10 TIMES -'i---'- w, -s -rv -, TTTv TT rtl TTlA TT Tl A T - . .... .." -V j ,., - .... r- s .... J" r t - ' .j ' .' ;- v.; .."? ; e. . t, :; 1 - ' a - " - '- " - - - - - , , . : ; - : . .. . T -o-t TTTQrn a Tm PEAE 'lTOT." . ' ' - - : St.00 a Year, in Advance. jjU TV .iilcly circulated paper ' i.K..lini1 111 Richmond Montgomery, vidson, Randolph, Anson anu Counties. -IV Union plICK A PIN WEEK JO & SHERR1LL, Editor. .Volume XIV. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1896. Number 13. BOOK AND JOB PRINTINGS , , - . , i - " I r .-..-.. v : Executed in. the Best Stylo " ' AT LIYISa PEICES- " -v" .- . Our Job Printing Department with every necessary equipment, is prepared to turn out every va riety of Printing in first-class style. No botch-work turned out froth .this- officei-- We-dupli cate the7 prices of any legitimate7 -establishment. " i.i in--- sound health. With pure, Vhv Wood, the Btomach and di- there . organs wm u '.b- -- - With pure be R0 be unknown. ?.., t,-!!! riisanpear heuui " . , -;n hn strong, and your k Der J. nnH rpfrpshintr. sou'".J? ret - ..1 :.r;iin makes pure blood. j3 ba.-. i. BO manv diseases. . to V.liV r . 1 o lilrs i jre thousands take it fptpin'trood health, pre- - and BuBering. jsexneiupet BRYAM IN THE STATE The Biggest Day in tlie Political una, Triumphant March Through kill Mignic3iit Options .Given tae Candi date" Everywhere, 0?er 100,000 . . People Hearing Elm Spea's. and will do so again the moment they have the opportunity. (Lheers.) : "We have -lost a few uemocraw uy desertion, but the -number is growing Ipsa each da v . beause the Democrats who have not entirety agreed , with us find that if they leaye the Democratic party in its struggle with plutocracy, they leave it to rnaKe a permaucui hnmfl with those whom democracy una came from the crowd.) The market W 7h. slutted We have a party iemanaingH-a-Pi'iau'-v r"u " i " giuuw. tc i -, nnt, tfr,rA tri Benfl.ra.ts themselves from those with whom their interests, and sympathies lie." (Cheers.) . THE STOP AT LEXISGTON. contraction in volume of money. Clay, I am told; is the only: presidential can didate, " until to-day, that ever came here. -Tie 'said: "Of all conditions of society the most adverse is that whien decreases the cirqiVating medium.'' He saiu that a aimumuon ui uc .w-ijj would make hard times, and the people could not pay their debts. llav$ you had such a condition? (-les, yes TUB SITUATION IN TUI8 STATE. Raleigh Cor. Charlotte Observer. ' Ealeigh, N. C.,. Sept. 12. Your correspoadent this evening had a special interview' with ate Chairman Manly and asked him what he though about this week's deal between the Republi cans aiid Populists. He replied : "I cannot Bay. hoW. long the people will let the action of the managers stand. It is believed that in the. Populist party there is 4 powerful, element and a strong wilt ston this sacrince 01 Sarsaparilla Low tme' BlooA rtaiCCr.. $1 per home. : cire Liver Ills; easy to OOCTS PlilS take, easy to operate. 25c Hon. William Jennings . Bryan, the man who will" be the next,. President -of the"Cnited States, passed through the State last week in a triumphal - march. and at least 100,000 peopre 4ieard him. sTYtt th different places, lie en tered the State last Wednesday at Paint Rock, and his first speaking place was Asheville.- He spoke also at Marion, Morsanton, Hickory and Statesyille, and grand ovations were given him, at all these places. He arrived at Char lotte Wednesday night at 10 o'clock, and spent the night there. He spoke there hali an hour on Thursday morn ing tQ at least 15,000 jtcople. The fol lowing is his speech: ; the sj'ef:cii at cii.vui.otte. Mr. Chairman and Fellow-Citizens: If you'll bear with me for a moment, I xv"ilf trv to make mvsolf heard. I am an advocate of an independent finan cial policy for the United States. I.am standimr on a platform which is a' sec ond declaration of independence. " It is mv pleasure to come into this city and countv, made memorable by another declaration which freed-a people from, foreign power and interference. I might th' hnomnir of the factories when there is nothing for the factory to do In such a state sellers begome apprehen sive, and well they may. Falling prices moi.iimii timpa VVhfn prices rise, I AnntVtof lame ancYiP.ncp. was at Lex 0v0,.mi junT fiim toRfi . inivfnr. in hflr Mr. Hrvan: 'lu this o.uuu majoxuv. ;? W1U . IUJvi- o. i'.-rt'r'rfmnitf Hncihrai the condition I namnattm txrhorn nnr finemieg are united I further, the Democratic party stole 30, T a. I ' J wvfc w . J.vw I - . . . . I . I which confronts, us to-aay. me -c-lagainst us, our menas are aiso uniiea, uuu voibb uui eiecuuu..-:-. u. ; uk .. n.. (iM03 in l-Tinc anv re-1 itu u.0in , ihn Dftmncrahc I statements are tidiculous. , lhere is no uuuiiuiii LjMiy v - o i Auu nuu- r. - , - ... - . uef, anu pieages itseix. iu aiixvo utui6 party, wmcn . aaopieu jnuumi . i umw vi u." ; harder to pay. . '. ' - Chicago, which is pervaded with a spirit made The small majority of fusion Iji the State of North .Carolina, where American independence, and . to last yeaijaffords no such basis for such the people still listen to the echo of that those forces there brought together has boastful - statements. . Certainly' the great statesman, Vance (loud and pro- been added the forces represented by statements and charges of Republicans longed cheers), it is not necessary that the Populist party and by the free silver are either idle- vauntings of men who , . r- A null - - . . - .i -T T 1 .1 ClL L . 