E GaNCOBD-WEEKL JIES ' " ' - d0fl : " " UV' l j J : ' ' : BOOK,AND'JQB PRINTING Ibc '-r'pulihcd in , f 1 1 -. tl. ' " - y - T - - - OF ALL KINDS- Richmond , 1 'H """" " " 1 (( ' l) (( - (( 1 )) " )) - - v - V Executed in the Best Style ' ' T- f- ' 7" i ' . .Tr - i - ' ...... - -. ( - - , Our Job Printing Department -!v, Anson and .- , ' - -. .r. : -,,; . i j -J . ' - - , - 1 - ' .---' with every necessary equipment, rjnion Counties ' . " . ! i - - : , . , -- is prepared ta tern oiit every t -'". ; JOHN B. SHERRILL, Editor. . "SBVJ uwx-;-JfffEBASr.NOT.' - ' ff.OO a Year, in Advance. nety ofPnnting m first-class v ns i:i.ke. - - . , ' . . -. - . " styles -,Jo botch-work- turned " ' ' " ' - - - . " - --;' " ..'.'' v. - . out from this office. We durlil ; t I, v 3iv. Volume XIV- CONCORD; N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, JL893. . v. Numbei 7. T a blood purifier and Juild C? ? It is positively the best. Others -e:ioc: e prove it. inoi Dy an tut by erit Not by what but by Eood'a jes. rec- -vis of parilla It hae ord ol led in medical history, perfectly and permanently rj other medicines, fail, keen discrimination oi cognizes Its -merit and y Hood's Saxsaparilla, i& the fact buy Hood'i the ex all others. WATSON'S SPEECnES. fie Speaks to His Neigti bora at the Home , of ills ChiUlhootl. . . . 1 other blood purisers. It wina.con Jare' weryrvhere because the. Estate- .jc.iriiiiAvho take it. No othei tiic;ne lias ever received such praise, or L peculiar combination, proportion and ' . . , a. t 1 L - 3 1 This 13 ice secret ui ua wuuueniu . i. ... .JjvIm 1 BflTAfl tff t d urAn, ' ., .5 4-1,, Ttis is Kay it cures acroiuia, News and Observe. Kerxehsville, Aug. 1. Hon. C. B. Watson sjxike here this evening to a large crowd of Forsyth and Guilford county voters. One of thte tobacco ware houses was well filled. Many ladies were present to inspire Forsyth's able son in his noble ambition. lie spoke for two and a half hours in great earn estness and held- the large crowd in wrapt attention, notwithstanding the heat. His plea for the restoration of silver as unanswerable and showed how mat ters have cone from bad to worse since its demonetization.- He .spoke of the earnestness of the Democratic party for the restoration of silver and said that the Democratic convention at Chicago was able to formulate a platform that as satisfactory to the great majority of the' American people regardless of former political affiliations. It had named a candidate for president -so well and fa- orably known that two other great con- enuon3 hastened to endorse nun as the fit leader of the great army of American freemen who believe that America is able manage her own financial affairs without longer waiting for permission i-ohi European taskmasters. It is apparent . that the people are ready to elect him President The Pop ulist convention having nominated Mr. Watson for Vice-President, instead of Mr. ;Sewall; the nominee of the Dem ocratic and National Silver conventions, the-matter of casting the ballot for elect Under the financial svstem ordained' American Tobacco Co. without mercv. by the fathers, wealth was not congested , Rockingham is noted for the production in the hands of a few, but, all obeyed ' of ripe, waxy fillers, he said, and our the laws of industry and had a fair return ' people had Been the price of these goods for" their labor. A few men did not reduced to one-third the old time figures, have the power to corner the money of i Why? The American Tobacco Co. la the country at will." Nothing is 'more ! selling its Battle Axe plug for 13 cents a sept al! snsore 'Kidney, and Liwr troubles, Dys speli, Thst-. Tired Feeling, builds up the KTves, creat es a n eppet ite and strengthens ttewhole syaiea. Its merit, its salesj-ita Kite Eood's Sarsaparilla the One Tru Eood Purifier. Sold by all druggists, fl. Jre-areU oc!v fcy C. I. Hood & Co.,JUweu, Mass. Li Dill- tho best family catliartlo flOCQ S rlila and live- stimulant. Easy taSi.B'.yts'cjwratOk AH druggists., a cents. WHEN YOU FEEL SHAKY WHY NOT TRY IKS MEDIOtNE - OF KNOWN MERIT. SOLD EVERYWHERE r timus Peter & Co. louisvile. Kir. QENERAL. AQEATTS. :ii!si.ur fi :.(jraUam China Grove. mm COLLEGE i.i:v; x. c. EDUCATIONAL. F i in FuntHment last rear the .: tirtiv of tak-knt teachers. Thor-::--ur;!-tu:;s.i'j-actca'l courses ot study. I3iksirt:tt noirapliv aadTyp'e Writing, E.vi . 's moderate. .i ;i!X IX MIXICK, A. MV --U-, , President iJiliifi Sr. IU. fir-'., A COLLEGE; UDIES, EcaaOke, Ysv certain than those who control the money supply .are abso'ute masters of industry. .This is the key to the prob lem. It .explains the legislation put through by the money kings to contract the currency. - . - , England demonetized silver in 1816. It was done at the behest of the men who furbished the money to crush Na poleon. . ' . , - Mr. Watson entered "with great par ticularity into the various movements and the reason for them that caused the demonetization of silver bv the nations of Europe. " The conspiracy to double the value of money was world-wide, John Sherman was one of the arch con spirators,. In 1868 Oliver P. Morton, of -Indiana, favored paying the National debt in the same kind of money . it was contracted in. The bonds were bought at from 50 to 62 cents on the dollar, The currency ha3 been wofully contract ed since 1874, a cruel narrowing