WEEKLY TIMES nt,pd uaner Ibeiufc;r published iu ,iu-i Richmond -Cab"1' vl' Montgomery, Pnion, Randolph, Si . j j Anson mm Union Counties. J'lN' .MERE. MODERATE, B flMM BOOK AND JOB PRINTING JOHN B. SMERRtLL, Editors "BE TTJST $1.00 a Year, in Advance. .Volume XIV. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1896. Number 20; : OB1 AIL KEvDS Executed in the r Best Styla AT XiYINO PBIC2S- . Our Job Printing-Department with every necessary equipment, is prepared to turn out every va j riety ot Printing in first-class -j style. No botch-work turned .outfrom this office. . We dupli jcate the prices . of any legitimate - i establishment; ' ' Bound health. With pure, w..u Mnod. the stomach and di- ire organs will be vigorous, and there Si unknown. Scrofula and 5 rl2ift ,J,Twir. With Dure Rheumatism and -fum.wiuW"?- With pure Blood be . Outdoors la the Country. I realty don't 'jtactly uuderstaa Where tbo comfort is fur any man In walkin hot bricks an nain a fan An enjoyin himself, as he says be con, ' Up thar in the city. - , It's kinder lonesomo, maybe you'll say, A-livia out hero day after day In this kinder easy, careless way. But an hoar out hoe is Uettar'n a day ' -v Up thar in the city. Aa for that. Jus' look at the flowers aroun, A-pecpin their heads tip all over the groan. An the f rnit a-bendln the troes way down. . You don't And snch tbiuga as this in town, i Or rather in the city. James Whiteomb BUoy. waves lo fortune? Children which come to the home come like angels to bless us. lhey bring only good to usr but when sickness comes to them and in af ter years folly and sin and wrong should come to them along with the other bat tles of life;" we frequently feel that the burden is more than we can bear. God waits for us to get strong before He will ntrnnc and vour .j nui " - Tor und sweet and refreshing. SLUrilla makes pure blood, goods cures eo many diseases. That -v. 9iit thousands take it SW retain good health, pre- to fut? " and suffering. KememDer The the first to Sarsaparilla ' BlUi A BP'S LETTER. The doctors tell us . that paralysis is the loss of the function of motion from an "interruption of nervous 3nnuence. Trade, commerce and industrial pur suits have nerves, too, but they; seem to be paralyzed. . The spinal marrow is diseased and muscular power, has be lt it ans yroxoKnrvi- campaign. Philadelphia Times. . . William J. Brvan has made the most ; remarkable campaign ever known in the history of this or any other courr ty V'f the world.; He was nominated at Chicago on the 10th of July, ana since that time he has traveled 18,831 miles, Hood': .True rioo'd Purifier. SI per bottle. mire Liver Ills: easy to Pills take, easy to operate. 25c I I STANTON - HOUSE, D.J. J0ES, Proprietor, CUA.TTAXOOGA, TENN., Gossip. south mind, of course, was -. know - -. . " " A9 it swayed tha preen grasses to and fro. The crosses, awake to the slightest souad, Heard this news come rustling alone the ground And best and whispered and murmured in glee At the floot of the gnarled old apple tree. Tbev Sttoke so load that a violet near. - Which they thought asleepv could not help but . .. near- . O'erhurflrtied, perhaps, by the secret sweet, tn her ior forgetting to bo discreet, She whispered thd news to the meadow rill. Who was greatly epris of the daffodiL Then the lovesick rill, who knew well tha charm, v " --' e: Of secrete, decided there'd be no' harm In whisp'ring it softly, to none shoald hear ' Save only the daffodil, Bending near. . The frailty, alack, of a flowery vow The poor little riU had not known till now I No sooner I ha secret ata ne impart.. While begging she'd lock it witbin hr heart. Then a butterfly passed along tha way. And, paying the compliments of the day. Inquired for news. .The temptation strong O'ercame the tows.' Then 'twas not Tory Ions; Ere the waad'rer, sinking upon a rose For a short, luxurious, noontide dose. Ere be slept, with wtll feigned indifference. What he had Just heard from the Hps of gold. Twas beard by a robin in scarlot vest. Who trilled and chirped with such Joy and such ; . zest ' That a daisy near raised its tiny head, ; And, full of a timid wonderment, said: "Have you found a worm, tha you sing so Have your blue egga hatched, that you look so iproudt" ' : With a dainty scorn said the tiny bird: , "Tod don't mean to say that you have not beard! " , You poor little tminformed, backward thing 1 -Why, the-apPle tree ia blossoming!" Laura S. Porter. giounds an old-fashioned picnic the shades-of the broad spreading fo liage of the beech trees. We spiead out the tablecloth until the length grew and then the baskets being emptied upon the tablecloths and then the tablecloths being emptied into our capacity until all the grown people," children, servants and all were full and feasted. A thou sand merrv lauzhs. a thousand cheer ful faces, a thousand cheerful looks. It seemed that every person left every care and burden behind them and came to enjoy the day without reference to gold buggery