1 .! . T T ) . one. snouiu come irum uuiui w i jiepuuiicans or tne, uniwju ouiteo. nave a pociceuui oi uaaua a muiicy m your attention to the condition of things J Againt this double paity opposed toTisjare started for a purpose. - Look at the which surrouna you. uae oi we, w we present the triple alliance, tnose wno facts. ibirty-uve tnouBana : uemu- tliings Vance ever said was that me con- believe in the money of the constitution. J crats who did not vote in the last state test between the people and the money J rjr.Q6 jgsue pressed now is a clean-cut election! will vote this year. Of 12,000 BUTLER STRONG FOR IiRVAN. -Denies That be KvarSald his Nomloaliou ' WAsniXGTOS, Sept 15. When, the attention of Senator Butler wasNcalled to-day to the report that he had written Congressman Howard,pI Alabama, that' Sewall would be withdrawn, he replied: "Mr. Howard is mistaken if he is cor rectly reported in the dispatch. If any such statment was 6eat out from here it was sent without my authority. Noth ing would give me more pleasure than have Mr. Sewall withdrawn, as his withdrawal would remove an element hand that wilt StOD their rights and repudiate sudh trading an interview with Republican Chairman of friction fiom the campaign and make Holton, m whch he claini3.the sute Dy NOTES AN IT COMMENTS. We are sorry on account of the decla rations of the President and Secretary Carlisle in favor of the Indianapolis ticket,-- but we hasten to say that they are not fair objects of criticism at the hands of those persons whose . minds were made up in advance to bolt the ac tion of the Chicago convention if it had gone foi sound money. Charlotte Ob server. ) '- Senator Pritchard and other speakers who are going around talking about -the tariff are wasting their valuable time. To this year's voter the subject is as dry as a last year's bird nest.. Voters were never more anxious io hear than they are now, but.not to hear about the tariffs It is arguments aiout money that they want to listen to. Charlotte Observer. , the election of Bryan certain, but the matter rests entirely with Mr Sewall." Referring to a report from, Greensboro, N.C., quoting him as saying it Was a mistake for the Populists to have nomi nated Bryan, Senator Butler said: J 'I ia u-ij For a week lfchas been generally un xue uavo HersfW that th PnliEta wnnl.l mit-P man thon Mr Rrrflri wn fmm . t A tia wttKo. ftoJwa condition to e ectoral fusion with its own ranks. Futhermore, after he had . narnrrata tha, t.a Mtnr aAllim been nominated by the Democrats and V ZSZlZ Tl -Z 1 " luo tu M" clinx a Congreseman.. We may be any chance of electing to the President f this year. The only way we could make . nominee. Mr. Pe.mbertori. will our votes eriecuve in ueieauug , , - , . ... . Q. . - that tifim some on the stand saiu, "Time's'up," and Mr. Bryan concluded hurriedlv. The people cried, "bo on; He r"went on," but it was to the station. i AT COKCOKD AXD SALISBUEY. A Rton nf fifteen minutes was made at iVmrW. and a laree crowd greeted Mr. Bryan. We publish on our local page an account of it and the speech. At Salisbury4 reached at 11:10 a. m., power was at hand. I do appeal to all is8ue No man WQo beheves in an or 15,000 farmer Democrats who voted cimey anu S010"" VVd mittee or anybody else; and if he should those whosesympatny is witntueumBoto. iA.merican system of ; nnance. ior, an the fusion ticket m lSiJl, many nave ' ,;LTr, . 1 v . I come down we don't believe the Demo The laboring class must first prosper if American people can by his vote assist become disgusted with the trading and a"u uui. verJ crats of the district are going to support the country would be prosperous. About Jin Beading a man to Congress who goes gales now going on between their lea- wn DUeves in Amercan inoepenaence Mr gp;- Those who have some there to support the Republican policy 1 ders and Republicans over the spoils oil""" v k 1 f " , . manhood and self-respect left will con- on the monev Question." (Cbeers. office and the utter and 'flagrant aban- W1 . - a .- elude, after awhile, that they are not ovTiov-tTr.RT-KvsnoRo. donmeht of the cause of financial re- senator uuuer says oeisonrecoru w - In company with Governor Carr, fohmenwUl thi. year r torJarvis,coi Juuan . tarro i uio nrk of his nomination by the PopuUst con .Things appear 16 be going pretty uurnam: xkiai. xiaie, -.oi .xayeueviue u - :- Wa nnminM- MrRrvan and'other prominent North CarolinianSi we will ;elect out ticket, fctate and na- fr Pi-iron iorVfw1 dirt- AnflVwMrt fT hio I tional. bv a safe maiority. special train, via the Southern Railway, ""Candidly, the-only fears well posted o-t i-9-is- nVirvv th5s aftftmnon. A I Democrats have about the .result in ADsoIutcIyr pure. A cream of tartar baking powder, Highesi of all in leayening strensrth. Latest United States Government Food Report. Royal "Bakesq Powjek Jo., New Tork. PROFESSIONAL-CARDS. W. H. LILLY. V. D. 8. L. MONTOOJtEBl". M. U 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 " w . . i-vy-w 1 mwn rtwrTi-l .or I ha Orattfln lTfllifliTiCr 1 i X 1 1 1 i 11 UillUllUa 13 tUO ouvivvuw w-. . 1 J. A 1 l AHA I i.U.1. JA T w ' I. 1 ,.. 