down to the gold basis..: Silver and wheat are tied together; An ounce of silver would buy a bushel of wheat in ' 1873: it will do the same to-day. A few years ago he had innocently supposed that the era of falling prices had been causedby overproduction,- An old farmer in Cleveland county asked him if he really believed that was the cause and he told him it was his honest opinion. - The farmer asked him how ore becomes a serious one. . We do not many million bushels of wheat were rot- ote for President and ice-rresident ting in the great elevators of the West, directly, but we only vote for electors. I He investigated the matter for himself Should the Democratic and National sil-J and found that it was not overproduc- er voters vote for one set. of electors! tion, but underconsumption. The peo- and the Populist voters vote for another I nle of the United States consumed less set of electors, then Mr. Bryan might I per capita in 1895 than they did in 1885, ose the State to Mr. McKinley because l as follows: 7 bushels less corn, 2 bush- of this division, although it would be I els less wheat, 3 pounds less cotton and the purpose of. every voter of all three 3 pounds less meat. Is not the country of the parties opposed to J&Kinley to I gravitating to the level of the Russian ote for Bryan. The Democratic party and Chinaman, who can live on b cents BIIX AR? BAYS IT IS HOT. Confidence is a plant of slow growth in aa aged bosom. The Republicans are making much ado about something that Mr. Bryan said about the supreme courf and even some of the Georgia law yers criticised him severely and defended the court as the best bulwark of our lib erties, and Bpoke of it as the high tri bunal that stood like a wall to protect people against the assaults of passion and prejudice. All that is very pretty to a young man, but,- old men have more ' memory 1 and less confidence, Theie was a time, a good long time, whe that court had the respect and the reverence of the nation, especially of the south, when John Marshall and Roger B. Taney, two southerners, were the chief justices for a period rof nearly sixty years, but soon after Taney died partisan politics and sectional prejudice crept into the court and it is there yet It has been only twenty years since mem bers of that court ruled Mr. Tilden out pound, at a heavy loss, to break down our home factories. They cannot compete with Ihe trust without reducing the price of the leaf. . The nail trust wrings a profit of 300 per cent, from the people of this country. Mr. Watson mentioned other trusts that were bleeding the people and showed the hypocrisy of the national law against them,' drawn by John Sherman. A four-horse wagon loaded with hay could be driven through its loop boles, be said. If the people, are wise; they will see to it that no man goes to Congress who it not unalterably, opposed to trusts, root and branch. 1 he man whose garmenu are defiled b them should be driven into retirementaa the lepers were of pld. Mr: Watson said he knew that this power would rain down its curseahp011 1 of the presidency and seated - Hayes, as l. t -1 t . t. 1 J-?J L X I " i .i I 1 ' . 1 1 Mi J ' " uuf utjiiu, uui uo utueu it vj uu its nuioi, I viear an act ui legal . irauu as ; was ever for if he went down in this fight the i perpetrated by the most unscrupulous seed sown would spring up an hundred- j politicians. Law is said to be the per- fold, as truly as the blood of the martyrs j tectum -of human reason. Then how is A.O .U VOA. VTA bUU VUUAU I A V VUAfc ALA KUVU Ubail V4 uvOUVfll O SUUUiA He closed by warmng the people of can judges decide one way and the Dem the danger that confronted them." The ocrats the! other way? It is right mel honest yoemanry of the country cannot I ancholy to recall that stupendous farce be bought, but there is danger that seven Democrats and eight Republi- money will count in the big cities where I cans all under oath to do justice in this thousands are out of work. great question, and. yefr-fchey drew the party line to a man. That Tilden was t a Matter of Education. elected all parties now Admit and history I was sitting on a keg of nails in a has so recpraea, lie was cneatea out West Virginia mountain store, watching the high orhce by three memDers oi . - I A A - L - rrL:- n. a native dickering with the merchant eupreuiB cuurb. xuw is iuC aaiuc .,vr a trade nf a hkpt nf ma for a court that decided tne income tax lO DC VM - . I 1 . 1 TTTl T ! !). . I calico dress. After some lime a bargain uowniwuuau. uy xwuumu i u u was closed, the native walked out with ch a court witnany case mat involved the dress in a bundle under his arnv great corporations, or sectional tjues cannot be guilty of this piece of folly, neither will the Populist party. . It would be worse than folly--it would be a crime So in order, to avoid this unfortunate condition, the executive committe promptly took teps by passing resolu per day The Bland-Alhson bill, under which $350,000,000 silver was added to the currency was forced upon the Btatute books bv the Democratic party, lnis Democratic money is practically support- tions to harmonize and agrea on a ticket I ing the entire fabric of American credit that will, secure to every voter the right ICJold does not circulate and " the gold to have his vote properly, represented in I certificates are used