or sUverdiggery, high or low tariff, or the world.s flesh and the devil, and while the fearful drought was 'play- waits lor us 10 gei atryng oeiure e Btagnant. What haff cuaed this delivered 592 Speeches in 447 towns and leads us, and we au carry according to- mnii;t;n w tnow not withlcitSs. eovemins-27 States. It is esUma ourapacity. . .. . I nv fArtAint. for the uoUtical doctors ted'also that his audiences aggregated These thoughts are the aftermath on . ; '.. . v, o nnn nnn rnin ; the pleasant day spent at the picnic . . . ' w ... Tflf,b f coutm,, of 1 ihtil 1860 no Presidential candidate Under 1 - , , - , it. . i n. . . n1 tk.t 1 1, i Irun thacdimn hilt ftifnhfln I I1H I IK M Ml ' ia U U1UUCT, . ChUU - kU t U CTVl tAftW vv ww. " - ' v.a omnnoti7atinrt nf ailvftr is at . the 1 A. Donclas. who was a law unto himself bottom of it.. Whatever it is, the pa-1 and was one of the ablest disputants this tient is in a bad fix. The other day I J nation ever produced, took to the nu3t rodeoutwith a lady friend in the suburbs 1 ings when a candidate against Xincoln, of Atlanta to'iook at some of the cottage urecfcinriaee ana ueu, ana iravereeu mo homes.' She ' wanted to buy a home country from New Orleans to New Eng for herself, and we spent parts of three land, traveling 3,000 miles and. deliver Amvain AMminlnvAndnricihenroDerties. inr? 65 i Bneeches. Lincoln, . : who was -m 1 J t I .1 1 1 it. I . avi am ahlA ThPTA tpfr nnnareaa oi inem ana iiiev I mea reza.ru eu a iuo uuiv uu OUD PENALTIES OK ELECTION BtTS. NIGHT AIR. New Tork Journal, 5th. A stout, middle-aged man. in flaw less apparel, with a single exception, walked .painfully ;down Uroadway yes terday. His long coat haa iust ine i Youth's 'Companion. In summer, when the rays of the sun fall almost vertically upon - the earLh'f surface, the gradual - fall in the t iva rxrature at night comes as a welcome riht amount of Gutter to its. skirts, his relief from the heat of the day. were cheap enougn, out wnai bhtuck me was that a building and loan com rjanv had more for sale than anybody. This company; had loaned money four and five vears aeo to improve suhurDan lots. Thev' loaned not exceeding one- half the value of the vacant lot and haye to cope with Douglas on Ihe stump, -, made no speech and no letter, except those of mere courtesy. ; from the time of his nomination until his election. V In 1864 Lincoln and McClellan were the" candi- trousers had just , the correct: quantity of crease, there was no better silk baton the promenade than that worn by this respectable citizen. One foot was .cover ed by a perfectly, polished boot, topped by pearl-covered spat; the other foot was naked. . -: . . . . Close behind followed a perfect, valet bearing the odd shoe and spat. - Phart's this mane?" demanded Po liceman Cbnyers, who had run over to see what the crowd was about - "Election bet," said the portly party. . This good loser refused to give his name. . - ' - There were four elderly men who rmarched 'solemnly around Madison square yesterday with their beards shaven from the left side of their faces. The crowd cheered tbem, and fol lowed in m5ek procession. Finally, the dates, and Lincoln delivered 8 speeches I four mounted a wagon, , and the moBt and, traveled 450 miles. McClellan J patriarchial of the halfrwhiskered ones ing havoc with the corn and cotton, the J to oreoso mortages because I made 2 brief speeches in the campaign, I prepared to make' a speech ViarvpRt nf hoth hems' cut off at least one-half we forgot it all and seemed to remember only - that it was a day of pleasure and enjoyment. Whenever we can bring such days into the busy life of men we ought to do it. II the over worked train and muscle of this coun try could see" more days like tbis we would have less doctors' bills to pay, sewer coffins to buy, and less" crape to wear. If every day that comes to man could be a day like this I see no reason why a man should not hve voy years as Methuselah did. I sometimes wonder if the old patriarchs who Kved from 500 tn i nm vpara couia nave uveu uutr He had: a fine audience. 'Gentlemen and ladies," he began, you probably have guessed that we are - Burins the rest of the year the 6un s rays strike the earth more obliquely, and are sufficient to warm only a turn crusi .t the Rnrface" which loses its heat rapidly after the 6un has set, and the temperature of the air falls abruptly. Under these conditions night air may become a source of danger. The sudden change in temperature calls . for- extra protection for the body, and one should never think of setting out on no matter how ... short a ' journey without extra wraps. Except in severe weather it is not necessary to care 4 so much - for the extremities, as the -, eucuiauon ,oi me blood is maintained in these parts ny their constant motion. But the chest, as the seat of the - bulk of the body, should be protected from chilL The so-called chestprotectors are useful; but nothing is simpler than to haditute one's self to