1 in jotner .places meei tuuw iuu xc -n, i? irin vQ5rmfln nf I nunareus oi excursionists irom near-ov well known Bcheme on the part of the -AoStr'tn. w a rl.Vv rpnrW mndft fnrtPlu UJ xuwuuio x. r- ..:01 0 Tlrtri Rpnnhl cans to debauch the ballot DOX ij..v.T j ..v.v..,v t j i ., 3.Tiv. P.i.n no rfolofTO tinn 9L MUIUWi ouuuivu hsluiuu.i - J 1 ir . . ItAKTON - HOUSE, D. J. JONES,, Proprietor, CHATTANOOGA, TEXN.,. ' sites IT. 2.00 jer day. . Special those who are aliens them, but not here, lou are people who believe that this country and na tion is great enough to attend to its own- business. ttJheers.) The people here are not willing to submit to anyr inter ference with their rights. - I find here a hornet's nest for. the enemy. I am not appealing to any neuuiueMt aSol . . . d k Qf ine people nere - : . . lUeiOrtU VU1WA4U UbiVfecwu - i - , V "l,A " .1 -i - r t ' yx-w-i . tin KTpnTwvi 111 i h kim.i.iiii i )i;t i. i i ii i i i . h.uu cago, who seconaea jxr. irju o - r---- , nation. Considerable entnusiasm V, . 7 , markel the candidate's speech,and the main morouguiare vl iu H""'"' nyrB rrrAW in intP.nBltV aS he PrO-I WWII lUU Ijr luuuoauv j '""ft ceeded. Just as Mr. Bryan was board- louuiy louuwtni m. ' wir1!S vention. We nominated Mr.liryan much all one Way. Last week the Dem- at St. Louis," said-he, "because of his ocratic conventions of New Jersey andi record in the overshadowing issue of Pennsylvania went winding for free su- tbis campaign.', ver, and the Massachusetts Democratic j The Senator declined to discuss the state primaries went overwhelmingly the same merit in the same report that there wav. These states are the centre of prbably would be no fusion between I wh;; t io understood to be the gold senti- the Populists and the -Democrats of ment. The proofs which they have North Carolina on the electoral ticket 1 riven of their leanings, and the reports furth fir than to sav that the State will which come from New York and the M;r, V,o icoa nrARfintfid with the ous by lt3 iiiw ii0 uuau aiv t-"- w 1 . - ,i wiu ot midnitrivt in fl tions and four horses thai in a the ! terms to Families Two minutes wait from Central Depot. must carve out their own destiny. We would defpise the English upon their own soil, or Germans of any other peo- poll its electoral vote against McKinley. " The Rep. Pop. Fusion. ' Charlotte Observer. While coquetting with the Demo crats for electoral and"congressional f us- Rankest frauds and , the ion : the Populist have actually formed the outskirts of most corrupt practices will be attempted a combination with the Republicans on moon. Those who saw the presentation monifiMlDH thpir anrtreciation of the l llLll ft. WW r- i l . . - . . ii ira onri onnn a rfsinmrR on incident ov eAercisiuj; iucix iuum, i -. z- . . ..n. matnrinrr own son, or uermans or any uiueruw . -. r, tua non(i;. town, where he delivered a soeecn, ai- oy uiem auu uv, pie who looked to. any other nation, to Jusl . " '"1 t.r iincr 4tmclnoed bv Clement Manly out for the' voting of negroes . . x j -4. I date caneu out: -nauvucuwuKnuv . o -----. 1 : KV.;t'a M. in this l chairman oi ine ouue ubuiuuu; WINTEHSPTH'S :.:mr Oae Bottlo : 50 Ceats Creaks Ths Chill. &oid" Everqwher. 35 Years Steady Sales Guarantees Its Value. Mhur Peter & Co.. Louisville, Ky., Goal AgenU. NEVER FAIt-S, 11 J ..A i-mlntA thwr sffaira. I do not beheve W, BUV,U . . i.. have eivea me a. x. a m .-i w ii a t ci i rTii i r ri m w w iu i'i i l. vu - . ' s-iutriij.-ii- j yr camm3en will vote for me, there ir no oi toreign aespousm. .'. . L. wnnKuf mvelMtion." This is V e have passea tnrougn wars, loreign V". " . aoi;aK crv, and domestic, and have proved our S.ldbv Uamsour & Graham China Grove. DAVENPORT COLLEGE . - LESOIK, K.. C, 4 - CO EDUCATIONAL. id in ltSS."' Fiirollment last -rear the !i-'"t In the history ol tue veuege. a full iiiniilv of efficient teachers. Thor n,'ti iiHt.'-ii. tion. Practical courses of study. Susie, Art, Stonorapliy and Type Writing. Expenses moderate. ' JOHN ., MINICK, A. M., juivSi 3 m. ' f President. Mr. Bryan's Salisbury speech: I am informed' that-Andrew Jackson was a law student in this city, and I am glad to tread the soil made sacred by the hero of New Orleans. (Applause. The principles for which I btand before the people are the principles taugui - Dy Jackson when he was the idol, not of Democracy alone, but of the great com mon people, whom he at all times defended. (Applause). When Jackson was President his - greatest - ngnt was Rtrainst the United States national banks. Those connected wnn mat great, banking influence denounced him and advanced apPueQ 10 mm JUBl F""" as tne money-owning- ami uiiuiuS These men pledge the Republican party T, to have a gold standard as soon as for- not 7the knee to Baa and eign nations help them. .... tUo nhn -1f. AwJanae'i. A dollar is not hke a yard stick one .J is a length," the other a measure. On6 "At that time- au me mum .u- does not change m length, but the other encea ui iuio tuuuu. "'" does in value. You all learned at school 1 his overtnrow, juai iw mcj "vD - ability to defend ourse'ves. e are -a more united brotherhood to-day than wp. were liefore the: war. lhe war, in stead of making us two people, has made us one in a higher sense than we were before that ffreat struggle. 