chiefly Jo raid the the electoral college and cost for Bryan. I Treasury with As to the- Vice-Presidency, this will all j In 1890 Austria-Hungary wanted be settled in due time and so settled as f 150.000.000 in gold. The parties who to satisfy all men who are honestly con-j had the contract in this country went to tending for the great, cause ol bimejlai-1 Harrison's Secretary ot tne .treasury lism throughout the country. ; . I and wanted to know if he would redeem "The cause of he people is swelling coin certificates, which are payable in inf o a revolution against despotic power. I either cold or silver, in gold alone. He Let no man "obstruct its onward course, I said: he would redeem them in gold. for 'in the supreme hour the harmonious The law said the parity must be mainr will nf all will suffer , no Belnsh- call for toirted. l oster and his successor nave j t . i i. : It isn't any business of mine," I said, "but I was watching that ' trade and was, purpnsed to see you let the eggs go for that dress " What f err' he asked in astonish ment as he mounted his horse. "How many eggs did you have?" "Basketful." , "How many dozen?" ' Dunno. Can't count." "That's where you miss the advan tage of education. . With knowledge you might have got two dresses for those eggs." - 'But I didn't want two dresses, mis- ter," he argued. , "Perhaps not, but that was no reason why you should- have paid two prices division t defeat sA deetroyV ., ... I maintained tb?jrity money r but. the No one can knew'lwr all the'Tieople I parity of property "with money is a prob- love Cy Watson arlhey all 'know: him lem that every producer and debater is nrt ipsa thpv mil M mme-le with the men I wrestling with now. who have known him from boyhood Mr. Watson read from the New York days, as I have to-day. and heard of his Tribune, the leading Republican paper praises from every lip. . of the country, an arucie- snowing uiai tv. .a i . itnr.ERS . i nifi nanca naa voiunieereu uuc Treasury over theelection.: As an Amen- tt . . a. A. n SYKOPSI3 OF' MR- WATSOX S Bl'tlXH Al lean Citizen, pruuu ui. mo wwuuj, " the mewt humiliating thing he naa ever read. A government for whom, mil taken from WEXT WORTH . The following synopsis is Webster's Weekly: What had brought the immense crowd here to-day ? Live questions were pressing to the front. The people not only had to consider them, but 'decide them. . What is the condition of the the country to-day ? All agree that it i most deplorable. , In the towns and cities, factories are standing idle, indus try is almost paralyzed At Chicago he was told that 100,000 men were tramp ing the streets of that city. -One large lions would sacrifice their lives and property, so reduced in pride as to per mit the hat to be passed around for its hTipfit while the world looks on and wonders. ' In 1892 he attended the Chicago con vention as a delegate, uteveiann was nominated without his aid. The plat form was understood by everybody to declare for the coinage of both silver and gold upon terms of exact quality. INow Cleveland and Whitney are hand' in glove with Hanna to elect McKinley BUTLER PLEADS FOR CNION. Warns the People of the Erlls-That Wouia Result, from the Election of Me- - Klnley In November. - . tions. i Ever since Joe Bradley -was a young man, and up to 1870 he was pres ident or director: oi two raiiroaos and several great insurance companies. . He couldent tote fair with them on one side and the people on the other to save his life.- No, J am like Mr. Bryan. I've lost confidence in the integrity of that court? I? will not say that its members can be bought with money, but their wills are moulded by undue influence and ought t be broken; That income tax was a fair and just measure and would have put jinto the .treasury near .forty millions of dollars and no doubt saved the government from the disgrace of that bond business. But I diden't Btart to write on politics, The weather is to hot too think about . Atlanta-, Ga., Aug. 5. Senator Ma rion Butler, chairman of the Populist National Committee, telegraphed to the Atlanta Journal this morning the fol lowing-signed statement in r regard to Senator Jones' interview criticising the Southern Populists:, . . . xoU'Wire me pnrporung to the : in terview with Chairman Jones, as it ap pears in Monday's World, and ask" me for a statement with: reference to -.. the same. . I am not prepared to believe Sen ator Jones was quoted correctly. The election of McKinley would mean not only four years more of Shermamsm and Cleve'andism, but also many ad ditional and culminative resulting evils. - "No intelligent, patriotic" voter, no tru3 American citizen can by his action or inaction, be responsible, "directly or indirectly for such threatened calam ity. The only, possible way that it can be averted, is by a complete, harmo nious and enthusiasticc union of all parties opposed to the destructive rule of corporate greed and British gold upon the candidates for President and Vice President that represent just - the op posite of what McKinley and ,Hobart represent -. : ' .: "What a humiliating anct sickening spectacle, it would be should the folly of personal ambition and the Demon of party spirit step into, -f contuse and divide the allied majority and deliver the people into the hands of the ene mies of Republican institutions. But this cannot, this