7 . rucTcONGORD WEEKLY JIMES Xbarrus, Richmond . R0Nvaa, Montgomery, , pavidson, Randolph, , StanlyAnson and . i Union Counties. sTICK A TIN HERE. - ' 7 ,;. BQOK AND JOB PRINTING : . v . - l . .-..I-: . OF AIJi USDS, . Executed in the Best Stylo - : ? - ,.7 at uvrxa pricks- - Our Job Printing Department with every necessary- equipment. is prepared to turn out every va riety of Printing in first-class style. No botch-work turned out from this office. We,dupH cate the-prices of any legitimate establishment. . - JOHN B. SHERRILL, Editor. $1.00 a Year, in Advance. Volume XIV. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1896. Number 19. 3IODE11ATE. , I - j U N5r P3 p-1 Hi 1 ft CT1 VTCnaer viij "yim o wrfc. " by they get tired so easily; - tliej start at every slight but coiid; why they do pot Bleep natural; vjadacbes why they ( have frequent indigestion and nervous Dyspepsia .animation fa simple It ia found in blood which is contin- .. iTHntr the nerves upon refuse of the elemehtB o! strength and vigor. Hood's Sarsa pari 11a feeds tint imPure cecing i nt the la sach eohition opiate and nnnria timnlv deaden and KTxe-cl Hood's Saxsaparilla feeds d... tmfe. rich, red blood; dives tarsi sicl'i perfect digestion, ia the lor au nervous irouDies. - natural true reaieuy u Tho Garret Clatter. I don't hear the young folks patter Liko they uatfd to long ago Up the stairs to raise a clatter . Underneath the rafters low. That's the reason f"hinps ia stiller : Hlnce the youn folks went away John an Joe an sweet Penaillert Looks as If theya gone to stay. :- Wife, there hoia't no sunshine gashin ; In the way it used to come: - - T only seems as If the pn-shia Ehaders was a-eomin hara. Sorter quietlike an dreary, ; Only us two here alonu; ' " Jist the days seem drascia weary : . -' - Like a long an dismal moan. In the garret things ta quiet; . Mice au spiders has their way . Where the yoig3trs nsod to riot -In theiv childish praafca an vlitj : '. Bwest Pormiller used t tujf 'ua, .Joe an John ia corners dark, - -An the maiden used to f eg 'cm, Tire cm ea raiao a lark. Wbea the bumblebees was droonln, . - ; An tao Uowrs was in-bloora, An the lilao bush was croanin - - ' -With the scent of its perf usie, Then the young folks used to patter . - Up the stairs a-long ago , :" Up the stairs to raise a clatter ' Underneath the rafters low. Beeni s to me I'm sometimes ream la Of the things that used to be, Till the old life cornea a-stre&mia Back ag'in to you an me. Then I hear the young folks patter ' . Up the stairs they used to go, -' There to raise a garret clatter ,: , Underneath the rafters low. . , H. S. Kellar. ' The Man of the World. : Only a little brown woman, she; Man of the world and pronigata, a. ' Bard and consciencelees, cynical, Somehow, when he and the wonMtn 'He saw what other there is in liis Than passion feeding and carelesA i There came resolve and a sense f satAa. For she made as his motto, "Fain an4fwaia The world Is foolish ; we cover train : We're barred by the gates that we fcvltt in youth. r - Two were they surery, and two aslAt sfcqr. But she to rhed hint into the better way. His thoughts were purified, even when nm T&rnr'T "TTrMTCSTJ1 Ue chatd and raged at the mtgnt nave Men. STAIN iUIN -(ilwUDJll, He learned that living Is not a wbkn. - Amevtea. larsaparilla i.tv bae True nod PMrifler. SI per bottle. donrytgC-1. HooJ & Co., Lowell, Massy .lira. I tvor 111.. tn pills takeieasytooperatesc.i "city in the woods.' This Drooertv is owned by the D wight Manufacturing Vjompanyy an old and wealthy corpora- uon ol tjnicopee, .Mass., where they now operate seven mills.; They desired to establish a plant in the South and sent a delegation on a tour ot inspec tion, to select a location. After travel ing extensively they- located : here, doubtless because'of railroad and water facilities for transportation," the pictur esque country , and also because we are at the edge of the Sarid Mountain belt, which is one of the finest cotton sec tions in Alabama. To give you an idea of our supply of cotton; I will state that we bought 8,000 bales in about three weeks. -I classified and priced every ; bale of it myself, v I only" worked from fifteen to eighteen hours every day. , , - .- The outdy here has been made with an eye to convenience and permanence. The foundation is , broad and deep. Upon it have been built structures that are solid and will abide. The streets have all been' graded and everything that money, skill and exquisite taste could do to make Alabama City beauti- BIIX A BP'S LETTER. There is a lamentable usage of the press and of partisans during election times, and that Is the wanton, outrage ous abuse of the other fellow and the other side. 1 have not seen any sueh abuse of McKinley by the; Democratic presp,- but ' the northern ! Kepublicau journals just teem with ; the vilest and most malicious slanders of; Bryan and his platform. He is den'cunced arid cartooned as the arch anarchist and repudiator; a tool of the silver mines; a babbling bog; a sky scraper; - a., bag of wind, and the punka of the Platte. 