1 am willins to submit to the ballot to decide pur affairs, political and financial, but am notwillinsr for a foreien nation to decide the currency question for tis Those who formed the Republican plat form did not dare to write the gold standard in that platform. The gold rnen never fought an,open fight for gold. The gold standard has Deen in the dark: in midnight sessions with monev beiner supplied, and to be supplied, by Mark Hanna and his -syndicate ;of gold bug monopolists. But let our ' people understand the truth. conspicu- The charge of Democratic fraud is false red white and blue r decora- and is meant to divert ine pumic nunu drew it to from these Miepupiican irauauient pur-. the Be'nbow House, where the candi- poses Anapractices. a oeep date and his rartr had dinner, i After seems now. to he laid by the Republican dinner Mr. Bryan was taken to Bland-1 politicians Look the State ticket with the understanding under that it is to extend to the legislative alias registering, minors and voting ex- and couiyy omcers. xi emorauea vaju- convicts. fn registration they propose gressmen, also, but there 13 no fusion to do their . deviltry. By such corrupt as to Governor and Lieutenant Govern mtithorls the Republicans hope to count or. and'none as to presidential electors 25,000 or 30,000 votes. But they are It is not to be doubted that unity of ac sowing where they, will never reap. The tion upon Governor and Lieutenant people of this state understand this, and Governor will be a matter of further I can say to " our enemies: Beware of negotiation and that a strong effort will trying the scheme. If such deviltry is pe maae to narmonize ine pmu upuu attempted it will not be successful. The one set of candidates for these offices, npmocrats of North Carolina do not But up to this time the matter is open !.!!.!.? a IBB I n tUHiilVMiiUttitilk offer their professional services io the citizens oi Concord and yicinity. All calls promptly attended day or night. Office and residence on East Depot treet, opposite Presbyterian church. Dr. W. C. Houston, Surgeon- Eentist, COSOORD, N. C. Is prepared to do all kinds of Deatai work in the most approved manner. Office over Johnson's Drns Store. W. J. J40NTGOMEBT. J. IiKE OBOWEI1X1 Attorneys and Counselors-at-Law. CONCQBD, N. 0. committee. His "audience numbered about 20,000, and was one of the most enthusiastic 'gatherings . Mr. Bryan had addressed in the campaign. Mr- Bryan left Greensboro for Durham arid Raleigh at 3 p. m. : 4 1,500 PEOPLE AT BUELISGTOJf. ; . At Burlington 3,500 people greeted the candidate who spoke from the plat form about twenty feet from the depot. It was one of the neatest short speeches vfitmade. He created a laugh at the t, indicate the dominance 01 tne country of a desire for free silver, , and if amaioritv of the people want it we sincerely hope, they will -not, by the As partners, wffl practice law in Cabar purchase of votes or other ihegitimate ruivDwmiy anu aujoumig ln, k uiti in th rpaliyation of the Superior and Supreme Courts of the 5 bEK "f J-hf State and in the Federal Courts, Office men niou, xx " e,--, on Depot Btreet. or a fair expression of the popular will . Parties desiring to lend money can is otherwise defeated, the silver agita- leave it with us or . place it in Concord tion will be renewed the day after the National Bank for us, and we will lend election, and if i3 the agitation that it oa goed real estate security free of nurts. muecuuu v . n title to lands offered as security for loans. Mortgages foreclosed without expense to owners of same. , and is to have it the sooner the better, i Charlotte Observer. UNION- INSTITUTE. h--t n . U.iiii U ittl s. ...i a Kuil . A 'ill. rankiiiK "Hh the cheapest .and the very ,-!; I'r-puratoiy School in the State. . .iU-t Music pi partni'iit. Mleil in such . school, it will pay yon to f. free rat;ngue, etc- fiii viieu July '2), Wt. ? '. - . i). C. ilAlIILTOS or . Jiv. SUtUfK I;EWT05r;3t. A.. 11 . PHiici )!. tTiHonvilie, N.C. CONCORDIA. COLLEGE, " CONOYKll, X. C. -(.mi open 3 '.'V t'Hil)er 9th. CWssieul nrv. N ;-.!!al Cuurae, Jilective course. t :!i:.:-t-i .1- fourSC Otilltehlplattjd. Both w-stii !uiiHiiii. Jiairin - for boys only hi 'fcrniitory. Boarfl (priv-utel $HZt) pec month. l'r ternus aufl catalogue aiiaress' . W. li. T. DAU, PnnelpaL . A:i r. 1m . " - . SUPERIOU COURT. that a rod of iron, just so long at zero, 1 is different when you make it red hot. It is longer, almost twice as long, red hot. as when at zero. If the yard stick were to change, every man would want to carry' a red-hot measure with him, for it would'be longer, but the merchant would say, -"No," and go to his refrig erator and get his standard of measuce. (Cheers and laughter, and cries from the multitude on the south side, "Come over this way.") Mr. Bryan at once granted the friendly imperative, ana walked, to the extreme edge of the plat form facing Fourth street. :-This satis fied the south end, bo he continued. I use this by illustration, said he, be cause our opponents are always talking nhont. vardsticks. JNow u we naa a vardstick that expanded or contracted, tho first legislature that meets would fix it at a certain temperature.. A dollat should not be larger one time andsmal-Icr-at another time. Any legislation could fix the value of the dollar. The trouble is, our opionents make -the dol- i lar dear, and deny that legislation makes the dollar. I want to assert as a propo sition that the money of a country must keep pace with the population. . Palling prices are a great thing for the man who has the money to buy things as they fall.' . Senator Sherman, who is the re cognized leader