will not happen. "The American people are hot now in any humor to be trilled with. They fully appreciate the threatened danger. They will this year drive the British money changers and. American tcry allies from the temple of liberty and take charge of then" own affairs. "It would be better for candidates and chairmen to do le68 ; talking- at the present. But in spite of the . indiscre tions : of .Individuals and so-called leaders, the American people have de termined to win the fight and they will do it . . (Signed) Marion Butler. " for one. The merchant got the advan- am thmg; that excites indignation. We tage of his education. He knew what I old chaps here in Carters ville have been he was about." . . going to school every night lor a weea, He looked at me for a minute, as if j preparing fer the deestnet skule- show he felt really sorrv for me. Then he 1 that was to come off. The ladies -got grinnad and nulled his horse over close it up And! then levied on us and put the tome. : - - lowest men and women in au luiaut T -Wir " Via Viol nrViiOT-ionxl nnst- I olaea' and wa hurt tf toe R Chalk ina . rurHve ," dances toward the sroreit ana ic&ttrmr-ai c o n blackboard, 'his eddication ain't so-much more'n and betaught to sing "X wan to he. an .-mm . - TT Jlal . 1 t .5 I J A vmX I- M arwAAilVk mine es vou thint it is. ne aon t angei. ana we nau u oua.. a duccuu know how many uv them aigs is spiled, like we used to speafc it away back in riH T tin " And he rode away beiore the SU'8 and 4U'8. cme oi nau tu T viild arcne further. walk ud and be hcked for our mischief, --1 . . -i . i i ... and we had a recess ana piayeu many, manv Ktara with the girls and I got kiss An AtTertisr' uream. Ud several Umes and so i forth, v The A certain merchant, it doesn't mase 1 nights were hot. but we had fun, lots of any difference what his name is or what fun old fashioned, innocent fun. Old his address is. is a man who believes neonle are never so happy! as when re- ASi 1XXIXU FOR THE SHIRT-SLEEVE FELLOWS. Statesrllle Landmark. Cabarrus Superior Court is in session, Judge. Green presiding, andwe.read' in the Concord correspondence of the Char lotte Observer that oh account of the oppressive heat In the court room Judge ureen "has granted the- men the priv ilege of laying off their coats.";' Glory to Judge Green! We are glad to know that there is one Superior Court judge in North Carolina who hasn't lost his head on the subject of dress. . Within the past year or two, two or three- Superior Court judges have ordered men from the court rcom because they hadcorne into their august presence in their shirt sleeves; and one of the judges, insulted some of the poor devils who were with out coats by making remarks about their shirts not beiOjg cjean. . In fact, it had come to the pass that we were afraid that, in the very near future, no man would be allowed in the presence of a court unless he had on a certain prescribed court dress-r-say a "biled" shir, ta claw-hammer coat and tan shoes. But 'Judge Green has turned the pendulum back and ail honor to him for it. . We know that it is not customary for one to go to a function or to church without a coat on; but while One may not do this we hold that a man who has on a clean shirt, the garment being whole, is decently clad whether or not he has on anything else from his waist up; and that there is no impropriety in his going about the street, about his place of business, or into a court room thus arryed. It is nothing less than torture to compel men, and especially farmers who are in the habit of -going coatless, to sit in an ill-ventilated North Carolina court room in the months of Aug'jet or July with coats on. ! ;:ige Green has taken the humane and common-sense " view aitd neither his own dignity nor, that of his cpurt will suffer in the least by his action. The judge will hold Iredell court week after next and we pass the word out now that nobody need Wear a coat in the court room unless he wants to. -' Absolutely Pure. of cream tartar- One of the leading ' ,)' .Ladies in the fcouth. iMsnsi, all .-modern' Improve-' f.-u acres. Grand mountain : -v t Va famed for health. ! Aii!erh:a!i teacliera. Full i h.tv ii'ivantaes' in Art and- fi'.;n twenty States M4.-- ise President.' ;! A Koauoke, Virginia,; unaccustomed to him, 6lept rather un easily, starting up every now and then as the minister grew emphatic and al most shouted the words of truth at the congregation. When the sermon was Even the Republican platform admits I about two . thirds over the preacher that Kimersilism is a good thing, but we I called out must wait until England is willing. Butl -'Brethren, why stand ye here all the -v,v eVinnld we wait? - 'I day idle? " . - . . .I 1.1 A 1 , r 11 J..Ti .Hn " n.t n r OnrTvniilation 13 ereaier man matuii "uecause iuey uuu muvciuoc. auufi estiblishment employing 8tandard upon 'the closed. A gentleman of high character .rv . H ... 