4I don't know what punka means, but suppose it is some very bad thing ike a polecat. - His. Madison Square speech, which Ingalls said was a very "great speech, . is ridiculed us an abortion - chestnut, a miserable failure; and they cartoon him as a little sophomore school boy orator. This is very bad policy, The people of all parties know that Bryan is a very eloquent, smart and sincere man and the-reaction comes when t such slanders are used against him. The jubilant "cuying tone of the ful and attractive has certainly been jKJSSS expended. ; The whole was planned and and f L executed by 'Mr. ; Howard -Gardner f w Davidhe msdamed him, for he ww Nichols, of Chicopee, Mass., a young ftlt i oe tZI' !. t David by his eods, and he said come to uiou irao tuuj mr cuo ui m. i , - . . - , . , . . Inm, ut I j iave hear c J .! iiMta 9 him, and I have never heard a man, SAM JOKKS WRITES A BOUT THE COIIc UREN. Civilization as history shows it is like a road in the hill country; up and down; born; iff poverty and ignorance, and dy ing in affluence and pleasure; ; thus the history of the past is but the; history of the rise and fall of nations. However, from the high tide of each nation some- taing has beenpreserved to add to our permanent progress. . The question often arises, Will pur magnificent civil ization go on to perfection or rot at the top, like other civilizations.. The hope of a country is in her succeeding gener ations. The boys and giria of today are the men and women of the next. gener ation; ? We may;; read in our children the future of our nation. As my chil dren begin to take; position as citizens, this question becomes more interesting to me. D. J. JONES, Proprietor, fHimVN'OOGA, TENN.j woman or child 7 mention - his name without offering a tribute of praise. I have frequently heard some humble old woman speak of him with emotion and refer, with tearful eyes, to some little deed of kindness- shown ; her by Mr. Nichols, He was a man of brains, energy, education, character and money . It seems strange to ns that such a man, just after completing such a magnifi cent work, should die; but such is the fact. In the bloom of-a strong man hood, with the banner of success and victory in his hands, without a mo ment's warning, he . was accidentally of the air and the beasts of the field. Fortunately for the country; both of our candidates for President have'ehar- acters above reproach and clean recoruJ m their public life '.and are endowed with very high qualifications in states manship, s The one elected, cannot make a law. Then' why abuse him' Each has a host of friends, and it wounds a man's feelings to hear his favoritef his leader, his idol las it were, lampooned and vilified by penny-a-Unet scribblers, who have no conception ol what constitutes true greatness. There is no manliness or good breeding in the modern modes of conducting a political LIFE IS ALABAMA. killed by a piece of machinery rolling canvass. I heard an old veteran say nn him. T have never seen his father, today that he had not intended to vote mother or ninter - hnt in the irreat I for Governor Atkinson, hut since w at- LEQAL WEIGHTS PER BUSHEL IN NORTH CAROLINA, Department of Agriculture Bulletin. . The following table of the legal weights of agricultural productions has been compiled ' from The Code, with amendments since made. It conflicts in several particulars with the weights as given for this State in the May re port of the United States Department of Agriculture.; This" table is the cor rect one. All of the weights are prob ably too high for the bushel measure of the average prod actions, but this is es pecially t'ja case with the average wheat crop, which won't weigh 60 lbs. per bushel, nor will oats weigh 82 lbs.' nor buckwheat 50 lbs. Peanuts vary m weight according to the variety. This ia the table: Wheat, 60. lbs. ; rough rice, 44 lbs. ; rye. 56 lbs.; corn, 56. lbs.: 7 buckwheat, 50 ibs.: barley. A certain fanner who lives innorthern J New fork, and who is by no means noted for his resemblance to Apollo, has a son of seven who has more wit than, pedigree. One day a stranger came to the farm, and seeing the lad, said: "Sonny, where's your fatber?" "In- the pig-pen," . was the reply. s "In the pig-pen? Thanks P' And, ' as the man moyed in the direction indicated, the boy shouted: "I say! You'll know him 'cause he's got his hat on!" A spring poet sent some verseaen-l titled, "Why Do I Live?7 to a Califor nia journal, and - signed them "Bully Boy." The verses were not published. but the f i ill i jjj.Ii i j 1 1 ijli'jjj. )' i 'T L t 1 1 1 1 ' 'd 1 under 7 'Answers to Correspondents": "Bully Boy We cannot , use your con tribution, but we can answer your con-1 When I begin at New Orleans on the J 48 lbs. ; :oats, 32 lbs. ; flax seed, 55 lbs. ; J undrum. You live simply because you Gulf,; I find the steps of the foreign part of the city crowded with French and Italian children, as distinctly