of the. Republican party in this country,- and of that portion of the Democratic party which is trying to elect a Republican President -(cheers) said in June, 1890, that if our present outset by saying that it was the general ab0iate conteol:in this state as to de- custom in a presidential campaign tu send . the audiences to the candidate but the Democratic party nnder these hard times brought on by the gold standard had adopted the policy, of sending the candidates to the people. The long verandas of Burlington Inn were packed with beautiful women. F.. S. Parker. Jr.. introduced Mr Bryan. A BRASH YOU5G MAN AX Jili.uuu ' Raleigh, Sept. 17. A et-.p, minutes was made by Wm. J. BPecial train at Burlington Ttrvan address 3d 3.500 people, includ ine a laree number 01 ratives. At Hillsboro several hundred gathered about the' train and heard a few words from7 the candidate. A young ma,n riding a mettlesome horse was conspicuous iri ine crowu vy me eolden decorations of his animal and hif person. The worn "ju.civiniey propose that aj&atittful of white men and each of the three parties has in shall so manipulate that part of the the field its candidates for Governor and . . 1 - I .1 : 1 1 t.A.A T:n4AMnn4. rLMTAimnii ' . nporri VOIL OI WniCn luey VOll uae 1 JjIBC11CUu uurauui. combined to' perpetuate a government of syndicates by syndicates and for syn dicates. (Applause.) The . masses are interested in a government which guar antees equal rights to all and confers special privileges upon none. It is the classes who want to use the instru mentalities of the government for pri vate gain. The masses are too busy trying to make a hying and bearing the burdens imposed on then to crowd around, legislative na us anu hor?e,8 coU and m 1 was for the Re- enauies tutm "ri nnblican candidate by shouting for him out of he people, ir 8"---" Porously. Some of these on the Bry- win protect eacaciuututujy. - - , -d and of life, liberty and the pursitoi napp , ness, it i all that should be asked. .) e am now enffaeed in an effort . to make A Preacher on Bryan. The attempt by the Ne York press to belittle Mr. Bryan's speeches has had the .effect erf making thoughtful men go to hear him to make their own estimate. Rev. H. G. Pillsbury, pastor of the Second Congregational church at Chic opee Talis, writes to the Springfield While the Populists have traded with (Mass.) Republican : h.nph-thA'hAnXc and cheat the white the Republicans tor practicauy every- -a uhu iueuu 0 4V people of thstate out of their votes by thing except the presidential -electors, J Bryan recently at Horneiisviue, in. 1, KtiniXm with false and counter- it is given to be understood that they and as I do not expect to vote for him ontuna Mem Hu i o o Aa tho TiAmrrata nd mav therefore be considered free feit haliots. lneuemwrau unvo ucim , uu - 1 1 . ,. . ... . . ,j Samoreia earnest. The party will as to these. Having L'Tat with the xtepuDiicans tney are wuuug wuttims "v ii trartoi with th Demor.rats lor tne ijnav not ue uuiu,iuu6. ..j shucks. The-managers will vouchsafe est impression was that of his aipntoral fusion to the Democrats, no sincerity. He evidently iKt onrl in thAir own pood time will all his soul that this is a " " "J .;. -. .. I. ' J Ar.nrocsnrs sell Guthrie and Dockery. out. in tne t ween tne uiassea uu calculationg yesterday the Democrat fig- His denunciation of the monopolists gured to only the very smallest extent, w no, as ne cuumw, v "r" a -pnHofa it. remains to-fee I neoule. was. in its delivery and its ei- a lJk VUVS JL VMU11UVU) - x m -wm.H T A . -4.,,.v RPP.n wheither thev stand bv the bargain feet, the most powerful piece of invective made in their name. . J MORRISON H. CRLDWELl, . Atiorney-at-Lai, COKbOBP,N,C. Office in Morris building, opposite court house. . . July 4 t , UUillllllSH U.it Ul . ... 1 i 1 'IT f it appearing t the currency is estimated at one buiion four me&O- hundred mmSn and: the increase of 1V.. M.i; ri.soiT. attmlnistrafor of Dr. Solo- "i.-i'.u Kiii-r, Osceuseil, plaintiH", - vs " . . V. h. j t.cr. J. P. Furr, Mtrtha J. Bost ami -l-t-rli;i-!)unlS. C. Uost, Uefendartts. On ri :i(lin and tiliiisrtheafnilavlt anfl peti tion o: r,. Morrison, administrators of it s.i! 1-iiiT. dfe'a, -.ana ntisr:!i-tntv pt. (he cou nun! tlie retlirn 01 xne rtierur oi cu.-.n us . i'ko i!iu, that' P. It, Fnrr and Jr 1'. Furr. population o ma wuw ikji uuuiu, wwy ai-r? -Miin-rusldenta fit the State of North I :a ,,t Qri onnnnl incrpuiw nf flir- t a -w r r A r . 1 . i -f .- f..u.. i .-(.! t.io n.l- It fiirthw (in- rpnfv Of Rll.UUU.WU out. lar iiuui . u iii-1 :iat a cause of, action exists against I thp country having : had this, -there has 1 II-Krli.t (1ornndnnt to nrl r.linr tllftv fl I'H nrtinpr 1 " . " . i and !i..ss-thv parties to an action, relating to r.'.-a property in the State which 'M tion and' action is for the nilrnose or hillnx thermal estate ot said Dr. Solumen Furr, ft e-.-ea-ed, mentioned in said vetltieii for aa.aeta t i:tvt4e (lcl)ts and charges of adminLstrn tio!! ii iinst the estate of the. said'. Dr., Solo mon Furr, deceased. It-.j! iheref ore ordered, adjudged and de 'i'H.i that .service of summons on said de lTi !:int !(. mndB hv liuhlication in Tne Ti:m-.a wec-klv newspaper published In the t-.iwn of :oncord. comity and State aforesaid, i.,;-!.;.' a week for six coimeeutlve weeks, re iHHi'n 'e' said defendants named as afore- lit id e flud appear at the office of tlie i. !