward the clock. Then the thirteen '. colonies: and he was sne- Btores. He afterwards studied law sn- j pojjy noticed lhaf th,e dooj in th loweil pially well equipped for the ! drawing up der the late J. M. Leach at Lexington, j part ,1 the clock1 was open! , The j of an appeal to Europe, as1 he had but j and was admitted to tne oar in xooo. i Browme stepped in between tne weights just returned from London, where. Cfi, During the next year, 18G9, he was 1(1 the -pendulum, and Polly found had been plfjad'Es tiia cause of iuVcoun- onited in marrUge o Miss A, Hen-1 that ;;be had uddpnly gtqwn small trymen wltfi indomitable courage and enough to follow him. When tney indisputable skill, let Iran kUn was were inside, the bottom of the clock be- hot asked to write the Declaration of lh- gan to go dovn," carrying them with it dependence; and, although he. and as though they were in an elevator. Adms made a few: vprhai ftmendments, Who are vou?" Polly asked tMl the cjeqifc of that great State paper be- Iiuugs iu itcuuBUUi auu Tvrijr nw io luai, this responsibiUty was placed on Jefer-: and Mrs. W. P. lev. daughter of Mr Henlev. Since the war. wkue loyal in every way to the Federal Government, he has shown himself an earnest defender pf Brownie as the started Err-Jr a JZZ the South and her interests. He is an .r- am your Timekeeper,' umtowu. u - Tp active member -of the-Sortteet uamp,igwered; , - - m the house relative to .contempt in fed Nr426 United: Confederate Veterans. m the clock witl the Time eral courts and providing for trials by XVatan rftTjiAw to nromi-1 w, Va-u . imv T eminent of redeemirig sacliU 1SS SSS wffirved Pence in- his chosen iPfOfelon. deyel- tell your servants what you, wanfhem in either silver-coin or gold coin. 14 1 . xr TwriT,Vi oping into an apie pracHoner, wpo- milu, , "";u Tl tew 1 by the government of the United States anA - j.. LHaflli in thft mn- w I .n AttTT nT I IU f 1 Ulllf IM I .; ' We . approve of the refusal of the Fifty-third - congress to pass ' a ; Pacific railroad funding bill and denounce the effort, of the- present Republican con gress to enact similar measure. UNION SOLDIERS. Hate Eoo&'a Sarsaparilla the One Trul Blood Parifier. Sold by all druggists ft, Prfyared on' C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell Mass. tbe VSst family JlOOU 5-Jr:lll! id Htct stimulant. Easy cathartic 1. S i WHEN YOU i FBEL SHAKY Why not try r sn- I t 1 U J am m I J h Hill Mil UiP IK monetizing silver without the knowledge or approval of the American people has resulted in the ariDreciation of gold and a corresponding falling in the; prices of commodities produced by tne people. AGAINST THE GOLD STANDARD. We are unalterably opposed' to the ainl rn1.1 sLindard. which has locked fnst vthe prosperity of an- industrious people in the paralysis of hard times. Gold monometallism is a British policy founded uoon British greed for gain and nrnvpr. and its general adoption has brought : other nations into financial Rpfvitute to London. " It is; not only un- A merican.- but anti-American, and can 1a ffi5?tened uix)n the United States only w tv criHincr of that srtirit and love of . ' n . duct of criminal causes. " In 1883, Mr. Watson was elected to the North Carolina State Senate, thirty- Uecond district. He iserved as an elh- cieat member of the Committees on in- VAAiC to do. " 'My servants!" cried Polly in aston Recognizing the just clairrS of deserv ing Union soldiers, we heartily indorse tftTrial Imr3rovement; , the tricting the State, judiciary' and several mto a light corrider, so long- others. He was a hard working Sen tor. in everv wat representing his dis li, think tne. explanation lies ip the fact that Franklin was a humorist. ??ot only was Franklin'ft gtardy common sensofelt to be too plain a homespun for wear in the courts of- Europe, when ishment: and then she held her breath, I the thought needed