foreign in looks, language, and habits as if born in Irance and Italy. When I come np into the cities and 1 towns of Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi, and find the cabins in the negro quarters jammed together and, as full of negro children as a cheese is of skippers; and when I find the old farm residences of ante bellum days deserted by : the whites, who have moved into the 7 towns and cities; and literally full of negro chu- dren, all of whom are growing up al most as ignorant as if in the heart of Africa; when I go to the northern and eastern cities, and find the crowded por Clover seea, tU ins. r peas, bU lbs. ; corn i meal, 48 lbs. ; bolted corn meal, 46 lbs. peanuts, 22 lbs. ; cotton seed, 30, lbs. . The following productions have no legal weights given in North Carolina, but the weights attached are those gen erally recognized :- : ... "Dried apples, 24 lbs. ; white heans, 60 lbs-., wheat bran, 20 lbs. ; ear corn, 70 lbs ; onions, 52 lbs. ; Irish potatoes, 60 lbf. ; sweet potatoes 55 lbs. ; turnips, 55 lbs. : blue grass seed, 14 lbs. : timo thy seed, 45 lbs. 7 7 '. In all cases the law provides that ex changes may be made, buying and sel ling, "by measure, as may be agreed on between the parties." The legal measures are half -bushel, sent your them." yerses instead of bringing tinnn hf thft nit.; mAa nn nf fnrmtrn pecfe, nali-pecfc, quarter-pecir. ana one- laneuaees and habits, andlmost every eighth peck; the gallon, half-gallon, . 7 . aa i -w I inf m - Father (whoee wife has presented him with twins): "Tommy, you' may Btay home from school today, and tomorrow tell the - teacher you have two new brothers." "Wouldn't it be hotter to say I have only one new brother? Then I can stay home a day next week for the other one." Friend: "How does it happen that you have so many Japanese things in I your room?" : Young wifer 'NTust be fore I was married the contents of a i Japanese emporium were sold at auc tion. All these things are wedding presents," . . : ,-7' v Absolutely Pure A cream of tartar baki"2 powder Highest of all m leayening strength. Latest L iittea btates uovernment . Food Report. v Key An "Baking Powder Jo., New York. 3 ft. PROFESSIONAL CARDS, W. H. XJLLY, K. D. S. n. M0HTO0MBB7, V. U 11 home; crowded with children : when I add to this the fact that the saloon gets its heaviest patronage from these classes and '; consequently these children are born into the world part drunkards by heredity; and when I add the other fact that these children are ' without homes, " with -no religious training, turned loose in" streets and alleys as scavengers of all the impure things Fates 2.00 per day.' Special terms to Families. . ' , minutes walk from pentral Depot. WHEN YOU 7 FEEL SHAKY WHY NOT TRY Mr. C. U. Montgomery Tells Something About ills Kfw Home. Editob Times: It seems like a dream that I am in Alabama, temporarily located, at least. I had nd idea of leaving my home in Concord, where I have spent more ; than a quarter of a century, Indeed, in a conversation with Dr. Young only a few days before I left, upon a subject I neednot men tion, he remarked, with emphasis, "But i ii j . - v-i noinuig couiu urive juu umu vajuiwu. I. knew then : of nothing ; that would, but in less than a week I received a tel egram inviting me to come here that they .jhad a proposition to make me. This was on" Saturday evening, and on Monday evening1 1 took the-train for Alabs&na-jpity, reaching here on Tues day about dark.' That night I was offered a position with the Dwight, Man ufacturing Company. - I asked for Wednesday that I might survey "the field and see when I would bring my family if I accepted. . I took a general FOR THIN PEOPLE, could look at what I wanted to investi- XPP vnn TTTrv ? i I gate, instead of the proniment and at- dentha of m v sniil I fed - for them and Bon and Wrieht were denouncing him about them, dnnking, steahng, gam- mAcf f.ww Bvmn.ti.;4a ;-ith thPm in fftrnardoninethatman Hinton he had blmg, cursing and lewdness on every luvsv wuuMii w v mjjmii ij i x o - 4 the loss they must . bear, of him in changed his mind ana snouia support whom were centered so much promise, 1 mm hore. affection and love. Yea, I am persuaded, that there is another whose heart bleeda over this sad event, for I am informed that the great wheel that moves all the machinery here "was Started by the touch of a button by a young lady in a far distant State, and the engine was christened "Maybe The present management is in the nandidn.lea are in a aesnerate strait," said he, "when they resort to Buch demagogism as ; that. Hinton ought to have been pardoned. The Governor has shown more consideration for negro convicts and pardoned more of them than any Governor we have had." - . Hating the railroads and loving the neero are still campaign capitaL It is MEDICINE OF KNOWN MERIT.! .SAWS EVEhxssHtzsiar THUli PETER CO. LOUISVILLE. KY- GENERAL AGENTS. Ranist-ur & Graham China THmACURA Grove. Fidi made -with Thinaeura iwentinc rrocess.