BOOK , AND JOB PRINTING ,;D .WEL TIMES ft TTTt widely circulated paper ? .t.r published . or alii ke?ds- s . Executed in the BesiStyto at Lrmo pbicss. Our Job Printing Department niost N M on tgomory, Randolph, iv, nson and , juion Counties: with everv necessary equipment. . "' is preparedv!to turn out every va- netyfot rnniing in nret-ciass . style. No botch-work turned - : out from this office. We dupli cate the prices of any legitimate establishment. . 5. SHERRILL, Editor. - '.3:3 : JUST ;EE-A.:R NOT. $7.00 a Year, in Advance'. Volume XIV. CONCORD, N. C.A THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1896. Number 10. G0NC0RB cn wonder wuj m... . , 5 nk t- hv t hey g?t tired BO easily ctVt at every slight bat tJ'' " ... j'. n Jic thev do not sleen why they nave irt-queni i. dicestion and nervous so smitten. Dyspepsia . -W A i;ioii is simple, il is louna ra- blood which is contln.- t he nerves upon reiuse impure ...v.:n: "ad J the elements of strength and T ... fn such U5 ter cure, condition opiate and is 6 imply deaden and Hood's Sarsaparilla feeda "';c rscay for all pi L9 f I I nervous troubles. SAM JdXKS ON SELFISHNESS. Ho.Suj tht "llie Tuna of America k Pitched to the Dollar.'' Sarsaparilla Is tie ftw ,'TrroVl Purifier. I.tlooil&Co. $1 per bottle. , Lowell, Mass. . , cure Liver Ills; easy to Jj;iS take, easy to operate. 25C JlWw . . . LL , Ba'.timorelSun, AugL.stS0. .' , " Rev. Siim. Jones preached -before an other crowd Isist nigLt at Emory (Jixve camp-meeting. : ' - His text was taken from the first verse of the sixth chapter of St. Paul's eiLstle to the Gahvtians, as follows: u ; --i; I " Brethren, if man be overtaken in a fault, ye are which arespiritaal restore such an one in the spirit -of meekness," considering thyself lest thou also be tempted." , - ' i: Mr. Jonea said in parti"? ; f "The tune of America ; is pitched to the dollar. They say money makes the rilly go, but it makes every thiiiR go that wears hair. It even . moves the bald headed man tolerably well.; j It was the dollar 'Car. s:jiit the Kepuuucan rarty. It is the dollar that is sphttins the Dem ocratic party and is cutting the prohibb tion nartv in two. If you make a wedge of a silver dollar you can split anything.' - y- ' -Vi -'"'- "Tell you what l a like to see. I a like to have 'the mystic 'tie of -brotherly love binding the whole world -hand to hand, heart to heart, soul to soul. But we havent got it. There is a Methodist church Jforth and a Methodist church South loviogifiach other about as much as a dogioves hickory. ,1 hey re power ful fond of each other, ain't they ? The same tbuig that split them pohtically solit them relieiouslv. There'll never be anytliing else as long as the Democratic-and the Republican party live. e never got up, nohow. It ail started tip Korth. They brought 'nig gers" over from. Africa and ; they, just froze up there in New England so that it didn't pay. If it had paid they would be havins "mssrers - vet, JLJut wnen ugly. I wouldn't like to be in the place of a man who was apologizing to a friend for his wife's ugliness. 'Ugliness is only fkin deep,' he said. Yes, but why don't you skin her?' said ' his friend. I've seen a few Eisters in my day whom skinning would help. Bisters, if you be stow upon others the efforts you bestow on yourselves, you will be a princess down here and a crowned princess in Heaven. "Hell is the home of selfishness, and I wonder why lots of people don't catch uie by, combustion. You say every thing is free,- that salvation's free, but you're kicking like a bay steer at having topav ten cents admission through these cimp gates. That'B like the old darkey preacher who said 'The wafeV of life is free, but the pitcher costs something, and njy trolly, I'm- the pitcher. That looks like v sense. ; W hat s - ireer than water? Yet New York pays three mil lions every year to get it. . What's freer than air? Yet Baltimore, Chicago, Boston and New York are paying big sums to have pure air. -r 'l can hear some people say, 'But, Joues,you're not free.' That's true. I've seen times when I got $500 an hour-f or talking. Some of you people can only get 10 cents, , and then you ought to give the fellow his money back when , you're finished.- There's a heap in ' quality. Whenever you get your talk where 'children cry for it' . you can get something for it. - - ' "Whenever we get -the element of selfishness from our souls we will be in shape to do something for God. But as -long as- selfishness dominates our hearts we're the devil's own saddle horse. Preachers don't 6tand up together, but I tell you, brother, if you hit one saloon keeper you hit 'em all. If a Methodist BILL ASP ON POLITICS. How funny and fantastic is politics. Only a f ewyears ao the. Alliance' was in full blast and had its star chamber with its signs and grips aud pass-words and no lawyer or doctor or preacher need apply. It rolled into office a few Ieardes and schemers and then went to a state of innocuous desuetude, as Mr Cleveland would say But it didn't stay dead. In its dying agoniesit gavejirtb to a child that had more sense than his daddy and they named it Populist or the People's party and invited us all in. The star chamber was