14J1U. Xlilil IJJ-aujr J tAvi w . a-wvmvw to poverty that they wereglad to carry valises from hotel to railroad station for a nickel. In the country the farmers make as much cotton, corn, etc., as they ever did, yet their products are so and France's combined wealth, but the half awakened merchant; that they yield no reve- i . ,.,.' tir ,i,.o. IVUUVVU vv tl v nue outside of ; a bare living. thoroughly in advertising, and as a re-1 calling the memories of the old sehool eult he has the biggest business in his j days. That is about as far back aa we town. So much, indeed, thai ne works go 4nd it is a big landmark in life s so much in week days that when he J nistory. Shakespeare tells of the -whin- goes- to church on Sunday, as be always I iDg school boy creeping unwillingly into does, he generally goes to sleep as soon school. That was a true picture some- as the preacher gets well started into his j times, but as a general thing, we were-k sermon. - ' elad to go. Charles Lamb writes ot nis Not long ago a visiting clergyman joyful school days. It was a most de- filled the pulpit, and our friend being lightf ui mixture. With j a mother to help u get our lessons anu a iatner to encourige and a teacher to praise us when we did well the daily task was not hard, and then the surroundings, the Double-Quick. An ancient resident of Willowby, whose conduct in one of the battles of the Civil War had brought him under suspicion oi cowardice, was naturally indisposed to admit that he had played any but a manly part - "I didn t run away and stay till ' twas oil ftrpr. nn Rnrh fl, thinor." he alwavs w , , - oi J affirmed, v ."I retreated in good order, that was all. 'Twas a time for retreat ing, 11 ever mere was one, ano accord inglyl used my judgment and retreat ed."-.-'- .-'.,-, XU18 Kate-a-wasTiegaTuaBsmo4 or less satisfactory up to the day when a military gentleman, came to visit-a cousin in Willowby, and in the course of a conversation held at the , village store one evening heard the oft-repeated explanation: "Well, my friend' he said, looking steadily at the heio of the retreat,"you say vou retreated in good order, but should like to ask one thing: About how fast did vou go?" "Well, "said the other man, surprised into telling the unadorned truth, . ','if I'd been at home and going after the doctor, I reckon folks would have thought somebody was pretty sick!" A c: Highest of .all laleayenin Report. Rotal Bakesgk Powdes Jo baking powder. strength. Government Food New York, PROFESSIONAL CARDS, W. H. UUV, U. D. s. X. MOXTnopissr. v. u mi THIll offer their prof essional servioes to the citizens of Concord and vicinity. AU calls promptly attended day or night umce and residence on .East Depol street, opposite Presbyterian church. The Cigarette Habit. Youth's Companion. ihe teacner 01 a puouc scnooi in Chicago, found that eighty of her schol ars smoked from two to twenty cigar ettes a day. Six only of these boys were able to do good work in their classes. The victims of the cigarette habit con fessed that they were suffering con stantly from headache, drowsiness and dizziness. Many declared they could not write well Because their hands trembled. A number were "shaky" when they walked, and unable to run for any distance. They could not rouse them selves to meet the examination test. sure to lair it asked to memorize, any thing. Seyeral of the smokers were Condensed Testimony flhfts TL Hood. Broker and Mannfac- dno reve- Leventy billions. We produce from J the way his wife grabbed at him Now and! s.Rttu nf the world's Ishnnlr him into a sense of his siti and and recess, he dinner bucket, the good time going home in the evening, k the pretty branches we had to cross, the red gullies where we got 'chalk, the walnut trees over in the field and the chestnut -trees on the hill and then there, were persim mons and hlackhaws and maypops not far awarl We had town ball at noon, Dr. W. Surgeon G. Houston, g Dentist, ' 'concord; n. c. -. Is prepared to do all kinds oi Dautai work in the most approved manner. Uiace oyer Johnson s Dm Store W. J. MONTOOliEBT. J. LKE OBOWELL Attorneys and CounsGlors-at-Law. COXCOED, N. O. As partners, will practice law in Cabar rus, Stanly and adjoining counties--. the Superior and Supreme Courts of the State and in the Federal Courts. Oflice on Lepot Street. , - l'arties dcin2 to lend money can leave it with us or place it in Concord National Bank for us and we will lend it on good real estate security Jree of cnarge to the depositor. We mar 3 thorough exarrination of title to lands offered aa security for loans. Mortgages foreclosed without expense . to owners of same. MORRISON H, CSLDWELL, - Attorsey-at-Law, lor then in some favored locality this is not - , w me corni three-fourths of almost broke up the meeting. fourth to one-fifth of . the world's J shook him into a sense of his situation glorious old townball that has been de- ihe rase, the exception proves the rule, i . . ,i tua orenter nart of the VViuim tne lasruiew csvio im'CjRQLip COLLEGE , Tlkvnt, N. c Si-art 1 '?X.iitp:n14.r2. riial. Instruction t-.'