- ihev create ner k: a.?simi!ation of every form of food, ecretin? the valnable parts and dis wiiii!2 the worthless. They make thin fees plnmp and round out the figure. T-e; are the STANDARD REMEDY leanTie-s. containing np arsenic, and whtely harmless. ?rico, prepaid. ! per box, 6 for $5. Psmphlet -Haw to Ge Fat." free. ' . THE THIN'ACURA CO., JJVJ Uroadway, N. Y. j If .midA-mnM hrini? I week, and then our s'i riothe ug TrKHbH Iff A- I J t I hands of Mr. O. B. Titton, who is just all a he, of course, for no sensible man 38 years (with his hat on).- He has had does either to any extent in his heart . tnnmntrh mill-training, much exneri- He says he does, so as to catch votes, ence. and has capacity and energy for but he knows that he is a hypocrite the great work upon him. Everything when he says it. Such declarations are mnu amvtthw .ni h.rmnninnslv nn- about as sincere as newspaper editonals der his skillful leaderehip. 7 -and ifovemorsproclationr It miv be of interest to some of my lynching negroes for their horrible out North Carolina friends to know that my rages. It is all lor-bimcomber 1 ve i, a aiT anA thnno-h I forgotten that fellow's name, but I have m nrfni ro" tn deur I alwavs admired him for hia frankness; nlH Onncnrd. with the ten thousand When he was reminded by the Speaker (hot oltiater amnnd I that everybody , had left the house i a i :a unasxm Tea I renlied : 'That's all xieht. sir; I m not uw auu un uiuitu w , wMt " i -r - ., - tt,a wot nt Anixr Wfilaryeakin? for them at all, Sir, IUD LUUUCUk fflb U1Q Wk V. wwjs - . a . little neta next I sneakinEr for Buncombe, my ... . ;,t 1 hand, 'I confess the picture is -not en couraging to me. In the face of this picture is another f or fact, that in the7 homes of the more quarts, cultured Americans there are few chil dren to be found, and" to what is called high society child-beariog is becoming a reproach, ana children are an accident and a nuisance, guarded against by in fernal medical skill. I ask you as a thoughtful citizen to get into your bug gy, ana drive down the leading streets of your city, then in the back streets, and count 7 the children. I hen look forward 20 years and count citizens and voters. But as dark as this picture lpdks, I am candidto say I have as much nopa-in tne lower classes as x nave in what is called the highest class of so ciety. 1 1. have very little hope in either. My hope is in the middle class. So far as making spful citizens is concerned, ncora the Co 'M School i. Can teach your boy. fcy on hii-n-.velf.- to I mv office late 4 Wednesday mght and early next morning ; signal a contract for twelve months and promised to be here with my four boys within four days. This would require about eight hundred miles travel and some necessary prepar ations at home. All this I accomplished and on Tuesday, September 8th, I re turned with- my . four boys, and at 6 o'clock next morning ; entered upon duty.1- f -; -' 7 : -- - "'-:-- ":: 7": . Our city in the woods is beautiful for situation. We are at the southwest end of Lookout Mountain. The mountain fnroora ahnvfi ns and about two miles from us is the Coosa river, which is nav igable from Home, Ga., for about one hundred and twenty miles toward Mo bile. So, in addition to five passing trains, we have . Bteamooaia. uausueu, with a rjopulation of 5,000, is two miles AttAlla. with 1.500. is two happiness will be Very truly yours, I C. G. Montgomery. Alabama City, Ala., Oct. 28, 1896. I'm county, constituents, for it will be And he kept on with his sir, ana my printed, sir." argument, , Rut the wav l read it in the goldbug papers the Kepublicans are not as jubi- The Federal Fenshm BoU. lant as they were. They ar somewuat rr-u nil V.n orrwemmAnt I alarmtwl even about tlie Btate OI i ew has steadily increased since 1861.During York; I see in yesterday's papers that the first vear of tha war the number of I the rich women of IN ew x orK city nave federal pensioners was only 8,538;: The organized female McKinley Or him training fot will hulp him in business. irl 3-' Can develop your rauch as it does her brother. Clubs 1 in o - last fiscal year, however, ending June every ward and they nave parceieu out 30. 1896, disclosed the fact that 970,524 the work and are to visit the tenement names are enrolled. - . nouses anu wuywo the nen- I T read MoKinlev's letter to these women sion roll was increased by the addition bidding thflfajSodspeed and saying he i nami The inference to be I was clad toTsee the noble women of the a ikosi AmirM ia tht from I cmTitrv taEinff an interest in politics now on the length of the roll will gradu- This ia no fake. It is published m the ally decrease from year to year. Such Republican papers, and to my 18 . Himinntinn ia in the nature of things, the first-i bad break ; Mr. McKinley as over ?. thirtyone Years have passed has made. . The ; idea of encouraging since the curtain f ell upon the great women to go canvassing m uio . j iu ,. ' oTpnt cities for votes looks hke alarm, Tg, v. ,;aanmhf JS140.