abolished. - The goat was dehorned and turned out ? to grass. The big warehouse scheme was abandoned. The railroads and tele graphs were alia cd to run on awhile longer on their 6'H hook, but they held on to the free silvi r plank with a stub? bornnes8 that was born of desperation By and by the southern and western Democrats began to cry out for free sil ver and they cried so loud and so strong that they carried Chicago by storm and took the fort like a cyclone had struck it. Then came the Populists at St. Louis and with great good sense and liberality said what is the difference be tween us; let ua be brethren. You have stolen our platforn'but we can all stand on it. Y'ou take the head and we 'will take the tail and to gether we will ' bury these gotdbugs so deep the hand of res urrection will never reach them. But the Democrats had already attached tail of their own and now the head has two tails that are wagged by different tax rate must go up, up, up . to realize the necessary money for' running the estate and now our taxes are i a serious burden on the people. I - v Another catching plank is ine prom- ise to the school teachers Ihere are now ovpr fi.000 of them and they want their money, and ought to have it promptly whether it is in the treasury r not ! If every teacher can control his own vote and one other that will make 10,000 r 12,000 votes on, that line. But the plank against railroad passes is a bad one. .Every law-maicer ana public official likes to have a free pass. It magnifies a roan's importance and flatters his conceit and ; rides so easy. The law-makers will, never prohibit them. , On the contrary," the tendency of legislation is to increase their "pay and their privileges. The . last Congress voted - a clerk to , every This thine of picking ana SIR. SEVVALL'S SPEECH. The Terse 'ud WelEhty Utterance of the Candidate lor Vice-President. . r Mr. Chairman andjGentlemen of the committee: Y'ou have given me official notice of ,my selection by the Demo cratic National convention as its candi date for Vice President. . For the court eous terms of your message and the kind personal "expressions I thank you. Having been present at that great con vention, lean more trniy estimate tne honor its action has conferred. It was the ereatest and most earnest conven tion in the hiBtorv of our party. It was closer and more in touch with the peo ple, t The delegates were there to voice the sentiments of their constituents, the people of the party, for the people of the party controlled and conducted that convention. .' - ' : The Democracy of the country real- IBISH WIT AND itEPARTEE. Some nappy Retorts Imported from the Emerald Isle. Current Literature. -' - k . 'Pat, do you understand French?" "Yes, if it's spoke in Irish." An Irifh lover remarks that H is la great comfort to be alone, . "especially when yer swateheart is wicV ye," j - "Gentlemen, is not one man as good as another? ' "Uv course he: isj shouted an excited Irish chartist, "aud a great deal better." ' ; . In an Irish provincial paper is the fol lowinenotice: "Whsreas.PatrickO Con nor lately left his lodgings, this is to give notice that if be does not return imme diately and pay for the same he will be advertised." 5 An' in valid, after, returning -from a southern trip, said to ii friend: "Ob, shure, an it's 'done me a wurruld o member, uW4mj; av re jMiiwmo . rwv v v - .yo f hflT a tnA proflh J)nnriniHH ui UUi 1 A z I 'm nma harL- on. chesnut anyhow and a healthy reaction I pgy ag potent and essential to the other man alt'oaether: in fact, Tme nas ees in. n ue rauruiui tuiuiuu u of tne countrv to-dav as tney i ,u00if " " O - . " ,,, I UUllv UlJOW 1 . 1 J it, rt 111 a t doesn't understand railroading in all its complicating details Mr. , Ihomas does and so does my friend Joe M. B.6wnl His lat9 rt p'y to Mr. Crenshaw was not only admirable, but unanswer able; ! I heartily enjoyed it, and so -did all impartial men. - You can't pick up have always been, and as they ever will be. But the overshadowing issue before the country now, made dominant by the distressed condition prevailing througn- out our land, is the demand for reform in our existing monetary system. Our party, and we believe a great ma- a politician out of the woods and make J jojity of the. American people, are con- n rrrA -railrAQ rnr misftinnpr Hilt Of I j it. . it , IHlntUn 1 Q7Q An- him, j It takes a long railroad education to fit 4 man for that office. ! , r f Dut why should Seab Wright chal lenge Governor Atkinson, cr vice versa? What issues are there between them 7 S'n'cccu -t principles dothey dif- etary structu. tt unsUbJe one And ther is the Republican nar- fer ? Atkinson has made a good Gover- and unsafe and so dwarfed m its deel- nA Kf .v, ;u u o nor; o win oeao u eiecieu: su w juiu I r-V . T l. .1 zm iL:al Lt It tlhLI 1(1 lILlinO X LUUUt uaLU,- iww -w. oug ueuiocruuu. pariy, huu bi u uiwi , r .. , , T - , . Kwit-r yuu jui cm iwi. xi mouwun , .. : 'i l ti:0i0 i whom i am wnicn, ana bo a biu uuuicui- preacher gets hit you all stick your heads "r" .,"r", IZ Let the nrocession nroceed buLandiay 'Senes him right. Had "TXll . 