.!4auon nealtiifiil. ' 4. (J. SCHEREB. Presidt nt. Our country is ft-little world 11 1 "W frna IvimetillllSm. Populists. Democrats and Republicans. ! B. ..,. fihnw that the world's nroduc- -w Tfe had always counseled conservatismil .. , ;s on nnn nnn nnneea. Of lyonr - . , m , . - i HUJJ. UI OAK CI lO WV-J,vvv,vvU nn.l warned them aesuiist lettme minor I truA stofoa nnnfrlhutPA 77. questions divide them so that they coull M - 58 etc - outside world 48 mil- uioropgu. not get togemer ueu u-c oupcuvui irn - rvmon-mert in arts, manuhictures. came. : That hour has come and thel . . th outside worid 50 millions. battle has PCgan. it ttl Thei halaiice is bought by the govern- Chicago. ... . . v., merits of the world-and coined at a great I ' Did You Ever Electric- Bitters as a troubles? If not. get a now and. eet relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all Female Com plaints, exerting, a wonderful direct in fluence in giving strength and tone to the organs, llf you Lioas oi Appetite, Constipation, - 'Headache, used to give good balls to the batter and wanted him to hit it and knock it a j turer's Agent, Columbris, Ohio, certifie that Dr. King's New Discovery has no equal as a Cough remeey. J. D. Brown, Prop. St James Hotel, Ft Wayne, Ind.; testifies that he was cured of a cough of twn vear'a standing, caused1 by La ! Grippe, by Dr. King's New Discovery. B. F. MerriS, Baldwinsyille, Mass., Rftva that he has used and recommended Uti-inrt neirer knew it to fail, and and- would rather have it than any doctor, because it always cures. Mrs. ; Hem ming, 212, E. 25th St., Chicago always keeps it at hand and hasno fear of croup, because it instantly relieves. Free trial bottles at P. B. Feizer's Drug Store. from four to five years too old for their grade, and it was found that after they began.to smoke their progress ceased ' Except m three instances, the schol ar! hardest to discipline were smokers. Truancy'and theft were directly traced tr indulgence in the habit. Boys who had reformed and joined the Anti-Ci trarette Society said they "felt like dif- o " - . ferent boys" The power and perm ciousaess of the cigarette habit are re vealed by this fresh testimony from comctent and careful observer. " : - One Mao in UebU One of our subscribers writes: "I cannot pay for my paper because I have so many debts to pay." A few others have written as though what one owes for a paper, .which costs the publishers money.is not a debthke that which one Owes for groceries or dry goods- They re mind us of a little story-: At a revival meeting the evangelist repuested every man who had paid his debts to 6tand up" Thev rose in a mass. Then he said. "Sit down: and every man in this meeting who has not paid his debts, stand up." One indiyidual raised his arm aloft: "My good man," said the evangelist, "have you not paid your not re Office in Morris huildlag, opposite courthouse. July 4 t D. G. CALDWELL, M. D., Offers his professional services to the people of Concord and vicinity. Office in rear of" bank. Night calls should be left at my residence on Main street. Office Hoira, 7:3jTto 8:50 a. m., l:3(rto 2:30, p m. Telephone call, No, G7. Sept. 20,'91:-lv..-. , ..''.:. was out4 b ; Firteen Persons Killed by a Storm. ' Athens, O., July 30 The most de- ot "the ' mile if he couldf Then there . AT Inld fashioned shinny that was akin to Utmetive storm in the history W,UB .1 1 1 T nroo n Vorr1 rromo n -i l 11.. .inMa.l ot nlnil inp m(Hf'ni euu.- . J-w vtaa -mi niisi v i-reex. vuucv vvi . " and kept us with bruised, shins and tcester." a mining "town, " twelve miles hlnodv toes, and gradually fell state of tnnocuouadessuetude. debts?' 'No," he said, "1 have, of a paid them. I am the editor lig-inua -neriodicahi xufimWof this congregation oves me for my paper. :-. -r-vt ui 1'", . SKSTITUTE. !l tlie cheapest find the very y seliool in the State. " '- Dipartmeiit. h- u s-jhooi. it will pay you to ("isfelofeue, etc. ' ' HAMILTON or I'.Kt CE BESTOS, M. A.. ' l'r.iR-ioals.irnionvllie, N.C. . . , i. .- . a f. ii , ti i - . . i. HiiiBbimuuu. . . . - a . -i'or sLxteen yeaio fil. and bv so douig the prices or our ' t iOQoaa T?.-r- t the Friday evening . (TT X f e-lstl -" i J - . - . I JTJ illS I1T Hin Llffll lUlllk ' LJluU LAVMUI -r .M. w vw I ' . - 1 .... - twnal convenuons, riereuuure w producta are being reduced to starvation -MdaooholT or troubled with sometimes ventured to hold their handsthe town without witruing. South and West have played second fid- P 9 5 f the. alv. and would purposely rnispell of the wind is indescribable. the North. :New .York has fur- . . . . to JLZX the word to let them get above. !d the 1 "7 " there were some Democrats who hoped are ganteed by it- .- Xarce . hot- ypung man, Droiw . ta mwh silver bv voUng for McKinley. Ulea onlv fiftv cents at P. B. Feteefs 1 i . 1 inHHnf litrO, Phalli ' ll-;i 1 M.I 14 1 1 . " t 1 w ieqiuai nuuiuutB -- wapnfi(i them that they were making Drue Store, shoulders above his leiiows, waikeu upon .of-VA. Tf th'fiV helri turn , the platform and said that the old oroer - fe , hundred greedy trusts Thft Postoffice department has issued uc icvwaw, ' i i - .,f.TOoM nmn t.heneo- into a ' nnrth of here, last niiiht, which resulted I m the almost total destruction of one of And there were some pretty girls tOr the principal streets oi tue ww - look- on and admire, and we had ou ing damage m other piacesio iub amwu-.n Fiuntine I sweethearts and loved to stand by them, of thousands of-dollars. . ihe siorm, Knelling, anu wnic.n i:aiin; jiijiii t.nj . - r: T! . 1 . . T!... .,.. the town without witruing. iub n j That Buildings were toppled over; trees torn was chivalry, pure and Pimple, ...ATtenj jroni tuear roo ou - ' came Saturday, a long, long, happy day ing is a scene of desohttion. r , . when we gathered chinquepins and j Fifteen are reported dead and seyeral chestnuts or went to the mill and went others seriausiy injureu. . -v iivcij o---: .ci,;, TchHe wftitinfr for the grist, .'with six horses and a number of vehicles o nl!ni,. . a;A n't wait for tne prist. ' was blown into the creek and s-aep Tetters in the New York Journal from. New Jersey editors show that McKinley will lose as many silver Republican votes as Bryan will gold Democrats. If so, Bryan will carry the State. C. H. BAfiHHARDT, M.