- tr. aav the least of it Mr. Bryan has - 1 iHHI VfJir LUC LJAvaa&AVrt4M wm -w- -r m w - east, and Attaiia, wiui - dispensed by the govern- made no break. Every utterance along miles west. On January 1st, 1895, there 959 361 was iaPa oy 8 m j taste and was not a house herenow ,e have a JgSldS toottoto entity proper. 7 He has not boasted of population or 2,000. - Every building : gSafwliKtt! government himseS Sor abused his adversaries, and new; the architecture modern; no two den total 8um we are lad to 8ee that the people, the residences m the same locaiuy are an, ' to fedal nsioners common people, heard him gladly an all are tastily painted, with bhnds. The 1 of money paig oui w : 1 tr,fttfifi hiwith the greatest respect, streets are broad and straight, pnnmg - i oo7ao fiTn " The other dav a fake appeared that for eabt and west, north and sou h xne au doubtless be sur- awhile astounded me, The idea that present capacity of the miU is 30 000 ?-Sn hftse riven me Bub. Ben Tinman had visited Tom Watson - - ... - k win sa f t i ti u a i ax ioiiik v.vr ut - jaia spindles anaow w uttle thought. The burden, to ect him to come n anu t- i.inir miTIa hlafksmitn snonc I J6" w"1 ' " . .. ' il . .t: n,nITnii9 fr Mr. a..Mw itn nAtrapmnL i inmnar rumu.ii in vmn,n w-! cabinet He secure the very best naa uwiiocxttvci ".v- - - - - j it cannot fully discharge until the last will not buy them, nainer has ioined his comrades lrf Tillman would not the silent hivouac. - l wso. measuring quart, pint,. half-pint, and gill measure, sealed and branded "N. C. A good deal off confusion is caused on account of the difference between the "dry measure" quart and the "fluid measure quart. . The vdry" quart con tains 67.20 cubic inches and the"fluid" quait 57.75 cubic .inches. ;:' "Eight quarts make a peck, 4 pecks' make a bushel," is the old "dry measure" ta ble ; "2 pint4 make : a7 quart, 4 quarts make a gallon - is the fluid measure.. But 2 gallons don't make a peck.-, The gallon measure is not'a part of the peck bushel measure at all. . Thirty-two "dry measure quarts make a bushel, but a bushel 'will hold about 37J "fluid measure" quarts, or 9J "fluid measure" gallons. This explanation is given because it is weu to bear in mind the difference be tween bushel, peck andlquart measure on one side, and eallotrand quart meas ure on the other, and many farmers do not understand it. . ; ; - Vlif n any part of the UiAy isn't dtflng the work that nature intended it .to do, it . No Redaction Made in Passenger Fares. ' The passenger fares iniNorth Carolina' areidividedinto iwQ-xdasses, first and second. 7 The first class fare is "3 J cents a mile; The second-class fare is 2 cents a mile. . .- -'" 7 . . . -' ;- - Last week the railroad commission of North Carolina heard argument on a had aboutas soon risk the ignorance petition to reduce the fares to 3 and 2J and neglectof the slums as the card cents, respectively. table, wiue supper, dance and theatre of the upper-class." " The United states is tamng some in terest in stock raising and in amuse ments. We are raising well-bred After a full investigation the commis sion decided not to make any change in the established rates. - ' . In Georgia there is on'y one fare, 3 cents a mile, there being but one class. horses, cows, hogs and dog!. We have Separate coacnes ar .provided for the journals on horse breeding, journals on dog breediner and on cattle breedrng. I think it would "be well to have, some more good literature on the breeding of children. I do not think our ancestors came from the monkey1, but 1 do think we had better block up the road that leads to the razor-back hog- The coun try seems to be headed that way. I notice from the papers that all our schools and colleges are fuller this year than usual. This is a good indica tion, but the boys and girls are located races and there is notnscrimination in the character of coaches. The service for one race is required to be as good as for the other.7 In North Carolina the presumption ot" the law is that the 'dif ference in the fares will have the same But it has been found that this does not JJJ APUo I Lto Uo tll I I WUr. UUb ILL LJiaiVll puts tne wnoie sys tem out of tune out of harmony. When all of the parts do not-work well to gether, none of thata can work just right Sickness in one part of the body is likely to run into all parts of the body. It isnt necessary to be sick all over the body, in order that you may feel sick all over. When children stand a row of bricks on end. they knock the whole row down by upsetting one brick. That is exactly what happens to the health when the bowels fall to perform their prop er, function. Constipation makes trouble all along the line puts the liver out of order, is bad for the kidneys bad for the stomach.' It holds in the body poisonous matter, and because it cannot go anyplace else, it gets into the blood. The blood car ries it all over the system. That makes sluEBrishness. lassitude, bad breath and foul taste in the mouth, nils the stomach with gas and causes windy belching, stops digestion in the stomach, causes sour stomach, heart tmin -kit- flatulence. it"maes pimple 3 and blotches and causes sick and bilious headaches. Nine-tenths of all human ail ments are due to this one seemingly trivial cause. Dr. Pierce's. Pleasant Pellets cure constipation.