1 ' BiixAbp. - - " . . ... . v.iiiwii wii.ii iirtnii Mini ii atniiii rm.uuni no business to put his mouth in it. 11 STANTON - HOUSE, i J. J ONES,' Proprietor, (- aATTAXoOGA, ;. TENN. , thev had hrouffht then, over in .Boston iTT 5l. E r "ir'C and it wdl take four electoral tickets to ships for the tooutn ana saw; inai we if preacher8 andoutof the church, were making money tney prayeu to tne . M have to et mean8 o Mrs j-2.00 per day." terms to. Families. 4 Two minutes walk fromlCentral Depot. WiHTBRSj mil UuiLL IONIC Lord, land then it was a sux and they iumped on usv If they had made any profit ion 'em ?few England would be swarming with 'niggers' now. its very so. . ' - '; : "The wnrst old secessionist we ever Special Jliad in our State was a man from Con necticut.' He came there in 1841, ped dling clocks. Being thrifty, he had a hundred slaves when the war Droice out, and he just died when they were freed, he hated, to lose 'em so. " ,',.- . How we despise . folks that do as we lvi't do. Did vou ever notice that ? I never owned a 'nigger' and a 'nigeer never owned" me. But, now the fuss and fight's over, the churches can't get together. Thar's no rsortn or ooum, brother, in the Liquor Dealer's1 Associa tion. liquor transportation too." ' " .' ' and travel mighty swift, great question of the next president and vice-president. That means McKinley and Hobart, it seems to me, for the Republicans always stick The Ner8PPer Men Captlvat d by W. J. Bryan. Detroit News. A New Y'ork newspaper man who was An old Dublin woman went to the chandler's for a farthihs candle, and was told it was raised to ft halfpenny On account' of the Russian war. ' ' Bad luck to them!" she exclaimed, "and do they fight by candle light?" At a crowded concert a young lady, standing at the door of, the hall, was addressed by an honest Hibernian wno was in attendance on the occasion. "In dade, miss," said he, "I should be glad to rive you a sate, but the empty ones are all full A poor Irishman offered an old sauce- . i TT-- . 1 . " 1 1 k il nan Trr RIP. 1HI8 cunurcii saiuaou opment and in its power to furnish the J around him and inquired why he parted necessary financial biooa to me nauonTwjta Ab, me honeys," he an that-commerciai ana mausinai paraiyaio 8wereav i would not be aither parting has followed. 1 ' I with it but for a little money to buy We behevethat we need ana musi mth5n tri nt in it. have the broad ana expancong iouiwa- ; vineed that the leeislation of 1873, de monetizing silver, was a wrong inflicted unon our countrv which should and must benehted.- Ve beheve that the single goia siana- ard has so narrowed the base of our tion of both gold and silver to support : monetary system strong and stable, ca- nahlfi of meetinar the demands of- a erowine country and an industrious, A young Irishman who had - married when about nineteen years of age, com-1 I nlaininar of the difficulties to which his c . ,. .... .. . -jiv. early marriage suDjeciea nim, tsaiu u would never marry 6o young again if he mm j m A cream of tartar baking .' powder. Highest of all m leayening strength, Latest United States Goven mcnt Food Report. - . , - BoTAti BaktSo Powdek Jo., New York, PROFESSIONAL CAtiDS, W. H. UO.T. . D. H.l JJONTUOMKai", II. V offer their professional services to the citizens of Concord and vicinity A1J calls promptly attended day or night. Umce and residence on East Depot treet, opposite Presbyterian church. DR. WC. HOUSTON, . Sargeoii V Dentist, t CONCORD, W.C. Is prepared to do all kinds of Denial work in he most approved manner. OffioepYer Johnson's Drug btore. One BottU SO Cents ' Breaks The' chin, sold Everywhere. . 35 Years Steady Salss toarint-ccs Its Value. fettar Peter & Co., Louisville, Ky., Genl Agents. NEVER FAtLS. i v- A Protest From BUlvUle, Atlanta Constitution. . -" We notice a cartoon in an esteemed contemporary in which we are pictured as Belling out to Wall street for $1,000. We repel the insinuation! It is a libel- not only on this paper, but on the me tropolis -of Billville, and the man frho perpetrated it will be personably respon sible if the rope had not broken yester day after prayer meeting, while we were lynching several enemies. No! Wall street has got down on its knees to The Billville Banner, while great drops of men to me, ior tne Avepuoucauu aiwayo bucjli - : r , , i A :0: -r,ra a sua. "uluu " ' j 7 to their party But I reckon the general the city yrecently on his way home energetic and enterprising People a sys- m aa Methugelah. wineir party vrui a recsoa we general on atnrv HAm that mU not be weakened and ' w UV1U VUlLgv v&au " vwt J I . . J -iA rt kA TvfrofiflTYi nf William Ji Brvan . I nanic-strickeii by every foreign draft . t . . it a t; ii .,v- n nnotnm that on mnmrnin hi lu ihb uiaoici uuc ss manuestea on me tnp iruu.iuWiu, ut " -- r u,a , nf rtne hiftK flg much i- . yi " mat va no and inn 1 1 ii l kiuuulo laavj iv v. NeM to unicago. . . y v J-. - f i ho Th hr: ' '"How comes U "liryan capuvaiea me uBWBpupa muucj uuuv-..--.-- ---- . who accompaniea mm on me i nucraauons ux iwy, w uicuvuU ----- tn airi ha " "hpv even ; suDmit- i everv Dusmess wiu uiuuouj w 1 . ted their conv to him before -filing it I wre demand the free coinage of silver, 1 I . ..