to be attired in all for they were going down very swiftly, j the lofty rhetoric that the m,oat fervid Presently they stopped before an I enthusiasin, could, produce, b,tt also onenincftin the wall of me passage I fear me greatly, his oolleaguea were throiieB which they! had come afraid that Franklin would have his joke. Inin a Uarht rrrJlpr: sn lone so lonff i hrnhfthW a verv cr.ftd ioke5 hut the verv pi I J -T-drj J-r 7 i -it-it - - j lu i. !i -j i i J?t ii i i ! that Polly could not see the en.d of it. btest cf iokej jo.uW not be in keeping Th roof, floor and walls of th.9 eorridtir I with the stately occasion; They were the rule of the Dresent Commissioner of trict with much credit to himself and con- wer6 maAei oi Bomettih wiuch kiokGd acute, those leaders of the Continental Pensions, that no names shall be arbi 6Uuiency. ItiB.toMt. Watson tnai I ie yellow sand, and opening off both I Congress, and they knew.that every man trarilv drooned from the cension roll due the credit tor originating ana en-is;des of ' it were smaller passageways, I has defects of his qualities, and tnat and the fact.of enlistment, and service Igipeering to successful, enactment the j fIom which came a cUnking sound, like I the humorist ii likely to be laokVPin should be deemed conclusive evidence I most notable and salutary law of that againstdisease or disability before en- year, the famous- anji-lynch law. lie enlistment x was elected to the Senate by a majority ADMISSION OF STATES. ' ' Of 1,305. i . ' ! aw iR7r Xv Walsnn formed a We favor the admission of the tern- gepartnahip" for ' the practice of Taw Wim nuuiu me ticking of many clocks.' (reverence, and that the ! writer of the The Brownie led Polly-into one oil Declaration "6 lhdeperiden.ee had these corrider- ' " " ' I theme wftich demahdesj ihjs most reyer "Here is one of your sen'ants,- helenUal treatmaat said. ' " I; So it was that Benjamin Franklin had -Then ; Polly A?f atex Brownie at J to pay the penalty of humor in the last work With a pickaxe wmcn cunKeu i century, just as ADrananii . litncuiu- tan l to -pay it in ims cemnrv', .Because ttio- ecizo upon an in THE MEDICINE OF KNOWN MERIT, SOLD EVERYWHERE . i aRTHUH PtTER OO. tOUIVItUe. KY I GENERAL AQEHTS. -rr r - Graham Cilia a Orove. 4 rhen the j agamst the wall as regularly as the Vt RATI I l.-L,l uStWXm demanded. nt having the-,- necessary PoTiJRaxton, which rarikt'ftff-one ui iuw I JtXniMMM hame ?" asked .PIcoDgruity, andlbusihtJiei u e deinana iB'e'irreeaTlaTTnCimtteff resources in enuue.uem "Mruwu I foremost legar combinations in tnei h6 i8 called One-Hp.ur,'-'. answered the Ifor his abiding melancholy m playful- I .... . - i l i il I n nj-t nthi a thav T-TlM I n WTT1 Lt-irica HKfn, r I 1 i- . I - - 1 1 ' il : ., i-,. 1 .1 . r 1 r .1 rniniiTp of both eold ana suver ai vue uu mmv w i oiate, was toruieu. i iiirowme, -anu ne is gauieruig uuuutco, nesa. mere wery uu a lew.wuu reiuueu nrpspnt lofral ratio of 16 to 1 without hold that the officers appointee 10 au- . in lgQo Mrl Watson was called wnich are of pure gold, and which be- to take kim seriously, i U. I . i I iMintcfAii Ihi orrtvdrnmpnt Of ftHV LemLi-1 . 'T .t. l- I-- i. luilvl In i . .. titi 1 1 .,HJ n - i!. j..il T... l wattinw for the aid or conEeni oi any i '" zr.iAY l mio pupuc me, uvuig wku iw ""iionar CO you. nnen lie uaa vMvur Jyen aiier iu aeavn inese were nuxi . 0 . , . i vv.- nith t ho i iiarrmr or i .omm- I . . . t . . 1 t : ini . . . . tt ' -1 1 i . . . i 1 i i . . 1 c.. ... i other nation. Ve demapa. mat me rjt luscua nu .uv m.v. i ine lower uoubc w uie xAmuuw-v. , gixty ot.tnem, your -nex; ciome vui i est xoik wno new me snrewaesi ana standard silver dollar shall be. a legal pia ana Aiaaa, .u "V this position he, asinine oenaws oh to work m his place, and tlys one will loftiest of ouri statesman to haye been tr Vnmilv with pold for ail debts, residents of the territory or .auinc'in 1833 iabored diligenUy for the te3t in- take me mmutes he has gathered for little better than a buffoon. Of the I -1 J o , v:l, ,1n(ioo oro 1,1 lie nprfOrmefl . 