- They really cure it No body becomes a slave- to the use of the "Peaets." They cause no griping and are as mild as they are efficient. At any drug store. Look out for the druggist who tries toi sell yon something which hei says is "just as good.-" There is nothing just as goicd. There is nothing that is nearly as good. ' Anybody who tell3 you there is mistaken or worse. . 17 A fiSPiT nEDICAL WORK FREE. We have arranged to give away absolutely free soo.ooo of Pr. Pierce's great book. "Common. Sense Medical Adviser." It contains ico8 pages, and more than y illustrations, some of them in colors. 680.000 6-pies of it have been soldat the regular price, .;o jrr cfy. The profits on this immense sale, have Iwsn I'd in publishing the. present edition. 'a co.-sytnf which wi'.l be sent to any address on Teceiyt of 21 one-cent stanijw to cover cost of Ei&iiins puij. A&iress World's Dis pensary Medical Association VnffUlo. N. V. . offer their prof essional services to- the citizens of Concord and vicinity. AU calls promptly attended day or night Office and residence on East Depot reet, opposite Presbyterian church. Dr. W. G. Houston Surgeon 5f Dentist,; - CONCORD, N. C Is prepared to do all kinds of Dental work in the most approved manner. ; -.-Office over Johnson's Drug Store. W. J. M0NTG0ST.3RY, t , . LKB 0E0WELL ' Attorneys and Counsslors-at-Law. COSCOBD, N. 0. As partners, will practifco law in Cabar rus, Stanly and adjoining counties,,' the Superior and Supreme Courts of the State and in the Federal Courts. Office -on Depot Street. Parties desiriug to. lend monpy ca"n leave it with us or place it in Concord National Bank for us, and we will, lend it on good, real estate security free of charge to the depositor. 7 : We mar 3 thorough examination 01 title to lands offered as security for loans. - - - - : -- Mortgages foreclosed without expense to owners of same. - . . ; - ; MORRISON H. CALDWELL, Attornei-Bl-Law- -v coNooKP,x.g. ; Office in Morris buildiaf court house. , opposite 4ulv 4-t Bura Free Delivery ia Row an. 1 Salisbury special, 23d, to.Chrlotte Obse rver. The rural free delivery which Post- in college boarding houses 'and; private office Inspector S. Gillespie has been families, away from the kind and salu- j here looking after has been established tary influences of -the mother. Xne and the service was, commenceu tuuayi bad onr children get away from home The test is being made in China Grove at school, mixed with tne good they get, township. The system as inaugurated makes in many cases a doubtful com- j will supply every citizen in the townsmp pound. I The higher colleges are going J outside the corporation 01 tne yinage tn "seed" in amusement 'clubs" and with mail daily. Nineteen- letter boxes "teams" and Becret societies. "Col lege yells' ate becoming more promi nent" than college honors. The average college boy who can wear toothpick shoes, part his hair in the middle, set his hat on the back of his head, belong to ; a "team" 7 and 7 give theN college have been established in as many dif ferent localities in the -township.- Mr. Bruner Goodnight has been appointed letter carrier for the township. He has had some experience in the business and it is believed will handle" it suc cessfully. Mr. Gilllesuie was asked 4- Or th tofor'Col orou'j ege. Circulars shops planing mills, DiacKsuwtu aui and all necessary, auatumouw " way of machinery to do all ; repairs promptly on the spot. ... ' . - . .-' The store is 70x140 Jeet, two, stones, with an elevator, and is the moat con venient building I, ever saw. The office tfa.r.ed tn the store, and has four U1.. nnnirp I -tvaq iinwn ntkirs and three UP my J-r"-l l'I ,irf -iTr,inn teleeraoh office in -one room, two stenographers and typewriters,, with aieiepnone tion. We alsa have electnc hghta and a limited system of water works. Five railroads pass us. They unload freight 'yell" 'seems to be satisfied with him- what effect this plan would have upon self, provided his daddy foots the bills. J star routes and smuu postomoes. ixo In many cases the daddy had better said he Jiaa no lniorraauon m- sir foot the boy. Thank God there are relative to any changed of this character, many'schools where girl3 and. boys may as the results will be disclosed asthe traimng or neau i service aeveiops. ? . A Temedy, to cure disease, must pos-. sess the power to counteract and remove the cause which, produces. GOOSE GREASE has" been known to possess the most penetrating -power of all animal tsssues sinae the days of the Apostles on earth, and was used by Aaron and St. Luke to heal the afflicted. RICE'S Goose Grease Liniment contains all these certain curative agents Which are carried with the Goose Grease right into the diseased tissues and re all nnisons and restores them to I norfpp.t health a?ain. - No other .agent known possesses such quick and certain .nrntivn rowers. One trial of it will "W w i - - . Via tnnul skentlcaL It Will 'do "-"' ' ."v-" v- . .. , 13 .