wearing woollen under clothing, Buiting the weight to the season vof the Wool is a Door conductor of heat, and when worn next ine. ssin absorbs the perspiration ana prevents the borrower could no ionger pay me i dui aia noi txavei ai an. . interest, and so they bid in the property I In 1868 Grant made 3 speeches, no hoiH it hnninf to cet their I table chieflv for their brevity, and Wv.hnt thev nan't and are now I traveled over 3,000 miles. Seymour, . . J . ' . i ' i .i ..:f r,cAcA nor1 nnn miipa I am mrrflrf Vnn donhtless think . VOU u " . .... . . I :k.,.,, , i I j anMvtat nna I m the air is condensed, and fails to me the original loan. . . a m-wf-- i I m h ann nut i intw.riKM. wiiiih virccicv ua vwout w v f - t w ia aww-"j . . i ..... avo yearn b-k w , r- , JolWoiW! 7Q atwohps ' - I nnrnosfi in comiliff here todav." The on it a nouse mat vuoi ow ui ow is vw muw ruu.uvjiiv.v- . - t i r p , , i , , . . i ? " ?1 f onn lhn 1 nnn : t 1 r?a TilHon 1 mode 2 verv brief Uther men opened satchels and took out of danger against which it is wuJit: 'hVcpl wuuwimjf 11 i1uw I vT: i . rr. .!!:., -a a enoohM and I nf fioddill'a whisker or hamne. to it, but what has become oi wuu jrWw?. -r - " .,rw ewth of drv stockings should be worn i j i-:- i irrtAm At 'inov i ra v&ttm a nnnr i hh itiiikb. - all iuuu i vviii'uu yuu.uiuoi uimuv &a.w - 1 7Xm veLd TSOO mite, dunng the on, bearfa. It .was only applied to one uau u -'-6 "Tr r-- :r J- , 'u q? Drw d;h nf nnr and to our heads tneir numDie nome i caoipaiga uu uvmwcu y. I , . . , , 7 T - hnt thin r,a.rkrg a whi a Hancock did not leave ma neaa- rwmcn usea w ue uwu 1. Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking ' powder - Highest of all in leavening ttrenfeth: Latest Vniied Sfa'cs Government Foot Report. . . . ' ' '. .- ,'. '" Koyxl Baziso Powdeb Co., New York; PROFESSIONAL CARDS. - I w . . . i UCIC ALA UtUQUauw V : wvi.vr. a X - .. - 11 I iu uwvuu wuaa - J I - W. H. LILLY. M. . : S. I4. MONTGOUKRy, M. 1 offer th.eir prof essional seryioes tc the. citizens of (Joncora ana yicinity . Aii calls promptly attended day or night. Office and residence on East Depot reet, opposite t"res byterian onurcn. . Dr. W. C. Houston r Surgeon -GSSSii Dentist, - . the time ; when would be paid for, CONCOKn. N. c. fourth or one-tenth Of thattime if they rvertook tcm &nd aWept their home quarters and delivered only 2 very brief The other side of our faces was ignored SAM. JOXES AT A PICNIC. Bites ?2.0Q .. per day. Special terms to Families " -;. Tsro aunu ites walk from Central Depot. WERSiniTH'S ATTYT I UUllili 1 ' a Bl Oca Bottl " 50 Cents Srtaks Ths emu. Sold Bverawaera. 35 Tears Stud; Sales Gmrattteea lUValDt. MIC trttsr Peter Co.. Louisville, Ky Genl Agents. NEVER FAILS;- 8)!d bv Kaaiaear & Oraham China Grove I have spent the "day in a beautiful grove with two beautiful, clear, epark tinr snrinca htibblin? firom under the cliff. , with the beautiful Etowah river rolling along nearthe edge of the grove, picknicking with a number of neigh bors and friends. I was frequently at nicnics when I was a-boy, and, since I have been a man, but this is the first rvld iRfionria nicnic I have enioyed for twenty years. It was a day of solid en joyment, of social pleasure, and physi oai fnlfillmenL For more than a score of years I have crowded my days and weeks inter the labors ana tons 01 me evangelistic work" and the lecture plat form. &s we get older we get young arain. We find our tastes and our ap- nptite and eniovments in the things of childhood and youtlihood It makes us recall Ihe daya gone by. Since coming har-V home this evening from the pic- . t: Tint mc 1 nave oeen --ruuimauiiK, Aro says, over the day and the inem- -...... TT71 T nrhirri It rnn0Tl UD. UC11 i had lived amid the roar and rush and pull and dig as men do to-day. After all, I am content with my lot. Amid the work and worry of life I have a thou sand pleasant hours to one day of in sufferable cares. I want to live forever, and I believe the way to live forever is to live best and happiest here. 1 am glad I went to the picnic. Sam Jokes. Wht MotchI the Hate. .' Detroit Free Press. As the road turned around the hill I came upon a mule and a cart and a man. The wheels of the cart had sunk Atvmrn into a mud stood -with head down, and ears lazily and their hones away. w The Merchants speecnes. - - . in 1".. v rt- SktotoMbeixegarfed-.MOoeof 1881 Blaine traveled nearly 5,000 crast in exploiting this i great boon tc .the the solid, conservative institutions of miles and deUvered 195 sch., while human race, and, gentiemen and Udies, Atlanta out it advanced money on real Cleveland delivered 3 brief speeches and its price is only 50 cen ts per bottle. SSS'OSm is traveled but 300 miles. In 1888 .Cleve- And nobody knoweth untd this day the condition all over the country. 1 una aeuverea x epewu x .i u.v, ------ , , -r-n I . oil arhila Harrison delivered betters.