-D., Plyaichn and Surgeon,, - SIT. FLEAS AST, K. C. Calls received and promptly attended at all hours. Office- at rhy home, late residence of Jar. ' J-W. Moose. Dec. 26 6E.j?.fgj3gg DR. H. "SrfrERRING, Dentist, is again at his old placq over Yorke's Jewelry . Store, . CONOOBS, I-T. O FIRE INSURANCE. . When in need of . Fire Insurance, call and see us, or write. We repre sent only first-ckss Home and Foreign llfcspecffpTryp- " WOODHOUSE & ILiBETS - Nearly every building in the wrr.. PU-i ft'! : filiSV ..t.t'v '''"A .nSf nd nfv1- UiVtnrv over their old masters. They . ii were-there to write their own platform, . ..it h;s .xpert,; in all or its special! , . thft helD 0f God it should CiyS- '"'"w.Ari. K dent on. uommeremi "j - . . - . ; . , it tu tiles, we will be pleased talize upon the Statute pooks m tne u-c JL-CA AAA WV of things-must be reversed, and hereto- rZl the two- : i t0.rt m U -nnstal - - . i i QPn an uTiMv i ii i a, l a a t tA o vaivvu r M I'ln-iii-Hi ua a la qua uvwvuw , tr - - . . tha ftrwith And West, tne ereai pro-1 .-. v uAAol . . . - . Aat- knf Nn Unir rnA5 home and went oacK awav r.r. hn Petitioned Pie, there. w no teuing wuer elerw, miormmg wvux. i . r.ZZ " -ther fmlie. itnwA U damaged and many are Com uucers -jJL. 7C7trCr a trouble will stop. I McKimeyism is uk ment'8 wishes concerning me avuiuuo m ui kZua i w-trVea are be- .... . : Wnu th TlOWera UliU IK1 VJ uu j. r- iU.. -Dnn..K.l ... , - .1 ! -r, . i-li .I. : Ji;T,(fn.iuia UitlClV UCluutlouiiu, . mi T.nrinciJV nun Ml I CP.C i... 0,nliea- essence of an mat .ua of these cierwm vu.wui-y -At issuu memuty .r6-. - A ..riniinn. being covered with -i'r.-JLIfl I hU. UULLLULi them justice, w --f5 lean nartv..and the Southern man wno romnaign. : "The department does not those delightful days, ano is no won- "rr: .1 a xti .11 tin . 1.. t-.-i , nr ann tne nmnie -nau v- r ... ... , i " . . - 1:.: 1 . . . r . , hrnt-pn i mners auu ucuiw i !n v.Wthia institution for Uvs on uau. .r'.T 717.-: .votes that wav is playing witn aynamiwj. ttempt or desire to control me ponu-oiu der mat the poets nave wnueu a-ui, ann,Uv r-reek- is . . 11. wtivh f a nn wi r 1 m. - i 1 t-iL 1 - v- f - . j. 1 - . j . il -1 - - 1 kihihi ui lues uvnui -kvs"- j v n ot young women iiiia :u- arisen in uieir ixix5 - o- r -nhicaeo the -lemocrauc party pu i ODimoii8 of any one connected wiui u? them; and one ottnem ays . . j 7" I. " ru -j c m. j j ? . .... . i j. i : Ha'ppmn? KvtrviuiuK iv v. forth a new declaration or maepenu- postal service but it insists tna empiujr- ,,How dearto my heart are the scenes, - v- whed away, and t-o ences, , It is tne Desipuswuru, ot me jsauway jnnu. TiT; of. my.' childhood." -; are reported drown more to the toinng millions man. any i an active interest in poiiuca iu v.,f v.ob heen framed in 40 years. iTOnv nf attending conventions as dele- bUWf iw wvy- , . - . . I -J O . tu,. ia nr hone in the Keoublican MM makino- political speeches or as Tartv. . It is lor tne goia eta uuaiu wi-1 sisting in tne raanageuieui m fiviuv uui. iajjudcuii.. vj i i campaiuua. - THE paia that Eorae . times strikes a uia.il at the most inoppor- tune moment is due to indigestion. It m-tv corae in the midst cf a dinner and -make the feast a mockcrrj.lt is a reminder that he may .not eat what he chooses, nor when Jie chooses, lie is a slave to the weakness, of his Fremtentlv he does-ftt even THE. GQHGQRl . FRIEZE & TJTLEY, PROPRIETORS. , ' MARBLB WORKS, DEALEiiS IM Mbnuments, Reaastones, Tablets' AND ALL. KINDS OF iV. I1 on antuication. '! ''!' :inl.'- ' . - 'OlIN (' ri.T-tyT-T,! -Principal, v- . iialeni North Carolina, lnij UNIVERSITY. . -f ufiAnts- tuition stftn a vear. ''.oliars a month,3f ull rollege ; i"4.' t 'nurses, Law'Schdtl, Medical ui;i!,.. r-hool for Teachers, Schol- illt t'IBt.s fir f-lM nualv - - r I'UKSipENT WINSTON.. Chanel Hill. N. C. feiM COLLEGE. flw :- Jt a "'SiOVER-N. C. Ptemher 9th. Classical I'nurse; Elective Course, '-'' contemnlated. .IJoth ixns tor lova only lh ji '.private) $6.60 per month. aldirue address- ' 1 i. T. DAL', Principal. - Si ML ttSE (MIS. yrup. Taateu Ooud. Use '1 by rlrticeiKtH. i3 a. fnture : That man was vv . o. sij, the next President of the United States. And all the gold of Wall and Lombard streets could not ouy mm. Northern and ISew Jngiana ieiuo- crats are in; revolt wiu-.ayc..imw. conspiracy with the money power to de feat the will of the people, but their power is broken.. ; The "Teat greni ioou-co uu.i that platform are: - 1. Free silver. - 2. Income tax. '3 The destruction, of trusts, -" Trusts must be taken by the throat and strangled to dbaUi, They are as remorseless and " cruel as the - grave. They have laid tribute upon nearly, ev- ;niD nwPRsarv to sustain life from the scradle up. The slaves before, the war were fed an clothed by their niaa, ters and had no Uxes to pay Under the new system of bpndage the great trusts, the chief of which is the money trust, get the people's labor without the responsibility of having them decently clothed and fed. ever if England will metalism. Mr Watson next took up the income tax. He declared-it to be a righteous