-r.tlff what is claimed lor it. as staieu by all wiio naveusea 11. iry m jm" n n pai nun i m m m i m m w m h m an c u. a Offers his professional services to the people of Concord and vicinity. Olnce in rear of bank. Night cillls should be left at my residence pn Main fctreet. -Office Honrs, 7:0 to o:.JK) a. m., l:JU to 2:30, p. m. Telephone cull, No.. 67. " Sept. 20. Vr4. ly. C. H. EARNHARDT, H. D., Physlciin" and Surgeon, MT. PliEASAS?, N. C. Calls received and promptly attended at all hours. Office' at my home, late residence of Dr. J. Wt Moose. Dec 26 6m. . . ".- DR. H. C. HERRING. Dentist, and if lie -did Ben and heart. It seems that every fad and he hia broker. The new invention is bidding for our uoys . i . r I a . n-it L. . 1 1 n .1 Ka i - armi - lnenrvame oil ana. eiris. 1110 usuuuuiu uu kud UUUlUiiau ow'"" - x l : "...'' , ' , Mr. Krvan. lie can i uuu- i tvuio um j bi- Moonlight i . ...... .. , , a. Editor tn Meed ol Frayer. I .... atanAarA that ia far above balls and moonlight bicycle parties oiu The frJlrtwin uniaue explanation ap- ananar or ambitious motives, for our purity. 7 Sunday bicycle excuf- Wel .i,uo,f th ditorial column I .v .:h m. nin w n 7 moment sions, street cars, parka, lakes and kJVTU I UllVUB ..v wm. J Healthy, happy children make better man in, wixiMMl of us all. A nine care and a little planning - before birth is often more" important than anything that can be done after. On the motn nnnon BUN pa- The Steaij larch of Progress I marks every section of this justly I popular business No setback. Is again at his old place over Yorke's Jewelry . COITCOHD 7 XT. O ' FIRE INSURANCE. , When in need of Fire Insurance, call and see us, or write. We repre sent only fiAt-class Home and Foreign Companies. t respectfully, WOODHOUSE & HABBIS. THE gdncqrd mm FRIEZE &UTLEY, PROPRIETORS. DEALERS L Qoud Hotel. may be had at St. rf the Mount Olivet (Ky.) Advance: J ' attempt to get v.litnr McDowell ia still confined to ,. T tuA he dishonorable, and his room with fever; ana mas is uj - A;nrrr the Advance this week. It uu ... L A it lacks.its usual spice and interest, and i4 ha editorial column- has not its cus- " . - . . , - , . ininK. uj. Luy Mtnn warenouse anu bwjic, i nmarv silver ring, -pieaoo don't ever have to use trucks. -. peculiar and .veiy, trying ' ttaato- A dummy line connects Gadsden and BOund-mQney, single gold-standard, A ttalla. nassing'immediately m front of WiUiato Mckinley PPbhcan. 7 V1 r,rtnreeverv thirty minutes. 7 7 - 7 , charge of a free-sUver, wiuiam .-y. nis:ht and keep out of bad company, man w luer .r- t i. Z Touarteof a le, atthe J Democratic newspaper. Bemem- SPopuBste pretend they don't like T:. fnot of The mountaip, is as strong a wo or three years in 5- he ha9 stock, in a na- where, by tiie JamUy altar and proper -iT.r,Tir snrins as I ever saw s,na. aooui the newspaper business naye noi enure- fi . bank. That's all - hypocrisy ua vnm it l What is the matter wiw Rowall anvhow? Nobody, not even the Renublican press, has said a word t,Jrrt DTOPnt that his Son IS a BenubUcaju Well, that is ha'd on the hoy, but nothing against the . old man that he didn't: whip him enoueh and, make hint stay in at rock HO.LLAXD THOMPSON, Principal. - . UI t rT: wmfmntain is an excellentl iw Hesiifened that monitor. v But the f hem would have it, U, aTithftnU AT I A ITwLti. fiDrine--the water runs ina n8i8tency of the rxiUcy of .this journal . ! ilULUUli J W WVI Painters. ,Hasticoers. v arnishers, raDer Ha.nffers. i - ?Want and girl3. Social clubs, dances - and cards , take our, boys from ; home at night. The various tricks of trade bid for f the honesty of our boy 3, the cigarette, -the saloon, the card table, the bicycle clubs ana ban teams ma ior their health and morals, and the i-oy whd runs the gauntlet today and makes a clean, honest busiuess or professional man is the rare exception, lhe hope er'a health and strength depend the life nQ stopp'inp- of COffS or jarring of ana tne luture 01 tue oifuuiuu. mnrhinerv. but eacn aay- tnarK- ing some growth in public favor. Every stock swings into line with its choicest olienngs., vvc want to make your buying pleasant for you. a: r xi . a c rruti 111 1 11 1111 4Ji -taN'w COnwnuuu. ---- -... ...uSmV. ;a ohnnt seveniy-nve iw "fe ti. m tar- -v f ressh and pure, AUG . - - , y.tnm through a round note near m miuugu "! wMrVi and - IO AVU shall be mamtauied at an Pray for me. Very truly, ,T. iDg" from hazards. WKoewr t hear a Poo or anybody else H. Dem- rip.h men and banks and bankers I know that he is a hypocrite in his heart and there is a streat 01 envy restrictions and care, the boys and girls are raised for God. the ..church and a successful business life. Sam Jones. and 1 Of the great sales attained and great fand meanness andsoriginal sin running r,LS afSmphshed by Hood's Sarsa-ldpwn his " " fjf1 F, Vour Work .Guaranteed. All Jobs uue made to look as nr. iin -. Ac. (l ; '7' 1 ilstcrin g a specialty ANTHONY & GO The Whole Story All around III LUC im..