-i; of 'e (Superior Court for said county :in,i state (. uf hefure MondAy, the 12th ii tv ;v octotx-r -Jhi, and plead, answer, or , uj-ii'ir to the- 'itAmmvt mk nr t!i( Olttln t itT will apply to t:-' omt for the relief deKianded intheepm-M-tint and costs of action. - - - i - i.-ued this 2ith day of ,ngt'-solf.. Aii2T-fir f v ClerK Superior Court. 1 , ', ".'-. - been g decrease in the circulation, un til tho-amount of this decrease added to the $54,000,000 heeded, we have now a deficit of $250,000,000. Senator Sher mart lias now turned round and "joined ,..;tt i,j nrmrmMitd of tret roitiasre. ' Jill LI... .Jjl. '..V . - - -) 11 - - . , . Here the speaker read "thej statistics you could enter the homes of this of two a-moiint. of tion and see how hope deterred Mlimilllf 1.11.. VI v ivuu v. i - R - ; . . monev m circulation. J. here is an ac tual deficit, said he, in the circulation, a fall of ninety-five millions of dollars in a single year. These; statistics are not the vaporin2T8 of lunatics and cranks. co.-nj-'tahit of the plaintiff Thev are given by ouropponents, and inth.'? .?n? iSK tv u not forgotten the truths AJL xf w - o are still alive. . . - " " . T am not surprised to find on this the pursuit of happiness more to the masses than a mere idle pursuit with no prospect of overtaking that happiness. Our opponents : seek to monopolize the opportunties of this country and let the trusts ,and combinations oi weaitn shuftre doors of opportunity against the humbler members of society. (A voice, "Look this way.") "I am glad you reminded me oi it, because there are so many on this ji.de I did not suppose there were any more left to get on ' the other. (Laughter.) l am glad to note the intense interest in this campaign. I have noticed it all nlony the line. I have - noticed it among young men who are anxious to establish themselves and tuild up a UCompsftency; l,have noticeu n among old men wlio are- praying ;tnat Deiore ffti'r davs ara ended theV may see the money of the constitution restored. (Ap plause.) TlJiave noticed it is among the mothers arid wives who have been in ovfrtr flVifliftnce. crowding around the platform because they especially nave felt the pressure pi tnegoiu sianuaru. Living expenses have been ruucea, while the debts and the taxes of the farmer have held up. I am not sur mised that thev take an interest. If i . . . - ., , na ; has made the heart Bick: if vou could see parents, who in the hope of better days. . 1. ,1 t-l 1 A.' . have planoed tor tne nigner euucauon of their children in order that the chil dren might begin the battle of life with greater advantages than their parents, . . . i , but who have Deen compelled io Keep the children at home in order to Keep thftWif from the door, you would un captured the horse's golden collar.' As the train ! drew out the young man tvas'seen fran tically shaking his fist af ter . it. He said his name was N. W. Brown, a book-seller. - , The train was in charge of Col. J. S: Carr, the wealthy tobacco manufacturer of Durham, who had stocked it with eatables and other things for the bene fit of the candidate and the members ot ihe State escort, and the train was slowed down just after leaving Hillsboro to let Mr. Bryan see Occoneechee Farm, Col. Carr's country place. ' The train arrived at Durham at 5:15. At the stand where the speaking took place, near the station, several thousand people cheered Mr. Bryan to the echo when he appeared., rie made a short speech, frequently applaudedrvand Jef t Durham for Raleigh. - -A GREAT TIME AT RALEIGH. 1 ?forth Carolina's capital city had Wm. J. Bryan for its. guest for two hours to-night. Mr, Bryan arrived at 7 o'clock with Governor Carr and others and was met at the "Southern Ivailway station bv a reception committee, at flam-beau club and a brass band. He was escorted to Nash square.a beautiful open park near the staudn, where 6,000 people had gathered in defiance pf the heat to hear him. lhe speaKing stana was agl6w with electric light,' the name .,, 11 1 " 1 AtAAA Krvan oeins uwoiav in uik eieiiuiv casMhis year more votes than ever be fore in its history. This statement is erified by information coming from every part of the state." . ij Kxtractg From llryan'n Speech. No man who understands the advan tage of government will ever raise his hand against government itself. Arbitration is simply the extension of the idea of the court of justice. Discontent lies at the foundation of all progress; so long as you are satisfied you will never go forward. Cdmmoi peopl believe in a Demo cratic form of government One of the important duties of gov ernment is the putting: of rings in the noses ot hogs. No part of the people of the world are so important to the welfare of man kind as those whoso labor and brain convert natural reserve into material wealth. Neither great riches nor abject poverty 'furnishes the soil in ' which grows the best civilization. . A man who would use a. loan to m- timiilata a citizen has vet to learn the genius of the institutions uuder. which he lives. ; Whenever a man offers you pay for yoir vote he iusults your manhood. Discontent iu our form of. govern- mrint Pin Is in reformation through the peaceful means of the ballot. . Society has a right to protect itself against contests between laoor aim capita!. I It is possible under our form of goy ernment ta have just as good