- . m .1 XT "V U I , . . . . : lWntVnniiliT if therlne representative or me e iw me opening oi our unuu muu Kim TfiAAivert a teleeram irom mat paper i metala witnout oiscnminauuii, ujc c- . r ' .. . , . . . .,.1 1 " X ( I.- ..m.H A,n' tnr nnt 'roQafintr i v.a mnnov nf out fatners. i tie I a ciieni: OU yuui . . ... . . , I . .. ij 1 1 rvfiu-4-.T vaA nn famiiv?" . vNona at i , T- i . A...nt-v . . a t ill ti i . s w a i 'Anon mrmn . ti iiii hiiii i i inri Li. iiuu j i i - me Aemocrauc cauuiuaio. i mouey ui iuo vA"f"i"""" a 1 ' ,, t-.Jl i. il : II,. C.n manbril -1 - I A.1I. VClQr DOQUl. ICTinjuu grapneu oacK.tu.tkix u 8Uyer. . . . . -, L a memorandum Of perspiration steamed from its brows; hut Ua wealth Vin nr influence over US. They'll . take anybody that sells j and we tpok 6ur iauniry and ctlled our dog, and walked back to Bflllville, un it we could get selfishness out of us I purchased and unpurchasable! we would be as thick as seven m a bed. I Therefore, we denounce the recreant One could not turn without all of them I hand that painted us selling out, with a manaeers know more about this than I do and will arrange about the tails. I hope so, for if Bryan is' not elected I I shall do like Evan Howell said: "I will take to the woods,',' or I will do Iago said: "1 will never speak word more," that is to say a political word. When the late war began I heard preacher say in the pulpit that Lord suffered the yankees to defeat us he would never again believe in a spe cial providence. I don't isay that, but I have a8uperstitious faith in Mr Bryan's election and shall go to bed sick if he is not. I believe he was A domestic, newly engaged, presented moraine a pair oi these-boots are not of the same "I raly don't know, sir, but what bothers the most is that the pan down stairs is in the same fix." An eccentric lawyer thus questioned Bryan roasted another man would have Populists and in our hasn't been so very long since Tom Watson sold his law books and. burnt into TT-v 1 limine.6 oia yuu ever u v mai nucu long ueau uuu Kipoa.- --ue vtui - . oawLabovl.Nobody can'roU over dJ ns an injustice'aU round, for, hav- M'JJSIi !iH somebody Wllers 'turn.' . ": ing been married ten years, we haye no offi or go to he, ven and irithoutattof them &and that painted us selling out, with a ever trythatwhen iong head and a gripsack. The picture h Cmcago Inter Ocean. Fi- The demonetization of sdver. has vS;U t- i;ajnt ur i G raham China JJrove, turmng y art "TT-iis North and South busmess is beard a all. neither is there any hair nnlv'ft nuestion jof where you're born. I on the too of our head. The Banner is Tf vnuM heen liorn South, vou would be I unsold, and for free Bilver and a collec- I - - B ' S fitten to get fitten. But now AtlWSll W " .. . " . . , .A .xj I .. , . i . not I nallv the other reporters neia a meeuujj i thrown tne wnoie primary muucj and dpctrterf that he wouia nave to leave i mn on coia. Aiestore me muucj iuui,- thfitrAin.; Thev made it stick, too, audition to silver appreciating its value, were Tom has MYEHPORT i.r.N'oiu, c. -EDUCATIONAL. KVu Fnmlinient last year the in the History oi ine yyiicgc. teachers. Thor- courses oi stuay. i-iai iui; of effikjent nil h iiK;r,n-T:i IViifincal M:slc, 4rt, S t no craAiy and Type writing. Exi-onHos moderate, JJHN D. M1NICK,H.M., lulv sin. . ' President. VKGIH1A. COLLEGE, iTi rrG LS11F.S, Ecaiole, Va. tir.ns io. isni One of the leading vho'i s f..r Vouii-4 Ladle3 In the bouin. S- -fii-kfiit liuiMii'iaa, all modern improver Eijfa. t -rthV.' ten acres.' Grand mountain awaeiv lu'VuHev or Va.. famed for uesisn '"'&.. nu; a:;l American teachers. Sim; -"io'r a-lvantases in Art f i k ins from twenty States ;'- ;i4 ir i he President,. TIE i'. 1 i . HKIS, Koanoke, Virginia. Full and For IriSTITUTE. X. v AtSii,, v. itu the cheapest unrf the vety ir-itoiy Sutiool in tKe'Siate. -Miisic Pepftrtoientis '. i i x-.ivh a sohool. it will pay yuu to ir fri-e C'iita!os;ue, ;t . . . - wi.-. Tuly 29. 1C . ' ; . ' ' ;. J; i. r. HAMILTON' or . t:i:fe. nat-CBSJENTOX.M. A.. -;-rriiicipals.rnionrilie.N.C SALEM ACADEMY AflD COLLEGE. , 1 '! in-o: -; . viMrs thLs institution (or the l':1,.'";'. :u.- i:;,n', of vomu women has occu 'i 1:- riv.otf-rnnir. nml as never i;.-.,. ,v utt;,.,,,. than now. It is -; - - uy .; , with a hheh-irrade QplleM ;:'i'.!"it.!;i:ixil(.rtii in au of its special ; '; - .: M i.i -; Art. Elocution. Commercial ."'i i, .-r.n.iiPK. v will 'be ulcasea '"-ii. on aonlicatlon. Term toe- I-W. .lo.'ix ii. n.nwF.r.T'Prl ltinal. c -;; v . Salcm Nonn Carolina. ' Tve got no apology to . Al make for it. 1 had no cnoice oi me place where I was born. I'm glad I'm what I am, and i. tnanK uoa someumea I'm no 'ammer than what 1 am. "Sisters, you don't know peojle in . -, . ii i your own cnurcn, except muse """ husbands are' in the same kind of busi ness as yours or in the same circle. When you get to heaven you will have to get the angels to introduce you. , , "If there s any creatures in mis wonu that ought to be useful to each other, they're women. A boy who has drop ped down in the mud can take a bath and start off again. - But if the devil once gets a woman down she'll stay down. There are thousands of poor, lost women . who need only a helping Konri rntrefrhed to rescue them from 