-. LTHZirt1 herT TdTd not travel over 200 The telegraph brings news of all sorts much money in the. country aa there J miles. "In 1892 neither Harrison nor - Ki.t , HruM not mov. 1 ne 1 1 : iftveis.na went atjoui in iub wmiaitu, stagnation not only continues,' but it fcnd Harrison delivered bat 2 speeches gets wor3e. Three years ago a man of- and Cleveland 4. fered $1,500 for an eligible town lot in , Bryan's campaign covered thewhole r 1 n na iator he honcht it r-nnntrv from Bath. Maine, in the far J nrt trat Srbl H I I H:aBt. tn f ;nn.rlOLL BX1U. JUCUIUUU 1U vu2 SlUU WJYt ilO WUIU uvrw I -w-v . to sell. The direct ravs of the sun kill many of the microbes that are , the specific causes of disease. Consaquently night is the favorite time for the evil gnomes of disease to collect their forces and make their plan of attack against man kind. Powerless against the warm, hrJo-htrava of the sun. the v succumb in w. 1. Montgomery.' the unequal contest; but at night, aided Attorneys and COMSelOrS-at-LilW. by tne siigm aampneue, luejr 1100 1 - cokcoed n 0 i : . " . . -iima. raar vara Kiiiumiiiir cuiuiuvd, of queer beta. One in Laporte, lnd , air upon ineir erranua yx biuluw the Snperior and Supreme Courts of tfce Wiliiam Corbus is going around hug Is prepared to do all kinds of. Uentai work in the most approved manner. Office over Johnson's Draff Store. ' ' J, L14B OBOWELIi for $800, ging himself and his wife. If McKin ley had been defeated, he would not have had any wife to hug, for he wag gered his spouse with George M. Bar nell aeainst a $5,000 house and lot. ; dence and are V , v, .v. ' . . it- 1 " . . . . a 0fT0 . . t 1 i ii "... jarAVA. m - io onn in 1 iim i rvi va nrniiH i 1 1 1 r-'. 1 1- 1 ui Liin Lntia aiLi w for it if he - wished to sen. is u any jsoutn, ana tvsb w - -- -- -r; cart uaa euu. 1 -- . , . . c 1 rt v0hraVo. coiner Nortn as lar insf to get a aivorce irom ue mcjviuicj hole, and the mule uucl V"" : n.wnt. hnlnth in Minne- mtn and wed the Brvan enthusiast if .. .. I M am .TU1 . T0 . Wl ! 1 1 1 1 u I ttU T I U A' Al 1 1U 1..VIM. -t - death. Though this may seem to be more or less fanciful, the study of the origin and life of the various germs of disease nas proved that the idea embodies a tram, and that night air is favorable to their propagation. Office Mrs. r a- . , , , ... yy Care in not exposing a Doay iawguju tQ to by the labors of day and protecuon ioana. State and in the federal Courts. on Depot Street. Parties desiriugL to lend money can leave it with us or place it in Concord National Bank for ns, and we will lend it on good real estate security free of charge to the depositor. . We mar a tuorongu exairiuawuu w lands offered as security, ior fUiivuu wo av i , j vruA Anf ia MnFmiAtfa in Wiqivmoin &na m&ck-i tne eiecnoa weut xcmui. nt-kA ma rn a r va riT rurtJ t r s i in iinucuv is m ta. . au.ha a uvvvm m - - mn,t;nff t and fro. As for the man, He tuisD'" , : ..1. I t j-mon white th whole Oorhna electioneered vigorously for Juc o . - -. ,. . j i awful aick ana win even unto eirvuuiuc i mw vn.j ai., ... ir. .. . - .. r lay on his back in the snaae oi a tree auu aHminl tn he taking solid comfort. "What's the matter?" I asked, aa he sat up and look at me. " . "Mewl has balked, " he ilowly re- PliTou mean that he has refused to pull the cart out of the mud 7 . "'Zaz-tlv" " . " nnt it'a a big load and a mule," I urged. "Why don't you give him some help?" . , , "It'B agin my principles. I ve yelled nrl T've licked mm uu x m between Maine small TUIlllAnilDA I i 1 r B-m l nAi F0RTHINieEOPIJ simmon beer were the awf nl sick and will even take ;m :i s :v,l I -Antral belt of country U imureiuiMw.,-, . , . I -. , : u -But the long agony is nearly over ana i and webrasitawouia require Uuuvw we shaU see what we shall see. The of dots on the map to locate the places people are ready for the ballot, and the where he deUvered addresses. Whether ballot will settle me nations wiu. x ue umpou m um the masses against the classes-the never be settled beyond dispute, but he same old story. "And Dxvid fled from has certainly given to the country ' and Rani to the cause of Adullum and all the world the most marvelous exhibition who were discontented or in debt or-dis- of energy, endurance and ttaency . !.:- thoro " That was a I neer;h that has ever been exhibited LACSS JwtllW'J xiiiu wve - x , aorrv lot to fight a king, but in curse the poUtical history of any country of time they were victorious. I don't believe that capital is as of in Kinley all dunng the campaign, ana the housend lot her husband won in her reward. At Arlington, N. J., James Abbott, of Laurel avenue, is due to make his dinner off of the fattest and largest crow that Ahrani CottrCll. a local sportsman, can bag in the North Arlington woods, where crows are as thick a8: blackbirds. The crow, according to the terms of the aeainst the sudden - decrease in tern- neratnre and damnnees are safeguards whinh we pan easilv take on going out into the night air. ' - I" Differently Educated. In old times the same man often soelled his ways, Mortgages foreclosed without expense to owners of same. . MORRISON H. CRLDWELU - - ' ; ; Attorney-at-Law, . CONCOBD.S.C A name in several araerent anA tven now members of me same family sometimes vary the orthog- ranhv of the- familv cognomen. Thid r t . ; ii... KLIULIIC:!.. Office in Morris court house. . building, r opposite July 4 t One Negro BehMds Another. tymiit rw tor one reaeuu ut wager,: must be cooked by anthonyfibu-1 sometirnes it is a matter of taste, some- , i a Ua iillnirfnn Hotpl 1.3. .. t I tlsrn es it is a matter oi euutauou. ler. nronneter of the-Arlington Hotel' 9 ' ... . ,1. 