1 . . ,. , '. A Di.tn all . i -.1 i, 1. T l.llLi .... - 4 -r. il- oublic and private, and we iavor sucu i - I teresis oi nw t-ouButuciicjf nuu. i you ana uo wim mem wuaiever x. ku wee greaiest Americans- rranuiiu: fresident Polk's term of office endrxl apd President-elect $achary Taylor could ifct take his place or," at least, did not tlunkhe could. The prospect of tlie country being without an official head for twenty-four . hours, or there : being bt about who would be the hoad crealoJ, diacuaslOff'm Obligress aiillnthe i When General Tayla? 'arrived in Washington a few days before the in apgura.tioin he was besought to take, the oath of office on Sunday so as to pre vent confusion and what some jiersons belieAed tq ho in danger, as7 thoste were ther stirring times. ' During Saturday arid Sunday night there were a haltdox eii fights in Coneress. ' The carvitol was 4 camp of violence, but General Taylor heia out mat ho would not become jfrident on Sunday. ! . Uavid K. Atchinson, or missoart, was president pro tempore of theSeot.o and: it was held by Congress that 'the func tions of president must devolve upon $nin from bunday noon till Monday noon and for these -'twenty-four hours 1. - 1 J il - 3..i!: i! t T ne: nau me ulsuncuun oi uemg rresi- dent of these United States,- having all Ue functions and powers of that office. The oath of the office was not immedi ately adTjftWstered to Genejal Taylor, Ue being virtually Vice President it: was not considered necessary, 'That Senator Atchinsoi considered himself president there can bo no doubt, for Qf Monday morning, when the Sen ate fe-ssembled, he sent to the White House for the fteal of the great office aj.d signed one or two official pppers as resident, Theao were some small acts n connection with tne maugurauon hat had been neglected by President iilk. - But there was much fun and good patured badmage lndutgou m among atcbison'8 friend's and himself during is short presidenciai term. He was democrat while the presideiit-elect was K whisf. A majority of the Senate was , . . . . . i m 1 1 1 Democratic and his menas joKingiy hroposed to him to usurp the office by ling the army to his back and pre- imentine "Uld ironsides'' irom bein v . i il,' . 1 1 !. sworn Ui. - n any suen umisi iiswi uccu seriously contemplated General laylor :Was too much the-idol of tne army let it be successful. LT Vi Utf LILTIUU Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar hntinw Highest of all in leayening strength.- Latest United Siaies Government Food Report, Boyaii Baking Powder Co.; New York. W. H, UILT, a. D. THE UKR) FRJSZE & U.T.LET, l&OPRIETORS. 1 DI ALKKS IX legislation as., will ,preyent lor me future the demonetization of any kind of leal tender money by private con tract; i OPrOSE EOND ISSUES. j - Yvc are oopobed to the issuing of inter est bearing bond3 of the United States in times of peace, and condemn the traf ficking withanking syndicates which, in exchange for bonds at an enormous profit to themselves, supply the Federal Treasury with gold to maintain tne puu- cv of gold monometallism, bona fide or district in which their duties are to be performed, The Democratic party believes in home rule and that all public lands of the United States shall be appropriated to th establishment of free homes for American citizens. larce He was the author and earnest advo- rjite. of the famous ! anti-trust measure introduced in the House by himself, and passed that body by & 004 ma- him to do. I. tell Some of them will be made Washington, ftqd Lineqin-r-two were I mto gold dollars, all stamped witn your i humarsu; aqq is perhaps, his den I name: Didn't vou know, lefore that I cienov of humor which makes Wash 1 ''Time