1 1 " v v vw w. v - - a fearful, intolerable life. ' f A Some of vou women nave oeen at work among them, but others have been criticising. you. And some ot tnesevery women talking about you have boys who go down in these places day after day. God knows these women are as guuu the men who go to see them, and I would rather have a'daughter of mine extend a helping hand to the girl who had fallen than associate with the boy who'had helped her fall. Ain't I talk ing plain facta now ? - . ' ; , i Vn Christian woman was ever hurt in character or standing by extending a hand to a poor lost woman, ana many a girl's been debauched by. the son of a Christian mother who wouldn't rescue her after she had fallen. - wnereyer a Fwiimr is it has an immortal soul in it, and in the name of God let's stand by it till the gates of hell are i closed last lor ever upon it. - ' J "Help one anotner; sianu py. uue a.f- other. I don't thmfc mucn or yuu wu- .v,rv hnvA roast turtev ana ice- tion after each hymn ! - i ri . t iir i.a Tt' .... I picKea up Dean vy ngnt a wyr u ,uu. - -- - - . wa3 left with. ftnf1 ;ta rchasine power will increase practice, anaisgTooming mm lor me nfaH. The bovs were T.1 from aolrl iiimonoDoly. its value V IA 1, - -w- I g -w - . and who stvled themselves the 'banctihed Band.'- and whose extraordinary, antics while on Chincoteague Island, V a., sev eral months ago, led to their prosecu tion by the authorities, have taken up their home in four eailing-boats, which they call arks,-" on the Chowan river near Montrose, N. C. An attempt was Saturday moraine, to drive out the in truders, and the result was a fierce bat tle, in which guns, revolvers and. other weapons were used, one woman being killed and several men being wounded. Roth sidps fought with desperation, and to be sent to do it, because there was onjy remedy of the evil pom wnicn . we me rep.y ponucs. . . .. tu. ...Aai n, ;t ir,9 ttmt h rpsiirned. I . aril rwinln. brineinff poverty I workinff t.. i . a rc . ; , t i h rif 1 wnn I. 1 1 f will liuuicuinivi . v ui itui uuluc nu. ww.m-.j i in arrv vv 1 1 1 . 1 1 uuc ui "' OUlie aU.air8. Atl , , , I . , , ll J Mrt.rno 1 i . J , .-i. m H. .U'.moil iewiiorK Journal. - imess, wnicn, u wiuwcu w """""""i deep auarry noie. , iub uma, aimmw, "The only correspondent who declined j wm grow until our very institutions are i to the margin of the hole ana called out: iArrah, rat, are ye ituieu i If ye're dead,' spake." - it assured Kim from the bottom bv-' saying in answer. "No, Tim, I'm not dead, but I'm spacheifcss." An Irishman, having feet of differ ent sizesy ordered his boots to be made accordingly. His directions were obeyed, but 'as he tried the smallest boot on bis largest foot he exclaimed, petulantly: "Confound that fellow! I ordered him to make one larger than, the other, and instead of .that he has made one smaller than the other!" An Irish hostler was seat to the stable t uinrt forth . trave'er s horse, xsoi knowing which of the two strange horsts in the stalls Belonged to the traveler, and wishing to avoid the appearance oi ignorance in his busines, he saddled both animals and Drougnt mem u door. The traveler pointed out his own horse, saying: "That's my nag. -er- tamiv ver. honor: l Knew mat, uu a tnoor -whinh one of them was the other gentleman's." "W. MOOTOOHEBT. j. LKE CBOWELli , ittorneys and Connselors-at-Law. . ' j CONCOBP, N. 0. Lb partners, will practioo law in Cabar rus, Stanly and adjoining counties, the Superior and supreme Courts 01 the State and in the Federal Courts. Office on Depot Street. Parties desiriug to lend monpy can leave it with us or place it in Concord National Bank for us, and we will lend it on good real estate security free of charge to the depositor. We'mak? thorough exarrination of title to lands offered as security for loans. ' ' Mortgages, foreclosed without expense to owners of same. MORRISON H. CALDWELL, ' Attorney-at-Iaw, - COSCOBD.N.C. , .i rk;K i cnarmea wim urvnu a uiiucw. nas me miaiurtuuu ui uciuK - r - nu uavo v - , a fair show, rwaa onAthor nnnarAnfl K1a Rin. Tint nOfr A dispatch from Suffolk, V a., ; says: lifce an Wiot nor tote his wife's money The congregation of religious fanatics ut of a nati0nal bank, fhe fun of the whole business is that the Populists took . . - . . . -, . i i a uemocrat ior presiaeni anu uuw uyb conscripted a Democrat for Governor. Seab Wright neyer joined them until after he was nominated ; .in fact, I don't know whether he has joined them yet or not. nor how long he. will work in the bar ne83: For severa 1 years he nasn t will be reduced, and in due course the parity of the two metals will again obtain under natural causes. - We shall then have a broad and,, un limited foundation for a monetary sys tjm, commensurate with our country's future devolooment, not the unsafe basis of to-day, reduced oy half by the removal of silver and, con tinually undermined py ioreigners- car- . ... i j - - i . i - - Office in ; Morris building, opposite court house, .,4--" - Julv 4 t D.G.CALDWELL, M. Dr. ' Offers his professional services to the people pi Concord and vicinity. Office in rear of bank. Night calls should be left at my residence on Main street. Office Honrs, 7:30 to 8:30 a. ni.. 1 :30 to 2:30, p. Sept. m. Xeiepnone call, jso, ov. 20.'94. ly. made by residents in that vicinity early j considered a subdued working Democrat. ... He wasent welt brote ana had to be watched, for sometimes he balked like a bronco. But this is in his favor, for I never admired a Democrat who would go it blind and never kick ntthenoD of the party whip, btate- for a time there was a perfect fusiladej hoaae rings and court house rings have of small arms. As neither side gained a decisive victory, hostilities will proba bly soon be renewed, and doubtless with even more serious consequences than that which marked the furious engage ment of Saturday.'