51 and Abbott must eat the liira in toe ARE YOU THIN ? flesh mailo with Thiaacura Tablets by i seitntitie" T-rocess They create ner- fwt a.-simi'ation of every form of food, tetTetiu the valuable parts and dis tardinz the worthless. : They make thin laces 'lump auj round out the , figure. - Tky arc the ' . " . , . STANDARD BEMEDY , lor leanness.- containing no arsenic, and absolutely harmless. Price, pretiai.i. .l per box, 6 for $3. Pamphlet. "How to Ge Fat,T' free. THETHINACUBACO... 949 Broadway, N. T. cart! No, sah: the critter gits we up rrt .IJ V:aaas1 mrA.AAnVo Ann TVeT- luxuries oi me i uau w w - i. 1.. W, A I BTQV n If 1 1 1 v Tin LXXA picnic occasions x can hnmn hisself and pulls that cart wno naa uer iisc " r " 1 , , , , - ; not in a hurry?" I old black woman The Concord Bis li School i. Can teach yojir boy to rely on himself. basket of old-fashioned caKes, ner iug of nersimmon beer and the tin cups setting around it. Five cents for a gin gercake about eight inches along, four inche wide and aq inch and a quarter think, and a cud of persimmon beer thrown in. My money generally gave out on occasions like that before my ca-. pacity did. I then frequently felt that if ever I grew to be A man my highest ambition Vould be jto have solid cash enough in my pocket to fiU up thor- -oughlv on ginger cakes and persimmon -. "li. ot -D.nl boIA- "When I became a manT seemed to doaway wim childish things' It was a touching incident when the bou of an eastern home who spent many the west came back to his old mother s nome in iae e r his wife and several children with him to enjoy the social days with : the ok? mofhervat home. On one occasion at, out o the mudl "Then you are queried. - -' ' , . "' "No, sah; no hurry 'tall," he re plied, as he hitched back to get more shade. "My son, Danr is plowing out orSn with the cow, and the ole woman It 8 a queauuu But 1 don't beueve mat capital w j - , ;V5. . ,l""---r:;"T mtaon who would much alarmed as it was a month ago. Mount iioixy, , jnov. o. - xue mi ui.uau IZji Tbi be have hedged and are pre- brutal murder ever committed in Gaston hive had to dme on crow if the election naid S?th! change if any comes, county occurred about 2 o'clock to-day had gone the other way . : : . nUttoJhnopw if oT Ir, Dock Hoover's place, three Tom Mown, one of me performers a SvaTis eKnTthe wiU bom re- miles fxom here. Three negroes were Hyde TfvJSl Hrf if McSulev is This 'government cutting cord wood for Mr. Hoover. Two night wheeled Robert Fulgora, lief it MCJixniey w. xu 6"" , T . i.,ior,ri VA Pa- of the oomnanv. from the atage door to can't be ruined by a cnange p: rulw. M uiem, tl!a..r:CV Jn n" . thenee down Fulton - -" t . . . t . ..i-fl a 1 inn 1 nV. .-.i I rt rrf f Al O inu f II WH.bGi . ly weu, but in ten y " JT, " rT Ih otheF with inrton street to the theatre. and in fifteen years naroiy MU"u"-" Zu -it ijy,tnro n ve who are feeling sore because you have tobuy bats and cigars i At' a wedding, in an English town, D.G.CALDWELL, M.D., Offers his professional services to the people of Concord and vicinity, cmioe in rear ui uttun., left at my residence on Mam 6treet be - says the New York lnbune, me omo- r 0fficerfHour3 T:30 to .8:30 a, m 1 :30 to oi uic j 2.30, p. m. Telephone call, Ho. 67. each other with the war could be founa. xnen let ub i meu- axes on uieir luumu., i a finer UrctvmSLTi flked ODe nnccna hnw his name was snelled, and wart t..ld "McHugh." ... ' But how is that?" inquired the clergyman. "Your Bister speus ner name McCue." "Please, eir, was the answer, "my sister and me didn't go to the Eame school." " Sept. 20.'94. Iv. Rriner nn the fences. l , x J mt MCWUiey H eiCvKM wuu - t"- I .