ia moftey? And of course, be-1 ington seem niore remote ; from us offer their prof essiohal services 1. the, citizens of Concord and victuityT r AU- calls promptly attended day or night. utaoer and residence on .asr Dopol street, opposite Presbyterian church. PROFESSIONAL CARDS, S. I UOXTHOMERf, M. D Dr. w. G. Houston L Dentist, CONCORD, S. C. Is prepared to do all kittds of Dental work in the most approved manner. Ufhce over Johnson a Drus btpro. W. J. MONTGOMERY. J, LKEOBOWELL Attorneys and Connselors-at-tav? . CONCORD,N. 0. As -partners, will practice law in Cabar rus Stamy and adjoining counties, the Superior and Supreme Courts of the tttatetend m the Federal Uonrts4 umce on Depot Street- Parties desirinc to lend money can . leave it with ns or place it. in Ooncord ..... Nationial Bank for us. and we will lend it on'ood real estate security ifree of .1 1? x il. a -1 . . 1 : . - cuarg to tne aeposiior. . i ; We inalrj thorourh exaBcmation oi j title 'to lands offered as security for loans. , Mortgages foreclosed without expenpe to owners of same. to MORRISON H. CP.L0WELL, Attorney-at-Law, .'. - Time U money?1 inc fairy money, it buys much y -nnH-ii- rioatnTlPQ TphlPtS r Congress alone has power to coin and liberty and independence. : l:r ;j ivjtjw4.ywj J sup piQiiey and i'rcgiaent jacK?on-iie- ijL-X'i) -VI-L, KINDS OP CEMETERY . in WOR i i isLi d in Ihe best dared that this' power could not be dele gated to corporations ; or . mtuviauais. We, therefore, denounce the issuance oi notes as' money for national banks in derogation of the constitution and we finraaml ' th'nt all Twiner wmch - is maue ESfa deXS Portdnities to all citizens of or which is receivable lor aues to me United States' shall- bei issued byr tne more We recommend that the territory of . -tru'Waii' foundered and defeated fit an mnr (vimmnn money does. Har- Alaska be granted a delegate in congress I in me QnSLle by a bare majority. The j pme8a and knowledge and goodness and and that the general land and - timber 0 this measure was to throw greatness all can be bought with welk mws w uie vuiicu u off tie neaVy yoKe 01 hush wiu wuiui- spent time: . - said territory. ' . nations, which have for several years But wqn'y U minutes be nade. into sympathy to cub.4; " been Fapping the life from Nofth Caro- qolarst?. 'afekvld folty. " fe Weextendour svmpathyMto thepeo- Una industry and' hindering her mate- '''Walt and see"-' said ' the Brownfo - pie of Cuba in their heroic struggle for rial prosperity. . t aimeq -W especial presently a, hell soqnd.od, like the Vo A niorifnri Toliaceo Com-1 TrVT-RP -OP OFFICE. :ii".xm -t- J :tt . 1 MMV -.. x- - We are opposed to life teP"re in the j Mr WaUorr during this terra of the to wort in his place. But the first Hour public service. WTe favor appointments : Legislature served as chairman oi tneipUt his sixty minutes into ahasket, and based upon merits, fixed terms of office Committee on Bahks, and was quite looked at Polly's Time-keeper. and such' an administraon of the I active in the passage af a law providing I "Keep fifteen and throw therest civil service laws as will afford equal pp-1 for me re-establishing of State banks, j away," said the Time-keeper. a.n$ -lh and iess friendly than either of the others. ascertained jwhich was to go into effect "when the fitness. , , Congress of the United btates-snouia We declare it to be the unwritten law J have repealed the 10 per cent. t,a 0,n Hour shouVlBt-, ," said the Time-keeper ftn lli ran away M;jUVtMv basket ou his oi,o)a VfUllanis i14 it. Tfee,IeJr.oH Freei Press. Oppp8ite the railroad depot was a gro cery, kept by cokired man, and as we had some timeo wait for. the train three or four of us crossed over to look at his stock. - -! '! - ;'' - i Business was very brisk with the nier-- chant, though all his customers were colored. We ; noticed that sugar, eii and codfish seemed to sell ahoys. ail else, and during a tempprary o,i approached thet batter oxl scales on' which every thing was weighed and picked up some of the weights. it The hollow in each ne had been filled with lead, and when Gu,it& sure . t aiT..