! S350.000 rofNorthlCarohna New and Observer." The Washincton correspondent of the and Seab says everybody - was willing New York Journal says that tne mixea- but the girl, sometimes to be broken up and it takes a man of nerve to do it. "But it is fun ny to see the Populists hunting around in the bushes for a standard-bearer. A.nd they found a good one. I like Seab everybody does. He was raised in my town and went to school with my haivfl and wanted to marry in the fam ily connection and call me uncle, i I What Incalls Thinks of Bryan. Though John J. Ingalls, of Kansas, is not perhaps a statesman in the patriotic and profound use of that term, every one will admft that he is sometning oi a 1 -. . .. : n.-ii? I MT!n.v fivm iia nur rnlH. , a: ..... . ,a vi mnnnn rr vv 1 1 uhtti i muc uvu. uw Ai8cmmK lucuuiuiu- .. Wm tn n-hiVVi 1 we are J. Bryan, a few days ago, Mr. lngans " A. i pieagea, me returu fcuo pcu.c v..-."-, saiu. . r -. i .i Anni...t. aoatom of "I am personally acquainted with Mr. reu Zt Bryan, the democratic nominee, and 1 1 oyer eigniy ye T-h & bSe been impressed with the fact - that tencc. The Dmocra .tic party te, al I A. A Mnu v n n . t" a W I rH5AI 1 V flV nil ALO OiUUAri mm r he is a somewnat Btruu6Cr iu.u - -, . of thft . . . . r, r-t a T.A C5I, nTVWWl . I I . u,suvru W" 1 ... is earnest, "energetic, a splendid -orator, and has a record of a clean! domestic life. The fact that he is the; youngest man ever nominated and that he is a poor man, together with his sudden rise to prominence, all combine to arouse sentiment in his f aver." Mr. Ingalls- is not the only republican whO is satisfied in his own mind - that MrJ Bryan has a magnificent fighting D Onr onnonents . . . . .... u principal for whicn we contenuxjui. us to await permission and co-operation of other nations. ' will not wait. . They will not ask permission of any nation on earth to relieve themselves of the cause o hm rlmiress. - The issue has been made. , The people stand ready to. ren Her their verdict next JNOvemDer. Mr. Chairman, unequivocally and I , indorse iiiE UtilVERSITYJ .''I. 'Ours.-s up condition of politics in North Caro lina has caused Mark Hanna to lay asile a oiKirfpr of a m illion dollars to M buy the Slate for McKinley. The cor respondent truly says: - . -m.-r . 1 1 ? . wSVSM "iiutjisortn ijaronaiano, muugu are proud ot their independence, and ., ant to reRpnt sisTis of corruption at CIV w - o and she made a mistake and said no when she meant yes, but he dident know it at the time and he left her. But he called me Uncle Bill the other day to show his affection. He rloesent waut this mentioned at all, for Riick thmes sometimes . mienexe with domestic felicity. ? ; Soar. ; smart, brieht." handsome, elo- ronnd Twenty Spartanburg S. C Herald, 30th. the polls in an effective and extremely qaentranother boy orator who will disagreeable way. suf- Are Toa One " Cif those nnhannv P30Dle who are th weak nerves, star tine at eV' men wno nave iuuoi vumvj - - ixi.u, .. . ,i,o o rioor widow not two blocks erv slight sound, unable to endure any i.,.,. ;a atarvinr Aa vou eat your dirt- unusual-disturbance, finding it impos- 1 l!..,n nf ';-., -students, tuition t00 a rear, 5Ti,ri ttoiiarsa mo t ti.aruu oiinBo i'l-iet Courses,- Ijiw School, Mclical miiu-r School for Teachers, fechol i't l.AariK for the needy. . i PUESI DENTWINSTON'. Clripel HU1..N. C. 5T lt :s i .I COLLEGE, coxoveu, s. C. ner you say, ouii saie mua xm. then sing: ;-; . "' -'--.: ' "Must Jesus be r the cross alone,'. ; 4.nd all this woria o free t N: there's across for every one - And a turkey dinner for me." i : Tf -on -sin it-ft that way, there's lots iiiDcn wrtmon will chime m. j: - "Ixits of young ladies spend more la bor on their dress than on the' souls of others. Thev're striving to be 'pretty little mmgs.V I don't unaersiaim me common sense of a girl tnai is just try ing to be a 'pretty little thing.' I would a thousand times rawer uc ic x,.j siWe to sleep ? compounds, A void opiate and nerve Feed the nerves make the "welcome ring," as a ropn list said in the Convention. They want a him hnrl or they wouldn't let him bring his plank in with him, -"' Seab carries that prohibition plank under his ri when he stoos to rest he lays UI 111 VAAV tiuv- . . , and stands on it,. It is a good . I?ir Knt. onrties are afraid of it. An Upon "CziIZ" xr. ir, onr towr compounds. -teed tne nerves uu ..0,, leader in our town says blood made pure and nourishing by . the ana Pm have a di8pensary kuj .;ii. nnii tme nerve tonic. I it o ait riKul, iul . ' 5 Hood'f Sarsaparilla. Hord's Pills are the best after-dinner pills, assist digestion, prevent constipa tion 25c. ' . . C. H. BARNHARDT. M. Physician and Surgeon, BT, PLEASANT, N. C Calls received aud promptly attended at all hours. -.Office at my home, lata residence of Dr. J. W. Moose. . Dec. 26-Giii. DR. H. C. HERRING, DENTIST, Is again at his old place over Yorke's Jewelry coxreons nr. c Mr. Bryan condeqsed a great deal of solid democracy in the toiiowiog . rc- mart taken from UlS SPeecu at ocui III". : "I don't want any man to voieior me Keennae he thinks if I. am electea will help him to put m Vomv first-class Home and All I HXDtSJl. MJ . FIRE INSURANCE. When in need of Fire call and see us. or write. Watches Ground. Burled In the the oniy one wno nan uau 1 --- - . . - :hf the to comeyont squarely and say so. UlTZtSSS 1 1. -I 1 1 II t. QIC n.bu uv, - 1 - r , ... 1 , : f .1 rV? mnflt. declare ior, is aiwayo ugm. " prevail. .- ' . I accept the nomination, and with A joang farmer living o,er i Norto S.H will be exerted in support of,the princi ples involved. Vvl a else's nocket ; rreent Romebodv else from put IO v pv.v . ,, tin? his hand into your pocket. Mr. Bryan is not indulging in ny person alities in this campaign,, and conse quently this remark haa no airect reier- cum u i ' - .1 Kinlev had been there he douDuess wumu ho " felt the force of it. Charlotte Democrat. ' Iusurance, We repre- loreign Companies: Bfcppcctfully, W00DU0USE & n.iP.RIS. THE iv.r""' l-ns- September flth. 'Classical (', ,"'' "riml- (bourse. Elective Conwe, "oi.ii ri.,,ll (v)uree contemplated. Uoth (5 a.miU(.,l 1 for boj. only in ).'. ', '' "' Hoard (private) $0.50 per month. ..i mm cataioifue aaoress , . W. H. T, Am; DA U, Principal. HAIR BALSAM , ' JZH:iz' Fail to .Eeeto-e Cray 5 f ; ilMe to ito YoatMul VV?1." -c:VS Cures K.p dieew nr ituu& ; yic.undtl '' at Irragglgq (.uttitrt'iirtM. hli.M &tlDft n. rrSorai wifcin - "- fci liruegiit ''"phi no or ' fu: All P. opium In vr. ames- t Aia ain. "One cent a dose. Pl lUP.KS WHI-Hr All fill S. M 1J(i3t jupii Hyrnr). Tnat4S Good, Ce PC town where a leiier cau gci. ..aiid-v Rt a lower price.' TheTe ta another nlank about the State provid iUg free school books. That ia the best the platform, for as VVtV VMyVV-UV A Sam Jones says paternalist!! is run raw Preferred coffin to altar. .- - . almost every poor man in the land, " r.u att ax'oooa. Tenn.. August 21. On white or black, wants the government the eve of her wedding, which was to 1 to 8upport him and educate bis chil have occurred next Sunday, Missdren. It takes an average of f o a year 1 TV.., rr'.o a Hatio-hter ot Prater I iiooks to each ouoil and.there are bee that lights on every .Hushing: flower . - farmer living near McMmn- 150,000 on the rolls and this makes with its veivev v r , v;jie, Tenn.. toaay comroiweu. ouiuiuc vj if 700,000 a yea iUi Carolina near Hendersonville paid the Herald a visit yesterday morning. . lie stated that while engaged in digging a well last week his pick suddenly strucK some metallic substance, after having gone about four feet in the ground. Upon closer examination 01 toe wjcv st proved tnbea lartre iron pot, contain- ing exactly, twenty silver watches. ' ; -l tin haH seveml of the time-pieces on Aa w - his twrsou. They an seemea to ue in perfect order. One ot them bore me name of lienry. nenry, 1jr.t- another W. C. Sampson. Switzer land; while a third had the name Sim kins Owens scratched on the of the case, and the words, "bought at Genoa, Italy," written just under it. , The name ot tne genuemau found the prize is J. JM. 1 lfngioiu, whose home is abought eight mues iroui Hendersonville. He eavs that he is thinking seriously of goiDg -into ,the well-digging business. ( , C1III0EB MM In time. (Sold by drusrffints. fil hr,r.ev for others' good than the butterfly which lives but a day, dies and has no memory of ever naving uveu. c more honey uees in mis wwm. Tt is a tremendously dangerous thing to be a really beautiful woman. . Um .k,.ir.Vwith' Cleopatra .and coming right down, the page of beauty as strewn , if,... rru ryifict henntifill with tragic stones.. oroman in the umteaDiate of exquisite grace, lace . found eight momDB ? 1 . if a. OllRSLlOnaUie uuuo w iVisvUle Near her" lay her illicit lover - and 'over tnem - . raged husband with a smoking pistol. I'd rather have my dsughter break ...l jfu .onfl-tent small-pox and have ? I ua fcneVsrred than to see her a target for every infernal ecoundrel thmt Secretary Smith's Resignation. , Baltimore Sun. U ' 1 :V --' : Hon" Hoke Smith, Secretary of the . r . a L. A Wv wnit rr , ' -.r . I Tr. tenor, will retire irom iuo vaumw UOUDie-caoe ouu,u , . . o..-.u l-0a this September a. ir.