- . . .. . . 1 mw:. " "ZJX A bate to be core. T XStSi reached . .tote of total l. . -t water in such a enncnw , ., Bnj, ABP. K ntly forken place., 'AKbTuarUe.m jeans, T u' TTnmi'i Sarsapaniia. . . , : in -madness aown - - :; Hood s rills cure nausea, Bita. uwi ache, indigestion, biliousness. All drug gists. 25c. ; the -Nocalulu an W the Hood ai at tresses mauc CreeK, rusning . n -7 ,-. , ith perfect satisfac-Lopntain, falser fV ' 4 -.u.; i. KAnt nne hundred feet hign. n Cref k, rushing r S the spriog, up to -111 m 1 ( 1 w uua j - - The nnlv nermanent cure for. chronic catarrh is to thoroughly expel, the poi- . ' jjeatli Notices. The manager of a Dbtroit daily paper once received the following letter : ,7 "Dear Sir I notice that your paper does not contain many death notices. I like to read death notices, ana 11 you cannot publish more of them I will hov tn stnn taking vour paper. , xours truly, ' He renlied. at once : , r - . . , , ; , . VDear Madam -in repiy 10 your lei- and sicklv woman cannot bear strong and health v - children. Most of tlie weakness of women is utterly iuex cusahle. 7" Proper care and proper medi cine will cure almost "any disorder ot the feminine rgamsm. Dr. Pierce s Favorite Prejorfption has been tested in thirty years of practice.- It is iivHliny, soothing, st-engthening.l; It is. penectiy natural in its operation aud effect. : iy its use. thousands of weak women nave beeu made strong -and healthy have hcxn made the mothers of strong and healthv children. Taken during gesU- tion. it makes childbirth easy- aud al most painless and insures the well be ing of both mother and child.. Send 21 eenta in one-ceut su-inps to World's Dianensarv Medical Association, uui 7J S.-- . - t-. . Ti!- falo. JN. X; ana , receive ur. rieree o 1008 page "Common sense Medical au- viser," profusely lllustrateu. Monuments, Headstones, Tablets AND ALL KINDS 4OF . ' CEMETERY WORK, Work furnished in" the , best grades of - f ' ' Capes. ., 7. t- il Ttore 43 a rOHUMiu" f""-' tnese w- aA m vottl rh doctors have given Smith up." "Poor fellow! Is he as ill as that?" "No-, he has got welL" l AlL Ks.f 1A!IS. I. T aiusa OooU. Use or young people to I"BQ "7,..iw onr.nose. vou will find the sneu to sympatheuc . pin-y" ol Hood's P "llTt jm"""1 . i cures accompuo" -" No flowery rhetoric can teU the merit I menUl siQt, surrov son from the system by the faithful and I 1 desire to' state that as we pubhsh persistent use of Ayer's isarsapariiia, tW;- rierfnl remedy ; proves success ful when all other treatment has failed to relieve the suffer After the 15th the curfew will ring out n vTi.h and vnnnfTSters of either sex under 16 fcund wandering streets willl have to give an themselves. - ; the notices of all deaths that occur, you ahmdd not hold7 this paper responsible fnr the manmcieni nuiiiuer. hb aire. however, to please our customers and will therefore mention your request to 7 some . of our ; doctors, who clearly have this matter within their control, ht " the and sec if we cannot pubhsh a column . .. ot. least i.f these notices in each issue account 01 , ' Yours respectfully, etc. A full assortment from $1.50 to 10.00. . i)ress - Goods in all the new fabrics from -15c o 5R1.00 a vard. Ye want to call your special attention to our line pi ,1 noes. elled. All our a 14 Ssargia, Italian lenaant 17ir6t-clasa "work and lowest prices guaranteed. . See us before baying elsewhere. ' - 1'riccs . ana designs furnished on application. At MWs Old Stand. : West Depot Street, f co.vconp, .1. c. Jan 11 y- . a?a.nir1it. Thf v cannot be exec did Mr. Jones take any ot the umbrellas Shoes are good solid fenocs tnat or hats from the hall last night? Maud Why, of course not Why shonldhe? ' Rnhhv That's lust what I'd lite to know. I - thought he did, because I heard him say when he was going out, I'm going to steal just one,' and Why, what's the matter, Maud? The real "dear old times" are those I that we. had in our youth, spending more J money than we could anoro. will wear not cheap, shoddy Shoes. Call and see us onbhoes. We are agents for Butteiick Patterns. Fashion sheets free to all who call for tbem.' One cent by .mail to cover postage. ; GIBSON & MORRISON. n -n MORGAN'S IMPROVED CHILL TOillC superior to All others. ; ' ' It is true Chill Care in combination with Xiver Tonics. WUca properly taken It never -fails to core the most obatiaata case of Chills and J-'ever.. Whore others Jail It will cure. It is pleasant to take, ana contains nothing to injure the most delicate system. Babies take it easily. As a. Tunic it Iswithont an equal.' tt..raitted by your drag-gist. "' y ' " 7 Price, 0 cents per bottle. ' ' 77. VOiQT &.C0., Chattsaoosa, Teca; i i'l 1 medicine. I But i must draw in and return to our I nature