-..l nV." rilLi' in r., i and usage of one nunQrect yeanr a it was dunng tms session mat , jut. mM myUk iVift UiSi saau wiru",aT':: -i. : - nc&ittJr we-etamples3of the great- Wat8on made bis "deepest and most fa- , . - l . :.Xj.:.IyHE,TATiiFV.. ; est and wisest of those Who founded and Uorablei impressions upon the people o "Wiiv did you tell him to throw away j . u0 linii wo:v,t unnhlLknco at my Illluuices, auoncicu, j...."v-. I said to jour welslte it f :;.:. i. wi'ir-k and lowest t-V'd See qs eo're .rip';.. Price nil d on applio ition. - . . l:j'V,,t r.-:it'Strett. ' ; -.:'. -. linl.l 'thartarifl 3 u ties should be liided solely ' for purposes ;of revenue, siVh' duties to be So adjusted as to oper ate equally throughout the country and not if discriminate': between class or o i i.itqt nn kmmii i i ht ? ...tVYu .V ,io rA Mn .rovf.rnnipnt guarantees to every citizen; the i .i -i i ... i rv. i T-n -t iT-r.T tin i ll ii auu icueivuo - nonesiiy anu t:wmum v.4'""'"""'- ' We denounce as aisturumg to uubiucss the Eepublican threat to restore the Mc Kinley law which -has been twice con rlprnwl bv the people in national elec- - . . . 1 -ii tions and which, . enacted , unuer uie false plea of protection to home uvdus- . . i i'A ti-i-! nrovod a proline brecaer oi u-ulsib j i r-- - ... - , , ... Al 1' -TA... aad TOoncpiuea; enxicneu tiie lit' the expenge' trade and depnv creat American -natnrol maricpis TTntil ihe. money Ouestion is setuea ciple. are opposed to any agitation for fur- ' submitted v.OT .hnn(rpa in our , tami laws, e.vccpv ivinridmer in tne lusuce oi our rauoc """-o .. ii ' jte:k I - . " .. 1 ., .r . ..v, no ovo norpssftrv- to meet me utum i arie tho nprpssitv ox lis success Hb uic i ransed bv the adverse decis- we submit the forerroing deolara " .1 . kit . . . . - T. il- - VUG iy minutes," answerea tne nrowiue. IeM t oaaces oi codfish, Fifteen minutes of this hours yoi hayc th- man . . ; -r used iii sewine. Those, minutes, wih bei ,T voll have f ir.aJ into faitv dollars. The rest of the I ,;,k' iw V have maintained our government that j the state at large as an uncomprpmis- j time'ybu have apwii playmg. with, the J .yea, mhyea, sah,' t-Le .replied, as no. man snouiu ihj vu&iytu$ i mg 4-(emocra anu, j nj w Hl i kitten ana sieepmg, anu iiiie hwh i ho rubbed his hands together, term of the presidential pmee. , convention expressea it, "tne anciem you yqurself have, ; Ws.teq. ' tittt ivn BPtmmna i.iMBTv. and eurnest foe of monopoly ana trust - ur Lavo been asleen ! exciaimeu ai a av'-"- i . - . - rr - - ThP. institution of the United States the menu pi -lyeput wwuuc. rouyr ana just men sue wu up. J)ut this next hour thpv will have to make every bit of it rights the people's right's." It was with com- "Well " she thought, beginmng to nil., i incinriai iiin 1 1 k tr uuuu uio uuvMauvu iw. Bonrrprv nam i m 1 iu:i iiau&mi -i-tv'VJV- iuc '"v" ., - . - I , - , , . usea, mat me x-uram wuimjr u.vu. i may be tnrown away tion, held in this city June, zum, moat enthusiastically endorsed Mr. Watson for the nomination as jjemocratic can didate for Congress from the Eighth district. ' - - ' - - It waS with, unfeigned yet reiictant we are in .xaqr oiiuv Wvj lobedience to " ;mrfl9 onvanhon, AS TrTm bles? irhot: get abottle medicine has adapted to of civil and religious Democratic party'has always been the exponent of political liberty and re lieious freedom, and it renews its obli- cafinns and reaffirms its devotion to o ....... . .1 these fundamental principles oi me con stitution. - - .- -' ARIilTRATlON. ' uav wiib, mc iuciii j , "To keep the dirt out of the boles, sah. Can't no dirt git in dar now." "Waa it your own idea?" "No, sah." I never should, her got datidea if, idttH bin for Deakun Wiuiaeis. 