- oiuim . mt ieetuse he is an advocate of free coinage of silver, for he is now, what he has always been, in -favor of sound money. The Secretary, however considers himself 111 honor nounu to support the nominees 'of the Chicago convention, inasmucn j ue ouucuu. ly pledged himself to this line of action in a speech to the Georgia Legislature last Ueceraber. Mr- Smith has. .been - mot effiV.ient cabinet officer and nas euioyed the confidence and respect of of the President in an uhusual degree. Tt ,a to he TecTetted that his conception of party duty has apparently forced him . . xf tinihlilu tn the PreA - Hent hutit is a sausiacuiiu FRIEZE & UTLEY, PROPRIETORS. DEALERS Itf .3 Monnmeiits. Headstones, Table I AND ALL, KINDS OF CEMETERY WORK, Work furnished ; ia Ibo tf t grades of lirst-cl;ts work and -lov . -t tw. rarr,,Ur nnd rifrht While hC IS I ,uranto.pd: KeO US lelv f.. dointhisUis likely as not that he is Win- H"-"-; Prlce8 ,ni that if left to itself will go on and on till it 1 deaJgn9'- furnished On application. oeveiops uaiuusijr. . m. rma a Wooded hbrse be is yTcareMniiU health. Helooks after fuTdlet and is particular that , tednc herself. Some alight disagree rdent with her alhancea over me weu ding arrangements led to the deed. She ,.raa a ; heailtllUl ana POPUiar uuu .oman '.and-was buried in her bridal 11 VU.MIU dress. : - . -. ..." . '- The lcovei J Baved Ilia JAie, : ' Mr. G. Gaillouette, Druggist, Bev versville, . HI., says: ."To Dr. King's w niannvfirr b owe my life. VV as oVerVwith La Grippe and tried all the h i m an a for miles about, bu t of i to i avail and was given up and told I coud covery in myv store I sent for a bottle t, wna its use ana iron mo mo- dose began to get better, and after usintf ,v,x hottles was ut and about again. lUXfw. - . . . . , TIT- weicht m eoia. vw Well" of course no sensinie mau u Seab will stand on such a plank as that It is only a little molasses spilled out to catch fl.i!'1 t .,.,r ilarlrev in mis IOWU uu w"" get evexj - . . o Ui,t that 01 me wiu - - . , .L . in are tirea 01 duviuk 1 i.n sioa r run imuuiB m In fact, it ought not to be expected of a .j.-jitn.nv(r the whole platform. caauiuore vv - --- -,, No man can build a piauormmav i . nm-vr mem Der 01 tne par ur - " llcaTC Ii m!r.o and we MAVtV TTl mm All A 1 A till- " v oa mnnh latitude and longitude in poliUca asl in anything else. Seab u neither he nor the platform u ower to furnish schoolbooks . th.t the. legislature will never com UUU o , , ,. mi t such an outrage, xnepuunu UCM rnfor Ueadaene. - o- I hut. it 18 a SatlSiaCUOn M ttuuw 4- ,i for all forms of Headache I .hot ' ;-hia iwrsbnai relations with Mr. Electric Bitters has proved to be the very 1 Cleveland are, as they always have been, it efferts a bermaneui cure sou t the most coroiai nature, .u " iual sick headaches of hia branch of the administration vield to its influence. We urge all who Mfc Smith, has been given great latitude jriciv, ty . .. .i . .. . 1 urt all thai. fOnkl . . ill : i ia TirnpiirH a ; uuiur;. auu i r,.i tne rt-HuiL una uccu . - reaiuiviw t - . . T - -7, - . .. , . - j .1 maiv a fair trial, in cvsea 1 Kaoo heen nesirea. lie u -'vj glV6 tuio icmwj . 1 u, w w" - , . :t.k:ai afinfltinn Electric Bitters AVA.,it.lVA ahiiitv of the first order, ana : - v, th needed tone to the retirintr from the Cabment he will viuw uf -"-o . ...... ' V7P . ... ;av, hia bowels and few cases- long resist mo u-o 1 carry wim mm mo " 1-" of this 'medicine. Try it once. Fifty I colleagues and of the President. , a, nn -1 Vnt.s.'a T-lrntr Store..! - . ' . 1 . cants ana i.w i. 1 ..---& - ' of It is -worth us weignt u ui . -. Buckedf but property won't keep store without t. Get a-j ury : s o courge Brother Kedwlne Had Affopped Off. Monroe Journal. ... -n- TlrooVa Suddenly StODDing in his at camo-meeting Sunday morn ineV "Will somebody please wake up ' , . . U h-r the Bro. Vic lteawine over post?" 3 j , . . .... The hrotner is arouseu parill, whicn win give you w u thft Vwinitv n0 longer have your stomach ana strength tQm. nerver. . - auj . Tt ;a verv sickly here," said one the sons of the Emerald isle to another i"Yes " replied his companion,, "a great many have died this year i that never died before." - .. ' -. Purify your blood with Hood's Sarsa- and the wor- . -r-irt.L. ki o-ti had that lie can - VV 11C 11 VAA' vavmw--- . , . . -.1. not work, he will begin to gve himself the S K ; rdiaeate fa at the begteninir v- .. 1 . .. ,1, rmir and better than an is iu v-IT nealth that disease will never come, t-ooa, atrainsi ucaa- -..- - . . blood Keep the bld pure and strong and disease can una no lootnoiu. . That is the principle - r Pierce's Golden Medical Disc overy works It cleanses, purifies and enriches the blood; oVeV"MMakerapure strong, assimilation peneci. 1- - .JU:i- 1..-1tV. ,' ' : - '-I got a cancer on my JojweMjd Jh.dUcut out. I consul i--ta uu " . . , S Yl..r SrtSted ioit ri7 aVd y heilth bettcrthatt -Ker before ' Formerly every accidental wpund ach laceratwas neai ukiki. , Respectfully yours, Inman, WcPherson Co., Ean. At McSinca'8 Old Stand. Wcat DepottStrect. eojveonn, . c. Jan ll r. I am now living on Church street, in rear oi tne meiuyuioi """ r j i ready at aU tunes to ao i. u"u - sewing machine repairing, a wlu atrcuw any call in 50 miles of Concord. . , ... Sead tne iouowiuk kuuiuuu . Conoobd, N.C., Dec. 80, 1885. ; This is to certify that Mr. D. W. Sni der has done considerable sewing ma chine work for US and all of it was done in firat-class workmonlike manner and satisfactory to us. . , TOBKB, WAPSWOTlTn A Co. . Iiook I or my sign. Respectfully Jan.0-tf D,W. SNIDER, walks me Bireeuo. . , . 1 "I don't want a woman to be too fke trial at Ketzer'B-lru2 diov ; .