a govern ment as the people deserve. : If vou iucrcasethe number Of those who cannot work yet must eat, yoa will V. 1 1 t W. ,.,1, s. the ranks of criminals. . ' ' - absolute believes with struggle . be- D. G.CALDWELL, M.fc; Offers his professional services to the people of Concord and vicinity. Office in rear of bank. ' Night calls should be left at my residence onMain street. Office-Hours, 7:30 to 8:30 a. m., 1:30 to 2:30, p. m. Telephone call, No, G7. Sept-20.'94. lv. - C. H. BAMHARDT, M.. D, Plv'.d.:3 cl Snrgeon, MT. PLEASANT, N.C. Calls received and promptly attended at all hours. Office- at my home, late residence of Dr. J. W. Moose. Dec. 26 6m. it has. ever been my tortune io neur. While he did not seem to me to have a d. hardly' a severely logical one, yet from his premises 'he )RrH. C; HERRING. DENTIST, reaches conclusion witn a airrauw thot the nponle e.niov. I confess to an Pritchard On Guthrie. Salisbury World, Mth ' " Senator Pritchard spent Saturday n;nKt in Roliehnrv and left vesterdav I j:,.ii4nn t- hia nprRonalitv as it was morning for Marshal. - . ... I brought before me during that hour. h8 again ahis old place iover Yorke Jewelry He was seen by a World represenuve i He 8eemed to me to be a great soui in a vesterdav moraine and as would nature sflifiruii(i bodvr a superb- specimen of ally be supposed he is by no means in raanbood. When he was aroused the love with Maj, Guthrie: at-this time. I most thoroughly I thought him as I of the eubernatonal candi- i:a,or,Mi thf. most neailv perfect orator Store, COWCOBP IT.'O FIRElNSURAnCE. . r- ... is m ijv.- UAt SALSAFH I .! . . .. l... ii.r.t lrrowtn. riwr Fails ta "ll3toro, Grayl " ',J ialf to its youtMOl yoiar. - ri jf, cr.fi Zl rt ''''"'t-4 .. . . . ; .,- . ,rs. mh fc:t J ' An jtlier sensatlo i, I want to warn my Populist friends against voting for gold bugs for Con crpss or for a man for the Legislature who will vote for a sold bug for,Unitei Slat s Setta-or I wa t to t 11 my Populkt friends in Rutherford county aud hi the Ninth district that thev hold the balance of power and it is tnetr uuiy as true free 6ilyer men to vote for hon est Joe Adams,, oi j3uiiutiuoe-vuuuW, aeainst that gold bug candidate Aien- Attar rvnrr i i;nu uims; w vv, Ua m tUKtU f iltht ALL tLbt tAlLO. U i-4 rie.-t tjOUkiiiSvruD. Tastes GojtL- Use f in t; xlt.iA V I - ' . - v stae'saidhe, turning and waving his derstaud wnat line gotu eiauuaru muo. f ... I . . - - . lmnvn anil 1111. n"i r T". u ,1 i ir,tmiin in ina mar mpn t it - means v . inA 'TJinnW no - liit trhn npr nt Civil zauuu. auu ia wuuuuni ALV 1 J I. iv ? ..... . .. - f. .m. Af fro mmwfi. we will sink down wnere me iew own an I am not surpris.d that they theealth and the - many are simpiy denendent tenania. vjur uuuuucuw to divide the toling masses and set the tVin rionVrirntir. Hn'honnc' man in opposition to the larm- UCttJllico vi, i 1 no. 't. wi in . I n , tu ti,.i.i;., v,f,r !rrV,t or T warn laborers not to desert: the I 1,1 I 1 I 1 111. r, u iiirui. C 11 1 Y KIW11 . 1 . . . ". . ... . ' , . I 1- , linnn tV.Q vpurs flro that bimetallism was dear to iarmeru wuu the popular interest. It' has been the historic poUcy of the United States and has received the support of everything- Whig, Democrat, Tory or any other partv. Let me call your attention to what Henry Clay, said in regard to the letters over the place where lhe Demo- , ; the rank'a of the Populist party cratic candidate stood. At each corner jHe is not tnB true friend of you Peo- of the square Dig Donnres nurneo,. anu , Mrtv mpI1 and you should not give ... ... a. I Vl " mjvm U .. thev threw the big crowd into pituresque j. . pnlp's nartv vote in tbisUis- i la 1.1 xx - I - m: t . relief. . Cheer after cheer went Mip . as ... j varo vou aKajn tc be careful who the candidate ascended the stand, yQtc or go to the legislature. Clement Manlyv the chairman and Hal Jr te f or no inan until he pledges you W. Aver, the chairman of the Populist a. x,0 not vote for Jeter Pritchard . . ' n , tt--j state com miuee, premueu jumuy ovci i anV other eold bug ior tne uuiteu States -Senate. Guthrie's speech at dates Mr. Pritchard said: "I do not 'see whv Eussell should come down. Guthrie could not poll the Republican vote of the State after he has talked about them as he has." Major. Gauthrie came up up on the train with 'Sehator Pritchard Saturday night and informed the latter that he had given - him a severe drubbing at Concord in his discussion with Watson Saturday afternoon. Mr. Pritchard does not conceal his disuse at tne way Guthrie is doinsr. It may be relied upon that the Senator will not be instru- on tat in nnliins? K-isse'l down it ne uiviii, i O does come. - . " ' The tiirl Who Work., Tho t-iri who worksGod bless her She is brave and she is not too prouj to Barn her owu living. She is stuaious, pftins-trtkiiig txad patient. Sh ' smiles from behind -thecounter or desk, her smile is the reflection of celestial gran deur and eternal bliss. She is like a beautiful ' monUineer, her character ia pure as the bubbling Bpriog, stroug us the rock from" which it flows and aB high as the mountain topmost pinnacle. Tito sieht of her should . be a fine inspi- riition to all. Her hand may be stained bv dish-washing, sweeping, factory grease or printer's ink but it is an hon pj?t And helping : hand. It stays' niis- twHinA from manv poor homes. It is one shield that protects many a for lorn