1A! ucanen jsaui iij wao u9 1 Had General Tavlor bteen an unpopu rirr-Trrarrimff-Tiaa rtrarnscir-narT tne "S:"1"", n. " Office in: Morris building, opposite oupreme court, jrresiueiit jin muauu o a-iT. fn.nAKnn and Ilia Vonatitlltioil!ll I II la I Al llVjbl I M II DWVll AWltWl-V. I - I 11. 11 BUI II. III. II.. x13- professional services to Che' so that it would never again fall on Sun day. ' . .. i ? According to an almanac maker of the time, the next inauguration to . fall 6.n Sunday will bp March 4, 1921, there Mil then be an opportunity lor a roieii of the events, of 184'J. The Ulcyelo JDul It. 1'lttsburg Dispatch. j "Never caueht a thing!" declared the old man, "Never even got a de cent bite. Got ud before daylight and rode and walked forty miles, spent $3 n fares and $5 fox sandwiches and rum, and never teched em '-'flsmn' am i what is usea : to do, anvhow." he contiuued, mournfully. "We used to. go 'round New i.ork 'most anywheres and bring in a good mess. Now you can't bring anything hnt a ia." , . . . 1T "How you account lor it, a inquired, sympathetically. - , MThe bicycle,'' said he. - "Wha-at? What, in the world has he hicyole got to do with i t?" "I don't know everybody says it's the bicycle, you see. -Tba hikethas iust pvwlastinplv knocked iJtiespttta-e,a fishin', 'n everything else so they say. Few years ago it was biiermau Then it was the McKinley law. Next ,;n TMvihahlv be silver. Just naw. it .is Couragin, stand it." people of Concord and vicinity. Office in rear of bank.- JNignt calls should be left at my residence on Mam street. Office Hours, 7:30 to 8:30 a. m., 1:30 to 2:30, p. m'. Telephone call, No. 67. Sept. 2(K'S4. ly. C- Hi- barhhardt, h, d, . ' Physician and Surgeon, MT.'rLISASANT, N. C. Calls received and promptly attended at all hours. Office at my home, late residence of Dr. J. W. Moose. Dec. -0ia. DR. H. C. HERRING, DENTIST, Is again at his ula plare over Y oike s J ewoli 7 ': Store, CONCOHO, N. c FIRE INSURANCE. When in need oiFire Insurance sent onrymiui'-vimjj u.u:u,n -l,. Companies. . TlpfiTirtctfally. VOODHOUSE & H-iRUIS. thft hcvcle. 'Solum ai! v.nf I ' n'ooRo we've SOt to into gold dollars." 1 . - iway deydidldown in Greenville, aa' h And Bhe has been carpfu.1 about v- hxed em fUe mc widcut cost." jng her, minutes ever i v. - he smce. v. i)ia vih 1W iKleetrlo Bitters, as J, remedy for pt me many, resu.ic uuuepai " iZ2T?ZT yieldea their tavonte as a vAjugrcooiua. - , ektdiof. This ed the producers oi me m interstate commerce -wwm w' eandidate Ior the higher and more re- . h t,iliarlv . iU ni I . i J At-trl anni-r nma arinn 1 ... ... - r - . t h a 1 w x- Bta-piea oi access vj uw pioye auu nxumuu Dvu sponsible position ior uovwuw-w i ,va Mtkt a nTA n -ii-. . : .- as is necessary to carry out ,uhb riln North State. : j - 1 - ' J - I piuiuw i.i 1 Miss , It Killed Her rather. tansing Itowan, the actress, tW challenped Corbett tQ box I aneflkiner Ol MISS Xtuwau o amicus U.K.- i toil Diamoadyles. li't- ii stjls Popniai ia JPrics. fr.?f lEa-l theWorld for. Spsed, .l -ili irt!i.'yclesohealeatait;me8 . ' ..i c -iiii.f on thp: income 1 :;,-.la-i nit futnhsf'-s In 1 . .-. . : - - . tX h Ampr5animol ahmenta one of the leading pa- tav!, t - - : - i COnHQeraiB 1UUUU1CUV ui uv . vw r -.i . . - . , . i . .ii m ii.ni .,tif ihsorvpH inn i-.n?i.i- iir. .a fre oiTTinnTr . 1 1, x , iiur. i,iiiti ..tit l ww. . ... ill.. . . . i nt-1 111 iiii i - . i i . ...rt t n -' am, w mil miiui, 1 1 i .11 1 1 . 1. 1. n court UiiWWOUiu.ue.au citizens wno vwmv, "5TrVh: V- m -pAon hB ronsid revenue-sunder the laws passea o a desire to have them ana wno aeire vj guou mu, " " n rrnm-aaa in 5tnrt oursuance i u- . tham . mailt, prrer.tive - turuuKii ernmc ok.hi m ! v.a nniform rlecisions of that court ft-r- nparlv one hundred years, that court . 