- - -p.. . j ,l. ,r tDWAaxflI, of bein' sot, ana u x cu j r" Romethimr is not done to bodv. The head leu one way auu u up. "J" peiLcr I .a ' , ... mil he iomomr I iw)tr the other. He struck the ; boay i reueve vu vj ' :Z17 the head two licka after He w Wife. "John Meekwoi wina things. WhUe capital is all h Alexander walked up to Mr. Hoover s Wnat are you up ?k- t?m- -nntrating to the few, debt hou?e and told him what he naa aone Humph! and discontent is spreading to me many. si n unwi now un uiu iv. muv. town, which correanondent saw C. H. BARNHARDT, M..D., . Physician anl Surgeon, . . MT. PT.EX8ANT, H. C. Calls received and promptly attended at all hours. Office at my homo,-i:e residence of Dr. J. W. Moose.; Deo. 26 6ni. lon wr'n a $30 mewl, men x a move out of Alabamy." Five days later I met the man . at Greenville and asked him how the "sot- ness" came out. . . n vea." he replied with a grin. DR. H C. HERRING. DENTIST, i 'u thov fnvf orA navR 1 c i w oi t i PAmnKti ritfUb iiaaaa j - rii a a nhoai on inner hj f v- w'-r; " . a I U&Dlt&l Will. UUt fcLlXU. " uvv 0 i wj-v- aA ;o-hta. a-singin' hymns an resun i y - . ,ortares at a cood I FToover to bring him to .r -'.I, " i ;mo an' then " cau -- - T - on nRVlll zv . . . f. mnnrna am njrib oi i was: uuub. iuui BpillKlOB, to .now? KeadingT The idea of a man, sitting ji i . .a) BOAPetrram and I Anmn and rendins' a bock when, there auvt iv e------- . " , , i--". . , , and asitea Air. i are things to ao aooat mu nn ! . , 'i Uam A,. TV! tiat mewl, a-seem tnai. nu down to sotness he wasn v m me, took right holt and pulled that cart outer the mud and galloped all the way i .a1 ' " ' UUU1C . Boston ElecU NegTO. AAf a four mnntna aero . . .. i j.t;;nui ramA in town.- on a sniriiea cuizeua ucmunuw i jiicinuuw . , r ..ii - I i : u: klwli, a-ra nn hl8 m-iii thnc nniiui - irivu i miii. c-jtrrvmu mo uhajj . - . O 1 " ' " 1- . . . , lT shonlder. lie claims inas regiwu our public to build a cotton house fur naces to fix, trunks to ba earned up stairs, and a piano to be moved, lis a pity I wasn't your mother ana nau K.rrrl Of VOlir rrill?lL12 UD. 1 Ivv specimen of a man you are The faJth- He talks about it as if he hold. . An flu, (imM rrtt. I hirri firat anyconiracis w- a are reading! harder ana money iuoxf 1 "Tl Ainder were whhi "Mv dear. i aaa ik eti-kAirnoinera uiuuucu i r&nniL. itauau cuu . nnu a.w I 1 1 IF. HWi i . M. m w training ;t.rsat Or giv: him .ill help him in business talk of ' 3- C (1 jVelop your girl kc. much as it. does her brother. hA tahle h said to her: "Mother, can VXV 1 1 - 1 can. r.v hnfce Rome -good Old ginger CaKes I . . - nmn. tha I " " , . Ah;Mh;ttb I Half hrothers Ca used to bake when I was a Bosrox, Mass. r;ov. a? "iio have started with Alex nov? She said; "Yes, son.I have not othaai advisers L5"- : t aL.fi -l Ln tiding oer Under to the iaU at Dallas. The negroes orWten is not too muvu "",--rry old b" name. He defeated Treasurer Jonn lant out strawberries or piay wtua lyncning wantto eat aome more of your good old by rg Democratic State aPndchiid than to talk politica. I was J ginger outes rxorei x ' Committee, for re-election by a few AUantft yeBterday and was introducea The mother baked the cases and when jnuu, w amazement fc.mntaai friend to a member of ahe he picked up one of them auer - Democrats alike. ture.,: He got an idea that I was When Allen was nominated no one office seeker and asked mfi wnat x Vva ronnlrt come YVlvUiu i , -. nor for. 'PIOIiUIuk, p. Tell me this instant what, you reading Stands , at the H.ead. Ancr. J. Boo-el. the leading druggist of Shrevpnort Ia.. savs: "Dr. King's r .' .. - , lU.t nta n wrv ia trie oniy iuiuk mi cures my cough, and it is the best eeller t v. a., a T i? Hamhell. merchant, of Safford. Ariz., writes: V "Dr. King's tt again at Ws old place over Yorke's Jewelry Now niaenverv is all that claimed for it; ; Aa- fQ;ia and ia a sure cure for its merits." Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and UJias is not an experiment It has been tried for a quarter of a century, and to-day stands at the head. It never aisap- . . i. . points, i rree Drug Store. ; Btoro, CONCORD N. O FIRE INSURANCE. When ', in need of Fire nail and see ns. or write. I am The Taming of the. Shrew.' Insurance, -We renre- trial botties at Fetzer s 8ent OQiy first-class Home and Foreign - Companies. WOODHOUSE & HaRKIS. t Mr. Bryan's tireat woros. On last Friday in Iowa Mr. jor two of me case, ne umj mother with a difappomtea iook. upo.i 1 J'ltli Or thoroughly- prepare bis face and said: Mother, these are -eat them!" The w( . apple trees dreamed that . i - . - ... ... - Ai,a vnn nsert toi seven rows or not use luc 6iu6wv.-v- I ti. , , make.' -Oh,: yes," sue saiu, - -bUcan8 of thedia- ii tho soma, mncer uulbo i uiwui -t . i : .,aA tn make, but I haven't got my little boy to YtVLQ A CIXAXALXJ - . , , j of election. .inothing at all." He seemed relieved 1 I r a. J AaUA1 TVIO Bryan if this election fails to restore bi- mAtaii,am it simnlv" means four years . . .... , more OI agitaiiou, uuw a chance to exnreBS lueui- Wl "Ht" -.. . I UVUllUft - f . .. , -,-J 1 .A.ain VlOVO Had such a possibility been so ucu ? and i Was a curioBity ,T- 31,;.; you hear our opponents talk for Colle Cl0U-:I 'ilars may be had at Hoici. ... t ginger tikkes are the same battneooy S 0 . . - it. 4V,a l. not has cbangea. xiow - 1 TrrJfti trinirer cakes but with every thing else.- When I remember the days when I used to go bathing in the creek, Qt I ..u: : th rvnnda. rollicking in me .... . .1 n n t m i.