tax' All it asks is that wealth shall bear its just share pi tne burdens oi gov The next era that stands out most t nrominent is that of the lover. Shakes peare Jtnew all about that,; too, and j drew the picture, no ! doubt, from UUUOVW w people are reported drowned. Stronger than for Years. - Matpes.N. C.. July o, lyt. Senator Caffery, of Louisiana,, like Senator Hill, of New York, is a Aemo- urew iiw pwiux- VT"""' -TirUTTI icrat but not a revolutionist, in an m own experience when he waa dyrng for , ... irt New Orleans last bis ; not Maides, xi. v., amy o,-vOUllff dream if they would, have received the Kainy uay - - be very 8ad. sent for three trade-marks irom aaoou a , lfligie had a lover. pretty Ann. Hathaway. --7,; hp-tha3 toid why he would and woman could write a wry ui , . rtrvan-. "A eold standaru S ownsrthe Sarsaparilla and eight cents in stampa, Z&to fQ, ; hia need of protection. Kocke- and am very much pleased wim it. x . - - - r honev, from one flower ?;,Tr; ;a rennted to be worth $125,000,- have been taking Hood s barsaparuia hA-T1WRlr- another, but a true, fond ICUM . ., ., ... . 1. I s .rt nnH than iiri" w - - the taxable and it has done me more good than any I am now stronger man I have Mrs. L. C. onn half aa much as ail nro-oertv in North Carolina; yet he pays I other medicine. I am now strpnj S uU; only $300,000.. EuseeU U ve bfenfseW years c. a : inrtv times a millionaire, yet ne taken aooui mie? nava taxes on but $5,000. . The wn sUtutionahoe-tuo . , cure indigestion flHSKmnr hi v liiiiim aaa vaav vrwaww i XL LLAJ. lAA-tA m I -nn - 'frtiA TM-oaon t. Snnreme I neoo. nqnarea yean.h .hQTurinir'hi-s mind. The people should vote for no man who. will not pledge himself to have this law restored. Mr Watson handled trusts with , . .. . xx n. Aannn-nopA them as a crioven oil. : xio . .. pack of ravenous wolves, bihous- lover who chooses a willing mate and sticks. ; The true, contiduiir love oi a ironnir rtonni who are mated, as well as mamed, is me most, wuunu m life. -f zm y Raleigh. N. C, August 2. Within two weeks, at Hillsboro, a shoe factory, cart reversed itby a majority vote,one - Com e ennru in - J-- output wUI be 600. pairs jiaily, f . - will he in operation, it win oe me -sec ond largest in the sonth the one in the HoodSamparillapuriatheblood, 7rST, A IB' Wis olWS i:miuvi- "w wvv . it iB ex 8 cents per bushel i iMjereomeB He scored the appetite and gives refreshing Bleep. T wish I Democrat as. 1 am, believing mat me 4ocfnM;nn Bhmiid the - stanoara ue changed to an impossible bimetalism at 16 to If 1 cannot, without , being crimi- Lnol heln to hnncr about that result. r . ,i . prt linpa rannot hold a mac ro wmj mit private robbery and spouauou public dishonor. i An observant gentleman who recently travelled through Eockib county, informs the Greensboro Patriot thailhe Populists over there are enthusiastic for 'Rrvan and Sewall and Cy. Watson. In one township 73 out of the 75 People's party men declared their intention to vole for these gentlemen, regardless of the St. Louis convention. i , ,v,fhp- the thiuy "he eats is going: toafftee with him or not The tiinp thaiL Please hia -oalatc most are often! tne wq, for him to eat- Even, the simplest ffooa is likely to cause hi-irf misery and sleep.C!!3 ness. Hi3 first trouble was very slight very simple very c-asy to enre. He ate "Bomethtng indigestible and it stuck some 1ace in his dieestive system. He ate more things and theyjituck. Part of his diges tion stopped altogether that ts constipar nstipatio-a is so common that more tlino half the -people in America are troub led with it It is so serious that nine tenths of the sickness of the world is traceable directly to this common cause. A man's health and strength depend upon what he gets out of his food. This depends on hia digestion. Constipation stops diges tion. Anybody can see that The com monest kind of common sense will tell 'you that When digestion stops, nnnraua stops, ana ine wno:c uuujr " , of order. . .,' , The T-."y to start digestion is to remove the obstruction. The way to do that is to take Dr. Fierce' Pleasant PellcU. iney are a positive cure for constipation and it attendant ills headaches, sour stom ach, flat, - lioasnesa and "hearth ' ery -gentle in their-ac : 4 L " assist nattire. They gi- to the-sysum. They c 'inS, nor dis- mtniblt - Xon can ret frtse arnple of from 4 to 7 doses, by addresainz World's Dispensary Medical Association, No. 663 Mauv.Strcet, Buffalo, N. Y. If a driiv'(rii5t tries to v sell you some thing "just - as , good," transfer . youi traue iu auiu-.u'wi . 1 your interesU to hia own . pecuniary advautage. . " CEMETERY Wirk farMshed in the best grades of Firefc-class work and lowest prices guaranteed. Seo ns before buyiDg elsewhere. Prices and Jesigris inrrjished on application. At McMks Old Stand. est Depot Street. . jan 11 y. Sewing I am how livirisr on Church street, in rear of the Methodist church, aad am rearlvai all times to do any kind' of a . .. 7 . airing.1 1 will attend a -S'g.T - of Concord.-' . :' .5 . ' i g testimonial :. i " . Ci, Bee. 30, 1885. - ;-iffl6Wra certrty JhaOIr.-D. W. Sni- , der has dono cosriderable sewing ma-. chine wor J for us and. ah of it was done in rirstHCl-3J3 workaionUif 9 manner and satibfactory tons. ' YOBKEL W AP8W0ETH A Co. , Look for my fiigu. . Eespectfully Jan. 0-tf ; . D. W. SSIDEB.