1 - - lA.nAl r"V1 - koTnir in that UeClSlOn . BUSUUUW vuf iiutwr, - .. , - . stitutional objections to - its enactment luslv been ovorruri . by Uit im rre wllO nave BUtuumc "We ''declare that it is tne uuiy 01. ffiGiKlil; COLLEGE; ; 1. lii.. One of the leading P- Vniiii-r Ladles la the , bourn. 'iirt lm'.MixL's.'all modern improve- viim "i'l 1 )-aii ..-. ,,f Vft.. famed for Itealtn Vt ! iHiiivlotin -rtfiillof. Villi 1 f'.i . 1 .,1 advantages in Art and J-'um 1 fiom twenty States. u " 1 " '--the President, , - u Kins, itoanokj;. Virginia, m ior uua aeciwwu My . people. . ve tui .- vr Li. .nritntlv made in uencit in citizenS wno approve - tnem auu "Z'--. oonmd- 1 ivvnau boxer. While not UgWaUo. for the Uef - -52S3 as a new woman, and Uul at a yariely of she really would en- and the restoration prosperity. of the- country's on the stage. Missj some prominence is said to be : skU finnrta." Whether fef a "ring" in;" pubhe, with Corbett is a The'tJeaen- buys alt his groceries hero, doeseu't he? - "0 "He do, sah. Yes, Bah, he buys :'eni 91H roraiml wn tulliu' n - only di mawniii' dat he nebber did see . de beat u' how dem groceries held out." . .a He was advited to take his weights Female Com, over to theccton warehouse and have wonderful direct in- thfem weiahed. and he picked them up e, 7 7 . 1 -i, .1- .3. ;i- , . ii- t . 1 , ., ... flaence in giving strength and ton.? tplana starj&d off, at a slow wajk auo, ecy the organs. Uf yen fcow 6j Appetite, f iiiucfi phzzled. When fbe returned it ovm. Korrnni. nieemess. Jiii-1 on r ana as iih reticutu uic owyic, Melancholy or troubled with Dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is the-med-icine you need. Health and strength areiruaranteodby its use. iiarge bot tles; only fifty cents at f. B. Fetzet's Condensed Tetlmony, . -T- TY. JI . TlToTlTll, . lri-L"Zl riiin Ua Wtm. of considerable doubt, but with tarerAsem, w . v, vv -u -u-:i, m.ira . -r T7J 1 -KTaro 11 CdfirOTlT OftB TIO BOft CtiOVP.S BUB lUUUKUl DUD U41&1.V Ul the constitutional iipwer Uqualis a Oqngh remeey. J. D. Brown, it very jnteiwtmisitor-toe.wamrflon-- iviof Vi;a;An or S3. -7. q T.,l,TTotel.-FL Wavne. Ind.: without incurring; much risk of danger. For A a,Tns-. v.nt.nl ALL 'IfhJ l.ouiui Syrup. T In tinii FAILS. fZ3 Use p wmcn remama " "-:-vrv " 77, a JiUS "r. T7 77. ewi. . bA Ahallense- was issued ,.t-;K mm- prime froitt ui revoreai ..y testifies mat ne wu emeu ui WuS wiouv "itj v, . . rvhiCA m .cojie. .".-v- u. r8Uueo. - oi w Ti rna faihor of Miss Kowan was found Ovation v, rw Kinrr'a Uew Discovery.! dead from a self-inflicted bullet wound, "t . . . , . VTiipt, yj " . . ... 1 -r . tliA timA was a COOV -r - -Cl Ulannn DSllllWltlNVllltl. JIUUOii 1 1 H 111B UUOKOOlwi. . " - -L- ' iu"' ' . . -i -i I " , . -T -vr V innlm'n nor sava that he has used ana recommenueu ot a locai iew i'"- y---0 it and never knew it to lau, ana ana the challenge 01 uuuug,uit would rather have it than any doctor. , - , ,. . because it always cures. iurs. lieqi- j: Hung Chang, the Chinese rnme mini; 81?; E- Sf- Chicago, always jester, is " decidedly occidental in kGeps it at nana tuiu. uao xu . . , i some mines, -tie is majung wpww i,.iiii it inntanuv reuevea. . x xoo UllU uww - . ... notHAsat P. B. Fetzer's Drug fatore p. Tastes Good. Si ilrt bvilmgeiRts. , l,,i arv tiiaf. thfi burdens CUUtVf , ... 1 . may be equally ana lmpaxuuj , the end that, wealth may . bear its due proportion of the expense; ofthe govern ment. ' ' ' -' ,. ,- ' 4- mi.niTiTin OF ? FOREIGN PAUPER Url UDJE- i.mv.v" - - - ' : . :i - - - LABQR. . - We hold that the most efficient way to protect American labor is to prevent me importatation of foreign pauper labor to Lfo nth it in the home market; , Ai - v.n iiomA market to ana me vamo m " - .