little famlv from the poor house and asylum. All honor to the girl who works. . nt Itt fSrat-nlass Home and 1 orenn DCUV nui.f " - Companies. ' Bespectftilly, - WOODHOUSE & HAEEIS. I ever heard. And yet his manner was when-in need of Fire Insurant, in. the main, of that judicial, temperate cau and see us, or write. y e w i kind that wins confidence, it is cer tainly wise for his psrty managere to keep him on the stump; he is bound to make friends, if not concerts, wherever he goes." r The Wilkesboro. Chronicle uuder- stauds that Stanly Walker, towtiahip, Wilkes county, of Traphill has a child that ha3 12 toes and 11 lingers. A tnan tnay dress as well as his own good taste, judg-' ment and the assist ance of an artistic tailor may elect He may take his ''tubs" as regularly as tae most conscientious water - cure - doctor mav dictate; but if his digestive organs" are out of oraer, ne will ' have an un wholesome appear ance. His complex ion and the white of his eres will have a vellowish cast. Hia tongue will be coated, appetite poor, his teeth rusty, his ' breath abomtifc able. He is one bisr, unmistakable sign ff ronstiDation. Worst of all, hia temper is as ugly THE mUll MARBLE WORKS, FRIEZE & UTLEY, PROPRIETORS. Honnie DEALERS IN is, Headstones, I AND ALL KINDS OF CEMETERY VORM. Work furnished grades of in the best: Georgia, Italian s Vetmoivt MHs First-class work and lowest prices guaranteed.. See-us before hnvint? elsewhere. Prices and and unwholesome to I A rioi rrn s furnished on application. live with as is his person. A man who has j " f the least appreciation of what pe owes nis The Democrati) u he melting. After his speech Mrr; Bry an went to the. Park Hotel and held a reception, the corridors and lobby and the streets outside being packed - with people while it lasted. The special train left for Uoldsboro at tf-o cloclt. . Mr. Bryaa's special train reached GToldsboro at 11 o'clock to-night, and friends of labor in every struggle to better , tneir condition. The very people who to-xlay are attempting to use laboring men to defeat the farmer ih their . iust cause are the same people who have oppressed 1 labor from the beginning of. the world 1 after the candidate bowed to a large crowd at. the station his sleeping car was run back back on a siding. He Blept on board and will address the peo ple of uoldsboro to-morrow morpmg . 1 -li - T 11 .. J At ceima. peiween itaieien anu States Rutherfordton. Cure tor Headacne. A remedy for all forms Of Headache inf. r.ittprst has proved to be the very XMWiiv x---. A. hoat It. pffficts a permanent cure anu U-WW.. . - , tha mostdrpaded habitual sick neaaacnea :A to ,ta inflnpnee.- We uree all "who are afflicted ito procure a , bottle, and mcA this remedy a fair trial. In cases f habitual constipation Electric Bitters bv civincr the needed tone to . the bowels, and few-cases long resist the use i. -im kjiu., , ' ... .. t?:i r3rtUaKoro ATr Tirvan ma'lpni short ad-1 of this medicine, lry 11 OUie.: iuiji I . ' . i l. a 1 on dress. i cen Hast Be family and friends, to say nothing of ;him- nelf. will make an effort for health. The quickest, surest, easiest way w to take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant renew, iney are made otxefinea, concentraiea vegeuioie extracts. Nothing in the least harmful enters into their composition, iney nuui down all impurities, and "make them move on." They are the product of many years' study ana practice, ur. ncra wa not afford to put forth a worthless or a spurioas article. , Send for a free sample. If you would Know yourscn uu iut un" better, send 21 cents in one-cent stamps, to "V' -.---..a . Eay lor wrapping ana ooslskv "'; is Common Sense Medical Adviser jiooS b and $1.00 at Fetzer's Drug Store. nd McKinley Beatoa. Washington Post, Ilth. Senator Butler arrived at the People's rvartv headauarters in this city yester day afternoon. . He had made a flying vUit to Haleish. N. C; where he talked over with the leaders the proposition oi the Republicans for fusion n tne xaie tipVpt Senator uauer saia tu uc uv-w- . . - t,-.- it. - A rx rriira rmt f nr nil f )1 ICilllUU notniug 7w-- w KaI illustrated. concerning the conierenct5.: ; xH,H dispensary Med- added, "you can rely upon tnereop o AssoctiTXON Buffalo, N. Y. nrtv iri North Carolina noi wauun i c,,t;moll9juD,pierce' Pleasant J i r rH AUn. Cldla no m I ... r . . : .:AMnh i t fafariitrv rsw the xiemowaw w " . . . The wintcrs have always been very.feard uaign and not . w uuw iuwuv; fVin Rio In Ifor President. Senator Tjfw Mv the Pooulist will not make im vx a a. . any futher overtures to the Democrats ' after the reiection of their nwiMiKmi at the time of the State convention. on my husband. Me v incu ine ' ' riii Uo-am made new man of nira. We nave S . .. ... - I irMIH 1 . used ia all, cue bottles.' Yours truly, Korth ronna, Monroe Co., N. Y. At Mncii's Oil West Depot E treet. cojconn, y. Sewing- Misli ft Tarn nnxtr living OQ Church" street, in rear of the Methodist church, and am ready at, all times to .do y kind of sewing machine repairing. I will attena any call itu 50 miles of Concord. Read the lollowmg ieasiuiuiu . 6oscoin, N. C Dec 801883. This is to certify that Mr, D.W. biu for haa done considerable sewing ma ce workfor us and all of it was done mfirstrclass t workmonhke manner and satisfactory to us. Yobke, Wadswobth A Co. Look for my sign, spcctfnby Jan. 9 tl ! W. S20DEB. r