- fields, rabbit nunung uy mj "".7. " , gum hunting at nigni. wu ..14 ...a litA to back and hve these watermeiouo YYcip trict would never have nominated m. Br. t the tidal wave mat swept the State ABtordav carried him into fnr m V mc.ture t ;it aav - this and can rhon. re hetter men out than in the State alwava 1 be. -When nigger Bob came jroiu; ,u vmnril unani-k..i. nenitentiarv. after, serv- House ana reuucicu nv . . uai;- r - -- , - . ... mouslv Bepubhcan for the first bmem hie ne declared that "dar was half a century. ; Sullivan'p nmajority 80eaa bad folks in dar u dar as out- Styear was sfuOO. : . ; en dar and dar was some as good peo- ATI .n -vy-WTV 1. H HVK S.JAA iv" k A HPTPn 1 1 L1 l&B UA VT . . aueu wo " " J . - nA.. a... F :u., lMOf Hampton,-Virgmia, iuij- There are some ungjf y . , ,lX U wfcv .- . . 1 - North, and now is the proprietor 01 a;-a. hnnoe in me weov -Ition in ik.t .1! (hat I I .nr-AH n nr n n 1 1 - III it-r Lil I A Si au wuv nrove 11: 1 aooui. ico.wi"6 ' . am, I 1. n0f.JJJ.NArV IB IAJ IWOWWWWF. ' n-Anrls thftV OlLZnt LO Knew luai. r-p. 1. .. - ,i; tion is a result, tne result ox 4 "." bon, and that agitation must continue while that condition remains. If the silver question could have been put down merely by saying 'be still,' it would have been put down long ago. If Ut dould have" been put down by -nmmanrla or threats or miunioawuu, Kobert's Telegram.1 V An amusing illustrations of the force of Shakespeare's liue, "xsrevuv is iue soul of wit," is contained in the louow- ing anecdote from marsuau "Wit and Humor of Familiar Sayings," A farmer traveling in a foreign lana, becoming anxious about the comiition of his live stock; telegraphed home: . "Is tiiiiigd all right at the barn ? . "John Breen." His stable-loy, whose conversation was proverbiallv laconic, immediately telegraphed bact: "John jsreen. xumgs ie Mrs. Hopeful: "Is my boy improv ing?" Professor of Penmanship: "He is getting worse. His writing is now so bad no living soul can read it." "How lovely! The darling! He'll be a great aathor some day." . THE Robert. 23, 1896. men were He ;is He boy RlNCir-AT, W tl Or flA Painters, Plasticoers, . Varnisliers, Paper Hangers.. - Tc Want. Your AVorlc . All Jotfl Guaranteed. ; Old I- urniture made to loolc as Rootlas now. Mattresses made J rent-wed with perfect satisfacv piiolstenng a specialty J). ANTHONY &CQ. AND than thny are now same because the SUCK cauujr ' rru nl. finest fruits and canaiea uu. f -. 7.v.:ai amft of marbles, the game thPSA mOUEUUM a . .1 A I tn an active figUP 1 V.518 .r an enthusiastic campaigner was better,mau ,1 ur-T-- - Butler in his historic canvas for the governorship. no xiiug - , commands or threats or miumuau.., pleased to.honor them, but it Is a .rare comm been Dut down long, long thing lot a modest gentleman to . T - - - to remember that vated. The day of mcmTQ"r in spite otU that 'the financiers have never return. "LlJ Atur' fnr tAntv vear8 to keep the silver . . , down, it is 8tdl ui oeiore tue . : m.t;niT n,..n ncnnlp. and Will BtaV UO The Postma8ter-ueneri I ..i- w a onoi l annronriation made at Oh, ,'how power ftS mv guard- ; w tainpr h.ixva iuvwv . t --- - 1 shi trivPil I t . and rrotectors. me uuco - juots u nno aifie.; aaa au mnnri n runners to nmevj - . -1 . .,, l. Anflea aa raDiniy aa " "VV"--of r"Hint fell a little more than eignt ami . a The obiect I . AVU.M. M -v nKAVI tans me and fed me ,nonVl me. on t ihA fun" and frouc I iVa Athof Nil 1 1. neon iu r--. Providence to - 1TAnv trinn 111 21 iivva -- throw w"r."-:,"ru.n. h-5 to and uaflding vear tney mu u. j 1 iur wo - o 11 r e its. : Oct,l n v.ti.i Witcitl. All USk tAlLbi t74 childhood's hour, I as Our Postal Revenues. The renort of the Third u, ie aeaioh of Congress to experim- tu j it"- - - 1 j ,., H, rural trfifl DOStai UCUYOijr " i n( I ent he umra ""ntative localities in twenty-two Postmaster-General -for the year naing experiment has been begun sn 1896. Bhows a total of postal states, xue Maine. Massa- aDd clothed, me and eIpenditure. to. -the y;B Lralli,lljroIk .od VttpW XUlO UCUvKUVJ be fore the American people. We aw ac cused of stirring up discontent. iuy friends, because a physician points to a disease, that does not argaa u creates the disease, xne aisease w ueic, and we simply point it out, and you can shut your eyes to it it you swiii. oui you cannot cure tne aiseaso ov remaps to see it." . Li..r . ueu . A'ArAUr than -bi drea the joys ana eixieen hundreamou-u. -- as uv t 1 - pleasures'wbich such service, and its effect, if any, upon shut out dog them from mem. v.-.- '"rT:-,, that there was an in- .-T'-- Rtj,te Senate in hardships to uru" teresuug - fho eiecwou - "7 a 4. The could get out S Electrlo miters Electric Bitters ia a - medicine suited a onw aeaaon. DUI DernaiW uiuic tcu- am 1 1 tt noenen wnen tue ih.ui:uiu, hail wrevails. when the liver e:tu I ? rr.rr.id and sluggish and the need of a nt- in the :::.:,Ta nl ir. the return tome ana aiierativc ""f; . . "i a honau vh LilDuit 1 prPHNH ja WW- a 1 . i riiouiVB wwwsc- v " . . 