- a marn n farmer ana greatly reduced by a viscious monetary as aaat aalfifi prove i the great merit of I Hood's Sarsaparillaand great merit en- 1 ables it to accomplish wonaenui vuiw. notes of his journey to Jtmssw, iu TMiKlish a liook when he eets back home. i Whoever heard a his wife to Bing married man coax out, claimed: - . :' . "No wondei I has gone into bank ruptcy fo'teen times, and bad to sell my mpivl and hots an make the ole woman h'arfnt Dat ar'is pound weieut elRbcry o go Cork is one of the most 'important' exports of Spam, lb th? province : oi Gercna XuSbiW acres are aevcteu, tu ife. cultivation, and bring and annual income of $8,000,000. Cork wi.U grow here as perfectly ag n tapani, is me sighhlbanc comment of . the New Or leans Picayune, i , 1 Think it Over. : TTavA von ever heard of a medicine with such a record of cures as Hoods Sarsaparillal Don't you know mat Hood's Sarsapaniia, me yme, weighs twenty-two ounces, W elRbcr; i: TWit-.i.r.J tTJlliiim: iliaa boueht tWi 'r.UTrCW- liIroolr nr.nnna oi Huar ot wmw" "v. eh'away three pounds.knd ft half' Suoo! ize gwine uijuu vv j "f 1?nctll norill!' " : Each One Votea ttir Herself. , . i A ariod lookinar. ;i well4o-do bachelor of Griffin, a., was bcipg teased ny me vnnn? ladies ot a club for not being married, xie saw:;- :a u majvjr .10 w i of von whom, ca n ecpei vote, you eieci . J : vaa f- tantinn 1TI Purifier, haPed, over and over again Uo that if hftfl nower to cure, even alter, au vt, .n oWrenIedieafaUf7If you have LrZ A woman's heaA aches may come from several causes. She may ' have a headache arising from nervousness, or from digestive dis turbances; just, the same as o man might suffer for- the same reasons. Kine cases In ten. hewevet, her - a f' 3 .... MiAMiliai frA headaches, come from tusoru. ; pcaasvu JY,1" .. , .nr,.r.nt cause of her sex. i-oswuiv "?.--- --- . , g: headache wil tV W?E 2. i TnyrrouWeof those affpets nvmotoms -vrnicn jjmpiuu. ThHRancSi of times. WO- lbVen teSedfor the disorders Sht to be indicated by these symp. SmAen the real ttpu&e g ejr Wa : ded for the ills and pains WJJ" the uncomronaDie y- . ave 7 1. J. S J. f. I Jewelers and SilYersmiths, It, DIAMONDS , WATCHES, CLOCKS, . JEWELRY, SILVERWARE. ! Eye - Glasses - or - fitted to the eye . accurately and scientifically. It cures wncre w rrt,-- tifi.1 Thousanaaoi women uo.,- - m.Tl.lw failed that after quickly. ,hySicians without .JMS 552 Tised for over thirty yeaand has,n unbroltea reeord I of sue, . m:.t .nnmaTt Will tlld im- ce3S. - ine aiuiv-itu nfliate- relief and Call H.i:! cst Wntnail will una im- .W TifierV is no question ahout it. The wman who hesitate! is Invited to sendc, Sneent stamps to cover only the cost of AAv&r. This celebrated to b$ my wife." .There were nine ftSi information abaut Dr members of the club, j Eachgirl wentwdictae, with the reproduced omer remedies iaur u you uv uu- ----- -- cro vntea caat. each pure blood you may take -.IZS in remains parilla with the utmost connoenc ;"Th1 cluu s-, broken up and VI AU UV JVM v- - Hood's Pills assist digestion. 25 cents. Nashville is the place of meeting of the Confederate yeterans next year, the month tma aay ro db wafww m. the girls are mortal enemies, united .in the one determination ihat they will not speak to the man again. i j ; ' We are walking with the devil when ever we ara in bad' company. I ,emedkstalso giving their W Presses besides plain, clear Information tboflil of the organs 'of the human hod, auoui '.' "; . . i, i,att reached the un- !S.ntd sale of 680,000 copies at $1.5 i coov Thus the expense of preparation ---- - -( acopy. Anui r BQo.ooa copies I : 1 -i a nrm uciiktvu. v . will be absolutely given away. . . ... . r-if a mr( 'that wis uuuii - -r i, .1 1 pamphlet, but a Equine standard work of 5oo8 W Tpares, over 3i"8tI?.tio.n.' f them in colors. Aaaress, T T? YORKE. - ynw Medical Association, .0. . ' iir;;; St fe 0 ' Dollars, save them by baying from tho want JEWELRY 1 IN CONCORD. Optician.

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