1 .f A of f hia mpn cine uiu uiwu ,v.nv- rthPftrtacae ij - , r aw v . avv the rtreceaine i kn b n thft tnamDQ oi u w . . . - M tkn TAQQlllrH LilOf I HAAnirtrfl Tf Jr MJSv(lw w v -w- ' 7 t fT . WCJI11U.1X UtAtf - the calves and coi rr , from !Tr The first quarter of the current r w?fe over her husband. Angus M. rollick and run auxn - . j" .Mtt4 foiling off in re- a tha Mormon Church, was . 11. li.Mr.flA 1T0H- IIULUT AU" halQL VHA1 1 DUvli w , I ,U II I It 111 - JM. . - thecoiMmeuv--- 4 ""TVL- - . Tu" -o'w;-n rAndidate. andhis wio - . - . " " strengebeued by Hood's. tIpvriktta. N. C, Oct. have been at work all summer without string suffioient rest and my system O a . i -fT I. ...a U-tAn (olr. was much run aown. x uh.o . trru4a Rarsat)anlla auu u Btrengtheaed me, increased my appetite and purified my biooa. x.. iw.. nvi' PiHa are the beet after dinner IXUVU - .- pills, assist digestion, prevent constipa tion. . - " . Bryan Congratulates McKlnley. , Immediately after receiving Senator Jones' telegram Mr. Bryan wrote tne folio wins telegram: ". Hon, Wm. McKinley, Canton -.u.s Senator J ones has just lniormeu mo that the returns indicate your eiectoon and I hasten to extend mv congratula tions We have submitted the issues to neoDle and their wxU is hWj - Woo. J.i Bryan.? -1 ; An Important r'.-v sag:e often coiiier. '. j telegraph, but t;i - tuostirnporUiut mfs- KAtre trial evci v.-as GtiEDU WM mil FRIEZE & UTLEY, ' PROPRIETORS. ., - I -xx ofUnfxia a. Vind Of ba- t .t iu- afiirnftr. weJtipw" D ui i r: . j:x:AnB ; ia tn- nil. Liic cv--a - r ; foM tf i . .i.. Af hiiQintfn nmuiuuuoi iv w Wife Defeats Husband. t.attr. Utah. jnov. long and perhaps fatal . biUious fevers, no medicine win at muio "u. in caresasmecoiu,---, . wc by they grow UP -detof things manhood, in.tne pi"r th tug cf warf i ? ShaU I be svyept ceipts. It is not what itsproprieton j say but ponent hat Hood's sarsapanna , A ia merit. . XIOOU o oaio tne Bwry , was one of his wives, op- Mattie the system Headache, . . . . . . - -.u immense plurality.' counteracting and freeing from the malarial poison. nonstination. Dizziness 5eid lii Electric Bitters. 50c. and $1,00 ' per bottle at Fetzer's Drug Store. the. raacals out"--the familiar mrtv crv mav be applied to microbes as well as to men. xne germo vi u h0 lnrt in Ihe blOod are."turnea out by Ayer's Sarsaparilla as effectually as the old postmasters are aipu;eu uy new administration. ; . dflivered to luautinu lias been given to tnem tarougu be newspapers, it is givva again in thss article. It a the ittformation tbat oS per cent of all cases of con sumption can be completely ai permanently cured. There is no doubt about it. The statement Is not made .-irioi but after the ex- Derience of thousands has made Iran in Sisputoble tact Consumption is not a- dis f tt,- Iuhes. It is a disease of the l. a .y.;aV. tn otpiiV Vntitred teotle matt Kr th formation .of tubercles in the lunb and the wasting away of lung tissue. The cure tor consumptive -.u..-t' j- ... AtninlcH-ntirm of a medii cine that wfll assist the .lungs to A" off tuberculous matter, and that will cleanse the svstem ao that tnisieiuac w " . replied by strong, healthy tissues. .That soWds like a very simple operation, and yetconsumption baffled the combined med fcal aWU oFthe whole world for htmdreds of y?V S curable troui vac '"" rfn.,-1 rrat .JTJrTit.t tt. -world 'has' ever and experiment, py 'Vrz and has been testea in - for over years. v - r recodof success. It cure, a great variety nf diseases. Decause " , and weakness oiine "r man's blood .is rich and pure hejs in no damrer from aiseases. au - an insumcieui qoani."- Y i.jlr-r,,r trouble will ensue. There is n othuigabout very Bau:."-c:- DEALERS IN . Monuments, Headstones, Tablets AND ALL KINDS OF WORK. in the best , CEMETERY Work furnished grades of '- - ' " First-class work, and " lowest i ' prices guaranteed. See us before buying elsewhere Prices and designs furnished on application. ' .. M Old Staifl. West Depot Street. COJVCORM9, C. Jan 11 y that so' An awful thing about sin is, that it is possible-to fall into the pit irom neajr- en a doorstep. . . . , aMa notlir!! S.T1U. XUL1UUA., tectiy Pi" . . Mt, the di- Golaen ffiieaicat J r .- , tz. 4 tMrfect order, tmnfle! f"". Y ood and bo mtB the ewi.-"- " .... - . . wtinle bodv into perfect tune. : Thi tplk is coctinaed In Dr. Pierce's Common . im.. - Thi Tooa tiaee book JrrtfiJi'w of one-cent stamps to nnn n fc irtiuiizii)- .MORGAN'S IMPROVED CHlLLtTOlllC SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. It li t true Chill Cure in combination with JUrer Tonics. When properly taken it never fails to core the most obstinate case of Chilla and Fever. 'Where others IaU it wiU cure. It is pleasant to take, and contains nothing to in jure the most delicate system. Babies take it easily. As a Tonio itis without aa equal. ' Guaranteed by your druggist. . . .- - Prices SO cents per boUte. - v : V0IQT & CO., Ctettacoogs, Teafc r.i. i .y, (j, Byrul, '1'ates Good. parilla cubes. , - iinio. Sold hy droffUWH. wim the current or ride on some oi usery

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